Harvard Medical School Class Day 2018

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[MUSIC PLAYING] Please be seated. Good afternoon, everyone. On behalf of the graduating class of 2018, welcome to the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine Class Day Ceremony. Good afternoon to Dean Daley, Dean Donoff, Dean Hundert, Dean Saldaña, Dr. Karchmer, esteemed invited speaker Dr. Baer, fellow students, and to you all our family and friends who have traveled from far and wide to celebrate with us on this special day. And thank you to those who couldn't be present but are cheering us on via our livestream. My name is Kristan Scott. And together with Mary Tate, Brad Segal, and Samuel Lee, we have the pleasure of serving you as this year's graduation co-moderators. This afternoon, we celebrate the accomplishments of 174 graduating medical students and 34 graduating dental students. Good afternoon. My name is Mary Tate. And it has been a pleasure to serve as one of your co-moderators. We wanted to begin this ceremony by celebrating and thanking our loved ones who have been our biggest supporters for 21-plus years of school. So I asked my classmates to share a few of the reasons why they appreciate you. And this is what they said. Thank you to the siblings who sat patiently as we vented and ranted about our struggles. Thank you to the spouses like Jessica Sullivan, who supported us with love, care, and an actual source of post-college income. Thank you. To the children like little Jack Smalley who has given us excuses for study breaks and allowed us to learn the infant milestones without even trying, we love you. To the single parents who've worked full time to give their kids all the opportunities in the world, we admire you. Thank you to the parents who volunteered as financial advisers, helping us navigate scary amounts of loan debt. To the moms and dads who've driven hours to deliver us our favorite home-cooked meals to fuel our studying, thank you. To the parents, like the Avakames, who traveled from around the world for the chance to give their children the best opportunity at life, we hope this day makes your sacrifices worthwhile. To the dads like Thomas Jack who read all The Lord of the Rings and every book James Harriot ever wrote aloud to their elementary schooler, we appreciate you. To the moms who traveled all the way from Zimbabwe to share this day with your daughter, it means the world to us. To the brothers whose own battles against illness have inspired our careers in the art of healing, thank you. To the sisters, like my sister Frances, who's read every personal statement that I've ever written and listened to every seed of every idea I've ever had and found a way to make it better and to always support me, thank you. To the moms, like my mom Cheryl, who's traveled to every dorm, every apartment, every house that I've ever lived in from college all the way to medical school to help me get settled in, thank you. And finally, I want to acknowledge that days like today can often be bittersweet for those of us with loved ones who are no longer here with us. So for the brothers, like my brother Eushia, the sisters, the parents, the family and friends we love and miss so deeply, thank you for being with us in spirit today. And thank you for all the love that you poured into us to help make this day possible. Welcome. My name is Brad Segel. It is an honor to serve as one of your Class Day co-moderators. Today is a day of celebration. But I want to take a moment to highlight an issue that unfortunately many of the graduates are familiar with, the Vandy washing machines. You see, in Vanderbilt Hall, the dorm where most of us live in our first year, sooner or later, everyone realizes that when the washing machines say that they have one minute left, it's not true. There are at least 8 to 10 minutes left. So you'll find yourself in the laundry room in front of a washing machine that says there's one minute left, and you just stand there, watching your clothes spin, minute after minute, unsure what it all means. In retrospect, from the frustration of the Vandy washing machine seems trivial. In fact, most of us probably haven't thought about them in the years since we've moved out of the dorms. But the reason why bring them up today is to remind us how easy it is to forget a problem simply because we don't have to personally deal with it anymore. This ceremony marks a transition to a new chapter of our professional training. First as interns, then as residents, and one day as attendings, we can expect to confront a whole new set of obstacles from those we leave behind us. Yet with each professional transition, we also gain a greater ability to improve training for those who follow in our footsteps. And so tomorrow, after we've celebrated our ascent up an important rung in the ladder of medical education, we should take care to not forget the obstacles we faced along the way. Thank you, and congratulations to each and every one of you. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Samuel Lee. And it is a huge honor to be serving as a co-moderator for the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and today's Class Day activities. Welcome to friends, family, staff, and alumni. We all entered the health care field to help and to heal people. From our days of patient-doctor I, we learned the value of the medical history. And while we did not provide any treatment, many of our patients were helped by the mere act of spending time with them, listening to them. Moving on to patient-doctor II, we learned the physical exam, where we listened to them in a different way, through the valves of their hearts, through the depths of their lungs. Then into third year, we carried the responsibility of providing care for our patients from cleaning teeth to filling teeth and even so far as to replacing teeth. Then on to our fourth year, we continued providing care but on a much larger scale and to more patients, whether through comprehensive care or through global initiatives to helping others. I would like all of us to take a moment to contemplate all of the people we've helped during our budding careers. But I would like you to consider for the moment that they have helped us blossom into the professionals we've all aspired to be since day one. In these last four years, I've learned that constant self-reflection is critical to our growth as lifelong students. While we may no longer be students, we will still make the occasional misstep and become our harshest critic. In that vulnerable moment, we need to remind ourselves that we human and forever learning, improving, and growing. And these moments make us better doctors. So be kind to yourself. I've seen all of my classmates flourish more than I could ever believe. And it's incredible. I can't wait to see what inspirational things you all do in the future. To our parents, our patients, our faculty and mentors who taught us to become professionals, to each and every one of you, I want to say thank you on behalf of the Class of 2018. It is a huge honor and privilege to introduce our first speaker, Nisarg Patel. Nisarg was born and raised in Chandler, Arizona, and subsequently completed his undergraduate degrees at Arizona State University with a bachelors of science in molecular biosciences in biotechnology and a bachelor of arts in political science. At HSDM, Nisarg has pursued many of his passions, including but not limited to-- writing about health policy for Slate Magazine, Stat News, and The Huffington Post; delivery systems research in the Department of Plastic and Oral Surgery at Boston Children's Hospital; and even co-founding a digital health company that went through the YCombinator. Nisarg is known for his kindness, lighthearted personality, and tenacity to complete any task at hand. Nisarg's path will continue on to a master's in biomedical informatics here at Harvard Medical School and then on to oral and maxillofacial surgery. His remarks are titled The Lucky Ones. Please join me in welcoming Nisarg Patel. Thank you, Sam. Just one day after the Red Sox won the 2013 World Series, I made my first visit to Harvard and was fortunate enough to share that moment with two of my classmates now sitting in the rows in front of me. As I stepped foot onto the quad, I felt different. Perhaps it was the stoic marble of Gordon Hall, the sparkling glass of the Research and Education Building, or the crisp wind chilling the autumn air around a boy born and raised in the scorching Arizona desert. Whatever it was, I was swept off my feet, pulled into what felt like an academic Narnia-- a campus where raw intellect and inspiration seep through the cracks of every sidewalk, creativity permeated the windowsills, and the aura of the institution itself felt inexplicably magical as if anything, everything was possible here. The status quo was no longer a barrier, it was a challenge. Here we were defining the national debate on health care policy, leading the charge in cancer immunotherapy, designing infrastructure to fight infectious disease in the most remote areas of the world, and pioneering the quest to edit the human genome. We had an amalgam of ideas and the logically idealistic notion that everything we did would change the world. We were the lucky ones. Never had the words of the late Steve Jobs rung truer in my mind. The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones that do. Four years later, it's an honor to be standing here today among esteemed professors, loving families, and the Class of 2018 and an enormous honor to be speaking on its behalf. I'd like to thank our families, partners, and friends for their unwavering encouragement and support. There can be no argument that you instilled in us a virtue to carve new paths, steered us in the right direction when we had to make tough decisions under uncertainty, and offered both of your hands to us when we were down. Thank you to our faculty for inspiring us to continue our pursuit of education beyond the walls of this institution, exemplifying our school's mission to treat patients with both science and compassion, and bending over backwards to help each of us pursue our goals and make it onto this field today. As our class parts ways to every corner of the country next month, I'd like to share a few moments that have brought us together over the past four years. The 34 of us at HSDM started at the medical school in 2014 as the last guard of the old curriculum-- the last class at HSDM to spend two full years experiencing Harvard Medical School to the fullest and belittling a flipped classroom we would never know. After MCM with Dr. Randy King gave us a false sense of security, we weathered 8 hours a day of anatomy lab while our medical school classmates were at El Pelon satisfying their formaldehyde-induced burrito cravings. And every cool Sunday night in the spring, we as a class would gather in a dimly lit TMEC Amphitheater to watch Game of Thrones, although by each year's end, our mandatory meeting with the financial aid office had us thinking about each of our own game of loans. And who could forget that brief week in the December of 2015 when we were renamed to the Harvard Colgate School of Dental Medicine for Harvard's very last and very best second-year show. Finally, we ended our time in medical school with Dr. Shield's course on the gastrointestinal system. I can now confidently say that having learned how to do a hands-on prostate exam, our class can uniquely market ourselves as the only dentists proficient at both ends. By third year, we had reached