Christmas In Mississippi | Full Christmas Holiday Romance Movie | Romantic Comedy Drama | RMC

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[Music] look on my baby searching high and looking low oh been looking for my baby this Christmas just got to let her know [Music] All I Want For Christmas to keep up from the cold yeah I've been rolling on the river been traveling through the Pines been checking out the hills and the Beautiful coine it's a Mississippi Christmas all the fames gaed around Yeah Christmas in the South see the lights hear the [Music] sound bringing Rudolph BRS got the tree Frosty's got his top hat just need you here with me Nutcracker brought the fruit cake little Dr throwing down it's a wonderful cuz my [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] eag on the [Music] porch yeah still a lot of [Music] re oh it's a Mississippi Christmas and my baby's here with [Music] me thanks for the ride and just who are you trying to catch under the mistletoe this year white berries mean mistletoe red berries mean Holly you of all people should know that I thought I was picking you up at the airport tomorrow I caught an earlier flight so I figured I'd surprise you oh that's my kind of surprise welcome home Home Holly good to see you Mama I can't believe you're really here I know and for two full weeks this time it's a Christmas miracle what are you carrying in this thing this cannot be good for your back and take that jacket off you're going to cook in that down here okay okay I thought i' get more of the tree decorated before you got here but I guess we'll just have to finish decorating it together sounds perfect you must be hungry I was just about to take lunch over to the festival volunteers at Jones Park you want to give me a hand yeah yeah of course got it all packed up in the kitchen sure you want to put this up just in case that should be the last of it I can't believe you still have this pickup of course I do was your father's pride and joy I thought I was his pride and joy you were he loved you just as much as he love this truck I cannot wait for you to see what they've done at the park excited you're going to love it you ready yeah let's do it okay hold [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] you got to be kidding [Music] me holly hey Mr McGuire so good to see you well your mama said you you were coming home for Christmas she was real excited talks about you non-stop uh that does not surprise me I think the mailman knows my shoes size you bring in your famous Fruit Stand Back this year Festival wouldn't be the same without it yep yep it'll be there good I just got my location assignment right next to your mama's stand is she here yeah hello Caroline Stuart just harvested a new crop of sweet potatoes at the farm puts some aside for you a That's mighty kind of you well I did have a selfish motivation you promised me a slice of the best sweet potato pie in the county well then A promise is a promise what's up Hollywood Dy so good to see him nice to have you back we miss you around here missed you Bab wait that's brisket I'm so sorry we've been working since 5:00 a.m. I'm starving how long does it take to set everything up well between the trees the stands and the lights they about a couple of weeks it's a massive setup right outside we got a bunch of little L's well do you guys need some help oh yes we sure could use some help I'll let the boss man know you off M oh this is made with love later Hall wood [Music] my eyes deceiving me or is that Holly Hart hi Mike I didn't know you were in town I didn't tell you it's been a long time did you miss me oh I can't say that I have staying with your mama maybe is um is her number still the same why would you need to call it you asked me to you're delusional you still want to volunteered Festival right yeah oh lucky you I happen to be the project supervisor how about I start you off tomorrow morning 8:00 a.m. bright and early sounds great you they do say absence makes a hard grow fond sure didn't miss me a little bit let's give it a couple more years 8 a.m. those boys sure do have an appetite clean me right out all set he didn't tell me the festival is being run by my ex-boyfriend did I forget to mention that I know he broke your heart he didn't break my heart he just but it would do you both a lot of good you would just try to mend fences while you're back give him a chance maybe you'll see a new side of him let's [Music] go smile I am smile no you're squinting well I'm blinded by your beauty and slightly the sun she my good side they're all good let me see no I'll see it no you'll shake it no you know what fine I don't want to see it oh Merry [Music] Christmas well I figured since you'd be joining me on campus soon you should start dressing part look I know this distance hasn't been easy but once we're in the same place it'll it'll be a whole new beginning for us you like [Music] it I love [Music] it here hold it up I want to take a picture YY what sense is this [Music] stop brought you some fresh blankets not that you'll need them next few nights are supposed to be some warm ones thanks Mama oh who's this I found Rudolph here downtown got a lot of miles on him I bet he means a lot to someone out there I know I was going to put a picture online see if I could find his owner