Chris Watts | The Watts Family Homicides

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[Music] my friend a mutual friend of mine sends me a friend request about eight months prior for Chris my husband and I deleted it I had no interest in dating anyone I wasn't looking for a boyfriend I was working I was goal oriented I was a dreamer I am always been a dreamer I've always wanted everything in life to be perfect so anyway fast forward in a dark place all of a sudden I get a friend request from kritis I said what the heck I'll never meet him he's just a facebook friend I have a million of them nothing's gonna come of it well two weeks later we finally meet on a blind date and ended up falling in love with him and I believe things happen for a reason things are placed in our life to bring us to the next stage of our life good and bad we just have to take all of it with us and I choose every day to wake up I choose to put my makeup on I choose to put a smile on my face because I am conquering my life and no nothing else is gonna take my life away from me [Music] please pay attention to the following notice to ensure your viewing experience remains coherent all case details provided in this documentary have been taken from the 2,000 page redacted case file pertaining to the investigation of Christopher Lee Watts released to the public on November 21st 2018 by the world County District Attorney's Office in addition we have also used other reputable media sources that have reported accurate information in regards to the case of which can be and have been cross-referenced with the officially released case documents due to the wide coverage this story received vast amounts of case information has been made public after carefully reviewing all the available information we have attempted to compress and produce the most robust documentation of the case as is possible we have done our best to provide you with the most accurate timeline of events whilst incorporating as much relevant information as possible running concurrent with the main story detailing in the case you will be shown periodic screenshots of personal phone records and Internet data which were obtained by authorities to assist them in their investigation when these screenshots are displayed we will provide you with a short summary of their contents however please do pause the video and read them if necessary as their content will allow you greater insight and perspective as well as a glimpse into their private affairs of those involved lastly before we proceed we want to pay our deepest respects to the victims of this horrific crime as well as our condolences to the mourning family and friends for their loss Mae Shannon Bella and Celeste Watts rest in peace [Music] in 2009 Shannon Catherine music and Christopher Lee Watts met in North Carolina after being introduced to each other by a mutual friend through Facebook at the time Shannon who suffered from the autoimmune disease lupus was struggling to control the symptoms of her disease and had been recovering from a recent divorce this left her reluctant to pursue any other potential relationship so soon but she ultimately decided to meet Christopher and a relationship would eventually blossom between the couple by 2011 Chris had proposed to Shannon and the two were married on November 3rd 2012 in 2013 the pair left North Carolina where both their families resided and relocated to Frederick Colorado where they initially stayed with their friends whilst their new residence was being built by May of 2013 they had finally moved into their $400,000 suburban home two eighths to 5 Saratoga Trail later that same year on December 17th Shannon gave birth to their first child bella marie watts with the assistance of fertility medication this was due to Shannon's lupus disease as prior to their attempts doctors warned Shannon that she may be unable to conceive naturally by all accounts Shannon and Chris were wonderful parents and worked hard to ensure their family would continue to flourish Shannon had built a career in sales and was very efficient in her role while Chris and NASCAR college graduates was a highly skilled mechanic during this period both Shannon and Chris worked at a Ford dealership located in Longmont Colorado that was until January 2015 when Chris landed a new job as a field coordinator outs Anadarko Petroleum Shannon had since - left her position at forward and now worked in a call center within a Children's Hospital within the same year on July 17 Shannon gave birth to their second baby girl Celeste Katherine watts again with the help of fertility medication Celeste was born with a narrow Safa gas which required multiple procedures to correct in addition both children would eventually be diagnosed with asthma following years of misdiagnosis from doctors resulting in years of incurred medical bills as a couple Shannon and Chris's combined yearly income amounted to approximately $90,000 and they soon began to experience financial troubles with a growing family a mortgage amounting to two thousand seven hundred dollars a month years of accumulated medical expenses and ever-increasing credit card debts they felt they were beginning to lose control of their finances to add to their money issues Shannon soon required neck surgery which amounted to an additional $25,000 in medical costs the pair would consequently file for bankruptcy in 2015 claiming liabilities that totaled to a