WoW Classic - An Advanced ROGUE Guide to Parse/DPS in BWL

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do you wanna know how to become the best dps in your guild when it comes to blocking layer do you want to be the best rogue on your server or just move up from doing average parses to getting 99 parses on pretty much every single boss well today we're gonna go over a min/max guide to parse as high as possible on every single boss in black and lair I know most people don't really think parses really matter and they don't so much it's just kind of something pretty fun to do it's nice to get a higher parse to get all 99's to try to compete to being a top 100 on every boss most really good guilds kind of do look at your logs they look at parses initially but they also should be going through your logs it doesn't really matter what your reasoning is but right now we're pretty much all quarantined so why not take this time to improve in the raid so today we're going to go over an exact min maxing guide on how to parse as a rogue in black and later my name is Sarthe and let's get right into it [Music] here we go this is going to be an advanced guide on how to parse in black and layer as a rogue this video is gonna be a little bit longer so make sure you do whatever you need to before getting into it I'll also put the timestamps in the description so that you can skip through to whatever sections you want the most as an overview I'm gonna be going over first daggers vs. swords then I'm gonna go over the consumables you need the world buffs you want to get and I'll talk about which order you should be getting those in the gear sets that you're gonna be running in black and layer your UI and your add-ons and then the actual boss strategies and CD usage so first let's talk about daggers versus swords what you want to be running here both are completely viable but daggers are currently outperforming swords in single target encounters all of the bosses in black and lair are single target you're gonna need to use daggers on veil anyways and the damage from swords honestly you actually need both of the BWL swords to outperform the daggers kurds or even dragon Fang blade it's initially easier to be running a big daggers but if you get eight eight and both of the weapons then you could be running the swords swords can outperform in overall damage and you can actually perform better if you've got rank 14 swords but most of us don't have that so you're probably going to want to run daggers in black we later the big reason why you mainly wanted to run swords in emcee speedruns was so that you could get your cleave off and also all of the mobs were moving around in different ways and facing different directions so it was really hard to get dagger back stabs off and have perfect uptime and position yourself in between two mobs and get off all of your cleave so and here boss aggro is pretty stationary aggro is a huge issue right and the raid so most of the time the boss is gonna be facing your tank and then on the ones that have multiple tanks it's just gonna be switching between looking like this so you're gonna be able to stand behind the bosses no matter what it's gonna be really easy daggers is a lot easier to run in black and lair than it is in molten core as for poisons versus sharpening stones poisons actually sim better than all sharpening stones even if your daggers and you're using a sharpening stone on your main hand has an alliance poisons sym better in this dungeon because most things actually nothing is immune to poison so you're gonna be wanting to use instant poison in black wood layer next I want to go over your consumables these first ones are the ideal consumables that you absolutely are going to be wanting to run that is gonna be your DPS buffs like elixir of mongoose juju might and juju power because those are stronger than anything else you can run and grilled squid which is now out of season and ground scorebook a Shea which is the blasted land buff which gives you another 25 agility it counts as a world buff so it actually does stack on top of the elixir moieties after that you're gonna want to go with your sustainability bus flask of the Titans a lot of people do say that you're not going to need a flask if your rate is good but it makes it a lot easier on your healers if you have a lot more mana sorry if you have a lot more health and also you're really scared of losing a role bus pulling aggro and dying and right it just is a thing no matter how good your tanks are it's it's always a concern and if you're running a speedrun it's pretty much universally known that you're gonna be wanting to use a flask just the sustainability you get from it is a lot more useful than trying to save your money and not get it limited and vulnerability potion is probably gonna be your most important pot in this dungeon and I'll get into that a little bit later you're gonna need three action pots restos juju embers are gonna be extremely useful it's gonna help you out a little bit on veil for mitigation if you want but it's not really gonna help your DPS but on fire MA these are extremely useful you're always gonna need as many hourglass stands as you want I usually bring 10 to the raid that's kind of overkill but you can buy them off the auction house so that you can use them whenever you need to Remzi rum is a little bit better than the gore grog but you can run