in fact here strike a POS one 2 [Music] 3 all right little guy let's see if we can't get you home for Christmas a Merry Christmas to you uncle and God save youmas what did I miss nothing I just came back from commercial you're good oh good no butter it's for the tree you're making me watch a movie and not eat popcorn this one's for you thanks Mama you know it's only the two of us for Christmas it's okay if the tree doesn't have a popcorn string it's tradition yeah I know I just thought you might want to take a break from decorating and just relax and watch the movie Holly for me decorating the house for Christmas isn't a chore it's something I look forward to it is Christmas like when I hang your stocking I remember how you'd always sneak downstairs while your father and I were asleep and open yours or when I make a wreath takes me back to the time when my mama first taught me how I cherish every moment [Music] [Music] I bet it's really something when it's all lit up huh it is people used to come from all over to see the show used to why did they stop hurricane almost 5 years ago there was a storm surge and the entire town was underwater this will be the first winter festival since then oh my huh well they appear to have made quite a recovery yeah a marvelous little town I've enjoyed my stay are you visiting your family for the holidays no just a bit of business a where of my manners alen Chris Holly Holly wow that's happily Nam for the holidays yeah nice to meet you I see you met our Santa Claus Mr Chris volunteered to be the man of the hour during the light show well I wish I had known sooner before I trimmed my beard I think we have a fake one that came with your costume oh okay well I'm looking forward to it and nice to meet you very nice to meet you okay thanks Mr I didn't think you were going to show up I keep my promises start next door lead the way so the town turned this place into Municipal storage a few years ago we have everything from ter on the coast at Halloween sets in props for local theater um did Shakespeare in the parking something we Hamlet needed an understudy how exactly did you end up in charge of this Festival I work for the city now defense coordinator since when about a year ago you seem surprised oh it's a big world Holly I can't be tether to one place you quoting me now paraphrasing actually yeah I thought so I've never used the word tethered ever okay here we go so is our stage in area so where our volunteers are working on lights and props and signs kind like to think of this Santa's Workshop does that make you an elf then no that makes me head elf wow I don't remember this Festival being quite this big before well was the first one in 5 years it's kind of like our grand return the town up the budget and we were pretty lucky we had a special benefactor chip in okay so should I just jump in make myself useful actually I have an assignment just for you okay what is it nothing yet hopefully it's going to be a concession stand your mom will sees a her bait Goods prob be a fun project for you keep it the old heart touch oh po I forget yep welcome to team am I supposed to wear this or live inside of it it was first come first sir please tell me these aren't mandatory you're volunteer you can wear it if you'd like the other volunteers are wearing there so no pressure okay here's your toolbox I think I got it wood nails I can handle it walking away good luck secure legs with screws piece of cake [Music] there should be another battery in the Box [Music] what I was using the drill earlier so the battery might be dead but there should be an extra oh thanks also you want to use a wood screw that one's for Sheet Metal you can tell by the thread can I show you sure here thanks I you get to be such an expert on this stuff my dad told me he says that anything worth doing is worth doing right wow your dad sounds really smart he's the best I got to go right [Music] here Jack I'm right [Music] here okay which do you like better for the front door a little candy cane for the front door I've always used solid RIT why did you ask me then I just wanted your opinion hello Holly I bring Tidings of good cheer and better news you're in seriously officially it's down to you and two others but I've got the inside track that you're the favorit you didn't hear that from me no of course not sit tight final word won't come until after the New Year but I thought you might appreciate the heads up I do thank you so much Merry Christmas bye good news very I'm up for photo editor at this really big lifestyle magazine in Los Angeles so I'd have my own office and a staff and a door with my name on it oh honey that sounds wonderful it is I mean there's really only just one downside I amum I wouldn't be behind the camera anymore and you're okay with that well I mean I'd still be working with photographs I just wouldn't be mine I don't know it just seems like the next logical step to do in my career and a lot more money money isn't everything sh is nice though I remember when you were a little girl growing up got your first camera you just couldn't put it down H well I'm not a little girl anymore mom don't remind me love you [Music] Mama there you are morning stop by triplets C you little pick me up I don't drink coffee I know that's why this is tea Two Sugars right