CHRISTMAS CARTOONS COMPILATION: Santa Claus, Rudolph the Reindeer, Jack Frost & more! (HD 1080p)

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a [Music] n [Music] [Music] was the day before Christmas and all through the hills the reindeer were playing enjoying the SP Hills of skating and coasting and climbing the Willows and Hopscotch and Lea frog protected by pillows look Bas it's [Music] Rudolph his nose is a sight it's red as a beat twice as big twice as bright lookie lookie I'm Rudolph poor Rudolph where most reindeer noses are brownish and Tiny Rudolph's was red very large and quite shiny rud go on home red nose your mama's calling you come come Rudolph tonight you hang up your [Music] [Music] stocking his nose is a sight it's red as a be twice as big twice as [Music] bright while way way up North on this dark foggy night awaiting the time for his Christmas Eve flight good old Santa M this fog will be hard to get [Music] through quick quick get hit in a hurry Dasher dancer Prancer Dixon Comet Cupid Donna bler H to keep our Direction you'll have to fly [Music] low come down here quick hello pretty close [Music] [Music] hello the air was still foggy the night dark and wear when Santa arrived at the home of the deer but all this took time and filled Santa with Gloom while slowly he gred toward the next reindeer's room the lamp wasn't burning the glow came instead from Rudolph's red nose at the head of the bed and then came the greatest idea in all history so Rudolph is told of the dark and delay the frog and the Blackness and losing the way I need you tonight to lead all my deer on the rest of our flight dear Mommy and Daddy I have gone to help Santa don't worry Rudolph that's me hurry Rudolph it's very dark [Music] here with Rudolph's red nose as a wonderful light old Santa flew quickly the rest of the [Music] night [Music] [Music] [Music] it all went so fast that before before it was day the very last present was given [Music] away y a message from Rudolph yes they' found Rudolph's message it's all over town y y Rudolph at the stadium come on come [Music] on [Music] the bad deer who used to do nothing but tease him well now they do anything only to please [Music] him Rudolph my boy they'll Envy you now far and near for No Greater honor can come to a deer than in with Santa and guiding my Sligh the number one job on the number one day I hope you'll continue to keep us from grief I hereby appoint you Commander in [Music] [Applause] Chief and Rudolph just blushed from his head to his toes until his whole fur was as red as his nose Merry Christmas to all and to all a good [Music] night [Music] a everyone I year when Christmas comes I pack my sled with dolls and drums and I'm on my way with happiness po little girls and [Music] boys oh there isn't any place too far I go wherever children are are always on my way with happiness wrapped up in fancy toys on my Christmas list I names and places we never seen their faces we know each the good theyve [Music] done [Music] [Laughter] [Music] over Hill and Bale again this year I brought Glad Tidings and a good cheer so until another Christmas Day when I pay another call I'll say Merry Christmas to [Applause] oh [Music] Merry [Music] Christmas hey kids I bet you he's asleep now I bet [Music] [Music] [Music] you I feel sorry for Santa yeah man he's your TI and one ah yeah his house looks [Music] so see see he helped everyone at Christmas but no one they think of Santa Claus well we could do something for Santa if we only just tided his house I [Music] [Applause] [Music] like [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah thanka [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh has to sleep come on kids let's pitch in CU we want to do something for Santa we want to make a real big bus we want to do something for Santa cuz he's always doing something for us I'll palish pan rested give everyone shiny face I'll see theit and in proper I'll scrub the floor all clean and neat no spot will pass my my night I shine his shoes with a boogie beat and here's the reason why oh we know we owe much to Santa for making every Christmas Day we want to do something for Santa in our little B than him for the happiness that came our ve [Applause] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] oh we know we owe much to Santa for making every Christmas Day we want to do something for Santa and in our little way thank him for the happiness that came away what's [Music] that Merry Christmas Sant a Christmas present for [Music] me [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] you m m you you always messing up this house if it B Christmas and throw you out so now for the last time I'm warning you just one more mess and outside in the cold you will be without the [Music] home so you used to remember this but if you're a good dog Santa Claus may leave you a nice [Music] [Music] present [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's that noise down there [Music] [Music] a have sleeping fast asleep that's nice but keeps you out the trouble [Music] princess [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] w [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh a shame you're soul to the devil you have sold by throwing those puppies out into the cold no G that ain't chiny don't be a shnook angel puss come down off the clog why should he lose his happy home for them dop see no those innocent babes into the cold you've driven go bring them back and all will be [Music] forgiven [Music] my goodness whever you look here sleeping it's sleeping youy