20 Underrated Items in Classic WoW

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hey guys hamster wheel here with a new video and today I want to talk with you guys about some underrated items in classic Wow now when I mean underrated I'm talking about items that aren't that well-known and where people often don't realize just how useful they can be in certain situations things like the skull of impending doom and title charm our items that I've seen in PvP and have been brought up so many times that those will not be talked about now with the help the viewers I found items that are fairly unknown or are well known but not a whole lot of people see the potential of said item so without further ado let's start off this list with the mark of the Dragon Lord recommended by Bob plays games an item most people never paid any real attention to and an item that is going to blow a lot of people so what this ring does is give you a shield that absorbs 500 damage but while that seal is active you gain 20 to mana every five seconds and here's the kicker for 30 minutes that's right if you manage to take less than 500 damage in those 30 minutes you will have that extra MP 5 bonus for its entire duration and 22 MP 5 in vanilla is huge that's the equivalent of two mindtap talismans a very popular combo for let's say rest of shamans the only problem with this item is that it drops off of Overlord where the lock in lower Blackrock Spire which isn't as popular a dungeon as let's say upper Blackrock Spire and on top of that it has a very low drop chance but should you be a healer or a class that relies heavily on it B 5 and shoot this item drop you better try and get it because the shield is very powerful next I don't want to talk about is the ravager that drops off of Herot in scarlet monastery armory recommended by promos now the ravager on paper doesn't seem like that great of an item it has no stats and the prop makes you bladestorm while standing still in one place so if you want to move you have to manually cancel the effects however some people have found some very unique purposes for this item including Rosia who has shown that with the right play style you can actually become a pretty decent AoE hunter with that axé being able to farm mobs from lower level dungeons and on top of that every hit that the ravager does has a chance to proc windfury so there is a way where he could be mowing down packs of mobs as a shaman while getting windfury procs for days that's why I consider this item to be very underrated up next is he silent fang recommended by bob plays games a blue sword that drops off dark master gondola in scholomance with a 1.6 attack speed on paper not the greatest but that chance on hit oh boy a silence that lasts a whopping 6 seconds can make or break a fight if you are let's say a warrior or a row trying to bring down a caster you'll still have to be lucky as it's only a chance on hits and not a use but at the right moment at the right time this can be an absolute deal breaker and a very nifty item for someone who wants an extra weapon in their arsenal that and the fact that this is a weapon means you can swap it out during combat for some added flexibility then we move on to the Annihilator recommended by Mike Bowman hope I'm pronouncing your name correctly an item crafted by a blacksmith this is an item that I've barely ever seen on private servers and it's a shame because this is probably one of the best main handlers to have for a tank that is currently off tanking a boss being able to not just be a standby for the main tank but as an added bonus add three stacks of 200 reduce armor on the boss now as we know rogues and well geared fury warriors can do a lot of damage and 600 reduce armor on a boss can definitely give their DPS a bump and perhaps even make or break a fight all that is possible with the Annihilator and while the price for all the mats is admittedly quite steep it is still an underrated item if you ask me next I know I want to talk about a secret staff an item that you get from a quest called leaders of the Fang now I know what you're probably thinking underrated this it's one of the most common blues you would get as a caster well yeah you're right for a caster however this item is also great for warriors wait what but it has intellect and spirit well yes but let me explain you see in the early stages of leveling a warrior on the Horde side you don't exactly get any really good two-handed weapons sure you can go to the auction house or hope for a really good random world drop but what if you can't rely on either of those two situations well then look no further warriors this is your go-to weapon in your late teens and early 20s because while the stats are kinda terrible the damage is really good trust me I've tried this out on my own server and even with crappy gear I was able to mow down mobs at a very respectable pace I know that wearing a staff as a warrior is kind of weird but things like sword or axe specialization our talents are come into play much later on your past level 30 so yeah get this as a warrior if you're going to level up as a two-handed fury warrior or something you're gonna love it mob next is the green whelp armor also recommended by Mike Bowman and crafted by a leather worker this item is absolutely wonderful if you're leveling in a zone where there's a lot of PvP going on like strangle from Vale because every melee attack has a 5% chance to put the target to sleep for 10 seconds 10 seconds is enough for a melee to bandage up or for a druid to heal up gain distance and rout the enemy so this can be a deal breaker in completely ruined and open or for let's say a rogue who's trying to gank you with cheap shot than kidney shot if he gets put to sleep its combo is ruined and you have a good chance to counter him also it's not that expensive to create so when I'm leveling my aura contra in classic you can rest assure knowing that I will have this ready to go if I'm going to a hotbed for gankers up next is the war monger recommended by medigap line and it's a