Hard surface design with Spline Mask in Cinema 4D

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hey what is going on guys I'm Mario and welcome to another cinema4d tutorial so this time what we're gonna do is some hard surface design with spline masking and simply just by using splines right here so this is the result and this is what we're gonna be creating so let's get started okay so what we're gonna do first is I'm gonna go here and add a rectangle so let's just make it edible I'm gonna go to Tifa scale just scale it down a bit and also what we can do is actually go here I'm gonna undock this so let's go to the front of you and what I'm gonna do is just rescale this a bit and also what I can do is I can use actually a knife tool so let's go into points mode and I'm gonna create a cut right here and then what we can do is use D for scale again and reposition to something like like this let's say and let's do another cut right here and use the scale and then just kill this not and also what I would like to do here is just add a plane to the scene and I would like to just be sure where this plane is okay and just so that I know where the middle is because I'm not using perspective in this case but now if I go to display go shading with lines that I'm gonna see this metal just in case I need it cuz I don't I want to do some asymmetrical things okay and what I can do now has come here and add another rectangle so let's use D for scale C to make it edible and like that maybe push this here and create few points now let's say create something like that and now what I can do is to placate this one and what I like to do is just rotate and push it to another side and we selected both of them and just push down to this summer like here and okay so what I like to do next is add a few more elements here so let's use this part and actually I'm gonna leave this one in the middle and two two here and I'm just eyeballing this you're real quick and what I can do is just scale them up and duplicate move here side and then just delete this one so I have something like this maybe one more [Music] I mean what you can do also if you're not using symmetry if you make it edible and if you go into point mode which you can do is right-click and go to a mirror and then choose either world screen or even objects so you can use screen and then match this middle and then duplicate but what I like to do is actually choose a different version so let's say here it's not allow me so actually here and then I have married copy so like that and okay so what else we can do is maybe add just few more things so let's add a circle T for scale and add circle here and again now we'll just move it here and again I can make C to make it edible go into point mode right click and go to mirror and then select this an ok so now we're actually not in the correct position but nevermind because what I can do it's actually just push it a bit down so that it actually kind of matches this position here and let's do the same thing here something like that ok so um for now we're gonna leave this and what we can do now with this and I can actually remove this plane for now so what we can do with all of this it's just selected and go into spline mask and actually I didn't want to do that so maybe it's better that I just sew like this blind mask and put everything into this blind mask so once I select it and go to create cap it should show me what's actually am I getting so with mode B substract a means that now I get everything subtracted from this first from this first rectangle so basically it's kind of boolean operation but for splines and now what we can do with this is actually a couple of things so let's go into perspective mode and what I can do actually now is go into extrusion and add this as a part of the extrude and let's see okay so create cap needs to be off and then we can actually extrude this our words to to get pieces like this so of course now there are additional things that we still can do even though that this is live operation so what we can do here is actually select let's say our first rectangle which is this ours go to right click and then we can go to chamfer and add a bit of a smoothness here what we can do is do the same thing for both of these so let's just add some smoothing like that and yeah also what we can do is actually if you go to extrude we can go and create a filler cap and then sets our okay so radius not so big because we do have this little small points here and if I preview this so even if I go to create sinew material and apply a new material so that we see that it would better so let's go to dark color reflections and let's go to Beckman and just so that we have that mentality so that we can see those bevels a bit better so let's get as you can notice without using boolean so we managed to get pretty decent result pretty fast and again this is all live so what you can do is go to a rectangle and adds few more things so let's use D for scale and I can push this all in and I can just reposition it where I would like to and just play with the points so something like that I think any figure to frontal view I can just do it maybe a bit better and again we can go select all right click and let's go and mirror this across select all right click chamfer and we get something like that so let's go back to perspective and yeah so this is what we can do actually with the X with extrude but there are few other possibilities that we can do so I will just remove that and create another copy and come here and let's go into loft and what actually lot can do if I can just select this part and push it outwards it's basically same if you look at it like this same like extrude except here I can select individual parts and move