bye y you've done it for the last time out you go you you oh princess why didn't you tell me you cutest little puppy oh God and they're all so beautiful they look just like you princess oh this were going to be a wonderful Christmas for the [Music] children [Music] the day with a song and sing the day through even while you're busy working do just like thees do the day may be long you never will go wrong a any just start the day with aong [Music] [Music] December 21st first day of [Music] winter [Music] nting isn't it [Music] [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] a eight the hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] way [Music] jingle bell jingle bell bell jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride the one horse open play and how about you folks joining in and singing this Merry Old song just follow the bouncing hen [Music] Fruit jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh is to ride in one SL jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh is to ride one open SL dashing through the snow in one open SL the fing all the way ring making bright is to ride and sing song T oh jingle bell jingle bell jingle all is ride one open jingle bell jingle jingle all the way oh what is to ride one just be night while riding in my St I pass the pretty walking on the way I asked her she to join me for a ride she answered yes she Wasing by my side oh jle jingle bell jingle all the way is to ride one open St jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way for what fun it is to ride in a one open SL we didn't have air romance was in the a it was a perfect time to kiss my lady Fair she didn't s through M her heart was light and G and now we're on a honeymoon in a one SL oh jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way oh what is to ride a one open S jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way what is to ride one hot coffee get your hot coffee oh one coffee please one coffee coming up uh I thought all Bo spend the winter in Florida oh de at these prices who can afford [Music] Florida [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jack fros idy hi here am I Jackie Frost W spride listen to me why I say summer's gone clean Tom more her Winter's knocking at your door better go and store your food away thanks Mr Jackie for your advice we'll hurry home to our wies we'll have f with when winter by I don't have to worry I don't have to care my coat is very fly I'm a frizzly grizzly bear if you meet old man winter you sing a different tune it's time that you were safe in bed for he will be here [Music] soon [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you'll be [Music] [Music] sorry [Applause] [Applause] B bear have a care Oh Man Winter's in here you'll be sorry if he catches you I don't have to worry I don't have to care my coat is very furly I'm a frizzly grizzly [Music] bear ohy Hy H mag bot sco [Music] scoot [Music] I don't have to worry I don't have to care my coat is very fly I'm a grizzly grizzly [Music] bear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] so you would run away from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] home you would roome all alone I told you not to leave your home but you're a frizzly grizzly bear Mr I'm sorry oh help me out please do take me home to my nice warm bed I'm freezing through and [Music] [Laughter] [Music] through [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] h [Music] many years ago before there were any Automobiles and before we had electricity or even gas lighting and when people used horses if they wanted to go out for a ride oil lamps and candles if needed a light there lived in a small Country Town P yes a butcher a baker and a Candlestick [Music] maker with just over a week to go before Christmas the town's people were busy indeed and none more so than the Candle Maker and his young son Tom [Music] for in those days quite small boys were expected to behave like grown [Music] men [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] for years now every Saturday at 4:00 the candlemaker had been making the journey from his shop to the church across the [Music] square because God had been so good to him and blessed his home and his work he showed his gratitude by giving his finest candles to shine upon the altar as an offering to [Music] God [Music] my heart my Lord my heart [Music] my [Music] will let your light so shine before men that they may see good works and glorify your father which is in heaven whenever I read these words of Jesus I think of one of our own people our friend the candlemaker like a good Steward shows his love for God by giving his most beautiful candles to light the cross Upon Our altar I pray that all of us will always give in this Same Spirit to show our love for the father who blessed us with a Christ child the family was up early next morning for a busy week lay ahead the candlemaker had to deliver quantities of Christmas candles of all shapes and sizes to the outlying farms and Villages hurry up son coming father no no I'm not going away forever I'll be back on Christmas Eve in time for Ser look after your mother son and there are plenty of candles to be made don't worry father don't forget this week I'm leaving you to make the second alter candle I have made only one and remember both must be taken over to church by 4:00 Saturday yes Father goodbye now goodbye bye father with his father away and his mother extra busy getting ready for Christmas young Tom was in charge of the workshop with the task of turning out many