3AC Dr. Eric Walsh - Missing the Millennium

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all right good evening everyone we are back uh here tonight to present um praying it all as well with everyone i'm gonna get right into the message tonight there's so much going on in the world but that is going to be covered in a later a later message um so we're going to get right into tonight's message our scripture reading is taken from revelation chapter 20 verses uh one two and three and it says and i saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and satan and bound him a thousand years cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season a message this week is entitled missing the millennium missing the millennium let us pray father god we thank you lord for this opportunity to study your word and your prophecies i ask lord that you make me just a nail upon the wall lord a rusty sorry nail and upon that nail i ask once again that you hang a portrait of jesus christ let eric walsh not be seen or heard instead father let us hear a word from the throne room of grace this is our prayer in jesus precious and holy name amen we're going to get right into some into the scripture here we're going to jump to revelation chapter 16. and what i want to set up for you at the outset of this is what it's just a few of the things that will happen just prior to the second coming of jesus christ our title again tonight is uh missing the millennium we're going to talk about a thousand years and in order to talk about the thousand years you've got to talk about the event that kicks off the thousand years and that is the second coming of our lord revelation 16 and verse 18 and there were voices and thunders and lightnings and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty and earthquake and so great the scripture says that there's going to be this mighty mighty earthquake much of the world i would imagine is going to be destroyed never before has an earthquake like this hit not the lisbon earthquake earthquake uh not um some of those big earthquakes that have hit um california this is going to be a mighty mighty earthquake revelation 16 and verse 21 says and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven every stone about the weight of a talent and men blasphemed god because of the plague of the hail for the plague thereof was exceeding great after this great earthquake hits the earth a plague of hail begins to fall giant balls like uh probably somewhere between the size of of softballs volleyballs or even as big as basketballs weight of a talent begin to drop and i believe that what john the revelator is trying to show us here as he is inspired by the holy spirit is that even as these tragedies happen men do not turn to god and say lord save us they do not turn to god and say have mercy on us instead the bible tells us in revelation 16 and verse 21 they blaspheme god because the plague thereof was great this tells us that these individuals would not choose to repent even if they had the chance this is a statement that probation has closed christ has left the heavenly temple sanctuary and is about to return so revelation 19 says it like this in verse 11 i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes whereas a flame of fire on his head were many crowns and he had the name written that no man knew but he himself so this is a series of names of christ the first one says his name is he's called faithful and true that means that when he said he was coming back he would come back the second name for him here is shown it says that he had a name written that no man knew speaking to the the mag the magnificent um mystery that is god there are aspects of christ because names represent character aspects of christ that we still don't even understand revelation 19 13 says and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god the third name given is the name the word of god it is john john the revelator who writes the gospel of john and starts it off by saying in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us john now says his name is called the word of god christ is god made audible verse 14 the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean the armies of heaven follow him on white horses heaven is emptied out as christ rides a white horse all across the milky way through the celestial beyond and into our solar system revelation 19 and verse 15 says and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god this happens at the second coming that he is given uh the title here that he would rule not the title but but the but the uh prerogative the statement that he would rule with a rod of iron and he would tread the wine press of the fierceness of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god revelation 19 16 as christ breaks the clouds peels back the atmosphere begins to enter the earth one thing john points out to us is that he has a name he has a name on his and vesture his thigh a name written king of kings lord of lords jesus promised that he would return and in the messages that we've been given since the pandemic began one of the highlights in many of them is the prophetic realities of the time in which we live jesus is about to return church the prophecies of matthew 24 and luke 21 the prophecies of daniel in revelation we can see them all being fulfilled and i know there are a lot of folk who don't believe we talked about that in one message they mock and they scoff at the idea that christ is coming soon where is he he's been coming for so long as peter points out in his in one of his letters but as the world continues to see the economic ramifications of a pandemic as we question now whether or not we should take a vaccine that has been brought to market faster than i believe any vaccine in the history of medicine as we look at the global uh um tension uh around politics especially here in the united states and we look at the the collapse of