yeah thanks I know we didn't end things on the best of terms then I'm partially entirely responsible for that so I was hoping for little truce it's Christmas time peace on Earth Good Will towards exus okay truce truce hey good to have you back enjoy your [Music] tea all right look alive everyone one day closer to show [Music] time well if it isn't the handyman Jack right Holly hi Holly hi chck how' your sand turn out lopsided but I think there's still some time to save it maybe you could uh give me a hand later sure did you draw this yep wow you're really talented you must get that from your dad you know my dad I do yeah he's very artistic he's s doodle all day long in his notebooks really yeah I've never seen him draw anything he told me I took after my mom hey you oh what's all this you brought lunch figured I'd bring dessert cons candied them myself oh thank you Stuart these look so delicious don't they Sorry here I'll get the spoon oh great okay there you go here go [Music] I know I know I know I know outside are you yeah I can't wait so good I uh had a question for you Caroline mhm I was wondering if uh you'd like to accompany me to the winter festival oh I know you're running the concession and all but I thought I I hoped I could convince you to sneak away to watch the lights with me a I'm so sorry Stuart I just don't think that's such a good idea you see I'm I'm going to be so no I understand I just thought I'd take a shot hey do you guys need help with anything uh no I I think she's got this under control you ladies have a great afternoon same to you up a little here no to the right here yeah perfect okay okay what's next tinsel that box right behind you New York City 2006 my first Christmas being away from home I can't believe you kept all these of course I did even if you were worlded away at Christmas was like having a little piece of you back home I cherished everyone you sent ah Paris of course I must admit I'm not too disappointed about skipping this year hold that that I figured I could deliver this one in [Music] person this may be my favorite okay where do I put it right there [Music] here perfect I'm so happy you're [Music] home bnog careful it may have a bit of a kick oh really mhm I added extra cinnamon you're a wild one mom ah cheers you know this is my favorite tradition after decorating the tree with your father eggnog on the porch look at him he was so handsome in his dress blues you know he was wearing them the first night we met I laid eyes on him and I was up Conor I can't believe it's been 3 years mom have youever considered dating again your father was the love of my life I can't imagine being with anyone else yeah I know but Dad would want you to be happy I am Mr Maguire seems nice Stuart you never told me you guys were so close I mean you know he makes weekly deliveries from the farm seems awfully fond of you Holly we're just friends I'm just teasing mom but if you are more than that you know that'd be okay right I'm going to go to bed okay I'm just going to spend a little more time with my eggnog if you don't mind I miss him too Mom can I well if I did not know any better I would say that's a concession State well that's what I'm making isn't it well yesterday it was looking like the Leaning Tower piso yeah well I fixed it actually Jack helped me out makes sense it's a whiz and stuff like this he's a he's a really great kid thank you it's all my influence and I'm sure you know I am a good guy I'm like a ray of sunshine in the lives of all around me in fact I want to show you something what is it trust me no follow me [Music] any can I get a drum roll do a drum roll no about I hat no okay 3 2 1 tada it's the spitting fish we just got done with it this it's your favorite this was your favorite right you remember that of course have you been to Mercy Waters yet no I uh haven't had chance yet maybe we should go two of us yeah my buddy's band's playing tonight actually like a date me to be strictly batonic but your heart set on a DAT you can twist my arm Are you seriously asking me are right now okay are you with someone am I with someone okay not interested can't blame a guy for trying you know what everyone told me to give you a chance try to be friends but this is a new low even for you find a new [Music] volunteer Holly you remember Betty eser she was a few years behind you in school I think the last time you saw me I was in braces no yeah uh of course I remember you sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I was just going to my room to grab my camera oh no come sit down you're not interrupting at all I'll pour you some tea Betty's helping with the concession stand we were going to finalize the menu but kind of got sidetracked with wedding planning wedding planning you're engaged as of two nights ago he proposed at the park when they were testing out some of the lights drops down to his knee right in front of the shooting stars isn't that the most romantic thing you've ever heard yeah I'm hoping to convince your mom to cater for me a Betty it's your big day you should have a professional handle bu that Holly please tell your mama that no one makes a better peach cobbler Holly could take pictures oh could you Holly I uh of course she could you are the best oh I'm just the luckiest girl in the whole world you're