them around so for example I can move this part here so that it has more of this effect and again let's just add quick material and with loft you need to be careful about few things so if we go to caps I can go to fill it cap and let's just increase this to something like sorry or maybe even 2 and let's create same here so let's go to fill of cap 1 and 2 and create a single object but you will have some problems because with lofts you need to enable angle limit and also with left you need to come here into object and just give it a bit more subdivisions as you can notice here maybe and not so much but it's not as sharp as transition as with it with the extrude so we can maybe increase this number so maybe it's something like that's an and then it's gonna be a bit smoother so that's one thing that's what you can do with loft and again also what you can do is play with scale and rotation so let's actually remove this one but keep this one and I'm gonna push it a bit outwards and what it can do is rotate so put it under an angle like that and again just see for scale to scale it maybe back into a position and then we have something like that but it's too close so maybe we can push it out a bit but we do have some distortions here so again something should be a bit careful about so maybe here here bit up and then maybe scale yeah I've scared too much we do get some distortions and I believe if you scale it too much also they might be appear some distortions especially if you're using a circular circular shapes but maybe if we increase just number of subdivisions also 200 here and that should look fine enough so again what shape interesting looking shape really really quickly I would like to show you one more example how we can use this shape where in traditional modeling it might be a bit more difficult even if you use boolean operations so we're gonna do here is if you go into top view and select the spline and I will try and find the middle here but it doesn't matter so much so I'm gonna select the spline here up to let's say here and choose an angle let's say here so what I did here is basically found a path that I would like this to take because if we come here and use a sweetener we can actually use this into a sweetener as well so like I mentioned even if you try to use bullion on a shape like that you might still struggle but this is just as you know it's pretty free pretty fast result and again what we can do here is exactly the same thing so we can add just the filler cap let's put something like three maybe three as well we can do the same thing here so filler cap and just three and three and there we go now this is again everything is live so what you can do is if you wish so now select the spline and go into point mode and just try to reposition where you think it's kind of fitting the best also not just that additional thing that we need to do is actually that we need to do but we can do additional spline masks on top of this so you can actually use this as a shape so what I mean by that is if we go into front view also one thing important maybe to mention is that every spline needs to be along the same edges so it means that they all need to online so if I have a spline and one spline is here it's not gonna produce a very good shape and so that being said let's go and ads maybe another circle but let's add another rectangle D for scale C to make it edible and come here I'm gonna use D for scale and let's go just back to our front view come here and I'm gonna use knife to cut a piece here like that select these two points T for scale and create a shape here and what I'm gonna do now is use this rectangle and use this spline mask into a new spline mask so basically I'm using now this is a new operation and put this in as well so we gotta get this result we can play with the settings here so we can play with the subtraction so that we actually get in this shape and I can actually copy this rectangle again and I didn't want to do that and maybe use it here in this area like that it's just scaled down basically it's the same as a bullion bar in a bit different directions so again I can just go right click and mirror this and I'm gonna try to it's coming - let's try like this so like that's maybe forward it's I'm just eyeballing it mostly so let's go to perspective mode and there we are so we have something like that maybe I want to delete this parts and leave this one so something like so yeah you can now continue let's push this out he can continue adding things so actually maybe we can do one down so basically like that I knew that it has to work so let's make this cerebral too and again let's maybe try with the extrusion and let's add some caps here and there we are one thing worth mentioning that you can now create different profiles if you wish using boolean operations so the only thing that you need to do is now collab this and make it editable and also you will get this caps but you can also select children and go to select children and then connect objects plus delete and you can also delete these selections and there we are so if you want to do additional boolean operations on let's say some middle parts you can but this was mostly about what you can do with splines and spline masking also just very quick boolean operations and interesting interesting looking shapes so again I would like to thank you for watching I hope that this tutorial was useful not and if you have any questions feel free to ask in comment section down below and again thank you for watching and see you next time
Channel: Elementza
Views: 57,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, 3d modeling
Id: G5fbnGKY6X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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