2018 U-M Medical School White Coat Ceremony

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welcome I'm dr. Rajesh mongrel ker associate dean for medical student education and this is a tremendous moment it is my pleasure to declare our 2018 University of Michigan Medical School white coat ceremony formally opened on behalf of the University of Michigan Medical School its faculty and staff and more than 20,000 living alumni of the medical school I welcome you all to this proud beginning and to our 22nd year of honoring the future of Medicine as it deserves to be honored I would like to first thank the Michigan Medicine Alumni Society for sponsoring this important event and also acknowledge the support of the Arnold P gold foundation for creating and establishing our white coat ceremony concept this is our first white coat ceremony where our newest student organization the gold humanism Honor Society played a very important role in helping to shape the ceremony from our keynote speaker to the closing oath that our students will all take as our newest medical students begin their career in medicine we hope this ceremony will impress upon each of them the values that the gold foundation strives to remind us the importance of humanism in medicine humanism describes the authentic relationships we as physicians have with our patients and communities it is captured in our spirit our values how we connect with our patients and our call to serve those most in need through all of this humanism in medicine is also reflected in how we act towards each other this ceremony is a welcome to our profession to our school and to our educational program but it is also a reminder of why we have all chosen to do what we do at this time it is my great pleasure to officially welcome the University of Michigan Medical School's newest class the matriculating class of 2018 as they begin their procession in to the auditorium [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon I'm dr. Steve gay assistant dean for admissions for the University of Michigan Medical School we are again pleased to welcome one of the most exceptional groups we have ever admitted to this institution this year there were 7,000 515 applicants 445 interviews and 169 students who are matriculating here with us today the class identifies as 35% male and 65% female there are 46% Michigan residents and 54% non Michigan residents you come from 81 different institutions and 15 different schools in the state of Michigan 26 percent of our students receive degrees in majors that are not the conventional pre-med basic science majors many of you arrived here to become a part of the University of Michigan for the first time and for some of you this place has been home since your birth your paths here have been all been different some direct some securities and some filled with hills and violence if you take one thing from here today know that these differences help to define this medical school this institution strives to be a part of all things in a positive way its strength comes from not only from its alumni faculty students and staff but from those of us that come to support us here from Notre Dame Ohio State Michigan State Wayne and Harvard Stanford and hundreds of other institutions we are honored by those that connect with us from a single interaction or from watching our team play on television and support us proud they are a truly a part of our family we are Michigan we will not compare ourselves to others either join us or follow us but we have work to do when you understand this you will understand who we are know that we are all now family and you are now a vibrant and important member of this family one of the most significant skills you will need to develop in medical school is understanding when information is relevant I did not state MCAT or GPA in the data today those metrics like those statistic scientist pointed to you previously are now irrelevant these numbers are useless in defining who you are and what you may become they are a part of your past and should continue to reside there the numbers do not begin to measure your excellence or academic capabilities to our satisfaction if you believe you can be described by these numbers than we have chosen poorly we did not compare you to each other when we admitted you so please do not compare yourselves to those next to you each of you richly deserve to be here you are all unique and talented individuals and have distinguished yourselves with metrics that include altruism curiosity communication integrity resilience teamwork and leadership that is why you have been admitted here although we will forever strive to be the leaders and best it may be our issues and failings that make us some because being the best is not perfection it is the resilience and the inexhaustible attitude to go forward with each other together as one with the same direction and purpose that purpose is to change the world to be the best physicians we can be and to leave the world better than we first found it so now we ask of you to do your very best give us and yourselves everything that you have that focus can be difficult to maintain and to do this you need to understand how as a part of this Michigan family we support each other today you are surrounded not by simply who brought you here but by your Michigan family your classmates faculty these wonderful alums and those thousands of others that support us that you haven't even met yet please remember all of us up here began exactly as you do now present for our first day of medical school your experience will not be our experience but we empathize and understand where you are and what you are going through you may not always be agreed with but you will always be listened to you will always be supported and we will always care for you at times you will have great success at times you will struggle those are both times that you turn to the family around you cantos we believe in you begin to understand and support those around you now and they will never let you now with them you will become the physician you have dreamed of and follow the clearest path to your goal my fellow Dean's colleagues friends and family I present to you the matriculating class of 2018 for the University of Michigan Medical School at this time I am proud to introduce to you dr. Carol Bradford executive vice dean for academic affairs at the University of Michigan Medical School and the Charles J cross MD collegiate professor of Otolaryngology Thank You Dean gay good afternoon on behalf of our entire medical school faculty we welcome you our newest class of students you are embarking on a profession that is truly a calling rather than just a job you will meet with patients at their crossroads and pain