Looney Tunes 1939-1957 | Classic Compilation 2 | Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Porky Pig | Chuck Jones

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[Music] eighth man DVD here two classics [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning wake up everybody wake up everybody you had your tasty toasties this morning good for you morning exercises windows [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look like this no I have not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your pick it is one minute to three do you see that Italy bag [Music] that's all right just a little old heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] greetings music lovers ha first we will hear a waltz written by Johann Strauss and as we hear the rhythmic strains of the haunting refrain listen to the whip wing withum of the woodwinds as it wolves a wound and a wound and it comes out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] wasn't that what we and now we will present the beautiful Blue Danube [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] I have to be a better hurry I just got there today 10 minutes to catch my plane everything so this is your lay but I've got a very important appointment oh so you have my card yes sir Daffy Duck personal representation of the most sensational discreet since the sweater girl he's colossal stupendous one might even go so far as to say he's mediocre I give you that Sleepy Lagoon [Music] [Music] chocolate candy oh no evenings with a banjo solo like so [Music] [Laughter] Oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we watch the sky waves or the lamb already to fly a me aware of a nobody calls ready to fight to be free yep [Music] [Applause] your sky over you and over to you were always on the dusty trails but exhausting I think well I only want entire of the finer freaking epic Authority vajura footage or a Vidalia onions make me cry pickles and soda life so don't you go and be daddy to the nearest bar yeah and now that kid goes into a finale it what a finale [Music] stop it stop it all right let's see what the kid can do okay sleepy do your stuff [Music] let's bring [Music] these halleloo this is it they'll be shipping us out soon from the equipment it looks like the South Pacific this is confidential [Music] so I'm staking this pasture sensor [Music] you we're on our way to the port of embarkation they gave us shots for tropical diseases so I know it's the South Pacific [Music] mail this for me [Music] and get a bomb that Hannibal [Music] can't one bonus handle it is there a postman in the house technical fairy voice class yes save us you gotta get this to Sally Lou but have you forgotten this sensor is okay we got a private code well if you insist but I'll hate myself in the morning now I can fight in peace our private code old mother guess what uh-huh my snafu in a big surprise move uh-huh bingo bango island big surprise don't tell us soon bingo bango make some pie don't tell me keep this to yourself but gas is a prize [Music] oh boy we caught them with their pants down Oh litter what the laughs whoo get back could this be what we're looking for like I always said every man his own sensor looks very good on the whole [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I got you you're a dead rabbit telegram for Elmer Ford what yeah yeah nephew and waving you'll a million dollars in my will Uncle Louie oh boy a witch a witch yes but you don't get one cent if you harm any animals especially weapons you're free now with the wabbit go and womp and flying in the forest oh boy I'm which we million dollars come on how do I blow your head off I'm just an angel in the sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] please mr. wabbit go on back to the far west where you belong be a nice with the wabbit what are you don't tell me you affecting my skull [Music] hello operator operator give me walnut tree treatment Oh that you might have a little tea please mr. wabbit don't call Uncle Louie I won't hurt you again I promise okay boy hey what did I eat around this joint eat eat fix this guy they tilt wit me her step white this way hello victim white that dirty double-crossin [Music] Oh [Music] to die please please let me in hey you seen or to get mediate enemy award Uncle Louie what have I done we million dollars all shot to pieces don't die with the wabbit please don't die swing it welcome bye baby on the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock when the bough breaks the cradle will fall down will come baby special delivery Uncle Louie has kicked the bucket you now inherit three million dollars inheritance X 2 million defense tax big check honey we know which waves you owing us one dollar and ninety-eight cents please we mitt you don't get the dough and butterball no but I'm gonna get you yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] by you well uncle down here it's dark [Music] good wooden stuff and Wabash Easter greetings [Music] you [Music] [Music] I wanna eat I love to eat well then go up and get the bird out of that nest and we leave no point I like boys hungry what's the matter fraidy cat this is only a come-on stupid get the bird Oh give me the bird give me the bird is office what only let me give him deployed all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get away up here st. babbit are you sure this thing is gonna be okay of course of course everything's under control now I'm afraid of the dark well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all the breaks were against you don't worry you'll get it all right yamino get up in the end yeah you'll get a big bang out well that sure takes a load off of my mind [Music] [Applause] what do you know [Music] [Music] I'll save you where are you speak to me speak