Cities Skylines - A long-awaited return - Ep 3

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still you still it's still a district it's the glorious district that is on the edge of uh of the poop lake um which actually now has stabilized so we can probably bring some more roads in here tell you what we'll uh we'll make sure that um uh improviating the why me live here district uh is is well i was gonna say top priority no top priority is actually this over here which is literally how we left the stream last time and my save file is a big note that says replace highways because we want to do this there's a lot going on over here so we're going to take a look at that but before we do that how's everyone doing someone having a good saturday it's always good when the poop stabilizes that's right you want stable poop that's important hey black tie thank you very much black tie black suit oblong flying roundabout oh that's right that's what we're gonna do with it wasn't it oh you're right thank you for reminding me of that yes yes yes yes that's 100 um what we're gonna what we're gonna look at here it'll be quite the elevated highway i mean i guess technically does it have to be elevated it doesn't have to be we'll see haven't been able to catch your stream forever hey kennedy watch the vods of the series really excited to catch next moment yeah i forgot like it had been a while since we played city skylines and i forgot like how great fun it absolutely is absolutely is is this uh it's not just t wishlist radio i don't know um uh we'll have to ask her i think she's i think she's going to be stopping by just uh i think she's still taking care of a couple of things right now it has to be elevated it's his mastermind okay elevated roundabout it is the chat has spoken so we're gonna do that then we're gonna play some baldur's gate two which i'm also quite eager to i think i kind of like this formula where we might half and half the saturdays or something it might take ages to get through baldur's gate but um it might be a good balance we'll see how we feel like every week you know maybe some weeks will be all builders get maybe some will be none maybe some of it will be a split at some point we might go in a bin baldur's gate won uh we like did daily let's plays it was like i'm gonna stream baldur's gate one every day until we finish it and that was actually a pretty decent system too actually um what was i going to talk about oh i haven't watched episode 4 of uh of winter soldier yet i've falcon winter soldier yet so i mean you shouldn't have any spoilers for any of it in chat because you know it's still a new series for some people but uh make sure we definitely don't do it's like such it's like the episode had been out for like five seconds and then instantly like the internet was like filled with like macro images and memes and things like that of stuff that happened in the episode i'm like come on i was very busy yesterday didn't have time to do it you haven't even watched one division yet oh man well that's definitely worthwhile i mean some people just don't have the disney plus uh subscription uh but it's not like you can get it for like a month and just like binge a lot of that content i think i think some people are waiting until uh the end of uh falcon winter soldier and then they'll pick it up and then binge won the vision and uh and then that and they're they're excellent shows yeah you don't have disney plus yeah yeah yeah snape kills dumbledore whoa too soon man too soon what are you gonna tell me next like sean bean dies in like everything that he's in yeah we're playing ballers get two not three uh i mean we will play three at some point but it's not out yet i mean yeah the first chapter is out in a sort of beta um ever dabbled with it uh on the channel but yeah it's gonna be it is gonna be for two um sean bean dies sean bean dies all the time it's just a constant um is this hydrodam uh making power for us it is not currently it might it might slowly generate a little bit of power uh we'll see but yeah we've got the glorious poop lake which we actually are trying to clean the water a little bit before we dump it into the river so that's why we put all these little uh these little polyps in here basically we got polyps in colon lake london there is in two weeks yes and i am going to do it it's going to be it's going to be interesting because it's things are so busy crazy this month there's there's going to be so many things that haven't been announced yet that are going to come up um it is going to be possibly the most challenging let them dare yet but we're going to do what we can as much as possible what about a free meteor impact you know that might be a good way to deepen uh the lake number two over here we're gonna see how that goes yeah vicky three is gonna be announced and uh that's what we're gonna be playing oh wait that was probably indeed oh no it's whiskey um hey helko thank you very much uh yes let's produce more whiskey and chocolate for the city is it a chocolate lake no um the other thing is we actually have the ability to unlock some districts i think i do have the mod that'll let us unlock all of them i don't know if that we have that all enabled yet so we could pop one of these others but i think before we do that i think we should focus on fixing the road um the the intersection over here that we build those at the end of the last stream two or three weeks or whatever it was also these guys are complaining about a water shortage um the water availability was a little bit low uh i did just put down right before the stream start um one of these two no this one over here i just put down a new water intake and it actually looks like their water um outputs need to be increased as well i know i don't want to flood this lake too much i don't want to change our water levels so i may not add more of that i think we had put down some water treatment plants is that this over here yeah i think we're going to put down just some more uh water treatment plants is going to be the plan fix the rotor invent sky cards sky cards uh sean bean dies every except in the sharp series i don't what is the sharp series kissing let me just put these down um eco water treatment plants advanced ooh advanced is that that actually connect to the water pipe because i lined the intake up exactly with the water pipe i don't know if i've ever played oh i didn't mean to unpause the car's gonna get real confused here first thing i don't think i've ever actually done that huh hey no one oh napoleonic war oh interesting really most challenging london area didn't you do on a plane i did do one on the plane it was a pretty small game but it's true there's something about that um i felt that felt pretty good that was when i was on my streak uh hey you know what i have a sneaking suspicion that however you decide to organize the stream hashtag the internet will tell you you're wrong that is likely i mean there's no pleasing everyone that that's always that's always true um there's always people who want a different game being played than the one we're playing but you know we'll try our best as much as possible um twitch chat is always right the nice thing about twitch chat is no matter like for every question you get absolutely every single answer simultaneously so twitch chat can never be wrong or it's always wrong either way your perspective is correct all right let's bulldoze this and yeah we're gonna do an elevated highway roundabout kind of thing because the thing is yeah we have a situation where we have sort of a highway this way and highway this way that are meeting up so i mean uh we could do a four-way intersection here but four-way intersections especially in city skylines um almost never work quite as well as you want i tend to do these t intersections um even like side by side like this like this could have been a four-way intersection here but a pair of key intersections although this one doesn't look like a t but it is uh i actually quite like the the look of this thing um which was unexpected it's like it's like is it like a monkey face with ears put a couple of eyes in here what would be for good eyes i don't know but you know what i mean so the monkey intersections but usually i make these tees or um i used to make trumpet intersections all the time but i actually kind of forgot how to do the uh the swoops for that so we'll see but no matter what four ways are always really rough i mean it's true in reality but especially true in city skylines especially if you're not running one of the traffic mods like um uh traffic what is it traffic manager president edition over here which does make them smarter but it's still kind of iffy but flying around about sounds like a lot of fun looks like a satanic rams head to you make eyes of space rocks oh yeah we could drop a couple of meteors in there all right well we'll come back to that in a sec or sink holes i guess we could use sinkholes uh which might be slightly more precise i'm not sure so if we go to the highway thing and i i don't know like i don't know if we really need to go like insanely big with the roads like the three lane might be enough maybe we'll go four lane highway is that this over here okay let's use a four laner and we're going to elevate elevate so it's going to be functionally a roundabout although i don't think it'll actually be round i think what we're going to end up with is something like that and then a little spaced out over here we'll get one how do we get it to run parallel i guess the best thing to do now it won't snap 90 degrees i mean i guess we can just sort of eyeball it and it'll work out um and then from here i think i'll use freeform actually what i'll do is i'll just draw it and then i'll use the move it tool oh that actually looked quite nice that one come out nicer i don't know but yeah we'll just use the move it tool no maybe there's a better way to make the circle okay that's not too shabby and actually even this even though it looked kind of nice at a first pass i think i want it to be a bit more of a gentle looking corner over here there we go so we got this capsule shape i i do have a roundabout mod and in fact i use it quite often but we're doing something a little bit different that the the roundabout mod wouldn't actually handle the hippodrome oh my god yeah we can have races on this thing okay and then we're going to get bits hey tiny i've never seen national treasure that's the uh that's the uh um uh oh god what's his name i've been getting really bad with names lately which is kind of bothersome um but that's the one where they like steal the constitution in the united states right i've never seen nick cage thank you yeah i've never seen it when it came out i thought it looked like this just looks like a terrible movie but then since then now i don't know if it's like it's just because of cult things or if it's legitimately good but a lot of people are like no man it's it's really solid and things so i i don't know so i think we'll do something like this see and like that and then i might