families at the crossroads of life you will witness great joy and also deep sorrow but in all cases you will provide comfort and care you will be stretched in ways you cannot presently imagine but as you embark on this journey please know that we are here to support you every step of the way this will mark the day you began your journey to become a physician a journey that could we'll conclude in four or more short ears some of you do get other degrees on this journey when you cross this very stage again having earned your medical school diploma I would like to welcome the family members friends and loved ones who are here today to witness your formal entrance into the University of Michigan Medical School as a medical student we know that our students would not be here without your unwavering support and dedication to their education our matriculating students and career goals to all the family and friends who are with us here today thank you for being here I would like to invite you to stand if you are able for a round of applause family and proud I would also like to acknowledge all of my distinguished colleagues and faculty members who are also here with us today thank you for being an important part of this ceremony [Applause] in addition I would ask that you join me in acknowledging your fellow students from the m2 and m4 ranks even though those names are changing who are assisting with today's event will those students please stand for a round of applause Thank You students as you Don your white coats today you are taking a major step on your journey to become a physician along with your white coats you will receive a symbol in a tool of our profession the stethoscope a large part of becoming a compassionate and empathetic physician is the ability to listen thank you to the departments who helped sponsor this welcome gift and to our dear friends Brian and Mary Campbell who have been wonderful supporters of the medical school thank you additionally I would like to thank the Medical Schools Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society for their donation of pen lights for this year's incoming class thank you to the AOA members for this thoughtful contribution finally I would like to recognize a very very special group these are the donors who support medical school scholarships and in many cases enable our students to pursue their dreams to our scholarship donors I would like to recognize your extraordinary gifts to medical education at Michigan by asking you to stand if you are able thank you at this time I'm very pleased to introduce to you the current Medical Center Alumni Society president dr. Rick Van figlio dr. van figlio was a member of the medical school class of 1978 suffice it to say that he graduated from medical school approximately 40 years ago he has devoted 35 years of clinical practice to physical medicine and rehabilitation he has held numerous key leadership and academic organizations and organizations and universities throughout the country he is currently on the faculty of the temple Medical School in the Lake Erie college of osteopathic medicine he has established an endowed scholarship in his parents names and he has served on the Michigan Medicine Alumni Society board and again that name is changing since 2010 and our admissions committee since 2012 we are very lucky to have him so involved in her medical school doctor bonfigliano [Applause] thank you dr. Bradford and welcome to the medical students it is a privilege to be here with you today I want to take a moment to thank the many generous alumni who have provided gifts to sponsor the ceremonial white coats yours is a powerful and practical statement of faith in the brilliant and determined young people we welcomed into our medical school today thank you the Michigan Alumni Society helps build connect and support the family of medicine at Michigan that you are joining today the training that I received at Michigan quite a while ago provided the foundation for a wonderful career and I've always been grateful for the camaraderie of those with whom I began my work together we learned how to turn our passions and ambitions into knowledge and skills that impact individuals the field of medicine and the world I am inspired to see you following the same path and I assure you that you have alumni community full support as you strive to become the best possible physicians look for opportunities to ant to interact with us we want to get to know you we would be happy to take you to dinner dinner to mentor you to answer any questions you have and when you are ready to interview for residency's we will host you in our hometowns you you are entering a field that is thankfully always changing and advancing our commitment to patients is a constant you will share that with one another and with us best of luck in your first year you're the first stage of your journey thank you and go blue [Applause] Thank You dr. bond figlio at this time I have the honor of introducing dr. Marshall Runge to you the Dean of our medical school and the executive vice president for medical affairs for the University of Michigan dr. Runge thank you this is a great day and you are a great class you've heard that already you're the generation that all of us will be looking to to help us with our health to help us prevent bad health to treat us well maybe we haven't done so well taking care of our own health so we're dependent on you and we will help you in every way possible to be prepared for that day when one of us walks in your door it's an exciting time being medicine medicine is changing so much more rapidly than it has in any era when I think back about it when I was in medical school the there was no sequencing of human DNA no decision that a gene might or might not affect your outcome now we're trying to use that to improve health and prevent disease there weren't MRI had yet to enter the scene and as a cardiologist I can tell you the only treatment for myocardial infarction heart attack was come to the coronary care unit and be supported all that has changed and now this change is happening even more rapidly and to come back to you we'll be looking to you also to explain to us what is that newest approach and why now despite all those all that progress in cardiovascular medicine we we face challenges and challenges that you will have to help us with we've known for decades what the risk factors are for heart disease but we don't always take care of those in our own lives so having laid that heavy burden upon you I wanted to give you one last bit of advice and that is to bring out four areas that have made a difference in my career and in my life that I would ask you to think about the first is mentors you wouldn't be here if you hadn't had great mentors