either I actually don't really run elixir of fortitude but you can magic resistance potion is extremely useful again on fire MA but that's only if you don't have a paladin or shaman in your group getting the aura from them it doesn't stack greater fire protection pots are very useful greater shadow kind of useful major health potions and rune cloth bandages you should always have those no matter what the on use things you're going to need are obviously your instant poison your thistle tea goblin sapper charges and dense Dynamite's if you're an engineer but if you're not an engineer I'll get into that in a second oil of emulation I actually buy into my oil of to my golf and sapper charge Orion grenades you can use these on the Goblin packs to stun them but dense dynamite you can use in between your sapper charges to get out more DPS if you're doing an overall speed run and then dragon breath chili it's just my Newt and then living action potion will be coming out soon so that's gonna be extremely useful as well the optional ones are kind of here to save you money if you're not going for the exact best that you can winter fall fire water because you can farm these at the same time with some of the Juju's so it's very easy but the other juju is actually even more attack power so you would go with that elixir of giants the exact same thing you could use a juju which is stronger than elixir of giants but whatever greater arcane Protection pot and frost pot these can be helpful on the different breaths and stuff from kromagg but they're not absolutely necessary you're not gonna be hit by those anyways savory deviate delight mainly because you want to look like a ninja let's be real we're all rogues Sun fruit because you can't get in more squid possibly Crystal charge and Streatham holy water are for non engineers and this is mainly for the Neph phase 3 but crystal charges you can use them throughout the entire raid so that's it's v it's very useful but you're not gonna use them all that much Streatham holy water actually is not as strong as the sapper charges on Neph mainly because sapper charge has a lot larger of an AoE range mighty controls blood potion is some HP v i'd literally never use it but you can right we're talking about mid maxing here and then elixir of poison distance and anti-venom for chromatic as for world buffs i actually do have a phase 3 world buffs guide i'll link it in the description on a link it's somewhere up or down I don't know I'm not that great at youtube yet you're gonna want to get the Darkmoon Faire first if it is the one that's not next to your faction recently it was Alliance darkening fair it's easiest to get darkmoon faire first because you have to wait for hours of in-game time to get it again if you do die after you collect it so you want to get the darkmoon faire first if it's the opposing faction and then you'll actually want to get it maybe the last or one of the latest if it's your current faction the dire maul tribute buffs you're gonna want to grab all three of these the stamina is very useful for sustainability the attack power obviously is massive and then the spell crit actually helps you crit on your poison so why not rallying cry of the Dragonslayer then you're gonna want to get your song flower serenade try not to get ganked as well or keeps blessing if your horde alliance you could go after it also if you're running a speedrun and you're actually trying to min/max you're absolutely getting or cheats blessing and then it's it kind of depends right if you want to get the ubers buff you only need it for like twenty to thirty minutes until you get to the fire MA but I do like to get summoned and then get the Ebers buff last and then I log out near the raid you can actually leave the group that you were in when you're in Hoover's reset dungeon enter the dungeon by yourself and log out within an ubers and you'll never be ported out of there it's fine it's your own dungeon the only problem here is a lot of times your raid wants to run together so that you don't lose world buffs I personally have a mage that's geared that is a lot better at AoE fights than my rogue so I just run with that spirit of Santa Lara's up here as well because that will be coming out soon and I'll be making another guide that will tell you exactly what world buffs you want to get in what order if you're not getting any of these robust you're not gonna get a 99 or a hundred parts there's really no chance the ubers buff is pretty massive honestly 83 fire resistance is going to help you out a lot on fire [Music] now for our dps sets you're gonna want to run either daggers swords or a fire resistant set but really fast I do have to mention always remember your onyx is skill cloak some people actually forget it which is insane whatever I did make a video actually that goes over exactly what this lists are daggers versus swords so I'll link to that as well but basically this is what the list looks like you don't want all tier two you're gonna want the boots of shadowflame because they are massive you're gonna want the ACL geez you're literally always gonna want hey clg's this is pretty standard as four swords you're gonna be wanting to run eight eight and then so that's a pretty easy set to put together DFT massive dragon slayers ring Hodge you actually could use the hit trinket sometimes over Hodge and black Hans breath over Hodge it depends you're just