Cinema 4d: Must know modeling tools tutorial

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[Music] hey what's up guys and welcome back to another video so in this video I'll be covering all the tools that are then covered in my previous videos that I did this little series on all the same of 4d tools so if you want to go back and check out my main tools that I covered like you know the inner extrude extrude bevel loop cutting and so on you can check those videos out but in this video I'll be covering all the secondary tools in cinema 4d there not a lot of people cover solely showing you how to use the bridge tool the mirror tool we have the matrix extrude smooth shift and we have cloned which is kind of useful and then we have disconnect and split which is kind of you know real simple it just splits your faces or just connect your faces I'll show you that all right so let me just go up one by one real quick not to make this too long so the first one is the bridge tool so we can do that works the same way as the polygon pen tool so let me just copy this cube over and maybe rotate a little bit like this and also I'm gonna connect these two objects by I doing connect lg+ delete command so you have one object and I'm going to go on my face mode delete these faces so the bridge tool does the same as the polygon pen tool if you all command on your edge and drag it to another edge II bridges together but that's using the polygon pen tool and if you're not a fan of this tool and you can obviously do the bridge tool which does the same thing so it doesn't work in your face mode just keep that in mind just go in your edge mode and as you can see it gives you this little highlight on your edges so just click on the edge and then drag it over to the edge you want to bridge it too so just like this you can create your faces by dragging from one edge to the other and patching holes or distance between objects and so on and as you can see it gives us a nice and clean result very useful so let me just select the bridge tool that's the you know that's how it's used really easy so I'm just showing my time when you have a gap in between your edges you can just roll the bridge tool or your edge mode click on your edge and drag it to the edge you want to bring key to let go when it bridges the whole thing as well tell the coins together so it's really useful for patching holes and so on anyway let me just delete that so the next tool is the mirror tool it's same as the symmetrical symmetry object which is this right here but the mirror tool is a permanent solution so you don't get to undo any any changes so let me just make this better to ensure real quick so what I'm going to do is make a cut in the middle of the cube I'm gonna Center the cut by 50% so it's right in the middle and then I'm gonna go on my top view and just delete half of my cube just like this and now I'm gonna mirror the same side over so as you can see right now we're missing a side I go to my perspective mode as you can see so the mirror tool does just that it pretty much takes whatever you have on one side and mirrors over to the other side so right now I might talk to you I'm gonna highlight all the faces on in my face mode and I'm going to click on my mirror tool which is this and you have a few options here but basically you can choose you know coordinated coordinate system which is world screen and so on I usually stick to world because it lets me choose the mirror plane which is z Y X Y and so on so right now at Z Y and let's see what happens and there you go the mirrors mirrors that over to the other side involves all the points together and same thing it goes X Y as you can see the mirrors to the other side and if it was at Z I just mirrors to the same planes and that's why he can't really see anything so I'm just switch to X Y or is it on zy and we get perfect and just jump to perspective and we get a perfect mirror of the you know the other side of our object that I deleted so it's like a permanent solution for symmetrical object so if you want to use it you can but if not you want to be safe I'll just stick to the symmetry object and that way you can undo and redo and so on and keep working on two sides instead of I mean keep working on one side and the other side will get the same results so as you can see even though I mirrored it if I extrude other side doesn't get the same extrude but if you do it in this image symmetrical motor the symmetry object it will copy whatever you do one side so it makes it easier to model anyway the next tool let me cover the bridge tool the mirror tool let's keep going down the list okay so we have the smooth shift it's really it's really simple so it works in the face mode a way of what you can do is select two faces and do smooth shift and you get this kind of effect when I sort of patches all the holes in between the two faces pretty much and it creates this extra geometry you know some cases I haven't really found you know a useful way of using this tool usually just extrude and extrude and use the basic tools but this can be useful so as you can see you can control the offset like this I'll get subdivisions and we have the angle which is 90 degrees and so on and there's not that many options here but basically you just let me see if it works with three faces select the smooth shift and yes it does so as you can see you can get a nice bubbles in between your faces that's really nice you know creates the extra geometry and keeps it clean so for example if you're an extrude or extrude is not working properly you can always use the screen shift tool and get this kind of result which is pretty cool maybe use well maybe I'm gonna start using now on I just haven't found you know I just stick to the basics most of the time but this tool is obviously pretty cool anyway so for that tool that's all it is it just makes these inserts in between your faces and see our matrix extrude tool really cool too so we can do is pretty much create roundings so you clone and extrude at the same time also let me just show you if you if you highlight your face and do matrix it's true which is MX as you can see and from here you can just do apply because all the stuff that happens is live so now you can add as you can see your steps or subdivisions and we have these rotation going on so let me just hear that out to everything to 0 I hate when that happens when peeps just let me just undo and do it again so we do matrix should click apply we just zero this out as you can see we have something like this and you have all kinds of options here so you can start moving them around like this you can scale it you just do a plan one more time you can scale it up and down as you can see you can rotate it and this tool comes in handy when you want to create like groundings so for example and just undo so for example pretend this cube is a railing and you want this this face to be going like you know 90 degrees and at the same time rounding to connect them to the wall for example so we can do as 0 everything out but scale all 200% this because you can see if you have something like