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fres cles to it's my favorite time of year we hang holiday lights make the city shine bright everyone is fill with cheer hey is Christmas hey it's Christmas hey it's Christmas hey it's Christmas christas Christmas was a good walk huh it's cold out there all right time to relax you're just so cute I know just cut I know I dog it all the time but you are going to be hard to say goodbye to what should we do should we [Music] paint any [Music] ideas yeah me [Music] neither yeah I got like a little red and white maybe we can put some think this is the last of them scandal in the Christmas capital of the world lone house in Tinsel USA hangs its lights late I'm sure the tourists won't complain well they won't be rolling in for another week or two so we'll be ready by then let's hope all right thanks for those shows no problem baby wow you guys really go all out yeah glad to see Dad at least put up some lights this year I know he tries it best from what he tells me decorating was really mom's Department it's going to be a nice nice Christmas a puppy would make it the best Christmas ever but I just don't think that's going to happen I have a feeling your dad's going to come around I hope so I really want a dog for [Music] Christmas I think your dad just needs to you know loosen up a little find himself a nice friend ah you mean like a wife you mean like you and Charles well it'd be nice to see your dad go out on a date for a change what do you think about that I'd be okay with it as long as I go to dog you used to run a business right yeah why do you ask school project I'm thinking about things that are profitable profitable well you need to study real estate instead of restaurants the guy that I used to rent my uh space from in the city oh he had all kinds of properties but he had commercial residential vacation guest spots vacation guest spots oh yeah he break it in too he retired to Spain and I retired here I wouldn't trade him though this is a nice place place isn't it yeah I love it here Christmas year round it's why the tourists come you know I'm surprised my landlord doesn't have a rental property here lots of tours around this time of year right yeah let's grab those lights and finish up at the door okay whatever you say boss all right thanks for helping us [Music] decorate Che brother Che yeah so how's that astronomy club going Stellar that was almost an astronomy joke wasn't it yeah that was horrible please don't ever do that again how's the teaching schedule this semester it's not too bad it's manageable how the two newlyweds doing you and uh Monica mlan sorry you and Monica fry have a three-month anniversary coming up don't you you know it's uh unbelievable really I mean we've been dating for how long and it feels like forever a man hey sorry no it's okay it's okay it's been 7 years right don't waste any chances to tell Monica that you love [Music] her you know I wasn't going to bring this up cuz I know how you use the answer you're love l l wife found someone at work she wants to set me up with no not even well then what is it my lovely wife met someone at yoga that she wants to set you up with thank you man but I'm good come on man she does yoga look Ben between the astronomy club my book Mia teaching you said your schedule was manageable look Ben I just don't have a lot of time to date right now okay all right I I get it okay I do but you're not from I'm here I am and the single women here they don't stay single for long I sold you your house what 6 years ago and I said to myself then this guy right here he's going to get picked up in a hurry and since then how many dates have you been on you just said that there aren't a lot of single girls in town yeah all right man I don't want to press you oh yeah in the last minute or so must have been a real struggle huh okay I understand you haven't been the same since your wife died I know it's been hard to bring that guy back you know maybe I haven't met the right person you know you're a really good-looking guy thank you all the Bridesmaids at my wedding they acted like teenage girls at a K-pop concert when they saw you yeah but they're not exactly my type and and you know how shy and introverted I get when I meet a new girl I mean you're a sweet guy you're smart and you're doctor for crying out loud I have a PhD in literature you still a doctor okay okay I'm a doctor all I'm saying is even though you don't look it you're not getting any younger now that I think about it you didn't look this young 6 years ago you sure you going to an astronomy club or some top secret reverse aging seminar all enough all right all right man I appreciate it and the beer is on me I got to get going I'm taking me of the C to go look at puppies oh slow down tiger don't get too [Music] crazy now you're buying our clothes why that one just like her when I was little I just love her I hate to break it to you but it turns out the boss decided they want the dog with them and Gad after all a we were getting so close I know all their daughter is flying over tomorrow and she's going to take the dog and join [Music] [Music] them hi you ever think about a dog like this one two kids in a house in the suburbs why are you asking this question Rich Wilson used to be lead accountant yeah I remember him uh you haven't seen him in a while right yeah not since he got promoted got married has two kids babe where are you going with this I mean you know I love kids but not right now oh I know a with your job and and my art I I can't imagine doing homework and and and school projects right now we talked about this in the future but you said we would take this slow and now you're talking about marriage and and kids and we're on the same page believe me you sure yeah you have your art okay and I have my job at the firm planning a wedding right now and moving to the suburbs yeah it just doesn't sound like us and that's not what I'm talking about where are you going with all of [Music] this Mia Dr miles so good to see you so what do you think of this little guy did you know that these dogs first came to America in the 20s you learned all of this in history