Classic Steak Pie recipe & Cook with me!

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hey guys and have everyone welcome back to what's party I hope you don't have a fantastic D and I found you all very well indeed right so tonight for tea I'm actually making a classic steak pie and this is absolutely delicious I mean it's all so simple I'm gonna be showing you how to make a classic pie crust but you can of course just you know you can buy short bought and puff pastry shortcrust PhD forever you're like I'm you can just use this to recipe of you're like I'm going to be showing you a quick and easy pie crust if you wish to do the whole thing from start to finish and it's a lot easier than you may think I mean a legacy you can make up the shortcrust pastry puff pastry suet pastry you can use just a top crust on the top and bottom crust and this country traditionally it would just be a top crust over your students take usually puff pastry and like I see I do do that from time to time but today I'm going to be doing a rather unorthodox top and bottom crust so don't come for me I know it's not traditional but you know what this is just what we like to do from time to time and like I see it's absolutely delicious and a lot easier than you guys me thank great so enough of that so I'm going to go ahead and show you what you're going to need if you want to you know follow along well that's me recipe so first of all I'm using 200 grams of frozen butter just stack your butter into the freezer you know that I'm gonna explain this later on but it's quite important the Year butter is as cold as you can get it so just pop into the freezer you'll also need 1 paint of beef stock you'll need 320 grams of plain but all-purpose flour plus of either extra for dusting and sucking in your gravy later on you'll need 500 grams of days to casserole steak you'll need between 8 and 10 tablespoons of iced water you'll need one large onion just roughly chopped but it doesn't have to be pretty it's just getting chucked any anyway you'll need 1 beaten egg this is just for glazing the top of your pastry at the end you'll need 1 tbsp of lemon juice you'll need olive oil for frying and you'll need some salt and pepper just as you go along just you know to suit your own taste right so that's it so let's go on and we'll see what I do next we're going to start off for your slow-cooker so you want to whack that one first get on time medium heat and then we'll move on and then we'll there see where do next yeah so let's go so the first thing you like I said you do you want to get yours look who could own to medium and just pop your stock and the time you come back I'll be nice and hot so it's time to start your pay felling so onto a chopping board split some plain floats and pop your meat on top you just want to sort of rub your meat into the the flow or the fluid into the meat and just make sure it's all totally coated and all sides this is going to protect your meat because it's gonna be frying you know it quite a high heat to cede all that lovely flavor and and it's also going to act as a thickener later on is going to help thicken your gravy later when it's on your slow cooker so just take a couple of minutes guys just rubber olin and like I said this is plain old purpose flour with a B dash of salt and pepper added [Music] so once you've done that you can pop over and get some olive oil into the bottom of a pan you wouldn't that's quite a high heat because you are going to sear your meat so just pop your oil into the bottom of the pan get up to us on a medium to high heat and just pop your meeting and it'll immediately start to fry [Music] so once it's all in there just give it a good stir so I keep it moving around and just make sure it is browned on all sites [Music] that's wouldn't take long guys this'll take four or five minutes maybe doesn't take one like I say I mean you're not cooking it through you just want to go nice seal and all of those edges then once it's just about browned you can add in your onions maybe the time your meat has fully browned your onions should be done you're just looking for onions to go starting to go translucent you just want to take that sort of rawness off of them again you're not looking for these to be cooked because everything's get into the slow cooker for hours so that you know it's going to cook anyway it's just to pick up some of that nice flavor from the beef and once you at that stage that's you done just pop over to your slow cooker and better stage your stock should be nice and warm and just poppin your beef and your onion mixture from your pan the smell of us was incredible you know I don't know what it is but there's something about the smell of fried onions I just absolutely love I think it when I think it's actually because when I was younger I used to go to a lot of you know street fairs and town fears you know you've got the sort of burger vans and the movie stalls that sell the hamburgers and things and that was the same kind of smell and I absolutely loved it so it it I think that's what it reminds me of that's why I love it so much so that's you so what you want to do is just pop your lid on and turn it up to high note and you want to leave that onion for five to seven hours now this will just depend on your you dough and meats how long it takes so we're now going to go over and do it your pie crust so you want to start off your plain flour and a bowl then you want to grate your cheese and it's really