Biscuit is leaving the Succession Battle for the Throne! | Biscuit Krueger Character Analysis!

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hello everyone and welcome back to Hunter Hunter Institute the best place for Hunter Hunter Fans to discuss everything related to our favorite series our main highlight for today biscuit Krueger she looks cute and speaks in a cute manner in the Japanese version she ends her sentences with Wasa but don't let that fool you she's actually 57 years old don't let her hear that or you might be at the receiving end of her punch just like what happened to kilowatt don't you think that she was very impressive in her fight with Barra genthers comrade and Greed Island beating him with that one punch in this video Let's Have a fun discussion about Biscuit's achievements and her Nan abilities more than that let's add some interesting topics to discuss together with our fellow fans one have you wondered why biscuit didn't join gone and the others in their fight with the Chimera ants despite being there let's speculate that too another theory that might spike your interest the theory that biscuit will die in the Dark Continent Arc what do you think about that let's discuss that too with all these interesting topics at our fingers let's enjoy the video together till the end among all the female characters in the series that have unique appearances don't you think biscuit is quite cute if you agree with how cute she is send biscuit some love by hitting that thumbs up button and if you don't want biscuit to die anytime soon in the series send your message of support in the comments section and with that let's start 1. biscuit Krueger the first time you get to see biscuit was when she appeared in the Greed Island Arc she was one of the participants who were trying to be selected to play Greed Island she has the appearance of a pretty girl and his a cute character but as we all get to know her later on in the series her cute form is just a temporary form in her true form she is large and very muscular probably much more muscular than most of the real male characters in the series and who would have guessed that a real age is 57 years old were you as shocked as gone in Kilauea at that Revelation biscuit is not just your ordinary Hunter she's actually a powerful double star Stone Hunter if that hasn't impressed you yet she's also a direct disciple of the late chairman nataro so she's also a shing in Ryu Master biscuit is also Wings teacher so this makes her the teacher of kilowatt and gone's teacher biscuit is very passionate about Jules which is probably the reason she became a powerful Stone Hunter there is no doubt that she's the type of character who follows what her true desires are her interest for shiny things doesn't end with just the jewels when she sees a talented person she Compares it with a raw gemstone things that get shiny after getting polished she feels Joy when she herself makes someone stronger which makes them shinier two nen abilities biscuit herself said that she is a transmuter based on hisoka's own personality analysis which he bases on the person's Aura a transmuter is both capricious and a liar if we apply this on biscuit don't you think this personality fits her well Biscuit's transmutation nen ability is what she calls magical esthetician she conjures an esthetician called cookie Chan using nen she creates a special lotion that she can use for different forms of massage her massages have a wide variety of beauty related effects to name a few her massage techniques can melt the fat away improve blood circulation make the recipient feel refreshed and the list goes on while biscuit proudly explained the greatness of this ability kilowa commented how useless to which of course biscuit retaliated by yelling back at him she has another net ability called the piano massage while this technique is not suitable for combat it's another one of Biscuit's special massages with just a short amount of sleep this ability helps recover the recipient's physical strength what do you agree with biscuit that it's quite a powerful technique in terms of support or do you agree with kilua who thinks there's not any use for it while biscuit is a transmuter we haven't seen her use her special nun abilities in an actual battle with her well-trained body many years of experience including her training to use weapons and battles biscuit is a very talented fighter in close combat considering all this her fighting style is very similar to an enhancer since there hasn't been any scenes with her using her real strength in a serious battle there's a great chance that biscuit has a powerful ability that we just haven't seen three strengths as we haven't seen biscuit fight in a serious battle don't you get the impression that her strength is bottomless when chairman nataro fought with the Chimera ants he judged his own abilities as not even half of his real power considering that biscuit is a direct student of nataro there is a huge possibility that she might be even stronger than the chairman himself while it has not been clarified all the details of Biscuit's abilities let's look at how well she performed in her past battles although we get to see her with gone and kilua at the same time they started Greed Island the first time we actually see biscuit fighting was when she fought Benoit his ability cut his Target's hair using his Scissors by eating the hair he's able to gain his Target's information upon getting some of Biscuit's hair in his hands and eating it he was surprised and recognized that she underwent training that pushed her abilities to extreme limits results of the match biscuit completely defeated Benoit in mere seconds gotta applaud Benoit for Having the courage to challenge her for a duel despite knowing her actual strength it was a quick battle but it gave us a glimpse of where Biscuit's abilities might have come from seems like her strength is a result of undergoing strenuous training what kind exactly we are yet to find out the second time we see biscuit in a battle was when she gone and kilowa fought bombers group biscuit had a one-on-one combat with Barra she was initially fighting in her cute petite form but then Bara wasn't affected that much by her attacks he set her attacks were weak biscuit told him that it was something that would serve as a memory for him and then she proceeded to fight seriously to borrow a surprise or should we say horror the cute biscuit revealed her real form and punches him to the ground that one punch concluded their match when Barra asked her why she would hide her real abilities biscuit replied you should always hide your Trump cards based on her skills and the titles she has it seems like biscuit still has many Secrets up her sleeve wouldn't you agree that her other hidden Trump cards are her combat oriented nen abilities 4. reason biscuit didn't join the battle with the Chimera ants after the Greed Island Arc we get into to the interesting Arc of the Chimera ants during the battle with the ants we get to see an amazing scene with chairman Notaro and Zeno zoldick fighting together against maroum biscuit assisted gone and the others as a support but she did not engage in any of the combat have you wondered why she didn't participate in such a crucial time the boys