reported four hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars by 2016 Shannon had left her position at the Children's Hospital opting instead to work from home in direct sales she became a brand promoter for the multi-level marketing company lavell where her skills in sell saw her quickly climb the ranks and become a rising star within the company internet record show that Nicole Kessinger a fellow coworker of chris watts at Anadarko Petroleum searched the internet for the name Shannon Watts for the first recorded time on September 1st 2017 they'll come at him some time June probably early June might have been May did he mention the children's name or his significant others name um I didn't know his significant others name for a while Shannon Watts and her two daughters vanished on Monday by early 2018 Shannon had built a stellar reputation for her sales performance at lavell and was now earning sixty-five to seventy thousand dollars a year in May of the same year her ever-growing accolades had earned her a feature in the company's in-house magazine and the whole family would enjoy the perks of Shahnaz newfound career success she was regularly sent on paid trips both statewide and aboard where Chris Bella and Celeste would regularly accompany her on her travels Shannon's exceeding sales targets had even earned her a brand-new Lexus 2016 rx paid for her by her employer which she was purchasing through the company's car allowance scheme it seemed as though the couple's financial struggles were slowly becoming a thing of the past later that month she announced good luck continued as she discovered that she had fell pregnant for the third time this time without the use of fertility drugs filming her husband's reaction via Facebook video she revealed the news to his shock and amazement [Music] I like that shirt so pink means that's just the test no no they just said the pink is gonna be girls yes sir guess guess when you want see what happens in June Shannon's employer organized a five-day trip to San Diego for her to attend a convention flying out on June 22nd she took her husband along also treating the trip as a celebratory occasion an excited Shannon also plans have a gender-reveal party scheduled for August 19th following her 15 weeks can due to take place on August 8th upon their return from San Diego on June 27 shannon bella and Celeste flew out the same day enroute to North Carolina embarking on a six-week vacation to visit family on both sides Chris stayed behind in Frederick Colorado due to work commitments but to plan to join them on the final week of the vacation Chris searches the internet for information on tickets to bande Amir Speedway within weeks of their vacation however she now noticed a sudden change in her husband's demeanor his communications with her gradually became delayed in response and he began to offer excuses for his sudden lack of communication as the vacation continued Chris's sudden change in demeanor became more prominence on July 7th Nicole Kessinger Chris's co-worker called Chris watts at 12:09 am holding a two-minute conversation this is the first recorded call logged between the tow later that evening Chris's phone connects to various internet rooters located within multiple restaurant locations the following morning on July I Kris offers excuses to Shannon for not responding to her the nights before later that same day beginning to cry suspicious Shannon responds on July 14th Kris watts and Kessinger visit a museum together phone records for this day clearly show Chris's lack of communication with his wife Shannon's calls are ignored for the majority of the day whilst Chris prioritized communications with his coworker both in person and over the phone confiding in friends Shannon claims that Chris had suddenly become distant and unaffectionate in contrast however he would also send periodic messages of affection leaving Shannon puzzled Chris soon revealed that his feelings had changed towards her their marriage and even their unborn child Shannon became increasingly worried about the future of their marriage on July 17th Shannon was sure to face tonch reassuring Celeste 3rd birthday party to lift his spirits she even suggested that they both consider marriage counseling in order to salvage their relationship but Chris refused such intervention leaving Shannon feeling helpless and confused on July 18th a day after his daughter's 3rd birthday it is apparent through Chris's phone activity that he and Miss Cassandra's relationship had now progressed into an affair Kris transfers a large number of images from his phone gallery into a secrets calculator application on his phone what also uses Google to search for vacation rentals days later on July 20th chris continues to transfer images into his secret out the following day he and his mistress go out for the evening to bande Amir Speedway and the rooftop Tavern in Morrison on July 22nd Chris searches for what we can assume are potential activities the he and Miss Kissinger can partake in this search performed by Miss Kissinger on July 24th would suggest that she is fully aware of the position both herself and her lover Chris Watts are in that same evening Shannon sends her husband a message clearly frustrated and confused by Chrissy's sudden lack of concern on July 25th following a short conversation with his wife Chris spent almost three and a half hours searching the internet on the topics related to