reshape these roads a little bit race roundabout looks like a giant spot i mean it's it's a capsule shape but yeah you're not wrong how do we actually want these to line up i do want to make sure there's a little bit of space between these on offs over here so that like that i'm okay with the gap there but then yeah maybe a little more like this i promise it won't look quite straight through here but that's not so bad i might do a similar sort of thing over here kind of move it over this way curve a little bit there we go now this also enables now what is this road this just looks like a four-lane avenue um medium roads probably maybe um large roads okay straight well i guess it doesn't matter but oh oh it's not the same i don't know because that's the six lane road wait a minute did did my mods get re-enabled and sort of this is the one i want no that's not it either what road is this now i need the eyedropper tool is it this one no because that's with the median you think it's a highway oh it might be a national highway you're right there it is thank you excellent um i think we just accidentally replaced this thing notice i say we so that it can bring you into the blame there you go okay all right excellent so we can get from the residential area to the industrial area directly now we're also from the industrial area we're definitely going to want to be able to get on to the uh the capsule about not the roundabout the capsule about um but then we also have to figure out some of what's going on over here in terms of getting on and off of this thing i think okay first we're gonna do is we're get these to connect up this highway we might work a little bit differently how it connects or we could run it parallel then jump on and off well maybe something like that the beeping is driving me nuts what beeping oh it was the ambulances or whatever when we were close up wasn't it i don't have the on and off too close exactly because it it's a big problem because it screws with the merging a fair bit all right let's figure this out we pull back over here and then we grab our three lanes it's already occupied by what all right let's move this okay so then how do we want to get these i think we run them a little parallel yeah whiskey and chocolate mr your state finally legalized recreational cannabis usage no better way to celebrate than with your high noon stream love the content as usual thanks for being you mr whiskey are you from uh are you from new york or is there another state that recently uh legalized it i don't know the road should go underneath and join from the inside [Music] that could be interesting and sexy that could be very interesting and sexy so one of the things we could have is we can have [Music] down and connect over here to get over there and then we can move all this over this way and we can straighten it out later um is that the direction correct yes it is where is this i guess i mean this could just merge into this one as well that would sort of work or we could go underneath so just as a as a whatever and that could do something like this i always said we need to clean up our lines later but this would function [Music] uh you can make tunnels yes a mega murder i wonder how this would actually work in practice i mean obviously in real life this would cause like accidents upcoming well i mean it would make sense if they weren't triple lanes i don't think i like that i'm not even trying like this like from an aesthetic point of view and part of me was still thinking like it might still be uh have some value right press the bridge over here and still kind of connect that way and maybe do something similar over here you know what i mean so let me actually follows this so that has some appeal i think we still you know we're still gonna use move it to like you know adjust these because they're i don't think i like the way they're lined up necessarily but because there's still gonna be a lot of traffic that's going through here and if we can get it bypass our little capsule about that's kind of nice building the escalante's ooh there's another roundabout to connect the east west north uh south highway better um like over here and that's the thing it could just be we we consider we had discussion of having one roundabout here and one round about here but i kind of want to do this this mega about you know uh thin some or you think some of the splits no thin some of the splits so they can reconnect at higher numbers sorry a little dude i'm not entirely sure how to parse your sentence here [Music] the mega about yeah it could just be longer over here as well you know have it go this way i'm kind of okay with this i i think the inside route looks a little bit funny let me get rid of these power cables just for a little bit you know i'm i'm fine with this though so the only question is this road over here how do we want to have it interact well maybe it doesn't have to connect to the the the mega about it can just connect up to this here so just just to show you what i mean we'll probably won't keep it this way um you turn on uh energy for a second like if this connected up this way obviously this can't look that way that would be terrible but that would work and then a similar thing um to come off over here and then come into the other side maybe just extending the the capsule is is the best solution i kind of like i i find that this part is aesthetically pleasing though i like the highway going under highways and i like seeing this curve here like from a purely visual point of view i kind of like what's being built over here so i think i don't want to extend even though it might make more sense traffic wise i kind of don't want to extend it also if we extend it it would really it would force more people into the capital about where here the idea is some people will bypass the capsule uh hey quincy thank you very much wow or prince prince quincy i've been waiting a while to drop a donor like this you have brought endless happiness to my partner and i's life your content always makes me smile even in the face rather bleak year yeah uh well thank you for rating happiness also brussels for life thank you very much thank you if it was longer you could reverse it so the bridge would be on the ground and the capsule overhead that's true which would look kind of neat i i do like that we have a road going underneath the capsule over here did you finish vampire the masquerade blow line we did actually it was great the way the two or passes don't match in size and figurine these two don't match in size or because this is the the four and these three yeah we might we might change the size of these things actually we might turn this into a six lane and we might use twos extent yeah and that's what i'm wondering maybe maybe it is best because really sort of the the butt end of the capsule is almost what this is over here maybe we just go ahead and extend this but in my head let me pull back on this i had sort of pictured that maybe what we would have [Music] you know is like little parallel looking thing over here the spacing's not quite the same probably need this one to be further away rather than the other one closer up uh no snapping [Music] [Music] and space already occupied looks like a elongated among us dude see to me there's something kind of appealing it looks like a shuttle with booster rockets see now we're talking now we're talking i forgot i still need um i still need this connection from the highway zone and from the industrial zone to link into all this as well that's true [Music] okay back this up what i like i from a streaming point of view i never know if this is like you know good content or not but what i like about city skylines is you really can just spend like and people do people who keep posting on the subreddit which is still super active and things like that they they keep posting just such gloriously beautiful little cities and things it's gonna lead to weird turns is that is that what we actually want or not [Music] so i want something functional but i want something that's aesthetically pleasing as well [Music] and yeah to disable the left turns probably just just make a right turn here and same thing over here straight through um because the idea is to just have traffic flowing in and out of the industrial zone here we're not really looking to service the residential zone as directly although we may we may need something like that we may want to do something on the other side in fact maybe we literally do just want to do that right have another one like that like that that actually probably wouldn't be too too bad i don't think the this is exactly in the right place though here it's gonna move in a little be a little bit more equal it's hard to get it exactly right though and actually the [Music] oh this is just going to raise the road um turn on the anarchy mode for a sec there we go so it'll let me do that uh turn off anarchy take this and then invert it toggle enter key back there you go um now it's hard to tell because the shadow sort of messes with things but it looks about even right it's close close enough for government work and then we have to do sort of the same thing over here [Music] so the ramps match i i like it i think it's visually appealing um and i think once we fix the the turn so that we ban left turns over here i think the traffic will flow okay over here now the one downside is there's going to be no i guess people who are trying to will just keep going around here should be okay actually should be okay if you haven't done that already make sure to hashtag name in the chat um we'll use that for naming districts but also i'm gonna do a giveaway uh hold on i'm gonna have to do the giveaway a different way because i've got a code for evil genius 2 to give away but i guess we need a different draw because some people might want to be in the name draw but already have evil genius [Music] but i can only do one giveaway at a time [Music] here tell you what just hashtag name to get into the the name draw we'll do the uh we'll do the giveaway um when we get to the baldur's two gate ballers gate two or right in between the two streams right in between city skylines and balder's gate two um what i'll do is i'll i'll reset the giveaway for an actual giveaway as opposed to a name and game draw uh there you go so sorry if there'll be a delay sorry you got to keep watching the stream um to get evil genius 2 but still hashtag name to get your name in the game i really like the way this looks and i don't want to change it so everything else is going to have to work sort of around that aspect so with this i mean i guess there's no reason i couldn't just um say something like i don't know how to make this area visually appealing i think i kind of want to keep this even though it's going to make our life harder i'm kind of liking the the weave up and down kind of like like almost like it's been knitted or something you know we could have something else that's even above it um but we still need to service the other side over here let me switch to a smaller thing