gonna sim it yourself and see what you're running also for fire resistance this is a set that I'm running 110 fire distance and as you get all of the buffs you'll be fine to stay in on fire MA so you're gonna want to run the DM trinket i'll Nixie a tooth pendant you're gonna have your own X Y scale cloak this is for fire ma remember right Core Hound boots molten belt you'll want a nice layer cover so tier one and you're going to want to put twenty fire resistance on that and you're gonna want to put 25 resistance on a tutu pants if you have the opportunity you're going to want the resistance on your cloak and on your shoulders as well if you get all of this stuff done you literally will be able to stay in on fire ma even if your group is slower so you'll actually be able to drop stacks I'll show that in the video later you can actually stay in and drop sacks you'll never get over like three stacks as for add-ons and UI the most important thing is that you setup your UI in a that's easy for you to be able to pay attention to anything that's important going on so I will show you what my rogue UI looks like and I actually give that out to all of my twitch Prime subs or any of my twitch subs but other than that let's go over the week orders that you're gonna want elemental vulnerability will tell you what vulnerability that Chrome AG is DBM does this as well now it kind of actually spans you so it's actually super annoying not gonna lie I had turned that off possibilities is a pretty simple one it'll tell you all of the possibilities and when it's gonna happen progress circles is another one that's pretty simple and it's gonna tell you when things are gonna happen I don't use either of these ones but they are very useful I actually took them from cross slides guide and the lip and fab tracker I will link in the description I made a lip and fab tracker which is gonna be extremely useful for you guys barriers this will show you if you have how much barriers you have so like a power word shield or creative fire protection pot you're gonna want to run deadly boss mods that's pretty standard classic cash bars is really useful because you can see when the shadow flame is being cast and you can also see your wing buff it and if you actually abuse the wing Buffett you can drop all of your aggro if you need to move in on next up is gonna be the boss guides so this is the actual meet of the video right and I'm gonna go over every boss individually what cooldowns you want to use and how you want to play it 2 min max but I'm also after showing you a slide of it I'll just actually show you what it's like to look at the encounter itself really quickly I do want to explain the lip and fat trick that is extremely useful more useful if you're a horde because Alliance have blessing of salvation so if you are horde you do know that there's a big issue where you're not able to DPS at the beginning of a fight because you're waiting on your tank to build threat instead you can pop a lip and you can dps instantly on all fights you'll end up actually building that threat still so you'll have more threat than your tank but if you vanish in time before the lip ends you'll just drop all of that threat so it doesn't actually matter at all I'm gonna show you an example of it right here where I have all the threat but I don't pull aggro until my lip ends and I hit the mob one more time alright let's get right into the boss guides Razer Gore the thing to note here on Razer core is that your parse doesn't start until you attack the boss so during the ad phase you're not worried about that at all you can use your CDs early on in the add phase because it takes long enough for all of the eggs to get cleared for you to be able to have them back for the actual boss encounter you're gonna want to use adrenaline rush blade flurry this wilty and goblin sapper charge on this fight you also usually want to use a fapper lip so that you don't get stunned but it is important to note that if you're going for a really good bail parse and your group moves really fast you might actually not be able to have your lip up for valent time so it kind of has to depend here if you're gonna choose to either eat a stun on Razer glork because your group is moving too fast or if you're gonna actually I try to get apart somebody where instead of ale whatever so here you're seeing I pop a lip early and I pop blade flurry early because the fight is so short that ideally I wanted to have blade flurry up the entire time I could have probably actually saved it popping it really may have been a mistake you see everybody else getting stunned on this fight that would not happen if they were to use a fat I kind of tried to back step for a second just try to guess when he was gonna stun it actually just worked out perfectly one thing I did mess up on this fight is that I forgot to use my goblin sapper George Vil Strads the corrupt make sure you're using a dagger here you're gonna want to be in backstab spec may be running a CLG or muggers belt so that you have the weapons skill you don't want to lip directly on the opener right as bales drag is targetable you're gonna want to lip him and instantly attack the most important thing here is to pre pop played flurry and your blood rage or whatever your racial is because they do have a GCD and it's more important to pop them directly before you start attacking the opener is going to be lip