Christa Worthington: A Cape Cod Mystery: PART 2

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hello everybody and welcome back to my channel hopefully today's audio is much better than the previous videos audio I have changed my recording space which I'm sure you've noticed I can't keep doing it upstairs in my dining room because there's just way too much stuff and it's all over the dining room and the kids are running into lights and knocking over cameras and it just became an issue so I moved downstairs to the basement and I am slowly building this recording area I'm a bookshelf coming for this corner I'm gonna put my plate on in the bookshelf line recording and then it's gonna go back to Aiden's room because that's where it lives so I'm just really excited to kind of have my own area in my own space now but it is obviously echoey down here I had to get some soundproofing panels I have to get a rug for the floor just to dampen the echo but hopefully the audio se is better and this is part 2 of the Christa Worthington case so let's just dive right in the air-conditioning vent is also right here so every time it comes up it's gonna be loud even though I turned it off so I don't know why it's coming up should I just wait for it to stop okay we left off in part one with the better understanding of who Christa was who the people were that were in her orbits and what her relationship was with them we're gonna move right into the day that her body was discovered now previous to that day Tim Arnold had borrowed a flashlight from Chris on New Year's Day he'd come over to spend some time with her and Eva and when he left it was dark and he didn't want to call his father to come and pick him up so he decided to take the short trip through the woods by himself Christa had lent him one of her flashlights so she could make sure he got there safely a previous week before her murder Tim Arnold had been house-sitting for a friend of his who lived in wealth leads but that day Sunday at January 6th Tim's father Robert had picked him up from that house that he was house-sitting at and they brought him home to do some laundry and watch the Patriots game earlier that week Tim had asked Christa if she wanted to do something that it was a Sunday he thought it would be nice if he and Ava and Krista went into town and got some dinner but she'd been baked she's been non-committal she told him she couldn't plan that far in advance there was no way for her to know what she'd be doing so when he was at his father's house and his father was watching the game and Tim was doing laundry he called Krista to see if she'd made up her mind about what she was doing that night yet but there's no answer when he called initially he thought that she was avoiding him which is something she did sometimes like she didn't want to be bothered Tim had written in his journal about how this new undefined relationship with Krista was a bit of a frustration for him it seemed like she was never super psyched about hanging out she'd make plans with him and then cancel last minute Tim called her that day and the weeks leading up to that day several times and he left some voicemails but we'll get to that in a minute but on that Sunday before Robert and Tim left to bring Tim back - Wellfleet they decided to stop in a Christa's and return the flashlights that she'd let him borrow Roberts car inched up the long driveway at 50 Depot Road that afternoon about 4:30 and when Tim saw Krista's car parked in the driveway his suspicions were confirmed she was home she just wasn't answering his calls he knew she didn't like surprise visitors sometimes when he would walk up to her house and he hadn't announced himself she'd even run out of the house and meet him in the driveway and be like what are you doing here but he most likely reasoned with himself that he had tried to call she just hadn't picked up he approached her door holding two newspapers that had been sitting at the end of the driveway and he knocked no one answered so he peered through the window and he saw Krista laying on the floor with two-year-old Eva beside her he said later that initially he thought this was odd for Krista to be laying on the floor in this hallway area between the kitchen and the living room he went inside and he said her name but Krista didn't move only little Eva keeping watch over her mother's body responded Tim said at first that he didn't see the blood but he got closer he realized that something was very wrong so he scooped up a bomb anyway outside to his father Robert who's still waiting in the car and he said to his father Christa is DEA D and we spelled this out in order to now alarm Ava any further and then she already was at this point Tim left Ava with Robert and he ran inside to get the phone and call the police but he couldn't find the phone anywhere the home phone base was there but the handset was missing Tim's father Robert went in next and looked around but again no phone could be found Tim ran through the woods in the growing dark back to his father's house where he called the police one of the first people to get the news about Chris's death was her cousin Jan wardington she lived on Pamuk Road not far from Krista and she acted as a part-time dispatcher for the police station she was at home relaxing that Sunday evening when she heard the call come over the radio and recognized the address as her cousin's the first police officer on the scene was Meredith Allen of the tro police paramedics had already arrived and an hour and a half later the state police showed up there's a lot of controversy surrounding the handling of this crime scene initially dan Worthington had told the police that she didn't actually go inside the house when she first got there that she just stood at the door later when she testified she said she did go inside and she thought Krista's neck for a pulse additionally a paramedic on the scene named the Geoffrey of Francis had taken a brown blanket off of Krista's couch and covered her body with it Meredith Allen would testify that by the time she got there Kristin was already covered with this brown blanket as well as a yellow cover from the emergency vehicle so by the time the State Police and the forensic team got there to process the crime scene quite a few people had already been in and out of it paramedics Jen Worthington Tim Arnold Tim Arnold's dad a crime-scene log from that evening showed a total of 14 names but according to defense attorney Robert George no less than 20 to 25 people had been there that night this would later bring up questions about the integrity of the see another big discrepancy is this green bathrobe when Krista was found she was wearing a fleece jacket a fleece vest and a black long-sleeved t-shirt but both Jan Worthington and Tim Arnold had said that they'd seen her wearing a green bathrobe as well two paramedics also remember seeing her wearing this green bathrobe before she was covered with that brown blankets when Krista arrived at the medical examiner's office in Boston she was not wearing that green bathrobe and that bathrobe does not show up in any of the crime-scene photos taken that night if it ever existed it seems that it just disappeared Krista had been found on her back naked from the waist down she had a pool of dried blood around her head and she'd been stabbed through the chest once forcefully enough to Nick the floor beneath her body when the scene was processed it appeared as if little Eva had tried to wake her mother up Ava's little footprints could be found throughout the house in her mother's blood additionally there was little bloody handprints on Chris's stomach investigators decided that Eva had tried to clean up the mess there was a child's broom found with blood on it there was a child's a stepping stool found in the bathroom that had blood on it the bathroom sink also had blood on it and there was a rag found with blood on it so they imagined that Eva had gone into the bathroom gotten a washcloth got it wet and tried to clean up Krista Ava tried to give her mother water from her sippy cup and when none of that worked she laid down next to her mother and attempted to nurse it is thought that Eva was alone with her mother's body for quite a while by the time the paramedics had arrived Krista was already experiencing rigor and they decided that she had been dead anywhere from 24 to 36 hours fingerprints were collected from Krista's house and car there were nine found around or near her body there was a cutting board in the kitchen with blood on it and Krista's cell phone sat on the counter with one number dialed in a nine it is believed that she was attempting to dial nine before she was attacked on the ground me her car they found a pair of eyeglasses and a sock the other sock was found closer to the house by the flowerbed along with the red wrapper possibly from a granola bar and a barrette there was two parallel drag marks on the ground outside not far from her car additionally her keys were found by her car but it appeared as if they had been run over whether by the perpetrator or by any one of the many people who arrived at the scene after we don't know at the crime lab evidence was collected from Krista's body they took clippings of her fingernails and they swapped her for DNA blue and white fibers were collected and they also found an unidentified males DNA located about two places on her body another unidentified males DNA was found on the brown blankets that covered her up Ava had been hurried away from the scene EMT George Malloy took charge of the little girl who was clearly traumatized according to Malloy she told him that her mother had gotten into her paints that Mommy was laying down and wouldn't get up mommy dirty' tried to clean mommy he brought her down the road until he saw a lights on at a house and this house happened to belong to Chris's uncle father of Jan Worthington a friend of Krista's brought Ava a change of clothes and some fresh diapers she had traces of blood on her clothes but she hadn't been changed in days and she was blistered from a diaper rash they took Ava to the hospital and she was determined to be healthy aside from a minor ear infection and obviously trauma they knew that Eva had been there when her mother had been murdered they just didn't know if she'd seen anything given her young age even if she had seen something she most likely would have been able to communicate it in an effective way after a specialist spoke to her it was the general consensus that Eva had not witnessed the actual murder but the fact that she'd been left alone with her mother's dead body for so long would have been enough to thoroughly shock her young brain like I said they had estimated that cheap and dead between 24 and 36 hours but they had a hard time putting a finger at an actual time of death rigor mortis can at different rates due to environmental factors the temperature any number of things so they could really only get that rough estimate the window of time and this ended up being one of the first of many issues in this investigation they settled on the fact that Krista had been killed late Friday night or early Saturday morning as I stated previously this was a small town one of those towns that you hear about but you don't live in you know where people leave their doors unlocked and nobody locks their car at night and people just generally feel safe especially in the offseason the winter months when there's no tourists around there's no strangers around it's just the locals this was the first homicide to have happened in Truro in 30 years so obviously when this happened everyone who was side-eyeing everyone else could it be this guy this guy sitting at the counter of the diner drinking his coffee and eating his pie could it be this lady checking for the ripeness of tomatoes at the grocery store it could be anybody many people wanted to believe that it had been some stranger who'd just come into town and killed her and then left but a lot of people kind of knew deep down that had to have been somebody there in Truro who lived there a local but certain suspects obviously stood out above the rest first we have Tim Arnold it was his DNA that was discovered on that brown blanket that was covering Christa additionally he lived very close just a short walk through the woods additionally he'd been in a relationship with her and he wasn't too happy about how it ended he was known for showing up at her place unannounced and she didn't like it and he'd been the one to discovered her body and the police questioned him and they were like why did you feel that you had to bring this flashlight back to her today it's a