Clans of Culloden (& The Rising of 45") Pt1

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[Music] the jacobite forces of the 1745 rising consisted of many clans as did the government forces there are many videos about the jaguar risings the leaders the politics and the battles including colloden but very few focus on the clans who fought at colon [Music] the jagger by forces are often depicted as a mass of wild clans flash and broad swords although the highland charge played an important role in the jaguar army it was in fact a well-organized and well-drilled force the horizons were together many clans of many religious and political backgrounds a common misconception is that it was purely highland clans in scotland that took part when the fact that forces consisted of lowland families highland clans as well as english and irish soldiers however recruitment was essential for both armies there was a multitude of tactics used by both sides to gain more manpower but many studies have proven there was very little sports recruitment by either side many men were joined for various reasons whether they believed in the politics involved or not many clans fought on both sides of the conflicts from campbell's to murray's to mckenzie's this was not a system of serfs and masters as is sometimes mistakenly depicted the right of a classman to follow his conscience his service chief's political view is recorded by many highland historians clans assembled as they always had with chiefs and kin fill in the higher ranks of the regiment and the rest of the clans set tenants and dependents fill in the lower ranks of the battalions [Music] many times during the campaign but especially after the battle of preston pounds there's a unit reshuffle to mitigate losses due to things like attrition at claddon on the 16th of april 1746 the order of battle consisted of roughly seven thousand men broken into seven divisions with many men still arriving due to a failed night attack the night before where entire sections of men have become separated from the main army i've compiled a list of most of the lords barns chiefs lairds tax men and gentlemen who answered the call as these men would have had some standing within their clans whether the hell of the family joined the rising or not excluding unlanded sons and brothers within the army the clans include the camerons traditionally a staunch jacobite supporting clan and supported by loyal endurance or steps such as the mcmartins it is said without the cameron's chief support the rising would never have happened most camerons were in the cameron of lockheel's regiment the chisholms a clown that supported all previous jackabout risings and suffered for it but they rose up when they were called again in 45 taking heavy casualties including the chief's son although two other sons held commissions in the government's forces the clan made up three of the seven men of glen marston who protected the prince in a cave after the battle the drummonds the heads of the family having converted back to catholicism in the 17th century were entwined with the students remaining close to the exiled prince in europe before the rising of 45 most of the clan fought in the duke of polish regiment the fergusons known as the fighting fergusons this clown was part of the chattan confederation led by the macintoshes the famous colonel land macintosh was originally a ferguson most of the clan fought in the lady macintosh battalion the frasers the clan originally were government supporters in previous risings but due to political actions against the chief he joined the jacobites in revenge to his ill treatment most were in the phrases of lovett's battalion their casualties were severe colluding with our chief being shot while laying wounded on the battlefield the gordons a powerful family but a divided one often they find themselves fighting for opposing armies claddon was no different with two brothers leading gordon's against one another most jacobite gordon's fought in the gordon of glen bucket battalion the grants another clan that saw kinsmen fight kinsmen on mass seen as the men that won the battle of preston pants for the jacobites they mostly served in the mcdonald of glengarry's battalion they suffered severely after the battle of cludden with nearly 50 being transported to barbados a grand was also one of the famous seven men of glenn marston [Music] the mcdonald's there were numerous clowns with recognized chiefs the mcdonald's had a long history with jacobitism most of it brutal the massacre of glencoe still remembered even today but like most big clowns divides existed supplying two battalions to mcdonald's of clan rails and glencoe mcdonald's a cadet branch of the mcdonald's the kinship of the two clowns was shown on many occasions including at the battle of sheriff muir in 1715 when a mcdonald chief was killed the chief of the mcdonald's rallied his men to avenge him most men at cologne fought within the mcdonald's capoch and glengarry the mcgill of race along with most of the other clowns of the chattan confederation the mcgillivrays were staunch jacobites the chief of the macintoshes and clan chan was however a serving officer in the black watch regiment of the british army but his wife lydian mcintosh rallied the chattanooga federation in support of the jacobites and placed chief alexander mcgillivray in command of the clan's regiment the mcgregors a clan descended from ancient royal lines and synonymous with rising up and the jacobite cause most of the mcgregors were placed within the earl of chromatees battalion who were fighting in the north this led to the majority of them missing the battle of klodden they were told it was banned by the jacobite leaders as the mcgregors were turning home no one ventured to interfere with them when they strode across campbell lands with their colours flying and flirting and weapons and mcgregor was also one of the seven men of glenn marston the mackenzies an old and powerful northern clan that supported