FIRST WEEK BACK | trainings, PD, getting our classroom ready, back into a routine!

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[Music] I see it in your eyes yeah I can read the signs you need to get away [Music] it's time we make a change oh you know you'll always have me baby I will always stay with you so put your trust in me me we'll work it out you'll see [Music] far yeah we could go for a ride the two of us we don't have to stop baby let's go for a ride let us [Music] good morning welcome back to another Vlog it is bright and early in the morning I am just making myself a quick breakfast before I start getting ready for the day we have a long busy day today which I will get into in just a minute I just made myself a peanut butter and honey sandwich these are like my addiction lately I don't know what it is but I grew up eating these and now I am back on the kick I make one almost every day if not like every other day so good sometimes I have banana I'm sure they've got some hot peanut butter honey sandwiches it's nothing like revolutionary but it's just so good taking my vitamins this morning as well you guys know I take my vitamins every single morning and I always go back and forth on like trying to find the vitamin that works best for me and I feel like as your body changes as you get older you obviously need different vitamins different supplements to support your body I wanted to share with you the vitamin that I have been taking lately and it's by Vitality Cycles these capsules were made by a doctor named Jennifer Daniels and she believed in more like natural holistic approach to vitamins these capsules are formulated with carefully selected natural ingredients that are more supportive of your body's natural healing process they're designed to support Digestive Health promote regularity enhance energy levels and provide overall Vitality this combination of ingredients targets multiple aspects of well-being to help individuals achieve Optimal Health you can actually smell it and kind of taste it a little bit it tastes good but the capsules have a different natural herbs and antioxidants and different natural ingredients in them it's super high quality ingredients in these Dr Daniels always emphasizes the importance of using pure and potent ingredients I take these three daily the one I start with is biotin I take biotin for a few different reasons it's really good for your skin and hair and nails it's also really good for your immune system and a healthy metabolism speaking of metabolism I take these Vitality capsules daily also they're made with natural herbs and spices to remove toxins and promote regular bowel movements so this keeps you regular I've talked about gut health on here before and you guys know I take it very seriously and I also take it seriously that I stay regular throughout the week so at these Vitality capsules they're regular strength ones are my favorite just to keep everything moving throughout the week so just take one of these daily and then of course going back to school I need to up might take a vitamin C so I take these vitamin C antioxidant protection capsules as well they are non-GMO vegetarian and vegan super super good quality you know what's in them you know that they're good natural ingredients and sustainably sourced as well so if you guys have been looking for different capsules to take different vitamins highly recommend you check out Vitality Cycles I will have Vitality Cycles linked at the top of the description box down below let us run away [Music] hey you guys it is quite a few hours later in the day I did not Vlog much this morning I had like a very long morning to myself I put a tan on showered did my hair and the reason why I was like not vlogging was because I was so nervous because today I had my like early childhood slash kindergarten certification exam and if you know me I hate exams like all throughout College dreaded every exam at the certification exam to get Elementary certified dreaded I just hate exams and I found out whenever I accepted this position that I was going to have to take the Early Childhood certification exam since I'm technically only certified first grade through sixth grade so I've been dreading that for months ever since I accepted this position so glad that I challenged myself and pushed through I took the test today and I passed so I am so happy and so relieved I feel like when I'm nervous I just like shut down like and I meant actually just like can't talk to anyone I just have to like be alone with my thoughts and I was so nervous all morning and yeah now I'm so much better so we can continue the day and I need to kind of explain to you guys what this week is going to look like this is the first full week back at it we start trainings this week meetings all of that fun stuff we still have three weeks until students come back but this is like our first week back getting back into routine um so it is Monday July 31st today was just a like get prepared day basically so we were allowed to come up to the school work in our classrooms work with our team teachers just get prepared and then Tuesday through Friday we have meetings every single day and 9 A.M to 3 P.M and the reason I have meetings this week is because I'm new to the school and so is my co-teacher so all the new teachers all the newbies gather for newbie training or meetings this week so um that's kind of what this week's going to look like I'll take you guys along with me and kind of like share what all we're doing every day because I'm not entirely sure what type of like meetings or trainings we're going through but yeah so today