could have surely used some help let's speculate here are the reasons reason one her philosophy is a hunter and her personality depending on the type of Hunter one chooses the activities of each Hunter vary from each other biscuit chose to become a stone Hunter there's a possibility that she was prioritizing her curiosity and hobbies her main reason for participating in Greed Island was to look for gems Biscuit's way of life is basically doing what she wants to do based on her interests reason 2 she has the tendency to talk about money like focusing on calculating profits and losses with this considered there's no actual benefit for biscuit to participate in the battle with the Chimera ants despite her interests she was worried enough about gone and kilowatt to offer them her help as a support they are her students in Precious gemstones after all we can say this is Biscuit's form of kindness and service Reason 3 the hunter association's decision and chairman notaro's participation after being requested to finish the Chimera ants the hunter Association selected some of the best hunters to form a team to clean up the mess that was the Chimera ants chairman Notaro himself was selected to be a part of this if it was an official request from the hunter Association or from chairman Notaro for biscuit to participate fighting the Chimera ants then there's no way that biscuit wouldn't enter the war herself on the other hand if biscuit didn't receive any sort of formal request it's easy to see why biscuit did not take any action actively participating in the actual battles against the Chimera ants she was against what the hunter Association wanted and even voiced her objections regarding the Judgment of her teacher nataro considering this there's no reason for biscuit to throw herself into battle to summarize Biscuit's reasons for not participating in the fight against the Chimera ants biscuit is the type of person who doesn't like getting involved in Troublesome matters and since there was no official request for her to join she let the chosen members and chairman Notaro handle the ants what do you think about this let us know in the comments if you agree with these reasons we'd love to hear what our fellow fans think 5. theory about Biscuit's death while biscuit played an active role during the Greed Island Arc we don't see her as much after that later on in the series we finally get to see her again during the Dark Continent Arc thanks to kilua recommending her to karapika as a support biscuit finally got more scenes during the succession War she played an active role as one of the main characters of the series what do you think will happen to biscuit in the future chapters of the series let's try to predict that here first let's check the current situation of biscuit in the Dark Continent Arc after receiving a call from kilowa she boarded the black whale and began fulfilling her role as a support to karapika she became involved in the succession War of the caican Empire biscuit was selected as the private guard of the 13th Prince Miriam the captain of the guards of Prince Miriam virgay didn't trust her at first and she was skeptical of the hunter Association after revealing her true form biscuit finally gained his trust not to mention his admiration as of the currently released chapters biscuit has been giving lectures about nen abilities to the other Personnel while there are many predictions and speculations in the fandom about what the future has for biscuit there is one about biscuit dying are you ready to explore this Theory considering her qualities of being direct calculative making good decisions instantly and calmly it's kind of difficult to imagine that a person like biscuit would die easily biscuit is an excellent Hunter and plays a major role as a leader in the series it's also important to note that she's an indispensable teacher figure to our two main characters gone who can no longer use his net abilities and kilua who is currently on a journey with Alika there are some concerns that makes this theory about biscuit dying possible one Togashi sensei's whim one of the main characters during the Chimera and Arc kaito is now out of action and let's not forget what happened after the fight between hisoka and crolo in volume 34. hisoka was defeated as a result regardless of how he's one of the more popular members of the troop and has appeared in many scenes throughout the series Shawn Ark was killed in an instant other characters might end up with the same fate it's not difficult to imagine biscuits suddenly dying just because Togashi Sensei wanted to we have no idea what exactly he's thinking so Biscuit's life as well as the other characters can go south quickly too her strategy during the fight with Barra we saw biscuit receiving a counter-attack from Barra despite how his abilities are lower compared to her she let Bara hit her as a sort of parting memory since she is very aware of Her Own Strength letting her enemy throw a hit at her and make them think that they are stronger than her might just be part of her fighting routine depending on the nen ability there's a small number of cases where one shot can be fatal considering that biscuit is experienced and skilled enough to judge the situation accurately the possibility of her making the mistake of having a fatal shot hit her is low in the Dark Continent Arc one of the main points of the plot is the sudden manifestation of the nen ability with such Nan abilities it might be a situation that would require the people involved to be careful of the enemies even even if they think they might be weak and inferior this is just my personal prediction but I think that there's a high possibility that biscuit will be in trouble in the future chapters to come I don't really think she would die but there are high chances of her withdrawing from the front lines how about you fellow fans let us know in the comments how was our discussion for today don't you think that biscuit plays an important role in the story of the Dark Continent we get to see her in different scenes the scene where she was being shy after karapika tried to flatter her another one where she was complaining but still kept a watchful eye to protect hanzo's body upon his request her scene showed us more of her cute sides I think I've fallen in love with biscuit more than ever in the Dark Continent Arc we saw her a lot cuter than ever I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to see biscuit die anytime soon in this Arc I want biscuit to survive I want to see her training kilowatt and gone again if you're thinking this then you're definitely part of the hunter hunter Institute we hope you enjoyed the video thank you for joining us as we share to the world the wonders of Hunter Hunter through our Channel if you want to join our future Ventures with more Hunter Hunter video make sure to hit that subscribe button let's meet again in the next video see you fellow Hunter Fans
Channel: HUNTER HUNTER Institute
Views: 5,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunterhunter, HunterHunterInstitute, H×H, gon, killua, hunter x hunter, Biscuit Kreuger, Nen abilities, Togashi-sensei, Chimera Ants
Id: S7vhhCkCv1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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