Cinema 4D 3D Modeling For Kitbash Library #02

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what is going on guys I'm REO and welcome back to another cinema4d tutorial so last time we started with creating our own kid bush library meaning that we'll be creating a small parts and pieces for a future project sometimes we can reuse over and over and kind of put together and speed up our workflows so after that tutorial I got an email from one of you guys asking just a question that it's similar to what are we doing right now so I can add it maybe I can do a tutorial on that as well and the question was how you can create a model how we can actually model a transition between cylindrical shapes and shapes like that so in basically it's not too complicated and I also got the original file with that that this person is working on and if we go and check the edge flow here we can see and kind of review and what's the problem here so first problem I would say here is that the cylinder itself does not have enough subdivisions to support in this future geometry so even if you notice here we have two extra edge loops that stop here and they are not connecting to anything so here we have an end gun and when it's subdivided then you have a problem second problem here is that the cylinder is not connected so meaning that even if I go here up here and through cylinder and put it aside and if I created editable and if I go and select this and then pull it outwards you will notice that it's disconnected it's actually not belonging to this illogical object unless you go and select everything and then go optimize and then once you go and select this piece and then it should be connected so this is the same problem here so cells are simply not connected even if we now go and select all and optimize you will see that there's still hope there's still some problems here mainly because like I said a lack of geometry here that we have an angle so even if I go here and add few supporting edge loops here and let's say here that won't totally fix the problem so even if I go now here to increase is built will see this problem in the geometry so in the story I'm going to show you how we can work with geometry like that and avoid problems like this okay so let's get started okay so let's begin by adding a similar to the scene and let's put it into X orientation I will leave the default number of rotational assignments and just make sure that I have my wireframe mode 4 on CAPS is off and that's the base that we're going to start with so now what we can do is go and create editable and then we can execute and also one thing are worth mentioning here I have my create caps on so once you do that like extrusion like this we'll see that inner hollow school so just go right here and click on create caps is that what you have off by default maybe and now what we can do is select this inner part and scale it down and if you have a problem like this where are you trying to scale shape and then you see that everything is scaling wrong direction just find the axis that you want to scale so everything except x axis in this case and just turn off x axis and then scale it down again like that and that there were you so now we can do is we can select an object and use C for scale and then scale that up a bit more like that and now that we have enough rotational segments now we can choose this for polygons and then extrude it outwards but notice that when we extruding with normal extrude like MT shortcut you will see that we have this sort of problem but if you hold your axis and ctrl while pulling outwards then you will have the proper extrusion so here we're going to do the same slightly for polygons oops just and then while holding ctrl key just push it downwards and there that fixes so now we have this nice shape and thing that we need to fix just is this up and you can do that by selecting all the polygons hitting LT for scale and then scaling it down and also holding Shift key kinda evens it out so it's on ten twenty or thirty degrees and also here what we can do is set the angle to 45 but again if you do that so if you go here and change the angle to 45 you will notice that you will still get these deformations right here and again to to fix that we're going to do a different approach so let's go into our write mode so I actually write view and then what we can do is go right click and choose plane cut so here what we can do is simply cut through all of our object and 45 degrees so as you can see here on the right if I rotate this we can find this 45 degree angle right here and then we can rotate it to this side and then we have a clean cut so now when we go into perspective mode we can delete any anything that it's beyond this point so all this can go and leads in their ear so now what we can do is optimize select all and optimize and then we can simply close the hole and use the point and simply connect the points using a connect edges and points or simply mm as a shortcut and that solves it so now we can do is select all of this edges actually at polygons again extrude it our words and instead of rotating let's just use T for scale and then scale it to the right size back to zero and there we are so now let's go here and add a symmetry and then what I'm going to do is simply push this object a bit out like that and select all the middle points seven to zero and they're real here I forget to remove the polygons from the middle but we gotta fix that later and just kind of fix the proportions so the only thing here left to do is go into our loop selection here on the front of the cylinder and back of the cylinder and just extrude them out like that so that we have a bit more wiggle room for adding future geometry there so that it's not and totally plain and so let's just do it again so extrude a bit more like that and then using loop selection just select this outer edges and then bevel and here in the middle what we can do selects all the inner polygons and again scale them up just a bit more like that so once we add subdivision now you can see that we still have some problems and that's because we do not have enough geometry here on the sides