dogs are a big part of American history did you know that 30 out of the 45 presidents had dogs H oh my goodness look at you you're perfect I'm still a bit muddy on what this school assignments about Mia but you know we should get you home and started on your homework and I have to get back to the university great so I'm thinking we take this dog home with us I'll really study him it's totally for school you just want to borrow him for a little while oh no no no no no no no we can't just take Prancer home with us and then bring him back here that wouldn't be very nice praner what exactly is this school assignment how wonderful would a dog make a sweet little girl's childhood [Music] is there even a school project you didn't seem too big on the dog idea when I mentioned it I tried to fill you out about it a few weeks ago and I didn't think I could get you to come here any other way it turns out that the CEO and Rich are very tight now and there's this exclusive executive retreat that they've invited me to because I'm finally getting promoted what babe that's awesome congratulations and where is this Retreat Las Vegas sounds flashy are you sure this is a business thing when is this trip happening during our Before Christmas trip that's the other thing there's another thing I messed up things have been so busy at the office I didn't even get a chance to book anything anyway to be honest I wasn't even looking forward to Hawaii anyways I really wanted to go someplace christmy what's more christmy than New York at Christmas time yeah but we done New York at Christmas time yes what I don't know I just I can't figure it out it looks great D no it's not even finished no I just you know I feel suffocated here I can't even think with all the sirens and the horns and why don't you go away too take a little Retreat of your own why don't you try to meet up with your parents and sister no I am not going on another family Christmas Cruise well I'm sure there's some place you can find to decompress for a while some place off the beaten path some place christmy H some place [Music] Christmasy hey how'd it go at the kennel brought him down from a no to a will see so I'm taking that as a win you knew about this Deb she might have run it by [Music] me now that this box is out you have effectively seized complete control of the guest house Dad why do we still call this the guest house the only guests that we have are Grandma and Grandpa and they stay in the guest room in the house when they visit I guess you're right we should just call this Mia's miscellaneous space until I get my act together and rent it out till then it's all yours so I can do whatever I want with it call it whatever you [Music] like oh yes hi I was calling about the gallery space on 52nd this is Ava buron thank you you're very sweet um yeah I'm actually working on a few pieces right now oh it's not available okay I [Music] understand hey where are you going uh rich and some guys are meeting up downtown so aren't you going to see these guys on the treat I mean I thought we were hanging out CEO's is going to be there so wasn't the CEO going to be there too this is important we're not you know that's not what I mean I love you hey wait what do you think I think you're wonderful and I think I should get going no D it's a new painting congratulations I got to go [Music] [Music] okay here we go tin Guest House Christmas experience tisle USA that looks good good what else can I add even better there we [Music] [Music] go jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the [Music] way cute and I think we have a [Music] [Music] winner oh this is so cute [Music] hello I love your advertisement Miss miles o Miss miles I like the sound of [Music] that is it still available I've looked all over and everything seems to be sold out oh yes this is a very busy time of year it is still available but I don't know for how long where are you coming from New York little time and tcil is just what you [Music] need so is price here the full rate Mia time for bed just a few more just a few more minutes [Music] Dad how about 100 [Music] more it's all yours if you want it great see you Tuesday thank you so much Miss miles [Music] [Music] oh [Music] tinel USA here I [Music] come the angel sing glory to the newborn king peace on Earth and mercy M God sin recile joyful longing Nations ride join the Triumph of the sky we a chance host Proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem the heral Angels Sing glory to the newborn [Music] king the angel sing glory to the newborn king [Music] Dad what's the rush I just don't want you to be late getting to work why are you in such a hurry huh I uh did the street super come today but a hurry I don't want you to get a ticket that was yesterday Mia I'll be okay oh that must be her her who oh good this is the right place my driver took me to the wrong address address oh I'm sorry I I'm Ava Ava burnson your your guest my guest yeah I I'm renting out the guest house I'm looking for a a Miss miles Miss miles yep that's me come on follow me oh thank you Mia Miss buron I think there's been a mistake a mistake what do you mean Mr miles Mason is fine oh Mason it's nice to meet you um could you excuse us for one second sure she's adorable that's one word for her Mia this nice lady has some idea about renting at Our Guest House do you know anything about that maybe May we're really in no shape she's very pretty excuse me you know I I feel really bad I think this is just a big mistake maybe if you can just point me to the direction of a hotel preferably a cheaper one a cheap hotel I did get a really good deal on this guest house look I'm so sorry but I think that it's been misrepresented it looks awesome Mia it's really in no shape to be rented why don't you let her see and decide for herself [Music] Tada wow Mia you did all of this oh my God it's so cute I love it well I guess I better get going you said you know have a hotel nearby since you came all this way from uh New York okay if you don't mind us oh no not at all then you're welcome to stay at the rate my grounded daughter quoted you at are you sure yeah I'm sure oh my God thank you so much