Cinema 4D 3D Modeling For Kitbash Library #01

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hey what is going on guys I'm Mario and welcome back to another cinema4d tutorial so this is going to be first in line so actually with this I would like to start a new tutorial session where we create our own kid batch library meaning that we'll be creating a bunch of small pieces for future projects that we can reuse them and this will something that I do on a daily basis I kind of do 20 minutes half an hour or even an hour exercise before I move into any other project so I kind of thought it would may be fun to record that share with you guys and maybe also I can kind of explain what I'm doing at a process and some common questions that I keep getting and I can answer them in this video so this is not live footage so this is something that I recorded but I will come in on top again it's much easier to work with it to work for me and that way simply because I can focus only on creating the geometry and don't have to worry about how it's explained do I need to come back or not so I hope it's okay with you guys so let's start with our first piece and this is going to be first like small practice before the actual work again and just to see how future projects will going to look like and again this is something purely like experimental and we're just exploring the shapes trying to find something interesting but again that it serves sort of a purpose in the future for let's say a holding cables or something like that so here what I did has just made a cube editable subdivided in half and then put a symmetry on and again just add another as you loop here in the middle and then go into polygon mode and try to find interesting enough shape that we can build up and build on and like always this is the usual process we just try to find interesting that interesting base shape before we add more details on top so again just stretching with the move tool and I'm using a lot of hot keys here so move tool hot keys e and then selecting polygons and also switching between point mode polygon mode edge mode I'm switching with Enter key and again choosing these edges and again simply moving them inside and here the same thing select these edges push them inside and then we'll go and select the polygons and push them outward and there we are and also now what we going to do is select the outer edges and push those out as well and create few more loops so here one in the middle go into polygon mode and then we're going to select these upper polygons and these lower polygons and simply scale them up and again I'm using T hotkey for scale and just tail them up so here we're going to add another loop just to check how that might work and also now here we're going to add subdivision so simply by holding alt key you can add subdivision to your object and it will automatically become a parents of that object and please notice what we did here we added subdivision surface to the cube object another symmetry and later you're going to see what an effect that has so again now kind of see what else what else we can do here to make this a bit more interesting and again now we have still by a friend view so I can go here it display and make it make on only ice bar view so select these frontal polygons and push them a bit more outwards and these behind polygons we can push also a bit more out just to get a bit more established shape at this point I'm kind of trying to visualize what it's going to be where stuff can be added or removed so for example here I think I'm going to remove this lower part and simply it's like the polygons and then delete so here again I'm going to do the same thing just select polygons delete and try to see what we can get from this shape still working on this very base also what I had planned up this is introduction to ZBrush taking on just the basics I don't usually purse that much I used mostly for Ganic organic sculpting and nothing much but again I have a upcoming tutorial we're going to mix organic modeling with hard surface modeling so I'm going to do introduction to ZBrush just that we have that covered and also I have introduction to substance painter texturing and connection between substrate and cinema 4d maybe also Arnold we'll see what kind of render we're going to use for that but these small tutorials on modeling arkad get official our library I think it might be also interesting part of it all so here what I did is I use the outer edges and I use then slide tool with clone activated just to push these edges inwards instead of extrude ENTER I use a slide tool with clone activated just to push them in and again here I select the base polygons then use extrude enter and simply push them n-words and now delete so extrude enter is M W hotkey and again simple just adding a few extra edge loops to tighten it up to make the shape bit more stable and again just trying to find new potential interesting area and that's why I added that edge loop and now what we can do is maybe add a circular shape here right in the middle and now here's the thing we cannot use a script here so I'm going to show you the alternative way when you when you cannot use a script so for example here we have symmetry and I would like to have circular shapes so I can do it manually and if we just let's say push this polygons inwards and if we delete then the middle and then if we check our subdivision it's not perfect circle so we need to kind of fix that it can easy my notice we're going to now select these edges this point and these points actually need to form a circular shape but they're not there more as you can see we have two points over on the same line so what we're going to do is we're going to add this inside its spline make sure that we have polygon snapping on and then I'm going to snap this right in the middle and then I'm going to scale it on and make sure that these points are matching so we need to have eight sides and just well again snapping is on we'll go into vertex napping and then simply snap the points to this spline so that we have once we extrude that we have a birth of certain perfect circle so again it's if it's not snapping here where we can do is simply select it to put it to zero and it's going to snap just like that and then we can remove our spline and now we can do the extrusion but first what I want to do here is again create a few supportive edges edge loops and again I'm doing the same thing using the slide tool shortcut to that is mo make sure that your clone is checked on and then simply push it so now when it's subdivided it should be circled but I remember when I told you that remember that we put subdivision surface directly under our object so that's why symmetry is only symmetry is actually creating a symmetrical copy of our subdivision instead of our object so if we put the subdivision in us actually as a parent of a symmetry then that will solve the problem so we need to make the symmetry parent over cube and then subdivision parallel symmetry and then that's also so here what we're going to do is simply add again GU edge loops just to tighten the shape and then we can delete and optimize also what we can do is increase the number of subdivisions so once we preview then the model looks much cleaner than with two subdivisions the subdivision levels so again and now we can continue and search for new opportunities for new details and now what we're going to do is add few supportive edge loops here and what we can do now is try to add a bit more thickness to the outer edge so what we're going to do is select these edges we can do it manually or we can go with a loop selection shortcut ul and then make sure that we have select foundry loop but in this case it's going to select all the boundary loops but all that it's unnecessary we can simply be select using a rectangle tool in this case I'm using rectangle tool you can use it also with live selection it works the same so now we only have this outer edge is selected and then what we can do is simply use extrude and then scale to push it more in so it stood with MT shortcut and then directly after that we use D for scale and then a for move and then kind of