important as as frozen so just go ahead and grate it like you're grating cheese because the advantage of it being frozen as its going to distribute between your your flour and your pastry a lot easier than if you're rubbing you know bigger lumps and this is going to go through your piece chain it's going to be a lot more evenly distributed and it's going to give you a lot more you know considered a nice consistency between the layers we'll just put it up me and you also want to use freezing cold water this is but in the freezer you only want to use about eight or ten tablespoons Nestle just again I'll depend on your own humidity how warm your kitchen is that kind of thing but you'll know yourself and it's starting to come together so you just want to cut your butter into your flour with a knife don't use your hands because this is going to melt your butter nut you don't want that you want to try and keep everything nice and cold so just use a knife keep going around your butter and your flour until it's all incorporated and that again this will take about your five minutes to be campaigned properly [Music] so that's up just the right there and then you want to start adding your water just start off with fortified tablespoons to began more guys and you're just looking to create a firm duel just till it's starting to come together you don't want this of wait at all or sticky and to pop your lemon juice in as well your lemon juice is going to help keep your pierced your nice and moist and stop it from drying out so much so that's quite an important step so just keep adding your water until it just starts to come together [Music] [Music] like I said you guys you don't want to be touched touching this via Hans because you don't want to melt your butter and once you feel is starting to resist from your knife you'll know you're there another couple of spoons of water not will be me and I can just feel the snow starting to resist so that's hard to explain unless you're actually doing it but once you're doing it you'll know what I mean you just want to get through your hands and just mold and tub ball you don't want to overwork that's a there guys just keep you know molded until it's in a ball and you know you don't have to keep pounding away at it you don't want to overwork the gluten but it'll just end up really tough and stuff so should have a nice firm J door and the nice clean ball first looking like that's you know you've done it right but like I see it's not difficult the next thing you want to do is pop it onto your surface wrap it in some cling film and let it rest and the fridge and like I say I mean you don't have to do that's crust I mean you can of course buy short but you know you can get it from most supermarkets if you prefer if you want to do it from scratch this is just why I'm choosing to do 2d leave it in the fridge for an hour just to chill and relax leave it to chillax dear the jokes are bad so this is an early tour guys you just want to pop your pastry out the cling film onto a floured surface again this is just plain old purpose flour just flour your own pen and give it a rule you're just gonna roll this out flat and fold it over roll it again and pop it back into the fridge so that I mean as great time consuming but it's nowhere near time consuming if you are making a puff pastry for example I can take you quite a hit quite a few urghhh so if you've got loads of time then that's fine but if you don't have loads a time then a PhD like this is perfect that's sort of a twentieth of the time that it would take you to make a puff pastry from scratch you just keep flipping it over and rolling out yet elbow grease required so I'm trying to get the center for a rectangle shape I just like to batter the sides and batter the top and eventually you'll get it enter next a long rectangle shape just fold it over into three wrap it back up and then roll out again because my butter was so cold you know in the houses crate or the captions quite cold so I'll get away with doing this but if you're if you know if you're if you you're Anna crack humid climate but it's quite warm you'd have to actually pop this back into the fridge after every fold before you roll again but because I'm in Scotland I get we were doing this so I'm just folding up again and rolling again and you're just you know you all you're doing here basically is creating layers for your pastry so that it's not completely flat the more you fold over and roll then wordly as you're going to get the lake has said if you had a humid climate or your captions very warm here L went to prop us back into the fridge after every fold before you start to roll again and as I said because I'm in Scotland and it's absolutely freezing I got away ever doing this [Music] I'm just keep rolling and then use one to pop it back into the fridge again for 30 minutes to chill and relax and back in chuckling film you can just leave it there until we need it for the pie top le children and we're going to go back to this do or just filling that's a spoilers later and it's just cooking are we they're quite happy and just like to check back and give Easter and also under we've a thickener after use used two tablespoons of plain flour and some water mix tent a paste and I've just mixed that and I'm going to come back in a couple of hours that'll be lovely and that can just that a consistency for a pie filling not too thick not too thin and it would take away from that flavor of your gravy so