CHRISTMAS COOKING CHAOS ft. Emma Thompson & Gaia Wise!! | PASS IT ON S2 E29 | Sorted Food

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(upbeat music) - I don't know what to do. - That's annoying! - Looks terrible, we're hiding these. - Oh, what is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? This should be really obvious. - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - [Janice] I'm not sure any of us can quite believe it nor how on earth it happened. But today we welcome actors, Dame Emma Thompson, and her daughter Gaia Wise to Pass It On. Have you any idea of what you've got yourselves in for? - No, no, I'm old. I don't even know, I can't even spell YouTube. (all laughing) - I have to go home with her. And if I mess it up, Christmas may turn- bad rapidly - If you make me miserable, everything could go horribly wrong for you later. Yeah, and I am threatening you. (all laughing) It's an actual threat. - [Janice] It's a particularly special episode today because Gaia and Emma are here to raise awareness for Beat Charity. - For those of you who don't know Beat Charity helps people with eating disorders. - Yeah, and we are gonna find out more about the wonderful work they do later on. But first up Janice, what's the theme? - Lean in, lean in. - [Janice] Today scene is Christmas canapes. And in honour of our special guests, we want a Scottish twist. As we know your Scottish and love to spend the holidays there. - You said plural canape. - [Both] Canape. - More than one. - Just one. - Yeah, true guys a good point (laughs). - [Janice] We're looking for three different types of Christmas canapes with six of each. Gaia as your regular Sorted viewer please choose the order. - Mike. - First. -Yeah! - One. (Mike laughing) - Jamie, Ben, Barry. - Okay. - Because Barry's good at plating. - That's not a bad shout. That's not a bad shout. - Thank you. (all laughing) - Good luck. - Take your positions. - Thank you. - Thank you, Janice. (all laughing) (bright upbeat music) - [Janice] So here's how this ridiculous thing works. Each player has 10 minutes to contribute to creating a delicious array of Christmas canape. The catch is, they have no idea what the others have done in the kitchen until it is their turn. Gaia and Emma will watch the carnage unfold from the cooking cam area. And they will choose when to step in to have their turn. - Okay, okay. (bell buzzing) I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm looking at the ingredients there and I'm thinking full Scottish breakfast. Can I get some Christmassy flavours in? So like literally fried bread as the little bottom? Some sausages, bacon, some haggis, like maybe like a spiced apple-y thing. - He's only got 10 minutes. Is that why he's behaving like a mad person? - Yes. - Okay, I don't now whether we should step in. - [Janice] Already!? - I'm panicking slightly now because I thought that he might be less anxious. - Fried bread, fried bread. No, that's not really doing much is it. Mmmh. Could we do stewed apples? Let's just chop up some apple and hopefully, Ebbers will come. He'll come along and go, "Hmm Christmassy spices" and probably use it for something completely different. Chefy wow, wow, wow. - He's panicking. - Have these people ever cooked before? (Gaia laughing) - Little bit of apple in. We're gonna put a lot of sugar in, all spice. Some cinnamon powder. Don't look at outside. I don't know what I've done, I've done what a horse does. I'm just bolted, I'm blind at the moment. I have no idea what I'm doing. I might just make some scrambled egg, why scrambled egg? Don't make scrambled egg Mike. Do you think we should prevent him from doing that? Stop the clock, stop the cook! (bell buzzing) - Oh wow! Already they're coming in. - Get out, Mike. Just go, thank you. (lovely upbeat music) - Right, okay, right. - Don't get in my way. - Right, get that. - We have to stop Mike from making scrambled eggs because I don't know I just felt for the eggs, you know, it's sad. - Look, look, look, what are those? - I'm going to fry the liver, the chicken livers really quickly with a bit of whiskey. And then I'm gonna stick 'em in the blender with lots of melted butter. - And then we were thinking of basically doing just a little bit of pan-black pudding with some hazelnuts for a little bit of texture. - And then we were gonna put some cauliflower in the oven, but just to confuse them. (Mike laughing) I'm going to do