Classroom Set Up Vlog | Part 1

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[Music] [Music] my brother Ricky he hasn't been involved for a long time hello we have successfully moved my stuff from my old classroom to my new classroom that process took two hours and 23 minutes just to physically get the stuff moved my parents are here they're resting wave to the camera they're resting and my room from a couple years ago mrs. Bell helped and she's a master mover yeah she's like it's like a one-woman show she could pack bangs and she can move things so she just left cuz should take her kids to a party but this is this is it my stuff is in the room it's not organized in any way so this is some of the stuff and then there's other stuff in the pod Liza and I are going to start hanging things or hanging paper on Tuesday but this is was the part that I was most concerned about with just being physically and capable but that's why I had all the help I had mrs. Bell I want to give her a proper shout out she helped my brother my parents and mrs. nice who is another teacher that I work with and so we were able to do all this and one trip with for my car your car their car five cars five cars total and so that is it so I will probably check in with you when I'm actually in the room hanging in the paper and we will go from there so step one is done new journey new journey smarty in the middle yeah I think that's what I'm gonna call the videos smarty in the middle episode one hello there I just got home I stopped at McDonald's to get myself a nice coffee and I thought I would check in one more time because I got a bit from Amazon so I want to show you what I got and explain to you how I intend to as I set up my classroom so let me get this box open just one second so I'm gonna save this I think I meant to say this in the last video but I I didn't but I've been saving these now because I have done some research on how to properly store my Louie Vuitton bags and one of the things that I learned is that you also want to keep them stuff so they keep their shape and this was one of the things people suggested it so if you have a Louis Vuitton bag or you're going to be getting one you want know how to properly store it you want to save these stuff your bags with it so they keep their shape that's my fashion tip of the day so I bought two rolls of this I don't know if you can see very well what it is but it is contact paper that is marble grey and white and I stole this idea right on from Fernanda at that one happy classroom because when she was setting up I think it was her first classroom a couple of years ago she did the same thing to recover a resurface some of her countertops sorry about that my camera ran out out of space so what I was saying is I bought this grey and white marble contact paper because I stole this idea from Fernanda that one happy classroom I believe she did this when she was setting up her very first classroom and she used this to resurface some of her countertops and I think her desk so I texted her yesterday because we've become friends over the course of working together on a couple of things to ask her what her experience was with putting it down and taking it off she said it was super simple so I bought two rolls of the of this on Amazon this is 16 by 400 and this cost about $10 so I bought two rolls my dad was just in my classroom he looked at the counter space that I intend to use this on and he thinks that I should have more than enough so if you're interested I will link this in the description box below it was very reasonably priced and then aside from that along with that I bought one of these to help kind of like scrape it down and make it flat this was I think maybe four or five dollars and then I bought these two oh this is way bigger than I thought this was okay to be so this is probably gonna go back I bought this large carabiner clip because I need to put something on Jenny's little dog leash so that I could hold these potty bags I found this really cute holder from Bed Bath & Beyond isn't that's the cutest thing so in the front it's a little doggie holding some hand sanitizer and inside of there are some party bags but the problem is is this won't fit on her leash because the leash is too thick so I thought let me get like a clip so that I can clip this onto it and I need a larger clip and so I just saw that this was a large clip and obviously my perception of what they were showing me on the Internet is off and I got this large thing way too big so we'll see what happens with that but that is um that's where I'm at so as far as vlogging I will probably pick up the camera maybe again on tooth not maybe but on Tuesday because I'll be in there with Liza I might pick it up tomorrow also because I plan to go to the school supply store to start buying paper my dad has estimated that I'm gonna need 76 yards of paper so that just sounds expensive so I'm gonna go check that out tomorrow and see if they have border to match what I have and I might just buy some more borders just have it as a backup so I'm getting ready to make some lunch I'm gonna have a BLT and a little salad or something on the side and then I'm gonna finish editing the ball that should be going up tomorrow and then I'm going to rest so I won't talk to you guys later happy Sunday I'm so excited I'm gonna tell you what I'm really about to do but I'm just excited because let me tell you a little story a few weeks ago when I went to Target for the very first time in weeks with my mom we went to the Starbucks in that Target and I saw the cutest tumbler and I was like I need to get this I need to have it knowing that I don't really need it but it was just so cute and then my mom being a mom said do you really need another tumbler so then she guilted me out of getting it and then after that I was like obsessed with it and so I was like I'm gonna just go get it and I had not been able to find