when to say I love you [Music] that same day Chris holds a 23 minutes conversation with Shannon and receives a voicemail from his mistress during the call after the call ended he promptly caused miss Kissinger back for a short conversation after checking the weather at sand dunes he then called her back the following day on July 26 whilst on an 18 minutes call with his wife Chris simultaneously transfers nude images of Nicole Kessinger into his secret hour on July 28th Chris watts and Kissinger spend the night together at the Great Sand Dunes Chris's July 30th web activity suggests that he is in a highly emotional state following his recent getaway with his mistress miss Kissinger on July 31st before his flight to North Carolina Chris transfers a number of images and videos into his secret mobile app after being away from his family for five weeks chris flew to North Carolina initially in high spirits to finally be with his family this rare show of affection may be due to a mix of emotions caused by both his recent extramarital activities and excitement to see his children after five weeks of separation Chris's affection continues as his mood remains lifted it was later noted that following Chris's initial excitements upon his arrival he then became quiet distant and disinterested as the week progressed on both the second and third of August Chris transfers images which have since been identified as nude images of miss Kissinger into his secret are amongst the images was a picture of a necklace presumably a potential gift for his mistress on August 4th Nicole Kessinger searches google for wedding dresses she also searched for the Facebook accounts of both Shannon and Chris as the week continued Shannon grew increasingly frustrated and suspicious of Chrissy's ongoing attitude towards their marriage so he still made very frequent communication with me when he was out there and at one point he told me that they sat down and they talked about it and he told her that he wanted to either fix things or like to try to fix things and she didn't want to fix them then they need it to like move forward with the separation and like actually filed for a divorce at this point was was the impression that I got from this and was what he told me and so um he said that she was like pretty receptive to just not trying he was like she seemed like she just wants me to go he's like when she has her mind made up she has her mind made up and that's what she wants and he's like she doesn't want to try anymore and he's like and either do I really and he was like it's done bar oak is sick Shannon is now Harley suspicious of her husband's demeanor on August 7th the day they were all due to fly back home to Colorado she now confided in her friend Addie that Chris wasn't himself via text message she stated quotes Chris told me last night he's scared to death about this third baby and he's happy with just Belen Celeste and doesn't want another baby she said he has changed I don't know who he is and that he hasn't touched me all week kissed me talked to me except for when I'm trying to figure out what he's wrong the following day on August 8th in the hours before her 15 weeks can appointment scheduled for 7:00 p.m. that evening Shannan contacted close friends in order to inform them that she would be cancelling the plan gender-reveal party Shannon's friend Tyler contacted her for clarification of this sudden change of heart in response shannon replied chris said we are not compatible anymore he refused to hug me said he thought another baby would fix his feelings said he refused couples counseling Chris's responses to friends regarding his unborn child would suggest he was excited about the ultrasound a far cry from what Shannon had been alleging to her close friends Kissinger's web history is highly suggestive shannon scan revealed that she was pregnant with a baby boy she revealed to a chosen few friends that his name would be Nikola Watts upon her return home that evening Shannon and Chris had gotten into a marital discussion that ended with reconciliation this can be gathered by Shannon's phone activity initially portraying emotional defiance being faced with the prospect of becoming a single mother which is then contrasted by her google search on the topic of couples therapy she announced now optimistic tone regarding her relationship can be seen in her messages to friends the following day on August 9th Shannon flew out on a business trip to Arizona with close friend Nicole Atkinson whilst Chris took care of Bella and Celeste at home Shannon was in good spirits following her and Chris's recently improved communications which can be seen in her now hopeful messages to friends Shannon even wrote her husband a letter expressing her emotions in hopes of prompting a response from him Chris then said Shannon are some what's puzzling and disturbing photo message which notably left her confused later that day chris continues to transfer semi nude images sent by Nicole Kessinger ignoring his previously baffling picture message Shannon's optimism continued onto the next morning on Friday August 10th where she sends a loving morning message to Chris and her daughters whilst enroute to Arizona please pause if you care to read this message in its entirety later that morning Chris messaged friend Jeremy Lindstrom to ask if his daughter was available to babysit Bella and Celeste the following evening on august 11 he claimed he had won