I I promise I won't even make a peep I just need somewhere to hang my hat while I check out all the sites your daughter's listing really sold this town my daughter's listing really sold this huh good well I need to get back to work and I will talk to you tonight okay I meant her my daughter oh but we could talk if you like oh no no no I party caused too much trouble Mia right um so nice to meet you enjoy your stay you get unpacked and I'll be back later with our welcome packet and complimentary Rob and [Music] slippers if you need anything at [Music] all what did you plan on doing hiding her from me until Christmas I'll admit I didn't think it all the way through what exactly did you put in this listing that sold it why I just want to make sure you're not misrepresenting things more than you already have just a Christmas experience youd never forget oh is that all we live in the Christmas capital of the world dad go get your homework done I love you I love you too sweetheart you're still in trouble but wasn't already late getting back we talk more tonight good [Music] luck you know no you did put your father in a bit of a spot you were the one who said he should loosen up that's not what I was talking about what I meant was I just want your father to find somebody you know a dog is a man's best friend to some men yes so why don't you go take these to your new guests that's a great idea [Music] mhm hey oh hi Mia come on in I just want to drop these off oh that is so sweet of you thank you uh you move the bed oh yeah I hope you don't mind oh you know I feel like I put your dad in a weird spot oh no no it's okay I think I did that but he's okay I think I hope he's okay I I know what you're thinking he comes across as this stuffy scientist guy but he's really just um was she goofball is that so I sure hope so or else get grounded instead of a dog for Christmas oh a dog huh fingers crossed you know a dog would definitely love this backyard I know I do sound of silence is amazing fair warning some birds do chirp in the morning they don't all fly south for winner you know well birds are definitely a welcome sound definitely beats all the horns and sirens and [Music] Steamrollers you're an artist oh yep he got brush and paints the whole shmear did you just say the whole shmear yeah my best friend's grandpa says it all the time did I use it wrong no no you definitely used it correctly I just didn't expect it coming from a 10y old old well I just turned 11 and I'm an old soul right you know definitely should have picked up on that you must be jetlagged is not really a thing sometimes well a nice dinner and a good night's fresh should cat you up no you're right let's see here ooh the kingles Christmas Steak House on fourth well it doesn't look like it's too far from here great choice you know these were a nice touch by the way what can I say we promised an experience and I've loved every minute so far thanks for the cookies too yeah Deb wanted me to tell you they're from my dad okay I'll be sure to thank them okay well if you need anything else I'll just be right next door Debs oh who's Deb uh she's our neighbor she kind of keeps an eye on me until my dad gets home from work oh well okay well if you need anything else I'll just oh no no no I am low maintenance go ahead good to know I have a nice dinner [Music] bye you have to understand what you did was not acceptable I mean what if she was some kind of what I don't know a crazy person she doesn't seem crazy at all she seems very nice Mia that's not the point you seem a little crazy you rented out my guest house this is our house you're not paying the mortgage well thanks to me now you have a little extra change in your pockets for the next few weeks Mia we got very lucky and you also did a wonderful job cleaning up the guest house thank you but doing something like this behind my back is unacceptable me what on Earth made you do such a thing well you said getting a dog was a big responsibility and there were costs so I figured I could show you that I was responsible and industrious by taking care of another guest bringing a little extra money you might come around you have a one track mine you know that I know where you get that from sorry Dad it's okay sweetheart I just don't want you to be dishonest you know misleading people is the same is a lie she seems very nice though doesn't she yeah she seems that way but just but I'm going to have to wait on that dog aren't I hang this over there would [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Laughter] I oh my God I'm a little freaked out because I have to give a speech you have to I volunteered and I'm getting sick at thoughts and I'm really nervous yeah sometimes nervous is just excitement you don't recognize what is that look what's your speech supposed to be about what's Christmas all about and the visual presentation has to go with it but I'd like it to be artistic artistic you say you kind of draw like a three-year-old Dad yeah I kind of do yeah what is that that's Santa SLE with presents here he draws something what is that that well that one's a reindeer and that one's a gingerbread man it looks like an alligator [Music] what oh no my heater hello me MIA MIA [Music] MIA oh sorry to bother you um my heater went out okay yeah I'll come check it out looks like a nice view it is let me show you from the [Music] outside nice telescope yeah astronomy is a hobby of mine I guess really what's that me always wants to decorate back here I've been so busy at work I was lucky to get a tree up this year she wanted to like hang up some lights and do something it's not really my strong suit I hope I haven't been too much of a trouble no no no I didn't mean it like [Music] that what's wrong I forgot my pencil oh well I have one in the guest house that'd be great thank you come [Music] on is a a pen okay uh yeah thank you [Music] oh you did this oh yeah I hope you don't mind not at all this is amazing you're very talented thank you so about that heater right excuse me the breaker is a little hidden uh let me [Music] see oh must have tripped it all the Christmas lights in here oh I'm sorry about this oh no don't be I just