Clash Royale Has Failed Its Players

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when I made that video last year I thought Clash Royale hit rock bottom I was wrong the beginning was Evolutions they released four evolutions and the only way to unlock these evolutions for weeks because it took weeks to get enough wild cards to unlock one was to pay this offer $100 us or $140 Canadian this was the only way for weeks to unlock the most broken cards in the game otherwise you could not get them you physically could not unlock these cards unless you bought this offer for weeks and even then you you can only get one so that's off to a great start so they're releasing one new Evolution every single month some months being two but the way you get it is you spend $15 a month you get the pastoril you get the broken Evolution the only other way to get it is season shop you get one wild Shard a month special challenges I don't know why that's there that's just a joke shop offer money level up chest those are onetime thing so the season shop also gives you three older shards that you can get for 5,000 10,000 15,000 but those are older shards not the new broken ones the ones that already got nerfed this is all the span of like six months you got level 15 $100 card Evolution $15 a month then they release Tower troops I don't want to get into how stupid Tower troops are but let's just look at how they monetize it all right you opened up the game the only way to unlock caner at the time was a $50 US offer you opened the game you wanted to play the Canon ear you couldn't you could not max out the caner unless you bought this offer it was like that for almost a month until they realized they let you use wild shards so that was something but for a month the only way to play this in competitive Clash Royale because it gave you an advantage was to spend $50 after the caner of course they had to one up themselves right then they released the dagger Duchess also $50 offer not sure what currency this is this is what I found and it was the most broken card stronger than caner this literally changed the game in such a negative way that you if you didn't play it you just straight lost so by definition this is pay to win $50 if you didn't play it you lost March 18th so almost a full year later they finally apparently release a good update for the free-to-play player lucky drops at least on the surface right because this just free rewards for everybody just by playing the game but the majority of these rewards are just rewards they remove from the season shop the season shop that you could customize what you wanted no longer can you customize you can't pick what you want if you want to common if you want a legendary you can't pick those the wild shards now or wild cards now you're fully limited to rngesus if you don't get the RNG you want you're not going to get the cards you want because this is that's all this is they just re reallocated those resources from the season shop to the lucky drop sure there's a 1% chance you get a book of books but you can't lock progression behind Randomness because not everyone is guaranteed to get that some people are going to get lucky and get two to three but for every person that gets lucky there's a person that gets unlucky so that's not a good way to do it so you you there's got to be a way to guarantee what you want and right now there isn't because it's just lucky drops down that's not good it's also worth mentioning the book of books that we got for pass ra for $5 inside of the past rail alongside everything else for years is now at $20 which past ra used to be $5 for everything now just the book of books is $20 worth noting one full year after the release level 15 they finally released a single update where you can open the game and actually play that thing without spending money and that's the goblin Queen Journey so Props to them for finally making something that everyone can play the only problem with that is this game mode is absolute crap it's literally one of those special challenges that you play for 10 minutes two or three times and you never want to touch again but the only problem is the gate locked a lot of the cards which force players to play something they don't want to play which in and of itself is so stupid why Force players to play this if they don't want to do it it should be an option don't know why they lock those cards behind it but anyways good though free for everyone this is what they need to do but they kind of failed on this one I'll admit and that was the year I just summarized the entire year of clash Royale updates you'd think after all those monetized heavily monetized updates they'd finally released something and they did but it just wasn't good enough not nearly even if it was a fun game mode that's not enough to justify a year of all that crap last year when I made that video I went into it with one mistake I realize now I have a better perspective on everything that last year was a little misleading because I went into that video thinking that every single thing Clash roale was doing they had the best intention of its players behind what they were doing but the problem is I now realized they don't give a about anyone and they only care about money you cannot tell me after what I just showed you they care about you at all they just want your money they want that money money money because for whatever reason something happened two years ago it all started with the Champions now that I see it someone took over the game lead or some and they just decided Screw The Players let's make money let's