for a sec because i might actually be okay with just doing something like that she should really come off yeah should come off at a better angle here it's not an explicit turn actually we can go back to making this look a little nicer and maybe a little more parallel maybe bring this in this way if i bring it too close it makes this ramp look a little a little aggressive although what i could do is just raise this up oh that does not look right that's not so bad i mean it's still instilling some adjustments roads coming off the highway should be one lane to the roundabout traffic and that's probably true because right now there's weird merging that goes down um it should be one or maybe two or something like that like in in practice what would happen in real life you'd sort of close the lanes off here what would happen is you get a thing where you're merging to the left to at least you know one lane if not two and then here you'd get the extra on-ramp but they don't really have on-ramps and city skylines there's some things you can sort of do with extra packs but there's not really the sort of on-ramp like over here so like temporarily go to six lanes and then it would fold in kind of thing [Music] um [Music] now the segment before the merge and widen after yeah that's true [Music] how do you split segments [Music] so you do something like this and then go back into the move it mod and then try to adjust things you see it's like you you can do it with enough kind of patience and things but it's it's really difficult to get it to look right and i'm i'm kind of worried i'm just going to mess up the look of things but in practice like it's something like you know oh i'm in movement mode that's what the problem is and then directly connect and yeah maybe i can can i disconnect these lanes maybe and do a thing so there's certainly some things that could be done i think i'm okay with um you know maybe saying something like listen these are two lanes at least and then it's two into two over here too which is still not great i could so i could still do some direct lane connections it kind of be nice if people use two to get off the highway better i i'm not sure i'm not sure about any of that we can let it run for a while and see how it goes and then make some adjustments as well so it's whiskey and chocolate it's whiskey and chocolate uh azurancy thank you very much hold on a sec that's a penis no it's not actually still looks a lot like a rocket ship to me plunger uh certainty thank you very much i always have to catch the live streams and watch your videos on youtube but never contributed french more engaged that is much appreciated thank you as we spend uh we're 38 minutes into the stream well there was a little preamble but not much mostly all we've been doing is working on this but i mean it's a it's a big mega construction project right change the brig bridge portion to four lane highway for extra on offline this part over here yeah that's probably a good idea energy mode like anarchy and move it are just so required make this ramp a little bit more mellow this one over here too there's still kink in here i mean not the kink shame [Music] but [Music] so let's say you know you're let's arbitrarily call this north just to say you're traveling north and you want to go west so you drive this way you see your sign over here you got to take the right exit you do that merge into here hop onto this thing and then just drive off over here [Music] all that i kind of feel like i want to do here is a little bit of cosmetics work it's really close together here compared to the spacing there and there's neither one of them is like corrector but there needs to be some consistency i guess that's not bad in terms of the spacing coming together for the bridge over here [Music] there's more skin chopping i will check that in a second driving that will cause me anxiety um the part that would cause me anxiety would be like emerging i don't live in a huge city right so um the highway merges are always a little bit stressy to me although in practice they work pretty well this would definitely be one of those situations where um you could dramatically improve things with the various cosmetics that you can do with like the fine details to like manually draw in some little lines and things like this to explain some of these merges and stuff i mean this makes no sense the three into three like makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but i may just ignore it uh we're gonna have to do a lot of traffic manager stuff i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna unpause it now and sort of see get a sense of the situation before we go any further yeah no this i mean this would be the dumbest thing ever i mean i could thin it out to just one we're messing with it i didn't like the look actually i'm kind of okay with the look here even though it's completely impractical [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um yeah it just it makes no sense [Music] that's interesting it's actually only using two lanes over here well i guess the thing that would make sense for something like this is we say something like uh oops um boom you're obviously going there you only go there and you are the one that gets to do a choice from here or here or weirdly it might be okay for you to do something like that actually um how do you there you go right like we need we would need signage and we would need lines and stuff like that but that's sort of conceptually what's going to happen here is the traffic from here can go into those those or it's like merge it would look different right it would be a longer affair with some pre-splits of the highways you would physically widen the highway you would do a nice sort of division of things but functionally this is the sort of thing that would happen it'll look a little weird in the intersection that is here without painted lines but yeah and we said that that's just the right from here you can go to either one of those and then these go there or go there in fact what i might want to do is cancel that one and just actually really encourage people give more value to the outside lanes just encourage traffic to move to the outside unless they're trying to turn uh lucky so there would be no merging zones that break the flow i feel like i'm only getting half your message let's put the four laner to two yeah well i mean yes oh this one's got to be done over here because this is only there this one's only there uh from here i guess that's correct [Music] so [Music] okay i i'm gonna go back to plan i'm gonna start the game up and then we'll see what the traffic does let me go and just make an intermediary save over here and we'll unpause we'll let things shake out and then see what it looks like if you reduce it to a three lane highway between the on and off ramps everyone's saying yeah the this would that would be smart right the problem is it looks stupid [Music] i mean maybe with the traffic manager could i functionally convert it down to a three-lane highway instead because when you change the highways it like it just looks physically dumb is the issue i'm having you know what never mind you're gonna go there and not there i'm gonna go there and not there so this is effectively making into a three-line highway yeah this is actually more correct there you go this one turns into only an off-ramp that that might be the thing we start treating this as just an off-ramp instead um [Music] there these two are just turnouts so effectively this i mean you can treat we made this into a two lane but these guys on the inside could split into a couple ones or something like that this is going to be a problem as people are looking from here yeah this is always going to be an issue because the people from here that are trying to get to the outside not leave have to cross traffic um and that's actually not something that can be avoidable other than are people still hold on i think this is here yeah this is on top or but yes don't change lanes here i think what's happening people are changing to this which is not going to help [Music] leave this one empty but then they are trying to cross yeah that's no good [Music] yeah the thing is inside off ramps is usually like that doesn't make sense it's not what you do in real life the problem is you're getting we're getting this thing where traffic is emerging in and then want to merge out afterwards and it's leading to badness send a branch on the off ramp oh from here to there yeah actually maybe that's the the easiest solution over here is to say from here to there in some fashion [Music] so people can bypass this if they're going this way but it's still no good this is always going to cause a huge problem and the thing is i like it because it's visually appealing but because of this the problem is in city skylines cars don't merge very well some giveaways maybe actually there's no signage can we add signage like can we tell these guys listen i don't know if that's gonna solve the problem or just cause more of a backup though yeah merging is impossible in city skylines because because you can't build on and off ramps okay they're yielding now let's give it a chance to clear but they're gonna back up although at some point some of them are gonna want to use this where are these guys going actually isn't um what is it yeah you're trying to go over here [Music] okay it might start to clear out um let's put a little priority sign over here too well you should probably make this smaller and give them the priority sign but [Music] it needs to be separate lanes for your on-ramps yeah oh right my power lines got removed and never rebuilt i mean so they're no longer like interrupting some of the traffic flow here but they're still backing up because they're yielding to like literally anything i'm sorry i thought i changed you to not allow through traffic over here [Music] how do we do [Music] because yeah i want this to be three lanes but i want this to be four but then quickly turn into a three again [Music] this might not work without us having like this design as a whole might not work without us having support for on and off ramps and this might just be too close to one another [Music] this one will probably be fine because the residential zone is such a low traffic area that it's not going to be an issue but the industrial one is such a high traffic area i don't really want to do this but maybe the best thing is in fact [Music] uh maybe we need to cross it somewhere else although we got to give enough time to switch lanes to hit that for all the cars that are trying to get all the way over here we'll give them this but then what do they even need this on-ramp for anymore really if i'm doing something like this you know [Music] can just connect the industrial zone to each hive i guess that's the thing if this is being built hold on if this is being built basically so people can get here why don't we just connect the industrial zone to that more directly and that's probably the same uh the same source of traffic over here you know hold on what