I didn't have to be at school early my team teacher and I just got to school I'm in the parking lot right now but I decided to schedule my test this like early afternoon because I just wanted to get it out of the way like before all like meetings and trainings and all that started because I know that would take up a lot of my time um and priority so I forced myself to take the test and I'm so glad I did because now that it's over and I passed I'm so relieved I'm officially a certified kindergarten teacher feels so good to be certified in early childhood and Elementary now um yeah just such a big accomplishment I never thought that I would be certified in anything else other than Elementary just because going through that whole process was really hard just in itself um so whenever I finish getting certified with Elementary I swore off like ever going back to school I didn't want to get my masters I didn't want to get certified for anything else I was just content with the hard work that I put in but I feel like this job kind of forced me to get outside my comfort zone and challenge myself so yeah I'm really glad that I did that and we are finally ready to get started with prepping for the school year my team teacher has her kids put to work right now and they're bringing in a bunch of her stuff you guys haven't watched my classroom setup videos definitely go watch those I think I have part one through three live right now and part four will be live very shortly and the classroom is almost done like we have made so much progress in just those few days but we just have so much stuff between me and my team teacher so she's bringing in even more stuff today for us to go through so I will be doing more classroom setup videos like probably another one or two videos so definitely subscribe if you're not subscribed so you don't miss those because I know those are your guys's favorites and really fun to watch um but as far as me I have brought everything in that I need to right now I have like boxes and boxes of books still in my my basement at home but they're all like older level I would say more like first grade second grade and above so unfortunately I don't have many readers for like kindergarten um I'm still keeping the books just for read alouds and like teacher reading but I'm not bringing in all those boxes yet just because we still have a bunch of books to go through that are in our classroom so today I'm just going to go in and help my teammate bring in the rest of her stuff and just kind of get organized we have a few other things to do in the classroom so I will film all of that so to be like a little like sneak peek at classroom setup and yeah I guess we are just going to talk about this week get prepared for this week and the meetings what all we need to do and we have a lot to talk about as far as like getting ready for back to school because we really have only been focused on setting up our classroom we have not started talking about anything back to school like curriculum teaching conferences anything like that so we have a lot to talk about and start planning for but I'm really excited to start the school year and meet all my kiddos so yeah let's head into the school [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you okay just got out of the classroom we were there for a few hours like I said my team teacher brought in a bunch of her stuff so it's definitely a little overwhelming with all the stuff we have going on in our classroom right now between my stuff and her stuff and the previous teachers left a bunch of stuff in the classroom from before we both said we're like I would way rather come into a classroom that's like completely empty than a classroom full of just like mixed disorganized stuff from other people like it's just a lot more overwhelming to have to go through all of that um but we're making it through it's just like a slow and steady process I feel like when you have to go through stuff every day and if you've set up a classroom before you know it's like you start losing brain power after like four hours of just like organizing throwing away things putting things away like making decisions you have decision fatigue you're like I almost need to like step away for a second and come back to it so we were both like let's just step away we can come back tomorrow because we still have so much to do but we just got to putting away like a lot of like books and just organizing her stuff like art supplies we have an overload of supplies right now so we're like honestly we don't need any more supplies we don't need any more bends we have like a surplus of both of those um but yeah feeling really excited and really ready for this week so tomorrow like I said we have trainings all day I'm not exactly sure what we're gonna do I'm sure we'll get like our badges our photos taken we'll get our computers if you like signed up get our school email you know all of that stuff whenever you start off at a school um and then I think we get more time to work in our classrooms tomorrow so I think from like nine to one we have meetings and then one to three they're giving us time to be in our classrooms so that's whenever we'll kind of get the chance to keep working on stuff so that's one really amazing thing about our school is that they give us plenty of classroom time I know some of you guys said like you couldn't get into your classroom until like the day or a couple days before school started and I cannot imagine like the stress of that there's so much to do you can not possibly get all done in one or two days we need like two weeks and do everything done um so yeah we're