Chuck Missler - Hosea Session 02

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[Music] well we're going into the Word of God so let's always do it with prayer let's borrow hearts father we are so grateful for who you are we thank you Father that you have gone to such extreme just to bring us together and we know father that in your kingdom there no accidents no coincidences that we're all here right now by your divine appointment so father we would ask that your purpose is in that appointment be fulfilled we pray father that your purposes would be accomplished in each of our lives we invite you to be with us tonight for other we invite you to just send your Holy Spirit to open our hearts and lives to your word we pray father you'd guard our words and thoughts that they would be pleasing to you and effective for your purposes as we commit this evening and ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen what we are in one of the so-called minor prophets that's an unfortunate term it's a librarians term the major prophets and there's four of those the five books but for guys that are the largest books and so they're called major not because they're more important they just have to be heavier bigger it would see but the twelve prophets that are labeled in many Bibles table of contents as minor prophets just seems they're smaller books some of them are incredibly pithy they have an enormous ly significant passages even though they're very small passages one of those minor prophets happens to be a prophet that I think you'll discover is uniquely relevant to our times this was a prophet by the name of Hosea that was his mandate was to go to the northern kingdom and give them a very disturbing message after Solomon died there was a civil war and the nation of Israel split into two kingdoms the northern kingdom we'll call it that went by the name of Israel the house of Israel and the southern kingdom which was essentially the type of the tribe of Judah and a couple of others the northern kingdom immediately adopted idolatry into Jeroboam they became adulterous and after about nine different dynasties of various guys murdering each other and whatever and just a decay of the whole operation God finally decides enough Sanath and he raises up Hosea to give them a message which will include among other things basically God's indictment against the Northern Kingdom to explain why he is going to judge them by having their enemies wipe them out the southern kingdom also who goes downhill they did have about three or four really good kings so it wasn't but it was just one dynasty dynasty of David they also deserved ultimately to be wiped out but they weren't because of God's commitment to David that was the reason they were spared being wiped out they were sent into the Babylonian captivity for 70 years but they returned to to continue and so we want to understand that difference but here we are we're gonna explore the Book of Isaiah and we're going to discover some interesting parallels as we do this so we are in the study of the book of Hosea we had the first chapter in the previous session the introduction the first chapter so tonight we're going to explore chapter 2 plus a little short 5 verse chapter called chapter 3 so that's our challenge for tonight as you know after Solomon died there was a civil war and they split into two houses the southern kingdom of Judah and the Northern Kingdom of Israel and 1st and 2nd Kings are basically a history of this period and the Northern Kingdom goes from bad to worse and that lasted about two hundred and ten years but gets wiped out in 721 BC by the Assyrians a major event in the history the tribe of Judah also goes from bad to worse with a few Kings accepted but they also ultimately go into the captive babblin but they don't get wiped out after 70 years as Jeremiah had predicted they're returned and that continues their history God's prophets to the southern kingdom were a series of of prophets Joel's Isaiah Micah Nahum and Habakkuk Zephaniah and Jeremiah and Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet because he presided so to speak over his nation as it goes into captivity but we're focusing on Israel the Northern Kingdom which has a series of prophets in fact two of the most dramatic guys in the Bible Elijah and Elijah our prophets well known to most readers but their primary focus of course is the Northern Kingdom and then we have of course Jonah Amos and Hosea Hosea is essentially contemporaneous with Amos and with Isaiah just to give you a rough feeling because they'll it will make reference to that but Hosea is our subject for a night this is just by way of giving a little context now we're gonna discover that always they asked three children and God has them named significantly this first was just real which means scattered and it refers in effect prophetically to a time when God would scatter nation or scatter Israel among the nations then he has two daughters law Haru Hama which means unpitied meaning that God would lift his mercy upon the nation and God would permit them to suffer for her sins that's why that's that that's the the emergent message that comes out of that child and the other child was named lo ami law is no in in in Hebrew and we were in a light plane with her a previous one of our previous trips to Israel we're flying over the Galilee and a light light aircraft and one of our key one of our key guides was with us in the plane as a play a little like Cessna took off kept saying lo lo lo so the pilot tried to stay lower no she wanted off the plane that means no no no they and so but anyway solo rule me no pity and low ami means not my people and those are going to get changed as a positive sign later but they're first they're here they mean not my people in-game that at that present time is referring to in God's program Israel will be out of fellowship with God and their people are not his people as they once were not permanently a very important point that's going to get repaired but there will be a period then and so you're gonna see in Chapter two there's going to be a time when God will speak of them as not my people and not having mercy but they'll it's going to get reversed before we're through okay now the last two verses of chapter one that we just finished with our previous session saw several prophecies that Israel would experience a great increase in population was in verse 10 of the last chapter the nation would be there'd be a great turning to God that's also in verse 10 that the northern southern Kings will be eventually reunified into a single nation was prophesied in the last chapter we're going to talk a lot more about that as we go and they're going to appoint themselves one head who will be their Messiah that's all prophesied in the Old Testament and we need to actually God is not through with Israel one of the great tragic heresies prevalent in our culture is that the church has replaced Israel not so Israel in the church have different origins and different destinies the nation Israel was birthed in the Exodus they went in as a family came out as a nation and they have a destiny to be reunited and to be the primary vehicle of God's will on the planet Earth before it's all over it's important us in the church is an entity in a very unusual parentheses that we'll talk more about as we go okay but ultimately they'll be into one head and they'll be under their Messiah and there will be national restoration that's the positive that is inserted all through Jose's message as he deals with the dark stuff so chapter two in this second chapter we're going to see the same cycle of events that occurred in the first with