Classic WoW: 60 Hunter PvE Field Manual (Pets, Rotation, Talents, BiS Gear, Stat Weights, etc!)

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[Music] readings ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the channel my name is cargoes and today I am very excited I'm very proud to present for your viewing pleasure this sixty hunter PvE Field Manual now this was by far the most ambitious project I've ever taken on when it comes to YouTube stuff this easily took 200 hours plus to get done but it was very rewarding I learned a lot I had the great honor and privilege of working alongside some of the best hunters from around the world guys that have had great success not only in og vanilla but have had great success on private servers have some of the top parses on on legacy players so it was a lot of fun and so the vision for this project was to create a truly comprehensive resource for those of you that are interested in playing classic hunter and classic Wow and experiencing the PvE content so this is gonna be a great a huge knowledge jump of sorts this is 130 slides plus let's get right into it so I have to say this video is just meant to supplement the actual guide the guide is going to be found in the description below it's a link out to a Google slides presentation its cloud-based we can all comment on it we can improve upon it it's the nature of the beast with video guides the second I put it out there it's gonna be imperfect I'm gonna put my foot in my mouth so just take everything I'm about to say with a grain of salt and should be a good time so let's do it first off here's your chain of command here the guys I was talking about some real legends in the mix here now reside the ravager I'm a huge fan of this guy on YouTube back in back during Knost I used to watch all this videos his hundred tutorials I just think he's a world-class guy so nice so knowledgable he was on countdown to classic you may have heard him there with Timecop talking about hunters man such as such a tree getting to work with him corn holy rated with Tala drill and scuba cops Serra novice fade has some sick parses on legacy players myself watch her 6 he's a he's a TC guy and the hunter discord very quantitative really helpful out the spreadsheets and the research Alondra says well man we did how many times that we look this guide over a laundress man big shoutout to you man appreciate everything he did in camelina so here's the you know the hundred class leaders right here so to speak here's a table of contents we won't break it down too much we were just gonna assume that you just hit 60 so we're gonna congratulate you and we're gonna kind of evaluate the server environment and figure out your first moves we're gonna get into rotation a lot to unpack here so we'll go over some of the nuances of your shots rotation fundamentals single target multi target full verse clip gear swapping trinket rotation melee weaving kiting things like this hunter stats we're gonna get into the real basics the foundational stuff range avoidance 101 we'll talk about hit cap crit cap we're gonna talk about stat way it's progressive stat weights it's not a term you hear too often but we're gonna break down the stat way it's you at each different raid tier so we're gonna put full best gear on and then we're gonna find this that weight so you can find out how much attack power 1% crit is worth how much attack power 1% hit is worth how much ap do you get per point of a G this is stuff that's gonna be useful for you as you decide on a piece by piece basis how to itemize then we're gonna talk about 100 talents there's four main specs we're gonna talk about we're at some about 100 pets this is something I love talking about very requested topic I'll give you a brief annotated history of hundred pets I went back to the Wow wiki site and went one patch by patch and really broke it down and finally finally I think got the story straight we're gonna go over all the pet breeds the holy trinity I've listed them all out by attack speed under 2.0 beast training a big topic that doesn't really get talked about that much we're gonna talk about progressive beast training how you're gonna spec your pet out for each pet either for each hour right here some other stuff related to pets as well but anyway we're gonna talk about the hunters gear so how does hundred B is even work what is the range weapon progression look like and then we have progressive itemization here we've broken down previous by patch phase one which is molten core Blackwing Lair azul group Ahn'Qiraj naxxramas rosa has some really nice thoughts on the armor sets which i've included as well then we have gear and chance world buffs and consumables we've got some some hundred tools and we'll finish off with the hunters the hunt we'll talk about Mardon princess runs real quick dharma tribute runs farming devil store leather we're gonna have links out the guides in these won't spend too much time on that stuff don't alright let's hop right into it guys congratulations you just hit level 60 you're a hunter I know you know some classes have it worse but getting to level 60 in vanilla on any classes and achievement you should be proud of yourself Congrats so there are three main broad objectives that you can pursue in classic Wow three kind of currencies so to speak the first is gold very self-explanatory gear and the third one is social standing so what do I mean by this it's like going back and mob tagging for friends or earning good rapport on your server there's some sort of value there and you can allocate time towards that so the real TL DR here is this evaluate the server environment figure out is it fresh is it established where are you in relation to the pack are you ahead are you behind are you right in the middle because this is gonna factor into your line of play right like if you're one of the first on a server you're probably gonna want to do all the open world stuff that's available to you that's not gonna be available to other people like farming Devils or leather or herbing or whatever it might be taking advantage of having that open area to yourself now if you're playing solo with no guild and no confirmed raiding spot you may want to forego gold as a priority and just get as much gear as possible to get your epic mount to get your attunement squared away so that you can be an easy you know an easy acquisition for a guild that's looking to bring you bring you into our rate slot prioritize objectives these are some of the many things you can do in classic world of warcraft by no means am i trying to tell you how to play but here's some things you can keep in mind it may influence your decision-making if you can free farm Devil source before a Mafia or a cartel forums do it these are not only needed for you to craft their own Priebus items with the devil source set but they also retain value very well you can go out and tame a cat a wolf in a wind serpent make sure their abilities are trained to max and you're good to go on the pet front loyalty level all that stuff you can farm dire maul north tribute runs you can farm a rotten princess runs you want to get your attunement squared away molten core on niches where there are links if you go to the actual guide in the google link below there'll be links out to those guys video guides also you're going to be competing for the most competitive Priebus you're going to competing with warriors and rogues and other hunters to get stuff like true strikes and dal ran everybody in there mama wants that stuff so ideal you want to lead your own dungeon groups if you can if at all possible so you can optimize the group composition give yourself the best possible chance of acquiring the gear that you need to acquire tier two priorities on a real on a fresh server if you're one of the first to sixty you might be able to play the auction house a little bit invest that gold snipe some cheap stuff sometimes some stuff is listed under value buying rare recipes getting your thorium ammo recipe leveling up engineering buying phat frost oral recipe all this stuff right alright I'm not going to spend too much on that so the hunted role in a nutshell in a group PvE environment is you're going to be a mobile ranged physical damage dealer with high utility we've been