making progress I am going to meet my teammate up here at 8 45 tomorrow and meeting start at nine and yeah I'll take you guys along with me through the rest of the week we're being a happy Tuesday I just got ready for the day it is like a super kind of like dreary rainy day outside today I guess I was feeling neutral I don't know um so I just put on this flannel to wear today with a t-shirt underneath I think we do have our badge photos today but I mean that's just from like here up so I did my makeup for the day just wearing leggings I'm sure we'll be like sitting in meetings all day so I wasn't trying to dress like too cute um I just got these new sneakers from Madewell and I love them they're so cute and then I just got this cute canvas tote off of Teemu which I've talked about a lot on here before so yeah that is the fit where today we're going back to school getting back in the routine I'm actually so excited because if you guys have been vlogging me for a while I've been out of a normal routine for over a year now and I'm just really excited to get back into it I mean I had a job January through May so that was kind of like getting back in her routine but now I feel like I'm a full-time teacher I have a full-time job just so exciting so today is day one of getting back into it my heart is [Music] just arrived at school it is like pouring rain so we need my umbrella I decided to bring my cute little K up to school today this was if you guys remember when I did like my announcement photos for kindergarten on Instagram I should keep that and I can put it in our classroom somewhere so I'm going to bring this in as you guys saw I just brought in like some breakfast because I think they're providing lunch for us today because we will be here I think our meetings are from nine to one and then we have classroom time after that but just a little breakfast just in case I'm just waiting for my team teacher to arrive we said that we would just like meet in the classroom and then walk in together [Music] good morning it is now Wednesday sorry I didn't end off yesterday I left my camera at school and I didn't realize it until I got home but we got a ton of stuff done yesterday obviously I can't really Vlog during the day um like during meetings and trainings and stuff like that but basically yesterday was more of just like an onboarding process so we got our photos taken for our badges we got just like a bunch of information about payroll and all of that fun stuff we got our laptops which is really exciting we got our emails logins all of that and just kind of like an overall training on like technology and use of it in the school hooking up to printers all of that fun stuff which I actually love that they have like a full day dedicated to that because I always have so many questions around that stuff um and then today is when like the real like team building training begins so I think they said we're gonna like start some sort of like project today with our team I don't know if that means like kindergarten teams or if they're putting us and teams and then they said that we are reading a book today and like or like starting a book we're reading beautiful questions in the classroom so I think we're reading like the first 40 pages today and discussing that um and then as you saw yesterday I tried to get some clips my teammate and I just spent the rest of the day in the classroom and just kind of like organizing we actually kind of like rearranged a lot of things in the classroom as you saw just because I really want this classroom to flow and with kindergarten we want them to be able to access a lot of things so we have to keep it at their level and easily accessible for them to grab just because we have a lot of like centers and independent stuff that we want them to be able to work on at their tables um so as you guys saw we ended up moving that out of that corner and we're gonna put this card over there instead this is like our science area so this is going to act as like a nice little shelf because we have a bunch of like fun little science like centers like little activities that they can work on um and then over here this is our art cart so I put up that cute little color bulletin board that you guys saw and this this card I've talked about it in classroom setup but basically they'll be able to like wheel that to their tables whenever it's like either end of the day or centers or art time and it just has like coloring stuff papers a bunch of fun like art supplies so that's our art cart and then we have our reading and Foundations and everything over there and sorry this is actually math so this is just like a bunch of manipulatives and stuff like that which we're like how much of that stuff are we actually going to use I don't know but we do have to keep it in the classroom so we're just trying to find like the best space for it this is eventually where all our reading and Foundation stuff will go um but yeah so we're still kind of playing around with it if you haven't watched my first few videos of classroom setup go watch those because I kind of explain the flow and the setup of the classroom we decided to put some contact paper on this just to make it a little bit cuter um but we decided that we need like an X-Acto Knife to make it easier on us so we're going to finish doing that today we move this a little bit more like into the corner and this is actually going to be our centers cart so it has a bunch of really fun like little reading and writing centers that our Littles can come up and grab just our little sanitation bin so our Littles can easily clean off their tables or any messes