appreciate you letting me stay my pleasure is this just a hobby or are you like a professional artist I just paint mainly sometimes sculpt and sketch a little but oh and um thank you for the cookies the cookies Mia brought them over when she was at Deb's today Deb of [Music] course good night yeah good night I'll let you get that sweet dreams hey babe everything okay fine your Trey thank you quite a surprise huh yeah she seems very nice yeah she does is she single dead well well what is she single I didn't ask but I don't think so how can you be sure well I'm pretty sure she got a call from a boyfriend while I was in there pretty sure asn't very sure we need some more info what else do you know like Deb all I know is that she's an artist and that she's from New York oh I was just fixing the breaker okay yeah we should be fixing some other things too good night DB oh come on you're not just a little bit curious about her good night thanks for the cookies oh another thing um have Mia come see me in the morning before you take her to school why I just might have something for her good night good night Mason [Music] coming hey hey my dad said you had something for me right here H something smells [Music] good good morning oh good morning sorry to wake you up no you're fine oh that's so sweet thank you you know Deb was a big time Chef before she moved here her Kish Lorraine is world famous well it smells amazing oh I'll be sure to thank her when I return to the [Music] Trey this looks awesome you know these decorations are pretty good do you and your dad do them nope just me I think I may have gotten my neck for Christmas decorating from my mom I'm sorry I was hoping to get it all done before you ride but it just happened you know you've been a great host Miss Mia Mia you're going to be late for school what are you doing oh uh good morning Dr uh Mason good morning sorry to wake you no I've been up Deb's Kish Lorraine uhhuh you are in for a treat and feel free to use our kitchen in the mornings if you like oh you know what if you do need anything here is my cell and the number at the office if you do need anything good think you let's go MIA bye [Music] [Music] bye see you later okay bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome oh hi this is such a cute shop thank you I'm sorry but you have such a lovely smile a way about you forgive me but are you just visiting why do you ask well I know just about everyone in town so unless you just moved here you're visiting we get a lot of visitors this time of year well I can understand why well make sure you you get some cocoa from the ens Cafe it's the best in the world the best in the world huh there's a place on the Lower East Side I think that would challenge that Lower East Side I'm from New York or well I I live in New York I am actually from a town about like this one where are you staying Christmas in Santa Motel no just a guest house oh what part of town uh Dasher Drive Mason miles he finally rented that out he's been talking about it forever you know I am um looking for some Christmas lights we might be able to track a few down are you looking for anything else uh yeah um a lattice for the miles backyard how' you know Mia pest him every year to decorate back there she is the sweetest you know those those two are some of the nicest folks but go ahead take a look at the lights if you need anything else we'll deliver it to you if you want to continue to look around town okay oh and excuse me I I know this is random but how long have you lived here gosh my family and I moved here from Chicago about 5 years ago it's a great place to settle down the town really takes you in but you already know that how do you know because you have the same look on your face as I did a few years [Music] ago what what is up with you oh I'm just a little stressed man Mia went behind my back and rented out the guest house Mia went behind my back and rented out the guest house what is this nice woman's name what what are you talking about you literally have a spring in your step and you're smiling from ear to ear you haven't done that since you discovered the pulsy quazar or whatever pulsing quazar okay whatever Mia rented out the guest house to a wonderful woman and I'm sure you two are going to be very happy together hang on okay I didn't say that you didn't have [Music] to I knew it my man that's what I'm talking about Merry Christmas I'm excited for you buddy what is it I don't know I'm not sure I mean she might have a boyfriend well let's look at her solo stay at the guest house as something positive all right Professor look at you smiling from ear to ear it's a beautiful day all [Music] [Applause] right it reminds me of my hometown that's depressing no of how it used to be when I was a kid oh but still would you stop look there's all these cute shops and everyone's so nice you sound like you want to move there what no no why would you say that I'm glad you're having fun in tangle it's tenel um hey Eva I was thinking maybe we could um take a break what I mean I thought that's what this trip was you want to break up no no not exactly not exactly wh what you just want to party in Vegas and have a free pass this isn't a breakup I really think you're taking this the wrong way here well then what's the right way okay look you know this promotion is a big deal for me but I got to be totally focused get my head on straight no distractions I'm just stressed and confused right now yeah well that makes two of [Music] [Music] us [Music] oh we more wow doesn't that look lovely oh thank you just wanted to do something special for them especially since my arrival was a bit of a surprise they'll love it I was thoughtful of you I got inspired walking around the town and I had a canvas so artistic impulse Mason told me you were an artist how long have you two been neighbors I believe they moved next door what was it about 6 years ago Mia mentioned about her mom always decorating I mean I didn't want to cry but she passed away I believe it was a big part of the reason that they moved here to start over start over you like some tea I love some follow me yeah so I've been lucky enough to sell