precious buddy hey hold up a second what is it uh I can't I can't go to your wedding oh well that's okay I I know we kind of put you on the spot no I mean I can't go because your fiance made a pass at me what I I'm sorry I didn't know if I should say anything but I just didn't feel right keeping it from you uh when did this happen today at the park well maybe he was just being friendly he's a real friendly guy he uh he asked me out in a date oh I'm sorry I don't know I mean maybe he just uh got caught up in the moment I mean we do have a past together so a past you dated Benny Benny aren't you engaged to Mike Mike no he's like a brother to me but I saw you too yesterday he was spinning you around and you guys were hugging I was letting him know Benny propose he's the one who introduced us then who's Jack that's Mike's nephew Steve's little boy oh Holly you gave me quite a scare oh and just so you know Mike's a single as they come if you need a date for the wedding oh crap okay these need to be taken outside yeah that's right box thank you good morning hi what's that uh an apology and sticky buns apology sticky buns I don't think you were coming back yeah about that I uh may have assumed you had a wife and child what look I I misread the situation and I'm really sorry well makes me feel a little bit better about the rejection going to start over and we Holly I I didn't know you were in town didn't tell you of course you can have my number I mean don't beg it's embarrassing there people around here not how that happen how our memb okay you're what a day behind on your project need some help that would be great o nice shirt by the way I've been to Russia France Brazil and last year I spent Christmas in Ukraine wow yeah do you know they don't decorate their trees with tinsel they use spider webs cool right hey Ellie yeah do you like mac and cheese yeah why hey Uncle Mike yep can I come over for mac and cheese tonight you should okay I'll be there excuse me hey Mike you know where a ladder is yes it's on Billy truck and he's at lunch there's a light out on the shooting star and the bulbs are all way at the top I can't climb that high who needs a ladder show them how it's done Bud those to pretty close huh oh yeah Steve is really lucky it worked out the way it did what do you mean he's overseas you didn't know that no well he's in the Army Mike's looking at the Jack while he's deployed well what happened to Jack's mother she was in the service too fact that's how they met she passed a few years ago that's awful Mike had a life out in Nashville he dropped it off to come back here and look at the Jack that's what family does that's a good man [Music] oh wow Betty these look so good really you're not just sparing my feelings right have Holly try I never spare feelings mhm see oh by the way Betty and Benny have invited us to dinner tonight if you're not busy actually um right check I have plans plans yeah I'm going to Mike's it's not like that I did not say a thing uh she didn't but I will I love this it's just dinner but dinner can lead to more we tried more that that did not work out what happened it's a long story well I don't have anywhere to be do you Caroline no I live here okay um we graduated high school and I went up to college Holly was at the top of her class would you like to tell this sorry continue Mike decided that he was going to take a year off and then follow me except when it was time to go he changed his mind oh said he didn't know what he wanted and that he needed to go out and find it and apparently that didn't include me well you're both here maybe this is your second [Music] chance you're here I'm here hey follow me I want to show you something in my room okay whoa It's excited you're here come on Holly hi hi these are fighter planes this one's a Mustang and this one's a tom cat I also have a few bombers and some army tanks I'm trying to grow my collection W did you build all these with my dad you know my dad used to find one of these really yeah he was in the Air Force he was stationed at keyler Airbase it's not far from here that's cool yeah this is what I'm working on now Santa sleigh I'm going to surprise my dad for Christmas shh you can't tell Scot's honor [Music] so the cobwebs were in the same box as the Halloween decorations yeah not exactly how they do it in Ukraine but I like whatever's Happening Here If You Follow Me dinner's [Music] ready you kept this yeah it was a gift it was getting cold you remember the time we went summon after church down behind Maguire's Farm oh my gosh what were we nine 10 10 yeah remember you rode on my bike that I got for my birthday yeah the one with the wobbly handle bar they were not wobbly you didn't sit on them right because they were wobbly you wouldn't sit still they they weren't wobbling yes they were my mama was Furious she just bought me that new dress and there I was splashing in the creek so you guys used to be friends yeah yeah we were cool I'm getting I'm get is amazing let's go hello hey little brother hey man get your bags packs yeah look look about that something's come up come on Jack you got this go for it he scores Jack Dad's on the phone Dad guess what we must have the whole light show set up I helped with the banner and Holly wait do you know Holly Holly said to draw really well is everything