Gary Oldman Does Spot-On Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken Impressions

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-I was reading a lot about you, and I want to talk about this movie, "Darkest Hour." It´s just phenomenal how you transform into Winston Churchill. I mean, it´s -- I just can´t believe it. I mean just the way you´re hunched over -- I just -- Anyway. We´ll get into that. I read somewhere that you do impressions, too, as well, of other actors. -[ Laughs ] -Is that true? -Yeah, but I -- they don´t hang in the hall of fame as great impressions. I just do them to amuse myself, so -- -That´s what I do every night. -Yes. I don´t need an audience. [ Laughter ] -Like, who do you do? -Well, you know, I´ll see something. I´ll be driving in the car, and I´ll see Home Depot, and then suddenly, I´m like -- like Bob, you know -- -Robert De Niro. -[ As De Niro ] Yeah. [ Laughter ] I got to -- I got to get some screws. [ Laughter and applause ] [ Normal voice ] Or my -- my son, Gulliver, he´s 20, and he´s a lovely kid, but he just finds it very difficult to get up. -Yeah. -So he always says to me, "I really need to be somewhere tomorrow. Will you -- Please, would you give me a call?" And I´ll go in and wake him up as, you know, Al Pacino or Chris Walken. You know, and I say -- [ As Walken ] "Uh, uh, uh, Gully! Come on. Y-Y-You got to get up. It´s crazy." [ Laughter ] -Come on! That is hall of fame material! That´s what I wanted! [ Cheers and applause ] I love you, man. Let´s talk about "Darkest Hour." -Yeah. -Because man, oh, man. Did you think, like, when they offered you this role -- Winston Churchill, I mean... -Yeah. -...did you go like, "Oh, I can´t do that"? -Yeah, no I do that with every part. -You do? -Yeah. -Really? -Yeah. -Do you over-think it? -Yeah, I think, "Well, I wouldn´t cast me. Why don´t they get someone else?" -Is that right? -Yeah. It´s part of how I have to -- I think, now, over so many years -- and I do it almost every time that I think it must be part of the process -- that I need to come from a place of self-loathing or something, you know? -Yeah. -Yeah. -Maybe that is something, yeah. -Yeah, something crazy about it. But Churchill, obviously, you know, this iconic figure, you´re being asked to play who -- arguably the greatest Briton who ever lived... -Yeah, I agree. know, to some. -I see you, and I don´t even remotely see Winston Churchill, like, just right now. -Yeah, yeah. -I mean, I see a studly man on the cover of magazines and a movie star. and a man... [ Cheers and applause ] -I like being called studly. -Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Take a look at this. Look at this. [ Audience oohs ] Is that insane? That´s Gary Oldman. Isn´t that unbelievable? What a great job they did, makeup. Here´s the one thing. First of all, just to act in general is hard. Trust me, I´ve tried. And, uh -- We´ll talk about those movies later. But then how long would does it take to get those prosthetics on? -It takes -- it´s 3 hours 15 minutes for the face and the wig, and then with the padding and the suit and everything, it was just a little under four hours. -Yeah, and then you have to go to work. -And then you do a 12-hour day, and then after the -- and then it´s an hour to take it off. I mean -- -And it was a phenomenal job. Who did that? -We went to -- We found the guy -- It wasn´t completely contingent on getting Kazuhiro, but I did say there was only one man in the world that could do this, and it´s a guy called Kazuhiro Tsuji, and he´s a Japanese artist. And he retired from the movie business because actors wouldn´t sit still in the chair. -Yeah, I would get too fidgety. "Let´s go. I gotta do my scene and get out." -And you´ve got to -- So anyway, he was local, and I said, "Please, please, please do this." And I guess he´s going to go back to being a fine artist now. -But I mean, even like the -- the -- the neck fat. -No, the neck -- -I mean -- You know? Right? I mean, I watch for it, because if I see a bad wig or something, I´m out of the movie. I´m like, "Ah, I don´t buy it." -But even like the pores in the skin and the thing. -The close-ups. -I mean, people would come to me on the set and, like, stand an inch from me, and they would -- they would marvel at -- They couldn´t work out where, you know, it started and I began. [ Laughter ] -But then you´d become his mannerisms and just walking and walking with your hands behind your back, which only old people do, I think. No one does that anymore. No one walks with their hands behind their back anymore. They should bring that back. But you -- you do that. -"Bring it back." -Yeah, and there´s humor in it, as well, and a lot of things I didn´t even know. But you smoked all these cigars. I´m like -- I know it seems, like, silly, but if I smoked that many cigars, even as a joke, I would throw up. -No, I had -- [ Laughter ] I had nicotine poisoning. I got through $30,000 worth of cigars. [ Audience oohs ] -They´re real cigars, right? -Yeah, they were the real Churchill cigars, and we had a break over Christmas. And people went to decorate their Christmas trees and do all of that, and I went and had a colonoscopy. [ Laughter ] -Merry Christmas. [ Laughs ] What do you give the man that has everything? Yeah, exactly, yeah. A colonoscopy. There you go. -Yes. There you go. [ Applause ] Joe Wright is the director. He did a fantastic job. Kristin Scott Thomas. -Yeah. -I´m so happy to see her in the movies again. -Come back from -- -Theater. -Yeah. -Oh, I love her. And it´s set -- Basically, it´s five weeks, right? -Yeah, five very crucial weeks. It´s 1940, set over the summer. The first, really, the 20 days of the premiership of Churchill, and Hitler´s on the move, and Britain want to do a peace deal with Hitler. They want to sort of capitulate and make some kind of, I guess, some kind of living arrangement, you know, that wouldn´t have -- that would definitely not have worked out. -Of course not. -And it was one man, Churchill, who said, "No. We´re not giving up everything we have. We´re going to fight." And, uh, it changed the course of civilization.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 3,102,575
Rating: 4.8793955 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Gary Oldman, Does, Spot-On, Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, Impressions, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, The Dark Knight, Commissioner Gordon, Batman, Leon, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Dracula, The Fifth Element
Id: 7JFEjVf7Nts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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