Classic WoW Rogue Specialization - Combat Daggers

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what's up guys apoptosis 808 here again with another cloud classic rogue video this time I'm gonna show you guys the spec that I use for rating which is combat daggers okay so let's take a look at what talents combat dagger spec rogues will take first of all let's go to the combat tree combat daggers is one of the three specializations that rogues will take often for raiding next to combat swords and seal of fate I do plan on doing videos for those two specializations as well but I figured I'd cover one that's a little less used in the right scenarios right now which is the dagger specialization and show you guys why I like it so first of all the talents here let's take a look at the combat trees that's where a majority of our talents are going to be spent the first tier here is pretty simple and self-explanatory we want to take two points and improve sinister strike although we're not going to be using sinister strike as our preferred combo point generator it is good to get the energy reduction and there's nothing really better in this first here that we want to take anyways the three points in improved gouge this is a personal preference again this is a raid setup so this isn't necessarily a required talent to get you could easily go for the lightning reflexes if you want to but having the extra second and a half on gouge stun is pretty nice now this second tier here has two extremely powerful abilities precision and improve backstab so we want five points in precision here because that increases our chance to hit with melee weapons by 5% and I'll go over in a little bit what this extra hit percent can mean for you in addition to other things like weapons skill and critical strike the three points that improve backstab here backstab is going to be our primary combo point generator so getting an additional 30% critical strike chance with that is very nice the third tier of talents again nothing too crazy to pick up that's gonna give us some extra damage but some very nice utility the two points in endurance here reduces the cooldown of sprint and evasion by one and a half minutes if you need to quickly run out of the instance or you need to try to tank a mob for a little bit hopefully this will have it come up a little bit faster and having the two points that improve sprint 100% chance to remove all movement and pairing effects when you activate your sprint ability helps you get out of those slows helps you get out of the frost Nova's just a generally nice ability to get a little bit farther down here we're starting to really get into the meat and potatoes of this specialization though five points out of dual-wield specialization increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 50% it's a no-brainer this one is going to be taken and any combat spectat you go this one is just amazing now obviously since we're playing daggers let's grab the dagger specialization increases your chance to get a critical strike with daggers by 5% down below here we can go ahead and pick a blade flurry and that's all we really want to grab we don't want maces we don't want swords we don't want fists for all about daggers here in the second-to-last tier we have weapon expertise we want two points in that increases your weapon skill with sword fists and daggers by five so this is a very crucial ability I'll explain why in just a little bit aggression is not necessarily a bad ability but again we just for one don't have the points extra to put there and we're not going to be casting eviscerate very often with specs so it's not going to be that useful for us anyways and of course we want to grab adrenaline rush here at the end which is just an insane burst of power shouldn't have to explain why increasing your energy regeneration by a hundred percent for 15 seconds is so good we do want to take a quick trick quick trip to subtlety and get five points an opportunity increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your backstab go wrote or ambushed abilities we have occasions where we use all of those and like I said backstab is going to be our main spammed ability so we want to get that plus 20% damage first sure the other 15 points we're going to go ahead and spend an assassination we want to put five points into malice so that increases our critical strike chance by a further five percent the next year here we want to get three points that improve slice and dice this is a very key ability for any dagger or any rogue speck I should say improve it increases the time of your slice and dice by 45% a really easy fast hand way to think of this is it increases the time by one combo point so if we look at slice and dice instead of one point doing nine seconds it'll do 12 second duration in the set of two points doing a 12 second duration it will do a 1515 second duration so essentially it's increasing your slice and dice by one point these next two points that I have in ruthlessness could easily be spent in murder I do prefer to grab ruthlessness myself gives your finishing moves a 40 percent chance to add a combo point to your target it's just really nice to get that extra combo point sometimes and keep in mind that slice and dice is a finishing move so you do have a chance to get an extra combo point when you do slice and dice because backstab does cost so much energy at 60 we're not generating as many combo points as we would if we were combat swords and using sinister strike which only costs 40 energy so I like the chance to get an extra combo point however the extra 2% damage that you would get versus humanoid giant beasts and dragon king targets is nothing to laugh at it's a straight flat 2 percent damage increase I mean that is actually pretty amazing so either one you want my preferences ruthlessness in this last tier here we're going to definitely pick up this 1 point in relentless