okay Steve stuck at the base storms are rolling in and they're grounding flights for the next few days oh no he's trying to make arrangements when they settle down but he's going to miss Christmas Jack Jack [Music] Jack Jack I'm really sorry I know how much you were looking forward to your dad coming home for Christmas look bud it's it's only going to be a few more days we can have our own celebration when he gets home come on Jack will you open the door for [Music] me can I try yeah hey Jack it's Holly can we talk thanks for letting me come I know how hard it can be to keep saying goodbye to your dad I had to do that a lot growing up did you order that ever miss Christmas a couple of them yeah really what did you do can I show you something one Christmas just before he was scheduled to be deployed again my dad took me outside and he told me to choose a star he said that whenever I missed him I should look up at that star and he'd do the same we picked that [Music] one the world's a big place but knowing that he was looking at the same star suddenly he didn't seem so far away maybe when my dad gets back we could do the same thing I think that'd be a really good idea come [Music] here sorry Dasher no luck [Music] [Music] yet oh good you're up good morning hi what are you doing here so early you up for a field [Music] trip wow when did they build this place about 4 years ago after the hurricane this town was in really rough shape a lot of businesses were forced to shut shut down they didn't want to of course but insurance money doesn't cover everything when the businesses go people aren't far behind and they built this Resort created a lot of jobs and really helped Gulfport bounce back and in a stroke of good look the developer was going to build this in New Orleans but the very last minute they moved construction to here excuse me we're picking up the lights for the festival could you help us out points in the right direction oh yeah of course follow me so when Island View found out the city was going to resurrect a light show they not only gave us a big donation they gave us all their lights we are coming to collect all right here we are whoa check it out wait a minute so this is my surprise helping you carry cardboard boxes no this is your surprise is that Ship Island yep best few it in the city H's dad used to take his fish yeah and every Christmas we go hunt for oysters and we SP all morning out and N you said other than home it's his favorite place to be can I see yeah that's right wow Jack take this SC go check out the D from over there okay thank you for taking me here thought she might like you know sometimes I wonder B proud of me of course he would he dedicated his life to something what have I done you show people things I've never seen before I find that important maybe do you have time for one more stop [Music] Uncle Mike can I go see Benny yeah what's up man how's it do let's put on a brave face but he's disappoined yeah well we'll just have to give him the best Christmas ever then we yeah should test my photos up yeah that's why I took you here a lot of places do why a reminder there's a lot of good in this world when I look at these photos I don't see flooded streets I don't see broken glass I see the volunteers who handed out drinking water I see fishermen spending hours in Skiffs searching for people strand on their roofs I see friends I see family I see strangers and I see Neighbors all coming together looking to help your pictures they mean something to this town so do you well come on let us see it well it's a little big in the [Music] belly I think it looks great but you may need some extra padding to fill it out there was a time that this would have fit me perfectly but my wife convinced me to skip the cookies there now you look like Santa oh all right the looks great but we're going to have to hear the vocals ho ho ho no no no wait wait wait ho ho ho it should be deeper so your stomach shakes like a bful of jelly CH all right I'll work on this is so itchy hey hey can I help you with something yes information oh I don't know much about the whole operation I just make the stand but I think I saw about the festival about you and Mike there there is no me and Mike so you didn't write in together today oh no we did and you weren't at his house until almost 10:00 the other night but are you a lawyer actually I am but right now I'm just being nosy oh in that case I plead the fifth come on there's nothing to tell I've been back for 6 days but you and Mike dated for 4 years yeah but I haven't seen him in like almost 10 years I can't wait that long we're really invested in this I love Mike everyone does when he was put in charge of the festival the whole town lined up to help out incidentally I was really happy to be teamed up with your mom and the possession stand she has the best gossip in town yeah that's true Mike's one of my absolute favorite people and if anyone deserves some happiness it's him yeah I want that for him too but this is just two friends catching up does he know that all right let's go beat you I'll beat you [Music] all right you guys ready to light up Mr Chris AKA Malibu Santa ready all right 3 [Music] two they're not on okay uh don't tell Benny I was touching this okay I'll figure it out give me a second well be getting