A Black salesman gets his first customer, then sees a Confederate flag on the wall. | Civil

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hi my name is Sean I'm with the Patriot knife company all right where do we stand so far for today uh TIFF I only got two so far but one of them was a deluxe set okay that's great nothing to be ashamed of there uh Remi I'm in five so far but more to come yeah that's my boy I like that confidence and Deshawn where you at okay I'll look at you there - Sean no worries all right guys it was a good day let's finish strong Shelby Tiffany Remmy I'm gonna have you two head over the Longfellow subdivision right by the park and I'll have to shop so you can give you some sounds all right hands in all one two three Patriot alright man already makes me sales look man I get it I know it's rough we just gotta you know stick with it your positive mental attitude all right hold up a sec what Deshawn I get it all right you haven't had a great go of it so far but you have a negative attitude I think people pick up on that you know I mean that might be part of the reason why you're not making any sales I mean we're not exactly how if you're trying to sell knives you know what I mean you got to make people like you right from the start you're selling yourself tell me I should be too hard for you you're a likable guy yeah all right there he is all right let's go I think the house should be right over here is it yeah how do you feel about doing this one your own Deshawn I put the whole point what so you can see how I know I know I know I just have a really good feeling about this one I feel like you're ready to make a sale and I want to get in the way of that you want to throw in another referral remember we talked about to Schad how's the mental attitude oh and Deshawn maybe try going by just um Sean you know make it sound more familiar yes hi hi my name's Sam Marshall good to meet you Marshall good weather we're having today huh no doubt there's something I can do for you Sean yeah yeah sorry I uh I've worked for the Patriot 9 company and we specialize in high-grade american-made cutlery and I was just wondering if you had some time I'd love to give you a demonstration so I could show you so come on in head downstairs make yourself at home okay I'll just be a sec can I get your drink uh no no no thank you I'm fine thanks you had not already know I was just taking a look around you said you had a demonstration show me uh-huh so what have you got for me Shawn um everything is manufactured right here in America and this set in a particular comes with our top-of-the-line blades this right here is our paring knife which works really well and we also have our carving knife first pretty well too and it also completes sharpening steel which is great because whenever your knifes cool dull you know you can sort them wrong uh sorry you keep staring over at the flagon aw it's a problem I mean it's okay if there is I'm just asking no sorry I just down brought it inside yesterday cause of the rain some people just leave him out there that's the ways he doesn't offend you does it a lot of people misunderstand it my great-great grandfather fought and died in that war he was a good man I thought this was the least I could do to honor don't you think yeah yeah some people feel a bit differently rock came through my window the other night mm-hmm I'm sorry to hear that Thanks shut up shut up for a second do you member last week we went out with Tommy and we're going to all those different house parties yeah where was that we'd all be a lot better off if we just minded our own business in fences make good neighbors like this from a rap song no no it's foam I always hated rep yeah I don't know I just I think that flag carries a lot of baggage for some people baggage so Shana you a Christian or is that cross around your neck just a fashion statement yeah I mean my parents raised me in the church and everything okay then so look Kristen - Kristen what are we supposed to do when somebody is offended by what we believe I mean this whole country is so goddamn worried about political correctness right what happens when they say you're not allowed to wear that anymore that it's too offensive people have baggage Shawn not things you work hard stay honest don't bother anybody that's all that matters doesn't matter what color you are you're lazy you're lazy if you're a liar you're a liar no need to make it any more complicated now so you got a demo you're gonna show me yeah I need here is actually um could you grab a knife of your own just which ever one you think is the sharpest for a comparison no dude remember we were like we were walking like the third or the fourth house and Tommy told me throw a rock through the guys window I think I'm outside of it one of the guys in trains inside of the house cool knife so I'm just gonna hold this right here and you cut the rope with your knife so you live around here Shawn yeah I live in a different neighborhood so then you wouldn't happen to know who threw that rock through my window would you know like I said I'm not from around here I mean I don't I don't know he he might've seen me open the door or something but I don't know maybe I'll just hide around the corner or something so he comes up um now I'm gonna do the same thing here but use one of my knives you pick damn that is something else the best in the market dude I gotta get out of here I don't know I'll just text missiny came up or something I don't know if I'm gonna go okay now just nothing with you well thank you marshal I appreciate your business come by anytime Shawn you're one of the good ones this may be what's my ride [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 2,447,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civil, drama short film, omeleto
Id: 32NqTLcAaIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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