Christocentric Meal (August, 18th) | How To Study Your Bible (1)

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[Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Crystal centric view a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus email demeanor is my name and I'm excited to welcome every one of you today to this wonderful time of looking into the perfect law of Liberty you need to invite a friend a family member somebody you know a loved one we're gonna have a wonderful time as we study the Word of God together today I have co-hosting the broadcast with me this morning my wife dr. Richard Almeida honey greetings everybody welcome to today's broadcast amen everybody let's pray together father we rejoice and we thank you for life eternal life real life life that does not ever end life that is incorruptible which lives in us and we rejoice as we study about that life today and the light of the word of God shines in the dark places of our minds bringing clarity your people equipped edified built up and by the end of the broadcast today everyone is better for it in Jesus name Amen amen alright today we are starting a study on how to study your Bible how to study your Bible right that's very very important and fundamental it is not uncommon today to find a Christian going to church without a Bible many treated the way they will visit a fast food joint know each charge is a serious place I never it was first Timothy 3:16 but if I Terry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and ground of the truth the pillar and ground the mainstay of the truth so it is expected for us to know that when you come to church you come with a Bible a preacher once said if many of us apply the same attitude with which we apply to the Bible to a locker we will have been academic morons if we took our books the same way we took the Bible will have ended up failures in school many would have failed every course available because oftentimes the attitude they used to study the Bible is so unserious so uncommitted whenever one cannot handle the Bible well he or she will be a spiritual liability a very big one always a project already reappoint on always have you your counseling never ends never ever learning never able to come you become a spiritual liability someone who either blue Canyon would call a spiritual hitchhiker yes because you will never pay attention to God's Word and apply it real life because some people just think is magic you know just a pastor pray for me I prefer magic room let you happen know is intentional deliberate conscious and all that you are looking for is contained in the owner can tell me whatever the Word of God cannot give you it does not exist and number two you don't need because we taught the word nothing will be so if you cannot pay attention to the Word of God then you have set up yourself to be a big failure of an embarrassment a shame or a disgraced yourself to your own self because God cannot do anything God cannot never do anything outside his world and his world is given to be understood it is given to be read it is read to be understood now the will intend for the written word of God and I said the written word of God is no word of God elsewhere so it means it has to be read and it has to be studied the same way you pay attention to study an academic material very very critical now in the book of second Timothy 3:16 read for us all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness not for keywords teaching reproof correction instruction in righteousness though that a fourteen things that comes out of the story of certain advantages awfully most useful profitable for teaching reproof correction instruction in righteousness it is evident that in the scriptures I am taught I receive evidence concerning my faith I am corrected and instructed in righteousness so the scriptures are more than a mere book in our hands the scriptures are the hallmark benchmark and the foundation upon which we draw our faith we don't draw our feet forming counters with men experience what somebody said how somebody jumped what somebody don't know we draw our faith from the scriptures that is what is written Allah can always see when the scriptures therefore where we draw our faith from and not well interpreted but truth is lost so you do read in things and be acting in a very shameful way which to you is profound but you are out of total reader even out of scripture because the Scriptures are meant to be studied because there are principles that governs how the Scriptures ought to be studied and those principles are part of the things were going to be looking at in the course of God you don't want to miss this Tony for anything not at the song it will help you to come to a place where you can lay a foundation to permanently help yourself not to be a liability in life actually in this age of it's not the way you carry your Bible your phone and you you can't make notes there you cannot note if something I know strikes you there's no place to and if I really study with your phone or your iPad you have to have people Bible and you know all those traditional as it may sound but you need it right now that to do a conference we may sound translation you but all school is safe sometimes as if I remember the Bible is Holy Scriptures the word holy means set apart your food come to your Bible your food can be a Bible there are all kinds of other distractions there are all kinds of well it's it can be holy holy means a document that is set apart but nothing else is inside circlet set apart that is a book on Israel that when you are looking at nothing else is your phone get messages emails coming in telecom destruction yeah and it may get that you absolute attention if serious we're talking about your life here we're talking about your life here you pay serious attention to me in class you don't carry different things to know that is subject no because of cost on the textbook yes the subject matter was a bit more on like because the Word of God is the benchmark for the life it determines they are however you pay attention did we determine how you pay attention to life life so that's very critical and very important especially for those of you that have been treating it with levity this is a wake-up call for you you've got to pay attention to the water all those apps are just helping you along the way right you know it puts music in yeah yeah what