close to Christmas are you getting excited I guess you get my Dad was supposed to come home for Christmas but he's stuck oh I'm sorry to hear that well maybe maybe he could get unstuck do you really think that can happen You Know Jack I've learned to never count out a miracle especially at [Music] Christmas who got [Music] it than right anytime bye Jack bye for hey Holly yeah you do anything later I think so maybe grab some dinner sure great it's a [Music] date day the halls with bows of Dawn now our gay [Music] app TR the an sure you don't mind watching Jack tonight oh of course not this little boy's a dream careful that goes to his said I heard that hey what are you two doing tomorrow night since we'll all be working the light show Christmas Eve I'm having a little Christmas Eve Eve dinner here at the house you know we had the same thought I was going to attempt the turkey we bought a fire extinguisher last week just in case Jack broo dude you two have to come here it's just going to be Holly and me and Lord knows I'll have too much food she will [Music] you should come sounds good look beautiful thanks uh Caroline I promised to have her back before curfew do you bye Mama bye have fun so Jack do you like gingerbread yeah boy do I have a surprise for you for scoline yes Jack do you believe in miracles I do so it's not silly to wish for them things may not always turn out the way you want them to Jack but there is nothing silly about having faith that hard times are going to get better now how about mying here we are I found it I was hoping you could help me with something it's kind of a secret mission what is it open it and see some have chimneys but all have locks the key to entry is in this [Music] box it's a key a master key what is it open every house in Gulfport in the South not very many houses have chimneys so how is Santa supposed to deliver all of his toys was this mhm it was given to my family many years ago for safekeeping Holly used to be in charge of it but now that she's older I was hoping you could take the job what do I do when you get home put the key in your mailbox Santa will take it and use it on Christmas Eve when Santa's finished he'll find a way to get it back to you so what do you think I'll do it you can count on me I knew I could got it got what take a pictures of me I wanted a spontaneous photo the back of my head that's not my good side okay fine then strike your pose it's my good side got it let me see it yeah I don't want to see it all right where to you next I don't know it's getting late so maybe we should just head back it's 9 City girl okay well then what do you suggest dessert [Music] okay it was nice of Benny to give you the keys this place he go me a favor okay you ready yes we have strawberry chocolate M vanilla D all the above stop good answer you know most people only get two scoops I've always made yours with three well no wonder I fell for you [Music] you still got it thank you thank you very much I've had some practice Benny lets me and Jack come over here on Sundays I get to make him one you're really good with him it's my buddy no I'm serious what you're doing for your brother that's it's really [Music] special well he's the one defending our country and it's the least I can do no it's not not many people would make that kind of [Music] sacrifice you for a while I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life was bouncing around a little bit had a baring gig in Nashville uh got a guitar played a few open m nights were you any good no but it was starting to feel comfortable starting to feel like home but that's when Steve called and I knew I had to come back do you ever miss it your old life no I finally feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be I guess you don't always have to go looking for what you need sometimes it finds you how's it shake it's really good here absolutely one [Music] not there's tables in the way right there's another one now I know you didn't miss me but can't tell me you do Miss home yeah and I may have missed you a ro too despite my better judgment of course of course when I ever see the sun again you're the one I can't get [Music] over how I miss you in a thousand ways we're living every single day know I can't go lower I'm delivered safe and sound just like I had promised I had a really nice night might I get that in writing what you know oh sorry sorry I saw headlights it's okay we were just about to head in how's Jack out like a light on the couch oh subtle I believe it was your suggestion thank you Caroline anytime well I don't know it was nice nice is good nice is strange why strange I just never thought I'd consider opening that door again you're considering it now maybe I don't know it it felt right hello Holly turns out the race is a little tighter than I thought Lopez was in the office today I think she impressed a lot of people okay is there anything I can do Bas is leaving town the day after Christmas to go on vacation if you can get back here in the next few days I can get you some face to with them I think it could seal the deal I Christmas Eve if you really want the job I think the smart thing is to get on the next flight out the window's closing let me know why don't I get a some more pie so what are you going to do I have to go back right you're