this actually might look kind of cool i'm gonna draw this backwards and then just invert the direction here oh it's right click so it's whiskey and chocolate and really at this point it can just be a two lane into a three lane i guess we'll still want to have i'm just throwing just just doing something here and seeing how that how it'll feel here i mean this will work whether or not it doesn't look right and then something similarly over here because this is just traffic trying to get to the industrial zone so what we end up with instead in practice here is we're gonna have a very temporary we got more whiskey and chocolate i'll get we'll get to it soon i hope i get a little spit of road a little three-lane road here one of it's going to merge that way the other is going to continue on down here to ultimately connect up to stuff over here um it needs one of the lanes will still probably feed into something else but maybe this will satisfy that the thing i was looking for i kind of wanted a parallel road in fact let me bust this down a little bit [Music] let um break this down let's go back to the three lane get this parallel lane looking thing again get the highway ramp yeah a little more over here and yeah there's gonna be some sort of two-lane affair cause that way there's sort of one designated lane for [Music] everything [Music] we're in this for a second i think the traffic manager even has a way to just like re reset the traffic light clear the traffic and reset it i'm actually kind of liking this visual a little bit i don't like this part here this has to be adjusted but reminds me a little bit of a circulatory system now this still has the super awkward merging stuff which i mean we're just trying to say like listen just do this kind of vibe will they be able to re-merge correctly afterwards i think so [Music] oh and then i guess um and you say that you just come in here [Music] that way there'll be no delays the only question if can the people from here get to that off-ramp because i don't think they can change lanes right i think that's one of the problems with this i don't think they can change lanes here so yeah thank you very much yeah that's just gotta go that way yeah they only change lanes on nodes um does this have a button to create a node okay you guys answer me that i'm gonna check the whiskey and chocolate is it possible to create a node in between here yeah they're turning here because they can't get there or some damn damn thing like that now you need no controller 2.0 and therein lies some of the problem with doing these kinds of things in city skylines is the traffic doesn't actually work like normal traffic because they only change where these circles are these are the only places where people can change lanes the red restriction is not needed and the red restriction was the problem i was the reason i was doing this is to avoid awkward merging or awkward um yielding over here and uh and conflict but i guess it's gonna be um unavoidable do i have to tell it there's a yield here and this is miss okay i still gotta check the whiskey and chocolate you're supposed to go straight there buddy this this dream may never work we'll see shrink the three lanes to the off-ramp no that keeps coming up it's it just it it doesn't really cause the i guess this part here could be three lane this would be the this would be one of the few areas where we actually can three-lane it and that might make some sense the problem is we sort of want it in a lot of places but it doesn't work in a lot of places this is three lane highway this one does work i really want to go and read the whiskey and chocolate here see this is only like that let's make sure these lanes are wired correctly the problem here though we still have the issue here that this lane for example has to be able to go here or here and so there's still going to be some awkward yielding this is not a true because normally this would be just an offer on-ramp that comes here and then people when you're past this merge point the people from this lane would just switch over [Music] i could force a node hold on whisking chocolate whiskey and chocolate whiskey and chocolate i can force a note if i do this can't i and even if i delete this will there still be a node there haha that's what we're looking for okay because now the problem was that um if we make this intersection nice and clean and the clean thing would be here is just do this actually i guess i don't i don't really care about these guys they can do they can do weird things you can do that you can do that that doesn't really matter the important thing is that these guys don't come into this lane and that these guys only come into this lane this way the traffic will flow at maximum speed and so effectively we've created a proper on-ramp over here and then from here they can do whatever the they need to switch lanes to make things work the important thing is actually from here well now i don't even have to put in an instruction over there they can go straight or not [Music] because this here should now flow it'll still take a bit because we've got things have happened over here before it unclogs itself but this should now flow correctly i have to remember that trick we can create say so everything we were happening here the same exact problem we're having we can do it by creating nodes on the fly okay let me read the whiskey and chocolate before we go any further here um did i had did someone say i missed one earlier i think we missed the one from quite tony earlier i'm terribly sorry tony right in the mirror to fix the traffic planning out in construction junction definitely good stream content looking forward to at least another hour of roundabout plan i think the entire stream is going to be this this interesting because i've actually never tried to do anything this complex and at this point i kind of want to i kind of want to beat this i want to solve this and figure some things out um because i've never made the effort to try to figure this um or this sort of thing out you know we've already been always been in situations where i just i just designed the city differently so we can just use trumpet intersections everywhere and we don't have this issue um but now it's finally time to like okay let's let's resolve this um we may we may have to do like a city like traffic reset just to get it like unclogged the first time we will see uh but yes we also get the plane coast hills it's the squeaky traffic gets the kick getting ready for the balder's gate yeah man said that it was 38 minutes ago 34 minutes ago yeah so i think this is now working correct so where else were we having issues well actually this one's fine why do we have two nodes over here which one is the okay this is just a reg a random lane change nodes what i should do is take this guy and actually pull it back a tiny scooch [Music] like this get more skin chocolate hold on let's not let this one sit for 34 minutes hey why me call this section roundabout from hell the capsule about the mega about we had we had names so this is going to become now this might look a little that's the problem with well that looks really terrible um the going from a four lane to a three lane doesn't look right with our graphics but functionally that's exactly what we're looking for over here in that we want to make sure that this lane ends is what's happening it's one of those things where like the right lane has to end so you gotta merge in i mean i guess i don't have to actually draw these things this is just gonna happen anyway um so then when we get to this side you are only going there you are only going here that's fine so the traffic can flow in perfectly okay and then the important question is there are nodes in between so then they can re-fix themselves right so the way we would draw these lines like you can't see them but we would have like the solid white line from here to here so the traffic coming on this right most lane has to end up over here leaving this part over here free the mods of color line so it's a traffic manager present edition and then yeah when you would be making stuff like this i like how this one car is just stuck yet there's no idea what to do um then you would use yeah you can't remember what the other ones are called and i don't have them installed but you can actually like place they call them like the props right prop placements and you just have like a solid white line and you draw it and then it would look it would look all of a sudden right now we have to do something very similar over here it's got the same sort of issue um i think what i would like is for this to be a two-lane and two-lane setup that's exactly exactly what we're looking for here the problem is again it's gonna look it's gonna look bad [Music] and we need to make sure there's a node in between okay there's a node here in fact we may need more we may want to pull this back a little bit more time because there's going to be a bit of a bottleneck but the idea is going to be right over here you absolutely have to do that do that do that do that for a smooth merge the problem i'm a little bit worried is the second node over here that might end up being weird as everyone's trying to get into the right lane to reach this intersection so the solution even though might ruin our capsule look a little bit we'll actually be to pull this back some it's whiskey and chocolate oh and over here i guess these lanes are already um correctly set up actually okay give them a minute to shake themselves out hey reptile i don't know if anyone yes everyone's mentioned that what makes you think i haven't seen those videos like come on there's one thing to know the uh the theory and the other way there's another way to like how do we actually implement in the game recognizing the um lane shift on nodes thing is going to be huge so but i'm i'm worried about what's going to happen here i i worry that this is going to become the bottleneck as people try to get into their correct lanes for whatever and actually you can see here people aren't really using the rightmost lanes because this rightmost lane really is just for the exit over here so unless there's traffic that's just trying to get through and then oh look at this and that yeah i mean we just maybe need to give them more room to work this through but oh no one wants to stay to the outside line here okay hold on we have more nodes for more lane changes or at least another one over here i almost want to say from here you can't go there and from this one you can't go there or is that just gonna make it worse over there no i think why did you end up on the outside here yeah see we're just we're just pushing it down people do this on real highways they're like oh that's my exit it's whiskey and chocolate but then they're gonna want to switch lanes [Music] maybe we exit on both sides i see what you're saying like literally both sides [Music] yeah i mean in real life you don't do the on-ramps on the inside but on real life people can merge in slightly different ways and actually we this would be