fleshlight I'm sure she has others she probably didn't need it immediately so why did you feel like you had to bring the flashlight back at that time and even Tim's father questioned him as to whether or not he'd been involved after Tim finished talking to the police that night he got home and his father Robert looked up and was like did you do this the police looked into his background they discovered that he'd been diagnosed with adult Abd he was seeing a local therapist and he was taking two antidepressants daily effexor and Remeron the voicemails that he left for Christo were also viewed with some suspicion that past November just before Thanksgiving Tim I had called Krista seven times in one day and he left seven voicemails with each one his tone became more and more agitated going from conversational to confrontational hi I think I'm gonna head back over to well sleep and not particularly comfortable here with this after that matters much but okay had a nice day right hi just want to check if you have plans for the night yet [Music] hi Sunday morning around 8:00 would you like to go have coffee are you around I thought you would be up amatory if you're not hi Krista what's up with this movie is it that a problem is that I call too early I think there's a feeling that this is one of those things for you say you'll call back I'm not going to I wonder to what is all about if anything so give me a call camera Jim thanks well I think you've made it very clear where you stand on the issue of friendship so I at this point don't affect me to be around it hi just to clarify if you wanted to call to try to arrange for a time for me to see Ava that would be fine I'll see what I can do but I don't really think that we should see each other even briefly she was pulling away after a failed marriage and the end of a relationship that he'd become reliant on his medical issues which he blamed for the ending of his marriage as well as the issues with Krista his mental state probably wasn't the basketball was he angry enough or resentful enough to murder her and Tim had been house-sitting in Wellfleet that week he was unable to drive himself anywhere due to his medical condition and the police checked cab companies and they checked his financials and they couldn't find a way that he would have gotten from Wellfleet to Truro in order to do the deed all of these suspects would be questioned and asked not only where they were on that Sunday but where they were the previous Friday and Saturday because remember we have a pretty broad time of death here so they had to make sure that these people had alibis for the entire weekend before Krista's murder Tim said he'd been walking his dog early Friday morning he stopped and got coffee at high toss pizza in Wellfleet and then returned to his house to do some painting until about 10:00 a.m. he then went to the library got lunch and spent rest of the day writing and painting before having dinner and then going to bed at 10 p.m. the next day he did much of the same watched the dog coffee from high toss and then he went home where he spent the rest of the day working and remember that he was a writer and a painter so that's what he was doing his writing he was painting he was working on Sunday the day that he found Krista's body he got up early around 6:30 a.m. he took his dog for a quick walk and then he went back to bed until 10:00 a.m. when he woke up he went to high toss pizza he had breakfast he had coffee and then he returned to the house that he was house-sitting to get his laundry together before his father picked him up but you might ask why this Tim Arnold have to go to his father's house to do his laundry and I know you're probably asking that because I asked myself the same thing but the reason that he wanted to go to his father's house to do the laundry was because the house he was house-sitting at either didn't have a dryer or the dryer wasn't working once at his father's house he called Christa a little bit before 2:00 and then he called her again at 4:01 p.m. right before they headed over there to return the flashlight the police questioned him obviously that day but they would have talked to him again until the following June during the second interview they asked to see Tim's computers and they asked to see his private writings so his journals he initially agreed to hand them over but he did call a lawyer the next day this attorney reached out to the district attorney's office and made it clear that Tim Arnold should not be questioned again by the police unless he was present and this would have been fine except that Tim did something that put him in a very precarious and suspicious situation a few days after hiring this lawyer Tim Arnold called the police of his own accord and he spoke with a trooper Mason who was one of the detectives put in charge of Chris's case he told the police oh I forgot something I just wanted to give you guys the heads up if you happen to find my fingerprints outside of Chris's bedroom window well I have an explanation for that I can explain according to Tim a few months prior to Chris's murder he'd been out jogging and on his way home he decided to stop in and see if she was home knock down the door but she didn't answer so he thought it would be a good idea and not creepy at all to walk around the house and look into her bedroom window to see if she was there and she was there and needless to say she wasn't too happy about Tim Arnold peering into her bedroom window Tim said she'd been startled when she saw him looking in on her to be honest I cannot blame the police for finding this to be incredibly suspicious and weird this was a man who had a hard time taking no for an answer if not with the general public at least with Krista even if she had been home there was obviously a reason that she didn't answer the door maybe she was tired maybe Eva had been up all night the night before she was trying to lay down while Eva slept so she'd get some rest maybe she just didn't want to see you and she wanted to be alone I could totally relate I hate answering my door I hate when people come to my door but regardless if you go to somebody's door and you knock and they don't answer that does not give you free rein to now walk around their house and pure in their windows to see if they actually are home and if they're avoiding you because what does that do if they are avoiding you you should probably take the hint he said he just wanted to see if she was home I think he was trying to prove to himself that she was like avoiding him either way it's incredibly stalkerish and it shows that he may have had a little bit of an unhealthy obsession with Krista so the microscope wasn't off Tim yet even though they had nothing to place him intro that weekend so this is gonna bring us to a year after Krista's murder there's still no leads there's still nobody in custody the town's freaking out there like if somebody was brutally murdered in this small town you guys haven't arrested anybody had this is bananas somehow Tim Arnold got wind that he was still a suspect one of the main suspects and he freaked out Tim Arnold called the trooper Mason to get confirmation which once again in my opinion also looks suspicious at least rural police standpoint because you want to know everything about this investigation you want to know why you're still a suspect as somebody who's not guilty and didn't do anything and literally can prove they weren't even in the same town that weekend he probably should have shown how stressed out about if he was mason confirmed for him that this was true he was still a main suspect and Tim Arnold's really just he couldn't even so he called his therapist his therapist said you don't sound good you need to go to the Cape Cod emergency room Tim was then admitted into the psychiatric ward he was essentially having a mental breakdown and while he was there in the psychiatric unit of the hospital the police took this opportunity to interview him again without his lawyer present despite the fact that the lawyer had made it very clear that that should happen under no circumstances this interrogation I mean interview went on for about three hours and the police basically told him listen we've read your journals we've listened to your voicemails we think you were still hung up on her we think you were pissed that she broke it off and you still wanted to be in a relationship this would have possibly given him the motive almost like a fatal attraction kind of thing and it's true I do believe that Tim Arnold was still in love with Krista and that he was disappointed when the relationship ended and that's when Tim did something else that put him in a precarious and suspicious situation he said listen I'm not physically capable of kicking in the door to her house and the cops were like well how did you know that the door had been kicked in there was no footprint you said that you hadn't seen that it was kicked in because initially remember Tim Arnold had said he didn't realize there is anything wrong I don't know how you could go up to the house and go through the door and not realize that I have been kicked in unless he went through a different door that wasn't clear however he had said he didn't notice that there was blood which how could you not and then he had a notice that the doors kicked in initially but then when he's being interviewed in the psychiatric ward by the police for the third time he says I couldn't have kicked that door in and they want to know how did you know about that that information hasn't been publicly released how did you know so then he's like well I thought I saw a footprint or maybe one of the paramedics on the scene told me like somebody told me so that's how I know the police thought that Tim Arnold would have been physically capable of kicking in the door Tim Arnold was still you know a fairly healthy youngish man he was tall he was strong clearly he jogs because he jogged by Krista's house and then and peered into her window and he was physically capable of picking Ava up and carrying her out of the house he was physically capable of running through the woods uphill to his father's house to call the police after he found Krista's body so the police were like yeah we think you are physically capable of that Tim at this point was like okay I'm not talking anymore without my lawyer but after the police left his mental state it just got worse and he had me transferred to a more secure facility so we'll come back to tomorrow and a little bit but let's move on to other suspects and obviously Tony and Susan jacket were suspects in what happened to Krista it turned out that things hadn't been as amicable as the jackets made them seen here is a quote from Susan jacket given to ABC News it wasn't difficult once I got to know Krista I liked her I enjoyed her company and I just felt sorry for her dilemma for Ava's dilemma my dilemma my children's dilemma and if Tony and I are going to stay together we have to make this work I already told you in the first video how I feel about this statement I don't believe her and it doesn't make you a bad person to resent the woman who had sex with your husband and get pregnant by him that's pretty human that's pretty normal it doesn't mean that given time things with the jackets and Krista would have eventually been copacetic but I don't think that would have happened over the course of a few months the jackets insisted that before Krista's death they were all getting long and they'd all come to a sort of agreement on how their lives should now function in their new situation I do believe that this was exaggerated in order to avoid the scrutiny and suspicion that would follow which they didn't avoid that anyways so Tony and Susan's alibis for the weekend leading up to the discovery of Krista's body we're as follows on Friday they went to see the Royal Tenenbaums at Cape Cod mall cinemas and Hyannis and on Saturday they went to Wellfleet sent him us to see a beautiful mind on that Sunday tony was at Pam at Harbor in the morning then he went to Provincetown where his son Luke was shellfishing with a friend after that he went to his father-in-law's to watch the Patriots game and then he went home for dinner it was that evening he received a call from a friend of Christmas telling them what happened and then he and Susan went over to Chris's uncle's house to see Ava so essentially their alibis are our each other I mean on Sunday obviously Tony had a stronger alibi with his father-in-law and his son and his son's friend but on the two days that it was most likely that Krista would have been killed they they alibi each other the police checked in