Bro WF Washington - 74th Annual Churches of Christ National Lectureship

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I met a lady in the hall earlier and she happened to be part of the Los Angeles California crusade that the Lord blessed me to be the preacher for every year for 14 years and she was baptized in that and one of those campaigns and she was so excited because she had not seen me since the campaigns and she said oh my god she said oh I'm gonna get a chance to hear you preach I haven't heard you since California and she said I brought some friends with me because I wanted them to to to hear the man I heard in 1977 and she said I'm excited to hear you tomorrow night and I said I am I am very pleased that you have come and I appreciate those comments but if you want to hear that preacher you heard [Applause] it's evidence of it you don't have to buy the tape [Applause] so when I missed the number of here you understand where God is good it's just good to be here and just I'd miss speech every now and then the Lord is still good I saw I'm just grateful to to be here now I understand that brother Carruthers has given me a topic as he has to all of the ministers who have preached so wonderfully in this in this meeting and just let me say this while I'm looking for my text Hebrew 13 [Music] verse 20 and 21 Eddie has been said by several of the preachers let us not forget the chairman of this great lecture by the horsie Wells one of God's great preachers one of God's creatures and and don't forget also to call dr. Jack Evans name when you pray some of you here probably nothing me with Jack Evans but those of us who offer me with him we are so grateful that God gave us a debater and a preacher and a president like dr. Jack Evans so I would ask that oh yeah god bless go ahead and do that so many times and so quickly we forget those who blazed the trail but we don't ever want to do that because if you don't remember your history or if you forget your history you are doomed to repeat it now I'm gonna ask you indulgence yeah in the thirteenth chapter of the book of Hebrews the writer says now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus that the Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect and every good work to do is well work it in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever amen of the text that he gave me and I'm gonna that's why I read it so you know that was that's my text you know when you when you reach a certain age and those of you who have been preaching for quite some time you understand how this go you try to be as professional as you possibly can you read the text and you go everywhere preaching the word yeah and so we're going to we gonna ask your indulgence I hope I can I hope I can get back to that but now and say I'm but the piles in an excellent job tonight excellent job today [Applause] and I'm just so proud of all the young me and I've had a opportunity to have a little something to do with them and particularly those who are spending tall in the proclamation of Jesus Christ I listen to Orpheus last night no more shitty tears but that boy something else and so I'm just happy to have had not not just those two but there are many but not those two just at Olive oh the one who looked like he wouldn't go sit down and have to try to introduce me I'm just grateful to all of the young men all of the young men who are spending for the cause of Christ now I have listened attentively to all of not all of the messages but many of the messages and I've had a chance to share with with some of the ministers who were presenting their topics and and we and we chatted Lugo was one of those at Lugo we had almost a thesis that he shared with me with with regards to the the Hebrew letter there are so many things in the book of Hebrews so many wonderful things in the book of Hebrews one man said if I were incarcerated if I were placed in jail and the keys were about to be thrown away and they asked me what would I request to read while in prison this man said I would request the Bible if they were to say to me we can't give you the Bible but we can give you one book and as the story goes this gentleman says give me the book of Hebrews it's a fascinating book it is a fascinating study and I would hate that those of you who attended this extra cept this year that when you get back to your homes until your residences your spend some time in Hebrews now I've heard so much about Hebrews better country better covenant all about faith and when I looked at what Jeff had given me I did not know how I could really deal with anything new because the preachers preceded me had that has done such an excellent job and so they didn't really leave anything for me to really talk about that somebody had not already mentioned one way or the other so I went to the front of the book Hebrews chapter him alone and in Hebrews chapter number one here's what you see so I don't get involved in somebody else's message I was trying to find one to talk to you about for 20 or 30 minutes but maybe you had not already heard so I didn't want to get into rehashing so I went to Hebrews chapter one first one as some of you were saying brother Washington that was quoted almost every night I understand that and I understand that but first one says and you got you have your Bibles verse one says God and that's the title of my message that's the title of my message God now that's quite a bit in Hebrews but I want to talk about God what would we do as