The Orcs, Goblins and Uruk-hai of Middle-earth

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[Music] yet this is held true by the wise of a disea that all those of the quendi who came into the hands of Melkor aritaum know was broken were pushed there in prison and by slow arts of cruelty were corrupted and enslaved and thus did malkor breed the hideous race of the orcs in envy and mockery of the elves of whom they were afterwards the bitterest foes for the orcs had life and multiplied after the manner of the children of Aluva talk and not that had life of its own nor the semblance of life could ever malkor make sense his rebellion in the eye Newland da da before the beginning so say the wise and deep in their dark hearts the orcs loathed the master whom they served in fear the maker only of their misery this it maybe was the vilest deed of Melkor and the most hateful - aluva tock greetings and well met my friends joist in here and I hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle-earth today we will be taking another updated look at the orcs of middle-earth and more specifically their descriptions peoples and histories as I typically like to do there will be some related articles and videos in the description and cards above that helped with the creation of today's video and since today's is such a broad topic please check these out for more information a big shout outs to tolkien gateway for their gathered information it really helped a lot with this topic as broad as it is on that note I will summarize much of what there is to know about the orcs rather than going into detail on everything otherwise this video might go on for hours without end now without further delay let us begin our tale about the orcs of middle-earth we shall begin with the early history of the orcs after the awakening of the elves and qui fais nyan during the years of the trees the valley of romaine and his steed Nahar came upon the elves or quendi in ancient times and thus the Valar had discovered the firstborn children of Aluva Tok arome had loved the elves but due to the deceptions of Melkor in those elder days many of the quendi came to fear the writing of our own may this was because of the evil shadows and spirits that Melkor had sent forth in the year or the coming of a roommate and whenever these spirits came across elves far astray alone or together they would be ensnared and vanished from their people never to be seen again the elves thought that the hunter had gotten them and that was mal course plan for he feared and hated a roommate and wished for the elves to shun non-roma should he ever come across them malkor had either sent out his dark servants as riders or he had sent out rumors far off to make this happen and so when overall may did come across the elves some of the quindi hid while others fled and were lost but some stayed and were drawn to a row man but those who weren't had a far darker fate at hand little is truly known what happened to these elves but the wise of toll era Seiya believe that all elves who went to malkor before the destruction of his ancient fortress a tomb no were imprisoned enslaved and corrupted and thus the vile race of orcs came to be made in mockery of the firstborn children of Aluva talk again Melkor could not create life on his own for he did not have the flame imperishable the secret fire which was life and free will only Aluva Tarr had such fire to give but malkor could create mockeries of the thoughts of other beings the creation of orcs was perhaps the greatest sin of Melkor towards Anu photography and thus the orcs came into being they seemed to be wholly evil and corrupted creatures who could not be turned to good Tolkien played around with the idea of the origins of orcs for an older theory saw them has made from subterranean heat and slime according to the book of lost tales part 2 well another theory envisioned them as more animalistic and even according to Christopher Tolkien and morgoth's ring it's possible that Tolkien began to feel uncomfortable with the idea that orcs were descended from elves but it was never changed thus I would say that the most canonical idea is that which is represented in the published Summerland concerning the orcs that being that there were mutilated mockeries of and from elves they were cruel and terrible creatures and looked as one might imagine them they were fearsome and ugly too look upon brandishing terrible teeth armor and weapons they were generally smaller in stature than men and they were strong but crooked and bowlegged with long arms however the appearance of these felt creatures differed in some ways such as flesh tones and others orcs in general seemed weakened by the Sun as indicated in the Hobbit and the two towers but they could continue to run even with weaker legs and giddy heads under the light of the Sun Luke I would be more resistant to the Sun no but we'll talk more about that later to keep their strength they would drink or Croft and although it was not fulfilling it would keep them going they used a language called orcish which was a term for the jumble of languages and debased black speech that was used by orcs but they would also use common speech for cross tribe and general communication as for their lifespans it's possible that they were immortal like elves or they just lived long lives as some works such as bulk son of azog lived to be very old now the etymology of orcs is fascinating as it seems to have come from the old English word or meaning demon or monster in Sindarin they were called glam Hoth meaning the den horde or yelling horde and Kirk or orc in Quenya they were called or Korra in costume ruckus or gore guna in the druid on language other languages had other names as well now a big debate in this topic is whether or not goblins and orcs are different or rather if they are synonyms for the same beings now I've always been torn on this debate so I'm curious to hear what you all have to say in the comments below but I agree with what tolkien gateway says on the matter goblin was typically used in The Hobbit but also in the Lord of the Rings where it seemed to be synonymous with orc I also think that hobbits in general call them goblins Pez golf imbel of Mount Graham who fought the hobbits in the Battle of Greenfields is referenced as such hobbits who typically used more updated English called them goblins while there were Hyrum whose speech was more kin to Old English called them orcs so I tend to think goblins are synonyms for the same species but the former is a newer English word while the latter is an older English word for more and my thoughts about the connection between the speech of the hobbits Andrew Hyrum please check out my how did hobbits come to be middle-earth explained video but what do you all think about the orc goblin debate let me know in the comments below anyway getting back to the lore now there were different kinds of works there were the typical orcs of Melkor or Morgoth who originated in a tomb no and dank bent and the orcs of Sauron who came from Mordor these served in the armies of the Dark Lord's and Sauron continued his master's traditions of breeding them and making them stronger even in the Third Age likely the witch-king knew these methods of creating works for he had orcs in ingmar and Menace morbol and Saruman learned these methods to