3.0 Spline Modeling In Cinema 4D

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okay so let's take a look into spline modeling so lines or curves can be used to create any certain object so what we can use here is a pen sketch smooth line or spline our tool these are the tools that you're going to use to create your curves and to create actually splines here in in your our viewport and later on convert those lines into objects so now you notice that I was just drawing freely in 3d space and this curve kind of lays on all three axes actually I would say too because it we have only straight line right here so first of all when you starting to use blinds maybe it will be better to go into front view and then try to draw a spline that you would like you can draw in two ways so first way you just drag and click and creating points second way is when you click and hold and then release and then click hold release this way you will create Bezier curve which will kind of be much more smoother than that you created when you were just clicking click and click and click but even though if you created spline like this you can also create it you can also make it smooth later on in your preparation classes one way to do this is to select rectangle selection or a live selection any type selection and select point that you would like and go simply into soft interpolation and this will create itself now the next thing you would probably like to do is to edit these handles so that you can actually edit this curve the way to do this is by holding a move and then you need to be select spline only and then while you move selected then you can edit this curve now please note if you have something else selected along with you spline you won't be able to access this little handle so only one spline is selected and move is selected point mode then you can actually edit this curve one other thing is one points you have your curve you can continue editing it you can add more points to it so let's go and let's say we want to create another point we can create point here or we can use line cut and simply cut towards the spline and create point right there additionally what you can do which if you notice this line has white beginning and it starts the transition to the blue it's just showing you start in the end this process can be reversed if you select all of your spline actually I need to remove some of these so let's just select this and we can go and simply reverse the sequence and then we have ending here and starting there now in case that you're not satisfied with the spline you can always modify it you can always use the move tool or if you think that this line is not finished you can always continue working on it so make sure that the point you want to continue working is selected move is selected and then pen is selected and then you will see it's automatically snapping and you can kind of continue working and is fine now also what you can do is create an outline first line so for now we have only one on line now what you can do is you can close that circle so let's select all of this and let's right-click and we can go and create outline so this will help us to create outline for spline now if you have the formation here don't worry about it just we can go back select that line and simply fix it now once we have our outline I will go back into your perspective mode so once when we have our outline we can continue working on our splines so in the last session you were introduced with the extrude but with the splines we can also work with lot lathe and sweep generators as well so extrude like we mentioned before if we just put the spline into the extrude it will kind of extrude our spline out and we can create shapes like this additionally what we can do is we can create a filter cap and it would create sort of smooth transition between two edges so we have something like this now besides from spline besides from extrude we have few other options here so we have lake we have loft and we have sweet so each of these they kind of have a different type of spline manipulation so even if you look closely for example we have lathe coming first we have white line coming right here and then green line actually green color it's kind of wrapping around the white line same here we have here so we have three white lines and then we have green connection so white representing this lines and green representing the wrapping around the splines I would say so let's delete this and let's try to kind of copy what all they do so let's start with laid first so we have this white line and I already have it selected and I will go into my front view again simply cuz I think it's much easier to manipulate with the spline so let's start like this and then I add it like so add it like so and we can close it right here additionally what we can do is we can close it all the way but I will show you the difference between open and closed so now when we have our spline we can go back and what we can do is let's put our spline into our length object and this is what we get so what this does it's actually wraps our spline around so even if we come here and we play with the angle we can see what it's doing so we're starting with our spline and it's just wrapping around under the angle so let's just put it back to default and of course you can change the subdivision number so the more subdivision it has the more smoother it gets now if you remember we were talking also about outlines so what we can do is we can select by control a selecting all of it or simply going to rectangle selection and select all of our spline actually all of our points and now we can go and create an outline and once we have an outline and we activate our lathe again now we also have this edge before we didn't add any edge at all but let's go again few steps back and let's go into our front view and if you remember we now can continue our spline and I would like to close it all the way here so make sure we are point mode make sure move is selected and then select our pen tool and let's just close it right here and hit escape to come on so what we can do now is go back to our perspective hit lathe and now we have something like this now there is a problem because most likely our point now if we select our point is passing 0 so as you can see it's minus 0 0 4 3 so let's just get that to 0 and it kind of fixes the problem and we have closed set and now if we move the point we can see that we also moving the geometry and that also applies for any other point here so we can move the points and change their geometry so something like this also we can go back into our Bezier curve make sure we are and move and then create something like that so this was lathe so let's go back to lot let's see what that does so as mentioned before as you can see we have white line here white line here and again green line connecting like here it was wrapping around the white line so here probably is going to connect these three lines together so what we can do is we can go to our presets we can choose circle and what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy the circle if you remember a command and pull up and then it will create a copy now let's create another copy so command and drag and drop and now we have something like this what we can do is select all three of them and