Anastasia Tremaine: The Evil Stepsister Who Turned Good | Discovering Disney

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this is the story of how a girl filled with ugly wickedness transformed into one with love and compassion when Cinderella's father remarried Cinderella did just receive a stepmother Cinderella had the pleasure of acquiring two stepsisters who were positively ruthless spoiled cruel aggressive hot-headed little beasts Anastasia and Drizella they contributed to the abuse of Cinderella and put her down every chance they had just like their mother but for one of them there was hope in the trans pro 1697 version of Cinderella he mentioned one of the stepsisters was actually slightly nicer to Cinderella compared to the other now although this isn't necessarily seen in Walt Disney's original Cinderella or in the 2015 live-action Cinderella Disney does allow that kindness in one of the stepsisters to come through in the form of her Redemption tale hello I'm Isaac from lots of videos where we discuss fun topics for fun people I'm all about spreading the magic and optimism of Disney so to accomplish that today I'm examining how Anastasia Tremaine became the evil stepsister who turned good by the way if you like to learn more about the evil stepsisters after the video I provided all the links to the movies and the resources I used in the description Anastasia tremaine's evolution shows us everyone has the potential to be their best selves which is why I love her full story so much with patience and compassion even the evilest stepsisters can learn to be kind to others if they are willing to allow themselves to change but of course for Anastasia to go through this wonderful and encouraging transition her story must begin at a dark place the death of Cinderella's father Anastasia's mother's true nature was revealed to Cinderella Lady Tremaine was cold cruel and bitterly jealous of Cinderella's charm and beauty so she abused and humiliated Cinderella eventually even forcing her into servitude with in her own home following their mother's behavior Anastasia and Drizella were constantly demanding Cinderella to serve them used her as a scapegoat for their problems and talked down to her and made fun of her I truly think it was Lady Tremaine Zone insecurities toward her own daughters that assisted in their transition to become heartless and vicious women but that wasn't all she created them to be while Tremaine and her daughters tortured Cinderella Tremaine also rewarded those negative behaviors by squandering Cinderella's family fortune on the vain and selfish desires of her daughters in hopes of creating them into high-class ladies anesthesia's mother had the girls attempt to learn other languages Anastasia would draw in her free time and of course they created the most wonderful music with Anastasia on the flute that will definitely kill your hearing in addition to attempting to use resources to refine her girls culturally Lady Tremaine would also shower her daughters with extravagant dresses jewelry and makeup I think with all this praise and wealth thrown at them by Tremaine while he continued to behave impulsively and without empathy they were made not to resemble affluent individuals or royalty Anastasia and Drizella simply became spoiled cold and entitled with no restraint comics your favorite angry face below if you agree one day a letter arrived from the palace proclaiming a ball would soon take place in hopes of finding the price a bride and in this moment we see something in the two stepsisters they both hope of finding someone to spend the rest of their lives with of course they both wanted the prince for his status and wealth and didn't actually care who he was but the hope of love the possibility of a happy ending is something that is actually very important to Anastasia even if it sure doesn't seem like this in the moment where she's mocking Cinderella for even thinking she could go to the ball even though love and happiness is at the core of what Anastasia desires in her life in that moment with her mother and sister she just falls into escalating acts of horrible behavior on the night of the ball after Drizella notices Cinderella wearing her own beads Anastasia notices a sash she had previously thrown on the ground on Cinderella together Anastasia and Drizella take part in the most heinous act they tear at Cinderella's gown like animals angrily ripping it apart until it becomes a pile of rags leaving the poor girl unable to attend the all with them that night anesthesia didn't meet her future husband for the prince had his eye on another and later when the Prince loses his love and searches for her with her glass slipper Anastasia fails to fit into the slipper even in the original storybook where they go to extreme measures to get it on the truth was Cinderella was the prince's true love it was her destiny to marry him and to become a princess not Anastasia Walton the original story of Cinderella her stepsisters plead for forgiveness so Cinderella marries her two stepsisters to Lourdes and in the 2015 Cinderella she forgets her step family and they leave the kingdom in Disney's animated Cinderella the new princess allows her step family to continue to live in her family chateau now Anastasia and Drizella still fought and were angry and entitled but in Cinderella's absence they were forced to take on her chores and labor which they despised kind of fear to come up and say if I would say so myself they were just living waiting for the chance to attend another ball to meet someone to take them away from their nightmare Anastasia had seen Cinderella rise out of her conditions and now she wants that too but then this is where it gets weird okay and similarly to dreams come true in a Cinderella three at twisting time we learned there actually exists two timelines in the Cinderella story there are two versions of everyone's stories meaning there are two versions of Anastasia's evolution you see at a point in the past before Cinderella married the prince and alteration was made using magic and time travel which skewed into a tangent to create an alternate reality for Cinderella whether or not the timeline skewed hinges on whether or not Anastasia makes a radical discovery while venturing into the woods if Anastasia doesn't go into the woods on that specific day in Cinderella 3 we enter reality and Cinderella 2 dreams come true where Lady Germain is hoping to marry off her daughters to men of high status and a ball Cinderella has finally invited them to but we shall find you men of wealth no bida team as I had alluded to earlier Anastacia deep down does crave romance and love in her life and after years of being alone she begins to hope for that more and more she is craving something meaningful