children of God if it weren't for the Eternal Spirit if it were if we were without the eternal being the eternal creator and sustainer of all life what would we do what kind of people would we be your life your relationships what you go through of your problem each through whatever it is that you go through well dirty oh wow you see God to the degree that's you see God in all that you do it will be to that degree that you will be able to enjoy the abundant life so the question on the floor is how do you see God can you see God because our visions of God in our interpretation of God determines how we live how we move how we are blessed as we meander through this very difficult world William Augustus Jones born in 1836 died in a discipline for war a book called God in the ghetto he postulated three principles as he talked about how we see God where is our vision of God different people different religions see God different ways now what's this how we see God determines our theology and our theology determines our anthropology anthropology determined our sociology now what does all that mean I will see how we see God determines our theology what you believe and how you believe it seven and it is based on how you see and understand who God is how you see God determines how you think how you see God determines your Christianity how you see God determines helping out you get anything out of coming to church how much you give on Sunday morning is determine Baja you see God if your man isn't working it maybe we you might need another vision of who God is how you treat me is based on how you see God what you do to me is the Canon on how you see God and then your theology how you see God determines your anthropology that's how you see other people how you see yourself now how you see other folk how you treat other people depends on how you see God and then your anthropology determines your sociology which means how you get along with other people see that's why it was not difficult for the slave masters to go to church and say and pray and take communion and then these shots and go hang my grandfather oh you're missing it didn't bother him because they didn't see God for proper way their theology was walked and becomes a theology we walked the Anthropology was walked and as a result that sociology how they treated people was also what how do you see God not-not-not how you see yourself necessarily because to the degree that you see God will determine how you see yourself and what you think about yourself I'm talking about dog I know that's a whole verse but I'm not gonna get any further than God do you see God we need to be able to visualize who God is Genesis chapter 1 and verse number 1 God created the heavens and infidelity began Jesus is one side an affair begins Genesis 1 because if you cannot believe very beginning God you might as well hold up the Bible leave any further if you believe the guy stepped out on space reach back into nothing and get something and prove that something happened get nowhere and no one became someone then you are about to see God for who he is how do you see God now there are folk who believe different things about God there was a religion called fearsome that's the religion of the Christians and that is we believe God and we believe God is the Rita and the sustainer of the universe and then of course there is deism which says for the idea that God is a creator but not the sustainer of the universe and then there's pantheism which says for the idea that god is the universe himself and then there is atheism that's a belief that God does not exist and then there is agnosticism where God is deemed unknown or unknowable he may exist but nobody can know him agnostic but my question is how do you see God not see me or these preachers how do you see God they're able to conceptualize God now I recognize you can't see it but you can see him like you see that Mercedes you won't you get you see in my faith and to the degree but the future that you see God it will be to that degree that you will become past oriole in your ministry your church hired you as a preacher but you have to rule in to be an past Oriole yeah not some title let you nail up on your door how do you see God it's God for real in your life is he for real are we faking it so we can make it are we really friends a God when we say we are praising God is God in you praise are we turn up any ISM there's any I ism that's all about me and what can God do for me how do you see God do you see him as a Santa Claus I call on him when I want him to bring me a present how do you see God your church is not going yet baptize anybody two years but she prays it every Sunday I've gotta just that I'm not I just praise it when I get your misinterpretation of what our job is we have a job and our job is not praising all the time how do you see God and what He has called us to be how do you see God I know some folk will misunderstand this and say doctors are just crazy what if that's what you want to thank just fine I told you you see does God exist in your right and if you don't know if you know you Sarah for the Washington help me help me with this business of being able to visualize God in the house and you want to find a way that will better assist you in visualizing God you don't have to have a fit and will you look up into our solar system our great solar system and you see that Greg beam of light called the Sun understanding that the solar price I revolve around that son yeah revolves