that might be a family member it might be someone you learned from it might be a colleague it might be a friend but mentors put a lot of effort into helping you so respect them honor them and never let them go I some mentors I've had I call I've called over decades to ask their advice on particular problems second I would advise you to develop a plan a life plan in medicine but don't stick to it or at least don't beat yourself up when you don't stick to it I had a plan my plan was my brother and I hadn't had the idea that we would go into rural medicine in Texas that might have been a great plan but it wasn't where we ended up and so you'll have opportunities all along the way be prepared for those opportunities the third is to when you start thinking about what you want to do make those decisions based on your interests and on your passion and try to somehow filter what advice you may get along the way because in ten years that advice will be dated and for me even more insulin interestingly over time I've spoken to students about what field they want to go into and and it's interesting because at the end of that conversation I usually ask them well have you had other advice and they say oh yeah you know this person said surgery that person said pediatrics this person said emergency medicine and on and on so I'm convinced that those who love their career do it because that's what they want to do finally another comment about opportunities keep your eyes open for the best opportunities the first opportunity you see for your career may not be the best or something may come entirely out of the blue and if your mind is open you'll have the opportunity to take advantage of that and begin a journey that you'll always be glad you took medicine it's a difficult field but it can be incredibly rewarding there are many different career options your class will take countless I wish you all the very best as you begin your journey and know as you heard we are here for you to help you succeed to help you to achieve those dreams at this time I have the honor of introducing you to today's keynote speaker dr. Andrew barnosky dr. barnosky is a professor in the department of emergency of emergency medicine also in the division of anatomical sciences in the department of surgery in our Medical School he serves as the director of the division of anatomical sciences something you'll come to learn about soon he is also an attending emergency physician so you'll see him there and a frequent volunteer at our student-run free health clinic in pickney so please join me in welcoming dr. barnosky to the stage [Applause] well Thank You Dean ronke for your kind introduction and my deep appreciation to the faculty and our medical students for the invitation to speak here today and to the many families and friends who have joined us it really is very much an honor and a privilege for me to serve in this role thank you all my sincere welcome to you our new medical students into the University of Michigan Medical School and to this new and exciting chapter in your lives as of today the medical school is your new home away from home you are part of us we are all members of the Michigan Community Medicine community together all of us and as we go forward from this day we will meet our tomorrows as a community dedicated to your education and the training of the next generation of physicians to our patients and to our research efforts to find new ways to care for others again new students welcome to each of you we've been waiting for you we're very happy that you're here in a sincere welcome as well to your families and loved ones we know that this day marks the beginning of a journey which is important not only in your lives but also in the lives of others who have walked with you on the road to this beginning the moral foundation you bring here today has formed in no small measure as a result of your parents and family and so a special note of appreciation to the families here today the professional moral compass you will depart with on graduation day and beyond will always retain many of the lessons you have learned before you arrived here I was fortunate a few years ago in being asked by our students to be the initial faculty advisor for our Michigan chapter of the gold humanism Honor Society as some of you may know the gold humanism Honor Society is an international organization that recognizes each year within its medical schools a group of students residents and faculty who are exemplars of compassionate patient care and who serve as role models and mentors and leaders in medicine the Society was developed years ago through the work of dr. Arnold P gold a pediatric neurologists at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons who died just this past January at the age of 92 dr. Gold's unwavering commitment to the value of kindness eventually crystallized into the Arnold P gold foundation an organization committed to humanism and compassion in medicine this white coat ceremony developed through the gold foundation in 1989 as a rite of passage to welcome students beginning medical school to medical practice and to elevate the value of humanism compassion and scientific excellence as the core values in health care as a kind and generous person a role model of the virtuous physician dr. Gold's realization of his vision has influenced generations of physicians who can never repay him part of dr. Gold's vision is what brings us here today so all of our students gathered here today are soon to be intimately in mesh with the educational and cultural processes of this school and so the remainder of my comments are directed to you members of the medical school class of 2022 this is a day to recognize and celebrate a new dawn for each of you individually and all of you collectively as medical school class members at this point in your lives where you are taking the earliest steps into the profession of medicine there's no question that each of you has overcome significant obstacles and achieved many goals some undoubtedly with great difficulty in order to occupy one of the seats in this first year class some of you may have come from families with educated professionals and generations preceding you in some of you like me be maybe the first in your family to have attended a college or university regardless you are all to be commended you have done this in pursuit of your long-range vision of becoming a physician which is still today a very noble calling to a truly honorable profession today marks a very significant to happen the realization of that vision and we recognize this step in the offering of each of you the most historically recognizable icon of the medical profession worldwide the white coat the white coat of the physician is