backstab slice and dice back side back sab vanish or you could lip backstab as much as you can until you vanish and then out of the vanish either you're ambushing or starting attack and then you're getting your slice and ice off there is a threshold of attack power where you're only using back stabs instead of five point of this rates but there's not really an agreement there some people are saying at 79 or some people are saying it's 1800 I couldn't find an exact number there on your attack power most of us don't have enough attack power to do it anyways so you're gonna be wanting to use this range so basically keep up slice and dice and use five point of this rates pray for good rng because you don't want to get your backstabs dodged and you want to get a lot of critics Evan teen hundred DPS and I had really unlucky orangy with crits you notice that in this run I actually wasn't able to get my lip off back off cooldown in time from the first pull of razor gore so here you're gonna see there's a few seconds before I can actually even do any DPS I didn't actually blade flurry before the fight actually started which was a mistake on my behalf as well so on this fight I should have done a lot more damage I up twice another thing I mess up on here is letting slice and dice fall off but after that point I did perform pretty smoothly [Music] brute Lord lash layer you're gonna want to pop a greater fire protection potion in the suppression room so that your cooldown is up in time for when you start the same I usually lip the opener and you all should as well it's not as important if your alliance because you're not worried about your tank losing threat try to stay behind him and along the wall this boss is kind of clunky with how he moves so if he's in the wrong position it's almost impossible for the tanks to reposition him you might end up getting hit by a blast wave and the knock back and you can kind of get scuff so you want to pray that you resist that also you want to try to be up against the wall as best as possible so you don't get knocked back anyways the cool downs you're gonna want to use on this boss are adrenaline rush blade flurry thistle tea and goblin sapper charge you could possibly save adrenaline rush for fire MA but that's kind of up to you for brood Lord we get unlucky on this fight where he's actually in a terrible position so we can't actually stay on top of them and be on the wall I lose uptime on my auto attack here multiple times because I was trying to position myself just in case he was gonna glass weight this is kind of a scuffed one but whatever [Music] fire mom this is the boss where you're gonna want to use your fire resistant set I use a fire resistant set so that I can stay in most people use a little bit of fire resistance and try to stay in the whole time it depends on your kill time if you're around 30 seconds like the best kill times are then you're never gonna have to get out anyways but I use a fire resistant set so that I never have to get out one other of my melee do and I'm guessing that if you're watching this video you probably will also blazing emblem is really really good and it's super cheap on the auction house but it is optional I don't use it and if you copy my fire is a sin set you'll be fine you're gonna want to use your juju ember early doesn't really matter if it's early or not and if you don't have a shaman with a fire as totem or a poly aura in your group you will be needing to use a magic rez pot ideally you'll pop a greater fire protection pot early so on one of the goblin pacts if you're pulling those or you could do it on the big guys if you're pulling those before the boss as well it's just so that you have the cooldown back up for your potions so you can lip the opener you pretty much live in the opener every fight right if you have issues and you're climbing up on aggro and you're almost there you can actually drop aggro on this fight if you get in front of the boss as he's casting a winged buffett you get knocked back and you drop most of your aggro it's a pro strat but also you're not too worried about aggro on the drakes because they're all tanta below the cooldowns you're gonna use on this fight or pretty much everything as well adrenaline rush blade flurry hand pistol T alright here we were testing out two different strategies because our tank didn't actually know where he was going to tank the boss at the right time he's gonna move into a normal position in a second it kind of messes up the dps on the initial pull but that's gonna be fine you'll see that we recover and we actually do fine [Music] you can see that I have my barrier we core up and I'm actually not even losing my greater fire protection pot until right now and that's because of all of my resist I'm never gonna have to get out of this fight because I'm wearing the resistance set so I do significantly more DPS than pretty much everyone else in this fight because of the resistance I could have actually probably swapped out even more DPS for resistance I I think I used too much resistance on this fight but the threshold is usually around 250 fire resistance just deal with it as you will it depends on how fast your guild kills the boss [Music] Evon rock and flame core once again on Nixie a scale click you're gonna want to choose which one you want to use your CDs on and this depends on two things right if you're going for an overall speed