and they can just bring this to their table to clean so yeah overall just trying to make it a little bit more accessible for them from an engagement and outcome standpoint so we believe yeah where's the candles I need real flowers [Music] all right I just made it home it was a really good day it was a really long day we had PD from nine to three instead of yesterday it was nine to one so a six hour day but it was really good it was really informative a lot of team building so it's been really nice just to meet everybody because there's a ton of new people this year like 20 of us and keep in mind it's a really big campus campus Because it's Pre-K all the way up to 8th grade so there's lots of new like specials teachers Middle School elementary Early Childhood um so it's really fun to be able to like talk and meet all of them because normally I'm not going to be seeing a lot of Elementary or middle school teachers throughout my day so it's kind of fun just getting to hang out with everybody and I don't feel like such a newbie because there's so many of us um so it's just like one big community and everyone's super sweet so nice they really spoil us at these meetings if you guys saw from that footage they literally had a whole picnic set up for us and it was one of those like really cute picnics like the whole table set up silverware plates the whole thing it was so amazing they just really spoil us and they give us for breakfast free lunch it's always like the yummiest food so I've been really enjoying these PD days they're long but they are really good and then I stayed after a little bit my camera died so I didn't get any footage of me in my classroom afterwards but basically I just went back my teen teacher went home early but I was like I just feel like a room is a little cluttered right now and I just went ham I just like got rid of things I got rid of like so many tubs I was like okay we just have like empty tubs like sitting everywhere of your teacher you know there's just like so many bends everywhere you look and a lot of bends are useful but we just had like too many and honestly a lot of our room just had to be like rearranged I was able to put some things away a lot of the color we had along the floor I was able to put away I will update you guys on pretty much like all classroom like Decor updates coming this weekend so keep your eye out for my next classroom setup Vlog this should be up right after this one um but we have a lot of day or up in our room now and my parents are coming up this weekend to help me put up even more so I'm really excited for that I feel like our room's really coming together like everyone that sees us in the hallway is like oh like you guys are the ones with the finished room because most people are just getting in this week for the first time to even like see their classroom or like set up at all so the fact that we had a whole week like had a start on them our room is obviously a lot like further along so a lot of people are like oh man you guys are already done so it does feel nice how far we are bathroom is pretty set up at this point um we still have a little bit to go but it's definitely feeling good feeling ready and prepared I just love everyone at the school I'm just really happy and I cannot wait for the new year to start so I feel like I keep saying that but yeah I'm just really excited so I just got home though it's like going on 5 30. Kyle should be home any minute and I'm going to shower we've just been spending the nights together because he usually works like six to six he's doing 12 hours every day so he gets home a little after me every day and we literally just like zone out hang out together the rest of the night eat dinner watch our favorite shows we're watching How I Met Your Mother right now we started it from the beginning and we're on season six I believe and it's so good and so we just like spend quality time together at the end of the night so that's what I'm about to do and then tomorrow is Thursday it's our last full day of PD and meetings and stuff like that and yeah I'll see you in the morning [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning happy Thursday we are back at it for another day I love just like coming into my classroom in the mornings even though this is not the building where we have our trainings but I just love coming in here it makes me happy like just seeing my classroom every morning and every morning I've been able to get just like a little bit done um I think tomorrow they're giving us most of the day to work on our classrooms today we have trainings until three again and then most people just leave after three I usually stay at least like another hour just to work in my classroom yesterday I stay until five um but that's okay because it brings me joy to being here I love it and yeah I'm actually really excited today's our last like full day of trainings yesterday all day long it was a really good day and I learned a lot and I really like the people in our newbie group interesting to see next week how trainings go whenever the whole school comes back because the school is huge um I'm assuming that will be in like grade level meetings more so than just like entire School PD but we'll see um like I said this week is just the newbies so it's been like a little bit more like close knit we've all been able to fit in one conference room every day but yeah just wanted to show you our classroom again I actually got a lot done yesterday so to me it looks just like a lot less cluttered you may not be able to know it notice but I feel like it looks a lot less cluttered in here looks just like a