around the Sun 300 and it takes it 365 and a fourth day to get around the Sun Mercury revolves around the Sun it takes in 88 days to get around the Sun not to revolve around the Sun and ataxic a hundred and sixty-five days to make the trip sorry revolves around the Sun and it takes it 29 years to make the trip you Rania's revive we're talking about the same Sun we're not talking about father's a different Sun we plug them back the same songs you Randy us it takes at 84 years to get around the Sun it takes at the same time and it takes a 100 years to get around so I'm gonna take 8 is from years to get it around in the same direction if you if you don't have a concept of God and you have to say there must be a god some we're still having trouble look down what is it what is it the towel the berries it's time to go south what is it they don't have navigation what is it the tells them when to fly what is it that tells them where to fly what is it that tells them how to fly they don't they don't find the telephone poles and telephone wires they don't have navigation equipment but they can fly all the way from the Lord to the south and they can go exactly where they need to go because there must be a gone somewhere and so your concept of God is crucial as you make your way from our glory now what has God done but what has God done so we have studied Hebrews but Hebrew tells us a lot of things but one thing I want to emphasize in the next few minutes and I'll try to be as rapid okay all right out I won't say anything I'll talk to Jeff about that yeah I told you you don't bring me no paper I've blown God even bringing me some paper praise the name of Jesus but I'm not I'm not going to I'm not going to to detain you in ordinal ed I saw with as much alacrity as I can you follow this Hebrew covenant this covenant in Hebrews give me a minute to explain that to you in in the eternity pass in the intersection of God meaning with the determinate counsel God decided that he wanted a get us now get this that he wanted a relationship with the man he was going to later create and so he not only made that decision but he wanted a mechanism that he could be in agreement with man that is heaven agreed with her and he created an instrument and it's called covenant they get this get this get this we find Israel the people of God first of all just let me remind you that there are five major covenants in Scripture some say six and if you see a six and A five then we can have a conversation later but five major covenants Abrahamic covenant the new eight covenant the Davidic covenant Mosaic Covenant the New Covenant and then there are those who say the eda me company that's the the covenant that God had with is with Adam in the gods of Eden now watch this now this is this is this is this is definition because the Hebrew writer talks politically about this covenant and you and I are in a covenant with God so then you ought to know what a covenant really is a covenant can be described as a contract and we know what a contract is a contract is a document that binds one or more people to a particular endeavor there was a party of the first part there was a party of the second part and I use this in my debates for 70 Adventists and I make the point that God was the party of the first part Israel was party of the second part and you rather seven a Venice is not a party of no part when he's behind you to see here's what I need you to see here's what I need you to see what well I just explained contract and the word contract and covenant can be used interchangeably but a covenant can exist without the stipulations of a contract now watch this Oh mrs. in the nineteenth chapter of the book of Exodus God's people three months out of slavery they are now gathered at Masada God says to Moses that I want to make a covenant with these people and God gives the stipulations if they will do this I will do that I will make them a great nation if they will do this and then the people agreed with God so what do you have you have a contract but the Bible also calls it a covenant so he covered it can be a contract but all covenants are not contracts that will miss this look having it at Sinai was a contract because there was two parties involved God in Israel but wait a minute Hebrews talks about a new covenant yeah what what's what's new because in the nineteenth chapter of the book of Exodus we know what a covenant is and we drew that there are two bodies part of the first part is like a pot and God called it a covenant Leah Remini chapter five Moses called it a covenant and the Covenant we're talking about at Messiah it has two parties and God made clear when we get to chapter number twenty he made clear if you do this and violate the contract I'm gonna do that so the parties then could get out of the contract by way of violation yes now when either one of the parties violates the contract it makes the contract null and void or you got that when the over here when I talk about over here's the contract the 19 top of the book of Exodus has to translate God in Israel to parties but over here we got a new animal altogether over here we got a new contract we got a new covenant what makes this covenant over here new and what makes it different then that covenant over there is this coming over here contract yes your scars right but it's not a contract like that contract is because over over here we have two bodies we have God and Israel we have two parties and either one of them could bring the cup of the