strikes your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy so if you manage to get a 5 combo point rupture or slice and dice or eviscerate you're gonna have a hundred percent chance to restore 25 energy and because we're gonna be casting so many slices and dices during the duration of a raid boss having that occasional extra 25 energy is very nice and then the last 4 points will put it all into lethality it increases the critical strike damage bonus of a bunch of different abilities but the main one we care about is backstab by 24 percent so we're just going to be do a ton of damage with our backstabs when they critically strike which they will be doing 30% more of the time and already having a 20% increased damage so there's a lot of synergy in this 4 backstab so with the talents out of the way let's take a look at the priority of stats that you want to focus on as well as what those stats mean so as a rogue the number one priority that you actually want to get you see a lot of different lists out there that tell you a basic priority and I don't see this mention very often but it's actually extremely important and which is a weapon skill of 308 ok I'll go over exactly why that's so important too but remember that we want to try to hit a weapon skill of 308 the next thing we want to focus on is getting 9 percent hit rating and then we want to focus on getting crit and agility as well as attack power with critical critical strike being a little bit better than just flat agility being a little bit better than just flat attack power it's always going to depend and determine some things are gonna be different just because they give you so much more attack power it will be more beneficial to take over critical strike but that's more something you want to make you know your own decision on when you're gearing up your road so let's take a look at weapons skill let's take a look at hit let's take a look at critical strike in classic Wow these three different stats here can be a little bit confusing to understand in order to understand them let's take a look at something we call attack tables attack tables are what happens when you attack an enemy so one kind of disclaimer here that I would do want to throw out is this is assuming two things one that you're attacking a level 63 monster so like a raid boss in molten core this is a rating spec this is not going to very well for dungeons or soloing but raids it will do quite well so we're assuming you're attacking level 63 mob we're also assuming that you're attacking that target from behind so we're not taking into account parry or block when you attack from behind like you always should be you won't be getting parried or block anytime so this further breaks down into two different tables and I should be able to put up a little graphic for you here to make it a little bit more simple to understand and see this goes into yellow hits and white hits yellow hits are when you attack with an ability like backstab or eviscerate and white hits are when you Auto attack with your dagger so when you're not casting an ability and your character is just slicing away that is a white hit so what happens when you do a yellow hit well let's assume first of all you don't have any talents you don't have any gear this is just a straight level 60 attacking a level 63 what's gonna happen well we see there's a nine percent chance to get hit earth verb sorry there's a nine percent chance to miss there is a 6.5 percent chance that your attack gets dodged which leaves you with an 80 4.5% chance that your ability is going to hit what happens when you do a white hit there is a twenty-eight percent chance that you're going to miss there's a 6.5 percent chance that you're going to dodge there's a forty percent chance that you do something called a glancing blow and there's a twenty five point five percent chance that you hit or critically strike so let's take a look at these yellow hits first you might be able to notice a correlation between our stat priority in one of the stats here you see there's a nine percent chance to miss we want to hit a nine percent chance to hit you might have been able to guess it when you get plus nine percent chance to hit you negate all nine percent of that miss and add it to your credit or to your chance to hit or critically strike so you reduce that chance entirely to zero percent and the reason why that's so important is because yellow attacks abilities that cost energy it's it's very difficult to get energy you only have a finite amount of it that you're going to generate over the entire length of combat so you want it to be as efficient as possible backstabs cost sixty energy that's almost an entire bar that's gonna take you forever to regenerate that energy back up so it's terrible if it misses it's just completely wasted so if we can reduce that down as much as possible we want to hit 0% okay so that's where the nine percent chance to hit comes in from that stat priority but I didn't put that at number one I put that at number two and why did I put that at number two well that's because if we look at the white table to hit you will see something called glancing blow what's is a 40% chance you have a 40% chance when you auto-attack to do a glancing blow against an enemy of level 63 the reason for this is because their defense stat is 315 it is more than 10 higher than your weapon skill stat okay so when we hit 308 so it's it's over 10 and then a little bit more when we hit 308 weapon skills so there are only seven higher than us it will increase our damage so normally a glancing blow you're going to only do 65 percent of your regular damage to that hit when you get 308 weapon skill you're increasing that to 95 percent damage so you're increasing that by 30 percent just from getting 308 weapon skill and you will be doing a lot of glancing blows there's no way to reduce that number down any percentage it's always 40% there so you