milk this bad boy for all it's worth see how long we can go with it I see so many comments saying super cell's so G they're giving us a free Evolution Shard oh my God they're finally turning it around did you forget about level 15 did you forget about how they monetized card Evolutions be getting a $100 offer did you forget about koner did you forget about dagger duess did you forget about pass rail $15 a month to get the new broken Evolution did you forget about how they release broken cards and the only way to Max it is to spend money and within a week they're nerfed did you forget about all that but no they're generous right guys they're generous they give you that perfect match they gave you a free mortar Evolution last week couple weeks ago maybe by the time I released this I don't know but you get what I'm saying they're generous anyways those people are really stupid I just want to make sure you guys aren't stupid when they release this kind of stuff they're literally realizing they're almost admitting their game is dying nobody has this stuff because nobody can afford to buy it what would I do differently you know what I do differently I'd make a game players will want to play Release features that are fun that everyone has access to and then guess what you release things on the side of that that are monetized maybe maybe skins too that are not you you know not paid a win that once people are playing the game if you get players playing the game they're going to spend money that's all you got to do but I think the only update since Clan Wars 2 that was a free update that gave players something new to do was the Goblins Queen journey and that was a complete failure but I have to say releasing A New Path of Legends or sorry trophy Road is good they just screwed it up it should have been another one of those throwaway challenges that you never see in the corner of the game but they wanted to try something differently and you know give them props for trying you never know how accurate these things is but I do want to mention this this says it's from May 2024 right so this is Android Clash Royale is almost on par with Heyday revenue and this is IOS Heyday is making almost as much as Clash Royale with all these updates Clash have done it has not improved their state in comparison to the other games this is such like honestly I just want to laugh at them because how many stupid updates they released that have just been plain cash grabs and it hasn't worked they're almost on par with Heyday dude Clash rail is one of the most unique games ever released it was like game of the year 2016 2017 whatever it was do you think hey they had that crap it's a farm Simulator for 40-year-old women and and freaking Clash Royale can't compete or it barely competes I showed that because it's important to realize that this crap ain't even working so why they keep doubling tripling down they're just digging their grave and then they're just throwing more dirt more dirt and now they just literally put a layer of goddamn cement all over it and the only way to do anything about it is have someone new come in and literally Jackhammer every gun damn update theyve done in the last two years destroy everything and rebuild because this game is just a joke it is almost a parody on itself if you look at Clash Royale gameplay two years ago to now let just let's just start with Champions all right so you got Champions you got Evolutions you got princess Tower troops you got King Tower troops guess what every every single feature is monetized I I guarantee you King Tower troops are going to be monetized at this rate but I don't think they're going to do it just yet because how much of a failure the most recent update was so I don't think they're going to go through with that yet which is good because why have more monetized stuff at this point I don't even want them to update their game I don't want them to update their game because every single update just makes it worse makes the pay wall bigger you know what's funny I think every update in the last year I still can't believe this every single update in the last year you go download in the app store Google Play Store you open up the game you scroll you go through all the pages where's the update what can I do there was this huge hype on this update right where's the update where's the update you can't find it there is no update then a minute later you scroll to the shop boom offer offer offer yeah that's the update the entire updates in Clash just offers in the shop they aren't even trying to hide it like you can't unlock anything soorry you can't max out anything for free anymore you have to pay money and it's just a pay wall after pay wall after pay wall That's the update that's all Clash Royale is these days is just a pay wall honestly at a point just charge money for the game just make it a $20 game make it a $40 game honestly make it a $100 game make it a nice round number like Evolutions I do want to mention one solution that they literally could have made to make level 15 itself and everything else more manageable you know how they tied level 15 to be one of the most monetized updates in in gaming history you know what they could have done cuz they even claimed they want player attention that's why they released level 15 you know what they could have done they could have tied card masteries to level 15 you would have to play a single card for what five hours 10 hours you can make it 20 hours it doesn't matter if you want that much of a retention so in order to upgrade the card to level 15 you have to master the card