Cinderella 3: A Twist In Time Is A Masterpiece

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also i don't want to spoil the next video but cinderella is better than the original okay bye stop recording sorry press the wrong button start recording and let's go it's time for part two or is it you see you may be sitting there all high and mighty thinking yes seamus it is time for part two i have waited a week for this video and you're not about to tell me this isn't it but actually off screen just then as i finished my cinderella 2 video i accidentally pressed the wrong button on my camera the sct button or obviously as you know the start everting time button and reverse the clock to before i filmed edited or even wrote this video all the way back to when i first watched cinderella free where i jokingly wrote in my notes before i started i'm fully expecting this to be a crazy mad time travel story but then what i got was spectacular and i couldn't wait i simply had to record it right in that moment before the heat wave before the cinderella 2 video cinderella free a twist in time so yeah i'm not going to lie if that didn't set the tone this is going to be a little bit different to my other disney sequels videos i actually thoroughly enjoyed this film thoroughly i'm gonna nitpick a bit but most of this video is gonna be spent praising this masterpiece yeah i said it and you know what right from the off i was taken aback because they decide to just completely ignore the events of cinderella 2 and basically erase it from the cannon like it takes place a year after the wedding this time so after the events of cinderella 2 but they ignore that whole storyline where anastasia meets the baker and well basically anything that happened in cinderella too isn't acknowledged when they introduced the stepsisters they outright say we've not once been invited to a ball which we know isn't true in line with cinderella too and while yes this may be considered a bad thing cinderella 2 is at best so to completely disregard it that takes confidence like they are setting the tone for this film by saying it's going to be so good you're going to wish it was the only cinderella sequel by the end and i respect that and loki kind of wish they called it the real cinderella 2. you know kind of like how pig circled their film from 2017 than the real cars too because there's only two cars films and you know even the real cars 2 wasn't actually despite all these great strides the film still decided it wanted to redeem anastasia like i thought we just did that but let's do it again so anastasia who is still the likeable stepsister apparently is once again desperate for love and therefore we have to like her again but she runs off to go watch cinderella and the prince celebrate their first wedding anniversary where she sees the fairy godmother and understands that's how cinderella did it then going on to make the rational decision all good likeable characters would make she must steal the one and if you're thinking well surely that'll be hard to do the fairy godmother's on screen in the first cinderella film for exactly 2 minutes 41 seconds in 8 milliseconds and doesn't let go of the wand one to which i say how on earth do you know that like i get having the general thought but just having the number on hand i don't even like toy story that much but also don't worry anastasia getting the wand is super easy barely any trouble some men just want to watch the world the very godmother just drops it right in front of her which is why i always say if you're a fairy or a witch or a wizard of any sort never let go of your wand unless you're draco malfoy and letting go of your wand in that specific moment gives harry ownership of another one that you didn't know you actually owned indirectly saving the entire world in that case you can maybe let go of your wand but that happens like once every few years tops anyway so anastasia brings the one back to her family and they quickly realized this is the secret to changing their fits well that was the worst scottish accent i've ever done or anyone's ever done for that matter sorry i don't know i thought i'd do like a brave joke but they just that was just awful i'm sorry and the fairy godmother then tries to get the one back but anastasia quickly learning how to use it turns her into stone in another classic episode of disney sequel fake out deaths and i mean i say classic episode but i'm lying usually a fake out death is done so you assume the character is gone and therefore can't help only for them to swoop in and save the day at the end but in this one the fairy godmother is actually gone for the entirety of the film like up until the very very end after the day is saved when they finally decide to bring her back meaning the most powerful character was out of action for this entire film massively raising the stakes and what the hell did you just do a fake-out death effectively so then the plot fully gets set into motion as the stepmother takes the one for herself turning back time to before cinderella tried on the slipper and married the prince which yes if you haven't seen it and are genuinely wondering this is a crazy mad time travel story and i love it which may surprise some of you because i imagine i may have given off an impression in a video or two that maybe i don't like time travel stories that much it's not true i do i really do as long as they're done right but how can time travel be done right it's literally a fictional concept i hear you ask well it's not really that hard it's super easy since time travel is a fictional concept you can literally create your own rules about how it works within your universe and as long as you stick to those rules i'm fine with it and yes massively ignoring the ramifications of the butterfly effect does count as breaking the rules even if it's not explicitly said in the story or make me very upset but that doesn't apply here because the rules of time travel in this story are actually very simple the stepmother creates an alternate timeline from this point a year behind everyone present for the spell remains the way they are but anyone who wasn't present seems to return to their former year ago self so yeah i don't know if it