Classic WoW Elemental Shaman PvE Guide

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greetings everyone welcome to another classic well dot live guide my name is Mildred and I'm happy to present the elemental shaman endgame PvE guide written by caper Finn with some help for myself as with all my guides a pin comment below will have timestamps how you navigate and if you want to read the slides in your own pace there will be a link to Google slides as well as a link to the actual written guide written by caber Finn on classic why not live that goes into a lot more detail some of the things we would not be covering over in the PowerPoint with that let's get started let's go refer some elemental shaman fantasy fire frost and lightning these destructive forces of nature serve as the elemental shamans sword shield and armor a shaman age they gain access to deeper levels of mystical knowledge by communing with the ancestors and the elements through these practices it becomes possible to harness the raw powers of the planet itself most shaman that reached his level of spiritual maturity specialized in restorative magic and medicines however some delve deeper into these unbridled forces becoming conduits for flame ice and lightning elemental shaman are known for unleashing massive amounts of damage in short periods of time leaving their foes vanquished or wishing that they were now before we get started to go over some prerequisite videos that could aid you in understanding this guide at a higher level the first is my advanced shaman guide which goes over a lot of different things spell coefficients talents stats stat priorities and some higher end stuff that may be helpful if you're playing as a shaman there is a part two that's coming out it may already be out depending on when you're watching this video head down to the description below and check if it's already finished part two will cover a lot of things that I've learned from the class while beta and some Corrections I've made due to differences in the beta versus private servers the next is my shaman totem guy which goes over all the totems what they do why they're beneficial and since you are Shum and you will be using totems and raids so knowing which term is used in what situations is very beneficial now I'd like to introduce the author of this guide and someone who's gonna be joining me in this video guide caper fit he is the off of the elemental shaman PvE written guide which is available classic white alive he is the creator of the elemental shaman gear lists which this video will ref and something that you should reference when you're choosing gear for your elemental shaman he's also created the elemental enchant list which you can reference if you're looking for a certain chance for new pieces of gear if you're an elemental shaman endgame he has ample experience with classic shaman dungeon raid tanky DPS and healing and theory crafting he also makes some very interesting instructional videos on a lot of different topics not just some on his YouTube channel check out the link to his channel in the description and he has a community to this court as well all those links will be below now before we get started this slide of the syllabus it goes over all different things we'll be covering from race election to good professions to choose for an elemental shaman buffs debuffs how you can manage your mana and even leveling as an elemental shaman I would use the time stands below if you're returning to this guide or if you want to skip to a certain section so you can move through the guide more efficiently we're gonna get started keep orphans gonna join us in just about a second just want to say that caber friends gonna be going over a large quantity of this guide and I'll be filling in anything for reference or what I think is important so Kay briefing take it away hey guys the names Cape orphan and welcome to my guide before continuing i'd like to adjust a common negative stigma surrounding shaman DPS and World of Warcraft many players don't recognize a shaman as an optimal source for damage and just simply disregard their existence that's pretty harsh this stigma is mainly due to lack of information or a lack of initiative to make it work and people just rather blaze through the game playing something else usually when people talk about shamans the media thought is a restoration healing shaman and the legitimacy of a shaman dealing damage as a caster is just thrown under the bus but today ah today we have tons of tools for gearing breaking down the numbers proper rotation proper mana you name it it's never been more approachable now here's a little disclaimer before moving on to shaman not only by itself is a class that demands a great deal of effort for players to recognize but also the specific path we'll be going on in this guide it is definitely not for the faint of heart so no slackers I'll whip you guys into shape remember you are not just a pure DPS class you also have supportive capabilities as an old man said with great power comes great responsibility now let's talk races races just like any other thing that will be covered in this guide needs to be optimized there are three available races to the shaman troll Turin and orc sadly our long legged friend the troll is the only race that provides a direct benefit to PvE caster oriented DPS however if you want to play something else go for it I won't stop you if you like how it works look like go for it but just know that your