back and forth on this nav akin egregious and a land I where I thought we're all talking about do hunters have high utility sort of come to the consensus that they do they have a lot of utility they can pull they can kite they can potentially a good hunter can potentially change the the strat you're going to implement when it comes to the different boss fights different encounters one of the key pieces of utility is removing frenzy this is almost gonna guarantee at least a couple slots for hunters in a raid with tranq shot crowd control buffing you can be a good viable nightfall wielder tier to set bonus expose weaknesses very solid very strong buff aspect of the pack hunters more true shadow or up alright we're gonna talk about the hunter rotation now this is the meat and potatoes of things this is there's a lot to unpack here so I'll try and break it down as simple as I possibly can I'm gonna start off just the nuances of your shot auto shot multi shot they say instant on the tooltip they're not instant they have like a hidden point five second cast time to them you cannot use them while moving auto shots cooldowns going to depend on your ranged weapons attack speed it's just your auto shot if your ranged weapons attack speed right so stuff like your quiver quick shots procs rapid fired you do flurry this stuff will impact how fast you shoot it on auto shot while moving same thing with multi shot one tip with multi shot is something I learned from Rose ayah back in the day Washington's videos down ranked multi shots probably the best way for you to conserve mana and optimize your damage you don't lose all that much damage but you save a lot of mana now you really shouldn't have that many many issues as a hunter if you're popping demonic runes and major mana potions but if you do this is one great way that you can you know still do good damage and decrease your mana consumption down ranking multi-shot and there's even rank one multi-shot still gonna benefit from talents good stuff so you're probably ready familiar with this by now since you just leveled a hunter but multi shot fires projectiles in a predictable Conal pattern that you can kind of memorize and it allows you to you know you're gonna get kind of a sixth sense with this stuff you're gonna know when to use it when not to use it and when it might be a liability the next shots up aim shot arcane shot they both share the same cooldown that's why they're on the same slide so if you aim shot you can't arcane shot right after if you arcane shot you can't aim shot right after aimed shot is your highest damage dealing shot it has a three second cast and a 6 second cooldown can't do anything about the cooldown but you can do something about the cast so stuff that increases your attack speed will reduce the cast time of aim shot you cannot use em shot while moving you can use Eames shot you can use arcane shot while moving so both multi shot I'll go back a slide so both multi shot and aim shot both benefit from your weapon from your weapon damage so prioritizing slow weapons with the high damage range is going to be optimal for you so em shots aimed shots cast time during a quick shots proc quick shots again is the is the proc from the aspect of aspect of the ha ha tier one talent in the beast mash in the Beastmaster tree during a quick shot sprocket is a 2.3 second cast doing rapid fires to put 1/4 and if you if you align rapid fire with quick shots it's 1.65 alright so arcane shot down ranking arcane shot can be fantastic as well it can just be like a ranged poke type thing that's another thing I took through Batum from Rose AIA it's a way to keep stuff and keep a player or a or a mob in combat with you there's a lot of potential utility with arcane shot and you know one thing interesting about the interesting thing about arcane shot so it doesn't scale with attack power scales with spell damage it does ignore armor it can be partially or fully resisted so it's functioning as a spell in many respects but it follows the melee hit table it doesn't have that big things 17% penalty from spells so hunter shots are kind of in like a unique category so ya down raking it is stuff there are some situations where mobility is an issue you're not gonna be able to cast name shot so you manned for six seconds or something like that then you might as well throw in an arcane shot right all right rotation fundamentals pay attention this is really important if you take two things and two things only from this guide it's gonna make you a better hunter player it's this one understand that your auto shot is the bread and butter of your damage I want you to think of auto shot is like a pendulum swinging back and forth you always want to keep the pendulum swinging and you know we've both your movement and abilities between cooldowns or between the swings and the pendulum all right so your auto shot is key and you're never really gonna get a hundred percent uptime on your auto shot but you want to get damn near as close as you possibly can get alright so we're gonna talk about full version of the rotation clipped version of the rotation all this stuff pertains to auto shot not anything else auto shot is just is the key and the second thing that I want you to take away from this guide if you learn nothing else is download an auto shot timer because in order to accurately monitor the pendulum swings you're gonna need some visual way to do that so what you're seeing the left sided screen here is a picture of Rose iya shooting popping off his crossbow and you're gonna see this little bar I wish it was animated it's not but this bar will kind of fill up and reset over and over again and it will tell you when you're good to move when you're when or when you need to plant your feet and get ready to shoot so keep that in mind guys the optimal range weapon speed to maximize auto shot uptime or it's gonna slot in with your your cooldowns really well as three point four five seconds this weapon doesn't exist so you're inevitably you're inevitably going to reach situations run into situations where you're gonna have to make a decision on whether or not you're gonna auto shot are you gonna use em shot right away or a multi shot right away and we're gonna get into that more later as I wonder you're gonna want to gravitate towards ranged weapons with high damage range and slow weapon speed and because we're going with the slow weapon speed if you miss even one auto attack that's going to be severely detrimental because you're not attacking that fast okay let's move on here is the first look at the full single target rotation don't get overwhelmed we'll take a piece by piece if you're a new hunter player you can ignore the burst CDs thing at the at the beginning you can ignore the stuff about flex spots optional Raptor strikes or feign death trinket swapping just know this in essence the core of the hunter rotation is an auto shot to start why in Auto scheffers because you want to get that pendulum swinging back and forth then you're gonna want to weave stuff between swings in this pendulum so you auto shot first then you aim shot as soon as you start that aim shot you're gonna send your pet bake it into the ability to do something like that pet control is very big we'll talk about it later why do you not start with the pet attacking first because your pet can potentially beat the tank to the target and be a liability to your your group so you want to start with an auto shot best practice to send your pet as you start casting that first aim shot then you're gonna go another auto shot which will happen automatically after most likely and then you're gonna go multi shot to auto shots and then you're gonna aim shot again that's that's like that in essence so with many things in vanilla on a surface level it can be very basic but when you factor in everything you can do to like min max your rotation the rabbit hole goes deep so we'll talk about a little bit more now so that's second auto shot after your multi shot this is what I like to call the Flex spot if you're gonna do something a little spicy you're gonna want to do it at this spot now it may not only may not always be to auto shots for the aim shot you see what I'm saying cuz auto shot is gonna depend on what actual weapon you have it's gonna be different