Christopher Lee talks Special Forces and receives an incredible gift

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Bad ass dude.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Captain_Cameltoe 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2016 🗫︎ replies
in the promotion of the Lord of the Rings fellowship of doing you were interviewed by a colleague in a co-worker of mine a couple of months ago and this is what happens during the interview the batch of the group group Dion and then the old one and the new one because the new one has different name I think yes see it's now the section that's right that's the one and I people so many people have promised me that I will get it for you and I've never had it I will get it for you well I will give you an address to send it to yes hope we must do that after yeah okay what was this wearing the same clothes yes it's a spectacular soul I have only have one suit I think the charges were different but the rest is the same in the face is the same man well you see it goes back a long way going back to the Second World War I was in what they call Special Forces I was in the Air Force and also attached to Special Forces so I have a lot of connections even now with the Special Forces from all over the world and when I go to different countries their commanders are paratroopers and so on I collect this insignia and of course the famous cooked young and it's almost impossible to find because it doesn't exist anymore and I think there's another one it's called yes II or si si SE e yes special in the sense es Castell one that's a new one and I remember I was in Ghent uh-huh and I met some policemen there and they said but you worry we will send it to never go never did never did and then I have a great friend who was Belgian come on Dale Shiva lagoon who was in the commanders in Belgium and he is a collector and he hasn't got it and he has been trying for 10 years to get it and he hasn't got it because I collect insignia from Sephora all over the world you know and terrorists mr. Lee Bart is a man of his word and he has asked me he could not be here tonight be he has asked me to give you these and I hope you will be happy cool is this what you're required don't believe it it's incredible certainly is why I don't know how you got it well it's incredible I think maybe I shouldn't go think he nicked this one off the police when I was wearing it just like a but what will you use with it I will put it on the wall on my collection at home yes definitely I have the German one case canine at the French jjn Shonda Gupta emotional trauma v Nacional and this I've heard of but I've never seen it but in your in your days in second row were you're in active duty oh yes so you actually wore something like that as well no I was attached to three organizations one of which is this tie s o e SMEs re which is Special Operations Executive I was in Yugoslavia the last year of the war with Tito as a British liaison officer I was also attached to the SS British a science and also to a unit called pops keys private army very famous but very strange yes about a hundred people and I was backwards and forwards backwards and forwards between the Air Force and the army and all these groups and even now when I go to certain countries and I meet certain people they say what can you prove that you are you know part of all this and I always carry on me the identification Lee and there it is membership cards of the SAS cff Seeley that's one it's very useful because if I want to go to military headquarters or police headquarters they say who you you're an actor yeah but but why are you here yeah and so on do you have any reason and I say that and and it works all over the world that's nothing and it certainly has yeah it's unbelievable this I mean this is this is the greatest treasure I've ever had it's incredible I'm really grateful I'm gonna tell you how grateful I as small isn't for us now which I know a big effort it must be it must have been
Channel: Eyes On Cinema @RealEOC
Views: 546,996
Rating: 4.9702263 out of 5
Keywords: Special Forces (Literature Subject), Christopher Lee (Film Actor), Horror (Film Genre), Amazing, actor, hammer horror, The Lord Of The Rings (Book), r.i.p., acting, star wars, rare, interview, british, SAS, S.A.S., S.E.I., Popski's Private Army, christopher lee, special, documentary, exclusive, peter jackson, horror, master of macabre, #ChristopherLee, news, the telegraph, classic, theatre, wwII, world war 2, II, Gurkhas, #thankful
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2015
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