to me come on stop your clowning what's the matter with you aren't you ashamed I don't know why do you do these things just can't seem to get the boy no you don't worry I can't do it this will get you up there contact contact contact contact [Music] [Music] to find out flying around my little head [Music] [Music] [Music] attention let's join the army for a day and get a glimpse of military life here we are at Fort Meigs typical of the many training camps throughout the country [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] - let's see what comes after three four four now now no coaching please Mel don't tell me for year four that's right now do you want to try for the $32 question well I don't know I you know no I better take the 16 dollars I better sweet music to the ears of all soldiers is the mask oh Lord come & get it [Music] and so their appetites appease the army is ready to carry out the orders of the day one of the most colorful sights is the well-trained cavalry as it goes through its daily drills company [Music] the infantry is the backbone of the army marching mile after mile is a matter of routine for these party foot soldiers following close behind the camouflage troops the artillery tries out one of its new guns [Music] in contrast to the mechanized equipment used by the soldiers of today early conscript E's were trained with makeshift substitutes here are a few example the machine gun unit the tank core the parachute troops [Music] the Army Air Corps has proven a vital link in our military chain during maneuvers pursuit planes engage each other in aerial game [Music] [Music] in the midst of its daily target practice [Music] the largest guns of the army are those of the coast defense directions for firing these huge monsters originated Army Headquarters many miles behind the lines elevation 45 degrees direction 30 degrees North by East elevation 45 degrees direction 30 degrees North by East elevation 45 degrees direction 30 degrees north phase [Music] longitude 36 degrees latitude 58 latitude 36 degrees latitude 58 on YouTube 36 degrees latitude 58 ready ready ready fire fire [Music] I'm a bad general [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's 12 o clock [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] tonight the muses sing and we are in Japan as with sweetly priming new he whens us through a delightful phantasmagoria with the deathless heroes of legend and history and the entrancing figures of fiction and fantasy and first among our illustrious hosts we want you to meet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Liana and uncle ray [Music] [Music] because I've got swing to see if you think the walls is horrid and you like your rhythm Torah then it makes you mop your forward I've got spine films what this country needs the for years and years our city in July for me is sealed be unsettling but not for great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm a very old soul I'm a very old soul [Music] Cole is a noisy old soul so I'm safe [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not my scissors that cut economy mortgages you wanna have paid baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they let me see [Applause] this is your town crier again the music fades and the departing celebrants bid us adieu happy with the memories of the book land frolic all is well all is [Applause] you [Music] one more step and I'll have isolated the virus of the common cold laryngitis hackable [Music] [Music] collodion fostex check antiproton ballast check prepare afterburners for blast-off [Music] my biggest problem in this job is how to keep from disturbing the parents and getting them in a tizzy [Music] Rockabye doggy in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock [Music] and so after answering the 64 million dollar question correctly I decided to take a few trips around the world about time we threw a little light on the subject first thing you got to do is get their attention comfy have I got your attention okay let's straighten out a few facts about you and the army now oh oh excuse me just a minute rock-a-bye doggy in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock you know Ralphie it's a funny thing but every high school senior I've ever known thinks that when he gets into the service all his buddies will look like a bunch of lower slop audience of course there's always one exception you actually they're gonna be pretty much like the guys you're graduating with just plain old characters like Roy Robinson from Jefferson High in Portland Oregon Donna's good from Paige Nebraska Pete Willoughby Los Angeles State College dick Martin from st. Peter's high and watch assess assistant sister pardon me Worcester Massachusetts oh well nice guys who wash their teeth every day get their hair cut regular well fairly regular and jazz a neck trim plays a yes sir Justin that trim well what do you know there was a human being under that Pelt after all another interesting idea held by a lot of otherwise bright high school seniors is that the Army has all the right size clothing but that it's mainly interested in getting it on all the wrong size people Wow nice comic book stuff but actually the Army's no more interested in putting you into the wrong sized uniform then your football coach should be and for the same reasons it's not necessary it's inefficient and it's just plain sloppy [Music] in other words you'd be pretty useless to yourself or the team you know according to some comic strip artists our fiend here our friend here is the kind of non calm you find in the army the way they tell it basic training supposed to be nothing but KP obstacle courses and being chewed out by a bunch of sadistic sergeants as a matter of fact the Army's not about to use inefficient comic strip