the jaguarite rising of 1715 and 1719 soon find itself split in two in 1745 with the two main branches supporting different sides of the conflict most mckenzies won the oil of comedy's regiment and were fighting in the north so they missed the battle of cologne claw mckinnon a clown from an ancient royal line they had fought in previous jaguar risings having had most of their land forfeited the previous chief had nothing to lose for the small size of the clan they always managed to bring more men than most clans to battle most of the clown were in the earl of comedy's battalion fighting in the north so they missed the battle of clone the prince had made his way to mckinnon lands after the battle where they kept him safe before helping him escape to europe the clown were also the last men to put down their arms the chief was captured and imprisoned on his return voyage when the chief was later released he was told the king has been generous he replied had i the king in my power as i am in his i would return him the compliments of sending him back to his own country at the time the king was george ii who had german roots [Music] the mclaughlins a clan that claims to descend from the o'neills in ireland having fought in 1715 on the jacobite side the rising of 1745 was no different 150 men followed their teeth it has said more would have joined but they couldn't due to living within campbell lands [Music] the chief was killed as they charged government lines after the battle his castle was shelled by a government frigate and his lance forfeited surprisingly his heir had his lands returned thanks to the help of the campbells the maclides a clown with links to notionability especially from the isle of man although previously a jacobite clan in 1745 that source split between the main branches the split was more violent than other clans as the jacobi forces were away the pro-government mclaughs spent many weeks harassing and pillaging the jacobite mcleod's lands and inhabitants the mcphersons the clan had originally been a jackabout one but when prince charles raised his standard the chief was unsure where to place his loyalty the loyalty of the clan was split knowing the repercussions if they lost again and the fact the clown was doing well politically and economically he sworn over to king george army's forces for the government although he was then captured by his cousins the camerons where he was persuaded to join the rising his recruitment tactics outside his own lands were considered harsh most of the clan were part of the athol brigade they didn't fight claudine as they were still making their way to the battle when they met the retreating forces the mcphersons formed a rear guard to protect the retreating soldiers they then hit their chief amongst the clan for nine years before he left for france the menzies the clan had links to the students as far back as the 17th century and had fought in the rising of 15. the menzies came out in force and were spread amongst the regiments after the battle of clone many men fled to the menzies lands of glen leon for shelter the murrays having played important prominent roles in most of scotland's military history and some of europe's the jaguar risings of 1715 1719 and 1745 were no different having leaders on both sides of the conflict it is said that if lord george murray had been given sole command of the jacobite army then prince charles would have won the throne most fought in the athel brigade the robertsons said to be one of the oldest families in scotland having supported the previous risings of 1689 and 1715 they came out in force supplying roughly 400 men they served in the aqua brigade the steers many branches all came to prince charles joined the rising most fought in the auburn regiment the regiment was led not by the young chief of happen but by his uncle charles stewart of our shield this regiment was also filled with many adherents or steps of the clan the mcleans came on descent from an ancient ulster royal line with lands in argyll and in our hibernities they were often odds and fighting against some of the biggest clowns in scotland the clans supported the rising of 15 and the rising of 45 would be no different their chief was killed leading his men a column your gilbee's one of the oldest noble families in scotland having supported the rising of 15 the argelis rose of again forming the forward sure battalion this battalion was noted as being one of the most organized and disciplined within the jacobite army in the retreat they are noted as leaving in good order [Music] many other clans and families have members within both armies the conflict often separated families having brother against brother here are some of their names many of the retreating jacobite regiments had regrouped and had looked to continue the campaign still in high spurts for charles had called for them to stand down while he went to france to gather more french troops with the assistance of the mckinnon chief he was escorted to france but would never be able to return what followed was a swift and brutal campaign to crush the supporters of the rising along with the periods known as the highland famine and the highland clearance but these will be covered in another video always thank you for watching please like and subscribe and i'll see you soon
Channel: Clans&Dynasties
Views: 46,937
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Keywords: Culloden, Scottish, Clans, Scottish battle, Scottish clans, Jacobite, Rebellion, British Battle, British war, British History, Scottish History, Scottish Independence, British King, British Kings, Scottish Kings, Scottish Clans, Scottish wars, Stewart, Stuart, Stuart Dynasty, Jacobitism, Chiefs, Scottish chiefs, 1746, Kilt, British Soldier, Freedom, British civil war, depose king, 1745, stuart kings, scottish vs english, scottish highland, scottish vs british, gordon clan
Id: 4nGXKQ81GMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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