on a weapon to weapon basis and we have a list at the end of this power of the end of this presentation showing what version of the rotation you're gonna end up using based on what exact weapon you have it's gonna math out differently with different break points but that flex spot you can feign death trinket swap you can weave in a melee strike and a goblin sapper charge also why do you want to pop burst cooldowns right at the start why wouldn't I wait for that first aim shot to finish casting because we're not even in combat potentially at that point it's because you want to use your burst cooldowns right at the start of the fight so you have more of an opportunity to use them later also it's going to reduce your aim shot cast time as we said not the cool down but it'll it'll reduce that and as well as increase the speed of your auto shots anyway okay if hunters mark is a authorized debuff slot sometimes most of time I'd say and raids it's authorized as the sixteenth debuff slot you're gonna want to apply that before combat obviously so yeah down raking multi shot flex about we talked about it so there's your first look at the single target rotation we're gonna talk about full verse clip now don't think of clip this bad don't think of full is good they're neutral it depends on your on a weapon to weapon basis which version of the rotation you're gonna use it all comes down to your auto shop when you're talking about full version and talking about your auto shot we talked about clipped versions talking about your auto shot so let me break it down for you check it out aim shot six second cooldown multi shot 10 second cooldown auto shot variable cooldown like I said before it these three things are not always gonna align perfectly so you're gonna reach a situation many times where the pendulum is swinging and your auto shouting and you start your auto shot but at this is but your aim shot is coming off cooldown right at the same time what do you do do you finish your auto shot you finish casting that auto shot or you immediately smash that key bind for aims shot to immediately use your ability the second it comes off cool then this is the essence of the full verse clipped versions of your damage rotation cyclone if you opt to use that ability the second it comes off cool down the millisecond it comes off cool down that is a clipped damage rotation cycle because you're clipping your auto shot now if you decide to let that auto shot finish before casting or aimed or multi shot or whatever this is a full damage rotation cycle so there's only really four major weapons range weapons you're gonna use throughout the entirety of vanilla and three out of four of them are gonna tell you use your full your full damage rotation cycle so it's almost a best practice to not get trigger-happy and smash the key bind and use your abilities right away but the first major weapon upgrade you get is Rock the lar and that's gonna the math it maths out in a way we're clipped is actually going to do more so important it's important to know conceptually what I'm talking about here I hope this stuff is making sense but that's the essence of what the folders clip this here's a visual demonstration of what the clip single tar target rotation looks like and how to implement it so at the bottom here you see a green bar this is a time line in seconds from 0 to 11 seconds you see with the brown cast time and the gray cooldown bar that's your auto shots we're assuming you have no gear on you're completely unbuffed you have no quiver you have a 3.0 second attack speed range weapon equipped you're going to 0.5 cast time you know start your auto shot it's gonna have a 3 second cooldown right because it's a 3 second attack speed weapon you're gonna see a rotation play out and be executed just like we talked about and then you're gonna reach a situation once you start to get like second 8 9 10 11 where your aim shots coming off cooldown but you're getting ready to auto shot again what do you do do you do do the next auto shot or do you just smash em shot right away now if you were to just smash em shot right away let's say you have Rockville are equipped this would be an example of the clip single target rotation all right we're gonna go just show you quick examples we have all the itemization later on but this is just what I was talking about before first weapon you'll likely have is Bloodseeker from doing the all track valley quest really good full full rotation full version of the rotation so then the next weapon upgrade is gonna be rocked alarm this is gonna be clipped it's gonna be clip version of the rotation a third upgrade it's gonna be Austria lad from crow Magus and Blackwing Lair this weapons gonna take you all the way to Big Katie all the way to next Aramis this weapon is phenomenal for hunters you're gonna be using the full version of your damage rotation cycle fourth and final weapon you're gonna be used can be bist forevers and a ruby enslave maker a full version of the image rotation cycling moving on gear swapping you may have seen rogues do this you may have seen hunters do this but in classic while you can't switch gear around while in combat other than weapons right throw on a shield sword and board you can throw on weapons but you can't switch around gear now you can get around this as a hunter and kind of with a rogue as well if you vanish if you feign death there will be a moment in the combat between the combat pulses that you can swap around not only trinkets but gear as a whole you can swap around set bonuses you can put new new trinkets this is most applicable when it comes to trinkets this is this is not a niche thing this is actually very important for you to be successful as a hunter you're gonna have to get into you're gonna have to get into the mindset of swapping trinkets around so you guys know that in vanilla a lot of the trinkets have very powerful on use effects so you can cycle through multiple of these trinkets throughout the course of a fight with your feign death cooldown so you're pretty much gonna you know expend your your unused trinkets initially wait to get full value from them because if you feign death and trinket swap before you've gotten the full value from them let's say you have a trinket that gives you a tag power for 30 seconds if you feign death five seconds into the effect of that trinket and you swap trinkets you're gonna lose that effect so you want to first extract full value from the trinkets then you're gonna want to go ahead and proceed to feign death then swap trinkets you're gonna have to do it pretty quick you're gonna likely need something like outfitter in order to make this happen a few thief's you key things to keep in mind there's only one unused trinket in the game that is usable alongside another anu's trinket and that is badge of the swarm guard this is a phenomenal trinket it drops off battle guards sart aura and encourage aside from this you can't stack on use trinkets I think the reason why badger the swarm guard operates in this way is because it gives you a chance as opposed to just giving to you some flat you know bonus for a bunch of seconds or whatever second thing you need to keep in mind is that when you swap into a new new trinket you're gonna have 30 seconds with that nutrit while that new trinkets like cooling down before you can use it so you have to keep this in mind and then the third thing and part of that second thing is what I said before you want to extract full value from your trinkets before you decide to swap them the last thing I'll say so the key tip is to recall your pet back to you make sure he's not attacking the boss when you do decide to execute a trinket swap because it will if you're if your pet is on the boss once your pet attacks the boss it's gonna put you back into combat and it's going to reduce that opportunity between the pulses of combat to execute this trinket swap moving on alright so check it out here's another trinket Rena takis charm of beasts this is best forever for hunters this is phenomenal and it impacts your rotation it's not it's not the craziest thing ever but I think it's important to spell out the I think you add this from that that ZG event all right for how it's called but anyway you're gonna execute your your rotation pretty