a slight difference that what is expressed by symbols in the one will be simply a narrator than the other and that cycle is the common one of sin it's unusual concept the usual consequences of suffering and sorrow and then Sucher and sympathy when there's repentance that's the pattern for Israel that's going to be the pattern for us personally to understand that cycle is important so it was symbolic in Chapter one it could be narrated in a very unusual way in Chapter two we're going to also encounter a strange idiom called the valley of Achor when we get to verse 15 of chapter 2 the word a-kor means trouble it's actual event it's an actual valley near Jericho and it's so called that because of the trouble back in Joshua because of the sin of Aitkin they suffered their first big defeat because of Aitkin sin and there's that it's all in Joshua 7 so the expression the valley of Achor becomes sort of a proverbial term that has to do with trouble now this is going to be used because Gomer the wife of Hosea proved to be faithless and adulterous Israel also proves to be faithless there's a parallel drill intended in the text the problems that Homer has with his wife Gomer is the problem that God has with his adulterous wife idiomatically speaking of Israel but God will prove faithful nevertheless despite the faithlessness of Israel so let's jump in chapter 2 verse 1 say ye unto your brethren ami and two-year sisters Roja those are the names of his two children we learned in the previous chapter ami means my people Rama means pitied having obtained mercies another way express it so God is announcing that the day is coming when he is again going to say you are my people so that's contradictory to what was introduced the previous chapter so God is not through the nation Israel we're going to see this again when we get chapter 3 so what some people think is the most remarkable chapter in the Bible little 5 verse chapter we're going to get to it before we're through here tonight those who teach that God is through with Israel has to discount or spiritualize a great part of the Old Testament and the new so people who hold that's a very commonly held view in so-called Christian circles you know we often have taken a great encouragement that many people in positions of leadership are Christians and that's great but we often discover that they Rijo dan amillennial view that is a I should say replacement theology view they have no grasp of the relevance of Israel and God's program that doesn't mean that we endorse their politics none of that but it doesn't mean we need to our view of God and our view of the Bible should understand that Israel remains a major instrument of God's program for mankind yet to come so we need to understand that so it's a moving on first to plead that God's speaking to - to hosea here plead with your mother plead for she is not my wife neither am i her husband let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight and her adulteries from between her breasts now obviously what he's dealing who are dealing with here this is a great contention because Gomer was a harlot if you recall from chapter 1 she and God instructed Homer to take her to wife anyway and he does because God is drawing a parallel between homers taking her back and God's extending mercy to his adulterous wife idiomatically speaking of the nation Israel Gomer was unfaithful and she had gone back to prostitution and Homer had and Hosea had to go and purchase her from her paramour and we're gonna get into that before through but see whatever her beginnings she was to etch her name in the infamy of the nation her infamy personally is going to be idiomatic of Israel as a nation who was which was an adult and that's gonna we're gonna get into more that all this while Hosea's heart was broken because he loved her despite all that and that's the parallelism God loved Israel in spite of her whoredoms if you will and we're speaking on Israel's case not just sexual infidelity we're talking about her going and worshipping idols the worship of anything other than living God is treated in the Bible as an abomination it's also treated in terms of fornication national fornication to go whoring after false gods as the is the crime that the nation is guilty of the worst sin one can commit is to be unfaithful to the one that loves you that can be a husband-and-wife situation it can also be a national relationship to God to go after false gods instead of the Living God you're betraying someone that cares and that's very interesting you know the New Testament speaks of grieve not the Holy Spirit you at the tales that touch the Holy Spirit's a person it's eternity three persons it isn't some kind of force or idiom no it's a person grieve not that they the Holy Spirit loves you too your father obviously loves you we well understand that the son certainly loves you gave himself for you Holy Spirit also loves you three persons and they love us with a depth that we can't even imagine but the greatest sin you can commit is to be unfaithful to one who loves you of course the greatest sin a Christian can commit is unfaithfulness to the God who has redeemed you and who loves you the parallel here is very intentional in the text so so there's that part of the text is going to show us the nature of God toward those who have proved unfaithful to the Greeks God was unfeeling their word for this was apatheia which from which we get the word apathy they to the Muslims Allah is capricious unknowable that's an opposite of the God of the Bible the the the presentation of Allah in the Quran is that he's could he can do anything the presentation of that God of Abraham eats sucker Yakov is that he delights in making and keeping his promises there are things that the God of the Old Testament cannot do he cannot lie he cannot learn and so on okay and the god of the Old Testament weeps Jesus wept if ur you and me we probably would have given up if we really get understand how exasperating we are to the God who's gone to such extremes we're amazed the more you understand it the more you're amazed but God works to turn sorrow into joy and the tragedy of unfaithful sin to the triumph of love but even God has a point beyond which he will not strive and we're going to discover Hosea's burden ultimately in the book will be the nation the Northern Kingdom had finally crossed the line it was over and the question you and I don't know the answer to his has America across that same line I don't know that's very problematical as we go forward verse 3 God says to hosea lest i strip her naked and set her as in the day that she was born and make her as a wilderness and set her like a dry land and slay her with thirst now he's talking about her as a person but there's a parallel concept here of Israel who was born in Egypt then she wandered in the wilderness and so forth as she was born the day of the political birth of Israel's when God delivered it from the bondage of Egypt and set up the theocracy Exodus 16 and following cetera in the wilderness to translate more specifically make her as the wilderness namely that in which he passed 40 years on her way to goodly possession of Canaan she should have learned her lessons through all that there were setbacks and repairs the whole experience of the Book of Numbers was behind her she should have learned from all of that and this is the event goes inventions her slay her with her thirst and so forth if she does not repent God will judge her and make her a desert slay her with thirst the text suggests in our culture by the way is a common here we also have come to glamorize adultery in two ways not only you not see a serious movie with