to their story and they were able to confirm that there were show times before the movies that they said they had seen at the cinemas that they'd said they'd been to Bloods Dale that's like two two and a half hours you know tops that you have an alibi what happened the rest of the day what happened before and after the movie and once again they were just at home together Tony also claims that there was people at the movies who knew him and and Susan and could confirm that they've been there book but once again I asked the question what about before and after the movie because I I would like to know that there was a stronger alibi for that time but you know we don't always get what we want now whether or not the police actually ever spoke to these witnesses who saw Susan and Tony at the movies I don't know I called Massachusetts State Police Department I spoke to a couple people they were friendly they were cooperative but the person who is supposed to have the information was supposed to call me back and they have not so I don't think that they're avoiding me I hope I want to say that they're probably just busy doing you know actual police work on things that are actually happening today that's what I'm gonna say but if I do hear back from them I will give you guys an update on all the questions I have then I wanted to clear up I'll do an update video to let you guys know now the EMT George Malloy that I put up self in charge of caring for Ava that night he really you know connected to her he felt terrible for her he felt like he protect her to her and he wasn't protect her for her that evening she basically latched on to him as soon as he picked her up and because of that then nature in all of us are most of us to care for small children and to protect them he felt a very strong urge to watch over her and George Malloy he alleged that Susan jacket made some inflammatory remarks that evening they were all at John Worthington's house and George Malloy says that Susan told him don't believe anything this little girl has to say she's an effing liar here's how Susan remembers that evening and I'm gonna quote directly from the podcast that she had given an interview to she said I felt like I couldn't get near her and I was afraid she would reject me being how she was that she's with who she's with so I just stood there and I was kind of chatty and I said you know I came to pick up Ava and would you like to have a bath Ava I said once in a while she'll tell me that she didn't like to take baths and her mother said she actually looks best but sometimes she tells Phipps I was just trying to make like conversation and that somehow or other I don't know how that got twisted around that I said she was a liar or not to listen to her what she said I was just trying to make conversation how she's little and she really loves best but she'll say she doesn't like them but that was so untrue that I said that child was a liar she was a baby she didn't even know how to tell lies I agree with Susan jackets two-year-olds don't really know how to tell lies they have basically just learned how to speak um the whole situation there makes me uncomfortable one why would George Malloy lie about it and I mean he might he might we don't know him so he might - why did Susan feel it's necessary if she wanted to make small talk to make small talk about how Ava likes baths but she says she doesn't so sometimes she fits I mean this little girl's mother has just been murdered she's been sitting next to her body for hours and that's what do you want to make small talk about I don't know it makes me feel like something's off about that but once again I already feel that there might be resentment built up against Krista also maybe against Ava I'm season jackets part so it may have just been an off-the-cuff statement that has showed under stress or strain that maybe Susan really wasn't that warm and accepting of Ava and there's a couple motives of why either Susan or Tony or both would not want Krista in the picture obviously on Susan's part even if she did care for IVA most likely she wouldn't want the constant reminder of Krista being around the constant reminder of the worst time in your marriage seeing Krista all the time would have literally been the gay walking and talking apparition of the biggest betrayal of your life and Krista was a little bit controlling as to how much able could be with Susan and Tony and she would have probably wanted to be around sometimes and she would have had a little bit of power over Tony with Ava as a factor not only that but Krista was gonna start pursuing Tony for transport and he didn't make a lot of money we talked in the previous video about his money troubles how he even considered turning to illegal activity in order to make ends meet and pay the bills I think Tony was making about forty to forty five thousand dollars a year so caring for six children now you have an another woman coming in here and asking you for child support for a seventh child it would have been a financial strain additionally Krista had in the states that was worth anywhere from seven hundred thousand to one point five million dollars depending on the source you look at depending on whether they count her property or her holdings or things like that it varies some saké seven hundred thousand some say over a million either way it's a lot of money and like Tony Jackett that would have been that would have been a lot of money and if krysta died her estate would be transferred to Ava and whoever was in custody of Ava would be in control of that estate so with Tim Arnold where there was kind of just one motive which was jealousy or an obsession love essentially love and sex with Tony and Susan there would have been you know several motives financial jealousy resentment anger the whole nine Tim Arnold Tony Jackett and Susan Jack had all passed polygraph tests now let's unpack them for a second and and kind of go over what the likelihood is that any one of them could have been the murderer Tim Arnold's Danny was not on that front blanket but he had previously been an occupant of the house he'd lived there for several months and his DNA was most likely all over that house oh the police were suspicious that he knew about the door being kicked in but at the same time once again we've said this before but it was a small town so you know you've got your EMTs or paramedics your Turo police like they're gonna go home and talk to their family they're gonna talk to each other they're gonna talk to friends and things like that are gonna spread around even if they're not released by the police he could have seen it and then just remembered later that he saw the door kicked in he could have been told on the scene that it was kicked in personally I don't think that he kicked that door in I don't think that Tim Arnold murdered Christa Worthington I think he was upset he was still pining for her he wished that things were different and that they could be together definitely think he was kind of creepy and thirsty always hanging around and you know trying to force himself on her the voicemails don't look good but at the same time I mean I've gotten messages like that from exes I've left messages like that for people I think we all have and I think that's something really important to understand when you're looking at suspects in any case and it's like well this behavior is kind of suspicious and this behavior is kind of suspicious put yourself in their shoes or think about if you've ever been in their shoes and say well is it I know it sounds kind of weird and it's okay for me to sit judge right now but I've done that or I could have done that or I've known somebody who's done that and they weren't murderers let me know what you think about Tim Arnold the jackets okay so the police believed that the stab wound that Krista suffered from was done by somebody who was very strong and brought it down with great force enough force to Nick the wood floor beneath her and they didn't believe that a woman would be strong enough to do that which i think is an incredibly sexist because I know a lot of strong women and not strong mentally but like physically and besides that fact I do believe I am of the belief that if you are angry enough there's nothing to run Ellen running through you you can be strong enough for anything I mean there's stories about women who lift up cars off of their children to save their lives so it's possible so right off the bat I'm not automatically eliminating Susan from the the suspect list just because she's some weak woman who couldn't stab somebody but the alibis of the jackets they're they're weak right it's each other they're supporting each other's alibi which it's kind of a conflict of interest because even in a court of law a husband can't be compelled to testify against his wife and vice versa so there's a reason for that you're in a marriage you're a partnership you're a bond and even if you knew that your significant other did something you would probably want to protect them and the comments made in the presence of George Malloy does raise some questions regardless of whether you believe his account or hers or if you find a happy medium someplace in the middle those kinds of statements should never have been made at that time or any other in my opinion you should never tell a child or tell others that a child fibs sometimes especially when they're 2 and if she was gonna say oh she's a baby she can't even lie then why did you say she fibs sometimes these afib it's pretty much just a nice way of saying that you lied and even if they're there movie theater alibi was confirmed by a third party you still have the fact that there was so much time before and after the movies that are not accounted for except for by each other and they could have gotten somebody else to do the dirty work for them it's it's perfectly possible that Tony and Susan could have hired somebody or had a friend it's it's possible all of its possible this is obviously speculation but I think that the jackets had more motive and more opportunity than Tim Arnold that being said do I think that Tony Jackett or Susan jacket had anything to do with Chris's murder no not really and this may be naive of me but I find it hard to believe that a man who already has six children of his own a father could be behind anything or supportive of anything or responsible for anything that would leave his own two-year-old daughter alone for an undetermined amount of time with her mother's dead body not knowing if Eva could have hurt herself or fallen or you know she's not getting food checking water I don't think that Tony Jackett or Susan jacket would have been able to do that I think they would have orchestrated a way for Krista to have been discovered sooner if they had been involved just out of compassion and humanity that's my opinion let me know what you think which brings us to the next suspects a trio of suspects who unlike the jackets and Tim Arnold did not pass their polygraphs tapi Worthington his girlfriend Beth Porter and her boyfriend at a halt before her death Krista had discovered that top he was making withdrawals every month from his bank account two to three thousand dollars a pop and sending this money right into the bank account of Beth Porter he was also taking cash out of the ATM almost every day couple hundred here a couple hundred there to give to Beth he bought the computer who was paying for her medical bills they rented her boarding house and Friends of Chris sad she was very vocal about wanting this kind of spending to stop it also turned out that Beth had another man living with her her boyfriend at hall tapi obviously didn't know that he was paying the rent for his girlfriend to live with her boyfriend and together admin Beth consumed up to 25 bags of heroin a day most likely I have it that was funded by her sugar daddy I don't know how much drugs cost but I looked it up do you know how much 25 to 30 bags of heroin a day will cost you how much does a bag of heroin cost I mean even if you're assuming that they have some connect and and you're looking at the low end you're still looking at about 250 to $300 a day when Beth Porter was given her polygraph she showed a significant physiological reactions to certain questions especially those such as did you kill Krista do you know who killed Krista things like that concerning Krista's murder after her polygraph she was arrested in possession of drugs with her boyfriend at Hall and that's when he kind of became a suspect and they brought him in for questioning it was at that point that she confessed she the police that she and had often talked about