a critical juncture in our training. Seeing our very own patients with a high speed drill in between our inexperienced palms felt like drinking from a firehose. None of us were perfect, although some of us perfed. But over the next two years, thanks to our persistence, camaraderie, and remote Axiom access, we not only learned how to see, hear, and care for patients ourselves, but also draw upon our newfound knowledge and experience to change the practice and delivery of dental medicine. Our class grew dental education and infrastructure in Rwanda, analyzed the intersection of oral health and HIV in South Africa, designed financial models to help Medicaid patients access dental care in clinics rather than the emergency room, and built software to educate thousands of patients across the globe at the push of a button. As Harvard graduates, we have the fortune of having a limelight shining on our shoulders wherever we go. And an important responsibility that comes with that illumination. We can and already have carved a future of dental medicine in ways that have eluded our predecessors. So while today is an occasion for celebration, we shouldn't simply rest on our laurels. We've made great strides as students. Let's make leaps as doctors. People say that you become the average of those you spend time with most. And after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars literally putting my money where my mouth is, I couldn't imagine a better group of people to my old me into who I am today. Congratulations, Class of 2018. I'll miss you. Thank you, Nisarg. Our next speaker, Andreas Mitchell, is from Ellicott City, Maryland. Andreas attended Washington University in St. Louis, where he studied anthropology. He is graduating with an MD and a master's in public policy. As a student at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, he was named Zuckerman Fellow at the Center for Public Leadership. Andreas is passionate about primary care and the intersection between mass incarceration and health. He co-chaired the Student Leadership Committee of the Center for Primary Care and served as a member of the board of the Academic Consortium on Criminal Justice Health. He also founded the Harvard chapter of Citizen Physicians, a national organization promoting civic engagement in the health care community. Andreas will continue his training in the internal medicine primary care program at San Francisco General Hospital through UCSF, where he hopes to launch a career in primary care and social justice advocacy. His remarks are entitled Beyond Clinical Uncertainty. Please help me welcome Andreas Mitchell to the podium. Mary, thank you so much for that kind introduction. And good afternoon to everyone here today, especially my graduating classmates in the class of 2018. We made it! Now even though we get to wear the fancy caps and gowns, we can't let that fool us into thinking that we made it here by ourselves because we have been uplifted by outstanding teachers and advisers, our phenomenal ORMA and Student Affairs offices, our dedicated administrators, and an unbelievable group of people committed to making sure that we can learn in buildings that are clean and secure and well-maintained and with cutting-edge technology that one day I'll understand how to use properly. We also owe so much to our mentors who have guided us, to our friends and to our partners who have supported us and cared for us after our toughest days at the hospital, and above all, to our parents and family members who have been there since our earliest days and to whom we feel more gratitude than we can possibly express. Let's thank everyone who's sharing in this achievement with us here today. Now our friends and family who are here today can attest to just how much we've learned since starting medical school. I remember coming home for my first Thanksgiving break. It was November 2013. And I was pretty excited to show off what I had learned in MCM, our molecular biology course. But instead, I sat down to the dinner table and was immediately greeted by family members reaching over showing me rashes on forearms, arthritic knees, tennis elbow, and asking questions like is, it normal to have pain down there? I did what I had been taught and said, that must be hard for you. But beyond that, I didn't have much to offer but a monologue on the molecular binding pocket of Gleevec. You know, back then, I dreamed about what it would feel like to graduate from Harvard Medical School knowing the answers to all of these questions. And even though I have started to get the hang of some rashes and joint pain, I never really imagined the uncertainty that I'd still be feeling right now. And actually, I'm not really talking about clinical uncertainty. I think over the last four years, we've learned that we can combat that by learning medicine. We've seen so many rashes and studied so much dermatology that we actually have something intelligent to say when Aunt Linda reaches over and shows us her forearms. I think what I'm describing more of is something beyond clinical uncertainty. It's an uncertainty about what's happening with the landscape in medicine and society in general and whether we're going to have any power to change that. We're wondering whether we should expect to confront as much burnout in our careers as our predecessors. We're wondering how many more patients experiencing homelessness we have have to discharge from the hospital to the street before more stable housing is made available. And outside of medicine, it's hard not to internalize the uncertainty of our current political state and what's going on in terms of mass shootings when we're working in hospitals and internalizing some insecurity around that, as well. And so I ask myself, if learning medicine is the way to overcome clinical uncertainty, then what's the key to surmounting this beyond clinical uncertainty and feeling of powerlessness? You can't study your way into a safer and healthier society. In fact, there's almost nothing you can do alone to change the most entrenched issues affecting us and our patients. Instead, I've actually learned that the way to overcome this uncertainty and feeling of powerlessness is to stand together. I'd like to share the story of one patient who taught me this principle. To protect his privacy, I'll call him Mr. D. Mr. D was a lovely gentleman in his 80s. He was kind and energetic. And I watched him during the day drinking protein shakes religiously because he was determined to fight back against the esophageal cancer that had taken so much weight from him. Now there actually was not that much uncertainty in terms of the day-to-day management of his cancer. We were doing everything that we could. But just as certain was that he needed palliative care to maintain his dignity and comfort near the end of life. He needed to spend time with family and friends and take steps to maintain meaning and purpose, things we would all want for our parents and grandparents. And had this been an ordinary hospital, I could have helped arrange that for him. But this was not an ordinary hospital, this was the infirmary of a maximum security prison where Mr. D was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in that eight foot by eight foot cell. I felt uncertain of how to give this patient the care that he needed because what he needed was not to be in prison. At the time, it was impossible to offer this to him because Massachusetts was one of only four states that did not allow any kind of compassionate release for patients like Mr. D. But in what I feel is an act of heroism that Mr. D will never know, 15 students, many of whom are here today, decided to change the law to stand up for my patient. Over a whirlwind several months, we organized dozens of students and physicians to advocate for a compassionate release bill. And to our surprise, we won. The law passed, including special language that we had written to include patients like Mr. D. Something that had seemed insurmountable for my patient in September was signed into law by the governor in May. And I learned that the solution to this beyond clinical uncertainty, these barriers, was to stand together. Now some of you might be skeptical about conclusions drawn from an n of 1. So you should know that there are actually countless examples of these kinds of organizing victories in the medical community. At the trainee level, residents across Boston just organized in order to access a state database that will help them take better care of patients with opioid use disorder. And at the attending level, many of us know that Doctors for America joined 15,000 physicians together to advocate for health reform, an effort so successful that their leader was named Surgeon General. The average person in these groups made no extraordinary contribution, but the shared output was tremendous. Organized, small steps of everyday heroism, like 15 of you took for Mr. D, have changed the landscape of our society. I'm reminded of what Max Ehrmann wrote in his beloved poem "The Desiderata"-- "many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere, everywhere life is full of heroism." In five years here, I've known no greater privilege than to meet everyday heroes everywhere I've looked here at HMS, across Boston, and truly around the world. As we leave here, let us continue to take small steps in unison that can have heroic outcomes for our patients and our communities. Thank you so much. Thank you, Andreas. It is now my pleasure to introduce our final student speaker today, Elorm Avakame. Elorm Avakame is originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Prior to coming to Harvard Medical School, he attended Rutgers University for college as a public health major. In addition to graduating from Harvard Medical School, he's receiving a Master's in Public Policy from the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government as a Sheila C. Johnson Leadership Fellow at the Center for Public Leadership. Elorm will now be a pediatrics resident at the Children's National Health system in Washington DC. He is passionate about issues affecting teens of color in urban communities. His experience and this work has ranged from a role with an urban nutrition nonprofit in West Philadelphia to the Harvard Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure program, a mentorship and youth development program. The title of his talk is What We Should Always Remember About This Day. Please join me in welcoming Elorm Avakame. Standing here today, I can't help but think about the very first time I stood on this quad, my interview day. The people were smiling. The grass was perfectly manicured, much like it is today. The sun was shining off of all the marble around me. And I was terrified. I knew that there was no chance that I would get into Harvard Medical School. In fact, I was just happy to have been able to see this place with my own two eyes. And then I remember the day that we got those acceptance emails. I remember feeling like my brain had short circuited. It was like-- I put my head in my hands and the only English words I could remember how to say were, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh over and over. And I know that most of us had similar stories of freaking out that day because you've shared those stories with me over the years. We were in such complete shock at having been accepted to Harvard Medical School because we didn't truly believe that we would be. And yet here we are today as graduates. Look, we didn't just make it in. We made it out. As I've