South some seduction scene in it sometimes totally irrelevant to the plot they're trying to think it sort of have to include that as part of the idiom today it seems that's the product of Hollywood but also don't read another sense the whole erosion of any serious fear of God that get looked for fear of the Living God so it's a double and pounder there but God tells it like it is and her life that his goomars life was downhill and so is the northern kingdoms life downhill and so is our life in America apparently on a downhill slide continue verse four and I will not have mercy upon her children for they be the children of whoredoms see God is applying the sins of the nation to the individuals who composed that nation the prevalence of adultery has turned our nation into the debris of broken families single-parent homes and offspring incapable of intimacy and commitment I'll spare you the long summary of the research but it's been very clear that we have a nation of broken families and the people who are products of broken families apparently seem to have an inability to maintain their own intimacy continue it's it's a it's almost like contagious kind of thing constantly that we have no grasp of a concept of a commitment in our marriages and in our businesses I spent 30 years in the corporate boardrooms of America and those were different years because that was several decades ago and that was one thing about that there was an ethnic that bounded it not anymore not anymore it's a whole different change a whole erosion I'm talking about epochs they're not just naughty morality but say it's same kind of a model here we have been generating to a culture in which family values are even debated within the corridors of power ridiculous that's what we were founded on that's the basic molecule of our nation and yet there's an organized systematic agenda attack against the family between the whole idea of same-sex marriage and the the the the condoning in fact the elevation of sexual perversion homosexuality which is a judgment of God actually the whole basic political division in our country is over abortion the murder of innocent babies the ancient pagan cultures took their babies and put them on the in the superheated bronze statue of Moloch offered their infant sacrifices we found a way to do it even more insultingly we make those sacrifices in the sanctity of the womb of the mother still murder at this time back to this the entire nation had turned to idolatry in Israel you and I have invented the most insulting God of all those ancient cultures worshiped golden calves or idols of wood stone whatever we have invented the most insulting God of all randomness nothingness we don't attribute them the creation of the world as some false God we say that nobody was necessary just happened all just an accident of nature the most intricate design we've ever encountered on the planet earth the human physiology is beyond our understanding the harmony of our physiology with the nature and the chemistry and so forth is something we still don't fully understand and yet we attributed all to accidental accident anyway dead add to that is it the third and fourth generation the second commandment is operative there by the way we move on verse 5 for their mother has played the harlot she hath conceived them that she that hath conceived them have done shamefully for she said I will go after my lovers that gave me my bread in my water and my wool and my flax my Noel and my drink the error of Gomer going to whoredoms was that she did it for she felt that that practice provided her with her necessities bread and water and her luxuries her ear wool and flax and oil to drink in other words her provision she felt came from those idolatries see the parallel what I'm getting at yeah the same thing she was doing it for the money we infer Hosea Prague was not a wealthy man they're not able to provide the lecture she wanted so she became a prostitute for money and she that prostitution is what proved in her mind have provided what she needed same thing with us in America are going after other gods than the Living God we attribute that to our prosperity no we don't we don't recognize that our prosperity in this country came from the god that was so operative in its founding but it's totally absent for the political scene today they gave me my bread in my water sea bread martyr refer to necessities flax or pine oil and my drink that's that's luxuries if you will so one of her primary sins that drove our hydrolyse was ingratitude and there are two sins we need to pray for every day in our own lives presumption boy father delivers from our presumptions and for our from our ingratitude another day goes by well I try not to bring those before the throne how presumptuous we are how ungrateful we are intrinsically and that's one of the most insulting sins against God of all he's the provider of all our things every good thing that we enjoy comes from his hand we mean we must never forget that but God's love is a disciplining love Israel it turned to idols that is spiritual our daughter is giving the idols credit for providing for Israel what's the real source of America America has been regardless it was one of the wealthiest nations of the world that's a deceit by the way but nevertheless that's why what made America great it wasn't capitalism it wasn't being a democracy it was their commitment for alexis de tocqueville traveled america in the early 19th century and wrote a book democracy america and he turned the country to try to understand it and he came to the conclusion that America was great because it was good never ceases to be good it will cease to be great because he visited Church he saw that the Living God was operative within the culture there was a fear of God even among people that you wouldn't consider believers still had an all and I respect for that atmosphere not anymore America the America of that era is not as ism is at this point a myth moving on verse 6 therefore behold God speaking Homer speaking to go Homer but the words of God speaking to us I will hedge up thy way with thorns and make a wall that she shall not find her paths the word therefore course links this to the previous and that linkage is in verse 6 9 and 14 these verses are linked back in effect to chapter 1 so remind we start reminded here of the complaints of Satan remember the book of Job he complained to God that got to put a hedge about job and was protecting him take down that hedge and he'll curse you remember that whole job thing servants ain't parallel here but even then God did not allow job to be tempted more than he was able to bear I will hedge up thy way there's a sudden change of grammar here by the way I want you to pick this up even though it's all a translation here there's a sudden change from the third person to the second it isn't them it's you you follow me that speaker here says behold I will hedge up value a see suddenly the listener is the address see in the remark see the emphasis that makes it that makes it very very expressive of deep indignation we're no longer dealing with the courtesy of a third party discussion by way with thorns and make a wall so she's not find her paths she'd avowed a determination to pursue evil courses shamefully and simply and as if in defiance see for us to continue down our path and not acknowledge that we're getting provided for by God is an act of defiance against the God that's providing for us that's the image that's been portrayed here that she shall not find her paths that's actually going to be forgotten frustrating but protective see the case of Gomer the hedge served as a protection against Gomer