tickets to a rock his game taking place and wish to attend his daughter was happy to oblige August 11th Kessinger spends 45 minutes searching the internet on topics related to anal sex this progressed into watching pornographic videos it is mounted by investigators that this type of internet activity was not a new occurrence in regards to Miss Kissinger's privates browser history did he ever mention a Rockies game that night no I don't think so but there was a was a the Broncos were playing so he had to get a babysitter that night he came to my house we drove my truck so you guys take your 4runner to the lazy dog yep and then we left so Saturday yes we went out he had the babysitter team at home waking up on August 12th the morning of the day she was due to return home Shannon sends another loving message to her husband missing her daughter's greatly she asks Chris to send her photos of them both these two pictures would be the last known images of Bella and Celeste alive later that day Chris volunteers through co-workers to check a particular work sites the following morning in addition to other sites he was scheduled to attend to Nicole Atkinson would later states that Shannon had been feeling very poorly during the trip and she had made an appointment at the women's clinic back home scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on August 13 Shannon and Nicole would do to land back in Denver at 11 p.m. that evening on August 12th but due to a flight delay the pair landed at Denver International Airport in the early hours of August 13th Nicole then drove Shannon to her residence where she entered her home at 1:48 a.m. this would be the last time Nicole saw her friend alive when I got home yesterday it was like it goes town like she wasn't here kids weren't here I have no idea like where they went at approximately 5:30 a.m. on the morning of August 13th Christopher Watts entered his truck and left for work leaving his wife and daughters in bed asleep at 8:25 a.m. Chris stages are called to Shannon's phone he then accesses the internet to search for the contact information for the school of which his daughters attend he then calls the school where he informs them that his girls would no longer be in attendance moments later he called the estate agents at 10:10 a.m. Chris searches the internet for the lyrics to the song battery by Metallica later that morning friend Nicole attempted to call and text Shannon's mobile in order to check up on her aware that she had a scheduled doctor's appointment early that morning but her attempts were met with no response thinking it's highly unusual and out of character of her friend given to circumstances Nicola accompanied by her son Nicholas drive to Shannon's residence arriving at the Watts home at approximately 12:10 p.m. that afternoon Nicole knocked on the door and called out for Shannon multiple times but was met with no response she then makes her way to the garage doors of the home in order to establish if her friends what Lexus was still parked inside she saw that Shannon's vehicle was still parked in the garage and noted that the children's car seats were still affixed becoming increasingly worried Nicole then returns back to the front door the Watts home required a passcode to gain entry and with prior knowledge of the entry code Nicole successfully opens the front door at 12:17 p.m. however the door only opens a few inches due to a security latch of which can only be accessed from inside the residence the security system installed at the was was linked to their mobile phones notifying them if any doors were open without their knowledge upon receiving a notification following her entry chris immediately called nicole at 12:18 p.m. she alerted him of the situation and urged him to return home immediately in response Chris tells her that Shannon was on a play date but Nicole was highly skeptical due to Shannon's unusual lack of communication once off the phone Nicole and her son remained at the residence continuing their attempts at contacting Shannon Nicole was now frantically contacting friends and family in hopes of alerting any occupants inside the house the home security system was purposely triggered at 12:27 p.m. receiving another notification on his phone Chris called Nicole immediately and instructed her and her son to leave the property asking them to not call the police or kick the door in Nicole then drove to Shannon's health clinic where they established that she hadn't shown up to her 10:00 a.m. appointment that morning Nicole and Nicholas then rush back to Shannon's residence where they again attempted to make contact at 12:41 p.m. with no success notified again of her presence Chris called Nicole where he informed her that he was making his way back home but was still an hour away following an agonising rates for Chris to show up and still with no sign of his arrival Nicole called him again at 1:31 p.m. at 1:40 p.m. Nicole then decided to contact the police in order to request that a welfare check can be carried out immediately the first responding officer officer scott kohn word of the Frederick Police Department arrived at the residence at approximately 1:15 p.m. with Nicole's assistance they successfully opened the front door but as it did prior the door only opened a few inches the officer then proceeds to announce his presence into the home in hopes of prompting a response from any occupants inside but he was met with