Which Clans fought at the Battle of Clontarf?

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[Music] foreign [Music] torf fought on the 23rd of April 1014 is one of the most famous events in Irish history originally told as the Irish victory over the biking Invaders like all good stories the traditional accounts of the ball are a blend of fact and fiction in this conflict the forces of primary and his allies were pitched against the armies of North Leinster Dublin and Viking mercenaries from across the sea there are many books papers and documentaries on the bottle its background in politics but very few look at which clans were involved here we'll try to build a picture of who is at the battle unfortunately very few manuscripts survive and often we are reliant on copies of copies of texts for our information some written several centuries after the offense they describe with many trying to support a specific narrative often contradicting each other perhaps the most reliable account of the battle of Clontarf are found in the Irish Chronicles such as the annals of inishfallen the chronicom scrotorum and the annals of Ulster which contain descriptions of the battle which appear to be based on contemporary reports due to these inconsistencies in the Irish manuscripts and the changing nature of political power in medieval Ireland it is difficult to determine exactly how many people let alone Chiefs and Kings took part in the bowel solmano suggests as many as 10 000 Irish soldiers died in the Battle along with many Norse Warriors the animals of Ulster for example state that thousands and thousands of people were killed [Music] Fallen state that a great Slaughter took place however they do not provide specific numbers the battle is a key event in the history of the Vikings in Ireland as well as the final chapter in The Dramatic career of Brian Peru one of the most famous of all kings that ever ruled in Ireland born in the second quarter of the 10th Century into a dynasty that did not have the great pedigree of some of his contemporaries though he and his brother's supporters had soon concocted a family tree to fiend descent from the ancient Kings of the province it may have fooled very few but to come from minor Noble status to Kings of monster is an achievement that can't be understated what is more no king of monster before Brian again General acceptance throughout the country as king of all Ireland and yet he did Vikings had haunted the Irish Coast since the end of the 8th Century settling shortly after by the late 10th Century their power was restricted to a harmful of ports including Dublin Waterford and limerick these were ruled by Kings who fought with each other just as often as they fought with their Irish Neighbors by the time of the battle of klontorf there was a long history of intermarriage and fosterage between Viking and Irish dynasties which promoted cultural exchanges alliances and trade across political boundaries despite the Vikings limited nature of their political power in Ireland they maintained a distinctive identity their fleets and armies were still effective in war and Merchants from the Viking ports maintained a network of trading contracts overseas soon the more powerful Irish Kings began to seek control of the economic and Military resources of the Viking ports to forward their wider political Ambitions and Brian was no different one factor which aided brand rise to par was the support of Viking fleets and fighting men in 977 Brian had killed Ivar king of Limerick and his two sons bringing Limerick under his control in 94 Brian then allied with Waterford and the Vikings of the Isle of Man against Dublin in 997 the email overcame male shotgun was forced to concede Brian's Authority in the scythe until this time the email dynasties have been The prominent force in Irish politics but their position was not under threat when Brian defeated the troops of Dublin and Leinster in the Battle of Glen mama in 999 this gave him the confidence to tackle the poor of mere shocklin head-on Brian led a series of campions aimed at getting his authority recognized across the whole of Ireland gain a submission of the igneals in the North in 1005 although he would be forced to March North and subdue them again in 1006 1007 and finally in tan tan he had finally assorted his rule when the forces of Dublin and Northern Leinster renewed their war against him and this led directly to the battle of klontorf so who took part in the battle who will try to build a master role based on the petty kingdoms of Ireland and whether their kings took part or not for those Petty kings that didn't it doesn't necessarily mean clowns from those areas did not join the battle the role of kin and hierarchy in Ireland plays a considerable role in the assertion of authority they could be ignored if they did not suit political ambition personal alliances as well as blood and marriage alliances but as mentioned with the historical records we would have no way of knowing the political decisions made at local levels so we will have to take it that they followed their overlords decisions unless a Clan Has specifically stated that they attended in their own traditions Brian was said to be able to Levy a royal tribute from Saxons and britons specifically from Lennox and Argyle these were territories that may have landed outside the kingdom of alpha in 1014 but Brian's tribute Gathering across the seas is not attested in Chronicles despite indication that he wielded some political influence over the Western Seaboard of Northern Britain it is unlikely it was enough to call for levies to be sent although some men did come from Scotland but who and why will be explained in a moment within Brian's own Battalion it is said to have consisted of kings of the kingdom of muskuri and Ara the kingdoms of Ely a branch of the onoctor the kingdom of Kuna the kingdoms of corporate Baskin a branch of the figure the