the church in many ways jesus is about to return and written on his thigh your thighs carry your strongest muscles one of your longest and strongest bones written on your thigh the seat of christ's strength is written king of kings and lord of lords if you're wondering about who the president is and what it means let me tell you something don't ever get so sidetracked as to believe that who sits in washington is more important than who sits on the throne in heaven to tell his disciples that he was coming back jesus says in john 14 1-3 let not your heart be troubled i know some of you are troubled you're stressed out there's coronavirus the economics the politics the racial tensions all of the things that have been happening in 2020 jesus is speaking to you when he says let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there ye may be listen he's coming to collect his own he's coming to redeem from off of this earth those that he washed in his own blood cleansed of all iniquity and have now developed the character of christ no matter how crazy 2020 has been as we are just days away from 2021 i want to remind you that christ is still on the throne he is king of kings and lord of lords and he is coming to get you our first point of the message tonight is this jesus will return soon in great glory and yes the millennium begins at this point first thessalonians 4 16-18 begins to describe what it will be like when jesus comes the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words if you've lost a loved one in this year um and you and and you know that they have died in christ you can be comforted in the fact that he that person as well as each of us are destined and um slated to live eternity out with christ jesus the dead in christ will rise first my mother who i lost to cancer my grandmother my aunt eva i i cannot wait to see them again because the dead in christ will rise first we and gravity will lose its power as their bodies are transformed and as they rise out of their graves and as we see them going up as we are joyous and happy to see it our we all of a sudden we will begin to be transformed we'll talk more about that in a minute and gravity will lose its power over us and we will be caught up in john 5 29 on the point that there will be two resurrections says marvel not at this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in their grave shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation there will be two resurrections the voice of christ is heard they will hear two resurrections there shall be a resurrection of the dead of both the just and the unjust that's from the book of acts chapter 24 and verse 15. so a few of the lessons again well jesus is going to return soon number two there's two resurrections and number three the righteous will be in the first resurrection the righteous will be in the first resurrection philippians 3 20 to 21 says for our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the savior the lord jesus christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself our bodies will be changed made glorious first corinthians says it like this 15 51-53 behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead in christ and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on in corruption and this mortal must put on immortality the second coming we're going to be changed our bodies are going to be glorified the righteous are in that first resurrection i'll show you that the wicked are in the second resurrection so our summary again jesus is going to return soon there will be two resurrections the righteous are in the first one and the righteous are taken to heaven at their resurrection with glorified bodies what else happens that when jesus comes well one of them is this one the wicked die isaiah 11 and verse 4 and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked remember what remember what what is coming out of his mouth it is this is out of his mouth is a sword which is the word of god he says that when he comes he will smite the earth when at the sound of his voice the earth is going to convulse folk are going to begin to die second thessalonians 1 and verse 7 says when the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not god and that obey not the gospel of our lord jesus christ the second coming those that have rejected christ are going to die second thessalonians 2 and verse 8 says and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming those that have wanted to live in darkness they've wanted to to hide away uh they want to live in the dark recesses of this earth hiding away from god in their sin when the brightness of the lord hits this earth they're going to be consumed psalm 68 verse 2 summarizes i like this let the wicked perish at the presence of god if you have rejected god and want nothing to do with him when he shows up you're not going to be able to in your sin stand in his presence if you cannot stand in the presence of the source of life life will of course be forfeited it will collapse and at the second coming all those will have died revelation 19 21 and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse which sword proceeded out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh and here it is but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished you get that church so when jesus comes uh there'll be the the first resurrection the righteous are in it they're taken to heaven and the glorious body the wicked are slain and the dead that are wicked will remain in the grave and what happens from there is that there's a thousand years uh that are gonna pass that is the millennium during that time the folk who are going to miss the millennium will be either the wicked who were alive at the second coming or the wicked who are in their graves at the second coming either way they will stay in great they will stay dead for one thousand years they will miss the millennium what will they miss well revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 tells us and i saw thrones and and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and i saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of jesus and for the word of god which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with christ a thousand years so if you miss the millennium you miss being a judge you miss not just living with christ don't miss this you miss reigning with him what does it mean to reign you cannot reign unless you are royalty or a ruler you will be have been adopted don't miss this adopted fully into the family of god so much so that when john writes this in revelation 20 and verse 4 what he says is that you don't just get to live with jesus for that thousand years you reign with him you don't want to miss the millennium church the wicked will be asleep in death the righteous will be able to go through the books and look and judge in fact paul describes the judgment of their the ability of the righteous to judge even further first corinthians 6 verse 2 says do you not do you not know that the saints shall judge the world and if the world shall shall be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters know ye not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life when the books of judgment are opened we will be able to because when you get to heaven there's gonna be three surprises the first surprise will be that you're there you're gonna be shocked wow this is amazing the second surprise will be that folk you thought would be there are not there and the third surprise will be folk you thought would never get there are there here's the beauty you will have the books you can look you'll understand how fear god was all the times that those who are now missing the millennium at the time of this judgment this that the the saved of god will be able to do you will be able to look at all the times in their lives the god touched their hearts had a word spoken to them showed them a sign moved on them to accept him you'll see that they deliberately rejected the lord jesus christ or chose to live a life that was completely ungodly knowing better you will be able to judge you don't want to miss the millennium can you imagine what it would be like to go through some of the great historical figures read the transcript of what happened behind the scenes not just in hit like history can do in the physical realm but can you imagine what it would be like to look at what happened in the spiritual realm the despots and dictators the cruel murderers serial killers you'll be able to see how they can spout demons conspired with them against their fellow men so judgment is given to the righteous the first resurrection marks the beginning of that thousand years revelation 20 in verse 1 says and i saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and satan and bound him a thousand years so the righteous are in heaven and judgment's been given to them the wicked are in their graves asleep so there are no people alive walking the earth what we find is that when this happens satan is bound he is bound because of his circumstances for the previous six thousand years and even beyond when you consider the time he spent tempting the angels and and possibly even the unfallen worlds you can look and see the time that at least for six thousand years he had people to tempt now he has no one to tempt he's bound and he can walk the earth remember in the book of job he says that when when when god says to to to satan when he comes up with the um the sons of god before god and he says where have you been satan says walking to and fro in the earth now there's no one on earth to tempt satan is walking around and he all he can see is the calamity the destruction he can remember the beauty that the earth had when he first visited and tempted adam and eve he can remember what the world was like in its in its heyday and now he sees the bodies of the dead and the destruction of the buildings uh the the dismantling of the forests and he walks and understands that he had the key role in all of this revelation 20 and verse 3 says and cast him into the bottomless pit why is this pit bottomless bottomless because of this nature of the circumstances it is bottomless because during this time there is no end to satan's mind swirling that great mind of his always up to con conniving and and and plotting now nothing to plot or connive here he is walking the earth it's like a constant constant reminder he shut up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more a thousand years then john says in revelation 20 verse three at the last party says till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season during the thousand years he is locked away by chains of circumstances a seal is set on him satan walks the earth bound no one to tempt nowhere to go satan will be bound hussein will behold the results of the rebellion against the law of god his sufferings are intense he is now left to contemplate the part he has acted since he rebelled and to look forward with terror to the dreadful future when he must be punished isaiah says it like this 14 12-17 says how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which that's weakened the nations thou hast said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god he says i will be like the most high satan said listen i'm going to be above god now it's as if the universe looks at him and says how have you fallen so low look at the mess you made you wanted to be above god now look at you isaiah continues and he says yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof that opened not the house of his prisoners is this him who wouldn't even let his captives free if he got someone addicted to drugs he would never lose them if it was up to him every one of us would be dead bound in agonizing our circumstances now here he is locked up oh you don't want to miss the millennium the time