so let's just fix that and ads loop here we can add here loop in the middle and again we can do the same thing while still the edge is selected we can scale it by using the scale slider and the holding shift just put it to zero and again what's still selected all and shift just set it to zero and just make sure that I'm in my isoparm view and here you do the same thing just add a few supporting edges here as well and there we are and also now we can do it as add a new material and I'm gonna pick like again a dark grey with low specular so let's go into reflectance and turn the width of it up and stick low strength a bit down like that and still add few sporting edges so make sure that symmetrical cut is on this time and turn it off and again set it to middle and there we are so now it should be a bit more stable at the top and again we can increase the number of subdivisions so that it looks a bit more smoother and now we can go here and add bevel as well so let's select this loop bevel and again using symmetrical cuts just sharpen this up and here what I'm going to do is just add two extra edge loops because we're going to add some detailing here later so just to make some room for that and that's it so now we can do is add additional detail so now we can go again here and here for example you can move the edge loop and just to see depending on how you move the edge loop you'll see how much attention you will get in the corner so that is something that it will define the angle of that corner so just make sure that there's something that you want also here we need to add a little detail so here and here I'm going to add two edge loops but you see now that we have again angular edge so what we need to do if we want to extrude this we need to again make sure that we have straight edge edge loops there so again just using the same thing create an edge loop using Tifa scale while still on the edge loop is selected so immediately after we hook we go and hit T and now we can add another one and alternative to that is you can select that edge go to your slide tool make sure clone is on and then simply clone that edge a bit more down like that so now we have room for details and again we're going to select all of this extrude inner and make sure that your angle is high enough so you notice that we have a small angle and then it becomes something that we don't want so in case you're not seeing this result just make sure that your angle is enough so I would like to now extrude this part here inwards and you wait to do that I'm just going to go and take the axes and then snap it to this set point so now when I'm moving the edge it snaps to the correct edge right there and now we can delete the remaining unnecessary geometry and as you notice here we have bit deformation that just comes from this object that we just deleted and the way to fix that you can see here we cannot even add a loop so simply is optimize and then you can add a loop and that kind of fixes it just make sure symmetrical cut is on and here we're going to turn the symmetrical cut off add edge loop here put it to let's say 90% and then add Nigel here and again put it to 9% so that we have now the same distance for these two edges and we have some smoothness problem here it's a bit too smooth so we still need to sharpen that up and we can solve that by simply adding two edge loops right here and fixing the problem maybe two is a bit too much but we're going to go back and see maybe we can remove that one one extra edge so we're going to dissolve and then to just one edge I mean one edge loop and area so now here for the circular detail and again just making sure that we have enough geometry here so let's just straighten this we can cut the edge and now what I'm going to do is if I use the points of circle script and if I select these points the script won't work simply because we need more in the middle so let's add one extra edge in the middle and then use the same thing and now script is is working and we can create a circle so with this what you may wonder is there's this little black line that's just the spline that is generated so we're going to delete that later and now what we can do is create our circle circular shape let's do like that push in and extrude and then we can use symmetrical cod again and just through siding this and here we can now finally go and delete the spline and now here we can do the same thing just before I would like to add another edge loop that would be supportive edge loop that it's not directly affecting this one so let's just do that and I'm going to copy it right here like that and then create another copy and push it up turn the symmetrical cutoff and again create a middle because we need that to have exact number of points and then we can again run a script and there we are and now we can you do the same thing just extruder and then push in and simply extrude and using symmetrical cut just tightened a bit more and area so here I decided to remove these two maybe there were too much and just put one edge loop right in the middle or maybe close together just see how bad words and again we can push this a bit more outside so that it's not so close together and give this a bit more smoother transition like that so now here we can come in and add some details and what we can do is select these polygons extrude them outwards and check how it's going to look subdivide it and add few supportive edges right here and there we are and we can also add extra edge loop in the mode so here we can bevel use two subdivisions and then we can use our loop selection and then extruded n words and again just make sure when this happens that you have enough of an angle so let's just fix the angle and then we have shape like that so now what we can do is work on additional details so let's go here at the side and find a nice position so let's see maybe here or maybe even more down maybe here which is like these points and again around the script so that we have the circular shape and we can try and do before we do anything here we put try and do the same thing on the other side because then we can select both of them at the same time into the