a few paintings every year it keeps me going you're pretty talented there's more to it than just luck well thank you you're welcome you know I used to be excited about living in New York dreamed about it ever since I was little even bounced around a few times before landing there but I don't know now that I've been there and worked there it just kind of lost it's Lester that even makes any sense it makes a lot of sense I used to live in New York Once Upon a Time mhm I had my restaurant there that was a pretty big deal for a short time but then I met Charles and he brought me here and that was it is that your husband Charles yes that's my love how did you know he was the one well I was madly in love for six years had a spring in my step smile on my face I just knew that the man I was with I would spend the rest of my life with Wow and then I met Charles I know it was just one of those things I was so lost and confused I had my first restaurant at the time and there was just something about Charles and this town I just love this town and we've been together ever since and it's been 20 years 20 years 20 years wow I've only been with Dean for three dean my well uh I guess I don't even know we are anymore we're on a break or whatever that means I me he's he's cute and he's charming and great cook it's just it's all that apartment a lot that does give me a lot of time to paint I just I don't know if I can imagine being with him for another 20 years you strike me as a pretty creative person you do I think you just might not like what you see when you imagine it so maybe you should use that imagination for something else or somebody else I'm going to get some more tea [Music] okay and I was reading the other day that you could spend dog hair into yard okay and you we can make pretty much anything blankets sweaters socks dogs are very useful not to mention loyal and lovable noted looking forward to the Christmas presentation me too just trying to zero in in the true meaning of [Music] Christmas Dad you finally decorated wasn't me is it okay I hope you guys don't mind you did all of this today well I'm on vacation I didn't really have anything else to do wow it's perfect it's the least I could do you guys have been so sweet to let me stay here we're going to the winter wonderland scavenger hunt and then going to see the lights would you want to come with us I'm sure that she already has plans Mia well actually I don't have any plans if you guys don't mind a third [Music] wheel home to you when the Winter Wind and storm rolls in turn this H okay what's next uh 15 breadman and we've already found a couple you know what you did in the backyard was really cool do you think you could help me with a sort of miniature version a miniature version I'm giving a little presentation for school at a smaller version of what you did be perfect if you wouldn't mind I could pay you no you don't have to pay me I'd love to what is it I haven't really done a school project since I was in school you do great hey only three more to go and we've completed the scavenger hunt good job oh um that's my friend Missy I'm going to go color you're helping me with the school project got it yeah I'm going to hang out with Missy for a little bit okay okay okay here you go oh thank you oh Olsen's world famous Coco yeah hope it doesn't disappoint well that' be a first in tinsil anyway it's really hot but it's very delicious thank you thanks for joining us oh of course she's um such a sweetie yeah she is guess that's because of you you two seem like good friends I mean she's my daughter I don't suppose you have oh No Just nieces and nephews just never really thought about it yeah I mean that's it's actually not true I never really thought about it um until now I mean until now yeah just seeing you guys like a family it's really sweet sorry I told you way too much I just have a lot in my mind right now do you have a boyfriend yeah it's complicated I'm sorry I don't mean to prry no no you're not it's just we're on a break he got busy with work got a promotion well I'm just just trying to figure things out uh specifically where I want to be is that all do you always keep a notebook and pencil not always sometimes I type in my phone why ideas come into my head I want to write them down and huh what I never realized that I do that I'm just surprised anyone else dead well as a matter of fact I do the exact same thing no why have an idea have to write it down wow this is amazing did you just do this I did it at New York looks just like tinsil Wherever You Go I want to [Music] be I know I just was going to say that beautiful see that one you see it that's so beautiful so [Music] big get up there I don't know look look at the look at the SL there oh that house down there oh it's like a candy King Forest I love [Music] it you think that's a real 100% maybe it looks real totally I think it's real so neat it's never been this [Music] good well thank you guys for a great night yeah we had a nice time well good night good night good night AA good night did you hang up a few more pictures of dogs in here yeah well I could take a couple of down if we got a real one mhm you have to admit things are going pretty well with Eva is this your Christmas presentation yeah it's not quite right yet still have to work on the speech well right from your heart now that Ava is helping me with the visual part at least that should be okay you lued out yeah I wouldn't say I'm the only one what are you talking about don't you like her she's very nice yeah oh come on you know what I mean I'm not sure if I do don't you like her like her like her I saw the way you looked at her tonight Dad it's okay I miss Mom very much and I know you do too but I don't think she'd want you to be alone I'm not alone sweetheart I got you don't I it's not the same thing plus I don't plan on sticking around here forever H I'm going to college and I'm taking a gap here probably in Vienna oh you are are you Dad it was great don't stay up too late okay love you love you too sweetheart what's Christmas all [Music] about [Music] wrapped up in Christmas fa wish come true the only thing I want is to be wrapped up in