unquestionably a simple item um clothing and as a garment you will undoubtedly find it less form-fitting and stylish than you might have initially thought and the years ahead will find you integrating it as an inseparable part of your daily attire it is not likely that you will ever consider it a part of your wardrobe which was in anyway developed to accentuate human form or function in in an aesthetic sense it's a simple coat which was developed for its practical purpose of cloaking the physician engaged in the privilege of caring for fellow human beings and it remained so today yet in the centuries which have passed since the first physicians clothed themselves in this garment it has become the major icon of the medical profession in spite of its occasional criticism as a source of transmission of microorganisms and its ability to to instill anxiety and others in the way of white coat hypertension its unique historical significance has kept it with us in contemporary society it has become the prime symbol of the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship of compassionate and competent physician care of the commitment to lifelong learning and of the promise of maintaining the integrity of both individual physicians and the goodness of the whole profession in a nutshell the white coat symbolizes a profession whose main guiding principle is the primacy of patient welfare the primacy of patient welfare is a central principle of professionalism in medicine and so the white coat then tells others what you are but not who you are ethically or professionally who you are and who you will become it's up to you eventually embracing all that the coat stands for so the white coat in the beginning of a life of service is offered to you today and there's certainly an aspect of choice in accepting it and its significance yet recognizing the hurdles each of you have surmounted over in the challenges you have overcome to be with us today I suspect the great majority of you will readily accept the offer and the privilege of wearing the white coat and while acceptance of this simple coat today is still a bit removed from the full acceptance of the responsibility for the care of another the fully developed doctor-patient relationship its acceptance nonetheless recognizes certain new relationships in your life as you begin your studies here which will solve someday culminate in the true caring responsibilities involving other human beings and certainly accepting of the white coat begins the embrace of each of you into the professional culture of Medicine a culture which recognizes academic excellence lifelong learning service above self competency compassion and caring a culture which embraces the primacy of patient welfare again the doctor-patient relationship is the most important relationship in medicine in fact it's the sole foundation on which the profession and practice of medicine is based but even as first-year medical students and even on this very first day there are certain other important relationships which you enter which deserve some mention they have a bearing on your future and a bearing on our future and I would like to concentrate the remainder of this short talk on these early relationships so the relationships include first of all the relationship that each of you as first-year medical students have to each other it likewise the relationships of each of you to your families and loved ones and friends this is really very important it I mean it truly is and then in succession your relationship to your faculty your relationship to this school your relationship to your profession and finally the initial relationships with each of you established with your patients II as early students of medicine and I wish to touch on each of these relationships briefly your relationships to each other I believe are critical to the success of each of you as mentioned previously you have accomplished much to be seated in this auditorium today the years of advanced organic chemistry Comparative Zoology differential calculus epic a dros number and the rest of it are thankfully behind you you've made it to medical school so please look to your left and look to your right and look around you and fully recognize that all of these people are fallowed fellow travelers on the road to academic and clinical excellence in medicine they are not your competitors they are your present and future colleagues your achievement of great success here is not a zero-sum game you should all achieve great success yet each retain a mission of promoting the other's excellence and mastery of the elements of this curriculum as part of your vision of yourselves seek to promote a collaborative environment where each student can uniquely develop to the highest level as a budding physician your success will never be diminished by enhancing the success of another or by reaching out to another classmate who could be struggling or in pain work together learn together grow together and seek to promote the best in each and every one of you the next generation of humanity requires that the next generation of physicians will be excellent clinicians your relationship to your loved ones are equally if not more important and this is something you should never ever lose sight of medical school and medical practice are demanding careers to be sure yet lifestyle balance requires that the emotional support and affectionate caring of the important persons in our lives should never be neglected in one's pursuit of knowledge or professional advancement or accomplishment so set equal priorities to balance these differing obligations differently each one of us does it very very differently yet seeking to strike a balance between personal professional demands is absolutely to our success even as you begin your studies in medicine I can tell you from personal experience while so important it can also be challenging my wife Barbara who is somewhere here today and I were married 45 years ago a month before I began Medical School it was wonderful to have a true partner through the journey of medical education and training but admittedly at times challenging to honor the people you love in your life in addition to your studies this was my journey I should say our journey it's still our journey each of us creates our own journey in this regard the important thing is not to lose sight of the other the other in quotes in your life and in doing so to structure a life of balance that honors one or more others your relationship to your faculty is likewise a significant relationship the faculty student relationship is in fact such a significant relationship that it's mentioned in both the Hippocratic oath and the Geneva declaration of 1949 you should expect a great degree of excellence