kingdom of Mundo murah the kingdom of Ivana the kingdom of moylurk the kingdom of Connemara the Battalion of thornand was said to consist of the man of Cadbury the man of santry the man of silly Slim the man of Clan Lee shock and branches of the dalkash including the descendants of Brian's brothers and uncles the doll cart Kindred included the Eid overcome the kalbayith and the heat early along with many others including the Kong mukni and the ibrion leading them was muraka mcbrian with his own song Trailer accompanying him there is mention in early texts of a third Desmond Battalion made up of Northern Kings most notably from Australia and fermana its leaders were the kings of the unlockerlin and the kings of the Dacia here is a list of kings and clans mentioned in various sources but these sources do not see it which Battalion these men fought Within there will be hundreds if not thousands of names whose traditional lands lay Within These borders that may or may not have taken part in the battle so if your ancestral lands are shown here there is a possibility your paternal ancestor fought at this battle according to the book of The War of the Gale with the foreigners the kingdom of oshuga is said to have not taken part in the battle a story the Victorious but wounded dalcastian troops would challenge the battle by the king of ushugger and his allies of leash as they were returning through his lands some authors diet the validity of the story regardless who Kings or Chieftains are mentioned in surviving early manuscripts as attending the battle the kingdom of collect a certain kahul mccreer king of comic as mentioned on later manuscripts as having fought for Brian as well as tag of the white Steed according to the book of The War of the Gale with the foreigners the king of comic is mentioned as one of those who sat in council with Brian on the night before the battle but we do not find any place assigned to the king tag Among The Chieftains in command of the battle of Connaught it has been suggested they may have returned home that night before the battle however didn't become king of comic till 10 15 and the O'Rourke's were actually ruling of a conduct at the time of the battle because of this we may actually find that the province was split on its loyalties and some fought with the O'Rourke's and others left with tag if the O'Brien book and the Ernie annals are to be taken as true who was king of the king Lawan had long been a thorn in Brian's ambitions his little attack on me in 1013 would actually start the chain of events that would lead to the Battle of kontorf so it is no surprise that he didn't take part although according to the historians Keating and O'Halloran Flaherty made an offer of his troops and services which was declined by Brian in consequence of some former feuds between them they also mentioned a phylum O'Neill and other Ulster princes fighting at the battle regardless of the reasons it seems unlikely the email attended the battle with Flaherty's Overlord ship of the Olivet and kennel O'Connell it is unlikely many if any from these kingdoms took part Donald mcaman more mayor of Mar in Scotland appears to have commanded a portion of Brian's Army composed of four mercenaries of the Left Flank of the army it is stated to have been composed of 10 more mirrors and their Scandinavian allies Donald may have fought for his own interests perhaps in opposition to the Earl of orkney rather than being a delegate of the king of Alba although the reasons for his appearance at the battle is often debated he is the only man from Alvar recorded to have died at the Battle of klontorf although this isn't unusual as many of the surviving texts of the battle only near nose of high status that died the battle was long in duration with heavy casualties on both sides Brian's side was Victorious but brooder killed him story that Brian muslien while a prayer first appears in the chronicle which Mariana scotus wrote in Germany over half a century after the battle it may or may not be true the bodies of 30 Chieftains were sent off to their territorial churches to be interred in their family burial grounds while the Vikings of Dublin continue to be politically active after the battle of Clontarf Brian's reading heralded greater exploitation of Viking towns by Irish rulers Journey 11th and 12th century Viking rulers increasingly became the minions of powerful Irish Kings plantarf may be perceived as a stated in decline of the Viking power in Ireland in terms of power struggles between Irish rulers a great many Irish Nobles and lesser Kings were killed in the battle causing succession issues across the island near shocklin would once again become the most important overking in Ireland but after his death there was a struggle for Supremacy among the provincial over Kings when the descendants of Brian Rose the Eminence again at the end of the 11th century they celebrated their famous ancestor in literature on propaganda to help justify their claims to dominate Ireland those videos are for another time if you saw your family name or wish to see a video of them please comment and like below also remember to subscribe and check out the merch store thank you all for the support it is greatly appreciated
Channel: Clans&Dynasties
Views: 156,187
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Keywords: clontarf, vikings, Scottishhistory, Irishhistory, Ireland, Irishbattle, battle, Medieval, Medieval battle, Battleofclontarf, Norse, GallGael, Clan, irishclan, americanhistory, Viking battle, battle of clontarf, Irish battle, irish clan, Scottish clan, irish descent, Irish surname, Scottish Surname, Viking history, Viking raid, Leinster, Ulster, Munster, Connaught, O'Neil, O'Brien, High king, Irish High King, Scotch Irish, Viking clan, Irish clan, Irish ancestry, Viking ancestry
Id: MkUpVvLEOug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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