Chrollo is Silva's son?! Discussing the Theory that Chrollo has Multiple Personalities!

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the leader of the Phantom troop crolo Lucifer is popular due to his strength and good looks we're sure many fans are looking forward to seeing how he will perform in the Dark Continent Arc along with the other members of the Phantom Troupe he grew even more attractive as a character through his intense battle with hisoka in the heavens Arena showcasing his high level of strength and depth of ability hello this is the hunter hunter Institute in this video we will be discussing the character chrolo Lucifer we will be talking about two theories the first is that he has multiple personalities and the second is about how he may actually be a member of the zoldik family please enjoy this video Until the End by the way did you notice that crolo in his fight with isilka looked similar to hiroyuki nishimura the founder of the famous Japanese text board if you think the battle against krollo was a joint fight between crolo and hiroyuki give this video a thumb thumbs up if that wasn't clear to you and think that's just our opinion or you'd like to see more data on this please share your theories and thoughts in the comments section 1. chrolo Lucifer chrollo has a cross tattoo on his forehead stylish earrings and a coat with an inverted cross engraved on it giving off a sense of Holiness that is not typical of a young man his tone is cold and brutal and his cold-blooded comments and intimidating attitude are conspicuous given that he is the leader of a group of Thieves however he is also known for being calm and charismatic with strong leadership skills he is also loyal to his comrades and has shown that he is willing to sacrifice his own life for the benefit of the truth as well as take action to mourn the deaths of its members about five years ago he attacked the curta clan which krapika belongs to which caused krapika's strong hatred for him and put them at odds in a later confrontation with the Phantom true crolo found kropika's ability so powerful that he saw him as a worthy member of the true despite being enemies 2. Nan ability crolo is a specialist nen user with an ability called skill Hunter as the name suggests skill Hunter allows him to steal and use the net abilities of others there are four conditions that must be met in order for crolo to steal an ability he must witness the net ability in action with his own eyes he must ask questions about the ability to which the victim answers his victim's Palm must touch the handprint on the cover of his book Bandit's secret and all of the above must be completed within one hour if all four of these conditions are met crolo can steal and freely use the target's ability if the original owner of the stolen nen ability dies the ability will disappear from the Bandit's secret and will not be able to be used anymore crolo's second net ability is called double face the ability was added to skill Hunter as a result of crolo stealing an ability that required two hands to use and needing to adjust his own nen ability for by inserting a bookmark into the page of the Bandit's secret book corresponding to the desired nenability crolo can use that ability even with the book closed and without having to hold the book it is also possible for him to simultaneously use an ability that is stored on the page the book is open at and an ability on the page that is bookmarked this ability can be seen as a way to compensate for the limitation of skill Hunter which requires the book to be open according to crolo this has led to an increase in Troublesome restrictions but these restrictions have not been revealed at this time 3. multiple personality theory a theory has emerged that crolo may actually have multiple personalities so let's get into it crolo's appearance and personality changes depending on the scene he appears in and it makes him feel like a completely different character when he was working as a bandit in the York New City Arc his expression hardly changed and he even gave off a sense of intimidation when Corolla was kidnapped and held hostage by kropika he remained very calm and even provoke krupika by saying I have nothing to say to you on the other hand when he came into contact with neon using his incredibly fast hand knife he turned into a very sociable and emotional character it is hard to believe that the same person who cried when neon predicted that uvogan was gonna die makes light-hearted jokes to become closer with his enemies and who provoke kropika when he was kidnapped is all the same person there is a possibility that Corolla was just putting up an act to steal noun's net ability but if that was the goal there would be no need to cry and there should have been plenty of other ways to steal her ability without taking her captive carollo becomes serious again when gon asks him how can you kill people similarly to how he acted when provoking krapika crolo responds with the confusing statement as if he does not understand who he is himself saying I don't really like verbalizing my motives but perhaps or should I say more likely that the key to understanding who I am lies there when fighting hisoka and the heavens Arena he remained calm but often smiled during combat giving off a softer impression than his cool and composed characteristics he had during the York New City Art after his conversation with hisoka krolow says people are really interesting and speaks as if he himself is not a normal human being in the scene where he is explaining the rules of the Phantom troop during its formation Machi one of the initial members of The Troop asks is this really crolo with a confused look on her face would there normally be a situation where a founding member of the Phantom troop would doubt if that was really crolo it is likely that at this time corolla's personality and appearance were so different that Machi naturally doubted whether she was really speaking to the crollo that she knows additionally crolo's nen type is specialization the condition for being able to wield specialization then includes either having a special ancestry or upbringing multiple personalities can certainly be considered a special characteristic including the examples we have mentioned already there are many aspects in the story that suggest crollo may have multiple personalities so why did Chrono develop multiple personalities there are many possibilities that we can consider but in this video we would like to discuss the possibility that Corolla was abandoned by his family in meteor City and developed multiple personalities as a way to seal off his past memories and