DPS output won't be the maximum it could be PvP on the other hand is a totally different subject hardiness from orc is a godsend and to a lesser extent war stomp from Turin does have its situational benefits as well now let's take a detailed look at the troll you might be asking yourself keeper fin white troll why exactly well in short it's because of berserk king berserk Inge increases casting speed based on your remaining HP a faster casting speed means not only damages they'll faster but also effects that we will look at later are triggered faster okay guys time to address the elephant in the room I wouldn't be thorough if I did not address this anything that resembles an elemental should have some level of nature resistance but there are ways to remedy this gear with spell penetration in its tooltip for example is very good for us as well as gear that reduces the targets resistance for example I of moyen and staff of the qiraji prophets so yeah guys this is actually really important from my experience having a lot of your spell damage being mitigated from nature resistance actually feels pretty bad this is something you're gonna have to try to mitigate as much as possible and deal with as much as possible for phase 5 when these pieces come out the great part about it is that these pieces are not only good for that reason but they're also really high on K person's gear list because of their other stats so they're actually very good pieces of gear the table on the top right shows you just how resistance affects your DPS so let's say the boss says 200 nature resistance it's a 50% loss in DPS it can be really staggering and this honestly is the biggest issue with elemental dps it's not the mana you can effectively stay up using a combination of consumables potions and down ranking I have experience with elemental rating and say that first hand the biggest thing is this nature resistance good thing is in phase five and six you're gonna have year that's gonna be dropping which either help spell penetration or I'll say it'll decrease the resistance of your target by X amount but very important to get these pieces if you want to really start doing some damage but in the meantime just try to deal with it something you can just kind of to deal with and you're gonna have to know going in they're gonna be doing less damage on a lot of different bosses and moms okay boys time for professions in the leveling an early endgame we're looking at herbalism and alchemy the potions we get from alchemy can improve our DPS oh yeah you should look like a walking pharmacy making that sweet sweet dough in the late game we're picking up engineering by dropping herbalism our days of picking up plants and roses on the ground are long past us we're getting our engineering degree on so we can build some powerful gadgets for us and our raid now I should mention it's important you portray over a positive attitude by helping others with any potions or tools they might need this will put a positive light on how people perceive you and for secondary professions we actually recommend for you to get all of them all of them can benefit you in some way first aid provides healing that does not require mana that could be huge cooking allows you to get useful food buffs like knife and soup and run ton super surprise instead of buying that stuff you can farm it and make it yourself especially if you have fishing so fishing again will benefit cooking and the work synergistically to either give you these buffs or make you money we suggest to get all three you get a buff you get a buff everyone gets a buff but remember you can only have 32 buffs those are the rules sorry I didn't make them we're looking to acquire buffs that increase our spell crit spouts power maximum mana and mana regen if you somehow lack in a certain area a buff can sometimes be the solution it's important to properly value what you need exactly so let's take a look at what exactly I'm talking about for spell Kurd chance I suggest slip kick savvy if you are super super nice to your raid leader try and get into a group with a balance druid who has moon conform who that spell crit chance for spell damage get your hands on flasks of supreme power but remember they can be quite expensive so use one if you are playing at your best and you're in tip-top shape you'll also want to acquire greater arcane elixir which is a bit more feasible price wise now let's take a look at intellect buffs we want to have the biggest of brains you can never go wrong by filling your stomach with a delicious runt um tuber surprise increasing intellect by ten for ten minutes and make sure the majors throwing our Kant intellect your way you can scowl at them until you do you have my permission now for mp5 buffs we have mana spring totem which is basically just in our own backyard how great is that it's also wise to be in the same group as a restoration talented shaman to take advantage of mana tide totem if mana is disappearing at an alarming rate an innervate can be a potential solution to that if your weapon is feeling a bit lonely throw a temporary weapon enchant like brilliant man oil to rectify that now let's take a look at combination buffs I keep saying this in every one of my guides make sure to get song flowers serenade there is no reason not to have it spell crit and 15 to all stats is absolutely heavenly I mean just just look at the tooltip art it even looks like heaven speaking of stats are also look to get mark of the world as well