Clash Royale's Rarest Moments!

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from a chest unlocking four legendaries to a golden Knight Dash King Tower activation here are some of the rarest moments in Clash Royale history starting off with the level 1 player who reached 6 000 trophies without upgrading a single card when you're in mid ladder most of your matches are going to go against over-level players with extremely annoying decks so what if you found yourself against a level 1 player whose princess Tower literally only deals 50 damage per hit I mean that's not even enough to One-Shot your skeletons the highest level one player is currently at 6511 trophies so if you find a level 1 player above 6 000 trophies it is truly a one in a million moment imagine losing to a level one number two most King Tower activations are triggered by a tornado or even two tornadoes what if I told you you could activate your king Tower without even doing anything just take a look at this clip where after the opponent places their Royal Hogs and you defend with a goblin gang the Royal hog on the right gets pushed all the way towards the king Tower amazing play however as you can probably imagine this is extremely hard to replicate trust me I've tried multiple times with pretty much no success number three if you've played Clash Royale for a while you'd know how rare legendaries used to be extremely rare even with how common legendary seem to be nowadays they're still quite rare to find in the lower level chests for example in a golden chest you have about a 0.27 chance of getting a legendary which is about one legendary for every 325 gold chests so getting a legendary in a gold or silver chest is a certified very lucky moment number four ever have a super tense game and end up winning by only one HP well the probability of you winning a game by one HP is extremely low nearly one in over ten thousand it's extremely hard to come short of only one hit point in the 2019 Clash Royale World Finals surgical Goblin and Morton clashed with 150 000 on the line and though it was a really tense match in the countdown surgical Goblin won by only one h p man you can only feel bad for Morton number five from 2016 to 2017 nobody had ever really seen two towers being taken at the exact same moment so when YouTubers molt and Nick at night secured a three Crown draw a lot of people had their minds blown taking Towers at the same time is a lot harder than it seems in fact most people only do this once or twice out of tens of thousands of battles so when you get a game like this make sure you save that replay number six supercell intended legendary chests for one purpose to give you a legendary card who would have guessed however this all changed when a glitch made it so that a player opening a legendary chest would get a common imagine spending 500 gems just to get one common card that is actually hilarious thankfully this was fixed later on and now all legendary chests give legendaries but this was definitely one of clash royale's rarest and funniest moments number seven imagine loading into a game and seeing this the terror you've actually just gotten extremely lucky and as weird as that may sound by finding someone with a top 100 rank you're fighting a player better than 99.99 of players which gives your matchup a 1 out of 10 000 chance of happening which come to think of it is actually pretty unlucky because oh look at that he had just got three ground number eight if you manage to see a near-maxed player in Barbarian Bowl congratulations you are probably seeing the rarest Moment In Clash Royale as to drop all the way from legendary Arena to Barbarian bowl is nearly impossible it takes you literal weeks of straight losing which no human wants to experience however maxed players in Barbarian Bowl do have huge trolling ability they can literally Place one Electro giant or Mega Knight and three Crown imagine being the new player I'd probably quit after that number nine getting permanently banned is not only extremely annoying but also super rare there are only a few ways to get permanently banned from Clash Royale with YouTuber KFC having to travel to Finland in person just to get his account banned so if you get permanently banned from Clash Royale probably did a lot of bad things some of which may include hacking trash talking clan mates and or committing a felony let's hope it's not the last one number 10. King Tower activations are usually pretty easy to pull off especially ones with tornado but one of the hardest King Tower activations is against mortar where the opponent places a mortar in the middle of the bridge and you place your skeletons right in front of your king Tower getting yourself a really neat King Tower activation this has to be placed at the Split Second perfect timing with your skeletons right in front of your king Tower alright now let's try if I manage to get this King Tower activation you have to subscribe alright just subscribe guys please number 11 winning a mega lightning chest from Battle is about one of the rarest things that can happen to you each chest is set in a specific order for you to unlock so while it isn't really luck it does feel great winning a game just to get a chest that appears once every 500 plus games what's even rare is if you're able to have all of those chests in your chest slots only being done a few times in the game's entire history and if you don't have gems good luck even trying number 12. seeing this message on your screen would make you one of the best players in Clash Royale as if you have this on your screen it means you're one of the top 200 players globally Clash Royale has millions of players so being one of the top 200 players is nearly impossible unless you play 24 7 and have pretty much no friends but hey I don't judge number 13. have you ever thought you were fighting a robot well over the years there have been many theories about bots in Clash Royale ones who were there just to keep the game alive while this is an interesting Theory nothing has ever been proven however over time many people have seen players that just seemed a bit too dumb to be human one of the rarest moments in Clash is having two Bots match up against each other in the latter something only caught on camera a few times huh Wonder who'll win number 14. this golden Knight managed to activate this King Tower from all the way over here and the best part was it wasn't even staged this was in an actual match similar kinds of King Tower activations have happened in the past similar to this Electro Spirit one but if you ever managed to activate your king Tower unintentionally with a dash like this you've probably just seen the coolest and rarest King Tower activations to date number 15. ever played a mere match up where your opponent has the exact same deck as you well how about a 2v2 match where everyone is using the exact same deck yeah there have been a few cases of this happening and every time it's super entertaining to watch number 16 Everyone likes gems but did you know it's possible to get Negative gems although illegal if you refund your purchase after already spending gems supercell will sometimes lock your account with negative gems only unlocking it when you purchase the amount of gems you've already spent on top of this supercell will usually just remove all the stuff you got in recent chests anyway so yeah don't mess with supercell number 17 in 2016 Clash Royale added tournaments which were supposed to be a place where you could compete with friends for cool rewards Clash Royale made these rewards a bit too Overkill though as first place in a large tournament would result in you getting this chest which literally takes 14 days just to unlock but hey it's worth the wait because what you'd find inside would be by far the best chest in Clash Royale so rare that the few openings recorded have gotten millions of views on YouTube while this chest is extremely rare so is you clicking this video here I dare you go ahead disprove the odds
Channel: Hallow
Views: 2,091,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hallow, clash royale, rarest clash royale moments
Id: yccV7mIMEIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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