so there's no pay to win you literally just grind the game imagine that a game that you can have fun and grind to get Rewards instead of just paying for them they could have done that that is such a genius move that obviously I came up with that would have been fixed the whole player retention then you could have monetized Evolutions as they are and I don't think a single person would have complain I don't think a single person maybe the tower troops being $60 but other than that I don't think anyone would complain about any other monetized feature if they just had some grind level 15 anything like that the players can just compete at a fair level but they can't even have that they had to make it pay to win you know I got actually a short story that it was about 6 months after the release of level 15 when path Legends turned level 15 couple weeks after that I went to a twitch streamer not sure who they were they weren't even English but I understood what they were saying for the most part because you can just you know by the way they're they're doing things in the game and um he was playing he was and he was losing with his deck that he played for the last couple months but the meta changed it shifted and the other deck he wanted to try he didn't have level 15 so you know what he did he was going through the cards and he let out like a like a weird sigh and then he scrolled to the shop offer he bought four packs of level 15 Elite wild cards and then then he continued playing ladder that's where we're at you can't even play the game anymore without spending money like if your deck is bad you spend more money just spend money hey the new broken Evolution just spend more money it'll give you free wins guys this is not a competitive game this wait I'm serious this is not a competitive game anymore this the game's shambles if you thinking about competitive it is a cycle Fest of Evolutions instead of countering your players the opponent's deck sorry you counter the tower Troop that just sits there I'm talking about the dagger Duchess they did finally Nerf her took what three months five months almost I don't even know and instead of all that it's just a cycle Fest for Evolutions evolution is still broken there's no downside you just buy the broken Evolution you win games and um that's what it is these days instead of a competitive game that honestly the original developers strive so hard to balance the game make it competitive the modern devs are like competitive money go bur right am I right guys I'm right no I'm right at this point I just want to tell the developers to get their head out of their asses and just look around at the game you destroyed like it's literally in shambles but like why even bother they ain't GNA listen the last video got a million and a half views I didn't think it was going to get that I thought it was G to get like 300,000 it got 100,000 likes I don't you can probably count on your fies how many videos in Clash Royale history have 100,000 views that aren't some sort of trailer or something that went Mega viral with like five million plus views I didn't even ask for likes it got 100,000 likes just because people agreed but they completely ignored over a million people 100,000 people guaranteed agreed with it ignored completely ignored so that's why I'm not even trying to beg even ask the de devs to do anything because they're just complete dumb asses at this point like it is a joke and I almost want to laugh at them with not not with them oh my God I was going to say at the game as well but yeah I don't want to play the game anymore the only reason why I still am on YouTube is just because I do enjoy making videos for you guys I got nothing better to do and I I do want the game to go back to what it was but that's not going to happen and I have to accept that which is why the tone of this video is more different than last one is because I don't know what stage of grief that is but I've accepted the fate of this game it's dead when I say dead I don't mean literally no one's playing the game I mean the hype is gone nobody's talking about it kids in high school are they playing Clash Royale no I guarantee you nobody is excited for any Clash Ro update anymore they're like update God damn it again what else do I have to pay for so the hype's gone that's what I mean when a game's dead the hype is gone which this game is and they're not going to get it back unless they completely like Rebrand it's going to take a lot of hard work because the community is pretty much fully against it and rightfully so rightfully so they done nothing for the community they've only taken and taken and taken and eventually they're going to have to give and when they realize that I hope it's going to be soon but they're going to have to realize that I don't know if they're ever going to they actually just might not they might just be in their Board Room meeting watching this video calling me a dumbass raking in the money they're like what a dumbass he wants to play a game look at this money look at this dollar $100 billund imagine just honestly I could see it the supercell boardroom doing that right now They Don't Care About Us I'm just gonna stop talking
Channel: B-rad
Views: 1,034,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clash Royale, Clash, Royale, B-rad, Brad, Tribe, Gaming, Pro, CRL, Player, Clash Royale League, Gameplay, Challenge, Miner, Cycle, Ladder, Tournament, Global Tournament, Grand Challenge, Ladder deck, CR
Id: D0EBpQyynrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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