give it another two or three hours like I said guys all depend on your beef what sort of beef you've got so it may take about longer it may be ready quicker so this was two years later and that's absolutely ideal for what I'm looking for it was actually thicker than it looks it looks great watery here but it wasn't as watches that trust me because effort was order thickened up another Reba it's actually as thicker than than what it looks and the smell was devayne nothing nicer than a swarm June a cold night so pop your lid back on the time you do your your piece trinket your piece Tresor today that will be done and ready to go so get your piece tree back at your fridge flow your surface again flow your rolling pin and start to rule for the last time so again you're looking to get uh Santa rectangle because you want to get into the bottom of your pie dish and you also want to create a lid so just make sure you're rolling up you know rolling it out big enough to line your baking tree under cover your baking tree if you're deciding to use a base underlit if you're just using a led to their nervously you know it doesn't really matter I usually do just use a lid but follow a change instead I'll just do a piece as will and the spy will feed three people generously I just like to try and shape the sides in the talk just simply by bashing the side of the piece tree with the rolling pin and that will give you the sort of shape that you're looking for you only want this about half an inch thick you don't want it too thick but it won't cook especially if you're putting you know a bottom layer under your max chair you don't want it too thick because I'll just be raw this is me just measuring out and seeing if we don't need to cut I'm just using an enamel pan sort of traditional Paton so that looks a bit good enough for me so I'm going to start off and do my bottom layer of pastry first now I'm rolling I say clay then because obviously the steer mixture is going on top so you don't want it too thick because you do want to take you obviously just lay that and and gently push it and lift it lift it up and sort of push it or your fingers and then just go in with a palm of your hand and push out any air bubbles that may be in there trying you know to be careful not to tear up the skies because you don't want the Khedive you're looking through in good under you know underneath the pasty or that would just make it soggy so try not to any holes in there just do it you know take your time and be gentle there's no rush just use the palm of your hand your fingertips and a bold hand to get into the corners and that's that and they just want to pop your meat and your gravy and side now you can either you can use an egg wash on there when they talk for the speech to hear or you just do I do and just pop your PC lid on top and pinch and seal your edges together just peel it gently out words are not will give you a nice stretch on the top of your PC and keep it nice and flat and even just try and punch all the edges together to prevent your gravy from escaping peel it outwards and downwards over the corners of your Payton place it down as you go [Music] then I just like to go down the edge with a fork pressing down the edge even more just to make sure that you know there's not going to be any spillage or anything leaking out plus it looks quite nice traditional holi traditional things and then you just want to go ahead and cut off the excess pastry that's hanging down there now you can't really see what I'm doing here I was out short for a lot of it but you just want to use the back of a knife and just run it along the edge of your pie dish and that will come off really easily or your excess [Music] [Music] and that was that then you just want to go ahead and pop a couple of holes in the top to let some steam escape because you don't want the whole thing exploding and exploding in the oven and the gravy going everywhere so just pop a couple of your holes on the top and then go across the whole thing with our beaten egg together any sort of glaze on the top of the but lovely golden brown color and then you just want to pop it into your oven for 45 to 55 minutes and gas mark 4 so it's quite low about 180 degrees and you're a sort of middle of your oven not come out looking like this and the smell again oh they think the kitchen smelt incredible I'll absolutely love the smell of baking pastry [Music] and that's that finished as you can see it's lovely you know it's lovely golden brown in the top yeah I'm just going to cut it open and let you see his like underneath millet and it's absolutely piping hot all you have to do now is pop it and template so we have an errors with some mashed potato and obviously the pie and some garden peas delicious I'm going to be popping up mules of the week and the next owner so and this is obviously going to be part of it so you'll be seeing us like and so thank you very much again guys for popping over and seeing what's going on and until next time take care your shelves and I'll see you then bye for now bye now [Music]
Channel: What's For Tea?
Views: 308,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak pie, british steak pie, steak pie recipe, australian meat pie, classic steak pie, steak and ale pie, steak and ale pie recipe, traditional steak pie, meat and potato pie, steak and onion pie, scotch pie
Id: Nf2XpEvF9Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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