tried to think about what this day means about what I want us to think about every time we think back to this day about what I want us to remember every time we see our diplomas on the wall, it's this-- we are capable of more than we can even imagine. It was true on our interview day. And it's true today. We, each of us as individuals and collectively as a graduating class, are capable of more than we can even imagine right now. Look, don't take that the wrong way. I don't mean for us to walk around thinking that we alone have the answers to all the world's problems because we don't. But in a world that is so quick to tell us that the ideas we have are too grand, that the visions we have are too bold, that the plans we have are just unrealistic, I want us to remind ourselves today that they're not. I want us to hold on to our ability to dream. Think of everything that we've accomplished in a few short years here. And imagine everything that we'll do in the next several decades. We're gathered here today to celebrate the things that we've done. And they are many. But I'm so excited to imagine the things that we will do, can do, and will do. But even as we celebrate, I want us to remember why we're here. We became doctors not just for our own sake but because we wanted to make other people's lives better. We didn't do this for respect or prestige. Our mission is to serve. There is great power in our platform. But I once heard it said that with great power comes great responsibility. You see, it's important not just that we do well but that we do good. And when I say that we can do more than we can even imagine, what I really mean is that we can do more for others than we can imagine. Somewhere out there there are young people who won't stay young forever. And as they grow old, they'll need doctors who can care for their body and their soul. Looking out across this class today, I am so proud to say that those doctors are on the way. Somewhere there are children struggling with a rare condition who need scientists that can crack the code of their disease and find treatments that bring healing. Today I say those scientists are on the way. Across this nation and indeed across the world, there are communities struggling with poor health who need servants that will combine their clinical training with their expertise in public health and public policy and business and education, working to solve the challenges those communities face. Today I say to them hold on. Those servants are on the way. Now I don't mean to pretend that the road ahead of us will be easy because it won't be. There will be more challenges, greater challenges than we can anticipate. We will make mistakes, personal and professional. I have made my fair share of them. And I know I'm not done making them. But even when the bumps in the road feel like boulders, remember that your mission is worth it. Some of us may not live to see our visions come to fruition. I'm reminded now of the first black students ever to come to Harvard Medical School wanting to study medicine and become healers-- Daniel Laing, Isaac Snowden, Martin Delaney-- in the spring of 1851, their admission was revoked. And they were expelled from Harvard Medical School at the request of a petition organized by their classmates and approved by their faculty and their dean. I want to share a few words from that petition if I can today. It reads, "we cannot consent to be identified as fellow students with blacks whose company we would not keep in the streets and whose society as associates we would not tolerate in our houses." You see, Daniel, Isaac, and Martin, they never lived to see a day like today when 16 black students would be graduating from Harvard Medical School and 4 of them would be speaking from this very podium. The three of them have long passed on, but they still have something to say to us today. And their message to us today is this-- run your leg of the race and run it hard. Remember that your mission is worth it. I'll close by saying that I'm sharing these words on this day, but they're not for this day. No, they're for a day that's to come somewhere down the road when the challenges begin to feel too great, when the doubt begins to creep in, when you begin to wonder whether you bit off more than you could chew and whether you were crazy for trying. When that day comes-- and it will-- but it when it comes, take a moment, close your eyes, and think back to today, this day, the day that we achieved our wildest dreams and became the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine Class of 2018. Thank you. God bless you, and congratulations. Thank you, Elorm. Many hands go into orchestrating the ceremony, so at this point, we would like to recognize some of the individuals who helped make today possible. First, we'd like to recognize our fellow classmates who, in the midst of clinical rotations, far-flung travel, and finding housing for next year, dedicated their time and energy into everything from organizing a flea sale to writing our oath. A huge thank you to Horatio Thomas, Julie Gonzales, Michael McDowell, Connie Shi, LeAnn Delasdela, Rebecca McCrae, Joseph Rosenthal, Keenan Mahan, Frank Conyers, and Nicole Perlman. A heartfelt thank you to the Aesculapian Club for the generosity you've shown our class over the years from purchasing our white coats on day one to funding a graduation boat cruise for our class earlier this week. On behalf of the Class of 2018, thank you. A sincere thank you to the two deans for students that we've known during our tenure at Harvard, to Dr. Nancy Oriol for warmly welcoming us to a vibrant campus community and to Dr. Fidencio Saldaña for shepherding our class through graduation. And of course, this day would not have been possible without our incredible staff members-- Lisa Derendorf, Csilla Kiss, Anne Hudson, Karrol Altarejos, Patty Cunningham, Claudia Galeas, Denise Brown, Marcia Feldman, Barbara Sweeney, Carla Fujimoto, Kara Dalton, and everyone in the Office of Student Affairs. Since we arrived at Harvard Medical School, we felt supported and encouraged throughout all of our endeavors. We could not have done it without you. We appreciate you, and we cannot thank you enough. And finally, we would like to give a special and sincere thank you to Rosa Soler. Rosa, would you mind joining us on stage? Rosa undertook the Herculean effort of orchestrating every aspect of today's events. Your dedication to the personal and professional development of our students is truly inspirational. On behalf of the entire student body, I could not be more thrilled to congratulate you on your appointment as the new Director of Student Affairs. Thank you. Thank you, Brad. If I could ask our award winners from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine to please come up to the stage on the left here. Each year graduating students from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine nominate and select two faculty members and one staff member to receive the Outstanding Faculty and Outstanding Staff awards. This year, we also decided to nominate a resident as well that put in significant effort to teach our class and will be graduating with us today. I am truly honored to present the four award recipients. If I could have the recipients please make your way to the stage. The first Outstanding Faculty Award goes to Peter Greco. Dr. Peter Greco is a wonderful professor and a true advocate for his students. His genuine interest in prosthodontics and patient care are unparalleled. He is well-known among the students for his dedication to teaching and his ability to connect with us and our patients. Dr. Greco has supported us throughout dental school from head neck dissections to prepping our first typodont tooth to delivering our first crown. He works tirelessly as an instructor in the clinic and can often be found with a trail of students following behind him. Dr. G can also be found helping students on complex cases and lab work after hours in the preclinical laboratory-- and they're not always relegated to dentistry, as you can often hear the group talking about sports, Ramen, current events, or even pop culture references. Thank you, Dr. Greco. Our second Outstanding Faculty Award goes to Supattriya Chutinan. Dr. Chutinan is truly a remarkable teacher. Dr. Chutinan is optimistic and motivated to continually improve the student and patient experience here at HSDM. She is patient, kind, and helpful to all and motivates us to strive for excellence while lending her support along the way. From waxing our first tooth to placing our first complex amalgam to managing patients with rampant caries, Dr. Chutinan has joined us throughout our journey in becoming competent clinicians. It is not uncommon to see Dr. Chutinan late at night helping students master the drill or working on creative lesson plans to help us understand the foundations of dentistry. She has imparted her knowledge of cariology and minimally invasive treatment, influencing the way we approach dentistry. Regardless of how obscure our questions about restorative dentistry are, Dr. Chutinan likely has an answer and can point us to a paper to reinforce the concept. Thank you so much, Dr. Chutinan. Our outstanding resident award goes to Theodore Tso. With a quick wit, Dr. Tso is able to engage students and patients alike in his teaching methods. With his encouragement and consistent support, students have gone from learning how to do cavity preparations to designing partial dentures. Few go above and beyond to help students in tutorials, clinic, and after hours, but Dr. Tso always makes them available to teach and give feedback and consults whenever needed. Dr. Tso embodies the spirit of a true professional-- ethical, responsible, and knowledgeable. As dental students, we admire his dedication to not only help us but, more importantly, provide the highest quality of care to our patients. As a result of his strong character, he follows every student's case to completion. He reminds us to not only achieve excellence in our prosthodontic work, but also find creative, conservative, and practical ways to care for our patients. We wish him the best of luck in his career. And we are confident that his dedication to patients in the field of dentistry will take him far. Unfortunately, Dr. Tso could not be here today, so I'll be accepting his award on his behalf. This year's outstanding staff award goes to Charles Mwele. There are no words to fully describe Charles's impact on HSDM. We would not have survived our third and fourth years of dental school without him. His dedication to student learning and success is unparalleled. No matter what situation we're in, Charles was always there for us. When that denture seemed destined for failure, Charles was there with a smiling face and a positive attitude. He teaches with patience and understanding as we struggle to surmount steep learning curves. He takes his time to guide our hands and share techniques to mastering any laboratory procedure. We could not have navigated dental school successfully without his support. We will miss passing Charles in the hallway and undoubtedly hearing, hey, how are you? We thank Charles from the bottom of our hearts and for being our teacher, lab technician, mentor, and friend and for being a bright light during this challenging dental school journey. Unfortunately, Charles could not be here today. So I'll be accepting the award on his behalf. Please join me in congratulating all four winners. Congratulations to the HSDM award winners. Now we will present the awards for Harvard