silence he noted that all doors and windows were closed and locked leaving no way in the officer then notices that the homes garage doors had a security system which required an access code to open nicole then tells the officer that she had already contacted chris multiple times but feared he wasn't coming due to his lack of urgency and not arriving on the multiple times he said it would arrive she calls Chris again at 1:59 p.m. to request the garage doors passcode but Chris tells her the doors are not in working order and can only be opened from the inside minutes later officer Coonrod called Chris back for clarification where Chris tells the officer that the security system wasn't in working order but that he was five minutes out and on his way immediately okay what my concern is her cars here they're saying she is diabetic and I monitor she's upstairs okay okay all right minutes later as the officer was preparing to breach the front door Chris's truck arrived on the driveway using his garage door opener to gain access to the home Chris then gave consent for the entire home to be searched Shanon Bella and Celeste were nowhere to be found after venturing upstairs Chris returned to the officer holding his wife's wedding ring claiming he had discovered it on a nightstand located within the master bedroom Shannon's phone was discovered in between cushions of an upstairs sofa Nicole was quick to mention that it was highly unusual for her friend to leave without her phone due to the nature of her work Chris told the responding officer that his wife arrived home at approximately 2:00 a.m. earlier that morning whilst he and the children were asleep he stated he had woke up at 5:00 a.m. to get ready for work at which point he and his wife got into a discussion over marital issues he then stated that after backing his truck up to the garage to load his tools he left his home at 5:27 a.m. for work leaving his wife and kids in bed asleep he told the officer that Shannon had told him that her and the children were going to a friend's house later that day but he had no idea who the friend was or when she would be returning he said he was the only operator present on his job sites located nearby Hudson for a few hours that morning soon after officer Coonrod received a call from Shannon's mother Sandra ruzek where she expressed her concerns regarding Christopher's involvement officer Kim would then called for the assistance of Detective Dave Bonhoeffer upon his arrival detective Bonhoeffer again asked Chris to recount the last time he saw his wife honk Chrissy story changed slightly he now claims that Shannon had arrived home from the airport at 148 I am not approximately 2 a.m. as previously claimed what's explained that he knew this because a doorbell camera alert was sent to his phone he now stated that at approximately 4 a.m. not 5 a.m. as previously claimed he initiated a discussion with Shannon regarding marital separation which left both parties very emotional he told the detective that before he left for work at 5:27 a.m. Shannon told him she and the children were going to a friend's house later that day in his report detective Bonhoeffer noted that when he later asked Chris to recall his day again he added that soon after he awoke at 4 a.m. he left the master bedroom and went to the basement where he worked out for 15 minutes before returning to the bedroom to speak to Shannon about marital separation what's then told the detective that he and Shannon had been having financial troubles and planned on selling the home in order to purchase a smaller property when asked if he and Shannon were planning to live together Chris said he would get an apartment somewhere while Shannon and the girls would move into the new home where they were both share custody of their children Chris later informed detectives that he had attempted to contact Chenal at both 7:40 a.m. and 8:25 a.m. earlier that morning as well as most recently at 2:11 p.m. but received no response Chris was instructed by authorities to call all nearby hospitals in search of his pregnant wife and two children [Music] authorities then conducted a search of the residence where they're discovered all Shannon's personal effects her purse wallet and medication were all located in the kitchen of the home they also noticed that the bedding in the master bedroom had been stripped off and bundled on the floor and both pillowcases under top sheet were recovered from the kitchen trash can the bed's fitted sheet remained missing but the search of the property revealed no signs of foul play police reported that Chris's demeanor was nonchalant and for the severity of the situation lacked concern they also discovered Chris's work truck was fitted with GPS and proceeded to work on retrieving the data it contained to track his whereabouts following the disappearance authorities initiated an immediate neighborhood canvass and a statewide bolo alert was issued to be on the lookout for Sheila and Bella and Celeste Wayne the role of concerned husband but by the next day the tone of the investigation had changed [Music] by 7:00 a.m. the following morning on August 14th there was still no sign of Shannon Bella and Celeste authorities requested an immediate press release being issued and requested assistance from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and ultimately the FBI as local news networks began to catch wind of the escalating events Denver 7 