Christmas with [Music] you wrapped up in Christmas in Christmas with [Music] you checking do you like New York what you ask I've never been I hear mixed things oh you do now do you is it nice I wouldn't really say it's nice definitely have more room to spread your wings here some sometimes I feel like I'm living in something about that size those are beautiful yeah but without the beautiful but you're right they are beautiful such Artistry huh Mr McMurphy makes all his toys by hand people think he spends time in the North Pole and here y I wouldn't doubt that seen a sets up shop here too it is a nice place to set up a shop don't you think yeah it's perfect little heart Gallery is that what you want for Christmas that'd be nice but sometimes I'm just a little nervous to make a big leap like that my dad says sometimes nervous just excitement you don't recognize your dad said that he's a neat guy isn't he yeah what do you want for Christmas miss [Music] Mia you okay he's gone who's gone I had my heart set on the most beautiful little dog Prancer dad said to give it more time and now he's gone oh well you don't know that maybe he's just what there's always Santa Claus right you're a really nice lady AA well thank you do you ever think about sticking around here you mean yeah well between me and you I've been thinking about it a lot lately I'd like that you would not as much as a puppy but okay I'll talk to your dad about a dog okay you do that well I can't make any promises but I'll [Music] try hi hey thank you so much for coming today Ava of course sorry I feel a little awkward since I'm not a parent or Guardian but oh that's nonsense nonsense when I saw this display I just had to meet you and thank you for such a beautiful peace and for helping Mia of course you're very sweet I'm so glad you come today parents and special friends before we dismiss for Christmas break our student of the month Mia miles is going to give us a very special [Music] presentation that is very cool what's Christmas all about some people say it's about Santa and presents and puppies other people say it's about family and friends and helping other people and a little baby in the manger to me it's all those things but when I think about how it all started with a tiny little star in the sky but it only looked tiny it was huge but it was far away as far away as it was it was still bigger and brighter than any other star in the sky and people from all over followed it they wanted to know what it was Angels Shepherds poor people wise men all just looking for something that was missing in their lives and they were hoping that that light would lead them to something better and something good and when they found it they were all so happy all these different people from all over following something bright something something that looked small but ended up to change their world forever when they spent that first Christmas together and ever since then even when we are miles apart or even departed that Christmas spirit lives in us all all year long that's what we celebrate being together on Christmas she's an amazing little girl you know I know you know she wants a puppy I know that too it's hard to say no to that you must have some sol yeah that was wonderful Mia thank you good job job she's so cute okay so little bit of red there you go perfect do you think my dad realizes how wonderful she is I don't see how we can miss it though that boyfriend of hers is a bit of a wrinkle you know back in the day when I was a chef there was a rumor going around that once you tried my recipes you'd fall in love I don't like to think I'm that out of practice she's right you know I walked into her restaurant with some clients and I walked out of that restaurant having to know who created this wonderful dish I can't believe I was able to lasto her hearts around the world broke when I married this fine woman and Bell wept that's right you know I have been dying to try out this Christmas tenderloin recipe M that sounds good let me know if you need anybody for a taste test this time I think I want to try out some different taste buds what you can help me out with another diversion you know where to find me I sure do give me some sugar come here well what do you say Mia I'm all for it what do you need need for me wow I think jerk might be the best word for how I acted do you think you can forgive me I don't know to be fair it sounds like this break has done you good I mean I can't believe you went on a scavenger hunt I didn't know you even like that kind of thing yeah well neither did I you know I went on a scavenger hunt once in Camp what was the name of that place mini Tonka woa Willy Wonka Ava Ava you still there yeah yeah I'm still here I thought I lost you I didn't lose you did I of course not that's crazy talk hey when we get back to New York maybe we can both go on a little scavenger hunt of our own around the city what I don't know okay I thought you said you liked it I just don't know if I want to live in New York anymore I mean I thought getting out of the city it would recharge me and make me excited to go back but the longer I'm Gone the more I don't want to be there what are you saying I don't want to live there anymore what you want to move to [Music] christmasbow I don't want to live in New York anymore look I've got one more day here and then I'm going back to the city I know you're really enjoying yourself but I'd really love to see you when you get back to New York with me I think you're going to feel differently you take your time but let's talk when you get back and figure this out I love [Music] you [Music] morning morning oh excuse me yeah is this your shop it's my building I'm hoping to rent it soon I'd love to see an antique shop or craft store or Art Gallery Art Gallery something like that I was thinking that exact same thing oh are you interested in taking a closer look yeah but I'm curious the rent well I'd initially need $11,000 it's only $11,000 a month oh no that's just the security deposit credit check the first month's rent monthly rent is just 405 I might be able to work with you if that's too much 385 would you like to take a closer look