was actually that simple but i can assure you they don't break their own rules once making it and i'm saying this on ironically the perfect time travel movie what did i tell you masterpiece so the major change made in this timeline is that when the king's professional shoe testers or whatever they're supposed to be try the shoe on anastasia it magically happens to fit meaning therefore anastasia must be the mystery girl from the ball because there can only be one go in the entire kingdom with that shoe size right to be honest in cinderella one yeah that is exactly what would have happened anastasia marries the prince he has no idea and they all live happily ever after except cinderella she's kind of sad and confused talking to mice or something but this film is different as all good disney sequels are it's kind of self-aware and makes fun of the original with the king in literally his first scene laughing at the prince for thinking there's only one size four and a half in the entire kingdom you think there's only one woman in the whole kingdom who wears a size four and a half it's all i have to go on here and actually i think this is an area they actively improve upon the original with the prince is genuinely a good character it's almost a cliche in these self-entitled disney princess movies that you can switch out the prince charming for a plank of wood and the story hardly even changes and this isn't even like an old movies thing with the most recent disney princess films being frozen in moana either having an evil prince or a non-existent one with the actual love interest in frozen while being pretty helpful doesn't even provide true love's kiss when needed and then spends the whole sequel moping around feeling sorry for himself and you know what kristoff looking kind of wood would do just fine so then does all the heavy lifting anyway and yes i intentionally left out tangle because flynn ride is actually very cool and i like it point is the prince is actually interesting and engaging to watch like when anastasia first arrives at the castle was the one the shoe finally fit he turns her away because it must have been a mistake surprisingly he knew the shoe must have fit more than one person and i'm genuinely surprised like i thought he would have just gone along with it but the stepmother has to cast a spell on him to believe that anastasia was with him at the ball which brings us on to cinderella's side of the story and i know this is gonna be a hot take but i actually think they improve her in this story too now in the first film she's fine not dislikable in any way but she's always a bit too vanilla for me and the only reason her story takes place is because she happens to have a fairy godmother paving the path for her whereas in cinderella 3 the fairy godmother as i mentioned is out of action and therefore cinderella has to go about things her way in a much more adventure style story and i don't know but i found her a much more enjoyable character to watch and not even starting on all the young girls who've been watching this as a much more empowering character to look up to she disguises herself as a servant infiltrating her way into the palace with the plan of meeting the prince before he meets anastasia knowing he will remember her from the ball and when she does he kind of remembers her he's already under the spell but it almost gets broken you know there's a lot of this no magic is more powerful than true love sort of undertone going on meaning every now and again when cinderella interacts with the prince or the more time he spends of anastasia you get the feeling the spell could be broken if he starts to realize that maybe something's up but then they don't quite break it ever and actually on the topic of anastasia's character i also think she's significantly more compelling in this film yes it's teased from the start that she might be the nice one and they might be about to give her a redemption arc but she still steals the wand and takes cinderella's place with the prince however the more the stepmother keeps putting the prince under her spell to convince him he did spend that night at the ball with anastasia we start to see some form of character growth from her where she realizes maybe she doesn't want to just be in a loveless marriage and actually wants to find our own true love which i mean it's a much more fleshed out character arc than the second one i'll tell you that and then of course if we're going through the characters there's also the mice who goes cinderella to the castle in the hope of getting the message to the prince that he's about to marry the wrong person and i don't like the mice there's no point being around the bush i find them extremely annoying like i want to say to them the kind of things people say to me in my comments section but you know what i think they're incorporated into this film well they find out the prince has been cast under this spell by the stepmother by watching it happen and then tell cinderella that that's what happened and then they all plan a heist to steal the wand from the room yeah a time heist so yeah cinderella and the mice make a plan to break into anastasia's room so they can steal the one for themselves and explain to the prince what happened and it is insane the mice accidentally set lucifer's tail on fire and use this as a distraction to steal the one from the drawer it's been put in cinderella pretends to be a maid and goes in to clear up the mess and i'm just like no it can't be that easy and that's when the stepmother catches her except i mean how in them i still do get away with the wand and just as she's about to lift the spell and by that i mean as she takes almost 10 seconds to say bibbety bobbity boo she gets stopped by the gods oh my god she has so much time and i'm not over it i don't even feel sorry for anymore you deserve to get banished and i mean she tries to tell a prince he's under a spell before she gets taken away and touches his hand which almost breaks the spell because there's this whole weird thing going on where like if you touch someone's hand you know you're in love with them just it keeps coming up but rest assured it all remains a mess cinderella's on a ship being taken as far away