want to make sure that you try to get as much damage out of that as possible so getting an additional 30% damage is key okay it's a very key so 308 weapon skill you can already see from our talents here though that you're getting 5 weapon skill here so you only actually need to get 3 from items and I'll go over a few items later on that will give you that additional bonus you need now let's take a look at that hit cap that we were talking about met 9% that soft hit cap well that weapon skill is actually gonna do a little bit of work for this as well when you hit 305 weapon skill so if you literally just take this ability weapon expertise right here you actually reduce that chance from 9 percent to 3 percent so effectively when you get that 5 weapon skill you also get an additional 3 percent chance to hit so instead of needing to get 9 percent you only need to get 6 percent and if we look a little bit earlier on you see that we got precision that gives us an increased chance to hit with weapons by 5% so instead of needing 6% we actually only need 1% you only need to get one piece of gear that has 1% chance to hit on it and you have hit your 9% soft cap if you go the specialization that I have here ok so if you get the 5 points in precision and you get the 2 points in weapons skills over here are the weapon expertise you only need to get 1% chance to hit to hit the soft cap which is your yellow abilities your ability to damage will never miss it can still get dodged but it will never miss there's one last thing that weapons skill 308 does for us actually 305 the 308 is for the 95 percent damage the 305 actually increases or rather decreases the chance that our that our abilities get dodged so we saw earlier 6.5 percent chance to dodge on both yellow and white hits that actually will go down to 6 percent and that point 5 percent will get added to our hit in critical strike chance so it's really great weapon skill does a lot of really great things for us it increases our glancing blow hits it gives us a little bit of hit percentage and it reduces Dodge it's the only thing that can reduce Dodge after 308 though it's really not worth getting it's not gonna do pretty much anything for you after that point so once you hit 308 go ahead and stop it's not worth stacking there's one last thing I want to go over and that is critical strike here in this whole sort of hit crit and weapon skill section critical strike it is a giant damage boost for rogues you pretty much want to stack this for yellow hits you can almost indefinitely get critical strike that's why we have plus 30% here if none of that is wasted you will be able to use all of that you probably won't be able to hit that hard cap for critical strike for yellow abilities for white hits there's a little bit of a difference you have to factor in a few things and I'll put formula upon how you can calculate what you want you to get your critical strike chance - it's a bit of a balancing act you want to raise your critical strikes so high and then you want to raise your hit percentage and then go back to critical strike back to hit percentage you're kind of just trying to balance them out pretty nicely and the formula to do so is as such you take 100% - twenty four point six percent chance to miss - six percent dodge - 40 percent glancing blow and then you want to add 4.8% for crit suppression what is that we'll go over it and then you want to add your hit percentage this formula assumes that you have three hundred and five weapon skill at least okay so this formula assumes that you already have three hundred and five weapons skill at least okay that's why the missed chance in the Dodge is already reduced now the crit suppression that is because you're hitting enemies that are higher level than you at level 63 those enemies are going to be ignoring 4.8% of your critical strike chance where you normally would critically strike against an even level 60 you would not be four point eight percent of the time now factoring all of that in if you do the math you'll find out what you want your to reach for for your critical strike before you increase your hit percentage is a little bit more complicated scenarios that go on with Creek but if you follow that basic formula you'll never really be wasting critical strike you'll never really be wasting hit percent so I hope that helps out a little bit now let's take a look at the rotation for dagger rows it's pretty simple but we'll go over it anyways of course you want to start from Stealth okay there's two main abilities we can use for stealth from damage that's grote and that is ambush if the raid boss that you're attacking is not immune to bleeds then you want to go Wrote it's gonna do more damage if they are go ahead and open with ambush it's okay once you've done that you want to cast one backstab so now you'll have two combo points total and then you want to get a sinister strike going or sorry a slice-and-dice going after slice and dice is off which is a 15 second slice and dice thanks for thanks to our improved slice and dice you want to activate adrenaline rush and blade flurry once you've got both of those going you want to just sync all of your energy into backstabs until you get 5 combo points in which case you're going to rupture you want to get a 5 bump combo point rupture off if you can very soon after that you're gonna have to get another combo point in center and slice and dice for the rest of the combat is gonna be a juggling act between trying to get a rupture in there and keeping up slice and dice for the entirety of combat you never want slice and dice to fall off it is your best ability as a rogue increasing your attack speed by 30% is just insane so backstab slice and dice rupture sort of in that order if you will the last thing that I do want to go over here is those key items that we were talking about so a hit 308 weapon skill and a couple nice items that might be able to give