yeah do what's up I'm doing good just reminiscing about the good old days and Ava Ava yeah Kelly you know I didn't get to meet your wife but from what you tell me about her I think she'd be happy for you man I think she is happy for you you guys were high school sweethearts right soft SES yeah most people were partying in college you were starting a family you know you're allowed to have fun right yeah so be happy I mean you have all people know that there's bad things in life but there's a lot of good things too why' you get into astronomy anyway why do you ask I just want to know it was you when I got the job at the college and came out here looking at houses you went on and on and on about the observatory Christmas year round Observatory great place to raise a kid I always thought the sky looked beautiful at night and after Kelly I really like the idea of different worlds different dimensions you know far away I don't know the stars made me feel safe I know things have been rough for you buddy but lately it seems like your head is staying in the stars and you're missing a lot that's going on down here you could use some help I mean as much as Debbie pitches in Mia needs more you know yeah and I'm not talking about a replacement and I'm not just talking about helping M out I'm talking about someone that helped you too and I'm sorry buddy but I'm married now and I can't do it anymore Ava does have a boyfriend how much does that change how you feel not much no well keep working on the Friendship then because that's what lasts yeah I mean if something more comes from it it'll work itself out but this right here is a good thing Mason so don't let a good thing pass you by down here while your head is a billion miles away hi good morning good morning AA would you like some coffee no um I'm fine oh okay we have a seat o looks like you're having an inspiring morning very any plans for dinner tonight oh I was planning on trying out the holiday Hideway no don't want to do that oh I don't such a dive oh well the flyer said it's Tel's best night spot can't believe everything you read I was wondering do you want to do dinner with us tonight oh you and Charles and Dr Miles Dr Miles I have this wonderful little Christmas recipe I've been dying to try out oh a new dish from the legendary New York Chef is that a yes absolutely I'd be honored great 7:00 sure good oh and feel free to stop by early some cocktails I'll be there bye bye [Music] what's this it's a tie dad you look nice in a tie thank you Mia but it's just dinner not a banquet Deb's trying out her new Christmas tenderloin recipe I know that's why I jumped at the chance to try it out sorry I can't come Mrs has been wanting me to come over her for so long I feel like I owe it to her I'm sure Deb will understand that busy woman like you has other social engagements oh I'm sure she will too I don't see why a tie is necessary it streamlines you are you up to something it's not going to be a puppy waiting for me over there is there no I can promise there won't be a dog waiting for you all right don't you look spiy thank you come on come [Music] on Eva Dr Miles Charles are you okay oh yeah I just you know I twisted my knee a little that's all dinner's almost ready uh why don't you have a seat after [Music] you okay okay oh I'm so sorry I have to take this hello Bill everything all right don't they look wonderful together oh yes okay so let's go oh no but I haven't eaten yet Charles I mean it's dinner Bill are you sure this can't wait a little longer look I've already got our plates ready to go to the office come on stick to the plan okay okay I'll be down is everything okay oh it's bill bill bill from the office just a little end of the season business I just need to get back down there well now right now okay M smells delicious you I need to get back down to the office oh honey is everything okay everything's great I just you know my knee I need to get back down there I'm going to need a ride look I can give you a ride if you want Oh nonsense now I am already up you two are our guest enjoy I'll take them thanks B now dessert is uh in the fridge B [Music] atine it must be nice to have a world class Chef right next door hey I'm very fortunate she's a good neighbor she says the same about you you two have gotten close while you've been here haven't you she's a neat lady you're a neat lady what I mean is you seem like you've got a pretty interesting life I do a New York artist don't people dream of having a life like that I guess you're right sometimes the things you dream about don't always add up to the way life really is though yeah or the way you want it not that it's bad it's just I don't know it's not the way I thought it would be what' you think it'd be honestly something like this I grew up in a small town really similar and I don't know just not there anymore well what it's just that I grew up in a town like this one it's not really there anymore the business shut down and everyone moved away yeah I mean I can't blame them I did it too I know exactly what you mean guess that's why I like this place so much it's why I do well not the only [Music] reason we're back oh oh thank you so much did you enjoy dinner yes dinner was amazing could agree more I mean um when isn't it absolutely amazing well you two must be starving actually pretty full time for bed yeah your uh knee seems to be better comes and goes I should get going yeah me too it was lovely thank you you're welcome darling [Music] thanks [Music] again something tells me that Charles's knee is fine and he didn't have any business at the office I just thought you two needed some time alone how'd it go good night dead and Deb yes thank you you're [Music] welcome yes dinner was so [Music] lit well Mom good night good night wow it's a really starry night I wonder what what's that that one is copia and cus who let me show [Music] you so cassia was very beautiful but you know also extremely Vain and one day she insisted that she was more beautiful than Zeus's wife Hera which led to Hera tying her up and sending her off into the Stars when King cus cassop Pia's husband found out about this you know he was heartbroken