Krista cutting off their money supply she said they talked about it all the time however she also said that tapi had often threatened to slow down the cash flow but he never did so she wasn't really concerned that he ever would as long as she kept giving him what he wanted from her if you know what I mean Anne Hall was also interviewed he said he had no knowledge or any involvement in what happened to Krista but he did say that he had heard about say once she wished that were that talking about Krista kind of threw her under the bus a little bit there didn't yet according to ad he and Beth had been together that Friday during the day he left and he went to Boston to get some drugs and then he came back with the drugs but Beth was like I don't want heroin you idiot I wanted cocaine so he had to go back out and get more drugs and bring them back and then according to him he and Beth stayed in all night doing set drugs he was supposed to work the overnight from Friday this today but he called in because he said he was too messed up basically to work that also put him under some suspicion because obviously he was supposed to work which would have put him at work during the time of Krista's murder if we're assuming it happened late Friday night or early Saturday morning he would have been at work he would have had an alibi but he called in because he said he was too sick from doing all the drugs that he and Beth had done the night before so technically Beth and AD were each other's alibis again Saturday morning and said he stayed in bed and Beth went shopping with Tapie when she got back he went out and got more drugs and then you don't watch her the same they just stayed in and they did drugs all night when asked if he was worried about the money stopping because of Krista's involvement and said not really he kind of knew that this free ride would always have to end soon so Beth told the police she hadn't been in Cape Cod that weekend she hadn't been in Cape Cod four years and then neither she nor ad had driver's licenses or vehicles so there would have been no way for them to get to Cape Cod and the police obviously they did check the cabs and things like that and there was no sign that they had taken a cab let's be honest Beth Porter has cash in her pocket they could have used a fake name when they called the cab and paid with cash and nobody would have known regardless they could also take it out bus the buses are gonna have super good of record-keeping about who wrote them and when and where they went but that's just my opinion they couldn't find a way that Beth and AD had gotten into true this is ridiculous but both ed and Beth failed their polygraphs right around the same areas you know where the questions are being asked about Krista and afterwards Beth and I were like well we fail their polygraphs cuz we're so messed up I'm drugs so where was taffy in the days before Krista's murder and how did he do on his polygraph we can already guess that Krista and her father didn't have the warmest father-daughter relationship there was issues from childhood resentments from childhood toppy had tried to sell the bungalow out from Crysta after she moved in there basically he called a real-estate agent and said I want to list this house I want to sell it the real estate agent said that's very awesome you know this could be a great listing and Tapie said can you just call my daughter Christo who's living there right now and tell her like an Italian and she has to go I think Christa obviously wasn't having it I don't know what happened between them I don't know how she finagled it or you know what kind of agreement they came to but happy ended up not listening the house and Christa stayed there but still it's kind of a scummy thing to do to your daughter and to not even have the balls to tell her yourself that the real estate agent call her and tell her come on toppy claim that the relationship was strained because Christa did approve of what he had going on with bath regardless I mean I don't think that's why the relationship was strained but they didn't talk much he claimed on Friday he didn't really know what he did but he knew he didn't go out in the evening Saturday morning he woke up he went to the ATM and then over to bath porters he took her to Walmart he bought her a coat and pants after he dropped her off he went home and he arrived there at about 1:00 p.m. he went back out later got a haircut a cup of coffee and he went back home at about 4:30 staying in for the night on Sunday he went out at about noon he got a coffee and donuts he went back home after this to watch the Patriots game later he picked up bath Porter they both returned to his house in Weymouth and that's when he got a call from John his brother and Chris's aunt telling him what had happened to Christa so you'd think he'd be right there he's like oh my god what's happening to my granddaughter my daughter's been murdered I need to get over there as soon as possible but no he did not do that he actually drove bath back to her boarding house of Quincy and then he went back home to his house and fed his cats before he headed out to his brother John's house so he didn't get there until I think about 9:30 you may be pushing ton once he was there he raised eyebrows when he asked the police if Christa had been found on her back and if there was injuries to the right side of her face in fact both of these things were true Christa had been found on her back and there was a great deal of bruising and damage to the right side of her face clearly somebody had hit her and beat her before they murdered her but the police were like well how you know that you just got here and Tapie it was like oh no no I'm just trying to figure out who did this and and if they were right-handed or left-handed and then he shut up because I think he realized he'd said too much so it's kind of suspicious so let's talk about these three this motley crew Beth toppy and Eddie Hall in my opinion all more likely suspects than the jackets or Tim Arnold we have motive but technically with evidence we don't have means as far as the police could tell neither bat the NORAD took any public transportation to get from Quincy to trail the day or at that weekend and I don't believe that tapi alone a 72 year old man would be able to kick in a door and then stab his own daughter however all three of them working together tapi as the means of transportation and AD as the person who did it and that's just as the the weird thing that tied all of them together I'm not saying this is true I'm not saying I have any proof or evidence this is just speculation and for those of you who don't like when I speculate or get my opinion on these things that's kind of what a critical thinking is it's kind of what true crime is all about we as a community come together to look at the things that maybe the police missed and cases have been solved by these armchair detectives not that I'm saying I solved the case in any way not that I'm saying I'm an arbitrary detective what I'm saying is it's good to look at it from all different perspectives and to use a new brain other than the same ones that have been working on the case it's good to use a different point of view and it's good to think outside the box because it doesn't hurt anything and it could possibly help if not to solve the case maybe just stimulate another line of thinking that could solve the case so that's why I speculate and that's why I like to do it with you guys because that in the comments you let me know what you think about my speculations you give me what you think happened and then together we can build kind of a better understanding of what might possibly have happened okay I'm going to talk about one more potential suspect before I get on to the man who was actually convicted of Krista's murder and who is currently serving life in prison for Keith Amato keith was the estranged husband of Tony jackets oldest daughter Bronwyn remember in part 1 when I talked about how sometimes Tony's kids would use Krista's after a shower after going to the beach while Keith was also seen at Krista's using her shower sometimes he would bring his daughter but it was said that sometimes he was there alone and rumors obviously began to circulate then possibly Krista had been having a relationship with Keith people in town knew that Bronwyn and Keith had been having issues in their marriage and tapis younger sister Diana told police something that Krista had alluded to once that she was having an affair with a son of Tony Jackett a source also came forward and claimed that they had seen Krista and Keith in public and they were kissing now Keith had been described by some people as having a violent side to him he and Bronwyn had a lot of ups and downs they were pretty much on and off all the time but at some point they became totally off after Bronwyn found out about her father's affair and all this stuff happened she actually went with her brother and his girlfriend to Colorado just kind of hang low and and clear her head and while she was there she became pregnant and it wasn't obviously by Keith now Keith and Bronwyn have a daughter of their own but this new child was not her husband's so that obviously caused some friction and Keith was actually arrested with assaulting Bronwyn while she was pregnant with this child so obviously he has the capability to lash out and be violent allegedly keith claimed that he'd only met christa handful of times and he'd only used her shower once now apparently keith was very susceptible to something that they called the crud and I mean New Englanders or seafarers let me know if I'm wrong but I think the crud is something that you can get if you swim in the ocean a lot and then you don't shower immediately afterwards it like makes you sick so he was very susceptible to that so he would always have to shower before getting in the car and going home and he would sometimes use her shower even though he says he only did once and remember that this is not a shower inside of her house this is an outside shower probably one of my favorite things about Cape Cod almost every house at least every house I've ever seen or been to has an outdoor shower and it's almost made like this sauna it's wooden and it's just so nice and the tops open so you can see the Sun or the stars while you're showering and they have these because when you come back to the beach you're disgusting and Sandy and there's seaweed like hanging out your bathing suits who you want a shower before you go into your house the outdoor shower is something that I just love to keep a model Theory in my opinion is flimsy a lot of people I think enjoy it it's dangerous and romantic and scandalous so they like to think about it and talk about it and they like to believe that it may be true but I think that there's just not enough to it I think it probably came from rumors and their unsubstantiated at best so in the end how did they rule out all of these suspects in order to find the person who actually did the crime or who they believed actually did the crime well they used DNA because that unidentified males DNA located in two places on Christa that didn't match toppy it didn't match keep the model it didn't match Tony Jackett it didn't match Tim Arnold and it didn't match alcohol when the investigation began detectives took DNA from roughly a dozen people a dozen men these were all the usual suspects like we talked about once all of those DNA samples came back negative to the sample found on Christa they started to expand their search and basically district attorney Michael O'Keefe said that the next step was to basically check out anybody who had been in Chris's orbits so Melman handyman garbageman anybody that she saw or interacted with on a regular basis this was when they first interviewed a man named Christopher McCowen in April of 2002 so this is just a couple of months after Krista's murder Chris McGowan was her Guardsman so he worked for a company called Cape Cod disposal Chris was originally from Frederick Oklahoma his father Roy was interviewed the ABC news podcast a killing on the Cape and he said that Chris's mother was a girl he dated every so often but he lived in Tulsa and one day he came to visit her and she told him he had a son eventually it became clear that Chris needed medical care he suffered from seizures that boy speculates may have been brought on by him falling off the bed as a baby and hitting his head once it was clear that he would need more attention Chris moved in with his grandmother Roy's mother and she basically raised him by the time he was a teenager he'd out from his seizures and