herself from the evil things she desired wow that's heavy so in God's intervention here by getting Homer to get her back and so forth he's actually hedging her in but in the form of not just self-denial protection it's as though he's addressing her personally in property said it's as if he said then thou shalt not be able to carry out thy plan or accomplish that purpose see God will prevent us from sinning further for our own protection interesting Wow and she shall follow after her lover's bet she shall not overtake them and she shall seek them but shall not find them then she shall say I will go and return to my first husband for then it was better than with me now now that goes a little bit like the prodigal son doesn't remember he blues inheritance and he was he discovered he was just in bad shape he fed even when he was back with his father he was the servants in his father's house was better and he has it now so he he goes back you know the story so Seetha comes any when the harlot is no longer attractive and she loses her clientele so she sings lower and lower in the social scale of the city so ultimately she was not able to even obtain her necessities this is precisely what was happening to Israel she was cavorting with Egypt and Assyria which she shouldn't have but wasn't working out oh well in that case now let's return to God that's very parallel in the sense to the prodigal son in Luke 15 you can check that on your own verse a for she did not know God speaking that I gave her corn and wine and oil and multiplied her silver and gold which they prepared for bail in other words they were attributing their prosperity to false idols in our own cultures the same way we ascribe our blessings in fact our very origin to the god of random chance we're all here by some cosmic accident then we wonder why we have Colombian high school and where the our children have no sense of destiny well they're just the result of a cosmic accident and there is no sense of destiny there's no accountability God who no heavens no it's astonishing to me because in if you're from the information Sciences you understand that randomness and design are opposites randomness is randomness entropy nothingness design implies intelligence and they're either they're mathematically definable and I and they're opposites the idea of saying that design happened by accident is the ultimate absurdity intellectually that's an IQ of a design IQ of zero anybody's been in a design group knows that careful coordination is critical for any complex design and the idea that it happens randomly is absolutely in contrast to every experience in every field of science the frontier of every field in science today is the information sciences in biology it's not chemistry or biochemistry it is information science they understand the coding and the same thing goes through every field that you go into physics in particle physics it's the information theory it's the key to the whole thing and there's just ad recent discovery in the last few weeks that our universe is a hologram they've discovered the graininess of it and so on and that come that all comes out of the information sciences anyway let's not get I'm sorry together at home the word bail just means Lord but it's used here in as a title of a Canaanite God who supposedly controlled the storms and respond was responsible agricultural fertility within the pagan struct a culture and the the Canaanite legend of Kennett is associated with with bales rein and that cultural blessing the form of grain bread wine oil if you study the literature we understand the Canaanite belief system bale was a was a collective term for different versions of that and so by looking for bail-in these things Israel broke the first of the Ten Commandments rejecting one of the main principles of the Mosaic legislation in Exodus 20 the first commandment thou shalt have no other gods before me Moses taught that the Lord provided the grain the wine and the oil explicitly Deuteronomy 7 and 11 each is right when presenting his first fruits in the harvest festival was to recite the following words in the presence of the priests I bring the first fruits of that soil to you O Lord have given me Deuteronomy 26 10 so see what they Israel is doing what the northern King was doing was attributing all that to the Canaanite God not the God Living God so God says therefore will I return and take away my corn in the time thereof and my wine and the season thereof and will recover my wool my flax given to cover her nakedness so because of their ingratitude God is going to withhold those blessings see the Mosaic law made agricultural prosperity dependent on their loyalty to God and that pattern is especially expressed in the book of Judges - they fall away plead for help God we repair soozee repair they it again fall away it was just seven times that's what the real dismal history of Judges plays out obedience to the covenant stipulations would result in the Lord's blessing in the form of plentiful harvests and numerous offspring and security that's expressed in Leviticus 26 student 28 over and over over again the Torah therefore see disobedience would bring draught pestilence war death and exile again Leviticus 26 indeed over 20 lays it all out first 14 verses of Deuteronomy the curses this announcement in Hosea 2:9 revealed Lords intention to implement the Covenant curses against Israel exactly what the Torah laid out it's amazing to me when I see some of these movies about the Holocaust they're narrated by simply quoting from the Torah Deuteronomy 28 to 30 as you go through the horrors of that whole experience that was all laid out all detailed in the Torah anyway going on drop blight insect swarms invading armies would destroy the lands produce and that's not only in due time 28 it's in Joel 1 a Miss for etc Hosea can you see is what was one of the titles of our briefings some years ago as we saw this coming and see the same predicament we're seeing here I believe faces America we are so sophisticated that's in quotes that we condone so homosexuality is a normal lifestyle nonsense the sin of sodom and gomorrah that wiped them out was not homosexuality I believe it was the public condoning of that form of sexual perversion and they were wiped out and if you read Romans chapter 1 carefully from verse 18 to the end you'll discover something very amazing that God has a specific judgment that he puts on a culture that fails to acknowledge him as creator as New Testament Christians we tend to focus on God's role as our Redeemer praise God that's great but there's even a jealousy ahead of that that he has and that is his role as creator and if a culture fails to identify him as creator he has a specific judgment in the last half of Romans 1/4 times he says that if you don't accept me as his creator I will give them over to a judgment and the judgment he gives them over to its homosexuality as a culture so are we shocked and surprised to see the agenda of our current administration shouldn't be shouldn't be saying we don't punish murders we subsidize them we have too many judges who twist laws rather than to acknowledge the God who over rules even the laws of our nation our nation was founded with the premise that God makes the rules and now we have courts that ignore that they even quibble about whether the Ten Commandments should even be displayed and on and on we've become so apostate that we don't recognize the enemy when he threatens our very existence there is a legal religious system that is committed to our destruction that we refuse to acknowledge we join them in in in promoting misinformation about the origins and the agenda and the destiny