Claim What You Need

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everybody welcome to the believers voice of victory broadcast we're gonna hear the word about our finances today glory to God you're gonna like it pastor George fierceness is here to shed some light on things welcome it's good to be on the broadcast you like to prosper so do I I remember someone didn't prosper and prosperous better and I think any intelligent meal great what the joint prospering we are all ears these are things we need to know right now right now right where our nation is concerned the economy and all of that we need to know that every hand in the natural a believer is supposed to thrive all the time all the time all the time we produce fruit all the time through storms and through anything else that's coming or has happened we remain strong our house does not collapse and amidst of the flood man it stands strong and today we have we're going to be talking about claiming what you need it's time for you to claim what you need and it's time for you to claim what is yours now remember all of the notes are available to you on KCMG org what we're working from today you can have those as well download those study them go to the website and look at the broadcast over and over again use these notes add to these notes Gloria we have pastors and churches everywhere that are starting to use these they're they're using them as Bible studies small groups even church services they're using them not just in the United States on Monday I read a testimony or Tuesday I read a testimony from Nigeria about some wonderful things that are happening in a church there so I encourage you download these notes and make yourself sit down and look at this and study this out we want you to prosper we want you to prosper pastor George I want to tell you on behalf of myself and all the people that we appreciate your sharing all these wonderful things with us well it is a joy and a thrilling 34 days 64 days parenting we've been talking about prosperity and this week it's ten marvelous days of prosperity I'd like for us to open our Bibles to Joshua chapter 18 Joshua 18 and as you're turning there Gloria and of were looking at that scripture I want to share something to help set this up about claiming what we need I received in the mail not too long ago a letter from Kenneth Hagin ministries and pastor Hagin the brother Hagin jr. was sharing a revelation that his father Kenneth E Hagin shared with them many years ago and brother Hagin began his traveling ministry in 1949 and when he began that traveling ministry the first year he said was a tremendous struggle he said that the adequate provision was scarce yes adequate provision was there he said that their three room apartment was rundown their children were not properly clothed or fed the car was worn out enough to sell for junk and the finances were just not manifesting and brother Hagin was approaching this is 1949 and brother Hagin was approaching the Lord in a way of just really going before the Lord and and crying before God God I need these finances I need these finances look at what's going on look what is happening in my life and he would just wait before the Lord and the Lord stopped him and the Lord corrected him as to how to believe him for finances and the Lord gave him a three-step process of how to change his thinking where his finances were concerned and let me go ahead and give you the three points to begin with and we'll put these up on the screen so that you can write them down but this three-step process that the Lord gave brother Hagin was number one claim what you need claim what you need whatever it is that you need the Lord has it he is the source of everything so number one claim what you need number two you say this Satan take your hands off my money that's what the Lord told him to do Satan take your hands off my money and then number three was go ministering spirits and cause the money to come go ministering spirits and cause the money to come now brother Hagin received this word and when he was in that little three room apartment that they had and he was actually out preaching and at a church and he was in this parsonage the Lord gave him this word and he walked over that the church that afternoon and he said I stood on the platform in that empty church and I said I claim one hundred and fifty dollars this week that was his budget but we're talking 1949 so what do you think one hundred and fifty dollars in 2012 would be seven years old well I claim a hundred and fifty dollars this week Satan take your hands off my finances go ministering spirits and cause the money to come and brother Hagin said I tested this out time and time again and I got the money I claim for every time and we learned that from him we we didn't we learn that we appropriated that from him and we need to learn Gloria how and we're way above destitute at the time above destitute people are not claiming what is theirs what belongs to them what God has provided for them what he so graciously has provided for us instead of crying and griping and complaining and begging God for what is already yours we need to learn how to clean up what people were in the same shape we were in what's right know how to do that until we heard brother Hagin that's exactly a lot of people like that today and you're going to tell us how well we're going to learn how to claim what is ours amen before we get into our scripture though I have one more handout for you and for you but Gloria you'll appreciate this this is a word from the Lord that was given to brother Copeland 10 2011 in the Washington DC meeting and I'm only going to go through the first part of it with us today but this is important as a matter of fact at the time that we're taping this right now Gloria I'm right in the middle