protect himself possibly due to the trauma of this experience in a scene from a videotape that appeared in crolo's recollection there is a line where he says at first I just wanted it it is likely that what he wanted was not an object but rather his family and that the Phantom troop was formed because he was seeking familial love from the statement crolo loves what he steals for a while and then sells it off it seems that the act of stealing itself is his objective rather than the item that is stolen additionally he targets items that are incredibly difficult to obtain such as a Scarlet eyes and The Treasure of Greed Island it can also be said that he strengthens his trust in unity with the members of the Phantom Troupe by accomplishing goals together from carollo's words even if the leader dies someone will take over sometimes the feet are more important than the head it is clear that crolo values the survival of the Phantom troop very highly it is possible that crolo who was abandoned by his family and lost his memories for some unknown reason created the Phantom troop to serve as a family to compensate for what he lost not knowing where to go home 4. the theory that crolo is from the zodic family it is also possible that crolo's original family was the zodic family here are the reasons why we think this might be the case the first reason is his appearance and nen type there is a pattern in the hair color and then type within the zoldik family the silver-haired Zeno Silva and kilua have the nen type of emission while the black-haired Kikyo ilumi miluki and kaluto have the nen type of manipulation if we assume that Colo is from the zodik family it can be thought that he inherited his black hair from Kiko however although crolo is a specialist it is said that manipulation and conjuration nen users have the highest possibility of changing to specialization type later in life in other words it is possible that crolo was originally a manipulator and after developing multiple personalities and experiencing a harsh life in meteor City his net type changed to specialization kaluto's recent movements could also be seen as a point that connects crolo and the zodic family kaluto the fifth son of Silva zoldig joined the Phantom Troupe in order to get his older brother back his older brothers include ilumi miluki kilua and aluka normally one of these four siblings would be considered to be the brother that kalito is referring to right however if we look at kaluto's actions carefully we can see that there is a possibility that he is referring to crolo as his older brother for example in the chimer antarct kaluto becomes frustrated over his own naivety and lack of awareness after failing to keep up with the fast-paced battle between Chimera and Squadron leader zazan and Troop member feitan saying I thought I could easily become number two why would he want to be number two his statement could be taken literally meaning I won't be able to be number one but I should be able to handle being number two but it could also be interpreted that his ultimate goal is to become number two maybe kaluto believes that the person who is number two in the Phantom Troupe is the one who can get closest to the person who is number one which is crolo Silva's actions also suggest a connection between the zoldik family and crolo when kilua ran away from his family when gon and his friends came to retrieve him Silva predicted that kilua would eventually return to the zodik family and added he's my son after all this seems to suggest that kilua is destined to return to the family assassination business however if we look at it from a different angle couldn't it also be interpreted as there is someone else who is not my child and that person has not returned Silva also advises kilua not to get involved with the Phantom Troupe this could simply be Silva warning kilua of how dangerous the troop is but if crolo is a member of the zodik family it is also possible that Silva is concerned that kilua might break the zoldik family's Only Rule don't kill family members if he gets involved with the troop Silva also fought crolo three years ago reflecting on this fight Silva muttered it was a job that wasn't worth it at first glance this could be interpreted as meaning that the troop was tougher than the reward Justified however if Silva knew at the time that Corolla was a member of the zoldic family it wouldn't be surprising if he felt that it wasn't worth it to have to fight a family member on the other hand Silva accepted a request from the ten Dawns and fought crolo again alongside Zeno this seems to contradict the don't kill family members rule but did Silva really intend to kill crolo during this fight it seems odd that Silva and Zeno who are both professional assassins couldn't take down crolo even though they were working together in addition this fight ended with Silva and Zeno backing down because they lost their client the 10 Dawns after a Lumi assassinated them for crolo's request but did Silva know that illumi had accepted an assassination request from crolo given that kaluto and Maha also participated in the assassination of the ten Dawns it seems natural to assume that Silva and Zeno were aware of the request if they knew that illumi was going to take care of the 10 Dawns wouldn't it be possible for them to buy some time to avoid killing crolo until illumi completed his mission based on all of this while Lim may be a stretch it is possible to consider the theory that crolo is a member of the zoldic family if we compare this with the previously mentioned theory of crolo having multiple personalities it is possible that the child from meteors City who we are assuming is crolo became a member of the zoldik family with Kikyo but was abandoned in meteor City for some reason sealed off his past memories and formed multiple personalities to protect his own mind when Silva faced carollo in the Phantom troop assassination request three years ago he realized that crolo was his son and tried to bring him back to the family but upon learning that crolo had lost his memories he wished for krollo's happiness with his new family the Phantom true and watched over him from afar what do you think about this Theory let us know in the comments we'll continue to post videos to show how great hunter hunter is so don't forget to subscribe to our Channel that's all for today see you all again in the next video
Channel: HUNTER HUNTER Institute
Views: 12,035
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Keywords: hunterhunter, HunterHunterInstitute, H×H
Id: 0VqacX32TpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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