this tumbler anywhere I probably searched six to seven Starbucks in fact this morning my boyfriend's a friend my brother's girlfriend who works at Starbucks said oh I'm getting a shipment in this morning I can check to see if it's in the shipment it's not this particular cup people apparently are buying it and then selling it for three times the cost on places like Amazon because I searched the Starbucks website I searched Amazon and they were literally charging people three times the price so then my mom being the sweet lady that she is said you know what I'll check the Starbucks by where I live and sure enough she found one and I just got that text message and when I get it I will show it to you and did I need another tumbler no I did it but things like that make me happy aside from that it is about 11:15 I just got back and I just got back I went to a 9:45 Orangetheory class still working with modifications of course especially today because in the weight room it was a lot of ab work and my halves are not ready to work like that just yet I'm still using the elliptical machine because I'm not ready to row I might try to do that again in a week or so so I had an orange teri class at 9:45 then I met someone that I made arrangements with online to sell my Tory Burch purse and wallet to so I did that and you know every now and then I just think to myself I'm a little bit of a hustler so I sold that person that wallet and I'm going to be using some of that money towards eating the things that I need for my classroom and so I left there and then I just went to my officially my old school and I needed to get the files out of the file cabinet because I realized when we were finishing up yesterday there was a file cabinet that I still had files in its had to get those out and luckily I checked one last time all the cabinets because there was a cabinet that had quite a few of my picture books in it still and some other documents that I needed so I grabbed all that I had to get something off the wall with the screwdriver so I took that down dropped off the dolly and as of now I believe I'm officially moved out of that classroom and I can officially closed the chapter on my life as an elementary school teacher because as I've said before I really don't think that I will be going back to elementary school in terms of teaching that is so that happened and then I just got back from Kohl's because I did in fact decide to return that very large clip that I showed you yesterday that clip I tried I tried to make it work but that clip was just so large and in charge it was darn near the size of my dog that I just said no so I just dropped that off at Kohl's which is very convenient to be able to drop something off at clothes for Amazon return you don't have to print a label you don't have to do anything but have a QR code so I love that now despite the cold weather because it is cold we're really going through it in Southern California because for us we feel like it's summer Memorial Day weekend is kind of like the official kickoff of summer but it is still cold and rainy get a nice sunny day yesterday and Friday but it's pretty cold but it's pretty cool today sorry but right now I'm headed to the teacher supply store to start buying paper so my dad told me that I needed about 76 yards [Music] so I'm going to the teacher supplies story I the one I go to is called cm school supply I don't think they're in every state see if they have the paper my fingers are crossed that they are I might even buy some packs of order just to be on the safe side because I just I don't know I feel like I might need a little bit more so that is what I'm going to do right now that should be a very quick trip and then I'm going to come home and shower and just relax and I'm sure I'll do something but that's it i'ma blogging today because this is a part of me setting up my classroom just getting the supplies and when I uploaded my classroom tour a couple years ago and even to this day I still get quite a few people asking what exactly is on my walls some people think it's like fabric or just aren't sure what it is so I thought of making money as I get this paper so that you can kind of see it so when I get to the store I'm not too embarrassed I will walk there but if I am too embarrassed then I'll show you the paper when I get home as long as I can okay I gotta go hello you're on speakerphone and I'm blogging in the car [Music] [Music] it's a scary time because there's no creepy at least paper back there right now so I just came up to the front to ask the lady if she could check in the back so she went to check in the back if worse comes to worse I'll see about ordering it or go into a different store because there's another school supply store not too far from here or check Amazon I'm kind of nervous but we'll see there's no in the back so they just called another store in Anaheim to see if they have it let's hope that they do oh because I know the last time I checked Amazon Amazon didn't have it so I'm getting a little nervous okay so I'm leaving see em I was in there for a while talking because I've ran into my friend Stephanie I know she watches this vlog so if you're watching Stephanie hello it was great catching up but they had to order the paper from the CM in Anaheim they're gonna have it shipped I'm hoping that I get it in time for Wednesday because Eliza is very timely and she's a busy lady and if I don't get it by then I don't know what she's gonna be but help me next so I am going to go check the other school supply store in the area just to see if maybe I can get a couple rolls so that I know for sure that I have some paper for Wednesday but this other place called lakeshore which I know a lot of you know about tends to be more expensive so I'm gonna see and go from there so I'll check in and give you an update [Music] thank you all right so I'm in like sure they have the gray fadeless paper the only