The Origins of Clan Mackay: A Brief Overview

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welcome Clan Makai to the clan Makai Society YouTube channel today we're going to be talking about the clan Origins how they came to be the clan of Makai where the name came from and also how the Morgans are grouped up in that same history so let's talk about some context uh the the year or the the century when the the 11th century right it is the conflict between Duncan the first and King and Macbeth who will soon be the King of Scotland there was a family feud and Earl Duncan thought that his was proper Macbeth thought that another son was proper and Macbeth took that line uh and there was a battle which Macbeth defeated Duncan and killed him in battle and that's where the uh that's where our Story begins because through Macbeth's line we get uh Lula who is the stepson of Macbeth Lula had a daughter who married an individual named uh or as you would read it Ed and this individual by the marriage to Macbeth was made the more mayor of moray or in the Saxon translation the Earl of moray the rebellions took place once Macbeth had been killed Lulu tried to fight back his son tried to fight back um but uh was not uh either didn't want to fight back didn't believe in the the conflict we don't know but it seems like he was in good graces with the King because he witnessed a charter of David the first so the fighting stopped at uh for a second however he had a son and his son was named Ernest or Angus and this individual took up the sword and fought against the king of Scots David because he felt that the the line of my cat or excuse me the line of Malcolm excuse me the line of Macbeth was was should have been honored he fails he is defeated in battle at the Battle of strachothro he had a son and his son's name was Malcolm and Malcolm is the first individual in this line that goes by the the name or the identifier as Mak uh this individual was again the more mayor of Moray however because of his Rebellion he was defeated and had to flee Into The Western Isles where he took a barns with an individual an individual named summerled who fought against the king of Scots for many many years he was captured Malcolm was captured and was eventually imprisoned but was released when the king of Scots was trying to reconcile his Nation um and granted him back his lands of of Ross not all of more Aegis Ross and this made Malcolm angry that he only got Ross so he went again to war with the king of Scots and was defeated alongside with his son he was blinded and had to flee into exile it was at this time that the king of Scots David the first made a decree where he took the loyal men to the more Mayors in Moray and they scattered them all throughout Scotland this is uh the the animals compare this to the Nebuchadnezzar spreading the Jews across the the Middle East and what this did was it moved this line of the makers into the strathamer region they fled to one of the only places they could that was not dominated by the king of Scots which was uh strathnavor which was in the custody of the Earl of catheness of orkney and they Allied themselves with with with this region and Malcolm had a daughter gormleth I believe her name was who married the Earl of cathness who was Harold Donald the son of mckath or excuse me the the son of Malcolm had fatal passed away uh McDonald had a son named Kenneth and Kenneth uh encouraged by another individual a Declan McWilliams who had ties to the throne of Scotland through Malcolm of Kenmore back in the days of Macbeth they Allied together into create a rebellion to fight against king of Scots however that was unsuccessful and Kenneth was killed in battle but Kenneth left his son named I and I Marcus he married the daughter of Walter who was the bishop of cafeness and through this marriage was given lands in strathmaver luckily at this time the king of Scots had died and Alexander the new king was unwilling to or was a youth was it was a child and so was not able to continue the wars up into the the orkney and the Norwegian held lands so the the MCC line was given respite from the attacks of the king and is this I who is the father of the makais where the makais come from well it was sprung from the lineage of the battles between the Macbeth line and the Canmore line of Scotland now the Morgans the Morgans how do they come into this picture well the Morgans um Angus Angus Makai uh gives us a little information on the Morgans and he says that they were called Morgan or Morgan is a name that's used to uh it's a connotation describing men of moray or Seabright and the Seabright region of Mor coincides with Moray so Clan Morgan in in the book of deer you'll find that there was a clan Morgan in Moray and that they were given uh lands and title and that the chiefs of Clan Makai up in stroth neighbor were also called the Chiefs or the the um the clan Morgan so the only really the two locations in Scotland that are known further Morgans are the Mori region stretching all the way down into Aberdeen and strathnabor so the book of Makai suggests that there is a connection here now just so you're not confused Morgan of strathnavor Makai and Morgan when it's used in the Stratham neighbor sense is the exact same name it's it's not different but why Morgan and that's why I would suggest it's because of that connection where when the evictions took place by the king and spread the people abroad many of the clan Morgan who are loyal to the the more mayor of moray at the time who was Malcolm fled with him up into strathamer because they'd rather flee that way instead of fleeing other locations they were you know forced to leave let's hear from Chris Mackie who uh was able to find a lot of information and more about the connections of the makais he's got a lot of good things to say so let's check it out Hunter just to post script to that video I'm here within the um the Don John of Duffus Castle here to tack on an important little detail about the heraldry that I was discussing I talked about how the ancient Kingdom of Murray had the Blue Shield with the three white stars and how the clan of Murray the chiefs of Murray ended up adopting that as their own as for example that Flemish Lord freskin who is here his son took on the surname de Moravia basically of Murray and that title became the family name of the Chiefs in later generations so that uh chiefly line took the arms of the kingdom of Murray as their own the Sutherlands as you'll see also bear these Stars they've changed the tinctures it's known the colors so it's a red shield with three gold stars but also used to signify their connection to Murray there are other clans as well that have done this who are from this area in us and Brody as examples even Douglas um had a connection with this region and the chiefly line of that Clan used those three stars on Blue in a different configuration but we can see however with our own Chiefs that it was important for them to maintain this connection with Murray this historical even after they moved into the north into Strath Naver their historical connection and their Roots here and they did that by using heraldry to make that connection what they did is reverse the colors of the kingdom of Murray as a way of differencing them because no two coats of arms can be the same so we have the blue stars on a silver Shield and in the chief or in the top they placed an open hand gallic tradition This was meant to signify true family or the true line so what they were trying to do there are Chiefs was to signify that they were of the Royal House of the kingdom of Murray and not only that but they were the true heirs to the kingship of Murray okay so there you go the origin story of the makais right the Legends the Mysteries uh all put into one small little video now remember this is oversimplification right this is uh just to give you a good idea of what kind of is happening um we highly suggest that you become a member of the clan Makai Society where you'll be able to see more in-depth videos of the archaeological considerations the ancient history of uh Claudius Ptolemy and his geography of of Scotland and how that might play into us as a clan so uh become member and hopefully we'll see you in the uh the members exclusive videos where you can see this same content but much much more detailed so uh we hope to see you next time and we hope you enjoyed it that's all we've got goodbye
Channel: Clan Mackay Society of Scotland
Views: 4,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Origin Story, Mackay Origin Story, MacEth Clan, MacEth, MacHeth, Mackay, Clan Mackay, Morgan, Clan Morgan, MacBeth, Scottish History
Id: Uv-6BwV2hWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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