and if you deem yourself a is somewhat hardcore person you can look into getting mark of the chosen and triggering its effect and then simply remove the trinket and the effect will persist also get limited invulnerability potion so you can get out of those sticky situations if you for example accidentally pull a mob or god knows what now time to move on to probably my favourite topic that I'm sure many of you who have been following my guys are somewhat sick of me saying but let's talk about mind-control buffs I need to preface this by say this is not for everyone many high-end guilds may want to consider getting certain buffs from Alliance priests and paladin's by getting mind controlled by an alliance priest using mind control or with the no mesh mind control cap now this is serious business not to be taken lightly but if you're looking to do the most damage possible look into getting greater blessing of Kings greater blessing of wisdom naturally your guild members can also look into getting buffs for themselves now if you thought were out of the woods just yet sorry that's not the case similar to mind control buffs there are mind controlled mob buffs pretty hardcore isn't it well like I said before this is not a hundred percent necessary but if you want to stand out at least consider it the most influential buffs are resist fire for the molten core raid and fury of Ragnarok - just flat-out increase our damage but keep in mind fury of Ragnaros only lasts 30 minutes so get your butt to the instance or have a warlock summon you now let's talk about special event buffs and notice I say special I gotta be honest here guys it's not exactly easy to get these buffs but luckily there are multiple events that we can take advantage of and plenty of goodies for our picking the most notable buff is from winter veil which grants a whopping 30 intellect and the lunar festival buff which gives 10% to all SATs ah now you might be asking yourself Cape orphan can you please get to the point what buffs and conclusion am I looking to get can you just honestly give me a list well on the screen right now are two screenshots one on the left that assumes you are absolutely pushing the limit and getting the best buffs out there and another screenshot on the right that deals in a more realistic situation now let's talk about D buffs there are a total of 16 D buffs possible on the boss and we're looking to fill each of those bad boys with a really good debuff I'll be going through a few of these juicy D buffs in just a moment also it's assumed these d buffs are at their maximum rank or talent improvement now let's talk about damage increasing D buffs if you didn't know thunderfury + blade of the windseeker please spam in the comments applies a debuff that reduces the targets nature resistance by 25 oh so good next is the debuff from nightfall which is usually being applied by a tank or a DPS class who has the responsibility of applying it and no I'm not going to get into a debate of who should be wielding it if you're looking to achieve an yes make Ascension of damage look no further than storm strike it may be a while until you see it on the boss but when you do mm-hmm the next topic is mana which meant most likely many of you are wondering - what about mana well first of all can you please calm down there are solutions no this isn't to say they never run out of mana but rather that it's exaggerated if you look into putting the effort into playing an elemental shaman look into putting effort into getting major mana potion demonic ruin major rejuvenation potion and the abysmally easy to get night Dragon's Breath remember guys potions also don't share cool down with consumables like demonic ruin now let's explore stat priority in general like any other DPS caster class in the game we also want spell hit but let's get into the nitty-gritty it's that priority depends on the phase you're currently in in phase number one and two there exist so few spell hit pieces of gear luckily thank the beyond the best damage dealing belt and neck Bangkok sash and start mrreow happens to have spell hit on it so generally in phase one and two we're looking at spell hit followed by spell damage followed by spell crit and finally intellect if however a boss fight lasts more than about two minutes and thirty seconds look into getting intellect over spell crit since you absolutely need that extra mana in Phase three an abundance of spell damage gear is available to us to such an extent where a spell hit is a secondary priority luckily much of the spell damage gear has spell hit so we're not straying too far basically spell damage followed by style hit followed by intellect and finally spell crit who time for phase four this is where things get good for us blog vine fest a chest giving us 2% spell it is available to us that's right 2% that's massive and also gives us a decent amount of spell damage we also get access to rune of perfection which gives us that sweet option to reduce the targets magical resistance by 20 generally these four looks like spell damage followed by spell hit followed by intellect and lastly spell crit now you'll notice the switch to intellect from spell crit that's right fights are lasting longer so we need more mana now let's take a look at the phase 5 & 6 here is where the candy shop opens for us and we get to run around in the aisles putting all kinds of good stuff in our pockets anything from spell penetration gear left and right - amazing spell damage gear with