normal right everything looks normal right but then on that flex spot the aforementioned flex spot what you're gonna do at this stage is you're going to pop Rena takis trauma beasts right in in place of that second auto shot it's going to reset the cooldown on AIM shot and multi-shot worry about volley or arcane and then you're going to immediately aim shot and re execute the full version of your damage rotation cycle alright so you're able to like double up your like double-dipping on your on your aim shot and multi shot and that one-shot macro we're popping is there our boost burst cooldowns ideally it's gonna be rapid-fire alongside badge of the storm guard that I just talked about so you're able to basically stack the effect of Rena taki Sharma beasts with the effect of badge of the storm guard ok so then after your initial burst of rapid fire resolves right the effect of rapid fire is no longer you don't have a quick shots act if something like that what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna you're going to wait till you're that next flex pot arises after that multi shot so it's gonna go multi shot auto auto on that second auto what you're gonna do is you're gonna go potentially if you want to try hard you can go into you can pop you can throw a goblin sapper charge feign death swap to your next set of trinkets whether that be a passive trinket or another on use trinket and proceed and resume your rotation at that point alright so if you're playing to troll hunter which is a Miss on the Horde side as far as PvE DPS we got some tips for you courtesy of a laundress who plays a drawing if it's a three to five minute fight okay so okay before I start on that buzzer 'king is the 3 minute cooldown rapid-fire is a 5 minute cooldown if you're unfamiliar with what biz irking does mazurkin gives you between a 10% and 30% haste bonus based on how much health you have so the lower the health you have is very flavorful ability you'll be you'll you'll getting you'll be you'll be getting more of a haste bonus right so if it's a three to five minute fight use both on the poll after three minutes use the troll won again a SAP five to six minute fight used both on the poll wait the two minutes then use both again this is again if you have a good sense of how long the fights going to take if it's a six plus minute fight use both on the poll use troll again ASAP after three minutes and then you're gonna run into a situation where rapid fire is off cooldown do you use it right away the recommendation here is to wait an additional minute because that's what it's going to take for your your buzzer King to recharge a third time and use them again together now this is the key takeaway if you have access to berserk King and you're gonna use them both together you're not going to aim shot you're not going to aim shot but if both of these are active you're gonna get more value from your audit from your auto shots okay so keep that in mind now if you really want to try hard and and some proto hunters do this what you can do is before the fight you can unequip all of your gear then re-equip it which will leave you with low health already and this is going to increase the effect berserk is gonna have on you and give you closer to that 30% effect now another thing you can do to further optimize is you can pop a demonic rune and make yourself go even lower so when you start the fight you pop both your legit ak-47 mode just just popping off like crazy at the boss it's noted butters all right moving on multi target rotation you're gonna lay a trap before the fight autoshop multi shot auto shot you can throw whatever consumables you have oil of emulation explosive consumable you can weave in a second feign death into a second trap again traps are unusable out of combat the main key takeaway here is you're gonna prioritize multi shot over an shot but at the same time if you prioritize multi shot over am shot in the long run it's gonna mess up your rotation the timings gonna get messed up so I would only recommend this against basically three Plus targets and if the fights only gonna last a couple damage rotation cycles if it's gonna if it's gonna drag out you may as well just Optima you may as well just use the single target rotation alright with with em shot as a priority there's something about using the 10 second cooldown first before the 6 second cooldown the Jax it all up if you're fighting in a huge amount of mobs and I don't really know the exact rape breakpoint we put 10 there if you're fighting a ton of mobs you can channel volley all right rotation priority melee abilities so wrap the strike functions like heroic strike accused up with your next Auto Attack gives you a little bonus the melee damage interesting thing is this the other hunter melee ability is so Mongoose bite and counter-attack and wind clip you can use them at the same time they operate independently a mongoose bite and counter-attack are only situationally available after you've dodged your parry wind clip is always available to you and that's why the hunters are so good at swing at nightfall we'll get into that on the next slide but you can use like wing clip the same time you use raptors strike you can use mongooses same time you ever have to strike that's why you have like those one button melee macros for hunters we're gonna get into nightfall if you are the designated nightfall wielder this is your rotation it's very simple you're gonna go ahead and wrap the strike and wing clip at the same time Rank 1 wing clip whatever your man is gonna permit and be able to sustain right then you're just gonna keep spamming Rank 1 wind clip until you get this little proc this debuff proc so if you're not if you're unfamiliar with what nightfall does it's a crafted weapon that gives you a chance on hit to increase spell damage taken by the target by 15% for 5 seconds so once the debuff procs you're gonna stop spamming wind clip at this point you can go back into range and pop off one range ability if you want and then once it falls back off you can go back into melee range and start rinsing and repeating this rotation to try and keep nightfall up as much as possible so some guilds will have off tanks use night falls I think hunters are fantastic at wielding nightfall since they have access to just like an on-demand actual strike over and over again very little cost alright how to kite this is going to be an expectation for you as a hunter this is one of your essential skills it's going to be required knowledge people will expect you to be able to kite and it's just something that you should you should you should know so you can totally kite without these things but mine and movement speed to boots and swiftness potions will definitely help you a lot now the reason why you want to you know Qaeda mob is potentially you want to just like jerk it around for strategic values so it's not killing your group or you want to whittle it down without taking damage so as you guys know mobs out in the open world they move faster you generally they move faster than you generally they attack faster than you so kiting being able to slow them in control their movement is uh it's neutralizing those advantages they have over you so here's the kiting rotation if ideally you want to pull with em shot right why not high damage is a cast time to it but it often times you may not have the opportunity to start with name shot and in this case you're likely gonna start with a distracting shot distracting shot it's actually quite useful in this game it generates high threat and is able to rip the threat off the target if you need to save someone's life or something you can start up with the distracting shot now at this point you're gonna send your pet into attack one time and one time only then you're going to recall it if you let your pet sit on the target he's not gonna move anywhere right but the reason why you want to do this is you want to get your pet to have threat on the table right so then when you recall like so if you have to feign death later something like that the mobs just not gonna reset right so but then so you're gonna get one attack on it then you're gonna pull it back now at this point you're gonna auto shot concussive shot it doesn't have to be like a super strict rotation keep