this. (pan sizzling) Do not light it on fire, do not flambe it, I don't trust you. - This is how- - It could be so wrong. - I'm getting out the way. - Right that's going in there. And I'm gonna start whipping it up. Are you gonna get that in the oven by the way mate? - Oh, yeah, put on back. I've got one, that's why I got the baking tray out. - This is obviously just to confuse people. - There is so much food, Jamie is gonna go in and he is gonna lose his mind. - Have we got turmeric? - Oh, nice. - Curry powder - Just use that. (beeping) - Oh my God. - So are they gonna zhoosh that up? - Woo! (blender whirring) Yes, yes, now taste it. It might be horrid, I might really have misremembered that in a desperate way. 'Cause it should have time to- - That's actually not bad, I'm kind of impressed with that. - Two and a half, okay, that's going into the oven. (Gaia laughing) - Well, what's that, what's that? What are you doing? - Well, I was thinking little bit, little bit black pudding in here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Top it with a little bit of lobster - Oh that's nice. - Like that, you know make it look nicer. - Yeah, yeah. - God right, that's in there. - So I'm just gonna dry myself on your trousers 'cause I'm like- (Gaia and Emma laughing) - Okay, now. - [Emma and Gaia] Four, three, two. (bell buzzing) - I think we've done all right. - I'm going six max. - Six max, all right, six max. - [Janice] Do you think she's going to fire her agent? (lively upbeat music) (bell buzzing) - (laughs) Oh man, oh that's set. (Gaia laughing) - He needs to put that on top of a paté. How do I convey that to him? - You can't. - Okay, I think bacon's done, let's get bacon out. - These are gonna be so good. - I'm quite excited, I'm quite hungry. - Actually now I'm hungry. - Sausage is definitely aren't done, deep fried mars bars. That's Scottish, let's throw that in the mix. - That's a good idea. - I'm not proud of that performance. So I'm gonna have to score myself two. - Jamie! (playful upbeat music) (bell buzzing) - Am I gonna hate what I find or am I gonna love? Actually this looks quite... Look at this. (laughs) We've got... Why are there bar mars? are we deep-frying mars bars? The batter that I remember how to make is the Yorkshire pudding batter. Could that work around mars bars? - It's inspired. - It's inspired actually. - Milk, probably should have done the flour first we find that's about right. One of those, three quarters of the way up with eggs. This is what you were after wasn't it? Fancy. Oh, look at that there. Whisky it, a little bit of whiskey. My whiskey batter is at- - No, no, no, no don't do that. - Whiskey batter sounds like a thing, doesn't it? Oh, there we go. - Stop it! We've just put alcohol into absolutely everything we've made. (Gaia laughing) (soft lovely music) Shouldn't a deep fryer go sssss. - I don't feel like these are gonna make it. - We could use that batter again. That batter could still be used. I was thinking maybe for Yorkshire puddings, but for the, the sausages in there. So, there we go. Get some oil in there. We'll get that into the oven to heat up, three, two, one! (bell buzzing) - No, that's just a heart attack on a plate and not well presented either, I'm not eating that. - I've embarrassed myself in front of some guests. I'm gonna score myself seven. - Oh, okay, confident. (Gaia laughing) - Ebbers! (bell chiming) Oh this is a first, (bell buzzing) I get to wear an apron. 'Cause I haven't got a chef jacket. What have we got? (chuckles) I can only imagine because of who's just come before me. That was a Jamie effort. That should be in there. Is that chicken livers? Nice. Some beautiful red meat, I think it's venison. And we can probably do like a little tartare, basically very, very fine dice. I think what's happened is people have come in here and just grabbed a whole bunch of Scottish ingredients and not necessarily thought about how they might go together. - Ah, all right, Ben. - Little bit of mustard, salt and pepper. Little bit of all spice. - That's a great canape. - I'm not sure we've ever done this with guests who aren't chefs, but they come with the wonders of Scottish ideas and influence. And we presented a table full of beautiful Scottish ingredients. And I feel like collectively we've let them down. 