spell hit on it you name it the stat priority remains the same as previously spell damage spell hit followed by intellect and lastly spell crit as if I wasn't a nerd already I also made a gearing spreadsheet for you guys that goes into extreme detail I also include for you min maxes out there a mp5 gear set that you can equip while running from one mob to another by all means tell me what a nerd I am in the comments go ahead go crazy he is a nerd but I have to say that this is a great tool and I would definitely use it because you can click on this gear list go to the slot you're looking for and everything is ranked by its value and the value it is a combination of the stat priorities weighted and it goes by phase as well guys use this gear sheet book market if you want to rate as an elemental shaman I think this is a must-have including a enchant spreadsheet and using the right add-ons and making sure your totems are up making sure you're buffing the raid in any way you possibly can now for enchants do I add a little sparkle to our gear now I should preface this by saying some servers treat enchants differently regardless I'll provide you guys with a rough estimate of their arrival and a nicely done enchant spreadsheet yes I know I'm a nerd we can get anything from enchant to increase our spell damage to increase our mana you name it sky's the limit not really there's like everything there's a lot of possibilities for enchants I would definitely follow the ones that are on this Green and use the enchant spreadsheet if you're unsure as you can see for head and legs that is phase dependent so make sure you're going for the right enchant for the right phase and on the right you'll see that the best and chance for each slot again use the spreadsheet if you're unsure now time to talk about my second favorite topic actually yeah I'd say it's my first I'm talking about talents unfortunately they're only desists one talent set up however it yields amazing results I'm talking about 31 0 20 the only change I suggest is if you have a lot I mean a lot of spell crit is considered switching a point from elemental mastery to nature swiftness for burst potential and to use as an emergency heal to alleviate stress from your healers at a moment's notice however this choice is totally up to you both builds are also very good for farming dungeons like dire maul East now guys we'll be going over the totems totems are very important knowing what totem to use you're going to be helpful and helping your raid using totems if you're in a group with another wrestlers shaman make sure to compliment that resto shaman not work against him use totems he's not using he's putting down mana spring put down healing stream most of the time you will not be in a group with other shaman unless you're trying to build a certain type of elemental build and work together in synergize but just know that if you're in a melee group which is rare because your caster you will be putting down in fury and strength of earth if you're in a caster group you're gonna be putting down man of spring and you're gonna be putting it down tranquil air totem if needed so just know you're not just a DPS you're also a hybrid utility bot and you're a totem bot those are very important things now let's talk about those little pieces of wood that you put into the ground that benefits us and other people around it or better known as totems in terms of Earth totem we're looking to improve the lives of others now I don't want to see any gloomy faces out there we have to help wherever needed in the first spot we have strengths of Earth totem which really helps melee classes in the second spot we have stone skin totem again for melee classes those lucky duckies next is stone claw totem an emergency totem to Rio just a grow on a accidentally pulled mob the before last totem is tremor totem a situational totem to deal with fears for example and lastly is earth pine totem another situational totem to slow down crash in an instance now let's take a look at fire totems fire totems that deal damage are very much of a luxury imagine yourself as having a credit card and going on a crazy shopping spree with no limits you put down a fire totem and people look at you in amazement in first place their searing totem nothing special here it basically shoots fireball at the target next is fire nova totem which deals a massive amount of burst damage now remember I said fire damage dealing totems are a costly luxury well that's because it will be more damage to cast lightning bolt and chain lightning our bread and butter spells usually fire totems if you happen to be well equipped will be used during periods of movement and a boss fight since casting them in an ongoing boss fight will trigger the global cooldown thus halting you from casting your main spells in third place is magma totem which deals damage but requires you to be in somewhat close proximity to the boss in fourth spot is frost resistant totem a situational totem to deal against frost damage also I need to point out fire damage dealing totems are capable of critic scaling with fire damage delayed at debuffs and spell damage now let's move on to the next type of totem air totems sadly like earth totems we don't directly benefit from them in first place is grace of air totem which gives a substantial amount of crit and dodge which is much appreciated by most classes in second place is win fury totem this further helps melee classes oh they're so lucky unfortunately dropping