when satan gets his jeremiah 4 verse 23 speaking to the condition of the earth jeremiah says i beheld the earth and lo it was without form and void and the heavens and they had no light the earth is so damaged i can imagine the cloud cover from all of what's happened on the earth verse 25 i beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and all the hills moved lightly and i beheld and load there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled jeremiah 4 26 says i beheld and lo the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the lord and by his fierce anger when jesus returns what is left there's so much destruction will happen verse 27 the thus say of the lord for thus hath the lord said the whole land shall be desolate yet will i not make a full end so there's more to come in the story he's not going to make a full end verse 28 for this shall the earth mourn and the heavens above be black because i have spoken it i have purposed it i will not repent neither will i turn back from it one day this earth as we know it will not exist it will cease to exist as christ comes and satan is bound the heavens will be blackened the earth will be desolate so satan has bound for 1 000 years now let me tell you something this doctrine is a hated doctrine the millennium the way the bible teaches it and all of that leads up to it and as we're going to the study going further is a hated doctrine so i got to review something for you you see because there are those who are would try and move the millennium uh out past uh the uh uh out way out into the future it's a principle called futurism i'm going to show you this here now this is important so the way we understand this and the way the bible teaches it is that there's a 490 year prophecy from daniel 9 20 to 27. i won't get into that we don't have time but it goes from the decree to rebuild jerusalem and it lands in 80 27 when jesus is baptized at that time christ is um basically uh he is he is anointed at the baptism by john and john the baptist and he and he's anointed so his ministry begins in full fulfilling the first 69 weeks of the prophecy no one debates this part of it what is messed with is this last week and it is the most important week in my opinion because it is the week in which it tells us that the messiah would be cut off in the middle of the week which is three and a half days into the week which is three and a half years this this perfectly times the crucifixion of christ perfectly down to the time of day i don't have time to get into that now i believe this is how uh as we are in the christmas season now this is how i believe the wise men knew to come to jerusalem they had studied these prophecies because because remember daniel lived in the east in the middle persian empire much of his truths that daniel taught and the three hebrew boys represented would have remained why nebuchadnezzar converted to believing in the one true god and had everyone else um exposed to the one true god so the teachings these some of these writings of daniel and ezekiel and jeremiah may have very well been spread in some of these lands as they were contemporaries of those great kingdoms now this is how we know for surety it anchors in time the first advent of christ most specifically his crucifixion the time at which satan would be locked out of heaven for good of course three and a half days later which is three and a half years in that seventh seventh week stephen is stoned and the gospel then goes to the gentiles so i can put it in an even bigger picture let me show you this in in the context of the 2300 year prophecy and you can see that there's 1810 years between then and 1844 when the investigative judgment begins so there's this long period here and of course when you look here you can see um that uh the the 490-year prophecy is is is a congruent continuous prophecy that ends in 80 34. but there are those who take futurism and they miss the millennium what do they teach well number one they teach the last week of the 490 years prophecy is pushed out number two they preach that the antichrist is a single person who will exist only at the end of time number three they believe that there will be a secret rapture that uh like uh you know people just disappear and i've talked about this before where there was one airlines that that it was rumored today that many of the the christians that worked for the airline said they don't want two christian pastors put in the cockpit at the same time because they'd be secretly raptured away and everybody else would crash the fourth one is that they believe that jesus will rule from the third temple for 1 000 years and forced the world to keep his commandments four diabolical untruths based on what the bible teaches now um i won't be able to get into all of it tonight but but i want to show you this so this is a map from one of the churches that believes this way a futuristic a futurism's a futuristic um perspective that's why you say futurism in that in that in that form but here we go so here the church uh aged to the rapture so they say listen the first 69 weeks lands here and they put a cross there and the cross doesn't happen at the end of the 400 uh uh at the end of the first um 69 weeks and four or 483 years it happens three and a half years later but they put that here then they say the church age so they call all of this the church age and then there's this rapture then there's the tribulation and then there's a thousand year millennium but if you look here what they say is that the last or the 70th week happens at the end of time they literally push it all the way out away now isn't that fascinating that the weak that actually commemorates and shows that christ would be crucified in the middle of the week that anchors all of the old testament prophecies about the first coming of christ as we're in this uh advent season and coming up here in december when the world celebrates what we call