of Islam verse 10 and now he's speaking and not will I discover her lewdness it means a discovered sense of uncovering now I'll discover her lewdness in the sight of her lover's and none shall deliver her out of mine hand the word lewdness here it's only it's the only places with this word in its form appears in the Old Testament refers to the blatant breach of the Covenant which disgraces the entire community it's a very closely related term it's used of Aitkin sin and joshua v from which we get the valley of Achor and all that and it's also very closeness a pro it's prohibited in fornication in Deuteronomy 22 incest in 2nd Samuel 13 rape in judges 19 and adultery and Jeremiah 29 so the root Hebrew word is a close root of the one that's they translate appropriately the word lewdness here but it's quite a collective term in effect I'll also cause all her mirth to cease and her feast days and her New Moon's and her Sabbath's and all her solemn feasts now there's wordplay here's like puns if you will typifies Hosea the word sees as Shabbat Sabbath's is Shabbat and so the words are very similar in in in in parallel the feast days of jeroboams appointment was distinct from the mosaic most of the mosaic feasts remained but to degenerate Northern Kingdom worship Israel in the sense of the Northern Kingdom was a weariness and they cared only for the carnal indulgence on them so they did the form of it that it had no real substance so these are empty the obviously most of us are fully of the feast days the Passover and so on the New Moon's every month there's new moon a celebration and a Shabbat of course every the seventh day well they observed that up north but not in in serious terms and I will destroy her vines and her fig trees wherever he said these are my rewards that my lovers have given me and I will make them a forest and the beasts of the field shall eat them I will destroy vines and fig trees this is a synecdoche though a synecdoche is a occasion where you use the general for the specific or the specific for the general if I say today and boy those are pretty neat wheels I saw you with the other day I'm not talking on his tires I'm caught me his car but I used the word wheels - it's a synecdoche I used the specific meaning the general or we can speak so-and-so sure she sure spreads a fine table we're not talking about the silverware we're talking about the cuisine you follow me say that that's a synecdoche where I used the general meaning the specific or the specific for the general what's what's going on here we have vines and fig trees the conveys the idea of the sources that combine to support the life and it's luxuries okay and when the we often we remember reading in Scripture and when the United Kingdom of Judah and Israel before the disruption after Solomon that when they have obtained the zenith of the prosperity under Solomon it was expressed quote Judah and Israel dwelt safely every man under his vine and under his fig tree from Dan even to bear of Shiva and all the days of Solomon that was the way of expressing prosperity in general not just vines and fig trees - follow me that same idiom though was idiomatic of prosperity in general and that's the way it's being used here okay now this was of course fulfilled in 722 BC when Assyria overthrew Israel and no longer existed as a nation they took them captives and they commingle them with their other captives around their entire empire and they translated those captives there that's what led later the Samaritans and all the half juices they call continuing here in verse 13 and I will visit upon her the days of Balaam that's a bale in the plural if you will wherein she burned incense to them and she'd decked herself with her earrings and her jewels and she went after her lovers and forgot me sayeth the Lord another word Balaam there see Vail the word bail came to be generically used in any idol or false god but it's in the plural because there's many forms of bail idolatry and bail pay or you remember reading about numbers and bail Paris and bailed bail Zebub and bail paris 'man bail Sephora and bails mr and shallot there there's a number of just like you have jehova shamma and different jehovah labels hyphenated emphasizing a certain aspect same thing with bail that it's a term including all kinds of variations if you will behind all of our problems here in America is that big problem that we are not recognizing the Living God was their problem that's our problem that was gomers problem she was going in effect after harlotry and that's our problem because we have forgotten in our country the Living God so we're in chapter 2 the first five verses is exposure of Israel sin the next from six to thirteen was an enumerative her sufferings by penal inflictions from 14 to the end of this chapter we're going to see an exhibition now of divine Sucher and support having established how guilty she is God is going to now provide what in effect is suka and support which is idiomatic of what's coming if you will for Israel also let's go on here verse 14 therefore behold I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and speak comfortably unto her yes she's in the wilderness but that's a form of protection and a special form of provision why no that's a mystery to me why would God bother I have no idea why does God bother with us I have no idea I have no idea it's it's the more you understand how miserable we really are and as you realize how holy God is the more the mystery expands - why does he bother why didn't he in the Garden of Eden wipe it all out why didn't he wipe out Satan day one why did he chose to let it all play out to let it demonstrate itself that without God at the helm it's all falling that was his choice as a teaching there this has this is this is so that in ages yet to come he can demonstrate the riches of his Christ that he has in the riches of love years in Christ see are you like Gomer the depths of your misery America are you like the prodigal son exile in the foreign land don't just sit there go return to God that's what Gomer had to do is return to Hosea that's what the prodigal son had to do is to get back to his home come to me all you are weary and are burdened and I will give you rest he promises in Matthew 11:28 Jay Vernon McGee makes an interesting point and then he wrote this now what twenty thirty years ago something like that he explained this in his commentary on Hosea he feels that the Depression of the 30s and the so-called Dust Bowl that went on the United States was sent by God to speak to us in judgment if we had repented and heard God at that time he argues we would never have had to fight the World War two Korea and Vietnam that's his view we should have been sending out missionaries not soldiers to suffer in prison camps interesting view Donald ray Barnhouse several he's got the he wrote some stuff that I decided not the paraphrase but just to include the way put it who can explain the insanity of true love lovers of God and His infinite love his sovereign love is apart from reason love exists for its own reasons love is not according to logic love is according to love thus it was for Hosea for he was playing the part that God has played with you all of your life and with me the pursuing of the love of God is the greatest wonder of the actually the pursuing love of God is the greatest wonder of the spiritual universe we leave God in the heat of our own self desire and run from his will because we want so much to have our own way we get to crossroads and look back and pride thinking that we about distance him just as we are about to congratulate ourselves on our achievement of self enthronement we feel a