a totem place is a global cooldown on us so we're not looking exactly to use it but we may be asked if it's an absolute necessity in the third spot is nature resistance totem a situational totem to deal with nature damage in the fourth spot is tranquil air totem I have to point out every ray group has a fellow shaman putting down this totem to reduce threat especially if fury Warriors are present however remember never use this totem when in the tank group within a raid the before last part is rounding totem to redirect range spells and lastly is win while totem to reduce the damage taken from ranged attacks ah honestly I don't think I've ever seen win wall totem now I'm sure at this point you guys are absolutely tired of hearing you talk about totems but I swear this is the last type of totem let's talk about water totems in first place is not a spring totem which should always be either placed by you or a healing shaman with the talent rest of totems next is mana tide totem a 31-point talented totem exclusive to healing shamans try your best to get into a group with a healing shawnee as mana tide totem is a mana regen improvement from mana spring totem third is healing spring totem providing an area with negligible amounts of healing next is poison cleansing totem unfortunately we can't suck the poison out of our allies so we'll use this totem instead fifth is fire resistance totem to help us with high amounts of fire damage for example in molten core and lastly is well honestly I want to thank you guys for making it this far is probably the most anticlimactic totem disease cleansing totem which unfortunately rarely sees the light of day the next topic our spells now I'm sure you guys notice I did mention a few spells here and there I'll cover the most common spells within our spell toolkit it's pretty simple there's lightning bolt and chain lightning but knowing the correct rank of lightning bolt to use is quite tricky and will depend on your gear buffs boss fight length etc as a general rule cast chained lightning when elemental focus or elemental of mastery is active off of cooldown I should mention there are situational spell to use such as flame shock when a abundance of fire debuff Sauron the boss and nature resistance on the boss is still a hindrance lastly it's frost shock which is used if the boss will most likely die faster then it takes you to cast a lightning bolt or chain lightning which is 2.5 seconds let me explain in further detail in the next section rotation rotation rotation rotation get it that was a realistic joke because of location anyway let's look at basic rotation applicable in the early game in the pre-poll phase make sure all buffs and relevant totems are down next you're gonna want to cast lightning bolt rank 10 move 20 yards in front of you so you're at the appropriate distance to cast shocks and pop a limited and vulnerability potion in case you get aggro follow immediately up with a chained lightning and then test lightning bolt rank 9 until elemental focus procs if forecasts go off without a proc cast to rank 8 lightning bolts and repeat next cast chain lightning rank 4 when proc secure if chain lightning just went on cooldown cast rank 9 lightning bolt instead if chain lightning will be available in about half a second or less weight when elemental master is available use and cache rank for chained lightning now you're gonna want to try and keep this rotation up for as long as possible by popping consumables and potions if you cannot sustain max rank lightning bolt spams down rank instead if you have sufficient mana upgrade to casting rank 10 and rank 9 of lightning bolt I promise you guys I know some of you are thinking oh I need to perceive the matrix to understand this rotation it's not that complicated it just sounds complicated you'll get used to it very quickly let's move on to the advanced later and game rotation oh my god keep the friends gonna cover it you see is if you can't perform everything in here it's not really the end of the world it does get a bit more complicated even have to admit that typically this rotation is applied in phase five or six or if you have very good amounts of mana basically in the pre pol phase make sure all buffs and relevant totems are placed down cast rank one lightning bolt on an unconscious dig rat to proc the tier two point five three piece set bonus and or elemental focus next cast lightning bolt rank 10 and move twenty yards in front of you so you're at the appropriate distance to cast shocks and activate a limited and vulnerability potion in the unfortunate scenario you get aggro immediately follow it up with a chain lightning now let's view the rotation exclusive to phase six in the pre-poll phase it does share these same similarities with the previous rotation by testing rank one lightning bolts to proc the tier two point five three piece set bonus next activate the restraint essence of saffron or any other Spanish trinket and continuously spam chained lightning during the trinkets duration next cast chain lightning whenever the tier two point five three piece set bonus triggers or during elemental mastery if chained lightning just went on cooldown cast lightning bolt rank 10 if chain lightning will be available within half a second wait otherwise cast ranked tenth lightning bolt if you are below 18 percent mana and elemental focus procs cast chained lightning otherwise cast rank 10 lightning bolt until the next proc if after forecasts of lightning bolt do not