The Three Little Pigs - as read by Christopher Walken

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Christopher Walken is here tonight to fulfill and ambition it's apparently long-winded dream of use to come on national TV and entertain children ladies and gentlemen here he is mr. Christopher Walken [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello children are you sitting comfortably can I'll begin once upon a time there were three little pigs and they each decided to build himself a house now the first little piggy was a very lazy little piggy and he built this house from straw the second little piggy was not too bright either and he built his house from twigs but the third little piggy was smart he was not Donsky the Lucas house from bricks smart piggy oink oink anyway in the same village there was a wolf this big wolf bad wolf bad wolf the picture of his wolf he loved pork pork sandwiches pork pies pork scratchings bacon buddies without pig in it he loved it now bull feces the three little houses with the three little pigs in them and he thinks to himself pork city goes to house number one Wolfie knocks on the door but it's a straw door so how he knocks on it I don't know who wrote this but hey knock knock anyway right who wants to argue his most polite voice Wolfie says little piggy little piggy little piggy let me come in whoa Pig who knows a wolf when he sees one not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin so not a pig as a chin so let me in says the wolf we're all huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down no says the pig no no the wolfy is a wolf of his word so we have cynic puffs and it blows that house a way exit Pig one pig toe same story I'll huff and I'll puff I'll blow your house down arrivederci Porco numeral good Buon Giorno salami like this wolf he's not freezing his ass off hunting snow bunny Alaska he just goes to pigs houses and blows on them so Wolfie stands outside the house of piggy number three and they assume their battle positions let me Annie no I'll huff and I'll puff go away okay you asked for it piggy Wolfie is huffing Huff huff and Wolfie is puffing puff puff booth bada-boom nothing this is a brick house they do not blow over so easy so Wolfie gets himself a ladder climbs up onto the roof piggy sees him climb onto the roof Wolfie makes for the chimney piggy lights a fire in the grate Wolfie goes down a chimney he burns Wolfie burns Wolfie burns and piggy lives that's it what can I tell you next week Hansel and Gramps all it took I would say conservatively eight or nine takes because every time he bit the fur there was always fur left in his mouth and we couldn't not laugh I tried hard not to laugh I tried hard nah
Channel: TheRadioAteMyTV
Views: 3,789,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12, 26, 10, Heather, Hall, Birthday, little, pigs, HD
Id: H4IrfObVzJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2011
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