little cleaner I get organized like we don't have a lot of storage in this classroom if you guys remember my secondary classroom we had wall to wall like cabinet storage and we don't have any of that here so this is like our only storage cabinet um so we have to just make it work with what's on top I've seen some classrooms use the top of these Cubbies as a lot of storage but we've just been trying to avoid that because it just looks like a lot of clutter whenever you just have things like stacked on top of that unless it's like stacked neatly I've seen some classrooms have like really neat but yeah we're just trying to keep it as least cluttered in here as possible kind of cleaned off our teacher area teacher desk back here um and then we've been going through and like starting to talk about like first week of school stuff and conferences so we found these little name tags I think I had these from like my first year of teaching or something but these are always good to have um for the first day of school or first week of school even so we're starting to make a pile of stuff that would be really fun for the kids to do on like the first day of school or even just like to come in for conferences we need to put our name tags on all of their tables but we're waiting until we get a little bit closer to the first day to do name stuff just to make sure that like our solidified group of kids are for sure going to be with us um because I'm sure there's a lot of movement prior to the first weeks of school but yeah we're going to use these like foundations name tags I think on their tables and yeah we have conferences coming up in a couple weeks I think on August 16th so we're starting to print out just like get to know you papers and all about me papers for the parents and the students to fill out and give to us I cannot wait just to meet all the kids and the parents for the first time and just get to know them and everything that's always such an exciting time remember we had that whole thing of books over here and yesterday after meetings I spent a lot of time organizing them and I decided that we could put a lot of books in these little Cubbies I kind of forgot that this reading bench had little book Nooks so I actually fit a majority in there which is really really nice because we had no idea where we were going to put those because our bookshelf which really really have one is pretty packed because we've only been using this lower shelf for just like miscellaneous books these are our level books so A B and C Level books and then we do have this little bookshelf over here but it's pretty packed as well so we weren't sure where we were going to put those tubs of books but I think that it works out really well just to have those over here we were able to put some fun stuff in these bins we filled up all of these bins with blocks and toys some fidgets manipulatives we have our kitchen stuff over here I put the dollhouses up here they can get those down and play dolls lots more toys over here so it's definitely it's definitely all coming together I feel like honestly my favorite part of this classroom is the windows and like what we've done with the window sills we've kind of made this like our teaching Corner windowsill that's my like teammate stuff and then over here this is some stuff if you recognized from my last classroom and then I put alumni over here are just to show them our families created this windowsill with some books some supplies cute signs and if you've been following me for a long time you know that these um happy smile drain signs were in my class library in my last classroom but I kept them and I thought that they'd look really cute on these windowsills I just love all the windows because it makes it so bright in here and I love just like a really bright classroom it is about 8 50. so our meetings start at nine I'm going to start heading over to the other building where our meetings are like I said this is like a big campus so we are in the early childhood building and all of the meetings and stuff have been in the administration building which is Building C and so it's literally like campus you have to walk outside to get to it so it's about to start raining so let's head over there so oh side note all right just got out of PG for the day it was another a really good day we did a little bit more like group work this time within our grade levels so we got together read more of our book I think I showed it to you guys but we're reading at the yardsticks book Child and Adolescent development from ages 4 to 14. so they have chapters of specific ages so um today we split up in grade levels and we talked about the specific ages within our grade level which usually isn't just one age like for example for kindergartners we read about ages four five and six just because a lot of kids have like a year age Gap some of them come in barely meeting that cut off so they just turned five and others a year older and are already turning six so yeah it was really cool to like kind of dive in and just read all about the characteristics and developmental Milestones of four-year-olds five-year-olds and six-year-olds how different they all are at each age it just goes to show how critical the development is of a kindergartner because they grow so much in just that year or two it was a really good day um today was our last day of like full nine to three yeah audible book playing um but tomorrow will be a lot more like free day we have a tech meeting for an hour in the morning so we're just gonna go over like I think how to use our smart boards in the classrooms and then we have a retreat I don't