concussive shot up on cooldown make sure it's always up you can down rank serpent sting or arcane shot so they're really low-cost and it just keeps like that combat pulse going so they don't break the leash before the fight the fight you want to activate cheetah so you have a movement speed increase if the mob is for whatever reason able to close the distance between you you're gonna want to take off cheetah so you don't get dazed put on aspect of the monkey now at this point you can win clip it and proceed to run away if your threat has threat on the table you can feign death put a trap down or something like that and rinse and repeat this is the kiting rotation now we're gonna talk about hunter stats this is juicy so we'll go over arranged avoidance basics your base chance to miss against the target of equal level so at level 60 target is 5 percent easy right now bosses are school level targets now the game considers them level 63 targets your chance to miss a level 63 target is 8.6 percent nobody knows exactly why this is tally drill has a great theory on it his theory is that for every level past 60 a mob is you'll have an additional 1% chance to miss baked into that now the weapons skill difference of 15 would be would mean that basically each point of weapon skill would increase your chance to hit by point 0 4 so if you have 5 weapons scale its point 2 so at level 63 that would net out to the eight point six no one knows for sure key takeaway is eight point six because you're likely not able to get fractions of a percent most hunters will tell you hit cap is nine percent alright so this is really important listen up I might say it twice if you're half conscious right now just like you know just pay attention one second keep in mind that hunters are unique in the sense that they're ranged attacks can't be dodged they can't be parried and they can't be subjected to us a glancing blow if you're unfamiliar with what glancing blows are it's a static 40 percent chance to do like 30 percent less damage like the flavor of it is I guess you're hitting them with a sword and the sword kind of like like ships their armor and like doesn't do full damage so that's what a glancing blow is so your ranged abilities can't be subject to that or dodged or parried so they can only be miss or blocked and you can get around the whole block thing by shooting from behind the mobs unable to block if you're shooting from behind so what does this mean this means your crit cap is 100% a lot of other classes have a lower crit cap because they have to deal with dual wielding they have to deal with glancing blows you don't have to deal with that nonsense and this nine percent hit or whatever it is is going to remain true for both your white attacks and your yellow attacks all right so you can crit up to a hundred percent meaning that you'll crit every time anyway moving on stat basics don't want to talk too much about this you guys all probably know this one aji increases attack power with range weapons by two and melee weapons by one there's an armor you get increased armor increased dodge intellect increases your raw mana pool your chance to critically hit with spells and the rate you train weapon skills stamina is just raw health spirits gonna increase you're out of combat health regeneration but it's gonna increase both you're out of combat and in combat mana regeneration if you don't Casper the five-second rule okay so what a strength do for you crease is your melee attack power you know there's a value here for 1% crit 53 agility as marksmanship or it's 46 if you're going survival with the lightning reflexes don't worry about that now we'll talk about that a little bit same thing with dodge though there's another value if you're going mark sorre survival all right here's the stat weights so the first iteration this guide I had a very simple stat priority system rails like agility over attack power and it was very unsophisticated I was talking with a lot of the good hunters and they're like man we need to like improve this so this is what we came up with plus 1% hit up the cap is approximately equal to 1% crit is greater than 1 1 aji is greater than 2 AP and then stamina strength now the reason why stands over strength is a very quick note is that hunters apparently shouldn't have many issues if your pop and demonic rooms if you're popping mana potions if you're doing what you need to do you should be totally good when it comes to mana so hit cap is 9% we talked about this all this we just talked about one second ago all right here's the stat weights here's progressives that ways this is very interesting shout out the watcher 6 for doing this he has a great spreadsheet which I'll link at the end of this presentation where basically what our stat weights stat weights are gonna allow you to compare compare gear and how to itemize on a piece two-piece basis you want to figure out how much AP 1% crit is worth how much ap is 1% hit worth these stat weights are gonna give you some semblance of a way to do that now stat weights are and are just inherently dynamic the only real true good way to do this is if you had some like dynamic crazy algorithm that would calculate everything rachels buffs second you change one variable the stat weights are technically off so what we did is we just took a snapshot with the best gear at each stage of the game Priebus MCB WL so on and so forth and we calculated the stat weights given a twenty thirty one marksman survival build two-minute fight zero armor full consumes what we did unbuffed and then we also did full consumes raid buff per the content phase B is gear selected per DBS game so on and so forth so as you can see in Priebus gear one add G's worth three point five eight AP 1% hit and crit as we said approximately equal to each other and that's 30.8 7ap I'm not gonna go through each one of these again link down in the description to the presentation once you get once you get to this bridge and you need to cross this bridge you can come here and start looking at stat weights and hopefully you'll be able to itemize in the most optimal way all right so moving on PvE talent builds this is juicy stuff to talk about all right this is the entry level spec some hunters subscribe to this some don't I subscribe to this now this built assumes you're kind of fresh fresh server your guilds about to hop into molten core you're under geared you about to get down to some business now this this spec is good because it gives you three percent additional hit through your talents with sure-footed in survival you still have access to true shot aura I still have access to the 5% multiplier to damage deep down in the marks tree you still have a couple points in aspect of the hawk great spec allows you to get to the B hit cap much faster and even even stuff like the early survival talent so it will benefit you a little bit in molten core like the ones that give you the +1 percent damage to like whatever it is I forgot anyway molten core BM spec some hunters are some hunters pretty much swear by this even post 1.9 they say that this is this is this is gonna be optimum core your pets doing a lot of damage comparatively and this is going to be more optimal than the sure-footed spec something to keep in mind I don't personally know too much about this bag the next one is the tried and true this is the bread and butter you can use this pretty much the entirety of the game past like the sure-footed stage once you're able to get you know your hit unbuffed the cap then this is the spec you can carry you all the way through two or three 2031 zero classic bread-and-butter hunter spec people like know about this pretty much really good optimizes you know you get to five five five points in Hawk you get the the damage multipliers and marksmanship now one thing I will say though is that depending on what raid you're doing you're gonna want to put points into monster slaying or humanoid slang that's what it's called so humanoid slayings gonna increase like your damage for humanoids by 1% per point and the critical strike bonus by 1% per point so some raids like Z G or some like that or BWR BWS all dragon can write so monster slang is super good there if you're going zg humid slang is super good so depending on what raid you're doing you can