Bricklin covenant either one of them could break that contract but over here we have a new contract and over here and contract is sealed our contract is cut by an oath somebody swears but sis when you start swearing on a contract you have to swear to somebody that's Breda no missus no missus so when we get to the new contract the new covenant that we've been studying about all the week the new covenant when God got to the new cabinet which is the same covenant in Genesis chapter 12 when God preached the gospel to Abraham and told him through your seed all the nations of the earth are going to be breasts the Bible calls that the gospel calls it the gospel now what is the difference in the New Covenant the C covenant s EE D the C covenant that's the cabinet through the CC through which Christ is going to come it's a new covenant and God told Abraham through you'll see all of the nations are going to be blessed regardless Ron and he nobody to sway back or you know what the Bible says he's slow ah damn Sal now then who is this contract with who is this contract between it's a different contract because this contract this covenant is not between get this clearly cuz you if you ain't careful you are missing yes country this government is not between gaudy man that one was that one was between God and man well that's no one is between God and God your mission is God and God over here one party was this one party could terminate that contract but the New Covenant one party the party of man cannot terminate this contract man cannot terminate this covenant there was only one central principle person involved in this covenant and that's God God and his plane man can participate but if man fail to come up to his pod is not are goning goodness like it man fail to come up to his responsibility is not going to matter [Applause] and the reason it's not gonna matter is between this contract this between God and God and I think now you can always come back but but when I mess up it does not affect what God does don't you miss this pickle this is this is some powerful slow when I mess up it doesn't affect what God does because God has up let me just say this you see I don't know what the reason was as to why God did it that way but I can surmise that in the mind of God in that first covenant God is saying I've already seen how you always born already seeing how you all mess up and I've already seen that you thought don't keep the contract so I'm gonna do a new one [Applause] I'm not gonna kill you you can always come back to me but you have no power in the contract in turn I've assisted me or having something to say about the contract and that is because I mean that means that means you see that means when you say when you've been saved you say you see what I'm saying when you've been saying you are saying when you are in Christ you are in price when you have the Holy Spirit in you the Holy Spirit is in you the Holy Spirit doesn't lead when you mess up let me point here let me show you how it works most of you are familiar with basketball and you may not have never seen this but I have kids and me and others who get excited playing basketball this is my goal right here that's my goal but the thing is I get excited and I catch the ball in the middle of the court and and and my mind become discombobulated I'm so excited I'll run down here and shoot watch this now watch this but it doesn't mean I'm off the team [Applause] I'm still on the please I have to do because of the new cabinet is come back to God when you in prize you're in right well what about when I mess up how can I stop messing up I tell you a good way to stop just stop [Applause] now I don't know I'm about to let you go I gotta do but listen listen here's what I was what I need you to get just know that when you have been saved you say I'm not saying you can't be lost I'm saying when you have been saved you say when the Holy Spirit comes into your life when Jesus Christ comes into your life you are seen and that new covenant provides for that and what you have to do is just be sure that when your physical mind is trying to make a deal with the physicalities of the world the Holy Spirit is still working in you even leave you we say well you don't know what Jesus said I will be with you always so all you have to do under this new covenant let's come back to God come back to God now I'm included in the new covenant but I didn't sign it I design no God did God did not need my signature he took care that in Jesus oh I was so happy if you don't get it oh yes just be happy that you serve a God that loves you and he provided for you yeah he made a way for you and I know we don't want folks to think that we you know we well if you if you sin you're going to hell well don't be so harsh now I'm not saying you won't be laws you know me better than that but what I'm saying is if a man is overtaken in a fault you were spiritual restore such a one in the spirit and thank God for His grace thank God for the if it were not for the grace of God I would be dead hanging my brain but is because of the grace of God that I stand before you tonight and thank God for His grace thank God for sment now I don't have time to get into what I needed to get into and that is all these rituals and rules and regulations I didn't get into that but I needed to get into that you need to get that's why you're to fake God for the New Covenant that's why I Church forgot to be thankful for the New Covenant because it's not about rules and rituals in