of a series teaching this to our congregation right we're taking the word of the Prophet and I'm teaching it line by line with our congregation and listen to what the Lord said about 2012 this is good and the Lord the Lord said what about 2012 what does it hold and what is in store listen to this the Lord said this I have a great store house much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I've laid up for you before the foundation of the world more much more is stored up there than what the church has ever called for now let's think about that for just a moment think about what was just said much more is in the great storehouse than what the church has ever called for there's no famine in the storehouse there's no famine in the storehouse and it says to make it be a good message title there's no write that down there's no famine in the storehouse amen and Gloria what that said to me was that there is more in that storehouse than what the church has ever called for there's more in there than what we have claimed you know there are these massive massive massive storehouses warehouses of unclaimed freight yeah that belongs to somebody that's right that's someone well there is unclaimed Freight that belongs to you and me and I I'm ready to claim that amen I'm ready to claim her ass up George stir us up the Lord spoke again to brother company says I've never held back on the church saith the Lord and the God of the god of Plenty I've made it available to you I put it in my word I gave you promise and stood behind it with the blood the precious blood of your Savior but there has been a backwardness in my people about laying hold of the things that I provided for you now that really caught my attention there's been the backwardness in my people about laying hold of those things that belong to us but I will say this there is a people in the land there's a people around the world there's a people strong and mighty growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold to lay hold and put their claim of faith on the things that I've laid up for you and it thrills me saith the Lord because it's been yours all the time what a word no the Lord said there are two things that he said here that that I believe are extremely important first of all there has been a backwardness in our about laying hold or taking what rightfully belongs to us but then the Lord said ignorant and lazy well there you go you are ahead of me on this one because that's where I'm going the the ignorance water boat well ignorant comes from not knowing what is in the word I know that when I first became a Christian I was not hearing the word as I heard the word today I appreciate what I did here but I was of those who thought that it was God putting sickness on me to teach me something and he was keeping me poor for some reason or another and you were willing and I was I was willing to let that ignorant but willing but the more knowledge we have of the Word of God and the more revelation the light comes on and goes I don't have to be sick anymore that's right I don't have to be poor anymore and what Jesus paid for rightfully belongs to me and I need to learn how to claim it that the light comes on and it stays on mm-hmm they can keep it on it does because we've been walking it for a lot of years it certainly does so it's not something God's not coming and going people come and go come and go but then the Lord said this there are a people that are strong and mighty and growing much stronger and much mightier and more bulky yes to lay hold and put their claim of faith on the things that I've laid up for them now those words the claim of faith really they really jumped out good the claim of faith the way you've preached it taking what rightfully belongs to you late being bold be bold and mighty to lay hold on what belongs to you because it's been ours all the time yeah now what we're going to do first of all is take a look at a scripture dealing with this backwardness of God's people about possessing what is ours let's look at Joshua 18 Joshua chapter 18 and verse 1 I'm going to take Gloria everything that belongs to me everything that Jesus died and and went to hell for and was raised up for I'm going to take every provision when you get down to it that's the least we can do is receive that's the likud aid for absolutely absolutely and we need to learn how to claim Joshua chapter 18 and verse 1 and the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there and the land was subdued before them another word for the word subdued is conquered the land was conquered it was already conquered that promised land was already conquered before them but then in verse 2 it says this and they remained among the children of Israel 7 tribes which had not received their inheritance uh-oh seven tribes that had not received or the Hebrew word for received theirs take seven tribes that didn't take or another way you could put it was there were seven tribes that did not claim their inheritance that left their inheritance they didn't claim it they didn't take her they didn't take what was theirs and Joshua verse three Joshua said to the children of Israel how long are you slack to go in and possess the land which the Lord your God has to you how long are you slack to possess the land God gave it to them now it's up to them to go get it that's right and if they didn't go get it according to the scripture they were slack slack means lazy that's right slack means lazy I wrote a couple of just words here in my Bible of what I learned about that word slack and it's very interesting slack means to be inactive and idle it means to be sluggish and neglect inactive idle it idle sluggish neglect and it just basically means spiritually lazy now I know that you and I and one of the reasons I think one of the reasons why we become