problem is is it's in these really small rolls here and I don't know like I said I might just get I might just get a few just so that I have something for sure to start that's probably what I'll do I'll probably get a few and hold on to them until Wednesday and then if I get the call from cm before then with the larger rolls and I'll use those and then I'll bring these back to return these so I'm gonna pick up a few rolls here but this is the paper that I use right here it is called pack on fate list paper it's pretty pricey but I wasn't able to find it on Amazon in this color a few weeks ago so I'm gonna get this for now hold on to my receipt in case I need to return it because I can get it cheaper and then I'm gonna go home so at least I found some all right I am now home it is about two minutes ten minutes after two o'clock so I ended up buying eight rolls of that paper at Lakeshore and the grand total I'm not going to tell you how much I spent in total in this whole process because that's just what I'm choosing this man is where I'm comfortable with but I know a lot of people might be critical of how in-depth I choose to go with styling my classroom or decorating it but because so many people have questions about the walls that I had in my previous classroom and what I use and the cost it costs me a hundred and twenty-five dollars to buy those eight rolls of paper and I'm pretty sure that's not going to be enough to cover all the walls so that happened the nice thing is by be selling that purse I pretty much financed the paper that I needed to buy so that's good so I feel I actually feel very proud of myself for finding ways to create money to get this classroom set up situation done the other thing that I did is I brought a little sample of the border that I used just to see if they had it at CM and they did and I would suggest that you do this if you've realized you've run out a border or maybe you're doing what I'm doing and you're gonna replicate a classroom but just in a different location you can't assume that just because the pattern is the same that the color is the same and lies and I learned this last year so I took a sample of the border that I had been using so that if they had more packs with that at CM I can match up the colors and sure enough the color that I have is more of a citron color I think is what it's called and what they currently have in stock is more of a lemon yellow and it's very obvious when you put them side-by-side so I got all that done I'm now at home I'm getting ready to shower I'm going to use I don't know if I've shown but on Sundays as a part of my self-care I use this body scrub from lush it's very refreshing smells good so I'm going to do that and then we're going to eat some breakfast yes at 2:00 o'clock I'm going to have some breakfast and I might even have a warm cup of coffee then I'm gonna sit on the couch watch Golden Girls and if I feel inspired to take a nap then that is what I'm going to do so that's it for today I will at the very least be checking in on Wednesday but if I feel like inspired or if I have something to say that is worth anything I'll check in with you guys between now and then but either way you'll hear from me in the next few days so I will talk to you good morning it is 7:30 in the morning on a summer break day and the only reason I'm awake this early with clothes on it's because Liza for some valid reasons insist on doing everything at the crack of dawn now 7:30 isn't really the crack of dawn but for me who's not a morning person who likes to sleep in whenever I can every day during summer break if possible 7:30 is really early that we'd be up and about so I on my way to my classroom Liza and a parent are going to assist me with hanging paper and we're gonna be there for a little while just to get started right now I'm going to get some breakfast burger a breakfast burrito that lies and I work are gonna split for breakfast she's picking up the Starbucks for me by former room mom who's now a friend and meeting me at the school and this room on that I have this is why I feel like it's so nice to like make good connections with students and their families mom I had her son first when he was in fifth grade he now just graduated from high school and is on his way to college and I met her daughter when she was in the first grade and her son was in the fifth grade and then I had her daughter went to her daughter got to the fifth grade and our daughter is now on her way to high school so I've known them for quite a while and she is probably not probably she is one of the best four moms that I've had just a perfect balance of like everything really supportive of our kids very involved supporter of the teacher I crafty generous just really really nice and she volunteered to help because she knows that I just had I had surgery not too long ago and we've kept in touch I have her phone number and she has mine and she follows me on social media so I just feel fortunate that I have people that are willing to help me through this process because I need all the help I can get so I'm going to pick up the breakfast burritos I'm running a little late I'm supposed to be there already but genisys got sick last night luckily she was downstairs like combined to where she sleeps now but my brother who lives with me right now woke up early because he leaves for work and so that she does sick and let me know so I had to clean up after her so that's why I'm running a little bit late and have been a little fragile because slice is very so the goal today I think it's just to start getting the paper hung I did in fact get the call from cm yesterday and I was able to exchange my 8 smaller roles that I bought from lakeshore over the weekend for five larger roles which i think is pretty much the same amount of paper and it was $40 cheaper for the five larger roles so I paid a hundred and twenty five dollars and change for those eight smaller