you that 1% hit just to start pretty easily so we already start with 5 we just need 3 more points for weapon skill to hit that sweet spot at 300 mate what to do that there's a couple dungeons you can run the first thing I would recommend trying to grab after you get your hit percent is the distracting dagger this is out of dire Maul west off of the last boss it's a pretty decent drop chance right at around 20% it is extremely fast so it's a very good offhand dagger and we can go over speeds and why is that's important it has a high DPS at 40.8 and it increases our daggers by 6 so actually technically we only need to do one point of weapon expertise I recommend just keeping the two you're not losing too much efficiency it's just if you get another weapon later on that gives you a little bit more a little bit less rather weapon expertise then you're gonna have to respect and put that second point in save yourself some trouble just keep the two points and weapon expertise all the time let's say you can't get the distracting dagger there is also a belt that drops out of dire Maul North which is called the muggers belt so let's take a look at that here the muggers belt drops off of Captain Crom crush gives you +1 % critical strike very nice and it increases your daggers by 5 so there you go you're hitting 308 once again you're glancing blows are hitting like trucks they're basically hitting like a little bit weaker regular hits there is one more item that we can try to go for here it is a bit harder to get than the other ones and that is the aged cord leather gloves this drops out of molten core you can see we do get that +1 % critical strike out of it and increased daggers to +5 so that once again will get us that 308 dagger skill that we want to hit so badly you really don't want to have more than one of them equipped that's gonna give you that extra dagger skill unless you actually respect and take weapon expertise out put it into aggression so again it's that balancing act after 308 those points are wasted but up until 308 it's the most important thing that you can increase I said I would also show you a pretty good item to get that last 1% hit chance that you need I like to use the rune of the guard captain I haven't been able to get a hand of justice yet but this is actually a super solid trinket it gives you that +1 percent hit chance and it gives you also plus 20 attack power so effectively this is giving you a very decent spread of stats here and it's gonna satisfy that last 1% hit that you need after you get this if again that balancing act between how much critical strike chance do I have versus how much hit percentage do I have and you want to sort of balance those out as best you can that's pretty much it you guys as far as dagger rogues go the last thing I would say that could be important is the actual weapons that you use and which one you have in the main hand versus which one you have in the offhand I was lucky enough to get a fell striker off of my first round of upper Blackrock Spire I used up all my luck in classic Wow so I doubt I'll get any other pieces here after that let's zooom you didn't get that what would be a really good dagger to get from your main hamon well we have this here the bar man Shanker this is a very solid dagger to use for rogues it's slow at two weapons speed and it's farmable so low if you haven't checked out my Blackrock depths pickpocketing + video check it out actually show you how to solo plugger in there so you can farm this dagger on your own it's a very solid main hand dagger the reason why we want slower weapons in the main hand with a high dps is because it has a higher top end damage and abilities like backstab and sinister strike don't scale off of your attack speed they're just looking for a high damage you want a high weapon damage because that's what it's scaling off of that's what it's adding to for your offhand weapon you want to have something that's very fast while having a high damage the reason why you want something very fast is so that you can apply poisons better poisons are another thing that dagger row can take advantage of as well as every other Road if you're on a hard side and the only poison you want to be using in a raid is on your offhand you want to leave your main hand free so that you can get windfury from shamans your offhand you want to equip with instant poisons if you're on the alliance right now you don't have shamans you don't have wind fury so just slap instant poison on both of them you'll be good to go that's pretty much it you guys I hope that this was helpful for someone out there if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below you can always find me at slash apoptosis 808 as well and feel free to ask me in there when I'm streaming or you can join my discord which is all linked in the cot in the the description box down below so feel free hit me up on any one of those if you have some questions I'll try to help you out as best I can but yeah besides that keep an eye out for more videos in the future I'm planning on doing one for sealove faint rogues as well as for combat swords I just figured we'd started out with what I'm using right now in classic Wow and hopefully Ari is going to be using for a while longer so thanks again guys for hanging out I hope you had an awesome time watching this video feel free to hit me up with any questions you have and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Apoptosis808
Views: 58,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic WoW, Rogue, World of Warcraft, 60, Daggers, Combat Dagger, Felstriker, Raiding, Vanilla, Rogue Raid Spec, Combat Dagger Rogue, Apoptosis, Apoptosis808, Goblin King, Rogue Combat Daggers, hit cap, crit cap, weapon skill, hit rating, soft cap, rogue hit rating, rogue crit cap, rogue weapon skill
Id: zNIVKXHbx3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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