candles a day and then there was the alter candle for the Christmas Eve service on [Music] [Music] Saturday [Music] on that Christmas Eve long ago the church Was Made Beautiful by The Loving work of Loving Hands just as churches are today then as now there was a Manger where boys and girls would bring the white Christmas offering for the children's [Music] home [Music] Tommy Tom better get washed up for supper your father will be home soon Tommy you forgot run over quickly now and be careful you don't drop them I'm sorry I was late for the candles pastor never mind you did do it and just in time too look who's coming wellson did you make the church [Music] candle yes [Music] Father [Music] [Music] I the [Music] GL and of King [Music] [Music] each member of the family had his own sad thoughts that night think that a son of mine should make such a candle a worthless candle that won't shine and after all these years young Tom knew what his parents were thinking that he had failed them and that he had failed [Music] God oh squeaky I'm in such trouble I have to make the candle all over I wish I could be made over as easily as canle well be easy Jesus will [Music] [Music] help [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] [Music] and so it was many years ago that the candlemaker son learned the meaning of Christian stewardship just as we must learn it [Music] today oh come with me come and see all the Wonders there will be in my stories in my songs in everything where fun belongs we'll meet Heroes Giants B is it lands for hot and cold have magic tricks to shevy your skin that's Galore with animals in our world of fun high Piper [Music] house have you ever stopped to think that toys may have a life of Their Own you don't think they do eh well they have in Storyland our tale today is about a little Tin Soldier who had more adventures in one day than most people have in their whole lives he was a small plane Soldier and have been given as a Christmas present to a little boy who wasn't too pleased why it doesn't move there isn't even a place to wind it up give it to me then I've got a ballerina doll that can't do anything either she just stands there this silly Soldier can guard my doll all right I'm going to play with my wind up soldiers so the little Tin Soldier joined the other toys on the playroom table and even though he couldn't talk he did a great deal of thinking how pretty she is even though I'm only a common Tin Soldier I'll guard her with my life he has such a kind face I wish I could reach him and that night when all the household was asleep it was the toys turn to play the dolls had a tea party the mechanical soldiers marched up and down the music box played and the top spun all by themselves only the little thin Soldier remained steadfastly at attention and the little doll went on holding out her arms and neither of them moved a muscle I will love her as long as I live how I wish he would stand a little closer but unknown to them they had an enemy I don't like the way they look at each other the doll is mine I must get rid of this Intruder the next morning the boy moved the Tin Soldier onto the window sill and the wicked Jack in the Box saw his chant I know how to work my own spring I'll give him a surprise the little soldier is fallen out what do I care he can't move so he's no good to me anyway I suppose I should try to call out but one shouldn't shout when one is in uniform I wonder if anyone will ever find me and before long someone did find him hey look what I've got he's pretty funny looking let's make a boat and put him in it here this old paper will do swiftly the two boys fashioned a crude Sailing Boat and with the little soldiers standing beside the Mast they set it down in the gutter on your way little man look at him go look at him go my word I've always want wanted to go on a voyage but I didn't think it would be like this if only she were here with me I wouldn't care how rough it was suddenly the boat was swept into a covered drain dear me how dark it is and the water is getting faster and faster I must remain in detention whatever happens then the boat shot out of the drain and into a great canal and it's starting to rain this is too much my boat's beginning to break up why poor ballerina shall I ever see you again goodbye World goodbye but there were more surprises in store from The Little Soldier as he began to sink a most amazing thing happened my goodness it's dark in here and how this fish does twist and turn someone must have him on the line how right he was and now the most astonishing events began it's a quiet all of a sudden [Music] now what's going on I wonder my word that was close why look at this did you ever see such a thing it looks like my Soldier all right he's no good without his paint though he was no use anyway what good is a soldier that can't even March I'll stick him up here beside that silly dog now at last the little Tin Soldier was standing close enough to his lady loved to touch her if he could move his arms so there they stood he had attention and she with her arms held out to him so near and yet so far how gallant and brave he looks if only I could tell him how much I care for him how sweet she is and I thought I'd never see her again but I dare not reach out to her I'm still on duty even if my colors have run but the wicked Jack in the Box was not through with them yet so sensing their Loving Thoughts he became enraged look at them it's more than I can stand this time I'll finish both of them with a terrific spring he slept them both off the table