Medical School. Could all the HMS award recipients make their way to the side of the stage? First, we would like to recognize one outstanding resident. Residents are asked to manage a full patient panel, maintain an enthusiasm for their own education, and somehow teach medical students something. This resident found a way to do that all seemingly with ease. One student said, what made her stand out to me is that she made my learning experience a priority to her. Whenever an attending asked her to perform a task that was within my skill set, she'd say, our medical student can do it. The winner of the outstanding resident award is Dr. Ukachi Emeruwa, a senior resident in the MGH Brigham combined OB/Gyn program. Congratulations again. Now we would like to present the Harvard Medical School Class of 2018 faculty awards. As soon as we announce your name, please make your way on stage to receive your award. Among the distinguished committed faculty, these men and mostly women have stood out as uniquely passionate and effective educators, embodying the best of what medical education has to offer. Dr. Yael Heher-- Dr. Heher is receiving the award for Excellence in Preclinical Instruction. Dr. Yael Heher is a renal pathologist and the director of Quality and Patient Safety in the Department of Pathology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. She served as one of the instructors in our first-year physiology course. One student remarked she is known amongst HMS students as someone who not only makes renal pathology approachable but also fun. She is a gifted educator. And we are thankful for her dedication and enthusiasm for our learning. Congratulations, Dr. Heher. Dr. Priscilla Brastianos-- Dr. Brastianos is receiving the award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction in Neurology. Dr. Brastianos is in the divisions of hematology oncology and neuro-oncology at the Mass General Hospital. She is an assistant professor in medicine at Harvard Medical School and the director of the Central Nervous System Metastasis Program at the Mass Gen. Dr. Brastianos's research focuses on understanding the genomic mechanisms that drive brain tumors. And she was most recently named and next gen star by the American Association for Cancer Research. In addition to being an excellent clinician and researcher, students have recognized her to be a fantastic educator. One student said of Dr. Brastianos she was the first physician I met who actually he was gentle, encouraging, and supportive while also holding extremely high expectations for us. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Brastianos. Dr. Laura Avery-- Dr. Avery is receiving the award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction in Radiology. Dr. Avery is an emergency radiologist at Mass General Hospital. As the MGH clerkship director in radiology, Dr. Avery is committed to radiology medical student education. One student said, Dr. Avery's infectious enthusiasm for the field of radiology is felt by all students, those choosing to pursue radiology or completing their core rotation. She makes the learning experience enjoyable. Congratulations, Dr. Avery. Dr. Alex Keuroghlian-- Dr. Keuroghlian is receiving the award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction in Psychiatry. He's an assistant professor here at Harvard. And he directs the national LGBT Health Education Center. A student nominee said that his mentorship is characterized by exceptional and thoughtful guidance tailored to the specific goals of the students. This student noting that though Dr. Keuroghlian was outside of his specialty area of interest, he quickly became one of his strongest mentors at Harvard. Congratulations. Dr. Fabienne Bourgeois-- Dr. Bourgeois is receiving the award for Excellence in Clinical instruction in Pediatrics. She's a pediatric hospitalist at Boston Children's and an instructor in pediatrics here at Harvard. One student nominee said Dr. Bourgeois made it clear that she was personally invested in my education by taking time to discuss my individual goals, setting clear expectations to help me achieve those goals, and regularly checking in on my progress. She cared about me not only as a student trying to learn pediatrics, but also as a human being by showing a sincere interest in my personal well-being and other passions and interests outside of medicine. She served as an exceptional physician role model who cared not only about the medicine-related issues of her patients but also the complex psychosocial aspects of their care that often went unnoticed by others. Congratulations. Dr. Yvonne Gomez-Carrion-- Dr. Gomez-Carrion is receiving the award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Gomez-Carrion practices at the BIDMC and is an assistant professor of OB/Gyn and the director of the OB/Gyn resident surgical service. Anyone that has worked with Dr. Yvonne Gomez-Carrion knows what it means to enter the YGC zone. In her operating room, she always manages to create a safe, supportive environment in which learning happens at all levels, from the residents to medical students. Thank you Dr. Gomez-Carrion. Dr. Hiroko Kunitake-- Dr. Kunitake is receiving the award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction in Surgery. Dr. Kunitake is a colorectal surgeon at the Mass General Hospital and an assistant professor of surgery. One student wrote, Dr. Kunitake is the most skilled at making the medical student feel like a valued member of the team. She made it clear from the beginning of our time together that she thought my contribution to patient care was important, which encouraged me to take on more responsibility and enhanced my learning. Above all, she demonstrated kindness and empathy toward every member of the team, as well as her patients. Working with her as a medical student was a true privilege. Dr. Kunitake, congratulations. Dr. Kerry Reynolds-- Dr. Reynolds is receiving the award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction in Internal Medicine. Dr. Reynolds is an oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. As one student shared, when microaggressions emerged on the wards related to being a woman in medicine, she handled them with kindness and grace. She taught me to navigate one of my most challenging experiences on the wards and talked to a young patient and his family about his prognosis. As another student wrote, Dr. Reynolds embodies what I strive to be as a physician. Congratulations. Dr. Trevin Lau-- Dr. Lau is receiving the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. Dr. Lau is an obstetrician and gynecologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital. One student wrote that Dr. Lau is a fierce advocate for student learning and expertly provides productive, rigorous, constructive criticism that helps students grow as physicians in training. Dr. Lau, congratulations. Dr. Matthew Tobey-- Dr. Tobey is receiving the Leonard Tow Humanism Award. In addition to serving as an internist and associate program director for the Rural Health Leadership Program at MGH, Dr. Tobey is the faculty director of the Crimson Care Collaborative at Nashua Street Jail, as well as a clinic preceptor. In these roles, as one student wrote, Dr. Tobey has taught many students about the role health care providers play in advocating for social justice and working with a tremendously vulnerable and underserved population. He teaches culturally competent care through example. Congratulations. And Jessica Halem-- Jessica is receiving the Harvard Medical School Student Life Award. After joining the school in 2014, Jessica established and then led the first-ever LGBT Office at HMS. She's united resources across Harvard's affiliated hospitals and Fenway Health to provide HMS students with opportunities for mentorship, leadership, and professional development. While serving as the program director for the LGBT Office at HMS, Jessica became so involved with medical students that she was also hired by our Office of Student Affairs. She spearheaded outreach to current and admitted LGBT students. In 2014, 7 admitted students self-identified as LGBT on their applications. This year, it was 23 admitted students, a testament to the community Jessica has helped foster at HMS. Please join me in congratulating her. It's now my honor and privilege to introduce the Harvard Medical School Class of 2018 commencement speaker, Dr. Neal Baer. Dr. Baer is a pediatrician and distinguished television writer. He was the executive producer of Law & Order-- SVU for 11 seasons, a series that received 6 Emmy awards. Previously, Dr. Baer was writer and producer of ER for the first seven seasons of the hit series, earning a total of seven Emmy nominations. Dr. Baer's network television career began in 1988 when he wrote for China Beach, a dramatic series about nurses in Vietnam. He then received a master's degree in sociology from Harvard, where he studied family policy. Dr. Bear then matriculated at Harvard Medical School, where, between his fourth-year clinical rotations, he spent his time in Los Angeles writing for ER. After graduating in 1996, Dr. Baer completed his internship in pediatrics at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. He graduated magna cum laude from Colorado College and holds an additional master's degree in education from Harvard. Throughout his career, Dr. Baer has combined his passion for medicine and storytelling to challenge audiences on a spectrum of topics. As just one illustration, since 2006, he's worked in South Africa and Mozambique teaching photography to mothers with HIV so that they can tell their stories to the world. Among his many other positions, Dr. Baer was also recently appointed to the Board of Fellows at Harvard Medical School. For his remarks titled What Happens, please join me in welcoming Dr. Neal Baer. Thanks so much. And thanks for the inspiring stories that the medical and dental students told. So what matters to you? What keeps you up at night? What situations distress you? What brings you deep joy? And what fills you with sorrow? What scares you? And what inspires you? What gave you the dream of becoming a doctor? And how will you make that dream matter? You freshly minted physicians are valiant. Over these past four years, you've been given a profound gift, the art of compassion and the science of healing. Who better to use these gifts to lead the change and charge for social justice? As you begin your practice of medicine, you must never forget that health care is a fundamental right that reflects the very essence of our humanity. When we strip away that right, we wound our ability to care for one another. We lose our greatest and uniquely human quality, empathy. And the world turns bitterly cold. Health care is not merely a service. Health care is not a commodity reserved only for those lucky enough to be able to pay top dollar for the best that medicine has to offer. People will place their lives and trust, their present pain and future joy in your hands. What could matter more? Now it's time for you to go out and gather experience. You've been fortified with an armamentarium of studies, data, and a tour of the human body and all the pathology and disease that can assault it. You've memorized pharmaceuticals and the Krebs cycle, though I doubt you all relied on mnemonics as much as we did 20 years ago. Some days, I wake up repeating "want my hot dog," the mnemonic for substances crossing the placenta or "a wet bed" to illustrate kidney function. A-- maintaining acid base balance; W-- maintaining water