christmas isn't it interesting that they throw that week out to the end that just seems odd why would you take the week that week and throw it out and and what happens then during that week they say that week is a week of tribulation fascinating now where does this come from well it comes from um jesuit priests and and one is actually a cardinal a francisco de ribera um of spain 1537 to 1591 taught to in order to counter the protestant reformation he began to teach listen um you can't take the bible uh to say that the antichrist exists now because all of the protestant reform was pointed to the vatican and to the papacy to rome as the antichrist and he they of course this is the society of the jesuits started by loyola um loyola and he and they were looking to defend the papacy and they couldn't figure it out because when you study the bible all right everything pointed to rome and if the so if the prophecy prophecies were being fulfilled in real time as we roll through history then you'd have to point to the pope so they said no no they can't do that we have to throw all of these prophecies way out into the future past uh all of this time in order to protect the vatican and this was a he was a pretty brilliant biblical scholar francisco de ribera and he was able to come up with all kinds of theories the antichrist is one single person who would exist at the end of time he said he's the one who said no that last week must be thrown way out there that the millennium is not going to happen as we teach the millennium as well as adventists teach the millennium instead something totally different would happen of course cardinal robert bellarmine of italy another brilliant scholar and jesuit took it up upon himself and um and and and not only was um uh uh stamped of francisco de rivera's theories he spread them all over and this became official catholic doctrine but the road the goal of the jesuits was not to leave this this this doctrine with the catholic church they wanted to get it into protestant churches because then you could begin to dismantle the very reason or at least one of the major reasons for the protestant reformation if you could decouple the pope from the antichrist well why would you not want to be a catholic again how could we not now through ecumenicalism all joined back together we've got to snap the two apart so at some point we got to do this and of course um they they came up with the scofield bible in the early 1900s it became popular among american protestants um they printed millions of copies of it and and all of a sudden uh it was um futurism was injected into um the darby todd maitland uh major people started to really to push this thing but through the scofield bible jesuit futurism spread successfully all across america the doctrine of of the of an antichrist to come um and all of these different things and of course so how did you really get it out well come the 1970s um a man hal lindsey who who um studied the moody bible institute in the dallas theological seminary wrote a book called the late great planet earth his book the late great planet earth sold over 35 million copies worldwide that is a staggering amount of books and to him antichrist was a superman who would conquer the world just seven years before the end of time so instead now you gotta don't miss this instead of the set the the the last week of the 490 year prophecy the 70 week prophet instead of the last week being the anointing of the messiah through the stoning of stephen with the crucifixion of christ in the middle instead the the these uh these believers in futurism instead what they do is they say that this is the time that the antichrist comes to power at the end of time isn't that crazy the week of christ's ministry is replaced by a week of the antichrist that ought to tell you who the origins of these theories really are the ghost writer was cece carlson she helped him write the book um and of course the masses i mean masses of people began to believe this of course hal lindsey had a problem his prophecies he would prophesy that the world was going to come to end in a few years it didn't come to an end and then he'd go back and revisit it and say oh it didn't come it didn't end here it'll end here and and he just kept bouncing around like that for a long time but his ideas around futurism and the antichrist and the millennium and the secret rapture and all of these things stuck with the popularity of his books and it went to these guys reverend tim lahai and jerry b jenkins who wrote the book the left behind series i should say wrote the series of books um left behind they came out in the 1990s and again sold lots and lots of copies it's important what you read you know you can't just read everything and these books they wrote a thriller an incredible thing a blockbuster success um and it's even to the point where um the new york they made the new york times bestseller list they were on larry king live um and they they were able to do so much with this but it taught all of those same things there's gonna be a secret rapture and if you're not in the secret rapture you're going to be left behind and if you're left behind you get to join i think what is called a tribulation force and during that time you can still be saved even though the saints have been raptured to heaven already crazy and then of course this great tribulation is going to occur that the church is going to miss so they teach that the church is going to miss the time of trouble this is completely against the bible the scripture says all who will live godly in christ jesus will suffer persecution that time of trouble is a sifting time i won't get into that too much except to say that all of these principles come here and become popularized so that most uh uh evangelical christians now that would have once been called protestants don't really even call themselves protestants anymore because they are no longer protesting in fact the pope