was excelling at sports such as football but academically he'd started to fall behind he was put into special education classes but by his senior year he had dropped out of high school his teenage years also started Chris's trouble with the law he was stealing his grandmother's checks he was staying out all night and eventually he was sent to live with his father who had relocated to Florida in Florida and only got worse so I looked up Chris McCowan's criminal driving for myself every single source that I read about Chris McAllen it literally says a different thing about what kind of criminal record he has and it's going to depend on what kind of narrative they're trying to tell you or what they want you to think after you leave their podcast or their book or their news articles so I just wanted to see for myself because I like to work with facts and evidence here I like to have all of them not half of them or more than there really are if that makes sense so let me tell you what I found and all of this happened in Florida so October 11th 1990 he was charged with robbery on July 29th 1991 he was charged with trafficking in stolen property on July 31st 1991 he was charged with grand theft of over $300 and less than $2,000 on October 2nd 1991 he was charged with burglary or attempted no assault unarmed unoccupied structure on November 8th 1991 he was charged with grand theft of a motor vehicle On June 6th 1992 he was charged with battery on April 7th 1993 grand theft of a motor vehicle again April 21st 1995 he was charged with a first degree misdemeanor a third degree felony and trespassing I am a no way of saying that Christopher McCowen is bad person because he found himself on the wrong side of the law so many times I am simply giving you the facts and evidence and then we talk about them I'm also not saying that a person can't change but from an investigation standpoint when you're a police officer and you're looking in to the backgrounds of suspects who may have committed a murder obviously a criminal record is going to stand out and make that person more suspicious or more likely for the crime and I'm not so much concerned with the check stealing or the potential trafficking of stolen property but there's that 1992 battery charge and a couple grand theft auto charges so those are a little bit escalated from your typical average run-of-the-mill crime so before Chris got arrested and put in in prison for that 1993 grand theft auto charge he had met a woman and they'd had a child together her name was a Pamela McGuire and once he was sent away to prison she decided to leave and take their daughter and go back to where she was wrong which was Cape Cod when he got released from prison about a year and a half later he decided that he was going to follow them there and that is how Christopher McCowen ended up going from Key West to churro Massachusetts once in Cape Cod things ended with Pamela he began seeing another woman named Kelly bore they also had a daughter together but his friends and even his own father said that Chris McGowan he wasn't a monogamous guy he liked the ladies the ladies liked him so he carried on several relationships at this time by his co-workers and friends who worked with him at Cape Cod this bozo he was described as fun-loving a great friend a prankster somebody who just made you laugh and was a great time to hang out with none of these people that he knew thought he was capable of murder they basically described him as a gentle giant Chris was taught he stood at 6 foot he was you know big muscular big guy but he also had this sweet and sensitive side Tim Don Horton who owned Cape Cod disposal he would set some of his guys as employees up with places to live as well and he did so for Chris he seemed to have gained the trust and respect of his coworkers his boss and people who knew him so why was he a suspect in the Christa Worthington murder Krista's house was on his route and the DA said that they were looking into anybody in her orbit and Chris MacCallum would have been in her orbit so when the police initially talked to him on April 3rd they wanted to know if he'd ever come into contact with Christa did he know her had he ever been in her house and he said he knew her simply because her house was on his route and he'd go up to her house and empty the garbage can and that was it he'd never talked to her he'd never been inside her house period he just went there every Thursday that was the normal day he would go there he took the garbage they asked him did he ever take anything from her house like remove anything from her house or her porch he said no at that point they asked him if he would be willing to give a sample of his DNA and he said he would but apparently he was so polly Vibol and so cooperative that they were like oh we don't need it right now well we'll come at you later if we do and they believed that he probably didn't have anything to do with it and they let him go once the detectives looked deeper into his background and saw his criminal record they would look a little bit closer at Chris McGowan they would come back to him but not for almost two years and it wasn't the grand theft auto or the robbery charges that concerned the police it was the multiple restraining orders that have been taken out against Chris McGowan by women he knew and had had relationships with in 1998 Pamela McGuire the mother of his first daughter she said that she felt intimidated by him he had once pushed her up against a refrigerator and he threw a remote control at her so she took a restraining order out against him in 1999 an ex-girlfriend of his named Amy had taken out a restraining order against him because she said he shattered the window of her car and in 2004 Kelly the mother of his second well she filed a restraining order against him she said that they've got into an argument a big fight and he said if you say one more word I'll break your neck he went to jail for a couple of days and he was given probation for making domestic threats of violence so I'm March 18th 2004 the police talked to Chris McGowan again during a meeting with his probation officer and his story pretty much was the same that he told them two years before he didn't know Krista he'd never been in her house he didn't kill her that's it but they did take a swab of his DNA from his cheek and McCowan's DNA was a match to the DNA found on Krista but they didn't figure that out for almost a year after getting the sample from him the Massachusetts State Crime Lab seems to have an issue with understaffing or just a lack of resources I'm not sure but it's not like on the TV shows where they get the DNA of a perpetrator or a suspect and then within minutes they're like aha you are a match we got you it takes time and in this case with this crime lab it took longer than normal in the book invisible even DA michael roark was telling Maria fluke how difficult it is to get anything done at that crime lab basically that they are so backlogged and they're so there's so many samples that they have to go over that they can only handle one case per district per month and that lab has a long history of such things in 2007 an investigation revealed that 16,000 DNA samples some going as far back as the 80s were hidden away in cold storage not being tested there was a bunch of noise and outrage but two years later still only 500 have been tested a spokesperson for the Department of Public Safety said we are exercising triage not only that but the Worthington case added to that backlog in desperation the Massachusetts Bay cleese did something unprecedented they basically requested DNA samples from every male in Truro and this wasn't received well by everyone they were told it was voluntary but they were also told if they didn't give up their DNA willingly they'd pretty much be looked at a little bit closer or a lot closer so you've got all these DNA samples probably like 500 from the men and then you know additionally all the other DNA samples that have been piling up at that crime lab and amongst them is McCowan's and finally three years after Krista is killed on matches bait and an arrest is made and we can all breathe a sigh of relief right the the killers behind bars right well things aren't always that simple so they interview Chris McCann again this time he's under arrest he's read his Miranda rights and then he signs a paper saying that he basically is giving them up like I you can talk to me without a lawyer I give up these rights I understand what's happening here they asked him if they can record this interview and he says no he does not want the interview recorded so they don't record it they interrogate him for six hours and from that results a 27 to 28 page report six hours 28 pages of a report once again at first McCowan denied knowing Krista never met her and everyone in her house when he's faced with the DNA when they put that DNA in front of him and tell him he's a match he says it could have been me and he's asked where he was the weekend before Krista's body is discovered McGowan said that Friday and Saturday nights were his party nights on Friday January 4th he was at a local bar and underage bar called the juice bar and they were having a rap contest that night he was there with a friend of his jeremy Frasier Frasier was actually taking part or competing in the rap contest there's video footage of both frazier and McCowan at the juice bar that evening and at 7 p.m. and ok they were there together but what happened after the juice bar according to Chris he was really really drunk that night and he doesn't even remember what happened after the juice bar all he knows is he woke up the next day at home when the detectives insisted he had to remember something he changed his story again he did remember something now after the juice bar he and Jeremy Frazier they drove over to Krista's so that Chris McCowan could have sex with her after he and Krista had sex they left and everything was fine and then he changes his story again when the police asked him what if he and Jeremy arrived at Christmas McGowan says sometime between 115 and 145 in the morning but well Chris and Krista were doing their thing Jeremy was going through Krista's office and rummaging through her things and Chris I saw him and she got mad so she went to the door her office and said to him why are you going through my things at which point Jeremy and Chris McGowan they left the house Krista followed them outside yelling Tom Jeremy to give her back whatever he'd taken and then she ran back into the house and picked up the phone and Chris told Jeremy dude I think she's gonna call the police at which point Jeremy followed Krista into the house kicked in the door went inside and came back out after and told Chris MacCallum that he had beat her up so the police asked him okay tell us that story again and this is a common tactic used by law enforcement because if you're lying it's very hard to tell exactly the same lie twice you're always gonna have tweaks and your story's gonna change so they wanted him to repeat this story again to see if it changed and it did so Chris's next story I don't know if this is the fifth or sixth version of his story but his next story has some definite changes in it now Chris claimed that when Krista ran out after them Jeremy hit her in the face twice and then she ran back inside to call the police Jeremy then told Chris I'm just gonna do her before following her into the house Chris waited outside for ten minutes and finally Jeremy emerged and as he left the house he kicked in the door and Chris thought that was because he was trying to make it look like a robbery okay tell it again Chris in the next version of the story chris says Krista followed them outside Jeremy hit her but in this version Chris admits to having hit her as well he said quote she confronted Jeremy Jeremy beat her he beat her we put the boots to her I can still hear her hit the ground she hit the ground hard okay so the next somehow all three of them got from outside back inside and Chris watched Jeremy take a butcher's knife from the kitchen kill Krista and then that knife Krista's phone and a purse inside a black t-shirt wrap them up and they drove away that was it they just act was pretty much golden we don't think that anybody else was there with you we think that you did this and Christopher McCowen responded so if Jeremy can account for his time this is all on me so his final story for now he went to Chris's house with Jeremy he and Krista had consensual sex then Jeremy her then he hit her they both beat her up then Jeremy killed her and then they left but this is not this is not his final story