take points out of ferocity that that tear for talent and the BM tree and invest them into monster slaying or humanoid slinging as a situation dictates next backup is the trihard spec this is one that people thought the breakpoint was a lot lower originally I originally put it as 500 because that seemed to be the consensus up until we started talking about this so what what is the spec to try out spec this is like a super late-game spec if you have a ton of agility the theory is that you're gonna get a lot of benefit from this plus 15% agility bonus deep in this in survival called lightning reflexes now this is gonna allow hundreds of scale-like into the super super late game you still get 1.2 aspect of the Hawks that's still on the table for you thing is I think so iron gooch and fade and somebody's really top tier hunters we're testing it and they think the breakpoint is around a thousand I don't know for sure I don't think anyone knows for sure but this is something you just gonna have to test maybe you enjoy the the play style to spec a little bit more but it's the lightning reflexes spec so that from their perspective it was the type of thing where I like you only reach this breakpoint in like full Knox gear full world buffs can consumes and the second you die are gonna be performing performing less optimally than that the 2031 build you also do lose true shot or which is like a solid 518 you're losing to yourself and the group like it's 100 per person right and the last spec is the self-reliance effect this is one I use for farming great for Mardon doing princess runs you get intimidation it's got really high threat component to intimidation really good for soloing stuff you get the increased focus your generation you get spirit bond which is kind of mad you can take one point I think twelve frenzy so that see that talent down there it's four out of five you can take one point out of that or two it'll still be pretty much always always gonna have the uptime on it this is gonna maximize the potential of your pet and he's gonna just be one badass mofos so if you're trying to do some solo content this is something want to keep in your back pocket next up is hundred pets love talking about hundred pets everyone loves talking about hundred pets one of the coolest reasons best reasons to play hunter you get at your trusty companion fighting by your side love hundred pets and that's one of the biggest misconceptions you're gonna hear about hunters oh man your pet is kind of worthless and raised its just gonna die those like no damage you talk to some the best hunters they're gonna tell you you can use your your pet in like 95% of fights in vanilla and that even in like full Knox gear your pets gonna be doing like 10% of damage so it's nothing to laugh at your pets you trust the little buddy you want to you know you want to optimize your pet so here's a brief annotated history of hundred pets I went back to wild wiki and a research patch by patch to try and figure this all out and get the story straight once and for all I didn't even know about a lot of this stuff so patch 1.3 was the first wave of pet normalization up until that point you have to consider 6 things when choosing a pet breed breed stats so as you guys may or may not know pets and vanilla are balanced around stat modifiers negative 10% the positive 13% across three things armor damage and health so that attack speed pursuit speed that's your actual running speed on your pet so pets had different variable running speeds you had pets like tack the leaper rare wrap you're out of the Barrens that could catch people and announce really really cool then you also had resistances so some pets like snarl or had really high magical resistances across the board base attack damage type you guys know about this most likely Lupo's the rare wolf had a duskwood dealing shadow damage that was a consideration so all the tame beasts would retain their natural values in these respects created a ton of flavor and diversity with the pets and then in 1.3 first wave of normalization they normalized only pet resistances at this time the next patch this was the dreaded pass for patch for hunters big nerf the hunters with the lee post nerf 1.9 the nerf pursuit speed and they nerfed the base attack damage so they normalized it all in the physical damage all the pets are doing about the same damage you know within the breed within the breed right so let's see they also added a couple of Pat abilities at this point added the scorpion poison thing and they added thunder stomp on gorillas that AoE thunderclap thing on a 1 minute cooldown alright so classic well will likely have one point one two mechanics it's highly unlikely that lupus will be dealing shadow damage and stuff like that so you're just gonna have to deal with three things attack speed in PvE it's a non-factor big misconception I personally to be honest I didn't know that since older than this guy I always thought BT was the best like the 1.0 attack speed had implications in both PvE and PvP but in PvE it all kind of like bounces out so don't worry about attack speed in PvE just but these are the three factors in general so PvP has still big factor for push back attack speed breed abilities and breed specific stat modifiers as we talked about before those are the three things you have to worry about alright moving on so we're gonna talk about the different breeds I have a little note about some of these carrion Birds one of the most underrated pets in the game I'm not gonna use them in a raid but for leveling dude carrion Birds are fantastic they have a phenomenal stat profile they have high armor which moves the needle most out of anything when it comes to survivability they also have screech it's an AoE damage dealing like blast it reduces attack power of all enemies in melee range by at max rank 100 mobs out in the open world get affected a lot more than players by attack speed reduction so super good deals damage as well they also can learn bite clock Howard dive growl like carrion Birds might be able to learn more Skills than any other pet and they're very slept on when's the last time you saw a hundred leveling with carrion bird then we got Al's they have a screeches well higher damage than the carrion bird really great the level with as well claws also a fantastic focus to them it's better than bite in many if not all respects that's kind of in the same boat on the other pet aside from broken tooth that has a one-point of attack speed the Bloodseeker bat then we got cats highest image patent highest highest damage pet in the game if you factor in that plus 10% modified a damage plus also proud technically gives you a little bit of edge so all at the cost of only minus 2% HP this is why you see the majority of hunters using a cat if you're gonna use your captain PV don't worry about the attack speed just pick up any cat make sure you have max rank focus times we'll get into that more later though then we got wind serpents when serpents have an awesome folks thumps got no cooldown deals magical damage it's lightning breath and it's ranged which is nutty only bad thing is that rank 6 of this focus thump doesn't come out till zg it's good in situations where you need the range damage if magical damage is going to be of benefit to you it's good another great thing about them is they eat bread that can you go feed them the major breads so you save a little money always gonna have food for them great high damage pet decent stats can't learn claw can only learn bite though so one thing to think about all right bore family I'll speed it up a little bit a good tank pet has charge only pet with the CC effect low damage though after that initial charge burst minus 10% damage a good pet overall though solid wouldn't be my first choice buts good pet wolf furious how a lot of hunters have been talking to you saying that the damage bonus you get from cats will kind of be roughly the same of the damage plus bonus you're gonna get from the wolf buff so that this furious how buff at max max rank is going to give people in your party within 15 yards they're gonna receive an extra 45 to 58 damage to their next physical attack so the extra damage you're gonna get from a cat kind of balances this out but in a situation where you might not