'Cause I just realised that was supposed to be deep fried mars bar. Wasn't it? How embarrassing that's where we went. Oh no. (Gaia chuckling) Some of that and some of that. - That's a great idea, look, that's gorgeous. - Kedgeree is Scottish, we've got some smoked haddocks there. We could make some little smoked haddock fritters, Smoked haddock, curry powder. So kedgeree a rice dish, but what's better than rice? Cauliflower rice. - Ah, you see. - Ground flour to bind it, which gives you that bhaji esque. - Gonna make little bhajis and that's because I, floureted the (beep) out of that cauliflower. Come on. Oh, Oh! - And I also want some fresh herbs. - [Janice] What Gaia and Emma don't know is that they will be having a second turn, but I'll save that surprise for a little later. - Which can go into the fryer. I hope these float 'cause otherwise they're gonna stick to the element of the bottom. 'Cause sometimes it destroyed the basket. - Yeah, I hope there isn't mars bar left in that bloody basket. 'Cause that's not gonna go well, is it? - And my time is up, I'm gonna score myself, a very out breath. Sev- eight out of 10, bold I know I need to get Barry in quick before those bhajis burn, Barry. - What if he doesn't check the thing? Do do things just blow up? (playful upbeat music) - Okay, so all have to do is plate up. What the hell is going on? There's something over, what is that? Wait a minute. Where's the basket gone? Where's the... I need tongs. I'm gonna say soft, deep fry soft shell-crab. That would be love, wouldn't it? That would be fancy. What is it? It's not gonna be deep fried mars bar. Oh God, that's awful. Okay. - [Janice] Stop the clock. Gaia and Emma will now go in for a second turn. - Oh God. (playful instrumental music) We're coming back in, we're coming back in. Janice has made us come back in. How could you Janice? My life. Get in there quickly, I'm gonna do a scallop. - You have to get that out the oven, you have to get that out the oven. - Otherwise we're all going to burst into flame. Make that little thing like that and put little bits of green on the top and possibly even a chopped caper. - Well, I'm just gonna spend 10 minutes putting bloody parsley on things -Haggis, haggis... Did you turn that off? Was that you Janice? She can't be trusted, you know. - [Janice] She's joking, we're going for sambucas after this. - That looks terrible. - No, it doesn't, it looks very nice, it's fine. - Oh God, I hate this, so no, you know what? Barry's Barry's finishing now, I refuse. I'm gonna crumble up that black pudding. I'm gonna make little pieces of bacon and then a little bit of black pudding on the top and a tiny bit of scallop. - It's gonna be so salty. - This is Scottish, this is actually Scottish. - Put it on a blini. - I mean it's slightly pathetic this, but look. - It's incredibly pathetic this is so stressful. I'm overriding your decision making. You are putting them on some pan-fried blinis. - Oh, okay. - [Janice] I think that shook things up nicely. Now let's get Barry back in. (bell buzzing) - Stop cooking! Alright - Okay go. (bell buzzing) Okay, okay. - Hilarious, give me a shot. - So these scallops are done. Let's take these out. I saw Emma fiddling with these, but I wasn't sure what it was. (Barry laughing) - Don't laugh in that way. - Right, so they're being cooked in some sort of caramel. Oh my goodness, I really should be tasting as I go. What gonna do? We're gonna do a flat bottom. That's gonna go on there. (all laughing) So this is a makeshift one. We're gonna have to just like invent something going along- - Paté on toast, fancy! Fancy... - Look at the bloody, -Put the scallops on...put the scallops on the thing -It's not gonna happen - I got three minutes left. Okay, tell you what, let's just put- let's just build it. - No, don't put mayonnaise in there. - I'm gonna build- right we're gonna go... - With curry cauliflower, it'll be the nicest one, you wait, you'll try it And it'll be gorgeous. - Where's the scallop? - Oh, wait a minute, we have the scallops. Forgot about these things. And then wait a minute. Who didn't cooking enough scallops, what's that? Oh, that's what she was trying to do. - Yes! - Okay, okay, and we're putting these things on here. I need a lemon, give me a fricking orange. It's orange instead, there's no lemons. - It's orange, it's just orange, that's not right. (Gaia chuckling) - I wonder if it wasn't seasoned, has anyone seasoned? Anyone seasoned? They have now. (bell buzzing) Is that sugar? That's sugar, that's sugar. - Excellent! (all laughing) That's