extended quite a bit longer than it is here but yeah even though this is like as weird as heck like this is something you would never see in real life in game it would work i get the problem is trying to make things that look realistic without a lot of shenanigans won't really uh won't really work in cities here [Music] are they only using one lane oh that might change now that they can they've got this extra little guy over here they may decide to actually use more but like why are they only using one you see [Music] off ramps and left do exist in highway 101 very confusing [Music] oh no they're trying to use this a little more okay so new traffic a lot of these guys still have their old routes in there they haven't recalculated things so now i think a lot more are going to be happier staying on this [Music] uh okay wait where are you going actually this might be this might be old traffic that's yeah they're coming in here to do a u-turn to go this way are they always gonna do that instead of one to stay on are they actually not treating this as a roundabout wait is that the entire problem [Music] oh wait you can't actually get off here anymore [Music] yeah hold on i forgot that we deleted this at some point never rebuilt it oh we're gonna get a cool crisscross here um and i wonder if they're doing the exact same thing i like the crisscross i want to keep that probably i don't trust the cars over here to do anything vaguely intelligent you know what i mean they're just gonna have the dumb over here [Music] i don't think there's a way around that they're just gonna have the dumb but that might be why they're going coming down here they're doing that because there wasn't i really like this i really like the look of this i'm still worried they're gonna have incredible stupidity over here but i like the look of this but yeah these guys are doing this to get there they're i'm worried they're still gonna do that they're still not gonna prefer our capsule about was this not trusting people heresy god and they everyone wants to go there so okay you for example in the camper van okay you're going there that's good all right oh yeah no you guys are all leaving um the problem is what about you all right okay you're legit oh maybe maybe maybe we're getting better here yeah and there's still a lot of old traffic that had a bad route in there [Music] well this looks cool is what i mean like visually it's kind of neat and we want to rip people off of this before the merge in fact this will also visually improve that look substantially because now we don't get that weird texture cut so everyone from here has to leave everyone else just drives through that's fine and they leave that room clear it's whiskey and chocolate down to one lane do we keep this as a three and then how do we avoid this this is what's holding us up now all the traffic back here is this this is a whole other mess we'll deal with after good way to make people prefer the capsule about is to make it unlimited speed i guess that might change some of the waiting if we change some of the speed balances but hey tiny in the game you're going to have to use both the inside and outside of the mega circle for on and off ramps the is pretty dumb otherwise and maybe that's it maybe i just have to give up on assuming the cars will follow real life traffic sort of behaviors i keep avoiding the what i think of as the fast lane right i think of the leftmost lane as the fast lane and that is not the place where you merge on and off especially not merge on that makes no sense whatsoever except we may literally just have to do that i think this is all this already helped traffic patterns over here and this is fine so well this is starting okay let's let's give it a little bit of time here offloading into an intersection might not be helping this actually lit yes it's whiskey and chocolate that might not be happening if we turn off d-spawn there'll be a problem but um at some point things have got to despawn themselves [Music] most of the traffic in here doesn't belong here it's traffic that got lost on the way but this i think is also a problem i think maybe the capsule about is just not gonna work out for us on-ramp from residential zone merges into any lane this one here you think oh yeah well the problem is it's so short like they kind of have to be able to merge into anything and that's the problem we just needed maybe more space between more of these intersections and then extra nodes actually speaking of does this have a node over here no see so these guys actually have to be able to merge into anything but if we take this and move it a little further along and then create a node over here and then tell these guys you can only do that and then from here [Music] make sure you're only going there and not interrupting this there you go that unjams that and now they can do merges over here i'm worried that all we're going to do though is we end up with the merging problem over this way all it does is sort of kick the problem down down the road a little bit [Music] i guess we don't need mods today okay that helped a lot there this still looks dumb although it might clear itself up with traffic is moving here better this intersection still a problem but let's talk about this so it's always the issue with industrial zones industrial zones generate stupid amounts of traffic both in and out um and that's always going to be the case and it only gets worse if we were to put a um if we were to put a cargo ship hub over here the problem would only get worse instead of better which is stupid this might be a good place for some one ways what if this was a one-way just going that way or replace this with a roundabout [Music] either way this intersection can't can't be allowed to exist although things are starting to flow again because this is now cleared up this still looks like ludicrous i'm not sure we can do to avoid this other than um actually no the solution here is we do another inside off ramp and connect it up somewhere we do we pull an inside off ramp right over here and just get it to connect right there and then we don't get this actually yeah although as i said it still annoys me so many cars are going to the right um the other thing that would help is if this intersection was either turned into a roundabout or we used some one ways or things like that just to prevent um certain things um because we really don't want cars to stop here doing this i don't think i want to do another roundabout i think as a test first let's see what happens if we just do some one-way stuff over here what will that do [Music] that is the same width um wait is this what is this in between oh those are supposed to be trees except the pollution kill them all well there you go since the trees you know can't be seen anyway [Music] so this will eliminate everyone who's sitting here trying to turn left into there which will help some now we could make this to be only right turns into this right no through traffic no left turns i don't know and then we could get rid of the lights prevent people from making left turns over here they have to go straight filter down to here and then make some decisions some of them will filter out over here i'm worried it'll just create the traffic problem over here instead although it's only a three-way intersection instead of a four-way about instead of one way main road only straight or right the sub road only right turns it's a little bit hard to parse but you're talking about eliminating left turns which yeah i think is maybe just i mean we could change the traffic light timing i'm wondering if priority signs over here and banning left turns as well um the only issue is if for some reason there's a vehicle in here that wants to get somewhere over here how would you get it i guess they could still go straight that would still help some this is still having to wait for a lot of traffic to go by return should always be allowed oh right right over here sorry yep missed that absolutely that should definitely have a right turn over there [Music] i don't know what this right turn though this is still always going to be an issue um oh hold on maybe only straight through [Music] oh i forget this is a um little six lane over here cancel you well maybe not all of them well i guess when you have the light yeah you don't have any competition with traffic coming in from over here or anything like that you guys can use those three you can use those three and then what if um we could force a merge here again treat this as sort of a bit of an off an on off ramp keep people out of here [Music] i guess we eliminated the traffic light here which is no good or maybe it is actually i'm worried traffic is going to pile up back here but otherwise it should clear this out pretty well yeah there's ways to do mini tunnels and bridges to do a bunch of things they feel cheesy to me but yeah a lot of times their solution to problems like these have been we're just gonna build a tunnel to like get the traffic into the back of the district instead so this is still being a thing oh yeah we talked about i was going to do a um i was going to peel an extra ramp off here this i think is unavoidable i want to let it run for a while and then see you know what that actually looked like but i think it is in fact unavoidable for us to do [Music] hard to get the placement in here because again you see like no utilization of the outside lane which happens all the time it's very frustrating no one ever wants to use the outside lane and then you get these weird mergers [Music] which i don't like oh um a lot of people are using that i don't think that will do it all so you can go here here you they need to be able to avoid um this though i think i still have to allow for some lane changes over here oh there's a node here too okay so these are all people are like oh my god and this happens all the time in real life you get these um these highways that are splitting you know two the right lane must exit and they're like jesus that's not where i want to go i'm actually surprised we're not seeing more cars oh there's one okay a little more there might be more generated traffic now that's going to start using this and we're just trying to offload some of the the load over here we have to do some prioritizing in this little intersection [Music] i guess the whole thing is to do that i'm still surprised how much traffic is it's not a very big neighborhood although it is a little higher density so that might be part of it yeah okay we broke the traffic light over here how do we i don't know how to use this it's whiskey and chocolate [Music] oh toggle traffic lights actually what i want remove time traffic light there we go what do we think [Music] i'm trying to avoid a roundabout here and some people don't don't want around about here [Music] does you know we need we need like right hand turns on red lights that's what we need yeah um just putting another uh another access point over here would make a big difference we could build a little t intersection right here for traffic to come in and out right