spiritually lazy is because of the stand that it takes to believe God and to just not not lose hope and not neglect what rightfully belongs to us and to take that start stand and not get lazy in possessing what is hard don't quit how you get it don't quit that's the thing we had to learn that scripture it will hold our place there you know it took us years to get in the financial catastrophe that we were in when we when we learn the word and it just took more than two months to get out of it but but we did get out and and the words were said we need to become more bold and more mighty and strong strong in the Lord to do this you know this this scripture and I'll just read this to you in Galatians 6:9 let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we do not faint we don't give up if we love you heart that's that would be lose heart to give up right well the amplified bible says let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap if we do not loosen and relax our courage that's exactly well these guys relax these these people relaxed and Joshua I think he was pretty upset about it I think he was really firm when he talked to them how long are you going to be slack to go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your father's has already given you and I challenge us I challenge me how long are you going to be slack to claim what is yours how long how long are you gonna how long are you going to lay back and let the devil run over you yeah and not take that stand of faith and march in and claim what is right now you only happen to Israel the children of Israel until they rose up that's right and they got armed before the Lord and they went in and they took long and we have to rise up that's what we have to do the exact same thing that the Lord told brother Hagin it was not working obviously for brother Hagin the beg God for the finances and cry and weep and that's not faith the Lord straightened him out where his faith was concerned he said claim what you need devil take your hand off my money ministering spirits you go and you bring that to me that is claiming that's that's the step-by-step process of claiming so he told them said how long are you going to be lazy to possess the land which the Lord your God the God of your father's has given to you you know I like this the the word claim in the dictionary we have that in our notes the word claim in the dictionary means to take as the rightful owner that's debt freedom is yours you are the rightful owner of a debt-free life so we have to claim that though listen listen to this this is something and this is so simple but brother Keith Moore said this and it really really helped clear up a lot of things for me what God has so wonderfully provided by His grace we take with our faith and that's as simple as it gets what God has given to us with the authority we have as believers we take we take what belongs to you no scripture said believe you receive when you pray the Greek word for receive is take take it take it when you pray now that makes it so play it is playing if you've been praying over something and you didn't take it you're still not praying thing exactly and that takes a determination of faith yeah it really takes a strength to rise up in the face of the challenges that we have financially and go in there and get it this in verse 3 in one of the translations is that how long are you going to wait before you go in and take the land well we're gonna go in there and take it turn to John chapter 14 John chapter 14 in claiming what is rightfully ours we realize and we know what is ours what is rightfully ours as a citizen particularly in the United States here what is rightfully ours as assistance what our rights are what those rights and privileges are and we need to realize that we have covenant rights and privileges we have covenant rights that belong to us but they won't be ours unless we take them unless we claim them and this is a wonderful scripture John 14:13 it says here and whatsoever you ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son now Gloria the Greek translation of that scripture says whatever you demand as your Christian rights I will see to it that it is carried out it's a power it's a powerful verb there take it to take it it's like you take the land and I've watched you and Kenneth do that over the years you have never on this broadcast begged for money I have never seen the righteous begging I've never seen I have never seen you do that but what I have seen in the two of you you have to understand I've been around here for 36 years been part of this family so I get to see in front of the scenes behind the scenes and see all of it and I I have only seen the two of you lay hold of and claim by faith what is rightfully yours even in the toughest of times well we learned that when we didn't have anything in the hat dude we had to you had to do it was sink or swim you had and we all of us in the family all the kids all of us who have come into this family we've learned how to do that and we learned how to do this whatever you demand as your Christian rights that's what I will see to it that it is carried out he's God now Kenneth had a word from the Lord in 2010 for all of you that will take my word and stand on it saith the Lord the kingdom is for you the angels are for you and all of heavens reserves are at your call and all we have to do is to claim heavens reserves and they belong to us r10 they are all we have to do is to take it that's what we don't get receive it and I wrote this and we'll finish up with this today Gloria I wrote this this is just a declaration of faith that's why I want you to have these notes because all of this is in here but I wrote this down and I've used this many times before and I've said Heavenly Father I thank you for your word your