Bolivia's Death Road | Top Gear | BBC

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-Hang on, before you go. -What? I genuinely don't like heights, okay? It's my biggest failing, among many, I accept. You know the "you drive into the back of my car and it's very funny" joke? You don't want it to happen. -You want me to drive into him? -No. I'll cut your... [bleep] head off. You will need a beep there, BBC Two. -I can understand that. -Seriously. My car is perfect in every way, apart from it not starting. So, could you, if you wouldn't mind... push me a little bit? So, you want me to push your car with my car now, on this road here? Yes. There's no alternative. Okay, well, here I come. Careful, careful, careful. I wasn't as careful as I could have been. Sorry. Pretty soon we saw why the road had earned its name. God almighty! That is high! That is a massive, massive drop! This is insane. Whoa! The grasses stick up and you don't necessarily see what a long way down it is and then you get one of those little gaps... and then just you see down and it is a long way. There's one there. The dust didn't help either. Oh, gee. Look at that. That's narrow. I just don't know what I'm doing! I don't understand the rules on this road. You seem to drive one minute on the left, one minute on the right. Sometimes a lorry stops going the other way to let you go through. Sometimes they don't. Some lorries pull over. Others come barrelling up behind you doing three and a half times the speed of sound. It's completely baffling! Thank you. I'm coming up against the truck. I've got to go past him and that means going on that side. Looking straight ahead. Breathe. Moments later, James slowed down to let a mad local get past. Does that mean there's one of those maniacal taxi drivers? And I didn't. Oh, God! -Sorry, I was watching... -I was... [bleep] about this. You're now going to get macheted to death. -I was watching the taxi! -I don't care. I did warn you! Did I or did I not warn you? James is killing Jeremy, but things are going well. -I was watching the taxi. -You weren't. I was watching the taxi! Did your co-presenter just attack you with a machete? Yes, he did. He was quite cross 'cause I ran into him. That doesn't happen on clothes programmes or gardening shows. As we climbed higher, life in the already battered Toyota became truly terrifying. That's my steering. I'm inches from death... there. The steering wheel doesn't do anything. My brakes stick on when I'm going uphill and cause the clutch to slip. I can't breathe because the dust gets in. Oh, God! That's real fear now. When I'm going downhill, the same brakes that stick on going uphill don't stop me. The Suzuki, too, was showing the strain. What is the matter? It's got dirt in the fuel system from the river. -So it's broken? -It's not broken. -Occasionally, a bit of it goes through. -Your simple, cheap car is broken. Sticking to the code of the Top Gear brotherhood, I left James and Richard behind. Just goes to show they're badly-made these Japanese cars. They're badly-made. James and I decided to stick together. He's never going to go round us. My God, he is. That's insane. Right. I'm in a ditch. Okay. Yeah. Didn't see this. Whoa-ho! What a thing to miss. Right. No biggie, though, because my colleague would winch me out in a jiffy. -Hold on. -What? The winch isn't working. I'm now all on my own on Death Road. I have no idea where Ray Mears and Ted Nugent are. They've just disappeared. We have no phones. They're not on the radio. They could be dead. We would, in fact, be dead quite soon, judging by the mood of the angry, stuck locals. -Good luck. -Thank you. Handbrake off, etcetera. The ditch is going to level out. It'll be fine. There you go. What a nice man. Soon, though, I wished I'd stayed in the ditch because the Toyota had developed yet another fault. Something's broken... on that back corner. This is pretty close to undriveable now. Christ! Meanwhile, very far ahead... I'm now at 5,500 feet above sea level and still climbing. Oh, God, crosses. A lot of crosses there. And then, underneath a waterfall, I learned why there were so many crosses up here. Oh, my God. No. Oh, my... Stop there! That is going. That is going. Bloody hell.
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 18,842,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, BBC Worldwide, Top Gear, Top, Gear, Topgear, Cars, Car, Autos, Auto, Motoring, Jeremy Clarkson, Jeremy, Clarkson, Richard Hammond, Richard, Hammond, James May, James, May, The Stig, Boliva, Death Road, Yungas Road, Grove's Road, Coroico Road, Camino de las Yungas, Road of fate, La Paz, Coroico, world's most dangerous road, Toyota Land Cruiser, Donkey, Range Rover, Suzuki Samurai, El Camino de la Muerte
Id: daQcxVqQJsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2013
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