over in this area that would alleviate a lot of the pressure here because a bunch of the cars that are trying to come in here are coming from this area so that's probably fine i think i might leave this here i think we will do in fact exactly that even if it's not servicing both lanes if literally all it is is a little something like that um although i still want to turn into a [Music] then we might just back up the traffic here why is there so much traffic you make the two lane thing right hand turn on red lights usa uh well i mean north america canada has a two although what is it it's a classic um one of the top gear videos where uh jeremy clarkson is in america for one of the first times and he's like look at that see that it's a car turning right on a red light it's america's only contribution to the civilized world or something like that i don't want the capsule about experiment to fail but it might you know it may it may although shit's actually moving like it looks weird because like it keeps sort of stopping for a second but we actually don't have any big backups except for here which hopefully uh will well i that actually might be just a problem of this thing which i kind of like the the look of this but i mean it's what a six-way intersection it might be bad uh name news thank you very much um oh and i missed banana cabana and tiny earlier oh sir uh in this case oh no i saw tiny yes you have to use both the inside and outside the mega circle yeah it's pretty dumb yeah which we did do which is clearly helping out a lot and banana says that glitch with the lane texture was beautiful haven't had a hard la oh where we had like the cut from like the four lane to the three lane just as a straight line over there it was even like a slightly different road texture wasn't it yeah and uh named moose as well this sort of traffic is one of the situations where antlers don't work too well when moose try to merge lanes like that antlers always get tangled and some of my more hot-headed cousins even occasionally end up in a fight ah yeah the the answers are definitely getting away this is probably just not an intersection that makes sense they're just clearly way too busy although even then it's not backed up forever and actually is this oh it's all traffic wanting to come in here wait oh they're using this for a u-turn hang on i hadn't noticed this these guys are using it for a u-turn over there which is absolutely not what it's supposed to be here for oh wait hold on well i mean it may not matter but you don't leave the highway to get back onto the highway [Music] now the problem is a bunch of this traffic that had gotten onto this road to make a u-turn is now going to get into this neighborhood but this is actually you know it says it looks like a left turn but it's actually sort of straight through to here [Music] there you go give it get him give it a minute this is starting to clear up and there you go so i mean there's still traffic here but the uh the backlog is is thinning out [Music] it's still always gonna be a heavy traffic area but it's getting better [Music] i don't like that there's an on right before the off over here because you end up with a lot of criss-crossing traffic that's getting in each other's way yeah the surprising amount of cars that are trying to come in here so you for example where are you going not you you okay you're just trying to go straight which and some turn left this might be a case of if you're going straight why are you in this lane you know um so i guess what i need to do to to tell people if you're going straight get the out of this lane is to turn this into a exit-only line like that there you go so now everyone who's just trying to go through the intersection use one of the other two lanes that is mostly empty oh look at that stupid idiots i mean there's still there's still a bit of a slowdown coming over here and the problem is it so yeah we have one two three four sort of five six seven eight it's basically an octagonal intersection over here we should probably not have that at the time actually this was mostly i think probably just up as a temporary thing from our little farming area over here just as a as an extra in out of the area so it wouldn't overload because the only other way to get in and out of this was way over here right so like well we need some sort of highway connection so let's just slap something together real quick i think the era of this intersection is just done and we should just eliminate it and then rebuild it as a more proper intersection this was a time temporary little thing from ages ago and it now has to just be replaced um and we've got tons of highway real estate over here probably the thing to do is to just build a little t intersection over here i should try to remember how to make the trumpet intersections because i like them so much they they look really satisfying they work so well it's just been so long i haven't played this other than like the last couple of streams like for a couple weeks ago we haven't played this in over a year because how do i do the trumpet sort of a it ends up looking let me elevate uh free form do this it ends up looking come on don't make me anarchy you just find [Music] uh turn snapping off that's probably going to help your leg something like this if i recall correctly that doesn't make any sense here like where where are you going you're not connecting that obviously ah i think i remember i should just look up a picture but why would i do that the whole reason people watch the uh um this is is for the chaos i think okay this is gonna i'm gonna draw this backwards but that's gonna be is it kind of like this i'm just i'm just putting things to be able to sort of visualize here yeah there we go [Music] uh but then the traffic ends up being on the wrong side and then take this and invert this so the advantage oh no that comes out correct so the idea here is that you get traffic off the highway before you get hot traffic on the highway part of the problem with our other area over there is we got some areas where people are coming on the highway and then exiting so the idea with this sort of trumpet interchange is that you get people off and then back on over here so that the traffic that's leaving or coming into the highway doesn't interfere with itself and i think visually this would look a lot better if it was elevated a little longer i think that's where some of the beauty of this comes in because you get a nice little matching thing especially if we oh is that ground level get this a little closer and a little closer and then you sort of tweak the curves they match a little bit more although that can be a little hard to do and actually we want to move this so that this merge there you go it's almost like a straight kind of thing [Music] there you go and that's not look very appealing isn't that kind of attractive yeah and then you can just have it connect up to um what's the national road is it under here [Music] there you go uh really we just need a tulane national highway yes over here this is not a one way right [Music] like that oh wait no that is the one way okay hold [Music] on [Music] is it under different category because that's the four-lane national highway maybe there isn't maybe that's all there is second from that oh is it just this one thank you it didn't have the dashed lines but i guess that kind of makes sense [Music] and then of course this is only going here i mean that's the only fix i actually have to worry about um and then oh right and then i got to do the other side now i mean that can just sort of be a triangle i felt like there was a very aesthetically pleasing setup that i had as kind of a habit for the other side but i don't remember it although what's nice about this side oh i guess we do want this to be a four lane now they think about it okay let me back this up i actually do want the four lane national road since i because i forgot about the other half straight line yes good have you come out somewhere over here i guess let me turn snapping on so it's got a nice attractive 90 degree angle over here um around there like that turn off snapping then can we make this i mean it was functioning just fine but it was looking dumb uh how do we make this look better [Music] this doesn't have a node over here for me to manipulate like this one does the nodes don't really match up but from here you're going to hear from here you're only going to hear from here you're only going to there and from here you're only going to there and then do we have a node in between for some lane changes yes and then we've got the lights and these work really well because again the the traffic on neither side of this intersection is going to get in each other's way as it's merging off well there's some exceptions because there's through traffic over here so what i can do if i want to minimize the hitching over here is i can make this force this to only be a right turn make this into a two-lane thing if i want to effectively make this lane the right lane not exist [Music] it might be fine there's a you can do this more compactly as well i got i got really good at doing things these were like the basis to my entire cities for a long time i love the trucks doing a sick jump right here is it too sharp a little bit eh it's sharp enough to puncture the whole of the imperial battleship you know because it's so sharp so i can do is bring this down a little bit oh wait what what what what [Music] what [Music] there we go now they're fine there must have been overlap of the nodes although i'm kind of tempted to put it back [Music] and this is the reason i often designed my cities to just use these intersections everywhere they flow so god damn well like so perfectly so beautifully and see this is a little short section this might be a good example we got whisking chocolate one sec this would be a good example to say something like this lane is just an exit like that and since there's no node in between uh oh oh and we could forbid people from from from merging back in here or something like that keep this clear if we get any backup over here we can make sure there's no traffic on this spot by literally or effectively turning it into a um there you go something like that i mean i guess i could still let them like crisscross over here because it doesn't really matter probably i know we'll see but this way there's literally never any going to be any traffic on this inside road this rightmost lane is always going to be empty so that everyone coming off this on on off ramp can always get into the traffic perfectly clear now they are slowing down some of the cross traffic here what we may want to do since there's no traffic there's no other exits over here anything like that um that someone's gonna have to make a quick change i can say you guys listen only merge on to the rightmost lane which is correct right and then later on they'll do their lane changes the problem is because the line changes are always these fixed nodes whenever people make lane changes it always just looks so weird and