asking me I'd missed Christmas and the light show and then there's Mike and Jack I don't know you need to do whatever it takes to make sure they choose you that is if it's still what you want Mom I'd be crazy to turn this down well then sounds like you've made up your mind [Music] yeah hey hey I didn't know I me to tell you I talked to Benny and I got him to reserve you and Jack two of the best seats for tomor night show right in the front actually I I need to talk to you about that what's up okay well so last night I got a call from I'm sorry Holly I need to steal this guy for a second look we need you down at the festival site I think the gingerbread house got unloaded in the wrong spot that's one heavy cookie okay um go take care of it you sure I'm sorry no it's okay I we'll uh talk tonight [Music] dinner ready yes okay knives you're going to [Music] chop [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect hi hi hi Merry Christmas Eve Eve well don't you look festive come on in Holly's father always started dinner with a prayer so Jack would you like to do the honors thank you for this meal we are about to receive thank you for Uncle Mike thank you for Holly and thank you for Caroline and please watch over my dad until he gets home amen amen amen this looks fantastic well Holly helped Holly mostly watched how are things going down at the festival well your daughter built the world's greatest concession stand I mean I deny it but that would be a lie well everyone I've talked to is so excited for the show I can't wait to see it again after all these years it's going to be really special mom I hope so this CH needs it hey Holly guess what what my dad said whenever he gets home he's going to take me to Ship Island really yeah Steve's Buddy's out of town till the new year so we could use his boat pack a lunch make a whole day of it oh that's so cool I'm so jealous we don't have to be we'd like you to come along how could I say [Music] no wondering where you snuck off to are you okay yeah I'm just uh trying to figure out how I tell you this tell me what I have to leave tomorrow to go back to Los Angeles like an assignment or this magazine that i' done some freelance worked for in the past is hiring a new photo editor and they're considering me for the job well sounds like a pretty big deal it would be yeah hey buddy hey M yeah can I give it to her absolutely Merry Christmas thank you I love it you're welcome hey I brought you some turkey stuffing and some extra cocko you're the best thank you good night good night are you leaving yeah got to get this guy to bed we have a big day tomorrow so right jack give me favor will you take this truck and I'll be there in a second okay yes sir thank you for my presence so no light show no light show I really wanted to be there I E sounds like a great opportunity I'm really happy for you [Music] congratulations I guess this is goodbye I'm going to miss you stay in touch this time I will Merry Christmas Merry [Music] Christmas we have everything I think so could you hold on a priner for me in case someone claims him of course kind of grown attached to the little guy come on you know Mom you don't have to drive me to the airport I know you have a lot of work to do for tonight it's Christmas Eve and I am going to spend every second that I can with you and that's the end of it hello sure yeah of course yes I can meet you there okay bye-bye slight change of [Music] plans hey you seen Holley we're getting ready to move our stand out into the park should we wait no it's crunch time you mind setting it up I don't think she's going to mind all right you got it boss man thank you bye [Music] [Music] excuse me I uh think this guy May belong to you thank you thank you so much for coming down here you have saved my granddaughter's Christmas I'm just glad it actually worked out it was kind of shot and dark uh can I buy you lunch it's the least I can do I have a plan to catch but thank you okay then uh next time you're in town you own this place I do have you stayed with us no I I haven't but I I heard all about what you did for gulport after the hurricane well this town is close to my hard I I grew up here really yeah I was halfway around the world when the storm hit and tell you the truth I hadn't thought of this little town in in ages but when I saw those pictures of what had happened I I knew I had to do something uh there was one in particular of this of this mother holding her little little baby and she was about the age of my granddaughter at the time and oh she had this look of determination in the middle of all this destruction I won't forget that that I called our developer that night all because you saw a photo well even though I was halfway around the world uh for that moment it just took me back home and now I am here to stay [Music] all right what do you want to do first man I wish my dad was here yeah me too and Holly me too what you want me do ask you to stay you're right I should have asked her to St I know right evening everyone Hi Mr McGuire didn't Caroline do a fabulous job ah of course knew she would so uh any recommendations well the sticky bun seem to be a big hit those do look good okay listen Caroline I feel like I've made you uncomfortable no no you didn't do anything wrong I was I was flattered I hope we can