touch on her arm and turn in that direction to find him there my child he says in great tenderness I love you and when I saw you running away from all that is good I pursued you through a shortcut that love knows well and awaited you here at the crossroads we have torn ourselves free from his grasp and rushed off again through deepest woods and farthest swamp and as we look back again we are sure this time that we've succeeded in escaping from him but once more the touch of his love is on her other sleeve and when we turn quickly we find that he is there pleading with the eyes of love and showing himself once more to the tender and faithful one loving to the end he will always say my child my name and nature our love and I must act according to that which I am so it is that I have pursued you to tell you that when you are tired of your running and you're wondering I will be there to draw you to myself once more when you see hit this love it worked through the heart of Hosea we may wonder if God is really like that but everything in the word and then the experience shows us that he is he will give man the trees of the forest and the iron of the ground then he will give demand the brains to make an axe from the iron to cut down the tree and fashioned it into a cross he will give the man the ability to make a hammer and nails and when the man has the cross and the hammer and the nails the Lord will allow that man to take hold of him and bring him to that cross he will stretch out his hands upon it and allow man to nail him to that cross and in so doing we will take the sins of man upon himself and make it possible for those who have despised and rejected him to come to him and to know the joy of sins removed and forgiven to know the assurance of pardon and eternal life and to enter into the prospect of the hope of glory with him forever this is even our God and there's none like him continuing verse 50 and I will give her I will give her her vineyards from thence and the valley of Achor for a door of hope and she's so sing there is in the days of her use and is in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt Valley bare Court technically means the valley of trouble it's mentioned three times in the Bible it is a valley it's actually a literal valley near Jericho so called because of the trouble in which the sin of Aitkin caused Israel they were attacking Jericho against God's will Achan had a cyst there was sin in the camp so that miserable defeat they discovered it was because of Aitkin sin which once once they corrected things went better the valley of Achor then became a proverb of that which caused the trouble now here comer proves faithless but just like Israel proves faithless but God proves faithful in Joshua seven is that is the origin of that AI in effect the battle ID I represents the flesh which always means to feed flesh always means to feed Joshua fell in this place and put on his face and pleaded with the Lord Lord said get up off your face Israel has sinned you must deal with the sin before you can have a victory and they did and they did the offending Aiken and his property were taken the valley of Achor where they were destroyed and buried and from then on it was victory for Israel but that was an impediment that had to be dealt with that Saudis with us the valley back or is in effect a valley of Hope dealing with sin is a Priam both the blessing we need to repent of our own sin as a preamble to God blessing us the second place of person is a of 6510 where again where he speaks of a day when it will become a resting place for herds and I guess he of course it the third place is where we read it here in this study here as a place of hope for God's people how it can it be hope by taking our trouble on himself see in the final hours prior to his death Jesus said now my heart is troubled and what shall I say father saved me from this hour no it was for this very reason I came to this hour John 12 verse 27 one of the tragedies Mel Gibson's marvelous movie the passions it has two defects the first defect it creates the impression that the crucifixion was a tragedy no no it was an achievement that was planned before the foundation of the world the second thing it fails to get across is who he was he wasn't just a great teacher a great example all those other wonderful know he was the creator of the universe that chose to enter the creation and be in our place to pay a price that we could not pay he purchased us by doing that again we're told Jesus was troubled in spirit John 13 why was he troubled he was troubled in our place into the basis of his death for our sin that we can now say that he can that he cannot say to us do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid John 14 continuing in verse 16 it shall be in that day saith the Lord that thou shalt call me Ishi which means husband and shalt call me no more Bali issuing his husband Bali means my Lord or master they had been tempting to place the Lord on par with bale confusing the term if you will and as I mentioned bale in various versions is pictured k9k neck worship in many different ways bowl like helmet in one case wielding a thunderbolt in the spear shot point does adjust the way they he is associated with Mars in the literature god of war throughout the ancient myths and so forth and somebody was associated with a near past by there's a whole thing when we get into Joshua we deal with all that or in signs of the heaven or Josh or commentary deals to all that the husband relationship indicates a relationship that is intimate and personal and it's based on love it is the highest relationship in the human family and Song of Songs of is one of the terms of that can you call Christ yours not everyone can who calls him Lord is necessarily saved Richard one brand his message preparing for the underground church highlights that it isn't how many scriptures you memorized your survival depends entirely on your personal relationship with him easy just an intellectual concept is he just something that you need to lecture Lee give assent to or are you in love with them do you spend time with them every day that's the issue verse 17 for I will take away the names of Balaam out of her mouth and they shall no more be remembered by their name and in that day will I make a covenant for them in the beasts of the field and with the fowls of the heaven and with the creeping things on the ground and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth and will make them to lie down safely Wow in that day what day we talking about the Millennium the lion and the lamb will lie down together they may point out to you they do that today except the lamb is inside the lion I will make a covenant in the ancient Hittite covenants there were two kinds there were parity covenants between equals to businessman might enter into a covenant between themselves the other one is the suzerainty covenant between a sovereign and his subjects the Covenant God in Israel was at the latter types if he will penis sovereign and his could and some of them were head conditions some of them did not the Mosaic Covenant had conditions of obedience the Abrahamic covenant had no conditions the land commitment to land had no conditions it was theirs despite what Islam prized it say the Davidic covenant is the precious one that is overlooked by the church but scumming owner horizon very exciting ila betrothed be unto me for ever yea I will be trough me unto me and righteousness and in judgment and loving-kindness and in mercies that's why God has Hosea take Gomer as a wife to follow through that commitment I'll betrothed thee the word actually means to woo a virgin there were