Claims of Fact, Policy, Value || GRADE 10|| MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 2| MODULE 4

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe hello everyone get ready now for another english 10 learning episode [Music] our target most essential learning competency for this video is formulate claims of facts policy and value this lesson is in preparation for writing an argumentative essay just an overview kapag muksus argumentative essay there's a portion where you will state your claim or stand on an issue take a look at this example the issue that will be presented in the essay is the public display industry keeps many species of marine mammals captive on concrete tanks especially whales and dolphins here is the introduction part of the essay there is no doubt that marine mammals should not be held in captivity they are a part of nature and should not be bought sold or thrown in an aquarium marine mammals have the right to be kept in their natural environment now the highlighted part in red is the claim or stand of the writer italian point by providing evidence to succeeding paragraphs but before we proceed parts essay the focus of this video lesson i did as a claim the claim states that marine mammals have the right to be kept in their natural environment identifying one's claims is an essential skill when expressing opinion on a certain issue especially in the field of writing a claim refers to a clear assertion of a person's ideas opinions or propositions the use of claims may serve the purpose of convincing or persuading readers or a specific audience to agree with a specific stand or rationale on an issue generally claims may be classified as claims of fact claims of value and claims of policy [Music] claims of fact these are claims that can be proven or disproved with the help of factual evidence ibig sabihin argumentative essay mo you can support it by providing factual evidence basically this type of claim is debatable yet verifiable but it is verifiable since you can provide evidence to support your statement let's have an example of a claim effect the 2020 national budget amounting to 4.1 trillion pesos which is 12 larger than the 2019 budget can really help in boosting the economy through various infrastructural projects if we will interpret it for the year 2020 as compared to your 2019 infrastructural projects that will generate revenue as explained earlier claims of fact can be proven or disproved the given example can actually be proven right when after the actual implementation of the projects [Music] another one being the richest city in the country the city of makati can implement better projects needed by its citizens the claim can also be proven or disproved using verifiable evidence since pilipinas there is really a strong possibility that it can implement better projects needed by its citizens but that claim can also be proven wrong through evidence next is claim of value which presents an assertion as to whether something is good or bad or one concept or idea is better than another it also emphasizes and weighs the benefits of the subject matter just like claim of fact claim of value is also debatable in nature since people may have different opinions on the given claims or concepts but unlike claim of fact which can be proven or disproved through verifiable evidence claim of value as the name suggests centers on whether mabutiba omasama isam concept or idea okay [Music] this is an example of a claim of value taking vitamins is better than eating fruits and vegetables in terms of boosting our immune system [Music] as claim of value simply because this claim expresses that one thing is of more value than the other in this case it is stated that taking vitamins is better than eating fruits and vegetables in terms of boosting our immune system it is debatable in a sense that this claim may be truthful to some but not to all here is another example if i were to choose i would prefer the work from home scheme than working in the office as this gives me more family time this claim expresses value to the work from home scheme for the reason that it gives the person more time for the family again this is arguable or debatable since benefits of work from home may vary from one person to another [Music] and lastly is claim of policy a claim of policy supports that an action should or should not be done to address a certain case or policy it further indicates that an action should be carried out either in support or in opposition of a particular argument in short dab or hindi claim of policy also gives suggestion as to how to address a certain case for example the city's health department must learn from how other cities successfully address the concerns against kovid 19. in this example the writer is suggesting nadapat health department of that particular city yong ibapang cities to successfully combat kovid19 another example to further improve one's skills in speaking before a large number of audience one must consider enrolling in personality development classes that can help boost confidence and improve one's self-image why is this example categorized as claim of policy because it indicates that an action should be carried out in order to address a certain case in this example enrolling in personality development classes is the action that should be carried out in order to address the case which is to further improve one's skills in speaking to simply put parabanganito do this or do not do this to address a certain case or policy [Music] so did you learn something today should i call him a nosebleed if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed walk kalimutang muk subscribe and turn on a notification button updated lessons an english teacher in iwan class dismissed see ya [Music]
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Id: bFOPMMkk-uk
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Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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