this is not the story he tells today so Jeremy Fraser had an alibi sort of he did say he was at the juice bar that evening he was there with Chris McGowan and another friend of his as Shaun movi but after that they went to an after-party a fight broke out so he and Shawn went back to Shawn's house Shawn's dad's house where they slept it off and at some point they lost track of Chris McGowan they don't know where he went when Shaun Mavi was questioned to back up this alibi at first he said he didn't remember that night at all they were all very drunk he'd remember anything about that I believe her he would tell the police yes that Jeremy Fraser had been with him that night the Jews bar afterwards they'd left and Jeremy spent the night at his house on his couch all night so that leaves Chris McGowan holding the bag just like he thought the announcement was made 33 year-old Christopher McCowen had been arrested for the 2002 murder of Christa Worthington the people of Truro could breathe easy in their town again knowing that the guilty party was behind bars but was Chris McGowan really guilty of this crime or was he a convenient scapegoat a black man in a mainly all-white community according to author Peter Manzo who sounds like a Donald Trump by the way when he's being interviewed for the podcast and Kelly on the Cape sounds legitimately Donald Trump I kept thinking it was him anyways he says that Chris wasn't just charged with murder he was charged with aggravated rape and he was also charged with burglary Manzo said that the charge of aggravated rape so price a lot of people since the previous three years no one had said anything about a sexual assault but once Malone was said all of a sudden there was these charges Manso and McCullen's attorney at the time at Robert George thought this was racially motivated then no one could believe a wealthy white woman would willingly sleep with her black garbage man Christopher McCowan's trial of started year later in October of 2006 and he pled not guilty now remember that this is after a year has gone by and he's had the chance to speak with and consult with a lawyer now he has a different version of how things went according to Christopher McCowen attorney Robert George Chris was never actually there on Friday he was there on Thursday but he has a low IQ he's not that smart so he gets things mixed up and he got his days mixed up he thought it was a Friday but it was really a Thursday he was there doing his normal trash route pick up when Krista asked him to come inside her house and look in her Christmas tree see it was a couple weeks after Christmas the tree was still up and she wanted to know if it was possible that he could take it away for her according to Christopher McCowen as they were in the house with one thing led to another and they ended up having consensual sex on the floor of her living room Chris MacCallum states and this time Krista's daughter Ava was not present he didn't know where she was but she wasn't there and afterwards they were like okay that was fun and he went on his way he was nowhere near her house on Friday in fact he never even said that to the police or at least he doesn't remember seeing that to the police because when he was arrested and interrogated he was pretty messed up he had just gotten done smoking marijuana while he's playing video games he had cocaine and percocet in his system and so he didn't know what he was doing between the influence of the the drugs the multiple drugs cuz what do you wanted you want to be sleepier and you wanna be puffed up and choose between the multiple drugs and the fact that he has such a low IQ and can easily be convinced to confess to a crime he didn't do and make up a story that wasn't even real he had told them what what they wanted to hear he thought if he cooperated with them that they would let him go so even though he'd originally stated to the police that he'd been there Friday night after the juice bar and nobody can corroborate his whereabouts for where he it's Friday after the juice bar now he never was there after they used fire Friday he'd been there on Thursday during the day because it's very easy to confuse in the evening visit on Friday with during the day visit while you're working on Thursday Robert George Chris's attorney said right away there was a problem with jury selection he obviously wanted Chris to be judged by a jury of his peers preferably working-class people if they could be people of color that would be even better however he says quote when you are picking a jury on Cape Cod self-employed people people with any kind of criminal record people who have to work to pay their bills aren't picked for jury duty because their sole supporters or their single mothers or their single parents so you lose all those jurors and here I am defending Christopher McCowen an african-american male from Key West and I'm looking for people of color on a jury or people who are working-class jurors and I'm losing most of them because they cannot serve I have to call on this just a little bit I was a single mother for for many years and I can't ever remember a time where I was called up for jury duty and I was like hey I'm a single mother and I don't have childcare or I have to work to support my family and they're like Oh a no problem excused you can serve never once did that happen they don't care at all they don't care what your circumstances are they don't care what the sob story you have you're going to be there you're gonna do your civic duty god dammit so in the trial the prosecution focused on basically the crime itself the violent nature they showed pictures which obviously shocked people the fact that Christa was found with her two-year-old daughter shocked people they also focused specifically on the evidence that they had which was DNA that tied Christopher McCowen to Christa Worthington the fact that he changed his story so many times at first he didn't know her at all until he was seized with the DNA evidence and then he said it could have been me and then he said this whole story about how it was Jeremy who was there with him and he saw it happen but he didn't do it and the fact that this murderer was so incredibly brutal and tragic death what the prosecution focused on getting across the jurors Robert George McCowan's attorney he argued that a six-hour interrogation should not result in a 27 report that six hours should have probably been more like a 400-page report and in a way I agree well we don't know what happened in that interrogation room I'm not a person who would ever defend the police in their interrogation tactics I've covered many cases where I know the police manipulated and did their best to basically get a false confession and we know that false confessions happen so did a false confession happen in this case and I also find myself questioning why they chose not to record this interview yes Chris her mcallen said he did not want it recorded but he already signed a paper the basically signed away his rights to have a lawyer present etc etc so if it had been me and I've been a police officer in that interrogation room I would have wanted it on tape that way nobody could come back later and say oh you purposely didn't tape record this or you're trying to hide something I'd want it all sitting there so I could be above reproach and basically the defense said listen Chris he's got this low IQ he's not smart he's easily confused and on top of that he was full of drugs so the police basically planted this idea in his head and they they basically told him what they wanted to hear so he could repeat it back to them because he just wanted to leave the defense even tried to argue that Krista hadn't even been killed when they said that she was killed because rigor hadn't completely set in so it could have been a completely different time they believed in the sheep and killed later on Saturday however I disagree with this firstly because like I said rigor can set in at different times in different accelerations for multiple reasons but secondly remember when Tim Arnold came up to her door on Sunday he had two papers in his hands that had been left at the bottom of her driveway only two papers not three not one Benin in my opinion tells me if she was dead for two days so he probably got her Sunday paper and her Saturday paper so she would have grabbed her Friday morning paper but she went to bed alive on Saturday morning to get the paper we're obviously on Sunday that's just my take that's what I saw I have not seen that written where anybody say that but it may not be proof she may just have not felt like going to get her paper on Saturday but that's just what I see additionally there was a call made on a Thursday from Christie McCollum to his boss and basically he said I met Krista Worthington's house she wants me to take her Christmas tree but you know can I do it and his boss was like yeah I mean we can come and get it on Monday because you don't have the right truck with you right now so you have a small truck and we're gonna need a bigger truck for that so we'll go and get it on my dad are we into Provincetown and his boss Don Horton says yes that called did happen on a Thursday but he couldn't be sure what Thursday it happened done so I'm gonna grab my calendar up and I'm gonna go through here quick and go to 2001 December Christmas Day fell on a Tuesday so the Thursday after that would have been the 27th and the Thursday after that would have been the third so Chris McGowan is saying it was January 3rd 2002 that he was there and that Chris asked about the Christmas tree but it very well could have been the 27th of December that Thursday before two days after Christmas Kristin might have been the kind of person who just wanted to get her Christmas tree down and as soon as possible my husband's like that me I would leave it off till February I loved it but we don't know what Thursday was it wasn't necessarily the Thursday before her death and you're talking you know three years later at this point so people are gonna have a hard time of recollecting when that happened there was also another man who testified at Chris McAllen's trial and his name was Gerard a Smith now he testified on the Saturday before Krista's body was found he was walking along you know the road and he saw this dark-colored SUV just rip our of christa's a driveway make a right and keep keep going and never stopped and he was like why is this person driving so fast obviously at this point Krista's body hadn't been discovered so Gerard Smith wouldn't have known that there was somebody dead up there in that house that the car had just left he was just concerned with whether they were driving so fast but the defense tried to make it seem as if that person in that who is coming out of Krista's driveway was the real murderer and when Gerard Smith described this person he said they were Caucasian with the darker skin brown hair and an oval face when they asked him to describe the car all he could remember was that it was dark and it was large he said he wasn't paying attention to what the car looked like he was just kind of looking at the person trying to figure out who would be driving so fast there's a multitude of reasons why somebody may have been pulling out of Chris's driveway on Saturday when I personally went to Truro myself I was trying to find Krista's house I pulled down the wrong driveway and I had to turn around in the driveway and leave and I kind of left pretty quick i han't want anybody to see me in their house and be like why are you here so there's a multitude of reasons why a person may have pulled down her driveway and realized oh this isn't a street because that travelways lonely place on the video it whines all the way up maybe they thought it was a street maybe they were from you know out of town and they didn't know where they were going but that's what he saw and the defense tried to say that this was probably the person who killed her on Saturday and that that person looked nothing like Chris MacCallum because Chris McCowan's obviously black and this person was Caucasian additionally Chris McCowan's fingerprints were not found at the scene and the sperm that had been found on Krista was very degraded so basically the tails of the sperm were completely gone which means that that could have been there on her for several days so it would have I guess lined up with his consensual sex story on Thursday if the sperm had degraded to such a point by the time they got it from her on Sunday however I do want to remind you that there was other DNA from Chris McGowan found on Krista on a different place on her body and this was saliva