two court a girl a wonderful experience and that is what God said he would do to Israel quarter I will even betrothed the end to me in faithfulness and thou shalt know the Lord this hasn't happened yet but it will that's going to happen is equal 36 points out not because they deserve it that's because God's name is on the deal that's what leads to 3730 every talk about is equal 38 and 39 they forget the two chapters that lead up to it that's what you understand that's Israel today and there's a climax coming and it may not be far off and she'll come to pass in that day I will here say at the Lord I will hear the heavens and they shall hear the earth and when we get to Hosea 5 in the last verse of that chapter that's gonna nail this for us continuing on verse 22 in 20 and the earth shall hear the excuse me and there shall hear the corn the wine the oil and they shall hear Jezreel which means gathered sodor gathered I will sew her unto me in the earth and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy and I will say to them which were not my people though aren't my people and they shall say thou art my god these are the reversal of the three names you remember in the first chapter Hosea had three children Jezreel which meant scattered here it means soul but in the sense of gathering the others were pitied or not pitied and my people are not my people and here it's reversed there in all three are reverted into a positive mode and there's no greater promise than that thou art my people and they shall say thou art my god praise God all three children together Jezreel means solar planted Rua ma / mercy mercy pity and I'll meet my people and by the way these are quoted by Paul in Romans 9 Romans 9 10 and 11 are your background reading for the same issue all the way through but we're now in chapter 3 I got five more verses and we'll call it an evening but we're now coming to what some people call the greatest chapter in the Bible that's quite a statement at least get our attention only 5 verses it portrays Israel's idolatrous past it's prophesied present and its future restoration past present and future all encapsulating these five verses verse 1 2 3 is a symbolic representation of that and the last two verses the explanation of it you ready for this okay and by the way I just remind you chapter divisions did not appear until the 13th century so don't make too much of chapter divisions some of them are in great places some are not they're done by Stephen Langton in 1227 and verses were used we're seen then within the within a 150 years the 130 is that so some background be sure to review Paul's definitive declaration of the gospel that we know as the book of Romans chapter 9 is the past dealings of God with Israel chapter 10 is his present dealings with Israel chapter 11 his future needs chapters 9 10 11 constitute an utter refute refutation of the so called replacement theology that pervades most of our Christian Sooners unfortunately those that build their doctor and replacement with a replacement of Israel with the church have profound problems when the New Testament as well as the old remember we got 66 by 40 Penman but it's an integrated message every number every place name every detail in the text and by the way the mathematic structures underneath the text are an integrated design that design Ashley had to or originated from outside the dimensionality of time because the spread it's done over 79 years by guys who didn't even know each other and yet it's a tempest tree that exhibits elegant craftsmanship in every detail and what a challenge to discover it moving on Hosea chapter 3 verse 1 then the Lord said unto me go yet love a woman beloved over a friend yet an adulteress according to the love of the Lord toward the children Israel who look to other gods and love flagons of wine now the flagon of wine is a strange phrase that was a form of pressed grapes that they used to offer to idols it's not obvious once you have the background here it's a it literally means cakes of raisins if you will and so it's a part of heathen worship that Israel adopted but notice go yet and love a woman beloved of her friend yet an adulteress see see the peril and now being drawn by Homer Hosea and Gomer and God and Israel the parallels deliberate and intended okay now understand to that Hosea still loved her despite her and faithfulness it wasn't contrived he really loved her that's why this is so eloquent I brought her to me for 15 pieces of silver and for a Homer of barley and a half Homer of barley why is that here well see Gomer was put up to auction he went to get her but she was owned by a paramour he had to purchase her out of marketplace he had gone by his wife back so to speak there are three ways that someone could be of slave by conquest by birth and by debt three ways by conquest by birth but if you and I are slaves by all three that fits us strange enough by Congress been conquered by sin by birth were born as a son of Adam that's what we have to be born again to be recreated and by debt that debt was paid on the cross but we have to accept it the slaves were also sold naked by the way do you know that so are we sure we are ravemon is like filthy rags the phrasing I say actually is like used mince mince minstrel Claus the bidding started twelve thirteen fourteen findeth fifteen pieces of silver ah and one lap bushels of barley what's the point here deal done see Hosea's pockets apparently have now been emptied because the price of a slave was normally thirty shekels of silver so he had evidently paid up the difference half and money in half and grain cleaned him out clean him out does that paint a vivid picture sure does to me now he owned his wife did you know that we're purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ that's second that's Peters First Epistle hammer said she was his property he clothed her and took her home sog is gonna do for us he purchased us were his and the day is coming when he's gonna take us home we are go Murr we are the slave sold on the auction block of sin the world bids for us promises of Fame wealth prestige influence power that's the world's currency yet we too have been redeemed and purchased despite our despicable character with the blood of the Messiah himself Wow the real mystery is why and the answer is in Ephesians 2:7 that in ages yet to come God can manifest his riches in Christ in us you know you hear a lot about dedication commitment turning your life over to the Lord right I came across this and I couldn't resist including in see first of all that all comes later that all comes later first you must be come as a sinner in desperate need of redemption that's step one that's step one until then it's like going to a graveyard MAGIX have gone to a graveyard in proclaiming listen everyone let's all start doing better let's all start committing our lives to the Lord but everybody you're talking to is dead gonna get anything happening no they're dead right until we come to God for Salvage you and I are dead in trespasses and sins the scripture tells us we have no life to commit onto him until the sin question is settled until we are born again and have a new nature we can do nothing but it's pleasing to God that's the freedom that comes for it being born again that's the Liberty we have in Christ see he pressed purchased us he has clothed us with his garments not our own filthy rags so getting to verse 3 of the Hosea 3 and the senator thou shalt abide for me many days thou shalt not play the harlot thou shall not be for another man so will I also be for thee see they're committed to each other if a so called church has a man in the pulpit that denies the Word