Chumlee Just Couldn't Refuse This Incredible Deal | Pawn Stars

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ten deals the Pawn Stars couldn't refuse hey everyone and welcome back to the screen II Rick Harrison is a savvy businessman who's constantly trying to think with his head and not with his heart but he sometimes gets carried away every once in a while people walk into the world famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop with an item that's too good to be true and that's when the Harrisons go an extra mile and do everything that's in their power to make it work let's take a look at ten deals the Pawn Stars couldn't refuse before we remind you of some of the most epic buys in the history of the show make sure to press the subscribe button number 10 stolen diamond D ranges the pawnshop owners stumble upon hundreds of stolen items in their lifetime and they even end up buying something this happens to be the best of them including the notorious negotiator Rick Harrison who was so dazzled by one pair of diamond earrings he couldn't tell the seller wasn't their original owner and breaks the fence the guy showed no signs of being a thief he walked into the store sharply dressed and well-prepared and even has the paperwork to prove that diamonds were real unlike some of the customers who show up without doing their homework this man knew the real worth of the item he was trying to sell he answered all of Rick's questions with ease and sealed the deal by showing the receipt the pawnshop owner cashed out $40,000 for the earrings after he was sure that they were legit police came knocking on his door a few days later because it turns out the jewels were actually stolen Rick had to return them to the original owner and described this disappointing experience as the cost of doing business number 9 1932 Lincoln Road sir oh okay Uncle Phil I have a 1932 Lincoln convertible v12 yeah that's a cool car yeah okay just come around back okay okay vintage cars were always the old man's biggest passions and he couldn't keep his eyes off this amazing link roaster from 1932 the classic vehicle screamed luxury and it was in such great condition that Rick and his dad felt that they traveled back in time the two men immediately knew that they're not walking away without making a deal and they were ready to cash out an enormous sum of money in the process fortunately the original owner cut them some slack because he was a huge fan of their show the negotiations were pretty smooth and the Harrisons cashed out less than they expected after settling for $95,000 it seemed like one of the easiest sales they've ever made and so the guy made one strange request he wanted it to be paid in pure gold fortunately the Harrison stored huge amounts of precious metals over the years and finalized the sale without any hassle number eight 1922 high relief coin dozens of items featured on Pawn Stars proved the size doesn't determine their value as this tiny coin is one of the most notable examples Rick Harrison was ready to cash out $80 for this itty bitty trinket you could easily lose in your pocket and for a very good reason this precious item was one of ten proof piece high relief dollar coins from 1922 left in existence this shiny piece of mantle went on one crazy journey before I ended up with the world famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop its original owner never realized the value of this classic collectible and lost it in the poker game after he run out of money the customer who brought it to Rick had a lucky hand that night and eventually earned a buttload of cash thanks to the mysterious coin after the pawn shop owner called in one of his experts it turned out the coin was legit and Rick wanted it so badly he spent $80,000 number 7 Stephen Stills his Gibson guitar that is cool I would absolutely love to get my hands on this guitar Rick Harrison doesn't know how to resist stunning guitars that once belongs to famous musicians and this Gibson from 1941 is a case in point as soon as he heard Stephen Stills of the folk rock group Crosby Stills Nash used to play his songs on this beautiful instrument he was all in it was love at first sight but Rick felt the guitar was too good to be true and invited the expert Jessie Amoroso to help him make a decision he confirmed the guitar really belongs to Stills before answering the most pressing question how much is it worth Amoroso told Rick the vintage piece could be sold for at least 75 thousand dollars on its own but the fact that was once owned by a bonafide folk legend made it even more valuable he felt stills his connection to this classic instrument could add another $20,000 to the selling price Rick was ready to make a purchase after hearing his thoughts and offered $85,000 to the seller number 6 Paul Revere Silverspoon it was made by Paul Revere most people wouldn't spend more than a few bucks in a spoon but Rick Harrison isn't most people when a guy names less walked into the store with a silver spoon that once belongs to Revolutionary War Legend Paul Revere the reality show star couldn't hide his excitement if the sellers claim had merit the piece of silverware he brought into the store was an important part of American history and Rick definitely wanted to own it he just had to make sure the spoon was actually Revere's design before throwing away thousands of dollars history expert Dana Lynette came to the rescue and confirmed the spoon was made by one of the Patriots in the American Revolution who was also a dentist and a passionate silversmith that was the moment when Rick realized this spoon should be in a museum and decided to do everything in his power to become its new owner after tense negotiations les agreed to sell it for $9,500 and to use the