clear you're gonna want your cooldowns back up for CRO Magus then you'll use them on a band rock but if you need to get a better parse on flame Gor then just save your cooldowns and use it on flame board that's simple right once again you can lift the opener there is a lot more leeway here because these bosses once again are actually taunt able so you don't really need to worry about threat nearly as much but it's just safe to lip the opener let's just be realistic it sucks putting your faith in everybody else just take it all into your own hands and so you won't collabro no matter what again here are the cooldown usages and I guess I should mention that you don't absolutely need your own Ixia scale cloak on these two fights the reason is if you accidentally get shadow flamed but honestly you shouldn't get shadow flamed it's pretty simple not to but I will once again say that like almost every one of the best players in the world we even on during speed clears you're usually using your own XP a scale cloak just in case because everyone's pumping out so much damage that if something goes wrong for an instant it's better to live through a shadow flame than to go for a slightly slightly slightly bigger DPS boost and lose all of your buffs once again I lip the opener of this fight it's not the most important thing in the world both of these fights I don't know if they're super important for me to show them to you so I'm just gonna cut between two really fast the most important thing is probably to try to keep your up time while staying behind the boss sometimes you can accidentally get a little bit too far away from the boss so that you don't have your Auto Attack hitting so it's basically just trying to stay in a good position and you doing your rotation as normal keeping up your uptime as much as possible and from here it's good luck choose which cooldowns to use on which boss moving on to crow Magus one thing I almost always forget to do but you need to put on your normal cloak just for this fight put on your normal cloak so after the drakes put your cloak back on you're gonna want to use all of your cooldowns on a kromagg you're gonna want to make sure that you instantly hourglass and anytime you get the bronze debuff I'm gonna show you in the video in a second that I actually thought I clicked my hourglass and and I didn't and then I got stunned and it kind of scuffed me whatever that happens you can also rest it upon some of the d buffs if you need to you're gonna want to sapper on fire vulnerability and you're gonna want to use all of your cooldowns once again the big thing for min maxing on crow mag it's kind of the same on fire MA if you don't have a fires is set and you need to go in and out is you're gonna want to try to use your abilities before you go back in to attack the boss right so try to stack combo points as you're running away to l OS of breath try to hit him with an extra sinister strike if your backstab spec right it's fine just get that combo point and then use your slice and dice right before you start running back in the big point here is that you have a maximum uptime on all of your abilities while fighting the boss and you're not wasting anything like your slice and dice is ticking away while your l OS from the boss here it's also important that you use your adrenaline rush and blade flurry and difficulty and stuff like that an optimal time so it's pretty much right after you go back in and start attacking the boss after ela breath so instantly you want to get your slice and dice up I didn't lift the opener because you're using a FAP usually on those worm guards right behind there but it depends how fast your group really moves right right here I get bronze and I should have actually used hourglass and instantly you'll see that I try to click it I thought I had clicked it earlier so that it that really just ruined my DPS on this fight but that just kind of happens luckily we got Frost's pretty much the entire time so I'm gonna speed it up from here you can see that I'm gonna get one more attack in right before alos and then I'm gonna use my cooldowns right as I get back into the fight luckily we're pretty much getting frost on our can resist the entire time so I didn't actually get to really get a good sapper off that's annoying for me but our mages all got pretty much topped 100 top 50 parties Nefarian is another boss fight where the parses actually start on the boss really fast I'm gonna say that I literally have never lived on a ferry and for some reason my tanks love to not move the boss usually they should just turn the boss completely around right but my tanks don't like to move I'm not gonna say both of them but we've just had an issue whatever it happens it's a little frustrating and this week actually I was doing a lot of DPS that hadn't used any of my cooldowns yet and one of our tanks died because he didn't get thee cursed this happens right don't worry about it hope that you don't even get Road call and that'd be great we've gotten it every time after you kill the add phase you can actually swap to your normal cloak you have a second where you drop aggro so you can swap to your normal cloak this is up to you it's optional because you want to only do this if you're sure that your tank is good and he's gonna move during the road call you're gonna blade flurry and phase one when you're fighting the ads because it'll be backup