Clash Royale's Looming Death

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I don't know what to do it is so sad seeing the game I played for years I played it casually competitive and now as a YouTuber it's getting destroyed by the people in charge of making it better for those unfamiliar this is beerad he's a prominent Clash Royale content creator who formerly played the game competitivity and is the father of means such as buff Miner and vigorously hating against the Expo brat has been playing the game since 2016. quite like many of those who may find this video as of recently Clash Royale has been set on a bit of a tail spin up with dramatic and not skeptical changes dating back to the addition of Pastor and Clan Wars 2.0 and it sewed the Seas for what would become one of the most deplorable monetization practices a game has ever seen since then we've seen the addition of users currencies the shaking up of the Beloved party system and an obvious spiking Advantage if you open up your wallet to The Clash Royale development team yeah their worst changes come thanks to their money driven updates has been the addition of level 15 cars otherwise known as Elite cars which is something they promise those at higher levels that they wouldn't require gold for however unfortunately upon the release of the update many felt cheated including some of the best Clash Royale content creators and competitive players today we'll be going on a brief trip to class Trails recent history and where all this mess originated from Furthermore assess whether or not the game can escape from a seemingly destined demise our disastrous cause begins in August of 2020 which is when camels 2.0 was officially released for people to quote unquote enjoy not only did this island to the disaster that came from the pasture I recently been added the year earlier the first step in Clash Royale favoring a pay-to-win mindset but also perhamed miscar the clown was made them virtually useless my own summary as a player of the game for many years goes to Follows beforehand the clan wars were somewhat easy to understand whether you being able to attack a much larger base quite at the capital Hall system in Clash of Clans you're rewarded based on participation and there's a system that encouraged teamwork in the form of engineering the random decks to have the best outcome possible players of clan wars were able to fight against opponents inside of the special events was collect the wall Bounty such as valuable gold once the clown was over I'm mainly going off my memory here a very passionate memory but I'm pretty sure there's also a collection day in a war day but the walls lasting two days ensuring the experience was rewarding if I remember you said with me correctly I believe a collection day you'd attack to earn different types of cards for your own deck and also for your clan to an extent I mean sure all the numbers but I know there's a hard cap around six legendary cars and you'd also end up battling against other clans for victory points with the best clan earning the most and obviously yielding the most rewards mind you this was three years ago at this point it feels like I'm talking about ancient history but moving forward for a second Clash royale's development team decided sometimes during the height of events in 2020 to introduce Clan Wars 2.0 and the meme spawned about how their Community manager Dairy and talked a lot about boats there was a lot of hype around the update there was a huge theme around boats and team participation although some other details remain purposely vague people were excited for this it's almost like it was going to be the biggest update ever for clash Royale this update sucked it completely killed any motivation for teamwork and was when I personally left the game as it was completely outrageous convoluted and extremely hard to inspire myself to work in favor of this new PVE system Clash royale's development team made the mistake of killing the one thing that made Clan Wars 1.0 enjoyable and that was the Simplicity instead of getting a two-day War that wasn't a complete grind at first you now get Perpetual clamors that last a good month to a month and a half if you're unlucky with you being forced to complete these completely moronic objectives in order to advance your boat across the river as if it were a race I get what they were going for but this update absolutely ruined the previous Mechanics for clan wars and what initially made it so fun instead of feeling as if you were competing against another clan you're more or less competing on your own behalf and that wasn't any fun gone were the days of devising a strategy with your clan to have the best deck and now came in a new era where you had to grind out camels for a month to have any chance of actually completing Clan Wars 2.0 which is something the Casual player does not want to do this update is possibly on the worst useless to come out of Super Saiyan Clash royale's hat of updates during this update they also overhauled the Beloved Quest and free gift system where they're being wore an invisible barrier between understanding the bonuses that will come with your free gifts they were now located in the store as a matter of fact and although they inevitably make a return in daily task there's now this new thing called a banner box which is basically saying that you need to pay Gems or a lease of work through this daily task system to actually customize your profile however the one redeeming Factor about Clan Wars 2.0 was the fact it was fresh for a whole entire month and that every time he managed to win some point inside the clan wars you could see your boat move in real time against other clans that was until they decided to remove that feature the following year for absolutely no reason as on a meaningless three day long training time and ensure the boats moved at the end of each day basically annihilating any perception of competition in the process there was also this really confusing point system out inside the clown was known as Fame I'm pretty sure they renamed it at some point but honestly throughout the latter parts of 2020 all the way up to late 2022 I was completely absent from the game and I'm more or less based in this on my accounts I have from friends who played the game throughout this painful time the amount of emphasis placed on the importance of this update that Clan Wars 2.0 is going to be the future of clash Royale wasn't the only part of the update that failed the players