balance; E-- electrolyte balance; T-- toxin removal. One has to admit that in some odd way, these provocative memory boosters told stories we'd not soon forget. Perhaps that's why they worked. My white coat pockets were crammed with index cards and small spiral notebooks. Now you have an app that can instantaneously give you any fact you need along with illustrations-- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine on your iPhone. I don't know if I should weep or cheer. And yet with all your tools, all your knowledge, all your personalized medicine, immunotherapy, cutting-edge stem cell treatments, and CRISPR, 40% of adult Americans-- 40%-- are obese. When I graduated just a little over 20 years ago, that number was slightly over 15%-- a staggering increase. And the type 2 diabetes rate, well, that skyrocketed since I was sitting where you are. An opioid abuse and addiction, that's something that was certainly seen but not in the deplorable numbers of today. I'm not painting a rosy picture because with 70% of our adult population obese or overweight, you, my new MDs, have your work out for you. And it's not just here. Obesity, arguably the biggest health crisis we face, is spinning out of control around the globe. How did this happen with all the bioinformatics, translational science, and genetic breakthroughs that have occurred, many of them right here at our medical school? I stepped into a tutorial last year and heard third-year students struggling to help their patients with metabolic syndrome, an insidious combination of hypertension, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. These students were frustrated over their patients' poor compliance with taking their medications. Why is helping our patients live healthier lives often so difficult? I believe one of the reasons obesity is on the rise is because of the powerful narratives that are constantly bombarding us in advertisements, on billboards, in restaurants, and in stores. Coca-Cola tells consumers to open happiness. And the CEO of Pepsi talks of designing Doritos for women with a lighter crunch that leave no flavored residue on the fingers because she notes women don't like to crunch loudly or lick their fingers in public the way men do. Next on her corporate research agenda she says is this driving question, quote, "how can you put Doritos in a purse because women love to carry a snack in their purse?" 46% of the sugar consumed in the US is in sugar-sweetened beverages. 25% of our daily calories come from snacks. And 61% of the foods we buy are highly processed. Is it any wonder that our country is facing an obesity pandemic? And yet, these disturbing figures seem to have had little impact on the food and beverage choices we make. You may be asking yourselves why we pay so little attention to these data that warn us of an impending health catastrophe. Is it just that we're overwhelmed by all these numbers? Nevertheless, a big part of your job will be to treat diseases that afflict so many people who are obese or overweight, often because they overconsume these foods that are inexpensive and constantly promoted. What is your role in promoting your patients' health? Should you speak up? And if, so how? And will it matter? I think these things matter deeply. When a person is not healthy, he or she isn't able to live life to the fullest. And millions of people are not healthy. In fact, I think that the inflammation so many individuals must cope with on a daily basis may be contributing to some of our political woes and the rancor people express across the country. When you feel crappy, you often act crappy or at least cranky. So this, of course, is where you come in. How can you make a difference? What can you do? And in making a difference, how can you care for yourselves and keep the inflammation at bay? How can you enjoy your own lives during this time of political, economic, and social upheaval? For me, and I think for you, the answer lies in storytelling. I've been fortunate as a producer and writer on television shows like ER and Law & Order-- Special Victims Unit to tell stories about the complex public health issues facing us today from gun violence to teen access to abortion, from vaccination to fetal alcohol syndrome. Medical topics and health policy issues such as these must be explored on television dramas because dramas are a reflection of the day-to-day struggles in our lives. Here we can dramatize the messiness and conflicts inherent in the practice of medicine and through characters' beliefs and actions. How do I know that stories make a difference? When we conducted a study with the Kaiser Family Foundation on the impact of an episode of the ER that dealt with human papillomavirus as the primary cause of cervical cancer, we were stunned. Before the show aired, 19% of the viewers knew that HPV is associated with cervical cancer. After the show aired, that number of rose to 60%. Our story made a difference. Changing behavior, particularly when it comes to improving public health, is challenging and, in light of the figures I've cited, daunting. I've learned personally and professionally that I can't change anyone's behavior except my own. And that is really tough. Yes, court decisions and laws that embrace social justice like Brown v. Board of Education and the Affordable Care Act can change behavior outwardly, but we must also find ways to promote ethical self-efficacy. But how? Facts and figures compiled in policy reports or medical journals organize the world in ways that make it possible for us to grapple with complex social issues, but as the renowned social scientist Paul Slovic has shown us, data do not drive our hearts. Consider as his research so astutely demonstrates in "Psychic Numbing and Genocide" that we as human beings are moved not by the mass devastation in Syria or Myanmar, but by the single child desperately in need. Our brains are wired to respond to the individual, not to the faceless crowd. Data do not drive our hearts. I think stories on TV and all the other forms of storytelling captivate us because we see our lives in the characters' struggles. We root for some, loathe or love others. Stories are stand-ins for our own fraught-filled lives. Stories about individuals are what engage us, transport us, and can move us to take action. They shake us up, help us to see other points of view through characters we can identify with. Perhaps we begin to think about things a little differently from the way we had thought about them before. Perhaps we begin to find common ground. Each of you has many stories to tell of patients you will never forget. You will always remember their valor, their dignity, their humor, their determination, as well as their anger and their defeats. You must tell their stories. Your patients will suffer greatly from the consequences of their own poor choices, habits, and actions. And it will be your job to help them respond to those consequences in healthier ways. Obesity, gun violence in schools, lack of access to good health care are too often hypocritically explained away as unfortunate facts of life. We now live in this bizarre fugue state of constantly trying to cope with these unfortunate events rather than changing the social structures, laws, and policies that allow them to linger and metastasize. These are public health problems. And there is a solution. And that is through storytelling. I call the stories that moved you, the stories that will stay with you always, your private stories. And I believe that our duties as physicians do not lie only in the clinic, on the wards, or in the OR but in making our private stories public. Public storytelling requires us to draw on our personal experiences as physicians and to bring them to public attention in order to improve people's health and lives. How does telling your own stories matter, you may be wondering. First, it's empowering to testify, to convey your experience and knowledge, not only for the listener, but also for yourself. Telling your stories means that you matter and your patients matter. And as Slovic points out, telling a compelling story about an individual or a family can create a relatable hook to spark our empathy. Think of a time when your own heart changed after you heard a story or saw a movie or play or read a novel. You carry that story with you. It changes you, just as it changed others, moving us along, even if it's slowly, toward healthy social change. And what about your patients' stories? Here the role of empathy is paramount. We can never truly get inside someone else's head. As a gay white man, I don't know what it feels like to be straight, lesbian, transgender, or a woman. I don't know how it feels to walk through the world as an African-American, Asian-American, Native-American, or Latino man, woman, or child. But through empathy, ignited by the stories people tell, I can imagine what it's like to be someone different from myself. And that is the beginning of compassion and social justice. This means that you must listen carefully to your patients' stories and with their permission, give them voice. But you must also help your patients voice their own stories because nothing is more empowering than telling one's own story. You have so much power in your own stories to do good. Shine an antiseptic light on injustice with your stories. I think medicine attracts the naturally curious. Most physicians I've met have a hunger for knowing about the wonders of medical science and what it can accomplish. Physicians just dig knowing how our bodies work. And that curiosity spills over into all sorts of other areas, including music, literature, poetry, and art, which not only enrich your own lives, but also propel you to learn deeply about your patients' lives. Curiosity is the gateway to empathy. Curiosity presses you to look at and listen to, touch, and even smell your patient. In a beautiful piece written in The Annals of Internal Medicine in 1999, Dr. Faith Fitzgerald wrote, "it is curiosity that converts strangers into people we can empathize with. To participate in the feelings and ideas of one's patients, to empathize, one must be curious enough to know the patients, their characters, cultures, spiritual and physical responses, hopes, past, and social surrounds." Stay curious. Keep asking questions, particularly when it comes to the social determinants of health that affect our wellness and well-being. Don't only ask why these social determinants like poverty, exposure to toxins and violence, immigration status, and access to health care exist. We know why. We have a president and Republican senators who would blithely kick 20 million people off their health insurance. We must also ask how we can change things to make sure everyone has access to the best care we can offer. And the best way I know how to do that is to vote and to tell powerful stories that stir the heart. Each of you has your own story to tell, a story that has gripped you, changed the way you thought about the world, or moved you to tears. Take your private stories about domestic violence, drug abuse, HIV, access to health care and family planning clinics, needle exchange, alcohol abuse, victims of torture, food deserts and make them public. You don't have to be a television writer to have an impact. Write op ed pieces, work in grassroots organizations, change the laws, testify before the legislature, run for elected office, debate your enemies, march for justice, stand for truth, teach, blog, tweet, start your own YouTube channel. Use your cellular phones in new ways to improve people's lives as Students at