Clarkson Traps Hammond on a Rickety 300ft High Bridge | The Grand Tour | Prime Video

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since the jaguars weren't going to be in built-up areas we plowed deep into the jungle along a dirt path that was once a railway built by the british right jaguars they are very difficult to spot and very very rare you don't want to come face to face with the jaguar though it does have very strong bitey bits kills its prey by biting through its skull and then penetrating its brain this is proper jungle now oh hello i'm in the british railway tunnel oh no hammond i had to do it it's the law we drove for miles along the disused railway until eventually lgb jeremy came to a halt gentlemen i'm rather confused here we're approaching a bridge okay it says no cars no people no motorcycles and no horses well what what's it for then moments later we found out [Music] [Music] it's alright james why don't you just he's actually go james doesn't like heights oh did you see that one just moved what is that album that's one two you've got seven and eight maybe eight feet but that means i'll have to drive i can't it's got massive tires you'll just be running on the outer ones well so i get to this bit my car is wider than that and that's wider than my wheel it won't do it and that's high actually what is that 300 feet some hundreds of feet yes oh dear even though hammond isn't at all accident prone i went first seat belt on or off off because what bloody difference will it make really jesus oh god this is really really narrow speed no i don't think speed's the [Music] answer oh right i've made it that's good hammond you will your pants doing this well that's helpful i already am watching spider-man may shot across as fast as he did not looking down not looking down thinking about other things and then it was the turn of big donald oh god then i can do this by looking at the driver's side tire and keeping it as close as i can to that edge and hoping to god that gives me enough oh christ oh jesus i'm shaking all over i can do this i'm just gonna look at the wood not at what's below just look at the wood ah jesus christ now i'm too close to the edge ah ah god ah i think i might be sick i will get there crossing this bridge is just part of my journey who is that clippity-clopping across my bridge oh god not the billy goat grab game i will move my jeep out of your way uh if you can answer this simple prog question who is the base guitarist in barclay james harvest the nolan sisters get me off this bridge let me off the bridge i'm going to be sick please eventually hammond became quite irritated so i abandoned the game and soon all of us became quite irritated there were more not very well maintained bridges oh god in heaven [Music] the heat was stifling and the ride in the jeep became more and more intolerable not very well
Channel: Amazon Prime Video UK
Views: 2,064,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Prime Video UK, Amazon Prime, Amazon Prime UK, Amazon Video, Amazon Video UK, Amazon Original Series, Amazon Instant Video, Prime Instant Video, grand tour, the grand tour season 3, the grand tour series 3, the grand tour bridge, the grand tour 4x4, the grand tour 4x4 challenge, hammond bridge, hammond clarkson may, hammond clarkson may bridge, jeremy clarkson the grand tour, james may the grand tour
Id: 1R9zBH1p3tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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