still be friends sure would hate to lose my best customer of course great now it's on me thank you well enjoy the show you too [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hello golf ports I just want to welcome everyone to the annual Harbor Lights Festival uh but first a huge round of applause for all of our volunteers without their hard work we can't do this and a huge thank you to Mayor Billy Hughes and the city for all of their support I think we all know why this year's Festival is so special 5 years ago our community was thrown quite a curveball and we didn't let it beat us we got through it side by side hly cuz we're a family what better time to celebrate family than Christmas so if you haven't already please grab a spot on the lawn grab a chair and uh since it's actually a tad chili tonight go you up with your loved one sit back relax enjoy the show let there be [Music] light sent night sheer [Music] qu at the S Glory stream from heaven will [Music] w [Music] great show Captain [Music] shouldn't you be on an airplane yeah well I uh I turned on the job really yeah I uh I decided I didn't want to give this up the security would have been nice and the money would have been nicer but I'm meant to be behind the camera you know all I've ever wanted to do is make a difference a real difference and and this is how I can do it I talked to my old editor and I pitched him a new series about golf courts recovery and he loved it this town can inspire a lot of people and I want to be a part of that and I want to do that with [Music] you Uncle Mike Holly Santa's here come on [Music] oh ho ho Merry Christmas everyone please please gather [Music] around hi oh hello nice to meet you how are you excuse me oh EX Merry Christmas oh well hi there oh ho ho merry Chistmas he gets quite a lot of volume I think his ho ho ho might put mine to shame Mr Chris wait if you're here who's in the suit hey you're not Mr Chris I'm not Jack I'm not Dad see how did he get you I may have called in a [Music] favor hey man how you doing I've got some great news Jack I've been reassigned to a base nearby s staying for good for good [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] Jack about that [Applause] huh Yes dear oh oh no I'm on my way now I uh I had an early gift to deliver well it's going to be a wonderful night uh-huh but you don't have to wait up as usual I'll see you [Music] then that one wasn't so [Music] bad so glad you staying here yeah I am what now well I was planning on kissing you [Music] here let me thanks sweetie I got it I got it I can carry one I know but you don't have to well looks like you've run out of hand so I'll just take this one wait thanks is it too heavy you can rest if you need to woo this one yep there you go any special request for Christmas dinner H peach cobbler ah you got it my dad bought the turkey last night he says that I can help them when a ra deep friy set do me a favor you guys grab these bows and H the concession stand with them thank you thank you hey Allison yeah yeah right by the tree thank you guess it Betty I'm never going to live that down am I you're not supposed to be back for 3 hours what are you doing I gave you a conservative estimate help's the whole surprise thing how was Paris it was great but I'm really glad to be home oh I got you something please be croissant please be croissant sadly they don't travel well holy hey Jack so Jack has been working on a Banner no better man for the job thanks should we show her no [Music] okay uh oops [Music] um it's Miss communication we didn't have time for a Trout Run yeah this has been the best year of my life and I know there's a person out there for everyone and for me it's you of course had you been here 2 hours later there'd be a string quartet six dozen roses but the second I saw you I knew I couldn't wait one more moment to ask you to be my wife so will you [Applause] yes I love you I love you I can't believe you did all this all I got you was an Eiffel Tower tie we for the wedding welcome to the [Music] family B brother yes congrats you getting married yeah love is beautiful but guys still got a show to do back to [Music] work [Music] myy searching high and looking low oh been looking for my baby this Christmas just got to let her [Music] know all for Christmas to keep up from the [Music] cold yeah I've been rolling on the river been traveling through the Pines been checking out the hills and the Beautiful coine it's a Mississippi Christmas all theed yeah it's Christmas in the sou see the lights and the [Music] sound r
Channel: Romance Movie Central
Views: 59,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Romantic Movies, Chick Flicks, Free Rom Coms, Free Romcoms, Full Hallmark Movies, Full Romantic Comedy, Love Movies, Love Stories, Movie Central, Romance, Romance Movie Central, Romance Movie Channel, Romantic, Romantic Movies, YouTube Movies, full free Movies, latest Movies 2022, movies about love, Jana Kramer, Wes Brown, Faith Ford, 2017, Emily Moss Wilson, romcom, romantic, comedy, christmas, xmas, holiday, Christmas In Mississippi, Mississippi, netflix, prime, amazon, hallmark
Id: PfJP4uOzWpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 28sec (5608 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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