sugar (beep). (group laughing) I'm gonna have to give myself, you know what, six, I plated up. I counted right, there you go, that'll do. (soft instrumental music) - I'm about to turn 22 and I was about 16, when I was diagnosed incredibly quickly actually with anorexia, it was incredibly traumatic. I think it started as control of exercise was my first one. And then that came to restriction of food and I would over-exercise and under-eat and it became about control. And it was because when you over-exercise and under-eat, you don't feel anything. So really when it comes down to it, it is why it's such a powerful illness. Beat came into my life quite early into my, my disorder because I was able to go onto their site and I could read it was blog post. And it was from people who were going through different stages of their recovery process. And I think that was what was so important to me was that none of it was triggering. None of it was sort of challenging read. It was just, it's hard and nobody was making light of it. It wasn't this kind of like you know, everything's gonna be peachy and fine. It was, it's gonna be really tough. But I think that was what was so important was that I was seeing it sort of every level of where I could be in places where I went, okay, this is too much for me at the minute. Like I can't even think of myself in that level of recovery, but I can read this thing and I can know, okay, I'm here now and I'm okay. And I don't have to expect anything of myself. I don't have to push myself too hard to get better. It's a safe space basically for people in recovery and they do talks at schools and they go in and they can do ground up work at schools, especially- - One of the most important things that Beat do is really address the family. It's those two things, isn't it? It's the person as an individual who's ill, very ill. And then the family and the effect upon the family as parents, the first thing they do, the first thing you are taught to do the first thing that as a human animal, you want to do is feed your children. And I think that one of the most important things to recognise and really talk about is that parents are stigmatised and shamed when their teenagers have mental health disorders of this kind. And that's so unhelpful not only to the families who are suffering untold misery and the person who's got the disease who's suffering even more untold misery. So one of the most important messages Beat can get out and you as an activist can get out. And I as you are supporting parent is to say, do not ever make assumptions, learn about this because it's everywhere. It's very, very common. - I started watching the channel probably just as I got ill weirdly, because I think for me, it was holding onto that semblance of my personality that loved cooking and that loved food, but that was overtaken by a very powerful illness that was terrified of it and did not feel like it could be controlled. And so therefore we don't even involve ourselves with it. It was keeping a bit of me alive that wasn't connected to the eating disorder. It was keeping part of me that knew that I loved food and I loved cooking. And I knew that the kitchen had always been a hub of our family. And now it was something I was terrified of. So seeing a group of people that I knew were very close friends in a situation where it was happy and joyful and funny reminded me of something that I knew I'd lost and something that I knew when I was getting better so I wanted to get back. - [Mike] And there is hope. - And there is absolutely hope. - Absolutely. - Of course. - Absolutely. - Look at this extraordinary creature. (Gaia laughing) (gentle inspiring music) - Guys, we've done it guys. - Guys we've made it. - Yeah. - We made it, cheers. - [All] Cheers, cheers, cheers. - Cheers to having something to wash them down with. 