roles and I'll show you the thicker roles when we get in the classroom so you can see the difference and got five large roles for eighty dollars and some change and the other reason I prefer to buy it from cm is because they have a reward system so you do get money back and I don't I don't lakeshore may have a reward system I'm just not a part of it because lakeshore to me is more for primary grades so I don't go there very often unless I need like border or paper so I came just in time it's in the back seat in a big box and so yeah we're definitely not gonna be finished papering today that's not going to happen but I'd like to make a significant dent my thought is that lies and I can paper and my friend can border I'm not going to say her name because I don't know that she wants it to be said so we'll see if that can happen I also want you to know that in the setup vlogs you're probably going to see this shirt very often because this is literally my classroom setup uniform the pants changed with the top will probably stay pretty consistent or close to it because I have to wear long sleeves when I'm hanging paper because of my skincare routine where I put baby oil and lotion and a mixture of lotion and Vaseline on my skin when I put paper up sometimes that oil transfers to the paper and we don't want that happens I'm gonna grab these breakfast burritos and I will check back in when I'm actually in the room and getting started and I'm sure you'll want to see Liza so I will check in with you then I can have one sausage breakfast burrito but have enough it thank you thank you [Music] [Music] all right we have been in the classroom for probably about an hour wise and I have had our breakfast burrito lines it's hard at work you want to say hi make sure your bud sunshine well there we're starting on this wall here by the window that's my room mom who will be nameless so we're papering again which reminds me I need to start the timer because I'm gonna try and record precisely how long this whole process takes it took two hours and 23 minutes just to physically move stuff so I'll miss at the timer I'm gonna just put the camera down and I'll check in with when we make more progress later [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sitting on the floor and I want to show you the wall because another question people ask about my last classroom tour is what the walls are made of and so all the walls and all the classrooms in the district are floor-to-ceiling bulletin board so if you look here this is just a giant bulletin board you can see they're staples in it already from the previous teacher so it's just bulletin board which makes it very easy so we just use staple guns this is my staple gun right here to secure the paper down and then I'm going to show you the size of the large roll of paper like that get to work she's texting no I'm playing to music that's good so you guys saw the smaller roles that I got on Sunday and how much paper that was this is the larger role I think this is the largest they come in so this one is 4 feet by 50 feet or 200 square feet if you're really into it so it was definitely cheaper was about three dollars cheaper for me to get the larger rolls and the small rolls so the walls are bulletin board that's the larger size paper I'm gonna sit down on the floor get to work we already have just about one wall done so it's looking it's looking better already she's being negative look at it I probably spend a good 20 minutes tinkering with my staple my new staple gun and learning how to put staples in it I still haven't mastered that art oh here it is I haven't mastered it and it got so bad that Y Z got fed up and then she's left to go to her classroom which is the 20-minute drive to get her staple gun but then while she was gone I figured out how to make it work but now I'm back to not remembering what I did to make so that happened then I put the staple go down and I lost it and we spent maybe another 10 minutes looking for that but we found it but well it was tucked in between two chairs and I didn't realize that so we found that and now we're back on track we've made some more progress I'm going to show you this so we've gotten this wall done and bordered this wall is in progress there's slice' smile like you're enjoying this so that's where we're at so far I don't know how much time we've spent but um oh wait I can check on my phone see my battery's dying 2 hours and 17 minutes so far so I think I think we just hit a low moment yellow moment I've had a very supreme high right now my setup for the day excuse me I'm crying um okay so I'm bordering the wall with the window and I've got two really precarious spot where it's the corner of the window and you got to figure out how to overlap your border so it looks like one continuous loop mind you had already born at the top and the bottom and I just had the sides and I was feeling really good about myself because I was almost done but then I just couldn't figure out how to get my corners to overlap so that it nice slice up marches over and basically demands that I reboard her cuz my border is upside down and her behind so I'm going to show it to you because her overlap strategy required me to report her and I emphatically said no I'm not doing that cuz that's not what I did last year so here it is oh this area so here's here's a spot this is what happens we have two type-a personalities putting a class together so this right here that's not okay that's not okay the problem is this is a very square border so the overlap being CI overlapped they're super easy not so much Latanya you need to flip all these the other way around here and there and I said no I'm not doing that maybe eating the smart man said check my classroom to our video because I'm pretty sure that's not what I did in my last classroom and unfortunately I was wrong the border is going the other way in my last classroom so I all the way to