be able to get high uptime with your cat a wolf might be more beneficial or just depending on a bunch of different circumstances wolf Scantlin claw turtle awesome tanky pet they have plus 13 percent armor that is absolutely Nutter butters they have a shell shield so if you're really trying to attrition something out and and not worried about damage and your goings kind of slow and steady wins the race turtle might be uh might be really good for you wrap there nothing really too crazy gorilla nothing really too crazy he's got that thunder stomp 1 minute cooldown scorpions pretty good in PvP bears spiders no webs and vanilla sadly let's keep let's get through the pets we talked about the main ones alright here's with pets listed by attack speed sub 2.0 attack speed most pets have a 2.0 attack speed but the ones that are are like faster are listed here here's the Holy Trinity of pets son if a car is B is windsurfing because it has the highest rank of a lightning breath can eat bread 2.0 attack speed B is cat is broken - it even doesn't have even though it's not necessarily better attack speed then in like PvE then in like pvp 1.0 attack speed will still help you in pvp and still give you some sort of edge so how's they broken through this b is and then b is wolf is likely death mall again it has some PvP implication there's a very fast attack speed for a wolf most wolves of 2.0 it has rank for furious howl but can only learn bite alright so be straining the most important part of beast training one of the most important parts of having a pet in a raid and managing it is correctly beast training and having the right resistances trained ideally you want to get your transistor your resistances trained up to 180 which is resistance cap and have these resistances pertain to the exact trade that you're doing one thing that I never did that I've learned by doing this guide talking to fade was that even if you're gonna go do a little BG or something or just do a little something like get into the habit get into the mentality of respecting your pet it's very cheap to do and it's something that could help you out so if you're doing PvP we're gonna go respect for a BG get max rank frost resistance stuff like this so at max loyalty level which is 6 you're gonna have 300 training points we're gonna show you how to invest those to count training points so your tier here's the beasts training tips so a pretty much natural armor you're not gonna see is trading this it's not that useful because pretty much if your pets getting hit by the boss gonna die anyway it's not gonna help you that much resistance is gonna be way better as you know or maybe you don't know in classic Wow your your pet it's not like retail where you have some massive reduction to AoE damage like you're taking full damage on your pets so the resistances are pretty nice pretty pretty worthwhile and then if you see us down ranking great stamina it's because you can't afford higher ranks and then frost resistance the lack of max ranks frost resistance in max when we get to it there's only two bosses and max the dew frost damage saffron and Katie and saffron it's kind of a moot points too much damage anyway it's not worth it and then Katie you will get some decent value but there's going to be more impact to be had from training nature and shadow and axe resistance ISM okay so MC BWL you're gonna rock out max rank fire and shadow the reason why you're gonna see shadow across the board for every raid here is because there's a CC implication with it if your pet gets feared one time you're potentially losing thousands of damage and that is no bueno so having the shadow resistance is really clutch fire resistance in MC bwl so yeah this is this wouldn't this is what your what your beast ratings gonna look like to max rank resistances at 90 a pot that's 180 then you're gonna train to max rank focus dumps 25 a pot that's 50 then you're gonna train max Renn max rank movement speed so that's gonna be diver - at 25 growl is free great stamina 25 and then a couple minor resistances and this is gonna kind of fluctuate a little bit raid the raid but we'll see so for Z G aq you're gonna go shadow nature with splashing into arcane and fire Fornax you're gonna go shadow nature splashing into frost and fire alright so here's a couple slides on where to train max rank abilities and get into this too much you can just reference this in when you when you uh when you have to do this stuff how does hundred be is work is interesting talk about so honeybee is works in this way it works in like set bonuses so some of the other classes they may have to wear like a hodgepodge of lots of different gear from different places hundreds pretty clean it's one of the cool things about playing Hunter you look pretty badass you get the rock out your full set extract full value from your set bonuses are basically going like full tier one two full two two two full two or three you might get full 2.5 situationally but that's kind of a cool thing and then we were to talk about the range weapon progression there's only like really four that you're trying to go for you know you may get another weapon here or there that might be better but those are like the four main ones are going for and pretty much it's pretty straightforward and that's in that sense so the tear pieces are rated pretty highly foreigners here are some thoughts from Isaiah on the tear pieces I won't get into these because these are his words out mind but they're very interesting on nonetheless so definitely go and read these and some very very cool thoughts so pretty much he we're gonna get into pre ready is now alright so here's the guide key we've labeled the BIA we've labeled the gear like if it's not available on launch or something like that we've put dire Maul or we've put a queue or we've put zg so you can get a sense of what stage you can get certain things because some of the bis lists that we've seen they just kind of lay the gear out and then you try and get it you realize it doesn't come out for a little while so this could be helpful to you anyway helm options backward helm is probably gonna be bits here but a lot of times you're gonna need that hit early so you might have to go with masca thee unforgiven but backward helmets pound-for-pound probably alright neck options market afford ring it's probably best it's very easy to get you should do that tyrion quest pendant if celerity is probably better but it doesn't come out and until the dungeon sets come out when i think it's a cue forty so probably unless you're joining the game a little bit later projects get mark at the for dream for shoulder options you can go true strikes everybody and their mama wants true strikes though so we got a couple of options for you pre-read Biscay pops and scape the black bear and super good pre babe is chest options so there's something I didn't know be stalker if you can get all four pieces and get this set bonus of plus 40 AP it's going to be pre rate this but if you can't if you can't get the four pieces don't use it and cadaverous armors your next bad next best bad but good luck farming it next thing up oh these are just more more chest options for the next up same with bracers be stalkers this if you can get off or if not braces the stone princess really easy to get because you can do married on like piece of cake any spec really it's a little more annoying as marks but you can totally do it so yeah braces are stone princess but there's a couple options here and then glove devil sores you guys know how good double source actually though gauntlets of accuracy I think it's might be Dharma West Ileana Raven oh those are actually not bad for a green alright so belt be stalkers same deal warp would binding his pre red best other than that four legs devil sore leg he's again super good boots Wind River grieves or be stalkers ring options Don Julio's band would technically be pre rapist but again it requires the BG's to be out and it requires you to grind out that AV rep which is kind of annoying so most likely you're probably just gonna go double tarnished elven ring out of dire Maul North tribute you're gonna be doing tribute runs like crazy anyway and they're super good the tarnish of rings you could also get black stone ring if for some reasons and