Christian Kickboxing Champion Praises Islam - Andrew Tate

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islam fixes a lot of the problems that men are currently facing the problems we're discussing on this show islam fixes all of them right that's the first thing about islam and i'm not a muslim right if i had to choose a religion i would because i live in an orthodox christian country i go to the orthodox christian church i donate twenty thousand dollars a month to the church in the country the church the church in romania is very powerful and i like having church friends so i give them a lot of money right so i guess i'm an orthodox christian but if i had to bet on one religion as if i were betting on the stock market for the future you have to bet on islam because muslims are intolerant and i'm not saying that disrespectfully because if you're tolerant of everything then you stand for nothing yeah christians are so tolerant now you don't believe they have gay pastors that i'm not even anti-gay but if the book says don't have like what yeah what do you believe in if you're tall if you're tolerant of everything you stand for nothing i can walk through london with a t-shirt saying jesus is gay and nothing will happen to me if i did the same thing with the islamic prophet i'd be dead before i got to the industry boom that's how much they believe and respect and i respect people who stick up for what they believe in yeah it's not even about me believing in it i respect them because they they believe and they will defend muslims are the only people who will defend their religion they will defend their beliefs they refuse to be mocked they refuse to be insulted and i respect that about them i respect that that's an amazing thing about them right and the third point is and i've been all around the world some of the best countries in the world today are the first world muslim nations yeah qatar you can go to qatar you can fall asleep with a million dollars on your lap in the middle of the street nothing's going to happen saudi arabia if you're gonna go to saudi nothing will happen you can go dubai uae nothing so they leave their cars it's so safe women everyone's married every woman obeys her husband every single woman has four five six kids big families all the things we're talking about all the problems we have here right they've got none of that none of it because of islam islam keeps society in the role where women obey their men women have children women have big families women are exceptionally happy to do so yes before before some western girl comes in here and runs their mouth the islamic women are happier than any you're going to see in the club tonight they're very true they're happy society is functioning their population is growing because in most western countries the population is declining yep council is talking about it today i'm starting we're showing that we'll have one kid it doesn't work doesn't work right two people need to have 3.1 kids because people die right people die prematurely blah blah blah so we have population problems in the west if none of the population problems society is functioning and that's that's what society is society is society you start to the smallest possible group you have families and families make a street and that street makes a village and that village makes a town that town makes a city and that city makes a country so if it's broken at the very fundamental level this family level's broken that it's broken the whole way up yep yep and that's what's happened in the west and the first world islamic countries have none of those problems so if you're going to talk about a belief system that fixes issues you need to go to islam everything i just have absolutely even though i wouldn't identify as a muslim i have so i have absolute respect for the ideology respect for the mentality respect for the warrior aspect of it i respect them they don't play they don't play you can't solve their [ __ ] but you can assault the church all day you can make fun of their show on netflix about gay jesus that's a joke right and what what are the christians do nothing christians christianity is a dead religion if you're a christian and i'm saying this is a christian myself christianity is a dead religion which is confined to the the history books it's dying out your own pope the pope goes up there and talks lgbtq [ __ ] that's crazy it is over you don't stand for anything you don't believe in anything you have no boundaries you're walked on you're mocked the whole thing is a joke being a christian now is nothing more than advertising you're a loser it's a losing religion because you've lost to islam
Channel: Muslim Convert Stories
Views: 59,753
Rating: 4.9468412 out of 5
Keywords: non muslim praises islam, emory andrew tate, andrew tate, kickboxer, cobra tate, became a Muslim, convert to islam, religion, muslims, american muslims, muslim convert story, My Convert Story, islam convert, islam, what is islam, muslim, 2021, revert, muslim convert stories, research quran, new muslims, islamic, revert to islam, islam convert story, converted to islam, muslim convert, why i converted, Quran, convert, Allah, revert story, muslimconvert
Id: 3UJe6RVY0jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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