money to help out his daughter who's getting ready to tie the knot number 5 Belle from a shipwreck is my 1602 - chipwrecked Dutch East India Company belt I just love old shipwreck items you can just imagine the journey they've been on Rick and his old man are big history buffs and they have a knack for the antiques found in shipwrecks because it's always fun to imagine the journey they've been on that's why they were impressed when a woman walked into their store with a Dutch East India Trading Company Bell but the old man wasn't sure it was authentic he didn't want to make a purchase before consulting an expert because the Bell showed no signs of corrosion from seawater Richard senior believed the bell would be in a worse shape if it really had spent a lot of time in seawater but he was wrong this time around the expert came in and confirmed the Bell was real and even expressed his belief it could sell for a huge amount of money after being put in one of the treasure auction catalogues you could almost see the dollar signs in Rick's eyes after the expert confirmed that the Bell was worth fifteen thousand dollars if not more number four Dunhill watch lighter there are two things that gentlemen really enjoyed back in the 20s smoking cigarettes and carrying their pocket watches British brands done the hill came up with a creative way to combine those two passions it's a one tiny item and created a brand of unique watch lighters they were a status symbol not everyone could afford and perfectly captured the aesthetic of the roaring 20s Dunhill was the first brands to ever incorporate a watch in their lighters and when passionate collector George showed up to the store with a rare model from 1926 the big Hoss didn't know how to say no to him both men seem to know a lot about the lighter and they weren't ready to let it go that easily George wanted at least $60,000 in return for the item because he knew how rare and valuable it was Corey agreed it was worth a fortune but he wasn't ready to cash out that much the seller eventually walked away with $4,000 because he realized the store had to make a profit as well number three Gold's bar from San Esteban I buy gold from people every day but I never have gold bars from a shipwreck walking to my shop vintage cars and fancy guitars aren't the only items capable of telling a captivating story even something as simple as a tiny golden bar has the power to take you back centuries into the past and the fact Rick Harrison was ready to cash out $35,000 for one of them speaks volumes he felt like a modern-day pirate while he was holding this small chunk of gold in his hands especially after an expert confirmed it was actually a shipwreck treasure the bar originated from a Spanish cargo ship called the San Esteban the vessel was destroyed in a storm all the way back in 1554 while delivering various items through the Gulf of Mexico around 300 people died in the process leaving most of the precious cargo at the bottom of the sea they probably thought no one would ever get a hold of it but Rick Harrison proved them wrong and got a tiny golden piece of naval history after cashing out $35,000 number two 1932 custom Ford Roadster the Harrisons never turn their back on a classic old-timer and once Rick and Corey came across this custom Ford Roadster from 1932 he could almost see their mouths watering the father-son duo headed across town after the original owner invited them to check out his convertible the two men immediately knew they had stumbled upon a gem the car was an impeccable shape and there was nothing the Harrisons didn't like about it apart from the asking price the owner wants it's one hundred and five thousand dollars in return and Rick knew he would not be able to cash out that much despite ford's pristine condition the Pawn Stars no way in hell it's worth that much it's called in an expert to take a look Danny koker fell in love with the beautiful vehicle right away but he had to agree with Rick on this one the car expert placed its value at $70,000 and his words were music for Rick's ears because it was significantly below the asking price number one one kilo Barr's classic old-timers and guitars with rich history are usually the most attractive items the Harrisons have ever encountered but that doesn't make them the most valuable Gold is still one of the most precious metals in existence and whenever someone walks into the world famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop carrying huge chunks of it Rick in the gang are all ears the title of the most expensive item ever bought in the show currently belongs to for one kilo golden bars the king with a staggering price tag of 128 thousand dollars this seems like spending too much money on a single deal but anyone familiar with Rick Harrison and his journey to stardom could have seen it coming from a mile away the reality star went on the record saying he invested 10% of his fortune into gold and silver and called this move insurance policy thank you very much for watching today's video make sure to subscribe to our channel for more amazing content and don't forget to check out one of the other two videos on your screen
Channel: TheScreeny
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Keywords: pawn stars, pawn stars full episode, pawn stars season 19, pawn stars rick harrison, pawn stars chumlee, the old man, chumlee, rick harrison, pawn stars scammed, pawn stars biggest deals, pawn stars got cheated, pawn stars most expensive item bought, pawn stars biggest offer, pawn stars gone wrong, review, ending, viral, new, education, entertainment, kid friendly, family friendly, thescreeny, the screeny
Id: 9QRi1w2viw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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