so rather than be without her he begged Zeus to be sent off into the star so that he could be with his wife and that bright light that you see mhm that's the two of them clinging together forever wow it's beautiful it's also a little sad yeah I guess it is dad there's someone here to see you can I help you hi uh yeah I was looking for Dean [Music] Ava Dean what are you doing packing that's my suitcase mhm but how did you get here so fast hey it's good to see you too no that's not what I meant I just I thought you were going to New York change of plans what after I got off the phone with you the CEO met with me this apparently wasn't just a retreat it was an interview it wasn't just a promotion they want me to run the entire Denver office they tripled my salary Denver yeah they're transferring me out of the city out of the city don't you see we both get what we want I get my dream job and you get out of the city well what do you say I figured you know why not swing by pick you up and we'll uh spend Christmas in our new home together and check it out think this is happening way too fast Merry Christmas where are you going I need to go for a [Music] walk what am I going to do with you don't worry yourself too much but I do worry about you Mason that's all the way she looks at you more importantly I saw the way you looked at her I have no idea what you're talking about oh no for the first time in years you had a little twinkle in your eye a little pep in your step did you notice that her boyfriend surprised her from out of town kind of figured that's who that fellow was you know if I didn't like you so much I'd be concerned about all the spying you do on me whatever have you kissed her what simple question well I was about to and then her boyfriend barged in you do care about her though right we just met that's not what I asked you Mason Taking Chances is like the best part of being alive and if you don't show her how you really feel you're going to spend the rest of your life wondering what if why is this so important to you because you're my friend and you're a wonderful father and I want to see you happy but you have to have the courage to want it [Music] too I also think you look more Handsome when you're happy too good night B good night Ava hey what is wrong I figured you'd be thrilled you're right okay I do need a change from the city well then let's go go to Denver you didn't even ask what are you talking about of course you're invited you can just make executive decisions about my life AA no Dean I I know that we both want different things now if your boss asked you to move to timbuk to you would which is something that I love about you but I need to know that you have the same love for me and you don't love you but just not in love with you anymore H this is a [Music] breakup I hear the bells that ring outside my window it's this year on my own missing moments with you under toe cuz your love was all I'd ever known it feels so wrong to spend the season without you so I'll dream of better days when we weren through do you feel the distance more in Winter can I celebrate when you're not by my side as I walk around the town I wish the lights would just go down because Christmas isn't Christmas when I'm all alone tonight oh I feel the distance more and winter is it something I'll get used to over time as I stare up at the stars I wonder wherever you are does your Christmas feel like Christmas when I'm not there please say Christmas isn't Christmas cuz I'm not there tonight where did I put my notebook did I where did I Mason hey I yeah I lost my notebook have you seen seen it no but I can help you Lu oh okay thanks where's Dean he seemed pretty excited yeah um he had some big news oh yeah yeah he's getting transferred to Denver oh found it thanks um he wants me to go with him so you're moving to Denver I was hoping to to move somewhere a little closer to here it just so happens I know of this place that i' be very happy to have you what took you so long I was trying to find the right [Music] [Applause] moment cheers everything okay sweetheart I went to the pound with AA and PR was gone was kind of hoping to find him here on Christmas morning sweetheart I'm sorry but I couldn't very well keep him quiet under the tree all night now could I Mia Merry Christmas [Music] yay say hi thank you for keeping him for the night of course he's an angel see there I told you your dad was the best took him long enough I'll say how did you keep him a secret after you and I went to the kennel I spoke with them and told them I wanted the puppy and to just hold him until Christmas when I'd pick him up simple he made me sweat this whole time uh we should straighten up your grandparents will be here soon oh I can't wait to introduce him to Prancer AA you're going to love us mom and dad usually stay in the guest room but I was thinking this year maybe they'd stay in the guest house well then where would I stay I'm sure we can figure something out I'm sure we can Merry [Music] [Applause] [Music] Christmas yeah let's go woo come on okay good times are starting today so let's Cate this holiday these memories never will fade away they'll always stay with me decorations on the tree Caroline familiar Melo together in a Harmony of Jo toys this is going to be the best Christmas in our history everyone from young to old will sing wish [Music] you
Channel: Family Central
Views: 51,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated Movies, Faith movies for families, Family Adventure Movies, Family Safe Movies, Free Family Movies, Free Kids Movies, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Vivica A. Fox, Anna Marie Dobbins, Marc Herrmann, hallmark, xmas, christmas, holiday, movie, movies, film, hd, 4k, free, latest, new, netflix, disney, prime, amazon, hulu, prince, princess, royal, rom, com, romance, comedy, romantic, romcom, drama, love, christmas in july, family, tree, pg, merry, snow, santa, g rated, tesera, youtube, stream, together, 2020
Id: TiWF57SfAO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 15sec (5175 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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