proc elemental focus cast rank eight lightning bolt until the proc occurs let's talk about situational rotation basically stuff that can't be done all the time but you should know what to do when it happens for example if you receive power infusion prioritize Chain Lightning above any other spell please just do it it does so much damage next try your best to synergize the tier two point five three piece set bonus with your trinket activation the troll racial berserk really helps in this situation next if you're looking to cast nature swiftness or from the following cast chained lightning then major swiftness then rank 10 lightning bolt next aflame Buffett and other fire damage increasing debuff Sauron the boss cast flame shock whenever Chain Lightning is on cooldown next if you need to move around use frost shock and goblins a per charge and you can also look into dropping a searing totem or fire nova told him to further bolster your damage on the meter you can also look into crystal charged if you need to move once again but remember you need to be relatively close to the boss so pay attention for extra Caperton points of insane mid maxing consume your faintly glowing skull while moving the skull is a one-time quest reward item from dirt are the skull increases your deep yes and skills with spell power and some buffs and potions that's right boys I thought of everything anyway I'd like to thank all of you for sticking with me until the end it was an absolute blast if you have any questions feel free to let me know and I'll see you guys next time thank you Kay briefing excellent jobs usual so what are the actual viable justifications that bring in elemental shaman into a raid very fair question historically shaman have looked down upon as far as DPSS are concerned in PvE settings and raids their dps is hindered due to the nature resistance issue and until recently a lot of players did not really understand how to be men and efficient in the class like this however there is a reason that elemental shaman may be actually interesting to bring to a raid in guilds that aren't casual so this is more Fermin max erst there really places for elemental shaman our guild has one but why would it be important for a min max skill to bring one this is a example this has not been tested this is not my idea this is work bits and I think it's a really interesting idea he does not claim that this is something mind-blowing but something to think about so I want to just offer this to you as a exercise and thought so warlocks especially let endgame have a lot of issues with maintaining thread they can pull a lot of fret very easily due to a couple reasons due to their no talents that actually reduce through threat and due to their crits with a hundred percent crit bonus so a five warlock group let's say can only produce approximately 80 percent of their total dps due to the fact that they have to curtail their dps output you can see this in the yellow bars here so each warlock is producing about eighty percent of what they could which is 700 dps in this example for a total dps of 3500 however if you replace one warlock in that group with an elemental shaman using tranquil air totem which reduces the threat generated by those four warlocks by 20% theoretically they can reach or attain 100% of their DPS potential so each warlock now is producing 840 dps if you add an elemental shaman they don't have to do much in order to beat out the old group if they're only putting on 500 dps that's a dps total of 3000 860 or DPS increase of 360 DPS for that group this is an idea it hasn't been mapped out yet I know it worked but it's something that he wants to chop me in the bed that test one classic comes out so I'm gonna think about maybe a reason to brain elemental shaman to a raid in the specific circumstance this really only works if you do without one resto shaman right so if you can go with that another healer it's a possible idea see if it works and get back to me now let's get into levelling as an elemental shaman you maybe think of yourself I want to play elemental shaman endgame and I also in a level as one as well you really wouldn't delve into the class fantasy more power to you leveling is a cancer type elemental shaman though is not very fast at low levels in fact if you play as a caster type shaman without any talent points in the elemental tree it's the slowest way to level and that's how you're gonna be leveling until you hit level for you I've tested this myself in multiple different ways and caster type shaman throwing out lightning bolts Chain Lightning is a very very slow at a level unless you have the talents to bolster those abilities so level 40 hits things change significantly you actually go from the slowest to the fastest I'm actually gonna be testing when that transition actually happens so actually you're gonna look out for that I'm working on a new leveling guide with the stuff I've learned from the beta but when you hit 40 and you're thirty one point talent elemental mastery opens up you're gonna be able to put out a lot more damage your lightning spells will cost a lot less and they'll come out faster that's the biggest thing you'll be able to put out more lightning bolts per unit time and you'll have the insula to really put out the damage right if you're gonna be leveling Enhancement try to Bank away those intellect pieces your mana pools the most important things spell power is good but it's not as easy to come across a compare to in select