non comms or officers any more than it would use outdated or inefficient weapons no the non comms you're gonna get acquainted with and basic will be very capable guys and they'll be there for just one reason to help you you'll get to know men like paratrooper Sergeant Michael Haines Master Sergeant John Broderick from Okinawan Korea corporal Tommy Webster a high school senior when you were a junior sergeant rod McCallum he carries the Congressional Medal of Honor look as long as we're on the subject let's take a look at basic training and find out what it's really going to be like [Music] well you're gonna learn a few things at basic useful things like how to handle weapons safely and effectively and at 700 yards I let him have it [Music] you're taught to use a compass how to read a map very impressive stuff later to the girl of your dreams you'll learn how to pitch a camp and how to give first aid the sort of knowledge that other people will respect someday you're also going to develop muscles it'll be useful later so you didn't even know your head but then it's not a bad idea to keep in shape for recreation like boxing football skiing and other sports you're gonna learn to snap a salute to all officers now wear that custom come from well a way I heard it the only way one night could recognize another night under those cast iron tuxedos was to lift his visor it's a sort of hello among military men then one day you're going to suddenly realize that you're beginning to look like and act like a soldier or a man and you'll be surprised to find that you're very proud to be serving your country in the United States Army on the short intermission Rockabye doggy in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock okay basics finished now what well according to some comic strips more endless months of KP policing some forgotten post and learning how to artistically goof off but mainly the rest of your army career is supposed to be spent doing anything you're most unfit for humorous stuff no doubt but not good sense actually the army wants to send you where you'll be most useful and where you can serve the best where this Obi is determined to a great extent by those interviewers an aptitude test you took in your first days as a recruit so the chances are that but wait just a minute maybe you'd like to know before you start how you're going to spend your army career maybe you'd like to choose the training you want and not leave it up to chance if so then the army has a special deal you'll want to hear about it's called reserved for you and in it you pick the job training you want before you enlist the army then reserves that position in the world's finest technical schools until you complete basic training and now let's go back to those dreams of yours how about laboratory work in the medical field the army has some of the finest laboratory facilities technicians and scientists in the world well that's just one of a hundred and twenty seven courses offered by the army how about that dream of working with rockets or atomic power how about guided missiles you choose it the Army's got it the only ticket to me to this program is one high school diploma sound good well I can make it sound better the whole deal is guaranteed by this letter written to you by the adjutant general of the United States Army you don't sign anything until that letter is firmly in your hands fair enough let's see ya adventure pick your branch how about a real elite outfit armored tank commander Phillips not bad travel man you do ask the nicest questions this is Paris and it's no dream it's solid and it's yours Ralph Phillips USA sound pretty choice your local recruiter can fill in all the details today if you like but remember that you're going to look a lot bigger to the army with that high school diploma under your arm oh uh quick warning Oh Ralphie you can only grab one of these special deals before you receive your induction notice so why not call on the army before the army calls on you Oh what's the matter with you you gone nuts or something [Music] remember it's reserved for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] well what do you know another presence use a card roses are red violets are blue I've waited 10 years for this day so happy birthday to you the Buzzard well no that's mighty neighborly the buzzer why now a book just what I've always never wanted lions rarely live beyond the age of 10 years 10 years won't we be 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 cushla mcli young snippets at em alright Leo absolutely right you're not a young girl I'm not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on for size [Music] [Music] you shouldn't exert yourself like that mr. Lyle [Music] [Music] you really ought to be more careful mr. Lyon [Music] Tolu [Music] don't worry mr. Lyon I'll get you down yes sir have you down in a jiffy no friend of Mines gonna get himself down not no friend of mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now let's quit stallin mr. Lyon your time's up and I'm getting pretty hungry here pretty hungry when mr. Buzzard I've got news for you you're never going to [Music] I fooled him I fooled me he'll never give me up here Leo what capture [Applause] [Music] [Music] just know yours you might as well eat me now and have done with it but this hope and your sparking on me I am sorry leo can't eat nothing but marshmallows uber heaven [Music] eighth man DVD here two classics
Channel: 8thManDVD.com™ Cartoon Channel
Views: 1,357,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng, Vintage, Classic TV Show, Classic TV Animation, Cartoon Classic, WB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 17sec (4937 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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