and unless she had just completely failed to shower from the Thursday when they had their encounter - you know before she was killed that DNA would not have been there so that's something to think about but now let's talk about Jeremy Fisher the man that Chris McGowan said actually killed Krista when Jeremy got up and testified at the trial he faltered a bit under cross-examination from the defense he said he remember where he'd been that day initially he couldn't even remember where he bagged after the juice bar until they fed him pieces of information that night Robert George says oh you say feeding you pieces of information who was feeding you pieces of information and he responded the State Police Shanna maulvi whose house that he'd been at that night allegedly said that Jeremy was probably more intoxicated than all of them and that's why Sean had been answered about him basically leaving and going home on his own so he was like hey just crash at my place and he did say at the trial under oath yes Jeremy was at my house all night he never left although I don't know how you'd really know that considering that you probably went to sleep at some point but regardless and of course you can't have a good trial without a controversial jury scandal a man named Robert Lyon told ABC journalists who were talking to him for the podcast and killing on the cave that he'd spoken to a person who had inside knowledge of what transpired in the jury room he told the reporters that evidence was key and that race did not play a factor the court said that Lyons statement didn't mean anything he could have been referring to having conversations with someone on the jury after the verdict came back since the podcast wasn't made until many years later a black woman on the jury named rosh hashanah beau hana came forward and said that there was racial prejudice and the jury from day one she said one of the jurors remarks that christa looked as if a big black man had hit her another juror said that she feared chris McCowan because he was black and when Miss bhajana confronted the jurors about their racial statements the only other person of color on the jury a black man told her that's why I don't like black people to other jurors backed up her statements although their recollections were slightly different than rosana's they also claimed that the juror who had made that statement about looking as if a big black man hit Christa almost got into a physical confrontation in the jury room after Rosana accused her of being racist telling her don't play the race card obviously Chris and his attorney brought this up after the conviction and tried to appeal the conviction based on this information but the judge decided that the words big and black were just descriptors I mean they are but not in that context so context matters if a woman comes up to me with a black eye and I look at her and I say oh man it looks like a big black guy hit you that's kind of recess in my opinion that's kind of racist but to to bring in it looks like a big black guy did that to you it does sound racist and do I believe that there was issues of race and racism and Prejudice in this jury of course because we live in a world where no matter how much we want to pretend it doesn't exist anymore in 2019 it does it's pervasive and it's everywhere but obviously the judge just thought that those words were descriptors so we'll move on another juror Rachel Huffman was removed during the deliberation process which is pretty much unheard of and she was removed because it was discovered that she was talking to her boyfriend who was in jail at the time on the phone and complaining about the police and talking about what was going on in the jury room and what they were deliberating about and who felt what etcetera so she was removed Christopher McCowen was found guilty on all charges he had not spoken on his own behalf during the trial but before sentencing he made a statement I feel very sorry for the Worthington family Krista's daughter and Krista but all this time I've been innocent he was sentenced to three life sentences without the possibility of parole prints to this day still denies that he committed the murder he got rid of Robert George and he got a new lawyer he and his new lawyer Gary pals here have tried to get an appeal based on the fact that he had inadequate counsel during the trial he's still working on getting a new trial and he and his lawyer believe there was reasonable doubt of his guilt so the first appeal that Chris McGowan made it included a lot of things first of all that they thought the trial should have been moved to due to media interest it was a ton of media interest and it was pretty much to go right in the area where it happens so there was a member of the grand jury who actually knew Christa and jacket and the juror Rachel who was moved during the deliberation phase she was considered to be a pro defense juror the boyfriend the regional had been talking to while he was in jail he was a black man and it seemed as if Rachel was kind of one of the people who was holding back a verdict of guilty they were deadlocked at that point that she was removed it was assumed that she was a holdout even though later it was discovered she was not a holdout so they really didn't have a leg to stand on there but it does seem like a silly reason to remove a juror during deliberation when she's talking to her boyfriend who's in jail so really who's he gonna tell McCowan's defense has alleged that she was purposely removed in order to ensure that the decision came back guilty this appeal was denied I want to talk about Jeremy Fraser really quick too because while I was doing research for this case I read a lot of articles and I also read the comments on some of these articles and for the most part I feel that the people commenting believed that Chris McGowan is guilty he did the crime and he should be doing the time but there was a commenter who said something along the lines of we all know about jeremy fraser around here we know what kind of person he is and that he's the real guilty party so that made me think like let me look into jeremy what's he up to and what's he all about i found some interesting things so he's full records from 2002 show a 978 number that Jeremy would call often he told the police that it was his own pager and he called it so often because he would lose it and he'd have to find it the weekend that Krista was killed Jeremy called that number 36 times that's a lot of times to lose your pager in one weekend when the police who worked the case for questioned about this number during the trial Robert George estable what is this number whose number is it did you look into it they were like no we actually didn't like we never got a subpoena for those cell phone records so they don't know who it is and son so much time passed unless that phone number was still active which is not there was no way for Verizon or t-mobile to pool the records and find out who it belonged to there was also one call at 12:03 a.m. it was in incoming call and it was from the State Police barracks in Yarmouth on Saturday January 5th so why would Jeremy be getting a call from the State Police literally at the time that Chris McGowan said Jeremy and himself were we're getting ready to go to Christmas house or driving to Chris's house we're talking about going to Chris's house why would that have happened and when trooper Mason was asked he said I don't know we don't know who that cop came from who called him or what they said we don't know unless I heard the defense is trying to figure out who that nine seven eight number belonged to and like I said they they can at this point figure out who belonged to but they can determine whether it was a landline number or a pager number and if it comes out that it was a landline number and then they know that Jeremy perjured himself that he lied on the stand and said it was his pager when it wasn't and then we'd have to ask the question well whose number was that who are you calling and in 2017 Jeremy Fraser was also accused of sexually assaulting a child a five-year-old now this is complicated it sounds really bad but I did a lot of research into it and it appears he was never convicted it appears what happened was this was a child of a man and a woman not Jeremy Frazier's child and Jeremy was dating or living with this child's mother and it didn't seem like this child's father appreciated that or like that so he pretty much possibly coached the child to see these things that make these accusations either way after going to trial Jeremy was found to be innocent of these charges so did he do it did he not we don't know but he has been deemed innocent by court of law so they must have had some I hope that they would have enough evidence to say that he was innocent considering it involves a five-year-old child so I hope that they had enough evidence to to let him go but there's that so I believe what's happening is McCowan's defense attorney is pretty much trying to set the stage for this theory bad Jeremy Fraser is a police informant of some kind that he was involved with Chris's death but because of his shop with the police they gave him special treatment and they managed to have him get away with it by putting the blame on McGowan it's an interesting theory it seems to once again be a theory that people love to talk about on reddit and online and things but let me stress and there's no proof of this it's just the theory mccollins team is working on it so let's see what they come up with while Christopher McCowen has been in prison he's gotten married to a woman named Leslie she actually knew him back in the 90s when he was friends with her daughter or her kids and she didn't really have any interaction with him bad but when she found out he'd gotten arrested for murder she was like there's no way he's so sweet and he's so shy and playing he could have done this so she started sending him letters and visiting him and one thing led to another and now they're married and she's obviously fighting hard to try to get him another trial so he can get out so I mean I'm gonna give you my final thoughts and I'm gonna tell you what I think first of all I don't believe that Christopher McCowen is stupid his lawyer his old lawyer Robert George literally said he's a borderline mentally handicapped like he's not smart at all you know he's obviously pushing this this is the narrative that he wants the jury and you and everybody to believe Christopher McCowen he's a simple man gentle giant wouldn't hurt a fly looks maybe you know scary and intimidating but inside he's just a sweetheart I don't necessarily now believe that Christopher McCowen is a sweetheart I don't know him what I do know though is I have listened to several times where he's spoken on the interview with the podcast I've read things that he has instead in articles and things like that and he's not stupid a low IQ doesn't necessarily make you stupid Christopher McCowen also seems to have a pretty good understanding on a deeper concepts and how things connect he seems to be able to use critical thinking he's not stupid I also don't think it's out of the question that Christopher McCowen and Krista ten could have had a consensual sexual encounter maybe even that that past Thursday before she died Chris McGowan is a handsome good-looking man he's got a great smile he's got this sort of the way he talks it just makes you feel at ease like he's just got a calming and mellow kind of way about him and I don't feel that Krista would have thought he's beneath me Krista liked a man who got his hands dirty she liked a kind of blue-collar guy she was an equal-opportunity lover of men I don't think that she was a snob at all when it came to that so for people to say that and there are people who say Krista would never have had sex with him and consensually it's possible we don't know but I don't think it's out of the question and I do think it's a little bit elitist if not racist to suggest that Krista would never have even considered it that's just my opinion however Chris mcholland story changed so many times in order to believe that he is completely innocent we have to believe that the police essentially made up every single thing they put into that report that he pretty much said nothing of the kind while they were interviewing him for six hours so what did he say for six hours he doesn't remember he says he never said that Jeremy was there or he saw Jeremy killer he said he never said he was there but then he says but I really don't remember it's a really hard sell for me to believe that the police made that up and you didn't say any