Writing Independent Critique || GRADE 10 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 3 MODULE 3

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe [Music] hello everyone this is our target most essential learning competency for this video compose an independent critique of a chosen selection so again this is our target milk compose an independent critique of a chosen selection the term critique is derived from the word criticism and for the term selection we are referring to literary selection so for this particular lesson we will be targeting to compose a literary critique actually critique papers are not only intended for literary works like poems short stories and novels but also predicating a critique paper for a book films or movies research studies and even artworks [Music] what is criticing criticing is something that you do every day but you are not just aware that it is already a form of criticism [Music] for example when buying a new dress you might ask yourself [Music] one these are things napoleon consider and the act itself is a form of criticism critique or critical analysis is a technique that aims to study discuss evaluate and interpret literary works the format of a critique could vary teacher is a critique which could be in a form of a critical essay an article evaluating a literary piece or a review but today what i'll be teaching you is how to write a critical essay of a literary selection now why do we critique paper let's say first is to know its overall value [Music] [Music] is [Music] and also through a person's critique paper we can determine the works strengths and weaknesses [Music] remember although the term critique has a negative connotation you can also appraise a literary work's beauty and strong points hindi porket sinhabin critique i put a weak [Music] these are the parts of a critique essay it has introduction summary analysis and conclusion [Music] you have to state the title of the word and the author's name you also have to outline main ideas and identify the author's thesis [Music] all of this should be objective paksina being objective hindi mohahalu announced your answers here should be based on the text alone after this you have to statement your own thesis statement and your main idea about the work this is how you view the work an purpose what is the aim sometimes your thesis statement and ideas are somehow different from the authors because your opinion depends on how you perceive and understand the message of the text so on this part your answers are subjective meaning it is based on your own perception so submarine a man this is also objective since the summary should depend only on the flow of the story you have to summarize the text in your own words wagner copy paste from another source here is the third part the analysis your answer here is subjective because it depends on your own understanding and interpretation of the text so here you have to state what you like and do not like about the text and also you have to interpret and evaluate the text based on how the text is organized the style and rhetoric how effective the message is whether or not the author did justice to the message and how the text appealed to its target audience and lastly the conclusion this part is also subjective for it depends on how you compose your thoughts and understanding about the selection on this part you may restate your thesis in new words summarize your main ideas if possible with new and stronger words and also you may include a call to action for example if you want to recommend or encourage other people to read the text you may say it here but remember you should avoid introducing your ideas by stating i think or in my opinion you have to keep the focus on the subject of your analysis and not on yourself because identifying your opinions weakens them so now are you ready to compose a critique this time we will read a selection then afterwards i'll show you a sample critique based on it i guess some of you are familiar or have heard about the story already so let's begin the necklace by henry renee gee de mopassang mathilde or madame loiselle was a pretty young lady though born to a family of clerks she believed herself entitled to a life of luxury knowing she had no chance of bettering her situation madame loiselle married a clerk in the office of the board of education she was unhappy with her apartment with its worn down walls and chairs while her husband enjoyed the simple comforts of a pot pie madame loiselle dreamed of exquisitely prepared dinners and shining silver dishes one day her husband came home delighted he handed an envelope to madame loiselle the envelope contained an invitation to a ball hosted by the minister of public instruction [Music] instead of being delighted madame loiselle was upset her husband surprised remarked that it should make her happy since it was a rare honor madame loiselle in turn informed her husband that she had no suitable dress for the equation she asked him to give the invitation to someone better outfitted for it than her [Music] her husband consolingly asked her to buy a new dress [Music] though he had been saving money for a new gun he gives that amount to his wife to buy a new dress as the day of the ball approach mature lacell noticed that his wife was upset even though her dress was ready upon asking she replied that she had no jewel to wear with her dress her husband told mathilde to ask her friend madame forrester to lend one of her jewels to her so madame lyselle visited madame forester the next day to ask for a jewel [Music] madame forester graciously opened her jewel box and asked her to choose mathilde tried a few jewels but was not happy with either of them so madame forester opened another case of jewels for mafilda to try out suddenly mathilde noticed a beautiful diamond necklace in a black satin box mathilde was entranced by the diamond necklace hesitatingly she asked madam forester whether she could borrow the necklace madam forester agreed and mathilde went home with the necklace happily at the ball mathilde was a huge success she was the most elegant and prettiest of all the ladies and enjoyed the attention and admiration of men she danced and enjoyed herself till early in the morning [Music] at four o'clock the lacells left the minister's residence not wanting the other rich ladies to see her shabby coat mathilde hurried down the steps despite her husband's protests they had to walk for a while before they found a courage which would take them home once home mathilde removed her coat to admire herself one last time however once she did so she realized that the necklace was missing monsieur laissel though tired went out in the cold night to look for the necklace but could not find it [Music] the next day he put an ad in the paper and asked mathilde to write to madame forester saying she had broken a clasp monsieur loiselle then realized that their only option was to replace the necklace they found a similar necklace in a shop which they could buy for 36 000 francs mature lacell used all his savings and borrowed the rest of the money to buy the necklace madame luiselle then returned the necklace to madame forester [Music] the lay cells now were in debt they had to change homes and mathilde learned kitchen work to help her husband repair their debt her husband worked days and nights taking on any work to repay the money they had borrowed all this work took a toll on madame loiselle she lost her good looks she had red hands and spoke in a loud tone she no longer had time for daydreaming but sometimes she would sit and remember the night of the ball one day while taking a walk she saw madam forester with her child she decided to approach madame forester madam forester was surprised by mathilde's appearance mathilde then told her the story of the necklace and how it changed her life on hearing this madame forrester exclaimed that her necklace was not even worth 500 francs here is a sample critique of the story we've just read here is how the writer of this critique composed the introduction henry renee albert guido passang's the necklace is a short story that describes the tale of mathilde de la celle and the experience she had with the diamond necklace mathilde's character was introduced as one who is not happy about her social standing the author managed to highlight the travails of life one entertains as a result of being class conscious this story mirrors the author's understanding of the french society of his time it is very clear that the writer mentioned the title of the text and the name of the author then the thesis statement of the author is in yellow these parts are objective now the statement highlighted in purple is the writer's own idea and these statement and therefore is subjective here now is the summary part which is solely based on the flow of the story this part is objective since you don't have to involve your opinion here again you should summarize it in your own words summary can be as short as one paragraph the analysis on the other hand is subjective it is the time that you include your opinions and interpretation of the text again you may state here what you like and do not like about the text also interpret and evaluate the text based on how the text is organized the style and rhetoric how effective the message is whether or not the author did justice to the message and how the text appealed to its target audience lastly here is how the conclusion was composed it also depends on the writer on how he or she will make the ending of the critique and therefore is also subjective in nature but as for suggestion you may restate the thesis in new words summarize the main ideas if possible with new and stronger words and you may also include a call to action so did you learn something today if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed [Music] tang muk subscribe and turn on a notification button updated lessons i'm english teacher in one class dismissed see ya [Music]
Views: 223,084
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Id: kcr0EJyv-fQ
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Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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