know if I've told you guys about this yet but we have like a school-wide retreat next week so they do it every other year because it's like this big thing we go away for it and stay the night and everything they book us like hotel rooms and cabins and so we're going to some wine country town it's like an hour away from St Louis it's basically just like a full day of like fun professional development and team building exercises within your team and then it's the whole school so it's like 150 people just the entire School staff a lot of the staff said it's a really good time who have been in the past they said that it gets like a little rowdy at night and then I'm sharing a hotel room with my teammates so that'll be just like a really fun just like social outing I feel like with my kindergarten team and with the rest of the entire school so I'm actually really looking forward to that so that's next week but since we've been having our newbie meetings this week they said that we have to come up with like some fun way to introduce ourselves so we have to make like some sort of video introducing everyone in the Newbie group to the rest of the school and they're gonna like play the video in front of the entire school at The Retreat so a lot of like the more creative people were getting together and talking about some sort of like fun video we can do introducing everybody so keep up to you on that might show you like a little clip of what we end up creating I'm sure will be hilarious I just left school it's about four o'clock I've seen my classroom for about an hour just organizing some papers and things um for the first week of school but I am actually about to head to get dinner with my grandparents and my brother who's in town with Charlie and my new baby nephew because my grandparents have not met my new baby nephew yet so I wanted to go get dinner with them but it is like 45 minutes away so I'm gonna head that way meet them for dinner and I will catch up with you guys in the morning [Music] thank you hey guys good morning it is a little bit later in the morning now we had some like technology meetings this morning just getting us logged onto the software that we'll be using throughout the school year with all things like roster attendance grade book all of that stuff um as well as like payroll information um so yeah that was kind of what we did all morning along with making that video that I told you guys about yesterday and it actually turned out hilarious I'll try to get like some sneak peeks of it to show you guys in the next video maybe next week's video um but we put together like this whole production of introducing ourselves and it's a whole thing but one of my kindergarten teammates she's like super into theater and super artistic so she took charge of it and she's hilarious she's so amazing so we did a whole like set sail theme because that was like our PD was like set sail and so we all like dressed up as like Pirates it it's ridiculous but it's so funny so I know that they're gonna play that for every single person and the staff to watch at the retreat which is gonna be hilarious um so stay tuned I might have like a sneak peek of that but right now my teammate and I are just working in our classroom I just went and put up all of our aligned spots so we have our number line from the front of the door all the way back here we have 22 kids and this number um number line thing that I got from Amazon has like caboose as well as line leader which I thought was actually really cute then it gives you those options and these are definitely necessary for primary grades definitely definitely kindergarten I feel like you need blind spots and we moved our rug more to the center of the room because we need to have that there um so we wanted to have like a gap that way we could fit every single student on the carpet and that way we could have students stand up for a morning meeting right there in that little area just to give us a little bit more space in the carpet but we are going to get sit spots on the carpet so it probably won't look this like clean forever um we're gonna get little dots to write their name on or their like number or a letter or something just for them to identify where they sit on the carpet since they're going to be so little we finally got logged on to these clear touch boards so I feel like technology wise and everything we're doing a lot better we know where the printers are like laminators all of that stuff that you need to know about um so yeah it's starting to feel really real we're all set up now Carol just be working here for a couple more hours it's going on two o'clock I'll probably really try to lead by three or four um but yeah so that was like the full week it's been such a good week going really ready for next week when all the staff comes back our Retreat and everything and just the beginning of the school year but I'm going to end off today's Vlog here I hope you guys enjoyed this week in my life Vlog if you want to see more long Vlogs like these like weekly Vlogs definitely give this video a thumbs up and I will start filming more of them once the school year starts and definitely comment down below any other type of like School related videos you want to see since the school year is starting in just a couple weeks thank you for watching I love and appreciate you guys so much and I'll see you in the next video bye [Music] yeah I can read the signs
Channel: Madison Maryan
Views: 21,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jT360oJQ5xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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