News were able to get an exclusive interview with Chris Watts outside his suburban home during the interview Chris please for the safe return of his pregnant wife and their two daughters however his televised appeal would not have the desired effect one would think this was due to Chris's unnaturally calm persona and the lack of emotion he showed whilst the interview was conducted Chris Watts waa TTS Nicole called me when she left the door and that's when I came home and then walked in the house and nothing it's vanished nothing was here and she wasn't it she wasn't here the kids weren't here nobody was here she nan sha and Belen Celeste Bella's for Celeste history last night I wished I had every light in the house on I was hoping that I would just get just ran over by the kids running in the door just like barrel rushing me but it didn't happen and it was just a traumatic night trying to be here I make my kids in my life I mean those those smiles light up my life that's why last night was horrible I couldn't do it that I was I just want I want everybody just come home right wherever they're at come home that's what I want I just want the back I just I just want them to come back and if if they're not safe right now that's what's that supposed tearing me apart because if they are safe they're coming back but if they're not this this this has got to stop like somebody has to come forward Shanna and Bella Celeste if you're out there just just come back like somebody has surged please bring her back I need to see everybody I need to see everybody again this house is not complete with without anybody here [Music] authorities were already working diligently on the case and actively investigating all leads including Chris himself later that evening Chris Watts was interviewed by FBI Special Agent Graham coda during the interview agent Koda asked Chris if he suspected his wife of infidelity and if he himself had been unfaithful Chris stated that he was not aware of his wife being unfaithful but that it was totally possible when asked if he was seeing anyone else Chris's tone of voice lowered and he responded no I have not done that he then told authorities that they had been a disconnect in their relationship in recent months and that they had fell out of love with each other stating that it wasn't quite there anymore investigators remained highly skeptical of Chris's account of events and the reasons he gave regarding the sudden breakdown of his marriage they had also commenced interviewing close friends family neighbors and co-workers and began to form a clearer picture regarding the status of Shannan and Chris's relationship as well as them as individuals it seemed as though their feelings towards each other weren't as mutual as Chris had been portraying another close friend of Shannon's Christina Meacham stated that she and Shannon spoke daily and Shannon had confided in her that Chris had been acting cold towards her in recent she said that while Shannon was on a six-week trip with her children to see relatives in North Carolina Shannon had called her claiming that Chris wouldn't touch or kiss her anymore she also revealed to her that Chris did not want the baby she was pregnant with and that he said he was scared such details became a running theme within those who were interviewed Shannon's parents Sandra and Frank ruzek were very vocal in voicing their concerns about the disappearance of their daughter and granddaughters and believed that their son-in-law had something to do with it following the interview the FBI informed Christopher Watts that he would need to be included as a suspect in the disappearance of his wife and daughters the special agent conducting the interview reported that he felt that Chris seemed to be providing statements that were not completely truthful he asked Chris if he would be willing to complete a polygraph test the following day to which Chris agreed a [Music] heartbreaking outcome to the story we've been tracking all week the confession of a father on the morning of Wednesday August 15th hours before the polygraph test was due to commence detectives were contacted by Tony husky regional security manager at Anadarko Petroleum Chris's employer he told investigators that he had reviewed Chrissy's computer network traffic he revealed that he had discovered emails between Chris Watts and a fellow female employee who he identified as Nicole Kessinger and it appeared a relationship between the two began around June 2018 as previously shown police records of Cassandra's web history showed that she Google searched the name Shannon Watts in September of 2017 this would suggest that her interest of Christopher Watts had formed months earlier than allege around the same time investigators discovered this new information Nicole Carson drew herself contacted authorities voluntarily in order to disclose all she knew about Chris and the ongoing investigation in addition they now also possess the GPS data of Chris's work truck and authorities had immediately began analyzing the new intelligence investigators withheld this new information pending the results of Chris's polygraph examination following an in-depth pretest evaluation agents Tammy Leigh commenced with the scheduled examination once was asked three main questions over three charts repetitions to which he answered no to each question preparing for the others apparent you intend to answer all the questions truthfully yes