the University of California at Berkeley did when they devised a way to attach a small microscope to a cell phone so that a blood smear could be sent to a lab far away. Consider how that can improve the treatment of malaria. Or did you know that students at Rice University have invented numerous devices like a portable detector that can improve maternal outcomes of pregnant women with anemia? Take your private stories and invent new ways to treat patients. Devise ways to use new media to inform the public about breakthroughs that can improve people's lives. Astonishing treatments and inventions are being made in response to stories that move their inventors. You can do that, too. Thank you for the honor and privilege of letting me share my stories with you today and for giving me the opportunity to thank the dean, administration, and, most of all, our vibrant, unmatched, and dedicated faculty for sharing their stories as they've shepherd us to become healers. Thank you. So here's my challenge to you today as you celebrate your entry into this glorious profession. As your head hits the pillow tonight and you close your eyes, think about a story that moved you in medical school and ask yourself, does it matter? Allow me to share a few stories that have recently moved me. 49% of the 1.1 million people living in the United States with HIV are now undetectable, which means they are receiving medication that will prevent them from transmitting the virus and will keep them healthy. That leaves 51% who aren't receiving proper treatment. Instead of asking does it matter? I'd like to change the question into a statement. Make it matter. Let's tell the story of HIV, which has not been addressed adequately in this country. Did you know that in a recent New York Times Sunday magazine article Linda Villarosa wrote that, quote, "last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention using the first comprehensive national estimates of lifetime risk of HIV for several key populations predicted that if current rates continue 1 in 2 African-American gay and bisexual men will be infected with the virus. That compares with a lifetime risk of 1 in 99 for all Americans and 1 in 11 for white, gay, and bisexual men." Villarosa tells the story of Cedric Sturdevant from Jackson, Mississippi, who's traveled 300,000 miles in a 13-year-old Ford Expedition with cracked seats and chipped paint. He's a visiting nurse who as a young man contracted HIV. Now he takes care of young gay and transgender women with HIV and AIDS, often driving hundreds of miles to deliver medication to those who live in isolation and shame. Fighting anti-LGBT stigma and the lack of access to treatment, Sturdevant has saved dozens and dozens of lives. He made it matter. And now I tell everyone I can about the story of HIV and AIDS today in the United States. We discuss how we can work to get medications to everyone who needs them. 55% of the adults in my state California have diabetes or pre-diabetes, also known as impaired glucose tolerance. And 1/3 of those aged 18 to 39 are pre-diabetic. Recently a new friend of mine was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. An inveterate Coke and cookie lover, he decided that the risk of blindness, neuropathy, kidney and heart disease were not worth the brief enjoyment he found in the junk food he ate. Working with his physician, he learned about insulin resistance and the impact of sugar on his weight. He then decided to change his diet and cut out sugar completely. After exercising and losing nearly 50 pounds by not eating junk and processed food, he's no longer diabetic. My friend made it matter. And I stopped eating sugar, too. Take your stories and your passions and turn them into potent barbs to fight dogmatism and bigotry. Use your private stories that stir and move you and tell them any way you can. Invent new ways. Speak out. That is your mission-- to improve people's lives. You've got stories to tell and many new ones will come along that will rankle you and move you and become unforgettable and fill your hearts. I'm standing here facing you, the next generation of physicians, who give me hope. Now go out there and tell your stories. Make it matter. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Baer. It is my distinct pleasure to introduce the Dean of Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Dr. Bruce Donoff. Dr. Donoff embodies the bridge between our two schools. He received his DMD from Harvard School of Dental Medicine and then went on to earn his MD from Harvard Medical School as part of his residency in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Massachusetts General Hospital, where he continued his work, being named chairman and chief of service in 1983, and continues to see patients at the MGH. He has served as our dean of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine for over 25 years. In his career, he has authored numerous papers and been the recipient of some of the highest awards, including the Alpha Omega Achievement Medal, an honor shared with Dr. Albert Einstein. Pretty good company to be a part with. It is my sincere honor and privilege to introduce our beloved dean of the school of Dental Medicine, Dr. Donoff. Good afternoon and congratulations to everybody. This is such a special day for the graduates of the Harvard School of Medicine and Harvard Medical School. The Class of 2018, congratulations to you and your loved ones who have helped you reach this point in your lives. You are at a major milestone of a long journey of education and training designed to permit you to help people through the discovery, application, and communication of knowledge, competence, compassion, and caring. The development of wisdom and clinical judgment through lifelong learning and further experience represents the road ahead. Each year, I associate the graduating class with a particular event or accomplishment. Last year, it was the 150th anniversary of the Dental School at Harvard University, a momentous occasion, as it was the first dental school in America associated with a university and its medical school. This morning when I presented the degree candidates to the president of the university at commencement, she granted their degrees and welcomed them into a demanding branch of medicine. I can remember your class for a remarkable group of DMD graduates who have published more papers than any other class-- as matter of fact, five times more than the largest dental school class in America. Moreover, these scholarly endeavors were on important issues from health care delivery to cutting-edge basic science. This past year, the school went through a full accreditation and received the report with no recommendations-- perfect. This is also the last class, as was mentioned, of the new pathway curriculum and that I had the pleasure to teach patient-doctor I on Monday afternoons. Will those home society students please stand up to be embarrassed? I could not let this opportunity pass without remembering two giants of the faculty of medicine, both of whom passed away on September 6, 2017 and had an immense impact on education of Harvard Dental and Medical Students. Walter Guralnick and Daniel Federman will be remembered for far more than the professorships that bear their names. Primarily clinicians, they both saw the importance of the integration of oral health and medicine and worked together to forge important curricular programs. In 1971, Dr. Guralnick championed a program that added surgical training and medical education to the playing field of practice. This first program started at the MGH and Harvard is now mimicked by almost 60 others. In fact, 11 of you are entering such programs around the country. Implemented as a Harvard-centric program during the 1980s, it was Dr. Federman who helped permit qualified graduates of other dental schools to enter our program. It was also Dr. Federman who called me one day when I was chief of oral and maxillofacial surgery to say that he had attended a double AMC meeting and attended a session on teaching medical students about dentistry and oral health. So I at the MGH, along with Steve Sonis at the Brigham, initiated sessions for medical students during their clerkships in the essentials of dental medicine. Currently our initiative to integrate oral health and primary care medicine seeks to advance the education, clinical practice outcomes, and policies regarding comprehensive disease management and the economic imperative of good oral health. We work with the medical school's Primary Care Center to foster integration and hope to create an integrated medical-dental practice that will be a teaching unit for all students. When I had just become professor, I had a series of patient encounters that were remarkable because of the patients involved and because each was prescient of the remarkable future of health care that you, the graduates, are now entering. I had a patient present for a tooth extraction. I had seen him a year before. He said, hello, and then told me to put on gloves before examining him. Mind you, most dentists and physicians did not wear gloves for general exams at the time. It was 1982. He had just had a bone marrow transplant, developed graft versus host disease, and had something called HIV infection. A disease that was a diagnosis for death is now a treatable illness. That is part of health care's past and future, and science made it possible, although not a total solution. I also recall a group of a dozen young women with tongue cancer. They had none of the usual risk factors. And despite detailed study of them, we could not identify a reason for them to have such cancers. However, just recently it was shown that these patients have a biomarker PD-L1, which can be a very useful indicator for patients, young patients, with a relatively well-behaved tongue cancer. Medical treatment of surgical disease is becoming a reality for dental decay as well as cancers. And science makes this possible. We've come a long way since Australian physicians Barry Marshall and Robin Warren won a Nobel Prize in medicine in 2005 for the discovery that gastric ulcers are caused by bacteria. The discovery of helicobacter pylori was groundbreaking and opened up the study of the human microbiome which is so important to today's understanding of many diseases. It will just take one of you to discover how the human immune system turns these normal inhabitants into pathogens to really make a difference. So congratulations to the 34 individuals receiving the DMD degree, the 7 with honors in a special field, and the 6 receiving the degree with general honors, the 13 receiving the master of medical science and the 4 receiving the doctor of medical science degree. And congratulations to the residents and fellows who are receiving specialty certificates and will go on to make an impact in their chosen field. Always remember we are privileged to take care of people. Treat them well, treat them kindly, and treat them with great respect. Above all, treat them all equally with one high standard of care. Don't allow missions of mercy, thousands of people lined up for free dental care once a year to become the profession's scar of oral health delivery for the underserved. Don't permit our growing elderly population's oral health needs from being excluded from Medicare, as they are. Your achievement should make you very proud. Those who have helped you reach this day and those who have nurtured and sustained you share that pride. The entire HSDM community and I feel no small measure of joy and pride in your