SHS Reading and Writing Skills Lesson 3: Types of Claims

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello dear learners how are you today this is maricar de guzman for another relevant learning on s-d-o-n-e-t-v you may call me teacher marikar welcome back to our reading and writing class how are your reading and writing skills i hope they have improved before we continue let us recall our previous lesson any guess very good it is about the properties of a well written text they are organization coherence and cohesion language use and the mechanics of writing impressive now i totally agree that your writing skills have improved with the use of these properties are you excited for a new lesson good to hear today we will discuss the different types of claim let's get it on at the end of this video lesson i am sure that you will be able to first identify claims explicitly or implicitly in a written text second differentiate and classify the types of claims and third formulate a statement for each type of claim before we begin imagine that you receive a text message from one unregistered number this is the content [Music] hello this is attorney nimva allegado of banco central nang pilipinas your mobile number wins the cash prize of 150 000 pesos tax free please call this number for more details thank you for dti ncr permit number 7865 series of 2018. so do you think it is true is it good news or bad news is it legal or not what should you do about this i know you have different answers and reactions to these questions so just hang on and focus as we discuss more about our topic for today let us begin i have here two statements which i'm pretty sure you can relate well i love you so much and you have been in my thoughts since the first time i saw you which is more appealing to you is it the first statement i love you so much or the second one you have been in my thoughts since the first time i saw you [Music] do these statements mean the same to you perhaps people express their feelings differently to the person they love some directly utter their feelings while some indirectly express them but it may be implied with the way they say or do it this is the difference between explicit and implicit information how can you tell whether information is implicit or explicit as you have observed explicit information is clearly written and directly stated in the text so the reader may will not be confused meanwhile ideas that is implied but not stated outright in the text is implicit information knowing how to identify explicit and implicit information will help you in honing your critical reading skills especially in evaluating claims made by an author as critical readers you need to interact with the text and look for the writer's point or position regarding the topic what is the claim of the author the point is also known as the claim or the central argument or the thesis statement of the text this claim is what the writer tries to prove in the text by providing details explanations and other types of evidence as such it is usually found in the introduction or in the first few paragraphs of the text moreover the claim is a sentence that summarizes the most important thing that the writer wants to convey as a result of his or her thinking reading and writing before we discuss the types of claim we need to know the characteristics of good claims [Music] first a claim should be argumentative and debatable second a claim should be specific and focused third a claim should be interesting and engaging last but not the least a claim should be logical let us look at this example females outperform males in reading and writing this is a good claim why because it would raise objections from our male counterparts on this topic so it is argumentative and debatable it stated that females outperform males specifically in reading and writing but not in all aspects there is no over generalization or vagueness the topic will also steer the reader's curiosity or interest and cause to whether agree or not with this perspective logically they are claims of fact claims of value and claims of policy claims of fact assert that a condition has existed exceeds or will access they are based on reliable and factual sources such as historical documents scientific observation and research claims of fact usually answer a what question before you write or analyze claims of fact here are useful questions is it true [Music] how can its truthfulness be verified [Music] is it a fact does it exceed or did it happen let us have one example the flu epidemic of 1918 was the most devastating epidemic of all time this is a fact and it happened in history which can be validated with reliable historical documents next we have the claims of value [Music] claims of value are evaluative statements they consist of arguments about morals standards and norms they are statements about which is better more important more desirable more needed or useful they may also relate to what is good or bad claims of value attempt to explain how problems situations or issues ought to be valued for example euthanasia or mercy killing is a violation of life and can never be an acceptable procedure why is it a violation of life [Music] it talks about whether it is good or bad so here are the guide questions in writing or analyzing claims of value [Music] which claims endorse good or bad what qualities should be considered good why which of these values contend with others which ones are more important and why wuss standards are used finally the claims of policy which are all about what should be they say that a particular situation should arise claims of policy prescribe a particular course of action that would lead to solving societal problems or conditions a national id system should be adopted is an example of claims of policy how simple because the statement gives a specific action chosen a solution to a specific problem the following questions will be useful in evaluating a claim of policy does the claim suggest a specific solution [Music] is there a need for the policy to be established [Music] how does the policy solve the problem there you have it the three types of claim the claims of fact claims of value and claims of policy do you have any questions [Music] all right now let us practice our learnings for today kindly ready your pen and paper identify the following statements whether it is a claim of fact value or policy [Music] legislation should be passed to stop the sale of electronic cigarettes [Music] yes it is a claim of policy [Music] philippines is the largest christian nation in asia what is your answer [Music] claim of fact is correct it is more fun in the philippines claim of value are you sure you got it it is a claim of value [Music] let us have another one [Music] it is more advantageous for a filipino child to grow up speaking filipino instead of english [Music] great again it is a claim of value what is your score [Music] congratulations you did a great job you have mastered identifying and evaluating types of claims and now for your assignment formulate at least three statements for each type of claims three statements for claim of fact three statements for claim of value three statements for a claim of policy i believe you can do it i hope you learn a lot and unleash the critical thinker in you thank you for watching keep safe everyone this is teacher marie carr [Music] goodbye [Music] you
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Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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