from your faculty this faculty these people on this stage yet you should likewise work in concert with them to achieve the best of both of you please recognize that great teaching is not only that which imparts knowledge but additionally that's which stimulates you to gain it and also that which helps you find it within yourself whether appropriate or not the formal medical school education of physicians still takes place in a four year time span in spite of a never-ending and ever-growing demand to teach and learn greater and greater amounts of information we are all fortunate for the creative effort that has been invested into our newest medical school curriculum here at Michigan where patient interactions come earlier and where they're woven into the scientific learning even more than before and yet teaching medicine and learning medicine are both challenging enterprises and each benefits tremendously from a mutual respect of the other faculty are committed to learning but please recognize that your generation of medical students has much to offer them we are all learners as we are all teachers your relationship to this medical school likewise begins today and and we as your faculty sincerely hope that it will be a warm and strong relationship which will be reflected upon with fond memories and deep respect with the passage of the years you should demand much from this school while you're here and I think you will find that it will undoubtedly demand much from you and although it's anticipated that you will undergo tremendous personal and professional growth while you are here it's likewise hoped that this medical school will also benefit and grow as a result of your having passed through it all institutions retain the footprints of those who have walked through their corridors some which leave lasting marks of betterment this school has flourished in no small measure as a result of our outstanding staff and faculty in the unwavering support of its extremely loyal alumni and I know that you will one day become one of them in your relationship to the profession of medicine the profession itself begins today as well the binding together of medical students in practicing physicians has created a proud profession with a rich heritage and while the ongoing social cultural economic transformations in American medicine continues to present unique challenges for those doctors and patients and medical students and physicians in training each physicians willingness to be part of the larger organization will offer the greatest benefits to humanity in medicine as a profession we all recognize that meta that medical knowledge is exploding in many fields in medicine just think of regenerative biology genomics of bioinformatics and so many others our work brings us to the cusp of new treatments for major illnesses that afflict the world but much of the good that we discover and produce will not reach the people who might benefit from them here and abroad so I challenge you even at this first day to begin to think about this we have and must continue to work together for the betterment of American health and public health worldwide I challenge you to begin to think about this and not lose sight of it and of course the final and most reportin relationship you are in the process of entering into is that between you and your patients although your classes are just beginning you will be involved in patient interactions early in the course of your studies yet even at this stage it's important to recognize that the qualities of the best physicians include two critical elements clinical competence and compassion you cannot be excellent in only clinical competence and be complete learn to be compassionate learn the skills of empathy be humble listen to your patients they have much to tell you and much to teach you beginning today and throughout your entire career attempt to understand illness as viewed through the eyes of your patients this is the cornerstone of empathy and always remember borrowing a thought from President Theodore Roosevelt that patients do not care how much you know until they know how much you care it's through this journey of relationship and growth that you will experience your own transformation from a spiring medical student to trusted physician and I would like to close by again welcoming you to the community of learners at Michigan medicine the University of Michigan Medical School I feel that whether we are taking the earliest steps in our education in medicine or nearing the end of a long career we are all a community of learners each of us is a work in progress through it all a continued quest to be good a continued search for betterment a continued desire to further enhance the lives of those we are privileged to serve so let these white coats of today be a symbol of the professionalism compassion and caring of the virtuous physicians you aspire to become as you work towards establishing trust and authenticity in the kind and humanistic care of others thank you thank you dr. barnosky for those most inspiring words and now it is time to begin the cloaking process that will officially mark the beginning of your journey into our profession and into the family of medicine at Michigan as you Don your white coats you acknowledge the responsibilities and obligations of our profession and commit yourself to both scientific excellence and compassionate patient care you are no longer just a student you are assuming the responsibility to prepare yourself to care for your future patients who will entrust themselves to you we the faculty at the University of Michigan Medical School realized this is a long process but today you take that first step under our guidance and tutelage as you reach the stage we ask that you stand at that microphone and at the top of the stairs introduce yourself to the audience giving your name your hometown and the name of your undergraduate college or university just three things your name your hometown and the name of your college or university then please cross the stage where you will be officially cloaked by Dean Bradford and then greeted by other members of the leadership team to receive your stethoscope lapel pin and penlight let us begin the cloaking process [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Omar bata Grand Rapids Michigan Grand Valley State University monka Acho heights ville Maryland University of Maryland College Park Yusuf Ahmed Canton Michigan University of Michigan Ann Arbor Gogu Austin Earhart Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Yale University [Applause] Molly Albrecht Lawrence Kansas Yale University Claire Anderson Bloomfield Hills Michigan University of Michigan scheana bar Lumi Rochester Hills Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan [Applause] Olivia Bennet sunfish Lake Minnesota Santa Clara University [Applause] our best beer shall we Dearborn Michigan from Wayne State University I'm Emma Bethel from Bethesda Maryland and I went to Washington University in st. Louis [Applause] [Music] I'm Elliot Biddle from Franklin with Michigan went to the University of Michigan I'm Ruth Bishop I'm from Shreveport Louisiana and I graduated from the University of Alabama [Applause] I'm Ramona bled yeah I am from New York New York and I graduated from Columbia University my name is Rachel Bob bile I'm from Warwick New York and I went to the University of South Carolina [Applause] my name is Sloane Brezina I'm from Concord Massachusetts and I graduated from Stanford University [Applause] my name is Lauren Bruce I'm from Bellingham Washington and I graduated from the University of Washington [Applause] I'm Linda Samedi de from Shelby Township Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] [Music] my name is Grace Carey I'm from Shelburne Vermont and I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] my name is Salinas surf I'm from st. Petersburg Florida and I graduated from the University of Florida go Gators [Applause] my name is Benjamin chair I'm from Huntington Woods Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] and so each Oprah from Oakland California and I graduated from Columbia University [Applause] my name is Radha Chaudhary I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan and I graduated from Grand Valley State University [Applause] my name is Maya Simone Collins I'm from Atlanta Georgia and I attended Northwestern University my name is Aaron curry I'm from Allington Connecticut and I graduated from Wake Forest University [Applause] I'm Zoey curry from Rochester Hills Michigan and I graduated from Vanderbilt University [Applause] [Music] my name is Jenny de Blanc I'm from Spring Lake Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan [Applause] my name is critic Lewin from okinawa skansen I graduated from the University of Wisconsin [Applause] [Music] I'm Paulina Devlin from Brighton Michigan and I went to University of Michigan [Applause] hi my name is Cory Dodson I'm from Seal Beach California and I graduated from Stanford University [Applause] my name is Sarah Dugan I'm from Wayne Illinois and I graduated from the University of Virginia my name is Anna Eisenberg I'm from Birmingham Michigan and I graduated from Washington University in st. Louis I'm Brandon Ellsworth I'm from follow ville Michigan and I went to Hope College [Applause] my name is II don't I get uh I'm from East Lansing Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan I am Kelsey for beer Herbert I am from Atlanta Georgia and I attended the College of Charleston in Charleston South Carolina [Applause] my name is Molly Foster I'm from Detroit Michigan and I attended Bryn Mawr College hi i'm jay cohen Salcedo Fiesta n-- I'm from Orlando Florida and I attended Duke University [Applause] my name is Chelsea Finkbeiner I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan [Applause] my name is Melanie Flaherty I'm from Pinckney Michigan and I attended Northern Michigan University my name is Gabe flood I'm from Boulder Colorado and I attended the University of Colorado [Applause] Timothy Gilbert Grand Rapids Grand Valley State University [Applause] my name is Hannah Glick I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I graduated from Denison University [Applause] Rebecca Goldberg Wayland Massachusetts and University of Michigan my name is viktoria Gomez I'm from Acton Massachusetts and I attended Boston University my name is daniella Maria Gomez hubiera I'm from Dexter mission and Michigan and I attended the University of Michigan Dearborn [Applause] my name is Cindy Gonzales I'm originally from Colombia but I was raised in Queens New York and I went to a City College of New York [Applause] hi I'm Kiran Goyal I'm from Rochester Minnesota and I would say universe' Michigan [Applause] my name is Gary grace' I'm from Macomb Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] my name is Kelsey grad wall I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I graduated from Northwestern University my name is will Gribben I went or I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan and I went to Kalamazoo College [Applause] hi I'm Jessica Hafner from Bloomfield Hills Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan my name is John Hammond I'm from Beverly Hills Michigan and I graduated from Williams College [Applause] hi I'm grace GA Han I'm from Chicago Illinois and I graduated from Northwestern University hi I'm Alexandra heresy from Reston Virginia and I graduated from Colgate University [Applause] hi I'm Scott heresy I'm from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and graduated from Colgate University [Applause] my name is Laura Hayward I'm from Yorktown Virginia and I graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University [Applause] my name is Lauren Henderson I'm from Albany New York I graduated from Cornell University [Applause] my name is Alicia hexamer I'm from Fowlerville Michigan and I also graduated from Cornell University [Applause] hi my name is Karen hoy I'm from Tracy California and I graduated from the University of California Los Angeles [Applause] hello my name is Derrick Francis hallo Chuck I'm from Bloomfield Hills Michigan and I attended the University of Detroit Mercy hi I'm Cecilia haulin horriston from Saratoga California and I went to Pomona College I'm Adam Holmes from Dayton Ohio and I went to the University of Notre Dame hi I'm Rebecca Holland I'm from Crawfordsville Indiana and I went to Pomona College [Music] hi I'm Greg hi I'm from Crawford Texas and I went to Baylor University hi I'm on Oh Rio that Pauline ago Plaza originally from Nigeria were raised in Detroit Michigan and I graduated from Prairie View A&M University [Applause] my name is Sarah and I'm from Brookline Massachusetts and I attended Johns Hopkins University [Applause] hi I'm Claire Jacobsen I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I went to Smith College I am Lizzy Jane's I'm from Rochester Hills Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] my name is Adrian Zaraki I'm from Queens New York and I graduated from Harvard University [Applause] my name is Sarah journey I am from Livermore California and I went to San Diego State University [Applause] hi my name is Elizabeth Joyce I'm from Winnetka Illinois and I graduated from University of Chicago [Applause] hi my name is Virginia Jew I'm from Fremont California and then went to Case Western Reserve University hi my name is Kelsey Colby I'm from Washington DC and I graduated from the University of Oklahoma [Applause] hi