accomplishments. We look forward to your future with justifiably high hopes. Congratulations, Class of 2018. I hope your memories of HSDM and HMS will always remain a treasured part of who you are and who you become. Be the leaders you are in transforming our health care world through science, policy, and compassionate care. Most importantly, do the right thing, especially when no one is watching. Thank you. I'm inviting Sang Park, our Dean for Education and the senior fellows. And they'll reward the degrees. Thank you, doctor. Thank you, Dean Donoff. Good afternoon. I'm Sang Park, Associate Dean for Dental Education at the School of Dental Medicine. It is my honor to present to you our amazing members of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine Class of 2018. Will the members of the class please rise and approach the podium to their right? These incredible women and men have completed four or more years of study toward a degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine. Assisting in the hooding today are members of our dental faculty who are senior tutors. And they are Dr. Sam Coffin, Dr. Aram Kim, Dr. Armando Pardo, Dr. Ezra Yener and Dr. Ryan Cocadia. Class, are you ready? This is a very special moment because you are receiving your diploma and being addressed as doctor for the first time. With that-- [READING NAMES] In addition, we have Dr. Lauren Elise Azaparti and Dr. Fian Leoni Walden who are not able to be here today. Ladies and gentlemen, please join us in congratulating the Harvard School of Dental Medicine class of 2018. Congratulations again to the Harvard School of Dental Medicine Class of 2018. It is now my honor to introduce the Dean of Harvard Medical School, Dr. George Daley. After earning his bachelor's degree magna cum laude from Harvard in 1982, Daley went on to earn his PhD in biology at MIT. He received his MD from HMS, graduating in 1991 with the rare distinction of summa cum laude, an honor HMS has awarded only 18 times in the school's history. He then pursued clinical training in internal medicine at Mass General and was a clinical fellow at Brigham and Women's and Boston Children's hospitals. After an active clinical practice in hematology-oncology at Mass General and Boston Children's, he assumed his administrative role as the director of Pediatric Stem Cell Transplantation Program at Dana-Farber Boston Children's, a post he held until assuming his current position as the dean of the faculty of medicine. Dean Daley has served as a member of the HMS faculty since 1995. And in 2010, he became a full professor at Harvard Medical School. Dean Daley's research focuses on the mechanisms that underlie blood disorders and cancer. In past research, he demonstrated the central role of Bcr-Abl oncoprotein in human chronic myelogenous leukemia, work that provided the critical target validation for the development of Gleevec, a highly effective therapy for cancer. It has been my pleasure to get to know him over the last two years, and it is my distinct privilege to welcome Dean Daley to the podium. Thank you. Before I start my official remarks, I'd like to recognize the fact that the Harvard Medical community has lost one of its legendary leaders. Dr. Irving London passed away yesterday afternoon at the age of 99. Dr. London was the founder of the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology division. He was a distinguished scientist, a professor of biology at MIT, and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. He taught the HST 140 molecular medicine course for much of the last 50 years and was indeed teaching actively through last fall and was already planning the next semester's curriculum. I'm thankful that our community was privileged to celebrate him just a few short weeks ago with a joy-filled dinner at the Harvard Club. Dr. London leaves a profound legacy. And we will honor him with a suitable memorial in the months to come. Good afternoon. I'm thrilled to witness this gathering of family, of friends, of mentors. We are all here to celebrate you, the Class of 2018. I want to address my comments directly to our exceptional HMS graduates. Today is the last day I stand in front of you as your dean and the first day I stand with you as your fellow physician. And that makes me incredibly proud. It also makes me enormously helpful as well for our future. Throughout your careers as physicians, you will treat thousands of patients with conditions both rare and common. You will relieve suffering of many, but despite your most earnest efforts, some will die. Some of you will make life-saving discoveries. You'll develop new medicines for illnesses that are presently incurable. You will train the next generation of physicians. You'll direct research laboratories. You'll launch companies. You will employ your gifts to make others healthier and to make the world a more hospitable and healthier place. Today you and your family are pondering the exciting opportunities you have rightfully earned as a graduate of Harvard Medical School. But I encourage you also to ponder this, an uncomfortable truth-- American health care offers the triumphs of modern medicine to many yet leaves millions wanting for even the most basic of care. Yesterday's news reported that 19 million Americans lack insurance coverage and a significant number, but unknown, lack any access to meaningful health care. This is appalling. Consider this-- what if you become a brilliant cardiac surgeon and yet you have to turn away an immigrant family whose cyanotic newborn infant has a surgically treatable heart malformation, but no legal status and no insurance coverage? Dr. Atul Gawande, who is one of our outstanding and eloquent faculty members, recently asked in a most compelling article in The New Yorker entitled, "Is health care a right?" What do you think? Is health care the inalienable human right asserted in the Declaration of Independence, one of those rights granted by our creator, a right that our government is charged to protect? Is health care the means by which unjust just government ensures that its citizens will enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Or has health care in the US become a privilege accessible only to those with the resources to afford it? As practicing physicians, health care providers, you will confront this question with disturbing regularity. This will no longer be a pathways discussion meant to provoke analysis and debate. This issue of health care as an inalienable right will acquire flesh-and-blood dimensions. It will have a name, an age, a medical record number, and a history that will include pain and disability. At first, these encounters will rattle you to the core. But gradually-- and I warn you-- you will be at risk of becoming desensitized. My advice to you-- don't. You will be at risk of becoming comfortably numb to injustices you see in your practice, in health care generally, and around the world, but my advice to you is don't. You will be tempted to rationalize away inconvenient truths and reach for the safety blanket of moral relativism. My advice to you-- don't. Health disparities, income inequality, bigotry, racism, discrimination, xenophobia-- you will encounter these on your hospital rounds, in the operating room, in your labs, and throughout your community. These are maladies that ail modern society and modern medicine. And today, I implore you as new physicians to seek to cure these ills, as budding surgeons to imagine excising them. Treating these ills requires no less urgency in your practices than pneumonia or cancer. As you go forth in your practices, I urge you to remember the core values of Harvard Medical School. These core values embody our reason for being as clinicians, as scientists, as citizens. Serving humanity, conducting yourselves with integrity and accountability, striving through lifelong learning for growth and excellence, embracing and championing diversity, practicing inclusiveness not elitism-- these are but a few of the core values that we have worked to instill in you at Harvard Medical School. So I urge you to-- remain vigilant about the biases that impede your patients' access to care, biases that will taint their outcomes. I urge you-- respect and seek counsel from those who are different from you. Just as diversity propels biologic evolution, so it enriches us as clinicians, as scientists, and as people. I urge you-- resist becoming numb to injustice. Confront inconvenient truths. Pay heed to painful feelings. So today I urge you, yes, use your talents to discover new treatments for Alzheimer's, for diabetes, for cancer. Use your formidable medical skills as well to diagnose and treat the darker pathologies, those insidious behaviors that drive wedges between races, ethnicities, and religions. These are ailments every bit as worthy of your incisive medical attention. Today I urge you to diagnose and to treat them, as well. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane." His words ring true today more than a half century later. The inequalities he spoke of are today often more subtle, at times less obvious, yet they surround us and are insidious. I look at you with great hope. Perhaps one or more of you will pursue research that unravels the origins of these most virulent of pathologies, the pathologies that lead to health inequities. And it is my fervent hope that one or more of you will find the path towards cure. Quixotically naive, perhaps, but remember, achieving equality in health care is at the heart of fairness and social justice. In my mind and I hope in yours, access to health care is an inalienable human right. So as a newly minted Harvard Medical School physicians, as you advance our collective mission to alleviate human suffering, remember this is the next frontier. This is the mission I call upon, you members of the Class of 2018, to pursue. Congratulations. I applaud each and every one of you on this momentous achievement in your life. Thank you very much. We will move to present the diplomas to our graduates. And I call upon Deans Hundert and Saldaña to advance to the podium. Well, class, you did it. Give yourselves a hand. Now I want you to stand, up, turn around, and give your parents and teachers a hand. I just have to say something about the family members who are here because this phase of your medical, dental education that you've been with us, this first phase-- incredibly important-- you've developed the habits of lifelong learning. You learned all this important bio science, social science, population science. You learned core clinical skills. You developed your curiosity. You're actually going to learn much, much more medicine in the next 30 or 40 years than you'll learn in these 4 or more years. So some people would say that phase of your medical education is even more important. But for everybody who is here today, I just want to make it clear that the most important phase of your medical education was from the time that you were born until you were about a teenager when you became the people who you are, not just the brilliant, hardworking, dedicated people, but the people who have the values and integrity, the character, the other-orientedness, the compassion, the curiosity, all of those important moral values that we've heard about. So to that extent, I think of the parents and the other family members here who raised you as the most important faculty of Harvard Medical School. And so we have an extraordinary faculty here-- don't get me wrong-- here on the quad and in our hospitals. But I sort of think of today as a faculty meeting