what did you do that for I didn't touch it you did didn't did didn't did didn't together the sweethearts lay motionless on the [Music] floor no look what you've done I didn't touch it well it's no use now and she's no use either look at the mess she's in I'll throw them in the toy chest at least they'll be out of the way and they were indeed out of the way and together at [Music] last so you see you shouldn't ignore toys because they are plain or broken for they may have a life of their own and our little doll and her steadfast Tin Soldier why they lived happily ever [Music] after come with me come and see all the Wonders there will be in my stories in my songs and everything where fun belongs we'll meet Heroes Giants B it lands both hot and cold have magic tricks through shevy your skin lalore with animals in our world of fun high Piper [Music] house I see you somewhere in greenand somewh in Dreamland [Music] [Music] night ah this [Music] one huh there's another wa W come [Music] here yum yum yum yum [Music] ah got to P hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] now where are they I wonder where those children went poor little children I know where they [Music] live hello children [Music] a give me a kiss me too st's ready [Music] I'm going to [Music] junk I'm still hungry mom [Music] huh oh that's all right I was only foolers good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] night I'll see you somewhere in dream somewhere in dream and tonight over a p made our moon be we find the clouds of Sil each little star is a c so shining oh welcome so bright dreams will come true for me and you somewhere in dream [Music] t [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll see you somewhere in somewhere in tonight over a bridge made of beams the CL we find our silver each little star is all C shining our welcome so bright will come true for me and you somewhere in tonight I see you somewhere in somewhere in Dreamland tonight dreams will come true for me and you somewhere in green tonight I ice cream ice cream con a chocolate and vanilla and vanilla I like strawberry I like [Music] chocolate that's that's for you oh [Music] come [Music] on what is that that's cake C and Candy C boy boy we got fun huh yeah [Music] W good you eat all yeah [Music] wo yum yum [Music] toys I [Music] see we of Sil [Music] St time to get up get up children W come on [Music] see all for you yes for for you yes [Music] [Music] [Music] ouch [Music] [Music] hallelu never be [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tandy Claus they're making toys for little girls and boys in the shanty where Santa Claus lives they're taking tears and turning them to joys in the shanty where Santa Claus Liv oh boy I'd like to go with you you've been so good you'll see that wish come true perhaps there'll be a bunch of toys for in the shanty for Santa Claus Live come on let's [Music] go ready get out W [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wooo oh boy oh boy oh [Music] [Music] boy [Music] [Applause] sunny boy we are the toys for little girls and boys in the sh Santa Claus Liv we're thaning te and bringing joys in the for Santa Claus Liv we give the world just like we used to do make a wish and have that wish come [Music] true there be a swe there for me in the sh [Applause] where [Music] [Music] [Music] la hello everybody shine on Shine On Harvest Moon up in the sky are you listen oh shine on Shine On Harvest Moon wo fire [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] old lady old lady I that's hard rock and Coco and Jo now listen my children and you shall hear a story fantastic a story so queer it's all about Santa and his helpers three there's hard rock and Coco and Joe now heart the driver up there by his c m and he shows him the way though old Santa really has no need for Jo but takes himz he loves him so oh Lady Lady and lady lady I'm hard I'm COC I'm Jo and S isy with he his drivers and never looks back old lady old lady I'm hard I'm Coco I'm Joe now go to bed early on this Christmas Eve I've no way of knowing just what you'll receive but you'll hear their laughter that much I do know to be hard rock and Coco and Joe the three little men only 2 High singing to sand way up in the sky laughing and Shing as a slave bells ring it's hard rock and Coco and Jo old lady old lady I and Way Lady Lady and S is busy with his heavy pack he trusts his drivers and never looks back he Rock C Jo s will come in and set down his pack and hard rock all the reindeer till Santa comes back if you hear a giggle as he turns to go it's Coco a snowball and Jo Lady Lady and lady I'm I'm he trusts his drivers and never looks back lady lady I'm hard rock I'm Co I'm Jo [Music] lady [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Applause] [Music] [Music] w you go to bed early You Eat Your Spinach oh H I'll bring you some [Music] toys [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] nah [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a sh [Music] w [Music] [Music] yeah [Applause] a
Channel:™ Cartoon Channel
Views: 4,372,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enertainment, Christmas, Classic TV Show, Holiday, Looney Tunes, Cartoons TV, Christmas Cartoon, Cartoons, Classic Cartoon TV Shows, Classic Cartoons, Entertainment, Animation, 8th Man DVD, Santa, Classic TV Cartoons, Classic TV, Comedy, Jack Frost
Id: 9U11PrzB4t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 32sec (5072 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2015
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