select all three of them above like that radius something like this and let's give it a bit more space so instead of these lines I'm creating a circle and let's put it all three circles into our laptop jack and now we have something similar to a tube but if we go into let's say middle circle and start playing with the radius it will kind of increase so does it as you can see it will try to connect these three splines into one object and again the more you move the more deformed object you will get so we can also create an additional circle right here move it out and what we can do is scale it and bring it back to a certain point so let's say this needs to go up it back and then this can go more n so we can create shapes like this and again the more subdivisions you add in the more detailed your object will ánot another example of that could be that you're not use only circles so let just string it up for now it can connect any types so let's use an end on and let's use a star so let's just move it away and put both then activate it and then you will notice it's kind of transitioning from the big circle to our and gun here and side you want to increase the radius aftering decrease decides to something like three or four maybe three it's better visible then you can see that it's kind of trying to connect all these pieces together so when we talk about sweet we can also see like in the example we have white outline followed by the white guide and then green wrapping around it so if we create a circle and if we go back into our let's say top view we can also go into right view and we can use our pen and just start drawing you by click and hold click and hold okay and we can go back into our perspective and now we have something similar that is showing here so once we put all this into a sweetener we have a result but I think we have a hierarchy problem so we need to put this circle on top and then we have something like this it's a really cool way to create pipes and stuff like that alternatively now when we talking about pipes what we can do is take the circle I'll just hold this close and I will just real quick come back to our loft so what we can do is we can use a circle we can copy this circle you can move it away a bit now let's create like hello radius and copy circle again lower radius and copy this one again and then we have high ratings and now with this what we can do okay now we have a problem we still have a hard key problem so maybe I should have started first with this one so let's just move this one back so maybe it's easier when I see what I'm doing so I want to scale this one down leave it like this copy another one let's kill this one up to 200 and again move this one away and copy another one and move this one away so this is kind of cool way to create let's say indentation and pipes let's say so just just came to my mind so we can now copy this so that you have something like this let's say so it's really quick way to create something like that without destroying the the geometry now in the sweepnurbs you could do something really really similar and you can also go to editable poly but that come out later and then you can use similar results now in sweepnurbs we also can add caps so let's go and add a fill a cap now to fill it cap and make sure that we have it set to uniform and here maybe put it to quads and let's see how we can improve maybe we can just go back in increase our radius so that we have a bit more smoother tube okay um let's see what else I'll close this down so we know about pencil let's see about sketch so when I come to sketch tool I will freehand draw anything any kind of smoothing smoothing spline out the thing is because we have here stroke smoothening if this would be back to zero and simply if I draw something it will kind of more or less say the same but if I increase my stroke smoothening all the way up you will see that it will kind of have a bit more delay so you cannot can draw a bit more smoother lines so let's take a look into spline smooth so if I have sketch and smoothening way down so if I have really rough looking spline I can always go into spline smooth and kind of smoothen and even it all out so it kind of looks a bit more natural something like this of course you can change the radius right here so it's affected in a large radius and you can decrease the strength so it's not as not as strong additionally what you can use a spline arc tool now what this does if you now hold and draw it will kind of create this little oval shape so if I just continue it will create something like that so also it's cool for okay let's see these type of shapes so make sure when you're drawing you click and hold and then you release and then when you find the shape that you like you again need to click and hold and then again release so this is how you create these type of shapes so now again you can either use extrude for this or you can put it into the sweetener so if you decide to use in sweetener make sure that you have generators so we need to have rectangle I can put it like smaller value something like that and then we can go inside and set it to fill it cap fill it cap and also with the rectangle we can go to rounding so that we have rounder result okay so in previous session we were doing parametric modeling and we had this little object so and I said that we can continue working on it when we come to spline so here's how we can combine how much modelling and plan modelling together so let's go into our pen tool and let's go into our front view and let's go right here and now what I can do is I can simply click and define kind of a shape that I want to have that it kind of really resembles a key so let's say something like this and I also need to close it because what I would like to do is I would like to cut this shape out of this shape so I can come back to my perspective view and what I can do is I can add extrude and actually what I can go here to this extrude and kind of put a lower and I don't need two subdivisions and what I can do is go here and extend this select my move tool go here and now again both of these I can set into my what I want to boolean so let's just select both of them put them into boolean tool and change the hierarchy there we go so let's just not do a couple of fixes again like I mentioned create single object hide new edges and here we go except this time would be gonna do is I'm gonna take the bevel out photo right here select two of them I'll G to group and here you so this is what we can get in combination with parametric modeling and splines that we still remain in the fully editable value so any anything that we choose we can still move around we can still edit and it will be easily adjustable so with this I would like to close our parametric and spline modeling sessions and in the next session I would like to move forward with polygonal modeling and subdivision or subsurface modeling and see how we can create a bit more complex shapes and create a bit more realistic results to our models and I think this will be quite interesting so let's just move forward see there you
Channel: Elementza
Views: 24,183
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Keywords: Spline Modeling In Cinema 4D
Id: x3Cd5hYUMOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2016
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