are you lying about the last time you saw Shannon no do you know where Shannon is now no Shannon's disappearance following his examination investigators then conducted a post-test interview with Chris they informed him that the conclusion of his polygraph examination indicated that he was being deceptive as investigators pressed him on the results and advised him to tell the truth he continued to deny his involvement in the disappearance of his family I do not know where they were happy I could have my babies back home right now I wish I want them back I want everybody back I think God's honest truth simultaneously whilst the interview was being conducted authorities had arrived at site survey 319 after following the GPS data retrieved from Chris's work truck they completed a drum search of the site during the search investigators had discovered a bedsheet in the field near a tank battery the sheets matched the bedding that had been recovered from the kitchen bin in the Watts residence the search also revealed fresh movement of dirt consistent with the shallow grave sites near the oil tanks as the interview intensified and investigators pressed him further regarding the whereabouts of Shimon villa and Celeste Chris continued to adamantly denied any knowledge but revealed that he had been lying about his extramarital affairs I didn't go to rock again I was with her I went to dinner with her that's why we felt alone I was with her most was I who was her I don't want their involvement there's a wonderful person fighting and she knew I wasn't married yet that's what we were going through issues yes I saw her took my breath away referring to his mistress in the third person as she or her he admitted that he hadn't attended the Rockies game as he initially claimed on August 11th but was instead with her at dinner investigators told Chris that they didn't think his girlfriend hurt anyone and that we should leave her out of it and get back to focusing on his wife and daughters I don't think this girl did anything to hurt anybody so you leave her out of it I'll get back to your wife and you notice okay I do not know well Chris and the interview today you weren't asked about infidelity you were asked about that was I was holding back from last night were very very worried about your daughters in your wife I had to Chris continued to deny knowing anything about the disappearance and told investigators that the affair was all he had been hiding reminding Chris that he wasn't questioned in regards to his infidelity on the polygraph they revealed to Chris that they already possessed information regarding his girlfriend Nikki going into that in accounting or rescheduling we knew we knew all about we knew about making so we didn't need following five to six hours of interrogation Chris began to buckle under the pressure and after requesting to speak with his father he stated that he wanted to tell the truth his story now took a dark turn he now claims that he and Shannon had got into a heated discussion in the master bedroom where he told her of his wishes to separate he said he then walked out of the room and downstairs for a moment to pack for work and heard commotion upstairs but thought nothing of it shortly after he returned to the room to speak with Shannon again he saw via the baby monitor located on Shannon's nightstand that his daughter Bella was laying sprawled out on her bed with her covers pulled off of her in a panic he said he then ran into the bedroom where he saw Shannon over Celeste and actively strangling her who had now turned blue in complexion he told authorities that they sent him into a rage and he strangled Shannon to death he then loaded all three bodies onto the back seat of his truck and drive to an oil battery sites belonging to his employer known as servi 3:19 he told detectives that he then buried Shannon's body dressed in a t-shirt and underwear near to oil tanks and dumped the bodies of his two daughters dressed in their pajamas inside the oil tanks following his confession Chris was presented with an aerial image of surf III 19 that had been earlier captured during a drone search of the area where he identified the locations of the bodies Christopher Lee Watts was taken into custody and held at the world County Jail for the murder of his pregnant wife and two young daughters the media storm that followed the arrest only grew in intensity as the police investigation deepened developments in the murder of a pregnant woman and her two children the husband of a pregnant Colorado woman confesses to murdering her and his two daughters it's a story we've been following closely now for days overnight police towing this truck and collecting evidence at the home of a man arrested for the murder of his pregnant wife and two daughters heartbreaking outcome to the story we have been tracking all week the confession of a father Chris Watts went on TV Tuesday if somebody has heard please bring her back I just want them back I just want them to come back investigators return to the family home last night and searched the house overnight the Frederick Police Department issued a release saying Chris Watts had been arrested in connection with the case Watts allegedly told investigators he will lead them to the bodies he is now in jail awaiting charges Wednesday night the body of his pregnant wife Shannon was discovered on the property of one of his work sites we have been able to recover a body