'Cause we're gonna need that. - Ready and- - That's great, that looks great. How did that happen? - I'm so chuffed with that! (playful upbeat music) - [Jamie] Mike, is this anything like you envisioned at the start of this process? - I thought I'd kick it off with a full Scottish breakfast. - Which is so Christmasy. - It's not! -I was gonna serve it with some like spiced appley sort of ketchupy thing. And I was thinking that might be enough Christmasfy it. - So we started with the paté then for some unknown reason you put cauliflower. - I did that to confuse people 'Cause I thought it was a competition, I didn't realise this was a collegiate effort. (all laughing) I didn't realise that we were supposed to try and help each other. - Yeah, I did some black pudding and put them into the little cups with a little bit of lobster on top and that was then ignored. - I overlooked it. - Oh, Ebbers. - Yeah, I came back in and then brought some mars bars to the table. Just thought Jamie's next? - And then I deep fried those mars bars. - Very confusing. (all laughing) - And then I stepped in, made a quick venison tartar, and I used the spiced apples. I did one and hoped you would follow suit and do the other five, which I think you did. - I did. - I also made- - Oh, no. - Some kedgeree inspired bhaji with the cauliflower. - Yes, thank you Janice. - I didn't get far into my go before Janice apparently twisted the rules. And let them back in again. - Let them back in, it's like letting rodents back into your pantry. No, it looks really delicious, doesn't it? - General mood of the room feels positive. - Yeah. - Should we try them and see, see what they taste like? - Cheers. - Cheers. (jaunty playful music) - Whoa! You know what? That orange dressing is not half bad. - That's not half bad actually. And the scallops are cooked really nicely actually. Should we try your paté with- - Yes, let's do. (jaunty playful music) - Banging! - Wow, that paté is awesome. - [Gaia] Mum, yes. - My mother's recipe. No that's lovely. - Slightly confused by the spiced apple, but it kind of works. - No, I think that's great. - Are you having a moment? Should we leave you alone with the tartar for a second. - What did you score yourself, Mike? - I gave myself a two. - Two, stop it. No, this is definitely a three. (all laughing) - I'm gonna give this overall a pass. I think they are probably some of the better Pass It On dishes we've made ever. - [Emma and Gaia] We did six at the time. - Yeah. - I think that's still fair. - I think that's fair. - Oh, it's definitely a pass. - I also agree. I think that's a pass. - What did you score yourself? - Despite your commitment, despite your contribution? I thought I did something a little bit different. I also guided us in a direction with the Yorkshire puddings and the batter so I went for a seven. - A seven? - So I went quite confidently with eight. - Wow. - And it didn't all make it to the plate by far. So maybe that was a bit ambitious. However, the team effort, absolutely a pass. - I'm really proud of what you made and I'm gonna give myself a very humble six. It tasted very nice. - Which is exceptional for a Pass It On, so of course it's a pass. - It was quite literally a Christmas miracle. Well done everyone. - Well, we gave it a complete pass of passes, but the question is to you guys, would you pass or fail the Christmas canapes, comment down below - And thank you much Gaia and Emma for coming in and being a part of the chaos and for sharing your story with us, we've had an amazing time. - Thank You for having us. - Thank you very enough. - So here's sort of already made donation to the Beat Charity. And if you wanna do the same, all the information is downstairs. - Yes, we can achieve great things when we come together. Not only in the kitchen, but as a community and we can do some really great stuff. So we'd really appreciate it. If you can, then please do donate. - Jay, I know this is a very basic route to go down, but I feel like you've been a classic fool and you've not only made a fool out of yourself, but a fall out of us as well and the life we lead foolish. - Oh christ, okay, taxi, (group laughing) taxi, get me out of here. Get me out of here. How dare you? Oh my God, oh you're so embarrassing. Is there any left in here? (wine sloshing) God mighty.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 792,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma thompson, sortedfood pass it on, sortedfood battle, sortedfood ultimate battle, sortedfood poker face, sortedfood relay, sortedfood, gaia wise, sortedfood challenge, recipe relay, sorted food, pass it on sortedfood, recipe challenge, pass it on, last christmas, cooking challenge, emma thompson love actually, emma thompson adele, emma thompson interview, pass it on sortedfood live, sorted food christmas, sorted food recipe relay, emma thompson movies, gaia wise tv
Id: 00uzzFkU6r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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