year if you get spell power gear hold on to it for sure also dungeons elements look to be really fun from firsthand experience now let's go over the basics your stat priority you're gonna hold spell power in select at equal value because spell power is not easy to get in select chiefly is the most important thing but as you have the chance that gets spell power gear definitely get it the only exception is those nature's wrath green pieces they're great but if you have no intellect to cast you're gonna be going in very quick try to strike a balance between an elective spell power Nexus stamina because you're gonna be out in the open world you've been wearing a lot of cloth most likely so make sure you have the stem to stay alive after that is mp5 it's very rare while you're leveling but if you can get it definitely do it and last the spirit you're gonna be out of a five-second rule most of the time but if you're really worried about regen you in between battles have an extra set of spear key or swap back and forth the only thing as a shaman don't benefit from spirit nearly as much as Warriors so just keep that in mind your rotation is pretty easy replace down your steering totem and your man is spring it was really important and if you're not moving put them down and keep them around you next year to activate your max rank lightning shield having any possibility of doing additional damage is always good so I would always put it up actually has a very high HP ma as well so if you're gonna be hit by melee you might as well put out some extra damage if you can if you do feel like you're putting out too much mana don't use it next should be casting lightning bolt until the mob reaches you some people like to play around with frost shocks and kiting with earth pine totem I just find that just spam lightning bolt as much as you can until the mob gets to you and then you're gonna melee that target down like in melee with your dagger or whatever weapon you have I would definitely recommend and I will go over this in my advanced Chameli guide part 2 where I've tested all the weapon buffs rockbiter and win fury are king unless of course you have a lot of spell power that is not nature spell that remember flame tongue is not affected by nature power only if it's pure spell power or if it's fire power right if you have a lot sure go ahead or if the target has a high armor rating then you're gonna use flame tongue and you're gonna melee that target down now there are some things that could happen during combat if elemental focus procs that's your clear casting you're gonna cast Chain Lightning of course that's gonna be a free Chain Lightning I don't care if you're getting May late or not just cast it if I the storm procs that's your no push back you're gonna cast chain lightning again or lightning bolt whatever is man is permitting or whatever HP the mobs that the mob is about to die don't catch chain lightning and of course you're gonna use elemental mastery on cooldown and I will use it during the pull so cast your max rank lightning bolt from max distance pop elemental mastery and then cast chain lightning they'll hit the mob at approximately the same time for a good amount of burst damage now for gearing do not underestimate the importance of armor if you have the choice between mail and cloth and the mail and that has like one less intellect get the mail survivability is key especially on the PvP server when someone's trying to gank you you don't be like a claw fee right you're a shaman you're able to wear heavy armor so do that as much as possible because of the survivability importance I would HIGHLY encourage going one hander and shield over going as a stave wielder having that shield providing a lot of extra armor when you're gonna be wearing a lot of cloth could really make or break you right I would forego using a stave in most scenarios unless it's really really good I'm thinking of like Zuma's vexing cannons over rock but I would switch to a shield if you know you're gonna be having to do some melee definitely have it on you at all times just in case dungeons also offer a great way to get upgrades as well as quick grinding potential so definitely consider doing dungeon as much as possible finally one more tip try to get water for mages if you can because you'll be drinking a lot more than other shaman so anyway you can reduce that cost do it let's go over the first Talent build this is the standard 31 0 20 build the reason you're not going nature swiftness here is because you have to hit level 60 to get nature swiftness end up too late before elemental mastery so this is the build up mush elemental shaman will run the town acquisition order is below the talent tree and this will provide 11% crit so 11% will go to lightning spells 5% of that 11 will go to healing 3% hit both melee and spell and additional 5% spell damage an additional 15% fire to them damage or removal of one second of your cast times of your lightning spells 10% less man if you're letting spell's your ability to get clear casting a hundred percent spell cut bonus instead of fifty your range extended by six yards and elemental mastery which is a free guaranteed critical strike she should always use on Chain Lightning a reduction of 5% mana costs for resto spells a reduction of 25% mana costs pure totems a ten-yard increased here totem range and a 40% chance for no pushback when healing which could be beneficial in some circumstances there is another build it's the elemental devastation