world drop so this item has a warrior slash paladin feel to it it's a sword with a 3.0 attacks which is not the best three strengths and three percent hit which makes this item great for hunters in early and game weight hunters oh yeah despite this thing having that three strength on it it's still an amazing item for hunters who are going to raise and need to stock up on extra hit chance because the three percent hit alone makes this item worth getting if you can get it off the auction house for a decent price I know it might look a little weird but I've seen hunter after hunter wear this as their very first rating weapon so to say because there are very little weapons in the game that offer you this much extra hit chance and as we all know it chance is the first stat you should focus on if you're a DPS and want to start rating next item I want to feature in this video is the horned Viking helmet that drops off of Eric the Swift in older man and it was recommended by lifepro it's a level 40 plate item with agility and stamina but more importantly it does exactly the same thing that the goblin rocket helmet does though this has a thirty minute cooldown compared to the rocket helmets twenty minutes but still a non-engineering item that makes the target incapacitated for thirty seconds that's a dream item for anyone who's heavy on the PvP and has big enough balls to take on a 2v1 so it's another item definitely worth keeping in the back of your head should you want to have some extra utility in your PvP activities up next is the black duskwood staff a staff with no caster stats and a chance on hit for melees yea the staff has always been an odd duckling and because of those stats no one really saw any value in it and does it always ended up on the auction house for next to no money however as I've just explained with the Crescent staff wearing a staff is a melee dps isn't necessarily a really bad thing and the same goes for this item now this is a level 33 item so any warrior should have their whirlwind axe by now and have something like axe or sword specialization depending on the item however for enhancement shamans this item isn't half bad it has a fast attack speed and no real stats but because you can pick these up for dirt cheap and because the dps is still not too shabby you can actually do a fair amount of damage with this thing and used this for leveling and even some PvP sure you might look a little funny as an enhancement shaman wearing a staff but you'll have the last laugh when you mow someone down with a wintry crit using this item now it's time to talk about the Phantom blade recommended by fish-food 1:59 a very cool looking item but also a very handy chance on hit because it decreases the armor of the target by 100 for 20 seconds but more importantly they can not stealth or turn invisible during these 20 seconds which makes it's a great counter weapon for when you're fighting a rogue who mid fight wants to vanish and open up on you again because now they can't anymore that and it has a decent 2.6 attack speed and a damage itself is pretty good too the only problem is that it's rather expensive to make but despite that I'd say it's still a pretty underrated item because of that chance on hit time to talk about something a little different the crystal of Zen Melora recommended by moon ste this item is part of an alliance quest and if you never hand in that quest you can have this item for as long as you please so what does it do well as you can see it deals damage and drains 100 to 500 mana every seconds if you're not worthy it also takes away health so equipping this will make you kill yourself but wait how on earth is that useful well here's the thing if you die by this item and not by let's say a raid boss because your rate is wiping you get no durability loss and no durability loss means no repairable which in the end will save you lots of money if you have this with you for a rate so that's why in my humble opinion this item is underrated it's a great way to cure yourself without suffering any durability loss next item is an item you don't wear but a separate usable item the clutch of foresight recommended by fish-food 159 this item drops off of molecular palette and Stratholme what this does is basically the same thing as a mages counter spell it counters the enemy spell cast preventing any spell from that school of magic being cast for 10 seconds that and it also generates a high amount of threat unfortunately when you use the item it's gone and you can all carry one at a time but despite this I'd still say it's a pretty sick item to hold on to if you're running Stratholme and as drops imagine being a mage having this in your bag finding another player that wants to kill you and right after you things you use your counter spell you pull this out and catch him by surprise with a double counter spell that and because it generates a high amount of threat you could also hold on to this if you're a tank and looking for some extra threat on a particular target all in all not a mind-blowing item but something that can definitely throw people off if you use this in PvP up next is the jagged obsidian shield which on its own is a half-decent item but that three-second silence is definitely not something to ignore elemental shamans are probably ones that can benefit the most from this as they always prefer to roll around with a main hand and a shield and since they can decimate their opponents in just a few seconds with the amount of burst damage they can do a small window of 3 seconds where the other target is silenced could be enough to make or break a fight especially cause a chain lining + earth jacquimo takes only 1.5 seconds to cast and with a little luck can deal well over 2,000 damage next I don't want to talk about is the Shadrin recommended by aj 9lives and is an item crafted by blacksmiths it has a chance on here to disarm the target for 10 seconds 10 seconds is a huge time window so let's say you're battling a warrior with a big two hander he can now do next to no damage in a 10 second time