the end I was convinced and she showed me the video and all I could do was say oh shoot so I'm gonna show you on her phone hold on a sec okay so I think I'm gonna just go over there flip all that border upside down will you at least help me at the corners she's gonna be leaving soon which means I'm gonna be done soon but the good news is we've made like astounding progress the time that we've had today we are with the exception of like a little corner that's too heavy that we're not dealing with right now cuz there's a lot of spiderweb edge going on behind this bookcase that the custodian is gonna be moving and we're not even going to get in that area until it's cleaned the exception in that corner we're done papering and the only thing that's left is bordering and I can honestly border by myself and this is like the worst part of setting up a classroom this isn't this is just the worst so I get to go home today feeling like a champ so I'm gonna let her continue to sit here and rest border upside-down um you know what I'm gonna go write that up I can't say it's upside-down because apparently right now it's upside-down and I need to correct it so I'm going to go do that the mom that was helping us has gone home she was a huge help so we'll be back when I check in with you we're done for the day so bye now okay it's 1:30 - why they just left she gave up no she didn't give up she had to go back to get her kids cuz her mom was watching her kids while she is here my mom came to drop off my cup there she is I'm gonna show you that Cup in a little Ashley I'll put it on Instagram by this point you've seen it on Instagram I'm super excited about it but we're done for the day and I have to say I'm extremely excited because we made very good progress it's a weight lifted off my shoulder so I'm gonna pan around I have fixed the window got that done I'm gonna pan around to show you what we've accomplished and then I'll show you what we have left I feel like there was something else I wanted to show you I think it's the border so um you can see how a double border and then I'm going home so here is what we have so far so this is done that wall the window has been fixed excuse the mess this walls papered I just have to border here I have to border up there still but the bottom is bordered then we have these walls are done thanks to Liza and my room mom my friend those walls are done and then that little corner over there is where the the nastiness is and we are not going to touch fit the custodian is going to be moving these pieces of furniture here because these don't belong to me as this bookcase and behind this bookcase is just some filth I'm not even gonna show it to you because I don't want to expose you to that it's just some filth that we're not gonna deal with we're hoping that he'll move it and then maybe clean it but at least if he moves it I can clean it before I put the paper down so we're done with that so far I just looked at my timer my phone we were here working for 4 hours and 32 minutes today so that's the timestamp and I think I wanted to show you the double bordering so I just take this border this is one set of border here and then I have a bunch of white border somewhere else here's some border I'm glad I saved on my border because I feel like this has saved me a lot of money because border is really like I have planning a bit down there I think border is what really costs the most cuz you need a lot of it if you're going forward to ceiling and I did not want have to spend that money again so I would just take the white border and I spent a lot of time last summer at home in my living room just taping the white border down on top of this border and I just pre-prepped it I didn't measure it I just bought a ton of order and pre double boarded it using tape and that was a great time-saver so that when I came into the classroom to hang the border it was already done and I wasn't having to border or like tape the border together as we went so that's the tip I would share um but yeah I think I've shown you everything I want to show you I showed you the walls they're all bulletin board I showed you the paper the staple gun saga the staple gun that I got I think I'm sending it back to Amazon because it's too it's too complicated either it's too complicated or I'm not smart enough to operate that staple gun and I'm going to get one of these instead this is one that I have it's just the one that I have is packed somewhere and I can't find it but lyza got this off Amazon she sent me the link so I'm gonna go home and reorder that and return the other one and it's like twelve dollars this is a game changer I don't know if I mentioned this when I did my last customer set up I highly recommend getting these because it's much easier to put paper on the wall with these than standard staplers so I'm gonna go home I'm gonna have some lunch I'm gonna relax and just be relieved that I've gotten as much as I've gotten done today so that's it that's probably the end of this vlog the next time you see me I'll be back in here doing something else it may be a couple days from now and maybe next week it just depends on my mood so that's it I will talk to you guys later if you enjoyed watching day I'm gonna call this day one day one of the classroom setup please give this video a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed please do subscribe if you have any questions that you'd like to like me to answer in terms of setting up a classroom please let me know and I'll try and answer them in the description box so until next time talk to you guys later [Music]
Channel: SmartieStyle
Views: 20,916
Rating: 4.9847326 out of 5
Keywords: classroom setup, classroom set up, classroom tour, teaching vlog, teacher vlog, daily vlog, a day in the life, teacher blog, classroom vlog
Id: wt6falnUeUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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