violent and tends to back up traffic so much because there's no there's no smooth lane changes so the lane change is happening over there so i mean in a sense it's just sort of delaying things but it's still going to help so we turned off weather i guess we turn off the day-night cycle but that's it how we can do a similar thing over here is i'm less worried about this one because there's so much more space that it's going to act as a good buffer to handle that and it's got some node it's got a node in between i think to handle this [Music] i mean we can mess with this intersection with all kinds of different priorities and stuff too but it really shouldn't be as important it shouldn't be as required now we may not need to get rid of this this intersection again was just a temporary little thing to help a little bit it's terrible but it might not be an issue if like we've got this because some of the traffic will use this instead of this i'm going to leave it for now i suspect at some point we will probably have to get rid of it because it's an octagonal intersection but we will see uh hookah lord thank you very much hookah um oh also yes for so hookah over here got my tax return this week so i'm gonna send a bad joke oh i've got a russian friend who's a sound technician and a check one too a check one two check one two yeah it's terrible now if we just block this that's really bad and why jabri i'll get to you in a second here if we just remove this road is that gonna like help things i mean there's gonna obviously gonna be more need over here but this should handle a lot more traffic i mean they'll have to get over there but it's probably better there's no way this is ever going to be good i'm tempted for now i'm just going to remove this little aspect and we'll see what happens probably in the entire section we'll have to get obliterated later because it was never designed to be a high traffic intersection and it's actually just making this a lot worse now this is still not ideal for like handling a very high amount of traffic but it might it might cope especially i think some trucks are coming from here to there which was adding to the intensity of the traffic over here on the other hand now it's just gonna force them this way this way this way into over here so maybe it's no good this is still being backed up this whole neighborhood is just poop we need more trumpets wedge abri thank you very much for your contribution a few minutes ago hey quilt not sure if it's too late for the oral campaign fund city skyline such an easy game to watch i'm happy to see how far you can push lake number two uh love your work uh you helped turn my off-ramp like work days flow so much easier thanks a lot thank you i just i think these are just so beautiful sort of like like a little nautilus uh depending on how the curve goes you sometimes get this like nice little golden ratio it's just so so appealing i think this curve could be tweaked a little bit just me or does it not look quite right maybe a little better i don't know i still feel like there's a little there's a little unappealing kink over here and this is quite the roller coaster ride actually let me uh take this note over here let's go and uh bring that down a little bit and maybe this one over here although i thought that they were level but i guess it doesn't make sense for them to be level they're serving different purposes but although we could go ahead and smooth this down a little bit too [Music] there could still be a backup over here because the thing that's annoying is this is still an intersection right and yeah we could you know put replaces the roundabout [Music] even though it's actually like there's nothing nearby there should be a lot of opportunity for things to flow we're still gonna get traffic back up here just because of the sheer volume of goddamn trucks and the thing is we've got intersection here we've got an intersection over here it's not like there's not a lot of ways in and out of this area but it might still be a problem although one thing this can be maybe just lengthened are they interrupting each other no you're just trying to get there then you're gonna go and you're gonna clear out okay that little well no we they've gotta change lane somewhere like it looks so bad but some people coming from here might be trying to turn left and i could prevent them from doing that we just we just wire the things so that they can't they have to enter here but then that's just going to mean they're going to drive down here then through here then through here to get places realistically why would we not allow cars to come from here to turn left and i don't think that makes sense from a reasonable point of view so then we start looking at okay do we do cheese tunnels right we go ahead and do a little underground tunnel that like just puts them in the back of the industrial zone we could lengthen this i don't know how much that would help with the traffic flow necessarily we could pull back on this intersection merging left turn left makes sense merging right seems unnecessary you know what's interesting if these guys are hold on if these guys are only going to go through this intersection when there's a light because yeah this could be right turn only this could be from here this and that now that might overload the left lane this was already right turn only i think the right lane was right turn only and the left lane was left turn only but if we do this it is going to probably put too much load in the left but we can't do anything else um this might be this might just be better if it was like um a three lane like six lanes rather but three lanes in this direction so right turn only left turn only and then the middle is split between the two but all wired to specific lanes yeah maybe just a wider road here i don't think because this is the four-lane national highway i don't think there's a bi-directional six-lane highway so we would go to large road instead and use this one and i can't quite see that signal [Music] but i think i think it's correct i'll have to do the wiring since i can't actually see it and you're gonna go there and you're going to this lane and you're going there that is probably what we need to do now i'm wondering is there going to be some cross stuff between these guys oh ah okay hold on first of all well okay i mean we can say these guys can only go here and here and these guys can only go here and here which is fine because anyone can get anywhere they want over here and then they can do some more lane changes unless i just hang on let me do this and do this and say from here everyone just goes there and then they have to merge there i guess it's exactly the same problem either they merge here like they they do lane swaps here or they do lane swaps here it's exactly the same but i should probably not have this be a lighted intersection we just want to turn off the traffic lights here because there's no reason to have them and this is gonna look weird here but or there oh wait everyone's using the middle okay why so many people wanna use the middle what the why why does everyone want to use the middle why never have lanes to do two things [Music] [Music] i guess because you want to get into the right light the thing is okay from you it sort of makes sense [Music] and maybe what i could do is just force these guys to get into the left lane first and that might change their weighting their decision for certain things so the middle lane is sort of getting priority from this guy which might be a good idea because it's such a shorter lane we might want to wait this guy to have the maximum priority but then they're just going to come here and then go there i mean they have to if they that's the problem is if these guys want to make a left turn they have to use the middle lane if these guys want to make a right turn they have to use the middle [Music] lane i guess that's it i mean i can still lane switch here it doesn't matter where i do the things uh unless i force these guys to only go into the left lane all the way and then make a round but that's not maybe this is fine it looks sort of stupid and annoys me but maybe it's fine let's um there we go just trying to get rid of this little patch of grass that was showing up and looking bad [Music] so yeah i would suggest that in reality what would happen here like is i mean maybe these ramps here they would be restricted to you have to get in the right lane you have to get in the left lane but then there would still be lane merges over here so that is still what would happen in real life i guess it's clearing out fairly quickly hmm where's the in chocolate hookah lord hey curious do you have any chip tricks since you play poker uh so first let's address that no i don't because i've got such shaky hands i can't do chip tricks um you know maybe i'll i'll play around with a couple just to have something to fiddle with in my hand but no unfortunately i don't and i haven't played that much live poker an obligatory bad joke hey how do you follow will smith in the snow you follow the fresh prince [Music] would making it two-lane only that way works are they at least not using a single lane [Music] oh making this part of tulane well that i mean that's what we had before and it didn't help this is better than our two-lane solution this is definitely working better than two-lane solution it looks pretty bad there's also parking i guess the parking doesn't actually get in the way because wide enough it has it has a gap for it there's just there's just too much traffic i mean i guess i could have yet another like interchange over here that that might be the thing is just like all right there's just too much traffic for this one i mean it's not actually backing up to the highway or anything so it's fine speaking of this is fine now just getting rid of the one connection was all that was needed this is okay this is still doom because there's just too much traffic it's actually flowing fairly well over here like things aren't actually sitting here very long there's just so much traffic just waiting to come in there's just so much traffic [Music] so without demolishing this neighborhood which honestly might be the thing over here and especially like removing if this was just like a three-way intersection or something like that um redesigning some of this path over here but it is actually flowing just maybe not quite as quickly as we would like [Music] and yeah making um if we if we trash this which i don't think is required anymore since this is well god that looks so stupid they're so bad at changing lanes and merging um if we got rid of this to make room this would be a great place for a little trumpet intersection and it would it would take so much traffic load off of this because we don't want to i did people are people just constantly rejoining the stream every three seconds we just we had just decided we didn't want to make this into a roundabout that's all people in chat were like no not another roundabout here let's find something else because it's more interesting to solve