into flurry build this is a lot harder to do you won't have a lot of spell crit for Shox we will have 6% for lightning spells isn't huge you can get up to 11 if you go to the resto build but that's still six percents better than nothing so you're gonna fish for procs hopefully what's gonna happen is you're gonna get a crit while the creature is coming towards you and that will increase your chance to mail a crit by 9% so you get that 6% crit you get another 5% spell damage you get 15% fire to them damage and a 9% chance to merely crit increase for 10 seconds after a spell crit removal one second cast time for you spells a reduction of 8% of the mana cost your lightning spells you still have a clear casting proc you still get a hundred percent spell crit bonus and you have elemental mastery and from enhancement you get a 5% increase to your base intellect which isn't great a 5% melee crit chance increased from thundering strikes 15% damage bonus your lighting shield which I would definitely put on yourself just in case I would definitely have it always on before you start pulling the mob because they will chances are they will reach you and then that extra damage is always nice and lightning shield does have a spell coefficient so you have nature damage or spell damage it'll go 20 ish 7% of it will go to Lane yield per orb so that's not bad you gain 2% chance to dodge and you get that 30% attack speed increase after a melee crit from flurry so the package here is you crit with the lightning spell or shock lower chance of that happening the mob gets you you have a high chance to proc flurry and you finish them off with their weapon this is a melee hybrid build your mostly elemental but it's an interesting build unless if you like the more melee oriented approach to leveling it's an elemental shaman I definitely recommend this one guys we did it before we get to the conclusion I just want to say there is a lot of other high-quality shaman resources out there instead of just myself and Kay proof in the aegis guide the rest are shaman is the best written guide out there if you want to heal as a resto shaman and game which is a very popular choice for shaman of course he also has a throughput and efficiency calculator you can use which ranks of heals are the best for certain situations or fit also produces a lot of good shaman content he has a lot of good guides I would definitely check out his channel as well cargoes has some excellent shaman leveling guides that are very well done and very well thought out his link is also in the description I have many other shaman guides I would definitely check out the other shaman guides a link to that playlist will be in the description below the resto shamans progressive best in slot this is best in slot for pre raid and for each raid tier also made by egregious the link to that will be in the description as well and also hamsterwheel has some good shaman content as well definitely check out his channel finally last but definitely not least egregious and I are the heads of the classic Wow shaman discord we have an active community would love to have you in there a link to the discord will be in the description below thank you so much for watching this content make sure to LIKE if you liked this video and subscribe if you're interested in more guides and other types of videos we make here also definitely head over to keep orphans Channel and drop him a like it and subscribe he has a lot of awesome content and puts a lot of work into his channel in addition to guides we also make a podcast called deaf talk and GMA which listenable on SoundCloud Google place that your iTunes and Spotify if you want to join the Deaf camp out on TV community you can do so by joining our discord or our Twitter links are in the description and deaf camp my brother streams regularly on YouTube and twitch his twitch channel is slash deaf camp this guide along with many others is available in classic wat live a resource for tools a resource for forums and a resource for community based guides and other types of videos definitely go check out SoundCloud squad alive it's a very lively environment a lot of different players come and interact last but definitely not least thank you patrons for making videos like this one possible you continually support us and drive us to make better content so thank you very much also thank you to the stream team regular contributors to death camp stream on YouTube and twitch thank you all so much keep on keep on earning rinin peace my shun brothers and sisters may the ancestors be with you and I hope to see you in classic Azeroth greetings adventurers Mel Doron here thank you all so much for watching this video if you'd like to sport some official death captain Elder on t-shirts and hoodies head on over to brand them media's deaf Camp matter on TV merchandise website the link is in the description below
Channel: Defcamp & Melderon TV
Views: 102,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic, wow, world of warcraft, vanilla, shaman, elemental, PvE, guide, end-game, DPS, totem, gear, talents, rotation, enchants, stat priority, leveling, buffs, professions, elysium, lights, hope, light, private server, private, server, commentary, Nost, Nostalrius, azeroth, lightbringer, kronos, comedy, asmongold, alexensual, Battle for Azeroth, BFA, Retail, Tips Out, Kargoz, Alexensual, raid
Id: m7NWG9w8qWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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