my name is Alex Kalinda I'm from Grand Haven Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan [Applause] hi my name is Julia Keselowski I'm from Boca Raton Florida and I went to Duke University hi my name is Jennifer Lee I'm from Toledo Ohio and I graduated from the University of Michigan hi everyone my name is Marc Anthony de la lengua boda I'm from the Philippines but I grew up in Edison New Jersey and I attended the University of Michigan hi everyone my name is Sydney Lopez I am from a small town Portola California but proudly from Mexico and I went to the University of California Davis [Applause] hi my name is Elena Lorenzana I'm from Grosse Pointe Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan hi my name is Jacob LOI I'm from Dobbs Ferry New York and graduated from Haverford College my name is Jeremy Lin I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan my name is Samantha Lyons I'm from Gracia Michigan and then graduated from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor [Applause] my name is Austin Moss from Menominee Michigan I attended University of Michigan [Applause] hi my name's Avery Maddox I'm from Cleveland Ohio and I graduated from the University of Cincinnati [Applause] [Music] hi my name is Matano Markovic I'm from Lexington Massachusetts and I went to Columbia University my name is Simona Martin I'm from Los Alamos New Mexico and I graduated from the University of Chicago I'm Reed McAllister I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I went to Vanderbilt University [Applause] hi I'm Kevin McCauley I'm from Omaha Nebraska and out to Arizona State University [Applause] hi I'm Brennan McMichael I'm from Houston Texas and I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] hi I'm Molly McNeely I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan my name is Cassidy Merlin I grew up in Richmond Ville New York and I went to Union College hello I'm Tarek Matt Wiley I'm from Farmington Hills Michigan and I attended the University of Michigan [Applause] hi everyone my name is Alan Mets from Lordstown Ohio and I attended Youngstown State University hi everybody I'm Ross Michaels I'm from jostle Michigan and I went to Michigan Tech University [Applause] I'm Allyson Ryland I'm from Midlothian Illinois and I went to the University of Michigan for undergrad my name is Ahmad Mubarak I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I would graduated from the University of Michigan my name is Anand Murthy I'm from Fullerton California I went to University of California San Diego hi I'm Andrew Neville I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I went to Hope College my name is Janine esbit I'm from Roscommon Michigan and I went to Calvin College hi my name is Jazmin Raglan Nevarez I am from Colton California and I graduated from Stanford University [Applause] I'm Christine Owen from Fairfax Virginia and I attended the University of Central Florida [Music] i'm charles nino from Northville Michigan and the University of Michigan [Applause] hi I'm Andy Wafaa I'm from Baltimore Maryland and I attended Princeton University [Applause] hello I'm Daniella Ortiz I'm from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and I went to the University of Pittsburgh hi I'm Anuj Patel I'm from West Lafayette Indiana and I went to Purdue University hi I'm Milan Patel I'm from Schaumburg Illinois and I went to University of Illinois Chicago hi everyone my name is Sidney Perkins I'm from Tully New York and I went to Columbia University hi my name is Kayla pecan I'm from Hartland Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan hi everyone my name is Alexa Pinsky I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I attended Barnard College hi my name is Lilia Popova I'm originally from Bulgaria raised in Ann Arbor Michigan and I went to Stanford University [Applause] hi I'm nurse per Mandy I'm from Canton Michigan and I went to the University of California Berkeley of course that would happen I'm Caitlin priest I'm from Gaylord Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan hi my name is Adel Kalia from Bloomfield Hills Michigan and I went to the University of Pennsylvania I'm Catherine colostrum I'm from Highland California and I went to UC Berkeley I'm Jessica Quinn I'm from Albany California and I also went to UC Berkeley [Applause] hi I'm Maya Sheikh Rajkumar from Cupertino California and I went to University of Michigan [Applause] hi I'm Aditya Roy I'm from Skillman New Jersey and I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] hi I'm Alexander Riordan I'm from Westland Michigan and I attended the University of Michigan Dearborn [Applause] hi my name is Ryan Raburn ik I'm from Racine Wisconsin and I went to the University of wisconsin-madison hi I'm Sonali Reddy I went to Wayne State University I'm from North Ville Michigan my name is Cameron Wright Berg I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan and I went to Calvin College hi I'm Karen Roselle and from Ann Arbor Michigan and I attended the University of Michigan hi I'm John Runge I'm from Chapel Hill North Carolina and I went to the University of North Carolina [Applause] hi I'm Mary Loretta Ryan I'm from Grass Lake Michigan and I went to University of Michigan [Applause] [Music] hello my name is charity and hey Ryder I'm from Huntsville Alabama and I went to the University of Alabama at Birmingham [Applause] hi my name is maja desaad I'm from Dearborn Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] hi I'm Roshan saccharin I'm from Columbus Ohio I went to the University of Michigan [Applause] hi my name is Aaron Santos from usin Texas and the pole beans graduated from University of Texas at Arlington hi my name is Elias Rossi I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I graduated from Wesleyan University hi I'm Kevin Schneider I'm from Elgin Iowa and I graduated from Wartburg College I'm Samuel shot hland I'm from man over in Michigan via Philadelphia and I went to the University of Michigan as well my name is Callan swart I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan my name is Kimmie Shaw I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan and I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh hi my name is Alana Fanny shuffler I'm from Skokie Illinois and I graduated from the University of Michigan hello my name is Isabel Shula I'm from Minnetonka Minnesota and I went to the University of Minnesota [Applause] hello my name is Marquis Singletary I am from Chester Maryland and I attended the University of Maryland hello my name is Alana Slaven I'm from st. Louis Missouri and I graduated from Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles hello everyone my name is Quintin Pedro Solano I'm from Allen Park mission and I