Scripture in your ear doesn't that just watch it go what teacher you still have anything to where you're making things right but study you need to have your pen and paper and your book ready to make no call the Holy Bible and in the course of this you see of all of this all this very big for and it fell apart vibrant life-changing babbles praise God and only leaders in the confession today I choose to honor the scriptures and treat the scriptures with reverence I choose to honor the Scriptures and treat the scriptures with reverence I read the scriptures and apply it in my life I read this Jose and apply it to my life praise God let's pray father we pray for B was today than this reality this true to be sharing Grace on it in their understand those of them with like a basical attitude slow Scripture we ask that this rebuke will bring correction amen it will bring clear correction and that your people are instructed right now in righteous men to take heed to pay attention to the written word and to honor your word to honor the scriptures so your people are built up strong and raised up in people that the enemy cannot mess around with and we give you praise we rebuke every contrary thought right now and we declare the clarity of your word - so flow within the thoughts of our people today now your people come to a place of clear persuasion to stick to the integrity of your word and give it all the utmost attention it requires thank you for the blessing in Jesus name Amen praise God Wow I'm telling you this is powerful you need to order for this devotional and observe some people have started ordering for this on Amazon if you cannot order from an officer directly go to Amazon dr. evil demeanor you can order for the devotional and other materials of this ministry that are written to equal beauty of all our materials our doctrine are not in there to entertain you doctrinal to build and equip you because that's what we are all about we introduce Jesus to this generation equipping you to know who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ until through you and if you don't want to go to Amazon you want the hard copy they announce our channel to order for this resources from our office and we are so excited now we're able to spend these moments with you every day as we bring your clarity from the region just before we go honey last word for our viewers like the confession see you choose to honor scriptures and treat these creatures with reverence yes treating it casually lackadaisically just should I have no respect for your own life right you are not taking a surf seriously right because if you are you take the Word of God which is the essence of your being of your existence of your life seriously so you need to choose that part today - uh not scriptures because you value your life it's very very very critical very fundamental it into a sharing right now they are simple but they can draw the line between a life of total shame and frustration and a life of victory I'm telling you the truth is as my son attend to my words incline light-years to my say their life to those who find them and health to all their flesh women pay more serious attention and it will make a whole world of difference in the way you live even in this world praise God and we love you guys looking for to connect with you again tomorrow invite more people in platform i suspended next videos looking at how to study the scriptures or how to study your bible we love you guys we came forward to seeing all of you to until then this is Rachel on table damina say the king [Music] we have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth that is the will of God to have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth the book of Hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip and women's plain that the word does in slip it is we that have the ability to drift away that's actually the original text lest we should drift away from the because if you don't give NS heed to the world if you don't give NS heat to the world you can begin to compromise your hearing and when you begin to compromise your hearing you could drift away you begin to compromise you begin to hear things you're not supposed to hear you begin to look at mirrors that don't reflect who you are in Christ now when you begin to look at these mirrors that don't reflect your true identity you begin to pretend or act beside yourself you begin to suffer from mental agitation you begin to have a double mindedness and it says let not that man think you can receive anything from the Lord lest at any time we should drift away next verse verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels or steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward next verse how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard right so God's greatest plan for man is salvation who will have all men to be saved will the will of God is salvation and who will have all men to come to the knowledge of the truth all men not just some men 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 9 the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing the the wheel not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance God did not only plan for you to be saved he went ahead and provided the enablement to help you get saved he's not slack concerning his promise so in order for him to show that his not slack Jesus died he died around some for many so God's will in his salvation God wants everybody to be saved amen I said amen now having said that let's just proceed from where I stopped the last time we were here so we've established that God placed the entire judgment of mankind on Christ Jesus is the substitutionary sacrifice for man and that sacrifice was substitutionary he died my death that I might have his life Jesus became seen that I might become righteous that's how far you went to M force his plan of salvation for mankind in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 for Christ is not entered into the holy place made with hands the figures of the truth he entered into the shadows the salvation Christ has provided for us is not the shadows that was available to the Old Testament people he didn't enter into the tabernacle maybe the hands the type Moses and the rest made where every year the priests were walking through that tabernacle the high priests who will take the animal sacrifice they were going to the