this and from there you can start rounding so as you can see you can get this kind of rounding going on and it really gives you a clean result but the only problem is you get this little rounding next to your edge that's a problem so we can do with that is move your exes to the side a little bit like this and then do the same thing make sure to extrude and from there you can you know use the move tools to really keep doing command Z but this doesn't like it as you can see you have to play around with the X X Y & Z move tools inside the matrix extrude and you can get a nice around there like this they can play with the subdivisions as you can see and it's everything is happening live and you can really get nice results and get full control I don't really use this tool that much I just liked it to do it manually for some reason but you know this is really useful with creating roundings and all kinds of goofy effects as you can see you know scaling and so on anyway that's about it for this tool it's pretty much extrudes and closing the same clones at the same time so let me just undo that so what we have next so we did this smooth ship to make sure extrude all the cloud the cloning is really cool as well so let me just undo all this and bring in example cylinder make it editable and then we just scale it down and let's create for example some kind of light light fixture so let me just cut it in the middle here this 50% and then we can optimize the whole training and then I'm gonna select this edge right here the top edge I'm just going to bevel it so we get something like this and which is a funky subdivisions maybe three more so let me just inner to the middle faces so just pretend this is like a light fixture that you have so obviously you can use more graph cloner which is not a permanent solution you can clone this object as many times as you want but the clone tool inside the modeling is is a permanent solution so we can do is select old faces and go to clone you get this window here so you can specify how many foes you want so for example I want five bones going to glowing Z direction and I want fifty centimeters offset from each one I don't just hit apply as you can see over the 50 centimeter centimeters wasn't enough let me just bump it up to 500 space them out and there we go so what you can do is pretty much clone your object a buddy keeps the cylinder the same you know it doesn't add any different object to your to your scene it keeps it under the same object where you have all this all these faces to now were clip so not only you have one this like picture whatever you have a couple of them and it's a permanent solution obviously you cannot undo it so you can stick with the cloner and you know copy your cylinder whatever the object you have and then you can anytime you can undo it or make changes but the cloning inside the tool palette of the modeling is a permanent solution solution so just keep that in mind yeah that's about it for cloning so you can obviously clone Y Z direction their number of clones you can play around with the scale so I'm just go to what time and said these let's collapse so you can do rotation you can do a scale and so on you can play around with that kind of stuff and you know you can give you some nice results well I usually stick them over a corner because it's not a firmly solution so if they always undo we do it changes and so on so this comes in handy sometimes but just I would say stick to mograph boner and use that one instead drink here alright so let's see what we have next here and so I did cloning splitting disconnect so the splitting disconnect is really kind of like self-explanatory so you know a piece of like your faces you try moving them obviously doesn't lets you move it it just moves and connects with other faces or the other edges there's connected to but if you do right-click and split as you can see it creates another variation of that face so now I have a copy so now I have a copy of the whatever I selected from the same object and it makes another object so I have cylinder which is this and the cylinder 1 which is the faces I selected so it comes in handy sometimes you know you don't want to make all this stuff mean you made way you're modeling and you can just highlight all the places and do split and it would make a copy of whatever you selected so let me do one more time jump inside as you can see right now the time went out for example you know make something else out of these faces I can split it so just do highlight whatever you want to highlight split it makes a copy or the object mode you know pull it up go back to the face mode select all your faces hold command and extrude it as you can see we get two different objects now they can continue modeling creating and splitting even more so example a phone I'll do you all and select these faces split again you created cylinder to go to object mode pull it up when you make it smaller as you can see you can keep splitting you can keep creating a lot of different things obviously you can create all this using the inner shoot and assured by splitting comes in handy sometimes to keep track of all the stuff so it's not permanent and you have your objects and sections and it makes it easier for you to always come back and rename all the objects and you know keep your geometry clean and always you know if you don't want this for example always deleted and it's it's easier than have it as one object so that's pretty much you know splitting it's really easy and the same thing and you just undo all these years so instead of splitting you can disconnect and does the same thing but this time actually disconnects so as you can see if I pull on the Y everything's connected quite fine now do right-click and do disconnect and pull it up so it pretty much takes whatever you selected this connects from your original model and you have this kind of solution so we can do with this maybe you want to rotate a little bit I can scale it down so on and then from there you can as soon as you can see you can create you know geometry that way you can split it disconnected and so on but that's pretty much it guys well this series cover all the different tools so just go back in my previous videos if you want to see those tools but I just I just wanted to make this last video covering all the other tools that I couldn't cover in my videos one by one so thanks for watching please subscribe leave a like if this video helped you and hopefully you learned something by watching the were duplicating what I'm doing anyway have a good day and I'll see you my next video guys
Channel: Maximus 4D
Views: 1,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d modeling tools, mirror tool, cinema 4d tutorial modeling, cinema 4d tutorial beginner, cinema 4d tutorial, how to model in cinema 4d, intro to modeling, modeling tools in cinema 4d, must know modeling tools, 3d modeling tricks, cinema 4d tips, beginner tutorial, 3d modeling, cinema 4d, polygon modeling
Id: o1nyZiFs9G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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