of God denies the deity of Christ and denies that he died for sinners it's not a church as a brothel it's not Church as a brothel I didn't say that God said that in those ao3 that's what God says right here thou shalt not play the harlot now get to verse 4 and 5 which explains all this for the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king without a prince without a sacrifice without an image without an ephod and without a care of him what's been going on for last 1,900 years that many days without a king notice by the way it doesn't have a specific number all through the scripture it's 430 years here or 70 years there it's always specified except this time it's not because it's open-ended for the church this is unusual Israel throw three times if they would put out of their land and later returned they abide many days without a king without a prince without a king because the king of kings is presently on his Father's throne he's under on this throne yet Jose's gonna have a lot more to say about this later without a prince the machinery that was cut out cut off but not for himself in Daniel 9 that's what he's talking about here without a sacrifice whether image you know the word there without image is actually a monument a personal memorial an altar if you will but that's about and just there's no temple there's no temple in 70 AD on so 70 AD the temple is destroyed in 90 AD they all the rabbits get together they redefine Judaism as a works deal without an ephod without a tariff in in other words without a priesthood that's true today there's a priesthood in Israel there's a high priest there's no proper yom kippur the ordinance followed and without a tear of him that's a false idol but also as a token associated with inheritance each of the two previous instances they were told how long it would be except this last time the first time was in Egypt it was to be 430 years and that was fulfilled the second time was babbling it was precisely 70 years this third time is speaking of them to the Northern Kingdom which never actually turned to the land that's part of the reason how long as many days there's all kinds of people all kinds of theories I get a manuscript about one a week you and I are a hiatus and interval between the 6th and 7th week at Daniel that's all explained as you study Daniel 9:26 and its context the real action is going to resume shortly when the church is removed from this earth according to Paul in Romans 11:25 is was blinded until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in then the clock starts ticking again it's important to understand that the reason that the days are detailed here Jose is that the scripture is I didn't script - the church is nameless and dateless we are heavenly people having no name but his that's forthcoming won't be explained until Ephesians 3 without a sacrifice so the temple is rebuilt yet the prince that shall come shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease Daniel 9:27 without image there has been a concerted effort since babbling to shun idolatry at least in its traditional forms in Israel they're guilty of a lot of things but the traditional idolatry is gone and without any food yes there's no priesthood even today okay last verse afterward shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God and David their King and shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days Ezra will also recognize the authority of the Davidic monarchy a democracy a monarchy which it rejected at the time of jeroboam the first in the latter days notice there's no date setting here open-ended national repentance and restoration it strains so many scholars so-called reform scholars still deny that there'll be a we gathering in Israel their national repentance of Israel in the last days is yet to come they argue that Israel's failure when they rejected Christ caused a forfeit and a fulfillment will be in the church that's heresy the promise of Israel's we gathering restoration is made clear in the New Testament in all kinds of verses you can check them out of your notes and are replaced in the New Testament following the rejection of Christ in the opening verses of Romans 11 it is clearly not true that God is utterly cast off his people that's what Romans 11 the whole chapter is Deltan devoted to Paul highlights this interval of focus and opportunity for the Gentiles and then Paul goes on to restate and further define the Old Testament prophecies of a time of future blessing useless to Israel in Romans 11 so it's all about they still have not returned to the Lord and they are still in peril of losing Jerusalem and so there haven't gotten Jerusalem secured yet but they will return and they will seek the Lord their God and David their King David their King this comes as a surprise to many scholars God keeps his promise to Abraham to Moses to David to Mary and to you and me he keeps his promises his David going to be resurrected is Ezekiel 34 I will set up one Shepherd over them and he will feed them even my servant David he shall feed them he shall be their Shepherd I the Lord will be their God my servant David Prince among many scholars for what really means the son of David Jesus Christ I don't know Jeremiah 39 they will serve the Lord their God and David their King whom I will raise up unto them four times it promises David emselves gonna rule them on him obviously under Jesus Christ anyway our standard should follow after Hosea's remember is not we who sought him it was he who sought us and joined us to himself he brought us to the Father and vowed in effect how Jesus take the center to be my wedded wife and I do promise and covenant before God and these witnesses to be thy loving and faithful Savior and bridegroom in plenty and want in joy and sorrow in sickness and in health for life and for eternity that's a paraphrase obviously but gets a key idea across we looked into his face and said after him and in effect I seen her take thee Jesus to be my savior my lord I do promise and covenant before God these witnesses to be thy loving and faithful bride in plenty inand want and joy and in sorrow in sickness and health for this life and for eternity so we took his name he became and we became his now we must be careful to keep his name unspotted before the world next session we chapters 4 through 13 the next the guts of the whole book review your notes and references and the predicaments facing the nations that kannur than Kingdom after that Selim and and it try to as you go forward understand what way was at the best of times and also the worst of times for the Northern Kingdom study for next time chapters 4 and 5 for next time let stand for a closing word of Prayer now let's do borrow hearts father we just thank you for who you are we thank you for this time we thank you for this example we grieve at the predicament of America we acknowledge that we're part of that predicament we pray father through your Holy Spirit and through your word that we might grow and grace the knowledge of our Redeemer our Savior our coming king that we might be more effective stewards of the opportunities in front of us that we might be more effective as your witnesses as we commit ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our coming King our Lord and Savior in whose name we do pray amen [Music] you
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Keywords: the, acts, of, holy, spirit, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: Nxi6asHzK1k
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Length: 69min 26sec (4166 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2016
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