of that when you don't remember actually what you did say I do believe that the police use certain tactics in interrogation to get a confession but I have a very hard time believing that they would make up literally every single thing and that's what would have had to have happened his story changed once he'd hired a lawyer once he had gotten some more ideas of what kind of person Krista was and what kind of things were printed and said about her Maria flukes book was already out the book that talked about christa and how she enjoyed having sex with men and how she you know would never settle down and she kind of just went from guy to guy and she was very sexually active so that book was already out by that time Maria's book also mentioned the fact that Tim Arnold had told the police if you find my fingerprints outside a person's window you know that's because I was looking at her one time but it's not creepy at all that kind of thing she had written about that too I have no doubt that Chris's attorney would have read everything he could have gotten his hands on about Christa including that book and I have no doubt that he made allegedly have brought to this this defense up to Chris and said hey listen we just have to you know find a way to make it seem as if you had consensual sex with her and that's the reason your DNA was found on her there we go we explained that away and left add in some other colorful elements because Chris's story would not stop changing and the one thing that bothered me the most was his attorney obviously told the story about Thursday and Chris had told the police that Ava wasn't there whenever it was that they'd ended up having sex but later years later I think it was a 2011 article that I read where Chris said Eva was there this was an article done by a local paper not a big paper I believe it was like a Cape Cod paper something small but you know maybe the masses wouldn't read it wasn't the New York Times it was a small Cape Cod paper and in this interview with this reporter he says two things that made me stop and go huh first of all he says that evil was there Ava was there when they had sex that Thursday and Christa said oh don't worry about her you know she's just gonna call her she'll be fine and proceeded to have this relationship or this interaction with this strange man in her house with her daughter there I don't believe that that that's true I don't believe that's true either she wasn't there and it happened or she was there and it didn't happen I don't think Krista would be like yes strange man come into my house with my daughter here and let's have sex right in front of her I don't think that would happen because Krista was super paranoid about something happening to her daughter additionally I don't think that she would just invite a stranger into her house in general because she was super paranoid and very on guard and she didn't like people just coming over don't you remember that Tim Arnold said she didn't like people just showing up she liked her space she liked to have control of the situation it wasn't as if she was sleeping around the town there's been no other reports for men in the town coming forward and saying yeah me and Krista had something going on and Tony Jackett when he was having his affair with her he said she wasn't really al friendly or outgoing person who just had people over all the time he never had to worry if he stopped by without letting her know that somebody else would be there so that's why I think in general that it didn't happen it has nothing to do with him being black or a garbage man it has to do with the fact that I don't think Krista would willingly let a stranger into her house with her daughter there and then proceed to have sex with him with her daughter there I usually think there would happen but that's just my opinion allegedly furthermore in this interview he mentions to the reporter that after he and Krista were done and they were just kind of laying there krysta harden millie's from her bedroom so she ran in and she was like get out of here and then she came back and he said what's going on and she's like all it's just this guy that peeks through my window sometimes I'm taking care of it I don't believe this ever happened I think Chris McGowan or Chris MacCallum lawyer read this somewhere that Tim Arnold had been peeking in Krista's windows and you know maybe his fingerprints would be on the outside of her window and they were like we can use this and we can use this to make Tim Arnold seem like a creeper who was spying on Krista that she was scared of and worried about it I don't believe it ever happened I think he just made that up and because of that it makes me question everything that he said because if you're just gonna make things up to add them to your story as you go along based on research that people have done on the life of the victim or you know things that have come out from the police that you're now getting a handle on and you're understanding the case better you're gonna make things up to fit into that narrative I don't really trust you the truth is the truth and I don't know that we've ever gotten the actual story from Chris McGowan there have been so many versions and they change and none of them really make sense I don't understand even with a low IQ how you could confuse Thursday afternoon with a Friday night once dark and ones not additionally the Christmas tree stories don't really match up so when Chris retells the story he says that crystal wanted him to take the Christmas tree so he went outside and he called his boss on the walkie and his boss was like yeah we can take it so he went back in to tell her but the decorations were still on the tree so he didn't take it but when his boss tells the story his boss says that he pretty much told him you don't have the right truck for that so we'll come back on Monday so the Christmas tree stories don't line up he also says that initially he didn't tell the police that he knew her and that he'd had sex with her because she'd asked him not to tell anybody because she was worried about what her family would think and she wanted her privacy respected and he gets that because he likes his privacy too so when she's dead and pretty much gone murdered you're being questioned about the murder you're still feeling compelled to protect her privacy to the point where it might get you in trouble because you know they're gonna find your DNA on her because you allegedly had consensual sex so I don't know what happened I wasn't there and I don't think that will ever really know what happened - is it possible that an innocent man is serving a life sentence in prison for a murder he didn't commit yes it is possible I do think that there was a reasonable doubt in the trial I do believe that a different jury probably would have let him go but then again you have to think about the multitude of cases that have happened where there's reasonable doubt and you know people have walked that probably did commit the murder but I haven't seen the inside of a jail cell for - because there was reasonable doubt or they had a good lawyer Casey Anthony for an example so it's hard to make a decision and it's hard to make that call there's too much about Chris MacCallum that doesn't for me there's too much about his story and the way the events went down that doesn't add up for me and the fact that so many years later he's adding these colorful elements about oh I was with her and she saw somebody peeking through her window and evil was there and she said don't worry about evil all these little things that just don't add up but I can tell you that I think the police probably could have done a better job I wish I knew if they had done certain things because they didn't get back to me so I don't know but there are so many things that I would have looked into there was the blue and white fibers found on her body that were never tested there was multiple samples of DNA found under her fingernails and some of them were from you know different people that she knew the fact of the matter was the prosecution said that she could have gotten that DNA from just shaking somebody's hand or you know grabbing onto their arm the green bathrobe or did it go the crime scene was handled poorly she should have really never been covered up by a brown blanket before CSI got there the fact that it took so long for the samples to be tested and and they never even really got to most of the samples that they took from the man in Truro and I think there was bias on both ends I think there was bias against Chris MacCallum because he was black because he looked different than most of the people in town because he had a criminal background I think there was bias against Krista because people thought she was stuck-up that she was entitled in the retelling of this story sometimes she's been slut-shamed and I just kind of think that there were some elements of she was asking for it involved now I I read the book reasonable doubt by Peter Mansell and I read the book invisible even by Maria fluke and I also listened to the podcast at killing on the Cape the reason I told you I wasn't a huge fan of a killing on the Cape is because if I can see and smell your agenda and what you're trying to make me feel right off the bat I'm immediately going to be defensive when I'm listening to their material and although it was well done and I got a lot of good information and timeline stuff from it I do feel like their main purpose was to to illustrate that reasonable doubt that existed in Chris McCowan's case to the detriment of actually giving real evidence and facts at times they did kind of swipe some things under the rug and they did downplay some other things I thought that the fact that Chris McGowan had restraining orders taken out against him from several women was extremely downplayed people take restraining orders out for all sorts of things sometimes people do it without thinking you know you should possibly do it and then later you wish you hadn't I don't really like that the restraining order is something that's in place to protect people so to downplay people that may use it as a form of protection is kind of insulting but I didn't really like what they were what they were putting out I didn't like what they were trying to force me to feel Peter Manzo obviously the book is called reasonable doubt he is he's trying to push that theme agenda however he's a very good writer and he does make a lot of the points and to state that there may be reasonable doubt it's not saying Chris McGowan is innocent it's saying that he could be not guilty it's saying there's a possibility it's saying that we have a legal system in our country that's supposed to only put people in prison for crimes if they're found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and there's a lot of people who think that didn't happen in this situation but let me know what you guys think we're coming to the end of our video now thank you guys so much for being here I am working on a big coffee and crying for you guys it's gonna be probably up this coming week it's got a lot of elements to it at something that's very close to my heart and very important and I think you're gonna enjoy it and I think you're gonna be shocked by some of the things I found so I'll be working on that and then I'm gonna start working on Halloween and getting all of those cases in line and research so that I can just record in October if you don't know what Halloween is it's a month long Stephanie Harlow extravaganza where we will be doing four videos a week I'm gonna try to do four videos a week that's why I'm researching them now they're gonna be about some spooky stuff but it's not going to be any fake stuff it's going to be all true crime and historically accurate stories that have that sort of creepy Halloween a twist and element so stay tuned for that thank you guys so much for being here stay kind and stay beautiful I hope you enjoyed it and make sure you let me know in the comments who you think it may be what you think about Chris mccollins guilt or innocence and just what you think in general I love hearing from you guys bye this chair is actually a recliner and I wish that I could record while reclining because that would be that would be everything
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 415,055
Rating: 4.8731265 out of 5
Keywords: true crime, christa worthington, chris mccowen, mystery, cape cod, stephanie harlowe
Id: tniJcuJ5AWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 55sec (5935 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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