reposition there is a little problem here at the very back but that's nothing nothing too critical we can still fix that and just kind of reposition it and also just fix this backside and just make sure that nothing I'll select it and then push back and also out the side and then just connect the middle point here's the same thing just said 2.20 now the only thing that we need to do is kind of clean this up and make sure that all the edges have the same flow that they're not so hectic so just make sure that they have the same flow here that can this can be kind of a problem later if you decide to subdivide even more do some detailing and it's just good practice to clean up any any irregularities on you on your mesh and here you're the same thing just going to make sure that all the points have the same edge flow so here and here as well you from this point on what you can do is repeat the process and create additional thickness so this outer edges may be extrude one more time but in this case I decided to just just move on and I'm just putting this extra edge loop to see how it's going to look when it's a bit more shopping sharper but for now we're going to skip that and the reason is I want to create additional detail like sort of a separation and then this kind of loops can be the problem when you're creating something like that so I usually leave this kind of edge routing for the very end and here again I'm just kind of exploring additional variations additional additional details so again you notice now that the extrude is intersecting and later I'm going to explain or actually I'm going to show you how you can fix that problem but here I'm not super satisfied with the extrusion so I think I'm going to use just the scale and scale this in words to add a bit more thickness here on like that and then add few extra edge loops to sharpen that transition so here again we're going to explore additional details so adding extra loops just building on the shapes I really have and trying to see if I can add maybe a circular shape here and what I'm going to do is just make sure that I'm in the normal mode and then rotate with our quad key and then scale with T hotkey Roth rotate again and we're going to exclude that but first I'm going to use a script it's a point circle script to make a perfect circle actually perfect yeah perfect circle but since we have four points when it's subdivided it's still going to be a circle so and again just scaling and repositioning and then extrude enter one more time push it a bit down and then extrude and then simply delete the selection and here what we're going to do is select all and then scale are just a bit like that and then finally we just add a few extra troops against just sharpen that that shape and here I decided just to add different material I'm not so much bigger fan of this default material like to work with my own so sometimes I create high specular sometimes both specular it really depends on situation so here what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a low specular material so more like yeah like that more like a mate book or mattes I'm not sure how it's how it's pronounced in English and there we go so we just added these edge loops as addition to to make this transition even a bit more sharper and again here just exploring few other opportunities see how it's going to behave finally would sometimes I like to do is subdivide this even further but that's we're going to talk about next time here I didn't want to go into too much just like small warm-up and what we can do now is subdivide it even further and creative in more details but for this time it is it's fine let's leave it like that and here what I'm exploring is to create a transition between let's say two objects so that it kind of has small cut and I'm going to show you two ways to variations how you can do that and now this time what we're going to do is we're going to do bevel so MF for bevel and we're going to use zero subdivisions but before we go I just want to make sure that I can now reposition a point so as you notice we that no subdivision so it's a version set to zero so we have something like that and for so just kind of reposition and say points a bit more with the slide tool again I'm always a shortcut and then with ul loop selection I'm going to select these polygons and then I'm going to extrude but here one thing that I want to show you like if you remember for I said with the extrusion you have by default 91 maximum angle I believe and when you have situation like this when it's intersecting just increase that maximum angle and then that should solve the problem so now the only thing we have to repair here is push this edge a bit more in and then delete the unnecessary edges and we also need to delete the edge in the middle so just make sure symmetry is off like you see here the formation otherwise will appear so let's just go and remove that so here we did this transition without any subdivision so we did the bevel without with zero subdivision and here what I did is you be four ring selection and then mm to connect the edges and then we have a transition like that and now next thing I would like to show you is when we do this paneling with more than zero subdivision then you're going to see the difference between this paneling so here again just add any extra supportive edges so that we can create that and here let's do similar thing so again just selecting the edges this as well and then we're going to use MS and make sure that we have two subdivisions this time so before we did like that with zero now let's add two and then we're going to use ul for loop selection and then empty for extrude and simplex through this n-word and again just delete the unnecessary necessary volumes right here there we are and as you might notice this transition looks much cleaner and much sharper than this one so I usually prefer using the second method where I use two subdivisions as you can see we have two extra edge loops to put spoiler loops well here we don't have any so that's why the first transition looks a bit softer while this transition looks a bit bit more cleaner and sharper and then finally we can add this supportive edge at the very at the very edge of this object and now again we can explore even further and you may be additional detailing so here would like to do is push the circular shape outwards but if you see creating an edge loop here like this not working so what we can do is select the outer edges of a circle and again use slide tool with clone active and then simply push it outwards so that we get the perfect copy and then what we can do is simply push or push in or push outward some of the edges again to create some interesting deformation on the surface and here what I'm going to do is simply push this edge out but first I would like to show you one other thing that make sure when you when you're doing this and that you are and you see now the problem in the middle I'll try to show it one more time we have a normal orientation for edges so it's kind of pushing in wrong direction so once you when you're doing this type of operation make sure that you're less like your initiation is set to access a world and then you can push the edges out and then that's going to look much cleaner and here again I'm trying to find another detail so X through it enter and then T for scale and extrude in a normal time to create this additional supportive edges then what I'm going to do is simply push this edge and just see how this might look and it's looking fine then we can go and add additional supportive edges so here and on top one as well so like that and there we are so this concludes our first first piece and next time we're going to do something a bit more different and I hope this was useful enough and if you have any questions feel free to leave them in comments I'll try to answer all them if I can and thank you for watching and see you next time
Channel: Elementza
Views: 29,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling, cinema 4d modeling, hard surface modeling
Id: ZuApg1Oswyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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