that were quite certain is Shannon Watts body we strong reason to believe that we know where the bodies of the children are and recovery efforts are in process this quiet suburban home is where investigators believe the suspect killed his wife in two young children it's believed all of their bodies have now been recovered Shannon's brother says his sister was pregnant with a boy Nikko breaking this hour the man accused of murdering his pregnant wife and their two young children told police that his wife was strangling the kids causing him to go into a rage this is Christopher Watts story he is claiming that his wife killed her two little girls and then he killed his wife in a rage the defense asked the judge to order the coroner to obtain DNA right away and the defense indicates that the girls were likely strangled the documents paint a picture of a fight between Watts defense and prosecutors in the end a judge says he will not tell the coroner how to conduct his investigation or order him to get DNA right away motion denied a two-day investigation revealed Chris was actively involved in an affair with a co-worker which he denied in previous interviews the mistress of the cold-hearted killer they met in a Colorado Oil Company where they both work Watch told the woman who was in the final stages of a divorce from his wife Shannon Nicole Kessinger says she started dating watts in June when his wife was on business or visiting her parents they saw each other as many as five times a week Watts even asked her to help him find a bachelor pad for when he got a divorce he's the best thing that has ever happened to me Shannon confided to friends she suspected her husband was having an affair Nicole says she was shocked to see Watts on TV appealing for his family's safe return I found out he was still married and his fifteen weeks pregnant I thought he was able to lie to me and hide something that big what else was he lying about mr. Watts entered a plea of guilty to all nine counts those counts include murder in the first degree after deliberation as to Shannon Watts murder in the first degree as to Bella Watts murder in the first degree as to Celeste Watts unlawful termination of a pregnancy as it relates to Nico Watts and three counts of unlawful tampering with a deceased human body father of slain Shannon Watts gave an emotional statement is Banting his anger and grief your heartless monster you have no heart or feelings or love prison is too good for you this this is hard to say but may God have mercy on your soul Shannon's mother reminded WODs of a heartbreaking video his daughter Bella recorded we love you like a son we trusted you your faithful wife trusted you your children adore you as Watts strangled his wife it would have taken up to four minutes to end her life then he smothered his two daughters four-year-old Bella fought back as her dad was killing her even more shocking just hours after burying his wife and dumping his daughter's bodies and oil tanks he was back with his co-workers acting as if nothing had happened the court has got a sentence you serve to life in the Colorado Department of Corrections with no possibility of parole the autopsy carried out by dr. Michael Burson on August 17th revealed that the cause of death for both four year old Bella Murray and three year old Celeste Katherine Watts was asphyxiation due to smothering four year old Bella showed signs that she had fought for her life possessing bruised gums a torn in a lip and having bit her tongue during her fatal attack their small bodies were discovered dressed in their pajamas in the oil tanks 15 week pregnant Shannon Catherine Watts had also died from asphyxiation but due to manual strangulation when her body was discovered in a shallow grave she was laying facedown in the fetal position in producing this documentary we specifically chose not to include the full accounts of Nicole Kessinger in order to keep most of the focus on Chris Watts whilst providing insight into Shannon's frame of mind throughout her communications with both her husband and close friends instead we have provided you with the most relevant information regarding miss Cassandra's personal communications and web history as well as her recorded interviews with authorities judging by her final web search performed seven days following the murder of Shannon Bella and list at the hands of her lover Chris Watts we can assume that she hopes to have the opportunity in the near future to tell her side of the story in fall if however you was and are interested in reading further into Nicole Cassandra's testimonies to police you can find the link to the police case file in the description as well as page numbers of interest which we have provided for your convenience thank you for watching
Channel: Morbid Minds
Views: 3,936,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris watts, full story, chris, watts, prison mail, fan mail, nichol kessinger, shanann, love letters, christopher, shanann watts, christopher watts, chris watts full story, murders, murder, life, Morbid Minds, autopsy, watts family, confession, dr phil, The Watts Family Homicides, interview, denver7 chris watts, chris watts confession interview, chris watts sentencing, interrogation, shanann watts videos, chris watts arrest, home search, documentary, chris watts neighbor camera
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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