drop for your something black stone ring drops off princess and Mardon people like pay you to run them through Mardon to get it because it's a lot of pre red bits for a lot of classes but I'd say tarnish elven ring or black stone ring or yeah those are probably ones you'll realistically get trinkets all these are super good just get all the one on the right guard captain Rina the guard captain is horde only but it's really good man like twenty attack power one percent hit super good you get it from a random quest in hinterlands but a black hands breath man you're gonna be using that like swap into it after you use an active trinket royal seal I'll just Alice so good and it's got fire resistance onto for your fire resistance set definitely just try and pick up all three of these pre red bits melee weapons so if you can get both of them doll wrens is pre ripest but good luck again everybody in there mama want star ends but if you can get them in man just Nero whatever like they look so cool and it's like a rite of passage of vanilla to get Dumbledore and so much fun so yeah dollar ends would be period best other than that you can get barbarous blade at a dire Maul you'll be able to get that easy doing the tribute runs also fiendish machete this is crazy I didn't know about the shuttle Andris for pointing this out to me but pretty much these drop in dharma in molten core there pretty nutty like if you have both you're gonna have plus 72 attack power when fighting elementals plus 10 agility as well so if you have them just throw them on for the elemental fights and it really shouldn't move the needle quite a bit Huntsman harpoon that's in Dharma as well a lot of the pre-bid stuff is in dharma some more options for you here bone slicing hatchet I remember back in the day seeing hunters walking around with double bone slicing hatchet with a G on it it looks so cool period best ranged weapons so Bloodseeker is a slight edge when it comes to the speed and damage range compared to black crow it's very easy to acquire as well you got a win one game and a V but if classic launches with no honor system or no bee gees or whatever which it seems like it will likely do then you're gonna want to get black ro that's a nightmare to farm good luck but yeah alright pre-read best quiver and ammo part hide quiver is the best quiver second behind sinew wrapped lamina you get this one through getting getting revered with frost well force trump I can AV so the ammo you're gonna be using you're gonna be using you get a thorium shells or thorium headed arrows to get the arrows you actually to turn in the shells at a vendor it doesn't you can't just craft arrows directly doom shot is technically the best ammo forever but like you can't really reliably farm that is such a nightmare doing LV RS but they pretty much always drop off the same guy that drops the black ro but she drops like you know 83 or something like that so if you have doom shot you can use it and if you really want to go supercharge anyway progressive rating B is here the lists I won't get into each piece right here but you can again reference this PowerPoint if you click the link and be able to look and all these pieces up into individual bases this is taking you all the way through vanilla man every phase of the game so you're gonna know what your lists are we've also put some resistance sets in here so here's a fire resistance set that the cap is 315 paladin's and shamans gives 60 though so you really only need like 255 if you're going super deep with it then here's the nature resistance one and here's the frost one so the rest of this guide man is really just like stuff that I can't really talk about too much anywhere taught well I'm listing out the enchantments here chronologically so like for your head and chin you're gonna be using +8 ad G then when ZZ comes out you're gonna be using the Z G enchants right so you'll see how the enchants change but this is stuff that's better you know learn just by clicking the guide so I'm not gonna talk about this stuff too much we got world buffs as well so these the world buffs aren't necessarily listed from important to most important the least important those are just all the world buffs that are kind of applicable to you in some sense and you can kind of just do what you need to do we also have a section for consumable buffs everything really listed out everything all the way to the bog the boggling root man you heard me talk about that on streams of the day one damage man you gotta gotta show up the way with your boggling root food buffs we're almost there guys we're almost there hang in there I'll just talk about gold real quick and we'll wrap up these are all the buffs and you know consumables that you might want to have access to we even got a slide for engineering stuff as well okay here's a good slide actually I'll talk about this for a minute here is a slide on weapons by full or clip damage rotation I talked about this earlier so on a case by case basis depending on what weapon you have you're gonna want to use a different version of the rotation most the time it's gonna be full but sometimes it's gonna be clipped and sometimes during the normal normal rotation so without a quick shots or a rapid-fire proc or whatever you're gonna use the full and then during a rapid fire you're gonna use clipped as you can see for example with the bow of taut sinew it just mats out in really weird ways guys but if you have a weapon and you're like huh what you know what version of the rotation should I use you can come to this guy and just check it out alright so we've also listed all the raid mob types and all the different raids so you can see this is with regard really to that survival tier 1 talent monster slaying or humanoid slain you can basically figure out you know if you want to invest some points into those just hopefully a little bit useful for you all the raid mob types here's a link to watch to watch your sixes master DPS simulator this is what we use they'll calculate a lot of the stat weights if you want to mess around with it last thing I'm gonna talk about is hunter income we talked about this there's three tier one methods to my mind when it comes to hunter gold farming there's dire moral north tribute runs which is probably king you can get sick gold per hour there's links to all the guys to do them you can do about three an hour you get about 120 gold an hour or sometimes even more if you get like the forest companion of dragons selling drop-in or something like that also Mardon princess runs it's pretty quick to get the scepter and then you can do five an hour and if you have herbalism you can stretch the GPA even more if you can fit in killing the stone guy up top you can stretch the GPM even more you can sell black stone ring runs to people and the third thing is skinning Devils or leather and angora we talked about that so here's a little more color on each of the individual gold farming methods but uh I think that's about it guys I don't wanna take too much of your time up um this is a long video I hope you enjoyed it again please come go check this guide out comment on it let's improve it together let me know down in the comments below you know which class you want to see next if you did enjoy this what things constructive feedback that we can improve the format of these they do take a ton of work so I'd appreciate you know maybe an upload or something like that or so if you know someone who wants to play hunter and classic forward them the guide it would definitely help me out but other than that guys I hope you have a great day thank you very much for your time and I'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: Kargoz
Views: 491,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, classic wow guides, vanilla wow, vanilla wow guide, vanilla wow pvp, vanilla wow lore, classic wow server, wow music, warcraft, vanilla leveling guide, hunter guide, vanilla hunter, hunter pvp, hunter leveling, hunter pve guide, hunter rotation, hunter talents, hunter gold farming, hunter dps, hunter raiding, hunter tank, hunter class wow, class guide vanilla wow, what class to play classic wow, best class wow
Id: tOcqrIfi0qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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