problems in different ways and a roundabout doesn't automatically solve everything and part of the problem here we'd have to bulldoze a lot of territory to get a roundabout to fit in here we'd have to make quite a bit of space and i think that it wouldn't it wouldn't solve because there's still a lot of traffic that's coming through here i think the better solution is to make a different intersection we'd actually have to clear a lot less space um to get an intersection over here and most likely we would um traffic flow would be improved quite a bit more the other thing too is at some point we're gonna grab this and then there can be more another interchange over here as this expands a little bit although i wouldn't want to make more of an industrial zone or we split it that actually might be one of the things that helps if this area here the orchard district here was turned into a commercial and residential zone and there'd be more industrial over here it would break up the traffic a little bit there's just the problem is making these industrial zones so big we're gonna do we're gonna do the thing over here then we're gonna we're gonna switch over to um what are these things we're gonna switch over to baldur's gate in a sec um do i want to keep this i don't know i think this is going to cause some issues things it is helping making sure this area doesn't get completely overloaded i'm just worried that it's going to get in the way oh this is our geothermal let me move you over there mostly this stuff needs to be used is all it is in fact maybe i'll um just for a second here let me de-zone this hey tiny i like how everyone's got a different solution no two solutions are the same if you go back to a four-lane road at the off intersection you could make it possible to make both lanes turn left and right that would help oh wait over here no both turn left and both turn right um maybe i think we'd still end up with a problem that one of the lanes would get overloaded it might look better but i don't think it solves the problem because what happens the the this lane being sort of overfilled would just look like we'd have two lanes that would both look overfilled here we have one lane that looks overfilled and two that look more or less empty but it's not the empty lanes is not the problem and that's all that would that would solve if i'm understanding you correctly which i may not be god knows um i think all it would do is it would remove two lanes that are actually flowing fairly well and that would all that would be it now where do we actually have this come in i don't want to make this too short right okay so even though i'm i'm drawing it backwards intentionally so this is the thing that's going to be flowing into this make it look right in a second good traffic for us okay so now we can invert uh this one there we go good um remove this turn snapping on straight line something like that maybe a little further okay turn this snapping goes off [Music] okay oh okay let's let's make this look better after we're getting weird ground clipping um but all the connections that we want are there it just looks weird looks like some sort of weird alien hand but the ground connections we want are there the lane connections um and from here yeah you don't turn left oh i think i clicked on the wrong yeah this intersection you're just going this way and that way and again either you're doing the lane swaps over here you're doing the lane swaps over here it is functionally equivalent same thing here either you're doing lane changes over here doing lane changes over here it is functionally equivalent it looks it would be bad in the real world i mean we just have to imagine there's a bunch more lines or something drawn or yield signs or i don't know whatever but the same thing as lane changes over there okay i think that technically works but how do we get this to look a little bit less bad the fact is there might not be nice if this didn't think of itself as a turn it's more of a straight i'm not sure that we can do that without clipping into the ground something horribly um i might be able to move this a little bit i'm not sure there's definitely enough room for the trumpet this one uh we're gonna have to do a lot of tweaking to get it to be aesthetically pleasing which is my favorite part of these trumpet intersections maybe we'll have time for that because we're gonna be switching over to baldur's gate we also we still have the um we have uh an evil genius key to give away and actually since essentia's here maybe i will just send her the key not to not put more workload on you there essentia but i'm going to put more workload on you this is uh look at this oh man this is gonna need a lot of loving to just look anywhere realistic i mean the cars in city skylines don't give a they'll do this just fine makes absolutely no mechanical difference there you go i'm a little worried that this stretch road is going to become a bit of a cumbersome bottleneck but the theory is that the traffic that is currently trying to come in and out over here more of it's going to use this didn't know we were playing roller coaster jump without problems yeah they don't care um hang on i hate that it pans when i tab out of the window there you go descent the thing is all all city building games is traffic management games it is actually like sometimes it can be the most infuriating but it's also the most satisfying oh this is as long as it doesn't look like it's clipping the traffic here which i don't think it is i think it's looking okay um that's weird not sure how we get rid of this guess we're gonna have some of that no matter what i don't like this maybe i will have to download the mod that lets us paint down uh road lines because the big blank uh asphalt over here obviously looks quite strange oh is this trap getting traffic lights that's right we don't want that because there really should be no need for any traffic lights here [Applause] [Music] i mean i get it this is a guy in this who came off this over here and wants to go right and that was a guy who came off this and wants to go left at some point they've got to cross the traffic lines and i guess one of the things if we only had the two lanes over here there would be less lane changing but this is actually quite full over here wow there's a lot of cars that want to come in to this area um those are okay that's fine this might have to change into a bit of a priority yield thing to make sure that things come off okay although it might be all right man it's a proper storm you can with move it mod get set those parallel nodes the same height that's true you can select two nodes and tell them to match heights right i think you can that is quite interesting all right we're going to wrap it up here because we we're here to play some baldur's gate at this point it'll be interesting to see how this shakes down after the uh the traffic has settled for a bit i think one of the things to do too in the future is i think i will have to focus on making sure our um our industrial zones are smaller like a smaller little spread out just as many but spread out a little bit more something like that meteor poop like for the end thing is the meteors take a few minutes to land if i recall correctly so so maybe not all right well next time we play more traffic work i have to say i am there is something weirdly satisfying about this but like this is still like so [Music] i am surprised how many cars are going to the uh the residential area as well and maybe there's some lane changes or something that could be happening over here to make this flow better but we'll see we'll deal with it next time uh ah toltecs oh that's so funny no i'm not making fun of you it i'm making fun of the game told text says trains and ships will cut down in traffic too right they should they in fact will do exactly the opposite adding train stations and ship stations like cargo stations in city skylines always just makes more traffic even though it sort of shouldn't because it's like well the local goods should just go there but it like it dumps so much extra stuff these trains or ships will arrive here that are trying to deliver cargo to some commercial zone over here even if there's a cargo station over here it doesn't actually matter um i think it just sort of i don't know if it goes for like the closest station it just unloads sort of whatever so you end up more traffic the only way that i found that the cargo um stations work well is if they're their own thing and i would do that a lot like i'd put like a little train station that literally just had its own on-ramp off-ramp set up to just service this from the highway nothing else putting the cargo stations in neighborhoods tends to backfire and make things much worse yeah exactly city skylines doesn't understand logistics that's that's the issue yeah yeah which is fine i mean you know it's it's beyond its design scope is is really the situation there we go this is going well see the traffic backup is starting to thin down a lot if we let this run for another uh couple of minutes this would be gone completely see how much better it's getting so sometimes you make a change and you have you have to let it run for a while to see the result of the change see this this is there's no traffic backup here anymore this is gradually getting much smaller there's no traffic back up here either i mean some of the stuff maybe just despawned but i think just more and more things are getting to their their destination now this is looking good that's looking good this maybe could be better it's not bad right now it could maybe be better uh and we'll see about that but yeah got what progress traffic progress was made hey hey hey look at that and yeah things would probably be a lot better with a roundabout over here but we're explicitly trying to avoid it and try to solve the problem because um with traffic sometimes it's really just an it's a puzzle-solving game sometimes it's not what you want to do with city skylines sometimes you want to focus on you know the the beautiful parts of the city like you know over here oh this that's quite nice quite interesting we've got a little tram lines and things like that but the reason i wanted to play today is because i knew we had the uh the highway outstanding and i really wanted to just make this ginormic ginormous highway thing right we came in we're like all right we're going to build a mega roundabout because and we did all right let's let's close out of here let me save uh live stream 03. all right uh let me uh everyone get up go stretch be back in two minutes i'm gonna get a glass of water uh and we're gonna do the giveaway draw for evil genius uh keep an eye on the chat for that and yeah we're going to be back from baltimore's gate too see you in a couple [Music] you
Channel: quill18
Views: 20,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: k_2HUcxpzhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 45sec (8145 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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