under the tent, most important faculty. The biggest difference between the parental faculty and our faculty here on the quad is that in the parental role, you are first given tenure in the job and then the opportunity to prove you deserve it, which you all have, by the way. And Dean Daley likes to remind me that here on the quad, we do that in the other order around. So having said that, we have some great traditions here in the way we award the MD degrees to our students. One is that our students are incredibly productive. You heard Dean Donoff talk about the incredible publications. We have more peer-reviewed publications than graduates in our class every year, and so forth. Some of them have been productive in other ways, and that is they have actually had children while they were here themselves. They're parents. And so people often talk about a diploma as a sheepskin. It used to be done on a parchment. We have a tradition that if you have children, bring them up. And while you get your sheepskin, your child gets a little lammie, little Harvard Medical School lammie. So I'll have those over there to give to your kids. The other tradition we have is that the diplomas are awarded by your academic society. For those family members who are here who don't know, our students are divided into five academic societies-- faculty, staff, people who provide support for them while they're here. And so I'm going to call up the advisory dean who is the leader of each academic society to call the names of the students in that society. They will come up and get their diploma from Dean Daley. So we do this alphabetically. So we start with the Walter Buchanan Society. I'd like to call the Advisory Dean of the Cannon Society, Dr. Sara Fazio, to the podium to begin the awarding of the MD degrees. Good afternoon. I am proud to represent the graduating Class of 2018 from the Walter Bradford Cannon Society. Graduates, please rise and come forward to the stage. Hooding the graduates this afternoon will be Dr. Kate Treadway, associate director and advisor; Dr. Daniel Kamin, associate director and advisor; and Anne Hudson, coordinator of the Cannon Society. And without further ado-- [READING NAMES] Please give one last welcome and congratulations to the Cannon Class of 2018. Next we invite all of the students from the Walter B. Castle Society to come up-- I'm sorry, the William B. Castle Society. I got that wrong-- William B. Castle Society-- one of our legends. And I like to call to the podium the Advisory Dean of the Castle Society, Dr. Jennifer Potter. Good afternoon. It is my great pleasure to present the graduating Class of 2018 from the William Bosworth Castle Society. Graduates, as you are doing, please continue to approach this stage. And helping to hood our graduates today are Claudia Galeas, our society coordinator, and my co-advisors Dr. Nicki Johnson, Dr. Alden Landry, Dr. Dana Stearns, and Dr. William Taylor. [READING NAMES] And also graduating with members of Castle Society, Dr. Ashley Lau, who was not able to be with us today. Please join me in one last round of applause for our Castle graduates. Next, I'd like to ask the students in the Oliver Wendell Holmes Society to start processing forward. And I'd like to call to the podium the Advisory Dean and Director of the Oliver Wendell Holmes Society, Dr. Anthony D'Amico. All right, come right on up to the stage. Thank you, Don Hundert. It really is a pleasure and a privilege to have with me today the associate advisors and our program officer who have been here through the entire tenure of our students education, Dr. Emily Oken, Dr. Helen Shields, Dr. Nhi-ha Trinh, and Ms. Csilla Kiss. It's also wonderful to be able to have the privilege to say doctor for the first time to the students of the Oliver Wendell Holmes family. It's a defining moment. It's a birthday in their life and in their career today. And so we'll begin-- [READING NAMES] Let's give around of applause to the entire Oliver Wendell Holmes family class. Well, next, slightly bittersweet after the news of Dr. London's passing yesterday, we have the students of the Irving London society. I'd like to ask you to come up and begin to approach the podium. And I'd like to introduce the Advisory Dean of the London Society and the Director of the HST program that Dr. London founded almost 50 years ago, Dr. Wolfram Goessling. Good afternoon. HST students, congratulations. Please come up to the front of the tent. I'd like to introduce the members of the faculty who will be hooding the London HST students today with me. They're my good my good friends and colleagues, Junne Kamihara, Rick Mitchell, and Matthew Frosch and the director of our academic programs, Patty Cunningham. Joining us as well as society administrators Karrol Altarejos, Zara Smith, and Kate Hodgins. It is now my pleasure to introduce to you the graduates of the Irving M. London Society of the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. [READING NAMES] Congratulations to all of you, London Society HST Class of 2018. Congratulations to your parents and children of this class. Now HST class, go and change the world. And last but not least, I'd like to ask the students of the Peabody Society to begin to approach the podium. And I'd like to invite the Advisory Dean of the Francis Weld Peabody Society, Dr. Bernard Chang, to the podium to introduce the students and the hooders. Good afternoon. It is my distinct privilege to be able to introduce to you the Class of 2018 graduating students of the Francis Weld Peabody Society. Hooding our graduates today will be the Senior Associate Director Dr. Beverly Woo, Associate Director Dr. Holly Khachadoorian-Elia, Senior Advisor Dr. Susan Pauker, and the Inaugural Head of Peabody Society Dr. Ronald Arky. As always, we have been ably assisted by our longtime program coordinator Ms. Lisa Derendorf. [READING NAMES] Congratulations again, Peabody Society. And let's have one more round of applause for all of the graduates from the dental and medical. And before we invite Dr. Daley to lead the class in the oath, I just have to say that one of the other joys of my job maybe second only to being involved with our students and our faculty and our staff here is that I spend probably about 20% of my time meeting with alumni of Harvard Medical School around the country. And you are joining today one of the most extraordinary groups of almost 10,000 people around the country who really look out for one another. You will find that you can get a referral for a specialist or whatever you need almost in any city in the world through the alumni network. And so we really want you to stay in touch. We're actually still here for you after you leave. And I hope that everybody will come back for various reunions. But importantly, just let us know what you're doing. And if we can be of help in any way, that's actually what we're here for. So congratulations to everyone and welcome to the Alumni Association, as well. We have AW Karchmer, the Director, is here. He's going to say a word before we do the oath. Well, realizing that I am the only thing between you and an oath and the rest of your career, I will be brief. But it is-- and also realizing that there is a bladder capacity problem that may be brewing somewhere-- it's a great pleasure for me to welcome all of you to the Alumni Association. It is really an association that as Dean Hundert has said is here for you I have a couple of very brief comments to make. One, I want to quote Sir William Osler in comments that he made in 1874 addressing the medical and surgical graduates at McGill College in Canada. And it is relevant to the Alumni Association and what you are doing today. He said, "your professional education"-- and he meant on graduation day-- "is by no means complete. You have only laid the foundation for a long lifelong learning process." And it is in that capacity that the Alumni Association and the school would like to serve you. And hopefully the school, with the Alumni Association being a receptor binding site for you, will continue to help you process your continued lifelong learning. Secondly, you've heard some really inspiring comments. And I would only leave you with three pithy things that Dr. Daniel Federman often commented and I think are very good messages for going forward. Dan used to say "think out loud, keep it simple, and never miss a chance to be kind." And with that advice, I will bid you again congratulations and godspeed on your careers and many accomplishments to come. We're all proud of you-- wonderful day. Well, it's my privilege to lead the reading of the oath of the Class of 2018. I'd like to ask the other deans to come forward to the podium to help in this reading, Doctor Donoff, Drs. Hundert, Dr. Saldaña. I'd like to ask the Class of 2018 to please stand. And together we will read the oath. "I solemnly affirm that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant. I pledge to dedicate my life to the service of humanity. The health and well-being of my patients will be my highest aspiration. I will maintain the utmost respect for human life curing when possible, healing to the extent I am capable, comforting always. For I acknowledge that there is art to medicine as well as science, that empathy and warmth may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug. Above all and with great humility, I will do no harm. I will treat my patients with dignity. I will counsel them to make choices that promote their interests, however they may define them. I will protect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me so that the world may know. I will recognize that I do not treat a disease but a sick human being whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibilities include these related concerns if I am to care adequately for the sick. I will remember that I am a member of society with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, both those sound of mind and body, as well as the infirm. I will challenge my biases and assumptions so that they do not interfere with my duties to my patients. My actions to alleviate the human suffering caused by disease will be guided by the tenets of justice. I will address the social determinants to my patients' health. I will advocate most strongly for those who have the least power to advocate for themselves. I will act courageously in the face of injustice, both historical and modern. I will resist complacency in my education. I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of the pioneers in whose steps I walk and gladly share my knowledge with those who are to follow. In my own pursuit of scientific discovery, I will conduct research with integrity. Finally, I will practice the same universal respect that I would wish for myself. I will sustain my own health and well-being so that I may nurture others without obstacle. In my treatment of all, I will be kind. From this day forward, I commit to this oath freely and upon my honor. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling. And may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help." Congratulations to the Class of 2018. This commencement is adjourned. Enjoy the evening. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Harvard Medical School
Views: 56,203
Rating: 4.6504855 out of 5
Keywords: harvard medical school, graduation, class day, commencement, medical degree, doctor of medicine
Id: r_DbXaEUL6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 42sec (10302 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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