it also favored those who are willing to drop their life savings on the gameplay because they want to do with the old system it was very easy for players to earn rewards from themselves and their class regardless of whether or not they paid money the fact that Clash royale's development team decided to make the ability to claim these rewards a solid month wait brutally ended many of the incentives free to play players had to participate in Clan Wars resulting in them throwing or simply playing trophy Road there's another thing I'd like to add this entire update sort of made clown was seem pointless to a clan and in the sense it somewhat ruined the experience of Clans in general beforehand away in 2016 to 2018 Mana mold we used to have a clan chest which is where people could throw the hat in the ring regarding trophy Road and so the entire Clan could profit from playing trophy Road in a completing other challenges it encouraged infested teamwork sort of like Clan games and Clash of Clans but more simple but no they decided to make it over complicated to the point where class were pretty much made redundant in the process finally if we take a look at how Clash of Clans its clan war system works you can really see how Clash Royale has faulted not only did it require an overhaul over a pretty simplistic system they also forgot to learned from the game and arguably fathered the idea of having a crown War system in their game to begin with in Clash of Clans is relatively simple and easy to understand you get two attacks and an opportunity to earn a total of six cars in total in Clan Wars in CW Wells one attack and three stars your attacker base that suits you and then Bravo you pick up Stars contributed to the score which will earn your clan some sweet Clan experience which will unlock benefits as a shorter donation request times a verse level boost to those who are lower level donated to higher levels and vice versa Clash Royale has none of that and from what I know we'll never have any of that there's no benefit for a player who wishes to play the game with their passion Vigor they're simply profits for supercell who are players who are willing to play the game but have wallets large enough to bypass grinding out clan wars and to try and move through clophy Road speaking of those with large wallets it's time for the main talking point of this video which happens to be since the introduction of the past year are back in July of 2019 there's always been an incentive for people who play Clash Royale to spend an extra Buck I mean the incentive was always there with the fact he could always gamble or lack and obtain chest from the store using gems that you could purchase with your own money but plasterer made that somewhat affordable not only that they made a decision to make pasture or lock behind certain daily barriers ensuring that people logged in every day so they can make progress on the gold pass which made daily activity somewhat rewarding in the long run and also gave people who paid the extra five bucks or so the extra Cosmetics as well as opportunities to level up their cars and bolster the strength of their deck I would highlight this affordable way of running a lot of prizes as a good thing but it still severely disadvantage of those who were free to play with the Cosmetics as well as a rewards seeming tempting even for the most frequent of clash Royale players not only that Clash Royale is genuinely quite a competitive game and at the time of the addition of the pass throughout the matchmaking system was still quite flawed ensuring that higher level players could easily Crush lower level players if they sat and grind in the pasture out for a while before upgrading the cars at the end of the season and shooting up the lather shortly thereafter Clash Road had magic items which further bolstered the superiority of the gold pass and you could simply unlock card tokens that would ensure that your cars can be upgraded whenever you wish that you could select the car's upgrade this sounds quite innocent as a system and it seems like just a way to offer a higher degree of fulfillment to those who like Clash Royale and want to support supercell but around three months into the past three hours existence a major balancing riff began to form between those who didn't buy the Pass Trail versus those who favored opening up their wallet to supercell I could still vividly remember sometime in September and October 2019 I would persistently being matched up against players who held cars around two or three levels higher than my own with the King and Princess Towers often following that same pattern in the span of only three months a visible Rift would open up between those who are progressing relatively slowly as they were casually playing the game as opposed to those who were spending money also casually playing the game but earning much more rewards for the time that they've spent for such a humbly prized offer ring is substantially increased difficulty for those who weren't willing to pay any for more money or instead determined to play the game free to play yet this Rift in Matchmaker would often make people believe that the cars or their skills were the problem and when in reality it was the fact that they loved to preserve their own hard-earned cash over time the system of Oppression thanks to going against those who are at a higher level and seeing clan mates or their friends progress slowly revealed in a lot of free-to-play players to obtain the partial myself included believe it or not and it instantly made me feel like I was a better player and a God to some extent this form of obtained superiority can be dangerous as it can often Inspire those to become addicted to purchasing things such as pass throughout and if they purchase the password notice the skills increasing thanks to the card level shooting up they may be inclined to spend more money on other things such as genital skins it's quite similar to gambling in the sense that some people will see issues with their own strategy just because they're not winning and the fact that they gamble for the thread of winning is something that's extremely dangerous considering this is slowly but surely spreading to clash Royale one pass reel at a time it's even had an upgrade recently believe it or not however this is just one of the underlying issues with Clash Royale and how it's only morph into a pay to win the game one could also argue that Clash of Clans is also paid to win but the interactions