and passionate but her mother keeps insisting she must find someone to elevate her status Anastasia likely would have went down this route her mother forged for her until she smells something amazing and bumps into a baker who she instantly connects with when her mother finds out she pulls Anastasia away and forbids her to see him but Cinderella sees it all and knows the Baker has fallen for her - that's crazy really oh come on you two anyone can fall in love even though Anastasia had been cruel to Cinderella for years as a believer of true love and with a constant kind demeanor Cinderella decides to help her she tries to bring the couple together again but it doesn't go well so Cinderella tries to comfort Anastasia but unfortunately she is met with hostility what are you doing here dressed like that you look like a laundry main anesthesia still felt lingering Envy of Cinderella's incredible beauty and elevated status leaving her hesitant to gain Cinderella's help you're beautiful it's always been easy for you Anastasia just feels insecure clumsy plain and afraid of what her mother will think of her decision to be with the Baker but Cinderella supports her to go after the Baker with kindness at the forefront of her mind believes Anastasia is making the right decision to pursue her own happiness maybe it's time to stop following someone else's orders and start following your heart Anastasia seeks the Baker focusing on giving up her hurtful ways in affluent focus to be with him of course her mother fights her on her decision but for the first time she breaks away from tremaine's orders and disagrees with the belief Germain knows what is best for her in the end Anastasia finally begins to move past her narcissistic ways and begins a happy and loving relationship but of course this only happens if Anastasia doesn't venture into those woods Anastasia does notice something peculiar in the woods and follows the light and noise Anastasia store Changez by entering the woods anastasia discovers the secret to cinderella's happy ending magic at this point in time remember Anastasia is still focused on herself and places herself above others so with the realization magic can bring about a better reality for Cinderella she concludes magic could bring her to much happier place Anastasia Steele sperry godmothers wand accidentally freezes the fairy godmother goes back in time and shroom Ain rewards Anastasia for the wand by making her the girl who fits the glass slipper which is the moment where a tangential new timeline is created now when Anastasia arrives for the prince he knows she's not the right girl I think it makes sense you know she doesn't really look like Cinderella so Tremaine alters his mind with the magic wand and he proposes immediately Anastasia attempts to impress the king now that she will be marrying his son but even though it's a disaster it's a disaster that reminds the king of his Queen to welcome Anastasia into the family he gives her his prized possession a seashell he picked up with his Queen the moment he knew he loved her there's no powerful force in the world and from this moment Anastasia realizes she wants that type of love too if she's going to marry the prince she wants him to truly love her when the Prince breaks the curse deciding he can only be with Cinderella Tremaine transforms Anastasia into Cinderella and pressures her to marry him when Anastasia has the chance to marry the prince though she can't do it similarly to how Anastasia defies her mother to be with the Baker Anastasia again goes against her mother for she realizes true love is worth standing up for again Anastasia realizes she's unwilling to let her mother decide how her life will play out rejects her selfish and affluent thinking and decides to seek out someone who loves who she is I want someone to love me of course this rebellion by Anastasia sends Tremayne into a fury but in the end Tremaine and Rosales vengeance is stopped by using their own magic against them Cinderella thanks Anastasia for allowing her to obtain her happily ever after and for doing what was right she is forgiven by the king everyone deserves true love Anastasia hopes Cinderella marry her prince in this timeline just as she and married him in the previous but that wasn't the only aspect of this time that stays the same Anastasia also falls in love with the Baker again although Anastasia Tremaine was raised in an environment that supported affluence selfishness and cruelty this is not the type of person she ends up being I love how Anastasia's character develops because regardless of what timeline we examine we see love brought her to become a better person and the support in pursuit of true loved Anastasia renounces the type of person she once was learns the importance of empathy and gains the courage to defy her mother I love this development because we learned by examining the error of our ways and standing up for what we believe is right we can find our best selves at any point in our lives and once we have done that happily-ever-after is right around the corner you see dreams do come true I've been dying to break down Anastasia's transformation because I think it is just a wonderful and unexpected transition for the character we are currently approaching the end of the year which means there is a lot of analysis and reflection taking place on the past year so I think it was a perfect time to show at least for this character positive change can occur so now it's time for the question of the day sponsored by my patrons to become a peachy yourself check out my patreon page at slash lots of videos do you think Anastasia would have been a good person earlier in her life without the influence of Tremaine let me know your thoughts in the comments section along with any other ideas you have for future discovering Disney episodes if you enjoy discussing Anastasia then click that like button and if you're interested in staying up to date with more magical Cinderella videos then click that subscribe button and please follow me on Twitter Instagram and Facebook if you like Seymour wants some videos then check out some awesome pics over here and as always thanks for watching and have a magical day
Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 1,756,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anastasia Tremaine: The Evil Stepsister Who Turned Good | Discovering Disney, anastasia tremaine, anastasia, wotso videos, discovering disney, disney, disney theory, theory, full story, The Evil Stepsister, The Evil Stepsisters, lady tremaine, cinderella, cinderella 2015, cinderella 2, cinderella 3, a twist in time, dreams come true, tremaine
Id: zjsxFBYifVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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