for the boss you're fine lip the opener so that you can start dpsing instantly just like every other fight or you can save lit for rope call to try to not get hit by a cleave but honestly if your tank isn't moving for the road call you're probably going to be discussed either way if you don't live through the shadow play on this fight you want to save your sapper charge for phase 3 when the ads come out or your strat holy water if you get a huge sapper you can do like 65k damage on just one one global cooldown so save your sprint for that as well so you can go out sapper instantly and get back on the boss you're gonna want to use literally every single cool down on this bosses well pray that you don't get ro call and have good RNG get a huge sapper off and you're gonna have insane DPS I honestly think I was gonna do over 1000 dps this week and I just I got Scotch so let's watch it for an affair Ian I instantly lip and DPS you can see that I passed my tank on threat but I do use my vanish here it's all about uptime as well just focusing on your normal rotation you probably don't have adrenaline rush back up from cro-mags so that's just gonna be an issue just wait for it wait for an optimal time as an undead I don't really have to worry about the fear as an alliance you probably have fear work [Music] here I got tail swipe which is unfortunate but it just happens is bad positioning and then you can see that I'm hat almost 900 DPS and I haven't even used my adrenaline rush yet I haven't used this LT as well and I also do have my sapper charge so things are going really well on this fight I I was crushing it but then we get wrote call and right here in in columns I me and all of the other rows were pretty much all screaming and he didn't move it enough and he also died because he didn't get dispelled I already use my vanish so I'm gonna get aggro in a second and I'm not gonna be able to vanish and get out of there so it doesn't really matter I try to first-aid just some triage and save myself here I'm gonna get agro right now game's over [Music] all right so getting towards the end in conclusion the really important things you want to take away here is you can use lifts to basically open on every single boss without having to worry about threat and having to wait to DPS there are some orangy on your back stabs and sinner ship strikes and you just kind of have to hope you don't get dodges and crits so some weeks it just will happen if you play perfectly you still might do less DPS than you did a different meaning build a fire resistance set for fire MA make sure that you use your CDs on optimal bosses because if you're moving too fast to use your CDs on multiple bosses choose which one you want to get a higher parcel overall damage is an interesting thing to look at because rogues are still a lot of the time in the suppression room adrenaline rush make sure you're using it at least 70% Plus into an energy tick so that you get an extra tick out of the adrenaline rush remember not to reset your weapon swing if you're using a source specialization Hadj or win fury totem I can link to a video that goes over this if you don't know what I'm talking about but if you're going for all 99 and above parses then you definitely already know about this but then that just good luck know the encounters hope you have good RNG and if you play perfectly and you do all the things that I talked about in this guide every single time you will have a 98 or 99 it's very simple you'll do better you will have the best parses in your raid there's very few people that will ever possibly be better than you and that's gonna consist of their gear or RNG or if you're playing against someone like just Lou who's like insane right if you're playing against the best rogue in the world you're not gonna beat them but this is the exact guide on how to parse in black and layer how to pump you're going to become the best rogue possible I do want to thank you guys for watching this video thank you for taking all of the time I know this was a long one I do do a lot of guides I started doing more water views and going over other people's runs of the dungeon and showing them exactly when they can do things differently to min/max better if you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe if you want to see me do a guide on anything in particular just leave that in the comments and then also I should mention of course that I do to stream on Twitch every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday Tuesdays are what I'm running with my rogues so those are the most educational but you can feel free to hop in hang out and ask me any questions alright guys good luck out there peace out and honestly get those huge numbers
Channel: Sarthe
Views: 107,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Advanced BWL Guide, Blackwing Lair, How to Parse as a Rogue, How to dps as rogue, improve your dps, rogue, rogue dps, best rogue, world #1, #1, Best, Top rogue, Top rogue classic, BWL Rogue, BWL Rogue guide, Blackwing Lair guide, phase 4, classic wow, wow, wow classic, classic, World of warcraft, gold, gold farming, mounts, mage, asmongold, asmongold tv, asmongold reacts, mcconnell, vaulty, metagoblin, punkrat, gold guide, best farm, vanilla, molten core, video games, world first, top
Id: ZsvxR26wRlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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