between players is a lot less Direct in Clash of Clans you could still loot as well as trophies from attacking players who are defending their own base but the matchmaking is actually somewhat fair and sometimes it can even put you against higher levels if you rush your but eat some focus on offense I must State this now in Clash Royale you are playing against players in real time and the decisions you make much more direct and so are the consequences or lack thereof of not spending money versus choosing to spend money plus Clash of Clans offers alternatives to even the most frugal players to unlock some extremely rewarding prizes such as hammers or potions using cwl medals and since the capital will update raid medals the only thing Clash Royale is really added to ensure that free-to-play players aren't completely left out is the currency associated with the party game mode which is known as season tokens which reset at the end of the respective season that and 180 tasks but then again anyone can do those you could say I'm firing on all cylinders to find ways to criticize Clash Royale when almost every mobile game is obligated to milk money after their players in one way or another considering it's free and you're the product and that game companies need to make their profit somehow but I wish these practices weren't so scummy as they are at some point they introduced a balancing mechanism which capped off the lower and higher levels you could fight in Clash Royale making matchmaking for lower levels and free to play players much more inviting and enticing unfortunately as of recently and I mean very recently this month in fact Clash rails development team has introduced arguably one the most if not the most deplorable update they've ever introduced to their game and that happens to be Cloud Evolution card Evolution was an update that was designed to mainly ensure the higher level players were happy with spending even more money on the game and by guiding them by heightening the level barrier even higher with Clash Royale introducing Elite cards or level 15 to the playing field as well as to matchmaking I don't even want to start on horror that became high level ladder matchmaking and it's mostly a mess at this point but one of their promises the development team made to the players themselves and the higher levels free to play or not that was the fact that they wouldn't need to worry about gold anymore gold was one of the major bottlenecks for many players and it's one of the many things that actually inspired people to work through the game and to earn gold either by earning it through trophy Road in their daily tasks collection chests from trophy Road or by completing objectives in the past or out with this promise it seemed as if that would be God and those who are at level 14 already which I'll use the common card reference of 12 000 to get from Level 1 to level 14 as an example many players were thinking that the amount required would be ten thousand common cars to collect which would be quite steep considering it's taking a lot of time to get there or maybe 8 000 which is much more reasonable and not as steep a middle ground between grinding as well as being able to attain these charts naturally the amount required is roughly 25 000 which means if you had a Max Clash for our account you are now only the Third the way maxed and this metric also carries over to the rest of the cars with you needed to earn roughly five times the maximum amount required for level 14 for each respective card though still in their update posts that they aren't expecting many people to reach level 15 or the elite level whilst they're calling it but we all know what they mean by that and that's the fact that they're going to incentivize people to roll the die to account this chest and to empty their bots on their behalf just so they can use these evolved cards not only that but these evolved cards also come with another use as currency Evolution shards which is just making Clash Royale more convoluted and confusing to understand by the day this level of monetization inside of a video game is prominent as Clash Royale is absolutely sickening I never thought a prestigious company such as supercell would need as low as a company such as Voodoo to ensure that they make profits from an already successful game as b-rad mentioned in this video he alongside countless others have contacted the development team as the only people in a position of power to really reverse the changes that this tragic update has brought to the game as well as the consequences of what that will come afterwards but so far the development team has not budge nor yielded in the slightest with the excuse being the fact that this is quite an exclusive Club of people at least those who obtain Elite cards and those who obtain Elite cards will be rewarded for some of the most broken Buffs the game has to offer for any cards at all ever since 2019 Clash Royale sorry but surely started to spiral on a corset as push plays into spending more money as opposed to playing the game more competitively and by having an actual measurement of metric of skill you don't need to play well to be good all you have to do is to rush your progression using the Jade note sitting in your wallets and to watch a three minute long YouTube video to learn how to attack properly with every and any strategy you desire this hollow soul that remains of clash Royale can only live on for so long and now upon discussing their extensive history monetization practices beginning in 2019 and will then ruining the game with so many free-to-player players we must discuss the potential future of Crash raw and how this beloved games future will pan out if this update is not reversed or balanced in some way I'm going to be as physically transparent as possible here this game will die if something isn't done about this update this recent update is undermined countless players who have spent almost seven years growing through the game and even undermines those who have massive wallets it renders years worth of progress useless by basically shrinking you down and saying you're only a third of the way until Max now buddy what's she gonna do about it spend more money whilst also throwing those who are loyal to the game under the bus never before have a scene update so deplorable to the point where it puts the company above the player I don't like coming back to Clash of Clans over and over again as an example and I give thanks to Judo sloth for this