from the kingdom as possible the prince is just really confused he doesn't know what's going on but he's about to marry anastasia who herself doesn't even know if she wants to marry the prince anymore and that's when the mice finally intervene they explain everything that's happened to the prince and it all just makes perfect sense to it the talking might say it's the wrong girl to quote him before he jumps out the window yeah that actually happens which honestly i think that might be the best disney prince moment ever you can't top that he jumped out the window and well to this day i'm still not 100 sure how he managed to get onto cinderella's boat he did and it all works out they agreed to get married and it looks like they're gonna live happily ever after until the stepmother decides we need a final act and i thought we'd been treated nicely enough you know with the whole jumping out the window shenanigans but ignorant i was this is a time travel movie we were almost an hour in and not once had two versions of the same character shared screen time which is like time travel movie 101 and i guess i thought they didn't have it in them but the stepmother had an ace up her sleeves and she literally turns anastasia into cinderella to go ahead with the wedding as planned [Music] what have you done this movie has genuinely impressed me like i think they should have given the stepmother the wand in the first film that have been so much more exciting and i thought her plan was pretty good but for some reason she doesn't kill cinderella here like i don't know if the one can actually kill but at least turn her into something useless it would have been so easy from here but instead she traps cinderella in an evil pumpkin being ridden by a human lucifer and cinderella manages to get out the pumpkin and dispose of lucifer and turn him back into a cat somehow i don't know how she did that really easily like i am happy this film made cinderella a total badass as she rides a horse back to the kingdom for our own wedding but i don't know why stepmother didn't just kill her i mean it wouldn't have entirely worked since anastasia was getting that character arc and stops the wedding just before cinderella runs in only for the stepmother to just go completely ham on everyone with the wand like hitting anyone and everyone i'm like how are you supposed to stop her she has a magic wand no one else has this power like she she's actually unstoppable but fortunately the prince's sword is a special magic deflecting sword or something and it deflects the spell onto her and she gets turned into a frog yeah and that's actually how it ends also the other step sister who i haven't really mentioned in this video was also there the entire time and also gets turned into a frog which i felt was a bit of an unfair punishment because you didn't really do that much she was just kind of there i didn't even feel need to mention her then finally as i've already mentioned cinderella brings the fairy godmother back and i thought they were just going to reset the timeline restore everything back to where it was at the start and kind of just make the entire story pointless other than a bit of character group because every single time travel movie just loves to do that and yes i'm looking at you shrek 4 and don't think that gets you off the hook shrek free you committed a far greater crime but in this they actually stick with the new timeline like the fairy gomer offers them a chance to return back to their old lives but they don't take it meaning the version of events where cinderella 2 happened definitely doesn't exist anymore but you know what anastasia you still might have a chance with the baker guy in the future i mean your youtube comments are math teacher wannabe's favorite ship of all time so you've got that going for you and you're probably wondering how i know someone commented that if i haven't released the cinderella 2 video yet and well yeah i'm sorry time travel makes me lie i didn't actually film this video before the cinderella 2 video look the cinderella 2 video i released it last week and it's already got 86 000 views and i did that entire bit at the start because the black shirt i filmed the cinderella frities in the outro was in the wash when i was scripting this video but then by the time the script was done the shirt was out the wash but i'd come so far i was like i might as well do a time travel bit since it's a time travel movie and all in all it was pointless matter of fact i don't ruin this whole video but the start averting time button it's actually just the set button and pressing it did basically nothing start recording and let's go it's time for part two or is it you see you may be sitting there all high and mighty thinking yes sheamus it is time for part two i have waited a week for this video and you're not about to tell me this isn't it but actually yeah this is part two you've just watched the whole video the only thing i haven't done is ranked the film and well i genuinely think it was better than the original and i'll admit it i initially thought the disney sequels would peak with lion king one and a half i would have bet my top dollar we wouldn't top a six but cinderella i think that's a solid film on its own like it doesn't resonate with me as a classic as much as other people but it's still a seven and that means this is a 7.5 out of 10. but it's not just a good disney sequel it's a good film in its own right and honestly i think this series is peaking here but i'm still gonna be here to review the awful sequels so make sure to comment down below what sequels i should do next because i actually have no idea which ones you want to see if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like you can subscribe to my channel by clicking here you can check out another disney sequels video in the disney sequels playlist by clicking here you can check out my patreon which i just mentioned here and in the description down below thanks for watching and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Seamus Gorman
Views: 808,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZBLSp2Kwt2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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