window which again can be a huge opportunity for you to turn the fight and come out victorious and because it's a weapon you can once again swap this out during combat so you can react instantly when getting charged by a warrior and trying to turn the tide with this item and then we get to the Wind Weaver staff a staff with stamina intellect and arcane damage so on paper this doesn't look like a great staff warlocks and priests don't rely on arcane damage and majors don't use arcane missiles that often so what's the purpose of the staff well-balanced drewett's if you're one of those drewett's that wants to actually try and level as a balance druid here's your staff this thing is amazing for its level and with a few well selected items means you can deal nasty stars friar crits at an early level and completely catch people by surprise it is a random world drop so you do have to hold that either you get it yourself or that it's on the auction house for a decent price then we have mirror song recommended by Bob plays games which you can get through a quest chain that involves you going to scholomance so what's so great about this item it doesn't have some weird chance on hit the stats aren't anything to write home about why is this here well first off this item is fairly unknown to the general classic public throughout my years and years of playing on retail vanilla and vanilla private servers I've barely ever seen any rope with this and while I admit that there might be better off handlers out there this one is still worth considering first up it's a sort not a dagger so if you're going combat sort spec that means two weapons that can benefit from sword specialization next it has a pretty fast attack speed great for applying poisons to the target so while this doesn't do anything super special it's still a solid weapon that not a whole lot of people know of which makes this item pretty underrated if you ask me next item is serenity recommended by Bob plays games yeah I know the guy was on fire with the recommendations anyway this is another item with a pretty nifty chance on hit it dispels a magic effect on the current foe now against some classes this might not do a whole lot like maybe take away it drew its mark of the wild buff however it can be quite nasty against the palin who just popped their blessing and protection or hand of freedom and then this item takes it away it is quite situational but in the situation like that it can really turn a 1v1 into your favor and for that reason I decided to put this on the list next I don't want to talk about isn't really an item it's a whole set which is the iron we've set recommended by Gordon Tseng now at first glance this set seems terrible for casters they have no spell damage no spell hits crits or whatever what they do have however is a lot of armor on a warlock with a simple scroll of protection any mark of the wild buff I managed to get somewhere around 35 to 40 percent damage reduction you get 10% chance to resist silence and interrupt effects which combined with soul link means you're probably going to be able to take a huge beating and completely throw off a warrior as he's probably thinking why the hell am i hitting this cloth e4 so little this doesn't make any sense of course for this to really have a huge effect you're going to have to get at least the majority of the set which can't take a lot of time but it's definitely something to keep in the back of your head when running dungeons and in some situations can help you out a lot like fighting a rogue thinking he can take away a huge chunk of your health with this initial stun lock and because of that I decided to throw this onto the list as well next item on this list is the Demon Slayer another item that usually ends up on the auction house pretty cheap mainly because it only has increased attack power against demons however to a hunter this item could be very useful for we are fighting demons or your guilt goes out to let's say kill Lord Kazik I mean think about it 99 extra attack power is more than some really good epics give like ash candy and considering how this is a level 52 blue item that isn't all that expensive to get I'd say for the right situations this say very nifty and underrated item and the last item I want to talk about is the wild thornmail and item crafted by blacksmiths now in my years of playing vanilla on Brazil and my years of playing on vanilla private servers I have barely ever seen someone craft this let alone wear this mainly because it is admittedly rather expensive to make but the stats are pretty insane for elemental shamans I mean think about it is there any other chests out there that offer you that much spell damage at such an early level hell even the Zen DeLarge shaman chests the go-to chests for elemental shamans which you get much later down the line has the same amount of spell damage I mean sure that spell damage and this is nature damage but since elemental shamans rely mostly on nature damage that particular difference is pretty small and the cool thing is if you combine this with the elven spirit claws a letter B OE item that usually isn't too expensive off the auction house you will have a whopping 55 bonus nature damage from just two items that you could have before even reaching level 50 so while this item is expensive to make I'd say it's definitely still worth it and because it's fairly unknown I'd say that this is definitely an underrated item and there you go guys 20 items that I feel are underrated in classic Wow I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll be back very soon but until then I'm hamster wheel and have a good one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hamsterwheel
Views: 407,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world, of, warcraft, world of warcraft, hamsterwheel, hamsterwheelgaming, classic, classic wow, items, item, level, horde, alliance, itemization, vanilla, vanilla wow
Id: 0BBxc8EB0x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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