information but in Clash of Clans they will be hiking the price of the gold pass or Clash of Clans equivalent to the Past Royale in Clash of Clans you are getting more with the two dollar and pound increase whilst Clash Royale the prize was hyped to deal with inflation and no bonuses were added except for a diamond tier which you can pay double the money for and arguably isn't worth it furthermore the majority of these card have Solutions feel like a slap in the face for those who are loyal to the game considering there are some cars that are obviously broken and others and then introducing a massive paywall between using a skillful deck as opposed to those just winning the game with these ridiculous Elite cars is quite frankly unfair and unjustified by introducing level 15 at such a crucial time and practically breaking the game in the process superset with a clash Royale development team have put this game on a timer from what I know this level 15 update will be the last major update level why is that will make sense and that Clash Royale we've received considering these Elite cars automatically put a stop gap between that and what level 16 will be God I can't even imagine what sort of mess would end up emerging if level 16 cards were introduced to the game this update was already designed to do nothing more than to raking money money that's already been earned thanks to the fact that people willing to pay the extra money for the partial with the price hike for countless gems to gamble or so so they can use it in Gold to upgrade but I think Elite cars is taking everything a little too far supercell buddy you already make so much money why are you ruining Clash Royale that's a game that's simply about 1v1 or 2v2 battles with people using different decks to battle against their opponents rudely this much monetization are you doing this because Clash minis didn't yield the level of success that you were looking for when creators and beta testers tried out the game for the first time it seems as a super seller slowly but surely losing its grip on its loyal player base thanks to these blunders that they're making with Clash Royale and the fact that they're going to be adding a third game to The Clash family quite effectively terrifies me considering how money hungry The Clash Royale development team happens to be a game that I believe was originally spawned as an alternative game of The Clash of Clans and one that was so fun for so long it started to meet his end and dig its own grave although this is a bit of a hot take I think fixing the game is much more simple than you think it simply reversing this update or at the very least ensuring that not everything is a rip-off I honestly think the past draw needs a massive overhaul so that variations occur for those who are higher level versus lower level so it isn't too overpowered for each level and maybe adding more benefits for per level is something that should justify the price hike as well not only that but I think clown wars and clowns need to be seriously overhauled in general I think camels should follow a scheme someone similar to Clash of Clans this Capital system or at the very least it should be reverted back to the old system maybe inventing a new system where people can rack up something in those Clash medals from War which they can use to spend on benefits such as card tokens books or any other boost that I'm forgetting about with an extra bonus chest that can be filled via participation and more efforts is something that Clash Royale should seriously consider I will honestly just take anything that doesn't scream like you're sacrificing your soul for some ashes the balloons just imagine how cool it would be to have Clan leagues or even Royale leagues anything to match that name where you could build it we were in custom arena inside The Clash Royale that players battle on and upgrade when it's time for war obviously I wouldn't want everything to be over complicated and everything's already convoluted enough but I think the whole River Race system is just broken and not worth the time a raid weekend similar to Clash of Clans would be much more rewarding for clash Royale Wars as they don't seem perpetual and endless that way whilst also offering opportunities for players of all kinds to reap Awards of varying levels I'm just a bit boring here at this point I'm a YouTuber who's badly hit 100 subscribers thank you by the way but I'm someone who's been passionate about Clash Royale Clash of Clans and even ball stars for years at this point I first played Clash of Clans when I was 10 I was hooked Clash of Clans when I was 11. I'm 18 now it's so degrading seeing such a wonderful experience one that holds many memories takes such a dark term for the sake of pushing some numbers up the thing is I can't solely blame the Clash Royale development team either I'm sure supercell has a company has been breathing down the necks about a profit quota and that's why this update was spawned at least that's my personal hope that is the case it seems odd for royale's development team to not budge about an update and to remain stubborn alongside the firm when there are creators and people screaming and begging for them to reverse these changes what do you guys think do you believe supercell should be held accountable for holding a quote above their head or is it more or less greed striking the cash flow development team with them wishing to milk every penny after this game before it dies I encourage you to leave your own opinion in the comment sections but as Hyde personally fixed Clash Royale had you been put in a situation where you won the lead developers Clash Royale situation sucks but there's not much irony one can do about it but as videos like this in which I gain hope that myself and many others no matter the size can get word out there and hopefully make Giants such as the super self reconsider their decision anyways with that setting this video going for much longer than expected I thank you all for watching this video to the end I hope you have an awesome day May the cosplay shine upon in I'll catch you in the next one bye
Channel: Naidvar
Views: 211,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash royale, supercell, level 15, mobile game, videogames, monetisation, video essay, summary, review, clash royale evolution, history of clash royale, supercell ruined clash royale
Id: pCjnS0N5oaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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