practice now I'm not advocacy when you're talking about the show's cross vocab you have to explain yourself you have to keep explaining yourself you know what I'm saying to you is it's not about see over there was Deleuze and the regulation and their rituals now don't misunderstand I'm not saying we don't we mean uh supposed to work and we are supposed to give that's not a prom night look that's why I'm not there I'm just like for the saying we are under the grace of God and thank God for His grace that's what I'm saying thank God for His grace thank God for the New Covenant so if you don't take anything else away from this lectureship just thank God that you were under the new covenant and when it so happened that you make a mistake you get discombobulated forget where your goal is and run down here and shoot to somebody else's goal just know you're still on the team you're still on the team you're still on the team what god bless you tonight ok I'm pretty I don't want to thank the brothers respecting my age in Italy talking or longer but I wanted to try and help you I wanted you to leave this place knowing that you are under the new covenant and and and and and I give because I love Jesus I attend church because I love Jesus I praise him because there is no alone but but but but but that but but but that but there is nobody like Jesus nobody like Jesus and he's been good to all of us do good to all of us and so I want you to to go home on Friday or Saturday whatever it is back to your homes of ability and just remember that I mean if you can't remember everything just remember that Jesus loved me so much that he died on that old rugged cross and then go read Romans chapter eight and then see how the Holy Spirit leaves us there and he guides us and he brings us back so you can step out but the Holy Spirit will bring you back through His divine word he'll bring you back he'll bring you back now I'm gonna ask everybody to please stand while you're standing I want you to think about Jesus and how good he has been think about Jesus and me and what he has done for you think about how great God is how great God is I didn't I didn't get into all that but how great God is as a matter of fact how great God is how great you get an old team brother you know I'm talking about how great a lot crazy introduces how dream Jesus is and and we just think him for his grace and mercy we just thank him for his grace and mercy just because he woke you up this morning that's a blessing you know God can wake you up but that doesn't mean you go be able to get it [Applause] all how good god is in Philippians chapter 4 and verse number 6 I'm trying to quit Philippians chapter 4 in verse number 6 God says I'm going to give you three weapons here I'm gonna give you three weapons because I love you you're gonna be bombarded by the demons you can be bombarded by your enemies you gonna be talked about and you can be really cute but the Holy Spirit says I'm going to give you three weapons to deal with the three hounds of hell the three hounds of hell is worry fear anxiety three hounds of hell and if they haven't been to your house just keep living but not Jesus says here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna the Holy Spirit says here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to give you three weapons and and and they don't serve as prescriptions and if you take it you're gonna be the deal with the hounds of hell Philippians chapter 4 and verse number 6 the Bible says prayer supplication Thanksgiving you if it looks like you being overwhelmed out of all the goods you do he'll still breaking loose in your life you being talked about stabbed in the back and the more you do the worse people get the more you do for folk the more they want you to do holds prayer says I'm gonna give you three weapons here I'm gonna give you prayer I got to click this I got the quitters I'm gonna give you prayer I'm gonna give you I'm gonna give you prayer Jesus listen to me listen to me listen to me jesus never taught a class on hermeneutics apologetics and homiletics he never taught a class on that but he did teach a class I know in Matthew chapter 6 when the disciples said Lord teach us to pray [Music] prayer get this prayer got Jesus ready before the cross prayer got Jesus ready at the cross prayer get Jesus ready listen to me trap we'll get you ready before your test prayer we'll get you ready during your test prayer we'll get you ready after your test you just need to be faithful you just need to say thank you Jesus thank you and if you've been derelict in your duty in thanking the Lord if you've been derelict in your duty and serving him if you in this house and you've been told and you you've been wrestling with yourself you say well I see it I guess I'm going to hear they no need for me going and you know there are some people in the Lord's church who become guilty or something and and they are so despondent they won't even come back they may feel like they're you know forgiveness for that there is nothing you can do that Christ will not forgive you all if you come to him right with the right heart in the right mind and if you offer yourself at the cross his blood has already taken care of all of my seat [Applause]
Channel: Light&Salt Gospel Media Ministries
Views: 10,331
Rating: 4.8926172 out of 5
Id: 4FQX-YkN8qE
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Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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