create orcs and yokai of Isengard amongst these kinds of orcs and the service of evil were thus Nagas derived from the black speech word meaning slave and they were lesser and weaker orcs amongst the others there were also orcs called snuff lers who were smaller creatures with wide nostrils that excelled in tracking besides the orcs who served in the armies of the dark lords there were also orcs in the Misty Mountains such as those who lived in goblin town or those who had claimed Mount gunda bada and Moria for themselves besides having allegiance to azog and bulk or the great goblin they typically did nothing more than harass those who entered their domains hobgoblins was the name for larger kinds of orcs found in middle-earth and then there were the loci or orc folk in black speech and they were a strong large and red-eyed breed originally made by Sauron and then also by Saruman in the late 3rd Age Sauron 0ky first appeared in about twenty four seventy five of the Third Age when they took off a lien and destroyed oscul eov satyr man would eventually take and further strengthen the Otto Chi in the late Third Age and they would fight against Rohan in the Battle of Helm's Deep again they could better withstand the Sun more than orcs but they still did not like the Sun finally we have the half works and goblin men according to morgoth's ring men and orcs mixed back in the first stage but half works and goblin men were primarily employed by Saruman after his fall to evil in the late third age and they came under his banner during the Battle of Helm's Deep and they even came to mix in with his ruffians who went north and debris and the Shire besides these different kinds of orcs there were also many places in which the orcs lived that divided them and made them different for instance the Battle of Keerthana took place between the orcs of Kyra thong chol and the orcs of - more bull we can assume that the orcs differed from one another based on where they lived before we move on to the summarized history of the orcs I should mention some of the more important name - orcs in the works gulf imbel was the leader of the orcs from Mount Graham who attacked the Shire during the Battle of Greenfields in 2747 of the Third Age Hugh slain by bender brass or bull roar took and according to a legend bull-roarer hit golf in Bulls head 100 yards through the air with the club and it landed in a rabbit hole and thus the game of golf was invented a Zonk chieftain of the orcs of Moria slew King Thror and initiated the war of the dwarves and orcs during which he was slain in 2799 of the Third Age by dying iron foot and his red axe his son bulk would lead the orc army during the Battle of five armies in 2941 of the Third Age and bulk would be slain by Bjorn the great - goblin of goblin town would be slain by gandalf and his sword Glamdring after capturing thorns company in 2941 of the Third Age as well Krishna was a captain of orcs from Mordor who is a part of Oaks party who look being another notable orc but had captured merry and pippin during the battle at parth Galan after the breaking of the fellowship in 3019 of the Third Age both Krishna and ogle met their ends near the eaves of the Fangorn forest biome ears band of rock Hyrum doth MOG who fought in the battle of the pelennor fields may have also been an orc but he may have also been one of the Nazgul or something else altogether finally we have gore begin to shag rat who fought one another during the battle of cure thong ghoul and 30:19 of the third aid shag rats Lou Gore back and went to Sal run with Frodo's belongings these are just some of the main works in the legendarium and there are other named ones especially in the expanded works but we shall move on to the history of the orcs since the orcs were the main soldiers of Morgoth Sauron the witch-king and satyr lung they took part in all of the wars that these four made on the free peoples some of the conflicts from the years of the trees and the first stage saw morgoth's works while the Wars of the second and third ages were the time of Saiyans orcs Dagmar warned the mid third age and its surrounding events and the War of the Ring saw the witch Kings orcs and the War of the Ring in the late 3rd Age also showed Saruman's works there were some battles and Wars in middle-earth however in which the orcs did not join such as the kin slangs or the war of the dwarves and Dragons but such wars were few indeed rare even were the times indeed when the orcs acted without any involvement from morgoth's our on the witch-king or sat among for even azog who is slain in the war of the dwarves and orcs may have been sent to Moria by Sauron around the year twenty 480 of the Third Age eventually leading to this war it's possible that the goblins undergo fimble at the Battle of Greenfields act did not in accordance with Sauron at all but it is impossible to say for sure in times without leaders amongst the Dark Lords orcs posed a far lesser threat and they took to harassing travelers or even one another even with leadership sometimes the orcs would slay one another as we saw on the tower of cure thong goal with Frodo's mithril coat the orcs would eventually be scattered or slain with the fall of Sauron and while some orcs remained in middle-earth especially those in Moria before they were driven out by daughter in the seventh they would ultimately never pose a true threat to the free peoples again and it is likely that they were all wiped out and the world was made safer thus we come to the end of our tale about the orcs of middle-earth from the orcs of middle-earth we see the foul nature of war and those who bring it and thrive in conflict and fear even though the orcs were originally elves of good but fearful nature we must ourselves never become warlike in nature and in defeating evil we must ourselves not to become thank you all so much for watching I really hope you all enjoyed today's episode if you did please be sure to hit that like button and share this with a friend what are your thoughts questions additions and Corrections on the orcs of middle-earth I see them as abundant but fearsome opponents that our heroes must overcome let me know your thoughts about that in the goblin orchid debate in the comments below I'm curious to hear your thoughts there also please check out our music channel Facebook Twitter merchant patreon for a podcast and discord server links for those are in the description below a huge shout out and thanks to our valor tier patrons on patreon Adrian doula tour Chris Ortner and Marseille thank you guys so much finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell button to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today and I will see you all again next week with an epic character history on the good and loyal to Worf Gimli son of Gloin until then thank you all so much for watching and for joining me on this adventure until the next one my great friends [Music]
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 326,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yoystan, Men of the West, Beings of Middle-earth, Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings, Lore, Hobbit, Goblin, Gandalf, Melkor, Sauron, Witch-king, Angmar, Saruman, Morgoth
Id: rR2nOD8B2tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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