same operation on both of those so here okay some points are not selected so let's just make sure that each point is selected like that so now what we can do is just fix a bit like that and then we can go into your polygon mode select the polygons and then to extrude inner on both of them and then simply push o and make sure that nothing also selected because we had some select some selections up so again just extrude inner and then push inwards and then extrude it one more time symmetrical cut on and just tighten this up and here you can see the difference between when you have tighter edges and when you have more smoother edges so let's go here and do the same thing just tighten them up so that looks much better and there we are so again we can continue working on additional detail so here there is one detail where we can push these edges actually these polygons so we can select that and also maybe the middle one and then we can push this outwards like that and [Music] you now I noticed that actually here this needs to be also removed so these are extra edges and extra polygons are actually creating distortion metal so we need to remove that and then optimize and then subdivide and now it's better so here in the middle I added extra supportive edge loops just so when we push this outward then we have this extra loop that it's helping us hold this new in detail as you can see as you can see here what's now selected what was now selected that was kind of helping us and now I added another one and let's just extrude actually not extrude just push with the move to a little bit bit more out outward so here again adding few new edges and we'll try to do with this sub detail where we have like small surface information so let's just push this inwards and push this inwards as well so then we have something like that and now we can go and see what additional details we could do because in this part of the process it's quite easy just to find find interesting enough places where you can add extra details sometimes geometry can tell you also we can add something and here I'm just ant a reference again and so we can add this detail right there so again just doubling the edge with two subdivisions and then pushing it in with extruding in ten words so here again we'll try to add circle and just tail it down extrude earner and then push in and then again extrude also here now we can do as what we can do is now select this part of our object and also create another symmetry so that we have symmetrical parts on both sides and just sleep so again just select and pleat and this edge just make sure to optimize first and then let's go and take this outer edge and just push it a bit more inwards and then what we can do is use symmetry one more time apply to our original symmetry and all put it as a child of our subdivision and there we are so now we have everything learned on both sides so let's see something about here so here we can maybe add something and let's go and select this polygon sixth route enter make sure with enter one more time and then let's select these edges actually these polygons and then just see how this works okay maybe we can try also putting it in words maybe better than outwards like that and there we are again small detail so we can do something here as well so here we can use and again do the same thing we can use extrude enter push in scale up it down and then extrude and add just a few supportive edges and there we are so now as for the okay here we have something that it's a bit more too much inward so let's go and select this outer loop by select down drill and push it a bit more out sort of kind of aligned doesn't have to be perfect but it's not going to be shown but anyway we can put it like that turn the symmetry on and then we can add the final piece of detail that it's missing here so what we can do is add a capsule and just reposition we can rotate and then we can put it into this cylinder I just went into the right view to align it better and then we can scale it down close in to our perspective view and then just reposition again and we can also put it this time as a child or a cylinder and then it will just automatically go on to the other side otherwise you will need to create a null object for some cylinder if you would like to have it one below the other but it's just sometimes faster way at put it as a child and then you don't need to create that null object then again here we can just play again with the size make sure to make it editable and now we can go and do a few adjustments here so let's go and select this edge loop make sure that stop at boundary edges is on and what we can do as maybe just this here and then cut push it inward and then we can do extrude and again like usual we'll just add few supportive edges to sharpen that transition and there so here as well maybe we can also scale it a bit so let's go and try to see what other detail we can create here so here there's one edge loop and maybe we can connect some of the horizontal edges as well so okay this maybe we can delete we don't need that and again select will optimize so selecting this edge loop and then what we can do is like few horizontal edge loops as well so let's go and find a good position so maybe here well maybe right here in the middle and then same thing on the other side and just remove the ones from below and then you can use a double and then loop selection and then simply extrude and then we can use ring selection and then mm to connect these edges so that this transition is a bit more stronger and then there we are so now what we can do is just finalize it a bit more and maybe scale it up front a bit and I think that that will be it so let's just do that quickly so we can select the capsule and then you can simply scale that if it's only on x-axis and then push it a bit more out and there we are so that would be it thank you for watching and see you next time
Channel: Elementza
Views: 29,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d modeling, 3d modeling, hard surface modeling
Id: 59RO4lbPhFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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