has called an end to the protestant reformation folk are packing up and flying to israel to see the third temple built we talked about that a few a few weeks back because one of the lies in this whole theory is that jesus is going to come to earth only when the temple is rebuilt in jerusalem and then he's going to sit there and he will rule the world for a thousand years i heard a preacher named tony evans great preacher out of texas once in a sermon i heard him say um that jesus is going to sit in the temple and he's going to rule the world for a thousand years and he's going to force the world to keep the commandments hollywood does it too here's the movie after earth will smith and his son made it didn't get critical acclaim when you look online and look at it but it teaches that for a thou after a thousand years the you know there's there are people who are up man is kind of up in the heavens in a ship safe from a destroyed earth sounds just like the idea of the new jer of of us being in the new jerusalem in the heavens and the earth being destroyed during a thousand years this idea of a post-apocalyptic earth is big in hollywood and with movies like this is the end which is a complete foolish movie i've never seen the movie i've seen a clip of it but it's all mocking it but what they do in mocking a false doctrine it's almost as if they establish it as truth because people think okay they're mocking what christians believe when in fact that's not what the bible teaches movies like oblivion and elysium and in these movies again there's spaceships in outer space where people can live and people on a destroyed earth uh post-apocalyptic making you think that there's life after the apocalypse after after the world ends in fact some of the biggest movies are these two um wally this disney pixar movie where literally there's a ship where all the people are fat and and and messed up and i guess they represent the christians who would have been raptured away and the earth is desolate and all messed up and when they're finally able to find a plant as you can see i'm here with a picture they all go back to earth the biggest of all of them is the avengers infinity war where thanos comes out and thanos is a it's a it seems to be a representation of jehovah because in the beginning of one of the movies he says i am as if he's speaking as if he's jehovah and his whole solution to everything is to snap his fingers make half of everybody disappear and know everything will be better and for the world this is mocking uh the idea of the second coming in fact uh in one of the and one of the post um in one of the um uh post-movie uh clips that they show at the very end uh um the word is slip in my mind um they actually have him uh they actually have um planes and helicopters crashes and cars crash just like they described in the movie left behind this idea of an apocalypse and in a post-apocalyptic world where a force a group of people whether it's will smith and his son or or or or or um or matt damon and elysium or or or or wally or or the avengers are able to to fight and put the world back together that is literally what is being taught the movie the left behind series of movies actually did very good but let me tell you something don't miss the millennium because what they're teaching is not truth here we go number one there is no secret rapture the bible tells us that every eye will behold him when christ comes he will not be taking people away secretly he says as the lightning flashes out of the east even to the west so shall also the coming of the son of man be um there will be no second chances he says he that is just let him be just and he that is filthy let him be filthy you you don't get a second chance when he leaves the most holy place in heaven and begins his journey to earth probation will have been closed when probation closes it closes he says in revelation 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame he says i'm coming as a thief if you're not ready you're going to be naked if you're naked you're not covered in his righteousness you're not going to get another chance he wouldn't give you all these warnings he would be saying listen if you miss me the first time like a bus just get back out to the stop and i'll come back around revelation 20 and verse 7 and when the thousand years are expired satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth gog and magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea i wish i had time to get into gog and magog as a king in the old testament who wanted to gather a bunch of heathen forces together to come against israel um and here as as just as the king of tyre represents satan here satan is repping as represented kind of as the king of king gog john knew the jewish uh readers of his time would understand this that they would they would gather together to come but they would fail just as god failed revelation chapter 20 says and they went up on the breath of the earth and compassed the camp of the saints about and the beloved city and fire came down from god out of heaven and devoured them fire came down from god out of heaven and devoured can you imagine when all the great generals are resurrected they try and dust off the tanks i'd imagine they might even try and get the nuclear warheads and they think that they're going to galvanize like the avengers they're going to galvanize like the tribulation force in that movie they're going to come together and they're going to be able to overcome god and satan is promising them as he promises his followers now that he will rule this earth he will put it all back together but he has no power and as they are there discussing it god is already lining up their fire revelation 20 and verse 10 and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophets are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever let me remind you something church when the devil reminds you of your past i