graduated from the University of Michigan Dearborn hi everyone my name is Cesare Shan Srinivasan I'm from Farmington Hills Michigan I attended the University of Michigan hi everyone I'm Eric Steinbrueck I'm from Lincoln Massachusetts and I went to Amherst College my name is Michaela Stevenson I am from Ann Arbor Michigan and I attended Eastern Michigan University [Applause] [Music] hi I'm Arianna Strome I'm from Baltimore Maryland and I went to New York University I am Raymond's son I'm from Thousand Oaks California and I attended the University of California Berkeley hi I'm hailey Talbot I'm from Lake Orion Michigan and I attended Duke University [Applause] hi my name is Simon ochota Larew I'm from Naperville Illinois and I attended the Johns Hopkins University [Applause] hello I'm Ricky tang I'm from Chicago Illinois and I attended Bowdoin College hi I'm Rachel tosser arrow from Dearborn Heights Michigan and I attended the University of Michigan Dearborn [Applause] hi everyone my name is Chavez Linden Edward Thomas I'm from Brooklyn New York and I graduated from Morehouse College [Applause] hi my name is sang guinea Tolia I'm from North Pole Michigan and I graduated from Wayne State University hi my name is Benjamin took I'm from Denver Colorado and I graduated from Case Western Reserve University [Applause] hi everyone my name is Elma Taurus I'm originally from Mexico but I grew up in Lansing Michigan and I graduated from Olivet College hello everyone my name is Ryan Townsend I'm from Grand Rapids Michigan I graduated from the University of Michigan go blue [Applause] hi everyone my name is V Tran I go in Vietnam and I'm from Atlanta Georgia and I attended Stanford University [Applause] hi my name is Mary tirtha I'm from Dearborn Michigan and I graduated from Yale University hi my name is Henry Valora I'm from Santa Barbara California and attended UCLA [Applause] I am David Barone I'm from Miami Florida and I went to the Cooper Union [Applause] hi my name is Amara Burke I'm from Browntown Michigan and I graduated from the U of M hi my name is Victoria Wiggly I'm from Dexter Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan hi I'm Gabe Walker I'm from st. Paul Minnesota and I went to the University of Minnesota hi my name is Kevin Walsh I'm from Ann Arbor Michigan I graduated from Williams College [Applause] hi my name is ELISA Warburton I'm from Grand Lake Michigan and I graduated from Kettering University hi my name is Hilary whiner I'm from Birmingham Michigan and I attended the University of Michigan hi my name is Jonathan Williams I'm from Lathrop village of Michigan and I went to the University of Michigan hi my name is Eric Wilson I'm from North Tonawanda New York and I graduated from the University of Rochester my name is Jeffrey Wilbur I'm from brown town Michigan I attended Central Michigan University hi everyone i'm philip yang I'm from Troy Michigan and I graduated from the University of Michigan my name is Robin you I'm from Newton Massachusetts and I went to Harvard College hi my name is Lucy Joel I'm from Chicago Illinois and I went to the University of Chicago [Applause] hi my name is it my name is ELISA Mack from Milford Michigan and I graduated from Adrienne college [Applause] [Applause] now we will introduce what we envision will become a tradition at future ceremonies the University of Michigan Medical School white coat pledge this pledge was written by our medical students in our chapter of the gold humanism Honor Society members of this society are selected by their peers for their humanism and their compassion and have a responsibility to model support and advocate for compassionate patient-centered care throughout their careers having a gold humanism Honor Society chapter at Michigan reflects the extreme high extremely high value that we place on the interpersonal skills and attributes that we need to provide the highest level of care possible the students who created this pledge gathered input and ideas from fellow classmates and faculty members in the medical school and the words in this oath truly reflect a community-wide commitment this commitment not only guides mindful compassionate care but it reminds us to approach every patient with empathy respect and a sincere willingness to understand and it encourages us to support one another and encourage each other to become the best possible physicians that we can be as doctors our role is to listen to our patients advocate for them and to help them heal we will all encounter difficult days stressful situations and disappointing outcomes in our education and careers but it is important to remember why we are all on this journey together to help others I hope that you take these important words that you recite to heart and when you encounter challenges as we all do I hope you remember the optimism and ideals in this pledge and let those guide you as you embark on this journey with us I'd like to welcome our students and Salomon and Gregory woods who will lead our newest medical students in the white coat pledge [Applause] students please stand and repeat after us I will listen to each patient's unique human story I will mind my biases and treat every patient with compassion I will assume the best in others and be kind I will support my colleagues as we join to care for patients I will appreciate my opportunities in this profession and advance them for all who follow I will care for myself as I care for my patients I will forgive myself for my mistakes and learn from them I will strive for excellence while being mindful of my limits and those of medicine you may be seated so thank you so much for being with us for today's ceremony I hope it has been as inspirational for all of you as it has been for all of us as we close I want to remind everyone that our students will lead us out of the auditorium and onto the front steps where they will take a class photo and then I would like to invite all of you to please join us on the second floor of the Michigan league for a reception this building is a short walk across the Ingalls mall again thank you all for coming and for sharing in this celebration that marks the beginning of what we trust will be an intellectually rewarding inspirational and personally fulfilling medical career for each of our new students congratulations and welcome to the newest class of medical students at the University of Michigan and of course go blue [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: University of Michigan
Views: 5,033
Rating: 4.25 out of 5
Keywords: +university of michigan, +michigan medicine, +white coat
Id: TyyXbH30luM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 14sec (5114 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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