holy of holies and he will smear the blood on the mercy seat and if the sacrifice is accepted for one full year israel sins are covered that's not where Jesus went he went to the to the real place he went to heaven itself and he didn't go with a sacrifice that has to be renewed he went with his own blood he went himself and presented himself before the Father that was once and that took care of all of eternity praise the Lord Maxo know yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others next verse for them mercy often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world had he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself next verse as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment because seeing is a legal issue seeing is not an emotional issue is not something you cry and feel nice about no it is not subject to cry it is not even subject to feeling sorry and pity because that cannot satisfy the demands of justice why the Romans chapter 6 verse 23 the wages of sin is death the wages of sin is dead the wages of sin is not confessing sin the wages of sin is death the justifiable payment for sin is death is not confession even under the shadow the confession was done on the head of the scapegoat the confession was not made to God the confession of Israel since we are carried out on the head of the scapegoat under the shadows they didn't confess our sins to God the Confessor seems on the scapegoat because it's a legal issue it's not something just walk to God I say well I have told a lie I have stolen I'm sorry forgive me thank you Father no it's a legal issue so even under the shadow hands were laid on the scapegoat and sins were confessed on the head of the scapegoat and the scapegoat was banished forever out of the land and then the high priest will now take the blood in his hand and walk into the Holy of Holies and offer that blood in a sacred atmosphere once a year and because it is an issue of legality if he has met the requirements for justice he comes out alive if he doesn't meet the requirement for justice he dies is not an issue of confess is a legal issue the wages of sin is death but the gift of God glory hallelujah the gift of God and so somebody will shout hallelujah the gift of God is eternal life the gift of God you don't pay for eternal life the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord so that's legal echh Hebrews 9:27 and as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment watch this next verse so Christ was once a fact a fact the word offer there is like give up he does Fiat not his son but gave him up that is he actually betrayed his son with the consent of the son the father betrayed the word give up is the same word from the Greek for betrayal the father betrayed the Sun with the with in the choice of the Sun it wasn't like the father just abandoned the son against his choice no the choice of the son coincided with the father's giving up of the soul now why was it betrayal because he was given up to his enemy who was God's enemy death that's what about say the last enemy that shall be destroyed is that because that is God's enemy he was offered giving up legality he was given up because payment must be done when they say Cena payment must be done he gave him up for us all meaning Jesus was bought the scapegoat and the sacrificial lamb the entire scenes of mankind past present future we are confessed on him it pleased God to put on him the iniquity of us all also and when he says us all is not just us here is all of mankind all we like sheep have gone astray everyone of us have gone to his own way but it pleased God to bruise him and to put on him the iniquity of us all and he bore our iniquities he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him by His stripes we are substitutionary sacrifice because the wages of sin is death so instead of me dying we are I was to die he died he died my death so I can have his life and when he died my death he died very well so now when ahadees life I can have it very well glory to God I had his life and I'm enjoying it very well I am not managing it I am NOT I'm not acting as one who stole it is not stolen it is a write to me by the legality of substitution he took my place I took his place so somebody says so if a believer sins those he confesses sins no because it is not confession that got him out of the judgment of sea what got this man out of the judgment of see it is the death of Christ the sacrifice of Christ so what should this man confess he should confess the sacrifice of Christ the believers confession is that Jesus is my sacrifice Jesus is my high priest and Jesus is my advocate the sadaebu confessor now says if any man seen we confess we have an advocate what is his name Jesus Christ whom the righteous qualification he is advocate he is advocate Jesus Christ the righteous who is the propitiation for our sins and not ours only but for the sins of the whole world somebody shot a powerful amen Hebrews 9:28 where we are so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation so he is placing the entire judgment of humanity on the death of Jesus meaning that salvation is God's choice salvation is God's choice alright unseen is man's choice okay salvation is God's choice while seeing is man's choice God doesn't tempt anybody God doesn't ask you see God does not tolerate see so what does God do to seem he punishes see but where does he punish sin he punishes sin on himself he took my place because man does not have the resources man does not have the wherewithal man doesn't have what it takes to offer up a sacrifice on his behalf so deerforce temptation is a function of humanity God doesn't tempt anybody James chapter 1 verse 13 it says let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man he doesn't tempt any man he does not tempt any man some say well maybe God is tempting me [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word he needs not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal so order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. abode amina call the number or email the address on the screen this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meals making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,767
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Id: qYQtCRuC8rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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