word is true your word works for me I give it first place and final authority in my life I claim every need met on the authority of God's Word I claim and then I put a blank there insert whatever whatever it is the specific amount I claim this Satan take your hands off my finances go ministering spirits and cause the money to come I believe it I receive it I possess it I claim it and I take it as my rightful inheritance in Jesus name father I thank you for it now amen I have it I claim it good I like it amen Georgia now be right back guinness prophecy for 2012 focuses a lot on the goodness of God and about suddenly is happening in your life and I think suddenly I love suddenly xur exciting sudden these are like miracles but if you'll set your expectation it's just the goodness of God manifesting itself quickly in our lives and that's what I love look forward around every corner it says that the blessing will overtake you and that's what it suddenly is you don't see it coming it's behind you and it overtakes you when the pressures of life make your reality bleak you might feel stressed frustrated and without hope you might find yourself wondering is God really good gloria Copeland's book blessed beyond measure reveals the truth yes he is God is good to all and that means you this life-changing book will renew your mind and clear away any doubt about God's extraordinary love toward you with its companion devotional to experience drastic change in your circumstances and free with purchase and larger capacity to receive God's goodness as you hear pastor George Pearson's inspiring message spend time every day and learn how much he wants to bless you in every area that concerns you let every area of your life shout out loud God is good to me if you desire to be overwhelmed by the goodness of God the revelation and this package is for you get in on his goodness and see your life blossom with fullness order the goodness of God package the blessed beyond measure book and devotional journal by Gloria Copeland at a special price of just $25 log on to KCMO org slash TV special or call or write to us today you'll also receive free with purchase the goodness of God a CD teaching by pastor George Pearson's free with your order for an additional product discounted 48-hour processing or other resources by Kenneth Copeland ministries visit our website at KCMG org one thing I've learned in dealing with God is if you want to change make a change you can keep going the rest of your life the way you are maybe behind in your bills made with more bills and you've got money to to pay and so on and so I'm doing without or you can make a change so we've got together a package of the goodness of God it's the goodness of God package it's a book on blessed beyond measure by Gloria Copeland and a workbook a devotional journal journal and then three CDs or DVDs CDs by pastor George on the goodness of God there's only one way to get your thinking straightened out I mean if you know if you're used to being without if you've have trouble thinking about having abundance instead all you see is lack you have to you have to do something you have to take the Word of God and the scriptures and teaching on those scriptures and let that replace the lack the the what you've got in your head this just comes by experience I've never been able to do this I've never been able to pay my bills and so on and you miss plot you you move that old thinking out and that's calling renewing your mind you move the old thinking out you let the new thinking in you begin to say new words I have it my bills are paid I'm out of debt George and I are gonna pray for you very quickly right now father in the name of Jesus I lift up every person to you I lift up their financial situation I lift up the healing of their body and the healing of their finances and the healing of their family all at one time and we believe for deliverance and health and the Word of God living big in them to take their victory in every area your word says this is the victory that overcomes the world yes even our faith so we know that our believing heart God says in his word will overcome everything that the world can throw at us and we take hold of God's Word and we put it in our heart and in our mouth and we receive our deliverance now don't miss any of these broadcasts join us tomorrow for day five if you've missed any of them go to the Internet get them and listen to them again we're going to learn the essentials card great harvest this is Gloria Copeland George Pierson's reminding you that Jesus thanks for joining us on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or CD today's product offer or for more information on KCM visit KCMO org online you'll find free ministry resources to help you live everyday in faith receive God's promise that everything is going to be alright come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event living victory West Coast faith encounter Anaheim California April 6th and 72 with Kenneth Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly Swisher celebrate 30 years in Europe at the Europe victory campaign may 10th through 12th with Kenneth and Lori Copeland at the Excel Centre in London UK the Southwest believers convention of July 2nd through 7th with Kenneth Gloria Copeland of their special guests in Fort Worth Texas [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 59,446
Rating: 4.8547072 out of 5
Keywords: 1548094719001, kenneth copeland ministries, george pearsons, gloria copeland, word of god, victory, sickness, daily, family, bvov-youtube, success, finances, debt, ken copeland, youtube, process2, kenneth copeland, bvov_daily
Id: Mw7fdEyWHlg
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Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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