want you to learn to remind him of his future he's got a date with the lake of fire and jesus says that the lake of fire was created for the devil and his angels it was not created for you so remind him of his future claim the blood of jesus i don't care how much you've gone astray i don't care how far from him you've gone claim his blood it says that his vestiture was dipped in blood it's his blood uh it's which is significant of the fact that he's going to wash us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness and we can follow him with us however he goeth by the power of the holy spirit the devil is going to be destroyed but you don't have to be you don't have to miss the millennium malachi 4 says the likeness for behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud yea and all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the lord of hosts that it shall have leave them neither root nor branch i know it says they'll burn forever and ever but it's really they'll burn out completely uh and so they'll burn here it says they'll be burned nothing will be left neither root nor branch verse two but unto you that fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and he shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall they shall tread down the wicked what condition are wicked in for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that i shall do this saith the lord of hosts so they're not going to be burning forever and ever if the wicked burned forever and ever they would have been given immortality and my bible teaches me that the wages of sin is death matthew 25 and verse 41 says it like this then shall he say also unto them that on the left hand depart from ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels the fire is everlasting in its consequences the devil's torment is permanent in its consequences revelation 20 and verse 9 and they went up on the breath of the earth past the camp of the saints about and the beloved city and fire came down from god out of heaven and devoured them the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever there destruction is complete satan is never again able to mess with anyone in fact philippians 2 10 says this that before all before it all ends that at the name of jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father for it is written as i live saith the lord romans 14 11 and 12 says every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to god so that every one of us shall give account of himself to god i believe before it's all over us lucifer the fallen angels even the wicked on earth will all fall on their knees and they will say they will every one of them fall on any and every tongue will confess to god they'll have to give an account of themselves revelation 21 and verse 6 and he said unto me it is done i am alpha and omega the beginning and the end i will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely he that overcometh shall inherit all things and i will be his god and he shall be my son look at verse 8 of revelation 21 it says but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and the murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death the end of that thousand years the earth becomes a giant lake of fire all the wicked are destroyed satan is destroyed his angels are destroyed and look at what the first sin that's mentioned is the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and the murderers and whoremongers the first one is the fearful and the unbelieving righteousness church is by faith don't let the devil trick you into believing that god can't do what he said he can do don't let the devil trick you into thinking that the blood of jesus can't wash away your sin don't let the devil trick you into believing that god is lying when he says that he'll take you and restore you don't be fearful and unbelieving second timothy 1 and verse 7 says for god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind don't be fearful and unbelieving or you will miss the millennium church don't miss it i want to be in heaven with jesus in the new jerusalem walking the streets of gold looking at the books of judgment i want to talk to daniel and abraham i want to meet isaac i want to meet john the revelator and matthew and peter and paul i don't want to know what it was like when when joshua fought the great battle of jericho i want to be able to ask him but most importantly i don't want to miss the millennium because i want to be able to take off my crown and throw it at the feet of jesus i want to be able to grab not just his nail pierced hands but his nail-pierced feet i want to be among the throngs crying worthy worthy is the lamb don't miss the millennium father god we thank you for this opportunity to study your word and i just asked now that you would help each one of us to make our calling and election sure to take our walk with you seriously for father god what is in front of us are terrible days and times lord i pray that not one under the sound of my voice would miss the millennium of each one of us to remember the blood that you shed still washes it still cleanses and that you're the god of not just second chances but you give third fourth fifth sixth tenth twelfth fiftieth hundredth chances i was called to you lord help us to follow you is our prayer in jesus precious and holy name amen hi my name is daryl i hope you enjoy the program today we'd like to offer you a free gift it's a book called path to peace do you have stress in your life do you have guilt in your life do you know someone that does well then why not order this free book path to peace and enjoy it i'm sure you'll be blessed by it thank you you
Channel: Three Angels SDA Church
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Id: j4w3xca40S0
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Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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